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探究我國所得不均度對私人慈善捐贈的影響 / The relationship between charitable giving and income inequality鍾穎 Unknown Date (has links)
Warr(1983)提出中立性的說法,即所得重分配不會影響私人的捐贈數量。Bergstorm, Blume and Varian(1986)在其文中提出,當個人在所得移轉前後身分由捐贈者改變為受贈者時,捐贈的數量會隨著社會上所得不均度的上升而增加。至於Andreoni(1989)改變捐贈的動機,提出部分利他動機,結果中立性不存在。
本研究利用「家庭收支調查報告」,探討當所得不均度提高時是否會影響私人慈善捐贈。其中用來衡量所得不均度的指標分為各縣市的吉尼係數與所得差距倍數,由於各縣市生活水準與文化皆有所不同,考量地區別之間的差異,故在模型中加入各縣市的固定效果,控制各縣市的差異後,得到的迴歸估計係數皆為正且很顯著,從實證結果來看,本文不支持Warr(1983)提出的中立性假說且與Bergstorm, Blume and Varian(1986)提出當所得不均度提高時,捐贈的數量會增加的理論結果一致。
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高所得份額趨勢探討-分量迴歸下結構性改變之應用 / Trends in top income shares-structural changes in regression quantiles賴沂良 Unknown Date (has links)
本文使用Qu(2008)以及Oka and Qu(2011)分量迴歸下結構性改變檢定分析20世紀與二次世界大戰戰後不同區域與國家之高所得份額趨勢變化。不同以往一般結構性改變檢定,加入分量迴歸的概念研究一國家之高所得份額趨勢改變是否來自中高分量。不同區域的實證扣除考慮多個分量下沒有偵測出結構性改變的區域外,有一半支持高所得份額趨勢改變來自中高分量;戰後不同國家扣除考慮多個分量下沒有偵測出結構性改變的國家外,除了美國其餘國家都支持高所得份額趨勢改變來自中高分量。
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序數邊際效用模型分析均一所得稅造成商品數量減少的原因 / Analysis of the Impacts of Flat Income Tax Rate on Consumption Amount in the Ordinal Marginal Utility Model陳育祥, Chen, Yu-Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
最後,我們在討論另一個為什麼課徵均一所得稅會減少商品需求數量的可能原因。此原因乃源自「均一所得稅率提高支出邊際損失上升」與「商品邊際效用遞減」兩股力量搭配而成。透過這個例子,我們再次呈現這原因可以在新理論中和里現身,但卻不能在舊理論中現身。再一次地,我們會讓大家了解為何經濟學家普遍採用的「極大化總效用分析法」做不到的事,在新的序數邊際效用分析法中卻是可以輕輕鬆鬆地做到的。新舊理論的高下其實可以再次清楚地呈現出來。 / The purpose of this paper is to discuss reasons of reduction in demand of goods when a flat income tax is imposed under two different models, the traditional classic of maximum ordinal utility model in contrast to the Lin’s ordinal marginal utility model.
First of all, we can find three effects making a deduction in demand as a flat income tax imposed on goods in a maximum ordinal utility model, which assumes changes in after-tax income and in income tax rate will directly have an impact on consumer’s preference. These three effects combined to have 19 reasons causing the deduction of demand in goods. In contrast, we can firmly recognize 23 combinations by merely two forces in a general ordinal marginal utility model. As for all reasons of imposing a flat income tax that incur deduction in demand, there might be hundreds of thousands that are not to be easily counted exactly. A Huge difference between maximum ordinal utility model and marginal ordinal utility model is undeniable. Therefore, we see things totally different through two diverse models and construct different points of view.
Secondly, under new micro selection theory, marginal ordinal utility analysis model, this paper discuses about one reason that might reduce consumption amount by flat income tax rate. This may be caused by two forces, tax that reduces marginal utility of goods and the law of diminishing marginal utility combined. Suppose there is a consumption equilibrium in the beginning. Raising the income tax rate will make the marginal utility of goods reduced and change the status quo, making consumer to buy less since marginal utility is no match with marginal loss of wealth or income. Afterwards, because of the law of diminishing marginal utility, the marginal utility of goods will increase gradually as the consumption amount is declining slowly, making a new equilibrium emerge. The above reasoning is logical and instinctual from human being and should be shown by a normal consumer’s theory. However, this paper shows the opposite. By adopting Lin’s marginal ordinal utility model, this fact can be easily depicted. In other words, this is the first paper that records the reason that imposing a flat income tax will cause a reduction on the amount of consumption. Subsequently, this paper does a contrast to traditional maximum utility model and finds traditional model cannot present this reasoning properly. This paper make it clear what a maximum utility cannot do, though it is prevailing, and what can be done by the new model in the following analysis. One can easily recognize why traditional model is unreasonable and how limited it is, and how reasonable and natural the new model is. The pros of new theory and cons from traditional theory can be shown easily, which proves Lin’s saying “For any model that rooted from micro utility theory, new model is better than traditional one.”
Finally, this paper focus on the other reason that flat income tax cause a decrease in consumption amount. This result is caused by two forces, increasing marginal loss from larger expenditure and diminishing marginal utility from goods. This example shows us again that traditional model are not able to explain this logical reasoning, but new theory can easily do. Over and over again, this paper proves that new theory is better than old one.
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勞動供給、所得稅與超額負擔-台灣的實證研究許穎心 Unknown Date (has links)
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租稅融通方式與最適公共財提供之研究 / Taxation and Optimal Public Good Provision黃雪芬, Hwang, Sheue Fen Unknown Date (has links)
公共支出與公共收入乃為一體兩面之事。A.C. Pigou於1947年就曾提出租稅融通方式不同,將影響公共支出水準的看法,他並且認為當政府採用扭曲性租稅來融通公共財時,會產生超額負擔使得公共財提供的邊際成本增加。基於這項觀點,就不宜再以公共財的直接成本作為最適公共支出水準的依據,而應將扭曲性租稅本身可能造成的扭曲效果納入考慮。而這也表示了P.A. Samuelson於1954年提出的最適公共財提供條件ΣMRS=MRT應該被修正,且視融通公共財的租稅方式所產生的影響而應有不同的最適公共財提供條件。
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防制重大金融犯罪之研究-以犯罪所得剝奪為中心 / Prevention regulations on major financial fraud-discussing on deprivation proceeds of crime林炤宏, LIN, Chao Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本文嘗試先掌握金融犯罪之特性,與近來金融犯罪防制法規之演變。其次,再就我國犯罪所得剝奪法制沿革、犯罪所得之界定、計算為研析,並探索犯罪所得剝奪法制在預防、打擊與抗制金融犯罪等之必要性,以及其應通過之憲法基權保障檢驗。再者,則希能透過偵審案例,探究研現階段我國金融犯罪防制法規,在犯罪所得之暫時保全與終局剝奪上所面臨之實務困境及問題;並瞭解部分重要之國際公約與美、英、日等國家有關法制之設計。最後,則期能歸結相關問題與爭議,並融合法制建構、實務運作、外國法制借鏡等數個層面,提出可能之解決途徑或修法建議。 / Political and economic changes, incomplete of corporate governance, and imbalance of external supervision mechanism are all reasons for occurrence of major financial fraud. The losses and costs of major financial fraud, in general, are always enormous. Unfortunately, most people, instead of offenders, need to bear the huge losses. As a result, except the strategy of severe punishment, the idea and regulations on deprivation proceeds of crime were introduced to combat these problems in 2004. However, after a period of practicing, how about the application and practice of regulations on deprivation proceeds of crime is. Therefore, we are concerned about: are there any problems or difficulties resulting from criminal legal system and the practice of precedent itself? What we can learn from international conventions and other countries’ similar legal system?
The thesis, first of all, attempts to figure out the feature of major financial fraud and the changes of financial regulations. Secondly, we try to explore the history of regulations on deprivation proceeds of crime, the definition and the calculation of proceeds of crime, and whether the regulations on deprivation proceeds of crime are essential for preventing and against major financial fraud or not. Meanwhile, in order to guarantee and protect the fundamental rights of people, we also hope to exam the regulations on deprivation proceeds of crime by the concepts of constitution.
In additions, according to the case study, the thesis also longs for exploring what are the practical problems and dilemmas for current regulations on temporary seizure and final forfeiture procedures. At the same time, comparing with the international conventions and other countries’ similar legal system on laundering, search, freeze, seizure and confiscation of the proceeds from crime is also important and useful for this study. Finally, after concluding the relative problems and debates about this topic, of course, the paper hopes to propose a possible approach or legal amendment by integrating legal system modification, legal practice, and foreign legal system.
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我國社會保險重分配效果於不同教育程度之影響蕭茜文 Unknown Date (has links)
社會保險制度(social insurance)是社會安全制度(social security)的重心,也是現今政府為了增進民生福祉、促進社會安全的重要環節。我國的社會保險制度自民國三十九年開辦勞工保險,至今已歷經五十六年。社會保險制度具有諸多的功能,其中一項重要的功能便是所得重分配(income redistribution),亦即政府可以利用租稅以外的社會保險制度,來改善國民所得分配不平均之問題,以達公平的目標。
在測度所得不均等程度方面,最普遍用來衡量的指標便是吉尼係數 (Gini coefficient),亦即我們可以從吉尼係數的變動來看出所得重分配變動的情形。另外,多數的學者以往只從垂直與水平兩效果著手來衡量所得重分配,但本文採用Aronson、Johnson與Lambert於1994年提出的AJL計算模型,將所得重分配效果拆解更細,除了拆解出垂直效果與水平效果外,還多了重排序效果。
由於現今國人受教育的機會愈來愈普遍,有不少學者利用人力資本論(human capital theory)與篩選理論(screening theory)來說明教育與所得之間的關係。這二種理論均認為薪資與教育程度呈現正向關係,因此,教育程度愈高者,所得水準通常會愈高,教育程度愈低者,所得水準通常會愈低,使得教育程度成為所得差異的來源之一。故透過社會保險的施行,能使高所得者與低所得者之間進行所得重分配。此外,隨著經濟發展層次之提昇,使得薪資所得佔總所得的比重日益增加,因此,透過受教育機會的擴大及國民教育品質的提昇,也會造成所得更均等地分配。
三、在上述四種教育程度分類下,所得重分配效果中除了垂直效果與重排序效果有大幅變動外,水平效果所占的比例甚低,且其變動幅度不大,因此我們可以說,社會保險的實施所帶來的水平不公平甚低。 / Social insurance is the core of social security, and is also the important link for the government to improve the welfare of people. Social insurance has many function, the most important is that it can redistribute people’s income. Therefore, the government can use social insurance to achieve the goal of equity.
In the aspect of measuring the inequity, the most popular index is Gini coefficient. Lots of scholars decompose the income redistribution effect into two parts-vertical effect and horizontal effect. Unlike previous, I use AJL model to analyze the income redistribution of social insurance. In other words, AJL model decompose the income redistribution into there parts-vertical effect, horizontal effect and reranking effect.
Because of the popular of education, people can accept education easily. Lots of scholars use “Human capital theory” and “Screening theory” to explain the relations between education and income. They point out that when a person have a high education then he will get a high payment.
Therefore, this thesis is based on education and is arguing the distribution function of social insurance. The results are as follow:
First, the social insurance system of Taiwan stills has the function of redistributing people’s income. Second, the people in the lower layer of education usually can redistribute their income by means of social insurance. Finally, the horizon inequity is few in reality.
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綜合所得稅最高邊際稅率之訂定 / Determining the Optimal Marginal Tax Rate on Top Incomes吳毓文 Unknown Date (has links)
在新租稅反應 (NTR)文獻之最適所得稅理論架構下,透過比較高所得者目前面對的邊際有效稅率和最適下的最高邊際有效稅率,可推論法定最高邊際稅率有無須要調整。以臺灣資料實證,所得淨額逾1,000萬納稅單位之最適最高邊際稅率約在60%至85%,與目前綜合所得稅最高邊際稅率相比,仍有很大往上調整的空間。
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中共現行企業所得稅制改革問題之研究譚慧芳, Tan, Hui Fang Unknown Date (has links)
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社會保險之所得重分配效果初探林嬌能, LIN, JIAO-NENG Unknown Date (has links)
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