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比較「智慧型手機主導之行動網路購物」與「電腦網路購物」兩者之相對屬性與重要性 / Relative attribute importance of smartphone driven mobile commerce compared to computer based electronic commerce柯思維, Servio Fernando Kloeth Unknown Date (has links)
現今智慧型手機之網路通路價值與電腦相比仍較低,也使得現今使用智慧型手機網路交易的比例仍低於使用電腦網路交易的比例。本研究採用付出為結構模型及恆等性分析,研究結果顯示,智慧型手機因其有用性及易用性較電腦低,因此使用者以手機網路交易的傾向也偏低。本研究以科技接受模型發現70%至80%的使用者都是因受社會及同儕影響,而較不傾向使用手機進行網路交易。一般認為,手機的便利性相對也使手機網路交易平台的風險提高。然而,研究結果顯示,以電腦從事網路交易的風險與手機網路交易的風險相當,便利性也幾無差異。因此本研究以社會影響為探討方向,認為其為影響現代人以手機從事網路交易的重要關鍵。 / The net channel value of smartphone driven mobile-commerce measured against the alternative of computer based electronic-commerce is at this point in time still low. In an exploratory effort structural modeling and invariance analysis reveals mobile commerce is viewed with a less positive usability disposition in the light of usefulness and effortlessness. An adaptation of the Technology Acceptance model accounting for 70-80% of usage intention indicates social influences experienced from peers to engage the mobile platform is lower. Convenience and perceived risk are usually considered attributes relatively important for the m-commerce platform. However, the analysis reveals little difference of these attributes' salience compared with e-commerce, absolute scores for convenience are similar, and perceived risk seems to have marginal effects on usage in general. Social influences, experienced as lower for mobile commerce is a especially salient concept in determining usability disposition and ultimately intention to use mobile commerce, as is the salience of the usability disposition larger for mobile commerce than for electronic commerce.
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電信加值服務新產品發展之研究 / Developing New Value-Added Services—The Case of the Telecommunications Industry葉冠義 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以個案訪談的方式,分享產業專家對電信加值新產品開發的經驗,並分以同公司或不同公司間成功、失敗之案例進行交叉比對,來驗證所歸納之成功、失敗模式中之關鍵因素具周延性,經由三個分屬台灣及中國的個案公司分析探討,本研究可以歸納下述幾個結論與建議 :
(1) 適時切入市場,服務一旦熱絡後加入者眾,但領先族群括分了大部分收益,後面80%的廠商追逐僅剩的20%營收。
(2) 建立上下游良好的關係才能取得產品的快速上架、行銷資源,跟下游的內容供應商上保持良好關係,才能有好的內容獨家使用權。
(3) 建立專業的產品品牌與形象可以在數以千計的服務中脫穎而出。
(4) 建立特殊行銷通路讓新產品大量曝光!
(5) 不斷以活動促銷來刺激目標客戶,不斷的提醒用戶你的產品特殊有趣之處,用使用者分享心得的方式更容意打動潛在用戶。
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融入臺灣:外國人使用智慧型手機為整合工具的經驗 / Blending Into Taiwan: The Expat’s Smartphone as an Integration Tool安德魯, Genskow, Andrew Unknown Date (has links)
融入臺灣:外國人使用智慧型手機為整合工具的經驗 / Expats living in East Asian nations have a distinctly fresh view of the burgeoning cultures around them. The field of media ethnography has largely ignored this view in favor of domestic perspectives, focusing on virtual ethnography, digital observation, and the collection of empirical data within these local populations. Taiwan is a fast-evolving nation state, with an ever-increasing foreign community and a mobile phone penetration rate of 98%. This study, recounted from the eyes of an American expat living in Taiwan, examines the successes and pitfalls Western nationals face when using their smartphones to overcome cultural barriers, maintain social relationships, and build an identity overseas. The research itself takes shape through a series of one-one-one interviews, concentrating on five subjects of differing age, gender, travel background, language level and locale. The second focus is on in-depth, on-site participant observation of these individuals interacting with Taiwanese locals and attempting to build a life for themselves away from home. Observations of their daily lifestyles, combined with interview content, sheds light on the intentions and contradictions they face in using their smartphones to traverse their environment. The goal of this study is to draw a detailed and nuanced picture of the expatriate experience and image in Taiwan, as well as analyze the ability of Westerners to use technology to integrate into Taiwanese culture.
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行動App之創新研究 / Study for the innovation of mobile Apps翁菀瑜, Weng, Wan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
在2012年行動App有持續性的成長,主要成長動能來自於智慧型手機及平板市場的成長。根據國際數據公司IDC的報告與預測, 2012年智慧型手機出貨量將成長至約7億台,年成長率42%,平板出貨量將成長至10,740萬台,年成長率54%。在智慧行動裝置(智慧型手機、平板等)快速成長的帶動之下,行動App的市場規模亦越來越大, 根據IDC預估,全球行動App的下載數量將由2011年的300億次成長至2012年的733億次,成長率達143%。行動App營收來源不僅僅只有單次付費下載及App內付費兩種,還包括了訂閱、App內廣告或下載等其他方式。但是,其實App的獲利方式有很多種,只要讓消費者持續使用App,除了在App內提供服務讓消費者付費來獲利之外,還能透過App連結的廣大生態圈來尋找第三方付費甚至其他模式來獲得營收。
1. 廠商透過什麼樣創新的途徑在App市場裡競爭?
2. 創新為消費者帶來了什麼樣的使用者體驗?
3. 廠商若是能創造良好的使用者體驗,是否能由此持續獲取價值?
透過國外成功個案的分析結果,發現廠商透過以下創新途徑在App市場內競爭:1. App技術創新;2. App服務創新,有以下方式,1) 將技術創新轉變或延伸為各式服務;2) 連到更大的夥伴網絡或生態系統,甚至創造自己的生態系,來重新設計服務價值鏈;3) 免費的商業模式,透過贈送最有價值的資源來培養用戶基礎,才有可能在商業模式上創新。廠商透過創新可帶給使用者的經驗如下:1. 創新的使用需求;2. 降低使用者的成本;3.連結其他服務的入口平台。而廠商創造良好的使用者體驗能持續獲取價值,並且在消費者使用過程中獲取利益的方式如下:1. 透過免費服務或產品與使用者產生連結;2. 不斷更新的服務或內容,讓使用者願意持續使用;3. 給予使用者自定功能的服務來互利雙方,若是使用者不用,此功能亦不會影響服務品質;4. 「無廣告」模式能創造良好的消費者體驗。App透過以上方式能增加使用者忠誠度,透過技術或服務創新能改變商業模式;而良好的使用者經驗的確能夠為廠商獲取價值,透過不斷的創新來幫助增加使用者經驗,透過服務鏈的延伸來改變商業模式,就有機會在使用者的使用過程中獲取價值。
隨著智慧型手機及平板的普及化,只要消費者願意下載行動App至其智慧行動裝置上,此App就是消費者體驗其服務的入口,再加上設計製作行動App的技術及資金門檻不高,因此各家廠商皆在思考如何透過App強化其使用體驗並且進而獲利,前提建構在消費者「願意」下載並且「持續使用」App,因此透過免費下載的模式來增加消費者的下載及使用意願,「免費」使用降低了使用者的進入門檻,良好的使用者經驗更增加了消費者對此App及其服務的忠誠度;當越來越多消費者使用後形成的規模經濟,廠商就有機會經由商業模式的創新持續獲取價值並獲利。智慧型裝置改變了消費者對電子產品的使用方式,連帶創造行動App產業的興起,藉由行動App讓各家廠商拉近與消費者之間的距離,讓廠商渴望創新以吸引消費者目光,因此行動App生態圈的擴大與成熟指日可待。 / In 2012, mobile Apps markets continue to grow since the growth of smartphone market and tablet market. IDC forecasts smartphone shipment volumes will reach 700 million units with annual growth rate of 42% in 2012. And tablet shipment volume will reach 107 million units with annual growth rate of 54%. The market size of mobile Apps would become larger due to the rapid growth of smart mobile device (smartphones/tablets) market. According to IDC’s prediction, worldwide download numbers of mobile Apps grows at 143% year-over-year from 30 billion times in 2011 to 73 billion times in 2012. Revenue of mobile Apps comes from paid Apps but also from in-App advertisement, in-App purchase, subscription and so on. As long as consumers are willing to continue to use the App, the App vendor may make revenue from their customers by some creative business models but not limited to what we had mentioned above.
In App market, the most popular way to catch consumers’ eye is “free download.” The download numbers of free Apps are ten times greater than paid Apps in 2012. Although free downloads attract many trial users, App vendors should focus on that how to make their customers re-open the App or continue using the App. Therefore, this theory would like to study on that how App vendors gain value via innovations in the free App competition. Base on case study research, we would like to study the following topics.
1. What kinds of innovations are created by vendors in the competition of App market?
2. What kinds of user experiences are created by the innovation?
3. How do vendors continue to gain value by the great user experiences?
According to the analysis result, we have found that App venders have two kinds of innovations. One is technical innovation and the other one is service innovation. There are three kinds of methods for service innovation. 1) To transform or to stretch technical innovation to other services. 2) To connect with larger partner networks or ecosystems. Even to create own ecosystem to re-design service value chain. 3) Free business model – it is possible to have an innovation on business model by gifting customers the worthiest resources to gain customer base. Furthermore, customers can gain good user experience via innovations in the following ways. 1) Vendors should try to create new needs. 2) The App can reduce customers’ cost. 3) The App can be the entrance to connect other platform. Therefore, the methods to enhance user experience are as shown below. 1) To connect with customers by free services or free products. 2) To update contents or services continuously to raise customers’ willing-to-use. 3) To give customers customized services. If customers don’t use the service, it will not influence their user experiences. 4) “Non-advertising” can create wonderful user experiences. As a result, App vendors can earn customers’ loyalty according to given above. To sum up, App vendors win competition and change business model by technical innovation and service innovation that creates great user experiences and worthful value as well. If vendors can keep innovating to enhance user experience and can stretch service value chain to change business model, it is possible to capture value in the customers’ experiencing process.
Lastly, we have studied current situation of Taiwanese App vendors and had found that Taiwanese vendors have no innovation on business model but have some experience on product innovation. There are two kinds of product innovation. One is continuous innovation and the other one is incremental innovation. Although Taiwanese vendors are still new comers in App market, they are finding out customers’ needs and wants. They are expected to have more innovations so that they can be seen in a global market.
In conclusion, the App is the knocking brick of great mobile experience since most people have smart mobile devices with Apps. Further, designing an App is not a tough barrier. All vendors are thinking about how to enhance user experience and get revenue as well. Free download brings more customers and great user experiences make customers’ loyalty. If more and more customers join to a point of economies of scale, vendors will have chance to innovate and to make value sustainably. Smart mobile devices change users’ behavior and create the market of mobile Apps. Mobile apps make vendors and customers closer so that vendors eager innovations to catch customers. App market is expected to become mature in the near future.
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影響智慧型手機應用程式先進者優勢之因素 / Factors Affecting the First Mover Advantages of Smartphone Apps李振瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 市場的先佔及高轉換成本為App先進者主要優勢來源;而較低的成本、市場不穩定性及先進者可能失誤,則為App後進者主要優勢。
2. 較佳的產品功能與產品創新能力,或較能提供更多附加價值之App,對App先進者優勢的維持有正向之影響。
3. 不同種類的App在先進者優勢之維持上略有差異,簡要歸納如下
(1) 遊戲類:受先進者優勢、產品優勢及行銷策略影響甚鉅,快速先占市場,並擁有良好產品功能及完整行銷策略較易帶來成功。
(2) 工具類:透過較佳的產品功能、產品品質與產品創新來維持先進者優勢,才能保持長期競爭力。
(3) 娛樂類:先進者優勢與產品優勢同等重要,快速先占市場將有助於發展與競爭力維持。
(4) 社交類:深受網路外部性之影響,故快速先佔市場並持續滿足使用者需求,才能避免被後進者淘汰。 / As more people use smart phones, the number of mobile applications (Apps) is increasing rapidly. However, with so many similar Apps, how Apps can stand out from competing products is an important issue.
This study adopts theories related to First-Mover Advantages, Product Advantages and Marketing strategies to develop a general framework for analyzing factors that affect the success of first movers. We chose several well-known apps and used document analysis to analyze the secondary data collected from the Internet, newspapers, magazines, books, etc.
Our major findings are as following:
1. Market preemption and high user switching costs are the main source of advantages for first-movers. Lower development costs, risks and the chance to avoid failure are the main source of advantages for the follower to succeed.
2. Better product functions and innovative features have positive effects on keeping First-Mover Advantages. Meeting customer needs and providing more added values also help maintain the advantage.
3. Different factors exist for different types of apps. Product advantages and marketing strategies are keys for Games Apps; app functionality, product quality and innovative features are important for productivity tools; first-mover and product advantages are important for entertainment apps; while network externality is the most critical one for social networking apps.
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從眾傾向、憂慮產品過時與創新採用之研究-以智慧型手機為例 / Conformity, Fear of Obsolescence and Innovation Adoption: A Study of Smartphone Purchases朱崇文, Chu, Chung Wen Unknown Date (has links)
1. 消費者購買智慧型手機時較有從眾傾向
2. 使用者網路外部性增強消費者購買智慧型手機之從眾傾向,而主觀產品知識降低消費者購買智慧型手機之從眾傾向
3. 消費者主觀產品知識越高,對於智慧型手機過時之擔憂越低
4. 獨特性需求較高之消費者,較憂慮技術性與心理性過時;從眾傾向較高之消費者則較憂慮經濟性過時
5. 消費者憂慮經濟性過時與主觀產品知識越高,採用創新智慧型手機之意願越高;消費者憂慮技術性過時越高,採用創新智慧型手機之意願越低
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行動應用軟體獲利模式之研究 / The profiting models of mobile applications何易剛 Unknown Date (has links)
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以網路外部性探討行動應用程式對智慧型手機購買意圖之影響 / Exploring the effect of mobile apps on purchase intention of smart phone by network externalities黃詩婷 Unknown Date (has links)
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具地理位置訊息之無所不在行動協作數位敘事平台 / Ubiquitous mobile collaborative digital narrative platform with location information林思采, Lin, Si Cai Unknown Date (has links)
我們建置了這個平台以APP的型式在Android系統上呈現,並作田野實驗,以研究此新的行動協作敘事型態。我們針對平台進行兩個部分的評估與分析,其一為使用者介面的評估,我們以放聲思考法進行,並隨後對介面做出修正;其二為平台系統使用評估,此部分以訪談法進行,並同時與系統Log作比對驗證。平台實驗發現的設計元素以及使用行為,希望可以在未來對此領域欲進一步研究者,提供很好的建議。 / Technologies could change users’ behaviors. As the recent growth of mobile smartphones, digital narrative would have a new way to create mobile content. Through interactive design components and features of “mobile narrative”, we design a "Mobile Collaboration Digital Narrative Platform" to facilitate this change. A user can retrieve nearby mobile content, and also have the ability to add, edit or record what is happening at his/her present location. By adding the feature of “collaborative content creation” to the platform, the content can be made more diverse and rich and the reader can better immerse him or herself in it. Moreover, by the enhanced network technology, the platform can also work in offline mode to make it function ubiquitously.
In order to study the new type of mobile collaborative narration, we develop the system (an Android App) and do field trial. We evaluate and analyze the system for two parts: one for the assessment of the user interface, and the other for system usage evaluation. We use the think aloud method for the former to amend interface design. For the latter, we interview with users, which are also compared with the system log for justification. The design components and the results for usage behaviors that we found from the new platform will provide a good recommendation for future further study in the field.
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智慧型手機跨國家庭溝通:以在台印尼家傭移工為例 / Smartphone-mediated communication with transnational families: Understanding the experiences of Indonesian domestic workers in Taiwan王路易, Barui Kurniawan Waruwu Unknown Date (has links)
以Goffman的被寵壞的認同(spoiled identity)作為視角,本研究指出印尼家傭在工作期間遭受「作為與雇主同居女傭」之污名化,他們使用各種策略,用智慧型手機進行形象管理來應對他們的生活,包括與丈夫選擇性的分享他們的生活。這項研究進一步假定,在女性移工透過智慧型手機進行密集的網路互動不僅可以作為再現性別角色規範的場所。相反來說,它也是性別規範不斷被挑戰和重建的場所。本研究強調,受污名化的印尼女性家傭移工在其所居的社區之地位的再協商、。控制、賦權、應對策略之要素。 / Abstract
This study explores the experience of Indonesian domestic workers in using smartphones to maintain family intimacy. By conducting in-depth interviews with 20 Indonesian domestic workers in Taiwan and observing their Facebook activities, this study examines the intricacy of smartphone use in transnational mothering and distant marriage while highlighting the gender power dynamics in the family. Partly due to its relatively recent emergence, smartphone use for transnational mothering has not been systematically investigated. While Indonesian domestic workers have been included in several studies on this subject, their unique sociocultural characteristics have not been sufficiently and independently examined.
The findings suggest that smartphones are an indispensable instrument for family intimacy among domestic workers. Voice calls and text messages via mobile application such as WhatsApp and LINE are the most preferred modes of communication. Their communication practices are often conditioned by their employers; however, in general, they enjoy freedom to use smartphones for communication. Perpetual connectivity of smartphones gives the domestic workers the perception of co-presence with their children in virtual environment which enhances the warmth of their relationship and allows domestic helpers to fulfil their spiritual duties as Muslim mothers by providing religious guidance to their children.
Smartphones are also used for spousal communication although the frequency is often dictated by the wives or their employment circumstances. Based on Goffman’s concept of spoiled identity, this study argues that Indonesian domestic workers face social stigma during their work as live-in maids and device various strategies in order to cope with their living condition by using smartphone activities for impression management, including with their husbands by selectively share their life stories. This study further posits that the intensive networked interaction via smartphones during feminized migration does not only serve as a site for the reproduction of normative gender roles. Instead, it is also a venue where these gender norms are challenged and reconstructed constantly. This study highlights the elements of control, empowerment and coping strategies of Indonesian maids to renegotiate their position within their communities during feminized (and stigmatized) migration.
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