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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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非典型僱用與彈性安全策略之研究 / A study of atypical employment and flexicurity

賴穎萱 Unknown Date (has links)
自1984年John Atkinson提出彈性公司模型,世界勞動市場趨勢果然如同他的理論發展-企業內的核心工作機會減少、非典型勞工逐年增加,而非典型勞工與一般勞工的勞動條件差異會逐漸擴大。單方面開放勞動市場彈性,所帶來結果必然是貧富不均的擴大、社會不公義的增加,再加上社會安全保障系統的不足,將使社會有越來越分化、兩極的風險。也因此宣稱能夠達成勞動市場彈性與社會安全保障平衡的彈性安全策略,在具有強烈社會連帶思想的歐洲國家,引起極大的重視。探究彈性安全之內涵,是指彈性勞動市場、積極勞動市場政策與慷慨失業保險體系三者的結合,而此三面向為本文跨國比較核心。   比較德國、荷蘭及我國的現行政策與法令,本文發現德國對於非典型僱用的立場為有限度的開放,2005年哈茲法案雖為德國近年最大規模勞動市場彈性化改革,仍是以保障、正名化、平等化非典型勞工為目的,在有完善的社會安全保障的前提下,才能擴大非典型僱用的使用,可看出德國在非典型僱用政策上,安全優於彈性的軌跡。荷蘭的非典型僱用已成為勞動市場主流,非典型勞工的權益已列入民法保障,並且另有許多法令層層保障非典型勞工,其政策方向由先彈性再安全,轉變成彈性兼安全。相較之下,我國對非典型勞工的保障仍不夠明確,相關法令保障其勞動權益與社會保險相對缺乏,因此本文建議:一、我國應正視非典型僱用成長趨勢,以完整的社會安全保障、更廣泛的積極勞動市場為前提,明確的將各種非典型工作納入勞動法及社會安全保障法令規範,勞動市場彈性化才不會對非典型勞工造成長遠、負面影響;二、應儘快實行勞基法派遣專章,使派遣勞工不再成為勞動市場弱勢;三、修正勞工保險與就業保險之薪資門檻,才有可能確實保障部分工時勞工權益。

政府支出之生產與最適公債比例 / Government expenditure in production and the optimal debt ratio

莊仲霖, Chuang, Chung Lin Unknown Date (has links)
2011年,美國政府在經歷次級房貸和高軍事支出的雙重壓力下,爆發高度財政赤字的問題,造成歐巴馬政府面臨調高債務比例與債務上限的壓力。然而,在眾多的輿論聲中,美國民主黨與共和黨在八月底達成下列協議,減少政府支出、提高債務比例以及增加債務上限等;但是,是否這些方式將改善美國經濟?本篇文章在動態隨機一般均衡(DSGE)架構下,建立一個封閉經濟體系,並將政府支出加入私人廠商部門,透過公共投資,幫助私人廠商增加產出;並且在政府僅採行公債和徵稅融通下,找出一個最適的債務持有比例,使國內福利為最高。而本文發現政府進入生產部門時,將影響最適債務持有比例。即是,隨著政府支出生產彈性越大,最適債務持有比例也會上升,而在基準參數下,我們將會得到最適債務持有比例為百分之十的結論。 / In 2011, under the pressure of subprime mortgage and high military expenditure, the U.S. government accumulated high fiscal deficit, and the Obama government faced the pressure of raising debt ratio and raising debt ceiling. However, among the huge debates, the Republican Party and Democratic Party reached the deal in August which included cut-down government expenditure, raise debt ratio, raise debt ceiling, and so on. But, will these ways improve the U.S. economy? This paper follows the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) framework to construct a closed economy, which the government helps private firm to production through public investment. Besides, given that government only undertakes debt financing and tax financing, we try to find an optimal debt ratio which makes the highest domestic welfare. In our finding, if the government enters private production sector, the optimal debt ratio will be influenced. That is, the optimal debt ratio will increase with the production elasticity of government expenditure. Under the benchmark parameter, the optimal debt ratio is 10 percent.

有限理性與彈性迷思 / Bounded Rationality and the Elasticity Puzzle

王仁甫, Wang,Jen Fu Unknown Date (has links)
在總體經濟學中,跨期替代分析方法佔有相當重要的地位。其中跨期替代彈性(the elasticity of intertemporal substitution, EIS)的大小,間接或者直接影響總體經濟中的許多層面,直覺上,例如跨期替代彈性越大,對個人而言,是對當期消費的機會成本提升,使延後消費的意願上升,同時增加個人儲蓄,在正常金融市場情況之下,個人儲蓄金額的增加,將使市場資金的供給量增多,使得企業或個人的投資機會成本降低,經由總體經濟中間接或直接的影響下,則總體經濟成長率應會上升。其中,當消費者效用函數為固定風險趨避係數(constant coefficient of relative risk aversion, CRRA)且具有跨期分割與可加性的特性,加上在傳統經濟學中,假設每個人皆為完全理性的前提下,經由跨期替代分析方法推導後,可以得到相對風險趨避係數(the coefficient of relative risk aversion, RRA)與跨期替代彈性(the elasticity of intertemporal substitution, EIS)恰好是倒數關係。 / 在過去相關研究中,Hansen and Singleton (1983)推估出跨期替代彈性值較大且顯著,但Hall (1988)強調,若考慮資料的時間加總問題(time aggregation problem), 則前者估計出跨期替代彈性在統計上則不再是顯著;Hall亦於結論提出跨期替代彈性為小於或等於0.1,甚至比0小。在經濟意義上,代表股票市場中投資人的相對風險趨避程度(RRA)極大,直覺上,是不合理的現象,這也是著名的彈性迷思(elasticity puzzle)。於是Epstein and Zin (1991)嘗試建議並修正效用函數為不具時間分割性(non-time separable utility)的效用函數,並得到跨期替代彈性(EIS)與相對風險趨避係數(RRA)互為倒數關係,不復存在的結論。這也說明影響彈性迷思(elasticity puzzle)的原因有許多,其中之一,可能為設定不同形式效用函數所造成。 / 在傳統經濟模型中,假設完全理性的個人決策行為之下,利用跨期替代方法,可以得到跨期替代彈性(EIS)與相對風險趨避程度(RRA)互為倒數關係後,又得到隱含風險趨避程度為無窮大的推估結論。這也是本研究想要來探究的問題,即是彈性迷思(elasticity puzzle)究竟是假設所造成,或者是因為由個體資料加總成總體資料,所產生的謬誤。 / 因此,本研究與其他研究不同之處,在於利用建構時間可分離形式的效用函數(time-separable utility)模型基礎,以遺傳演算(Genetic Algorithms)方法,建構有限理性的人工股票市場進行模擬,其中,模擬方式為設定不同代理人(agent)有不同程度的預測能力,代表其理性程度的差異的表現。 / 本研究發現在有限理性異質性個人的人工股票市場下,相對風險趨避程度係數(RRA)與跨期替代彈性(EIS)不為倒數關係,且設定不同代理人不同的預測能力,亦會影響跨期替代彈性(EIS)的推估數值大小。

智慧資本與動態能耐對研發團隊創新績效的影響 / The Impact of Intellectual Capital and Dynamic Capabilities on R&D Teams’ Innovative Performance

林良陽, Lin,Liang-Yang Unknown Date (has links)
研究智慧資本領域的學者認為,智慧資本是組織競爭優勢的主要來源,而且也會影響組織績效(智慧資本愈高,其組織績效愈好)。但是,智慧資本與創新績效之間是否存在有正向關係,卻值得進一步探討。本研究認為,在動態環境下,智慧資本觀點並無法適當地解釋,為何組織有能力回應快速變動的外在環境,以產生較好的創新績效。智慧資本領域的學者與專家鮮少對「『靜態的』智慧資本」與「『動態的』運用智慧資本能力」進行區辨;而本研究認為這是兩種不相同的概念。本研究目的即希望瞭解研發團隊「運用」智慧資本對其創新績效的影響。 另一方面,為了解釋為何某些企業在快速變動與無法預期的市場中依然可以保有其競爭優勢,某些學者擴張資源基礎觀點到動態市場中,並提出「動態能耐」觀點(Teece, Pisano, and Shuen, 1997)。本研究主張,研發團隊的動態能耐除了直接影響創新績效之外,也是其「運用」智慧資本的關鍵因素。動態能耐對組織績效與創新績效的關連,雖有學者著墨;但,其實證研究並不多見,有待相關學者提出更多的貢獻。再則,動態能耐是一複雜的概念,若要對其進行衡量,應該要進一步釐清該構念,甚至建構適合的衡量指標,提出較為完整的、且符合信度與效度的衡量量表,方能正確地衡量動態能耐。 本研究同時採用質化與量化的研究方法。質性研究是從動態能耐相關文獻出發,在釐清各個學者對動態能耐的定義後,萃取出動態能耐之不同構面與架構,再經由各項假說之推演,提出本論文之初步研究架構。之後,選取N大學無線奈米生醫研究團隊為個案,深入瞭解該團隊兩項突破式創新計畫,分別是「抗SARS一號」與「無線奈米生醫感測晶片」研發計畫,用以觀察該團隊如何回應變動的外在環境,來說明智慧資本與研發團隊的動態能耐對其創新績效的影響。透過不同階段的觀察,進行分析與歸納,並找出其共同的特性,以瞭解本研究架構的初步解釋力,並進一步依個案研究的新發現修正各項假說,最後提出本研究之實證研究架構。 在量化研究方面,首先,為了能精確地衡量動態能耐概念,本研究依照Hinkin(1998)量表發展步驟,以五階段三個樣本群來發展動態能耐的衡量量表。其次,在發展出符合信度、內容效度、模型適配度、收斂效度、鑑別效度的動態能耐衡量量表後,以第三群樣本進行本研究之假說檢定,以確認智慧資本與研發團隊的動態能耐對其創新績效的影響關係。 研究發現,動態能耐是一個多面向多層次構念,可以以三構面八因子共19題項的問卷來衡量,三構面是指結合能耐、吸收能耐與彈性。在假說檢定部分,本研究共提出9項假說,結果有7項假說受到支持,另有2項假說未獲得支持。結果驗證本研究的主要論點,亦即智慧資本對研發團隊創新績效的影響並不顯著;而研發團隊如何運用智慧資本的能耐(亦即動態能耐),顯著地影響其創新績效。此外本研究發現,結合能耐是中介變項,它完全中介了吸收能耐對創新績效的影響;吸收能耐也是中介變項,它完全中介了人力資本以及關係資本對結合能耐的影響;而彈性則是交互變項,它會正向地強化各項智慧資本對吸收能耐的影響。最後,本研究也得到兩項特別的觀察,一是,具有動態能耐的研發團隊在研發能量提升上的兩種向度,二是,它是一種「彈性球體」的組織型態,方得以快速地回應外在環境的改變。 / The scholars who studied the field of intellectual capital (IC) argued that IC was the main source of organizational competitive advantages. Besides, they thought that the better the IC a company has, the better the business can have the ability to generate innovative performance. However, the relationship between IC and innovative performance needs to be explored further, because of being inconsistent with some practical cases. This research proposed that the view of IC could not explain appropriately why organizations could generate better innovative performance in the dynamic environment. Besides, the scholars who studied IC seldom distinguished “static IC” from “dynamic ability for utilizing IC”. Whereas, this research proposed that these two constructs were different concepts, and would like to explore the impact of utilizing IC on innovative performance. On the other hand, in order to explain why some enterprises could keep their competitive advantages in the rapidly changing environment, some scholars proposed the viewpoints of dynamic capabilities (DCs). This research argues that it has a directly significant effect of DCs on innovative performance, and DCs are the critical factors for utilizing IC. This research proposes that DCs are complex constructs. Therefore, we should clarify these constructs and provide an appropriate measurement tool with reliability and validity, if we would like to measure them. This research adopted qualitative and quantitative researches simultaneously to demonstrate these arguments. After clarifying the definition of DCs and extracting the components of DCs from the literature review, this research deduced several hypotheses and formed the research framework. This research selected the research team of N University for developing wireless nano-bio systems as a case, and thoroughly explored two of its radically innovative projects, including Anti-SARS R&D project and sensor chip for wireless nano-biotach R&D project. Through observing their response to the rapidly changing external environment, this research illustrated the impact of IC and DCs of R&D team on its innovative performance. By the two-stage observation, analysis and induction of this case, we could understand the preliminary power in explaining this research model, and amend the hypotheses. As for quantitative research, first, according to the scale developing steps, suggested by Hinkin (1998), this research developed the measurement tool of DCs with five stages and three samples to measure the concept of DCs precisely. Secondly, after developing the measurement scale of DCs, which surpassed the acceptable level for reliability, content validity, goodness of fit, convergent validity and discriminate validity, this research utilized the third sample testing the hypotheses to confirm the relationships among IC, DCs, and innovative performance of the R&D teams. The results showed that the concept of DCs is a multi-level and multi-dimension construct, which is composed of combinative capabilities, absorptive capacity and flexibility. In addition, it can be measured by three-dimension and eight-factor scale with nineteen items. As for the hypothesis testing, there were nine hypotheses in this research. Seven of them were supported, however, two of them were not supported. The results confirmed the main arguments of this research. That is, it doesn’t have a significant effect of IC on R&D team’s innovative performance. However, it does have a significant effect of DCs on R&D team’s innovative performance. In addition, the results showed that combinative capabilities and absorptive capacity are mediators. The combinative capabilities fully mediated the effect of absorptive capacity on innovative performance. The absorptive capacity also fully mediated the effects of human capital and relationship capital on the combinative capabilities. Meanwhile, the results showed that flexibility is a moderator, which enhanced the effects of different ICs on absorptive capacity. Finally, this research got two special observations. First, there are two dimensions of R&D energy promotion for R&D teams with DCs. Secondly, it is a type of “flexible sphere organization” for the R&D teams with DCs, so that they can respond to the rapidly changing external environment.

價格促銷深度與消費者購買行為 - 以量販店餅乾品類為例 / Price Promotion Impact on Consumer Behavior – A Study of Biscuit Category in Hypermarkets

陳惠玫, Chen, Ivy Hui Mei Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 隨著時代變遷,行銷手法愈來愈推陳出新,商品零售市場的競爭也愈來愈激烈,走進零售店會看到二件八折,第二件五折或是買一送一等降價促銷活動;剛開始做第二件五折的時候,業績瞬間成長,但是多做幾次之後,效益可能就開始往下降,因此可能開始加碼做買一送一,或是增加降價促銷的頻率,最後無法抽身,而陷入一個不得不做的僵局。所以,如何訂定適當的行銷策略,在價格促銷深度和頻率間取得平衡點,追求最大的效益,是製造商常常面臨的問題與決策。 本研究使用尼爾森量販店商品掃描資料,以餅乾銷售資料做為研究品類,探討價格促銷深度與頻率的相互關係,如何影響消費者購買趨勢。本研究根據迴歸線性模型,利用銷售資料先了解前期、節慶及競爭者等變數對該品類的影響,再分析不同的促銷折扣下的價格彈跳幅度,最後分別以二個月及三個月為單位搭配促銷的頻率,看前期有無促銷的時候,對最後一個月不同的價格促銷深度時的業績增加幅度影響。 最後以消費者預期下一次促銷時間與預期價格差異的行為理論,針對本研究結果做分析,提供行銷建議。

綜合所得稅最高邊際稅率之訂定 / Determining the Optimal Marginal Tax Rate on Top Incomes

吳毓文 Unknown Date (has links)
或基於公平正義,或為解決日益困窘的財政,不少國家調高個人所得稅最高邊際稅率,臺灣也不例外。財政健全方案關於綜合所得稅部分,新增一最高課稅級距,所得淨額逾1,000萬元者適用稅率45%。 在新租稅反應 (NTR)文獻之最適所得稅理論架構下,透過比較高所得者目前面對的邊際有效稅率和最適下的最高邊際有效稅率,可推論法定最高邊際稅率有無須要調整。以臺灣資料實證,所得淨額逾1,000萬納稅單位之最適最高邊際稅率約在60%至85%,與目前綜合所得稅最高邊際稅率相比,仍有很大往上調整的空間。 以本研究理論架構與實證結果來討論綜合所得稅稅率調整政策,發現官方稅收預估並未考量行為反應以致過於樂觀,稅率的決定也缺乏完整論述而太過便宜行事。在「先求有再求好」的思維下,財政部仍須努力。

IPO競價拍賣制度下投資人標單資訊內涵對於股票上市後報酬率及價格變動率之影響 / IPO Auction: The Effects of Investor Information Content to Aftermarket Return and Variability

吳文傑 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣資本市場目前已實行競價拍賣制度有十餘年之久,相關研究資料累積已具相當之規模,因此許多學者進行競價拍賣制度對於承銷制度改變影響之研究,已具相當之成果,大多針對競價拍賣制度實施後是否可以對於改善上市掛牌後股票折價幅度過大以及蜜月期過長等不效率現象進行相關探討及研究。 因此,本研究針對投資人標單資訊內涵進行對報酬率及價格變動率影響之研究,於建立兩大模型研究結果分析後,我們可以清楚了解台灣競價拍賣市場中,個人投資者標單資訊內涵可以提供蜜月期報酬率及變動率的正向解釋能力與預測效果,也因此證明台灣股票市場報酬率及價格波動程度容易受一般散戶投資人情緒所影響;而法人投資者標單資訊內涵則可能由於與美國市場具有結構性差異,使得台灣市場的法人投資者標單資訊內涵無法提供模型的顯著解釋能力,肇因於台灣市場主要參與者為散戶投資人。另外一原因可能是台灣市場中的法人投資者標單資訊內涵已反映在IPO股票價格之中,因此無法對蜜月期及上市後報酬率和價格變動率有所影響。加入峰態係數進行研究後發現,投資者標單需求曲線型態對於報酬率以及價格變動率皆沒有顯著影響,顯示投資人出價集中的高狹峰型態不能解釋蜜月期及上市後的報酬率和價格變動率,可能是由於資訊早已暴露在市場中,價格也早已反映此項資訊,因此無法解釋之後的報酬率以及價格變動率型態。

美沙冬使用者抑制缺損初探 / Inhibitory deficits of methadone users

郭綺苑, Kuo,Chi Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在於探討美沙冬的使用者是否具有抑制控制能力缺損、對海洛因相關刺激是否具有注意力偏誤,以及是否有彈性認知轉換能力上的問題。 研究使用的是Noel等人(2005,2007)發展出來的Go/No-Go作業,並使用海洛因圖片與中性圖片為作業刺激,分別測量受試者在作業中的反應正確率、反應遺漏數、反應犯錯數、平均反應時間、決定偏誤與區辨度,並且使用依賴嚴重度量表,以了解受試者對海洛因的依賴嚴重度與Go/No-Go作業各指標之間的相關。   美沙冬組樣本選取自八里療養院土城門診部之接受美沙冬治療者,共17人,經由網路招募之健康控制組十九人,受試者一共三十六人。共變數分析之結果顯示在Go/No-Go作業的正確率、遺漏數、區辨度和決定偏誤等指標上,發現組別與情境轉換之交互作用,顯示使用美沙冬之受試者具有彈性認知能力上的缺損,因此在有轉換的區段之中,無法快速地適應新的作答規則。此外,Go/No-Go作業結果未發現美沙冬使用者之抑制缺損與對海洛因相關圖片之注意力偏誤之現象。   依賴嚴重度與Go/No-Go作業的指標相關研究則發現,其依賴嚴重度越高,其在非轉換情境中對海洛圖片的犯錯數越低、決定偏誤越高,顯示美沙冬使用者似乎在沒有情境轉換的區段中,會將其注意力資源分配在海洛因圖片上,忽略非海洛因圖片,顯示其注意力較具選擇性。 / The goal of this study is to explore the inhibitory deficits、attentional bias towards heroin-related cues and cognition flexibility of current methadone users. The Go/No-go task used here was previously developed by Noel et al. (2005, 2007). Heroin-related pictures and neural pictures were presented as targets or non-targets. Accuracy rate、omission、commission、average reaction time、decision bias(C) and discrimination (d’) were being measured individually. The relation between the severity of heroin dependence and task performance was also investigated. The 17 subjects in methadone group were currently methadone maintenance treatment patients from Bali psychiatric center, and the 19 control group subjects without a drug using history were recruited by internet advertisement. The covariance analysis revealed interactions of group and shift/non-shift condition on accuracy rate、omission、decision bias(C) and discrimination (d’), indicating a cognitive flexibility deficits in methadone users. They had difficulty adapting to new rules in shifting conditions. No inhibitory deficits or attentional bias were found so far in this study. The relation between heroin dependence and Go/No-go task performance revealed that the more dependent the methadone subjects were, the less commission errors they made, the higher decision bias score they got towards heroin pictures in non-shifting conditions. It seemed that the methadone users were prone to allocate more attention resource to heroin-related pictures in non-shifting conditions, suggesting a more selective attention process.

因應彈性、自我清晰程度對於心理適應之影響:不同性傾向的調節效果 / Coping flexibility, self-concept clarity and psychological adjustment: the moderator effects of different sexual orientation

廖姝安, Liao, Shu An Unknown Date (has links)
過往關於同志與身心健康的研究,多著重在此身分所帶來的負面影響。本研究採取不同的觀點,探索同志族群可能的韌性,檢驗主/客觀因應彈性(韌性的行為面)以及自我清晰程度(韌性的內在面)對於正負向心理適應的影響,以及性傾向在此關係中所扮演的調節效果。兩個研究皆以調查法收集不同性傾向者(主觀與客觀)的因應彈性、自我清晰程度、憂鬱程度(負向心理適應指標)與生活滿意度(正向心理適應指標)。研究一的壓力事件為參與者自陳其近期壓力事件,研究二的壓力事件則是研究者指定給予參與者去做評量。兩個研究皆發現,客觀因應彈性與憂鬱程度、生活滿意度無關;自我清晰程度越高者,其憂鬱程度越低,且性傾向未調節以上結果。不過,性傾向則調節了自我清晰程度與生活滿意度間的關係。同志族群的自我清晰程度越高、生活滿意度也會越高;異性戀者則無此關係。研究二則發現主觀因應彈性越高,其憂鬱程度越低、生活滿意度越高;然而主觀因應彈性與正、負向心理適應之間的關係,不會受到不同性傾向的調節。兩個研究結果幫助我們瞭解主觀因應彈性、自我清晰程度與心理適應之間的關係,以及此關係在不同性傾向者身上的面貌為何。 / Lesbians, gay men, and bisexual (LGB) individuals are often observed to have poorer psychological adjustments than heterosexual individuals. I adopted a different approach to explore potential strengths in being LGB individuals by testing the impacts of objective/subjective coping flexibility and self-concept clarity on positive and negative psychological adjustments, as well as how sexual orientation may moderate these relationships. Two survey studies in this thesis measured objective/subjective coping flexibility, self-concept clarity, depression and life satisfaction among people with different sexual orientations. To measure objective coping flexibility, participants reported their recent stress events in Study 1, and were given specific stress events to respond in Study 2. The two studies showed that objective coping flexibility was not associated with depression, nor with life satisfaction, whereas self-concept clarity was associated with depression negatively. Sexual orientation did not moderate the above findings. Sexual orientation did moderate the relationship between self-concept clarity and life satisfaction: Self-concept clarity was associated with life satisfaction positively among LGB individuals, but this association was not significant among heterosexual individuals. Study 2 showed that subjective coping flexibility was associated with depression negatively and with life satisfaction positively. Again, sexual orientation did not moderate the above finding. These findings further our understanding regarding objective and subjective coping flexibility, self-concept clarity and psychological adjustments among people with different sexual orientations.

建構派翠網路封閉形式解決方案的序曲:從變型K-階S3PR系統開始 / The overture of constructing the closed-form solution for Petri Nets: begin from the variant k-th order S3PR system

游宗憲 Unknown Date (has links)
因應物聯網、機器人和雲端計算等系統快速的科技創新,我們需要更有效之方法來模型化由上述系統所架構出來愈趨複雜的動態資源配置系統,以解決類似瓶頸、死結等潛藏的系統控制相關問題。為了解決以派翠網路模型化大型系統一直存在的指數倍數成長之複雜性問題,一個即使運用MIP(混合整數規劃)方法於可達性分析也是完全NP(非確定性多項式時間)的問題,趙玉教授率先以開發k階和k網系統的控制相關狀態(CRSs)數量之封閉形式解決方案(簡稱封閉解),來突破此一指數倍數成長複雜性的障礙。然而,對稱網路結構的屬性,限縮了此兩系統在模型化系統中可應用的範圍;同時由於不可避免的死結的狀況,也阻礙了兩個系統的並行處理能力。為了延伸派翠網路封閉解的研究領域至非對稱系統,及強化對大型即時動態資源分配非對稱系統的模型化能力,本論文擴展派翠網路封閉解的研究領域至所謂的「左邊一般化k階系統」、「左邊一般化k網系統」和「A網系統」等三種不同類型的基本非對稱系統。「左邊一般化k階(相對於k網)系統」是在k階(相對於k網)之控製行程的任意位置,使用一非共享資源的網路模型,為模型化具有客製化製程系統之基本網路架構; 「A網系統」是在一k階系統中,連接一頂層非共享圈子網(TNCS)的網路模型,在實際應用中,為模型化具共享相同製程系統的基本網路架構。本論文透過非共用資源在等價網路(k階(相對於k網))的影響性分析,及其等價網路之封閉解為基礎,建構「左邊一般化k階(相對於k網)系統」之封閉解;在「A網系統」中,由於TNCS和連接的缺陷 k階系統兩個子系統的獨立性,首先我們可以從其相關之k階系統的封閉解中,排除不可能狀態的數量,推導出缺陷k階系統的封閉解,然後以累計加總缺陷k階系統及TNCS兩個子系統在各種TNCS中存在不同權杖個數狀況下的封閉解乘積,構建出「A網系統」的封閉解。在實際應用中,我們可透過由封閉解所產生之即時CRS信息,強化對大型動態即時資源分配系統的模型化能力。例如,採用本論文所提出的避免死結演算法,可以在不用附加控制器之狀況下,實現k階和k網系統之並行處理的功能;並且可以在k-網系統中,在不用暫停所有系統的工作流程狀況下,實現動態行程配置的功能。除了應用虹吸計算方法構建非對稱系統的基礎封閉解外,本論文還提出了依據其反向網路被驗證的有效信息為基準,新的由模型驗證之以知識基礎的理論分析方法,加速派翠網路封閉解的建構。在此,本論文開啟了以變型k階系統為啟端,建構派翠網路封閉解新的研究時代。 / In the light of the rapid innovation of the Internet of Things (IoT), robot systems, and cloud computing systems, we need an efficient methodology to model gradually more and more complicated, real-time resource allocation systems (RAS), constructed using the systems mentioned above, for solving issues such as bottlenecks, deadlocks, and other embedded system-control-related problems. To solve the exponentially increasing complexity in the persistent problem of modeling large systems using Petri nets, which is an NP (nondeterministic polynomial time)-complete problem even when MIP (mixed integer programming) is employed for reachability analysis, Chao broke this barrier by developing the first closed-form solution (CFS) for the number of Control Related States (CRSs) for k-th order and k-net systems. However, the properties of symmetric net structures limit their application range in modeling systems; the inevitable deadlock obstructs the capability of concurrent processing in both systems. To enhance the capability of modeling large dynamic, real-time resource allocation in asymmetric systems, this dissertation extends the research on the CFS of PNs to the so-called Gen-Left k-th order system, the Gen-Left k-net system, and the A-net system, which comprise the three different types of fundamental asymmetric systems. A Gen-Left k-th order (resp. k-net) system is a k-th order (resp. k-net) system containing a non-sharing resource (NSR) at arbitrary locations in the control process, which is the fundamental net structure for modeling contained customized manufacturing processes inside a system. An A-net system is a k-th order system connected to a Top Non-sharing Circle Subnet (TNCS), which is the fundamental net structure to model a shared common manufacturing processing system in real applications. Based upon analyzing the effects of one NSR in the equivalent, the corresponding k-th order (resp. k-net) system, and an equivalent CFS, this dissertation derives the CFS for the Gen-Left k-th order (resp. k-net) system. Due to the independence of the TNCS and the connected Deficient k-th order system, we can first derive the CFS for a Deficient k-th order system just by excluding the number of impossible states from the CFS for its corresponding k-th order system. Then, the CFS of an A-net is constructed by summing the products of the CFS for the two sub-systems in each different case under the condition of the number of tokens inside TNCS. Based on real-time CRS information derived, we can enhance the capability for modeling a large dynamic, real-time resource allocation system in real applications. Employing the proposed deadlock-avoidance algorithm, for instance, we can realize concurrent processing in both k-th order and k-net systems without additional controllers being implemented; and the function of dynamic process allocation in a k-net system without suspending the system’s working flows. In addition to applying siphon computation to construct the fundamental CFS for asymmetric systems, this dissertation pioneers and proposes a new knowledge-based, analysis methodology, called proof by model, to accelerate the construction of the CFS for a PN based upon the validation information from its reverse net. This dissertation opens a new research era for constructing the CFS for PNs beginning from the Variant k-th order system.

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