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Chef Mommy-數位料理輔助系統設計研究 / Chef Mommy - a study on design of digital cooking support system黃蘭茵, Hwang, Lan Yin Unknown Date (has links)
「餐桌變化多端,輕鬆管理菜籃。」是Chef Mommy帶給使用者的主要價值。
Chef Mommy為了解決有烹飪需求者在菜色變化與食材選購上的問題,透過網站與手機應用程式,應用雲端科技提供食譜搜尋引擎、食材庫存管理、食譜比對推薦、一週菜單規劃與採購清單管理等服務,為使用者提供方便省時,又可兼顧菜色變化與食材管理的料理解決方案。使用者藉由Chef Mommy的服務,能夠以家中庫存食材為基礎,得到原本沒想到的菜色建議,進而在備餐時搭配出更多菜色變化,為家人、朋友準備出豐盛而美好的一餐。
以台灣為例,行政院主計處2010年的家庭收支調查顯示,國內家庭花費在飲食相關採購上的支出,高達8,400億元,在這當中,國內整體食材供應市場規模粗估超過2,000億元。Chef Mommy除了在第一、二階段,針對網站與手機應用程式開發服務功能外,第三、第四階段更將規劃與食材供應業者或連鎖超市業者進行合作,將食譜推薦服務與食材購買進行連結,切入使用者的購買流程,並據此獲利。
藉著滿足使用者輕鬆管理食材與希望菜色天天有變化的需求,Chef Mommy將投入資源,培養使用者常用的習慣,以深入使用者的飲食體驗。透過使用者長期使用的歷程記錄,可了解使用者習慣購買的食材與偏好的食譜、料理方式等資訊,據此拓展出更大的飲食市場商機。 / In order to solve users’ problems of dish variety and ingredients purchase, Chef Mommy will provide services such as recipe search engine, ingredient inventory management, recommended recipes, weekly menu planning and shopping list management via its website and mobile app. As for these convenient services, Chef Mommy wants to provide a total cooking solution that can help users saving their time and giving consideration to dish variety and ingredients purchase at the same time. Based on ingredient inventory in home, Chef Mommy will recommend recipes that users may not expect or remember originally, and then with more dish variety, they can prepare a bountiful meal for family and friends.
In Taiwan, 2010 Family Income and Expenditure Survey by the DGBAS shows that domestic household expenditures spent on diet-related purchase, up to NTD$ 840 billion, in which the overall food supply market size were roughly over NTD$ 200 billion. Chef Mommy will focus on developing services functions in the 1st and 2nd stages, and cut into the users’ buying process by recipes recommend service in the 3rd and 4th stages. By linking users’ recipe choice and ingredient purchase, Chef Mommy will cooperate with food supply companies or supermarket chains and gain profit from it.
Chef Mommy will invest resources to training users’ habits of using Chef Mommy’s services. Via users’ long-term usage history, Chef Mommy will know users’ accustomed to buy ingredients, preferred recipes, cooking methods and other cooking information. According to this, Chef Mommy will be able to expand to a greater diet market.
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智慧型手機多門號衍生性產品策略行銷分析-以A公司個案為例 / Multiple numbers of smartphone derivative product in strategic marketing analysis -- a case study of company A賴彥文 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,透過實際個案資料的彙整與關鍵價值鏈中重要角色的深入訪談,分析在該競爭環境之下,除了如何調整行銷策略使消費者更加容易採納之外,並使公司與競爭者相比能擬定出更具競爭優勢的策略規劃。面對未來創新產品開發與利基市場的經營,相信後續之研究可以利用本研究結果為基礎,進行更進一步、更廣泛、更深入的專研。 / Taiwan government, in 1997, releases the license of telecommunication business and enables 3G mobile business in 2002, it has made handheld devices and mobile communications business to flourish. Telecommunication penetration rate hit the record of 1st in the world in 2003, which represents that Taiwanese consumers have accepted the mobile communication and it has become an important part of life. According to the change of personal life and business patterns, consumer with single mobile number has become gradually inadequate. The need for multiple numbers has gradually become the new demand of digital life. In addition, as consumers generally begin to accept the smart handheld device convenience in their life, smart phone penetration also kept rapid growth in the past few years. Make use of the expansibility of smart phone and the need of multiple mobile numbers, it nurtures the development of the so-called smart phone multi-number derivative products.
The analysis of innovative product focuses on the comparative advantage. It’s not enough. The diffusion of innovative product has involved other 3 factors, including information search, moral hazard, and asset specificity. Besides, in enabling one innovative product into a market, consumer has to digest the information of the product through distributor and retailer. In the process, Distributor and retailer play the significant role to have the influence on the purchasing.
Based on the case study of company A and significant data through interviews with key players in the value chain, this thesis is going to analyze the status of competition of the product and company among competitors. By the analysis, it’s able to figure out the proper strategy, not only encourage consumer to adopt the product, but also secures the vantage position in the market. Hope the thesis can become a good reference to benefit other searchers in the development of innovative product and the approaching of niche market.
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無線降躁麥克風之商業企劃書 / Business plan for WiMic wireless & noise-free recorder李建霖, Lee, Alex Unknown Date (has links)
The smart phone has become the major device for taking photos and filming. There are 800 hours of videos uploaded to YouTube every minute, and more YouTubers participating in generating videos. Because it is an era of we-media, there will be more and more people using video to promote himself. Nowadays, people can shoot 4k video by smartphones, but there’s no solution for people who want to shoot videos with good audio quality, without worrying about the issue of noise, time consuming, post-editing, expensive tools and long distance filming.
This new product called WiMic, a wireless noise-reduction recorder for video-shooting on smartphones. The target audience will be YouTubers, video makers, travelers, families, bands, sports. Anyone who want to shoot good videos with great and clear audio quality will need wireless recorder like WiMic. In addition, there are some main features, such as noise reduction by ANR and ANC, light weight, long distance of audio recording, three-sound-tracks simultaneous recording and supporting live streaming, which help video-shooting lovers to produce better audio quality videos without noise and share them with friends and audience.
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動機與偏好對手機遊戲消費行為之影響 / The Influence of Motivation and Preferences on Mobile Games Purchasing Behavior裘富凱 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以發放網路問卷的方式進行,總共獲得有效問卷共1043份。經過統計迴歸分析後發現,三種遊玩動機均對付費意願有顯著正向影響,而遊戲特質偏好雖然同樣對付費意願與顯著關係,但在付費金額方面則呈現不相關,唯有「奇幻性偏好」高的玩家有高消費的傾向。「奇幻性偏好」、「合理性偏好」以及「神秘性偏好」都對遊戲的上癮度有顯著影響。其他顯著影響的因素將待於研究中一一解釋。 / The mobile game industry has been developing rapidly in recent years. Its high growing potential can be observed both in global and Taiwan markets. Some marketing studies even claim that mobile games would become the most profitable genre among the gaming market in the near future. The amount of research related to mobile games marketing increases in a fast pace, only reflecting this booming trend However, most of the studies by far merely focus on the content of games. Little academic research has been conducted on the players’ attitude toward games. Therefore, this study aims to bridge the gap between mobile gamers’ psychological status and their purchasing behaviors, offering a possible explanation for the reasons behind their purchases.
This study used players’ motivation and preference on game characteristics as the independent variables, in which players’ motivation was classified into “achievement,” “social,” and “immersion,” while preference on game characteristics was divided into four categories: “fantasy,” “rationality,” “mystery,” and “control.” As for gamers’ behavior, it was analyzed in terms of three dimensions: “purchasing intention,” “spending,” and “addiction.”
After the regression analysis, the results show that all of the above-mentioned motivation constructs exhibit significant association with purchasing intention. Players with high preference on fantasy theme have greater tendency to spend more on mobile games. Furthermore, preferences on fantasy, rationality, and mystery, have positive relationships with game addiction.
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生物學之互利共生應用於手機設計服務的創意構想管理 / Mutualism-Based Idea Management for Mobile Phone Design Service蔡哲仁, Tsai, Je Ren Unknown Date (has links)
生物學的互利共生,探討兩生物體生活在一起的交互作用,互利共生雙方成員都得到好處,維持持續性的關係。由於環境不斷在變動,使得兩生物體必須共同學會適應環境,持續共生行為。設計服務產業中的供應商及市場上顧客,有如互利共生的雙方,而服務產業的變遷及新科技的注入,為這個環境加入許多不確定性。設計團隊如何利用服務科學之觀點從顧客角度建立互利共生之設計流程,遠瞻市場脈動和顧客建立長久的關係,是本研究要探討的議題。近幾年來工業設計逐漸浮出檯面。箇中翹楚,莫過於「手機設計」。過去通話是手機最基本的功能。現在,因為功能的跨界設計,讓手機不再只是一個移動式的話筒。本研究從設計的流程切入,探究工業設計團隊在初期進行創意構思到概念構成,及最後設計商品化的部分,如何使用互利共生與服務科學原則建立相關分析模型進行設計流程有效管理,使得設計師更瞭解市場和消費者的需求,並以消費者為尊的觀念,讓客製化的程度提高,建立一使得顧客與設計團隊間的交互作用得以持續。 / In service exchange, both providers and customers are involved in shaping the continuum of value co-production. Inspired by the symbiosis concepts, service exchange engaged by providers and customers can be regarded as the unfolding of mutually beneficial interactions between two species. The providers and customers in design service industry (e.g., industrial design) are the analogy as two organisms in mutualism. In this industry, there are many uncertain factors to consider and it is important for a design team to establish a mutualism relationship with their customers and unfold a design service process which can meet consumers’ expectations. This paper takes the design service of mobile phones as an example and presents an analytical model of mutualism-based idea management characterized with the principles of symbiosis concepts and service science. The model is unfolded with three symbiosis analytic tasks (concept definition, idea visualization, and commercialization) and achieves a design service process regarding the points of view of the customers in order to improve customization.
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旅遊資訊於行動裝置平台之設計分析林君萍 Unknown Date (has links)
電子連線與隨身行動裝置的興起,滿足了使用者希望能隨時隨地取得資訊的需求,而旅行者的資訊使用行為,恰巧符合此特性。一份資訊與介面設計良好的行動旅遊內容,不但可讓旅人減輕負擔,還可藉由行動連網獲取旅程中最即時的資訊。但目前應用於行動裝置平台上的旅遊資訊多偏向提供部分適地性服務(Location Based Service),亦即透過GPS等定位技術,確認使用者所在位置,進而提供相關資訊的服務,如主動提供當地加油、餐飲等各項資訊服務,此類適地性服務多為片段提供購物消費資訊,並非完整之旅遊資訊。本研究探討數位旅遊資訊內容該如何設計與呈現於具備影音、音樂、圖像、照相、電腦等多功能的行動裝置平台,以滿足使用者的資訊需求。研究首先提出一套行動旅遊資訊系統應包含的資訊內容與架構,然後進行雛型設計,最後評估測試此系統的適用程度。研究結果發現動態旅行的旅遊資訊,可在行動裝置平台尋得一個呈現的嶄新舞台。 / The integration of the internet and mobile devices satisfies the drsire of “information on the go”. This demand also matches the information usage behavior for travelers. A well designed mobile traveling information with convenient user interfaces helps them to get what they need at any moment while traveling through mobile internet. However, the current traveling information in mobile platform is usually location based services. The kind of services does not provide a complete traveling content but only small pieces of information. The thesis focuses on the design of an integrated digital content on mobile devices for the travelers. It includes the design of content structure, information display and user interface. The mobile platform targets on those who equipped with multimedia and 3G wireless communication ability. We propose a content planning and informative structure for traveling information. A prototyping system was first made to evaluate the concept of information design. Then the implementation and further evaluation was done by using the NOKIA N73 3G cell phone. The results show that personal mobile devices offering a new stage for the dynamic traveling information.
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雷亞遊戲公司之商業模式與策略創新 / The innovation of business model and strategy of Rayark Inc.呂挺嘉, Lu, Ting Chia Unknown Date (has links)
雷亞遊戲成立於2011年9月,至今不過五年左右的時間,就已創造出數款深受全世界玩家喜愛的遊戲,甚至在許多國家的付費排行榜上名列前茅。雷亞不僅僅是一間遊戲公司,更將其IP(Intellectual Property;智慧財產權)做跨領域應用,不斷地學習成長,拓展自己的營運範疇,持續朝泛娛樂產業的方向發展。
最後,本研究將雷亞遊戲之創新歸納為三點:原創內容及一源多用、平台與共創價值、有機式粉絲經營。然而,這樣的商業模式及策略創新並不一定適用於其他組織,本研究期許的是透過個案研究的方式,對於雷亞遊戲有完整且深入的了解,提供台灣遊戲業者一些不同的觀點與做法做為參考。 / Taiwanese companies had produced several prestigious and successful games such as The Legend of Sword and Fairy, Xuan-Yuan Sword and Richman. However, since the age of online-game came, the game market in Taiwan had been filled with games coming from Japan, Korea or any other country overseas. Accordingly, the game companies became the agency of foreign games, Taiwanese-produced games had disappeared. Today, along with the rise of mobile games, Taiwanese-produced game companies sprung up. This research will mainly focus on the discussion about Rayark.
Established in September, 2011, Rayark has produced plenty of games which are hit around the world. Rayark is not only a game company, they also applied their intellectual property in different areas and keep growing. Trying to extend their business scope, in order to develop themselves in pan-entertainment industry.
This research is the case study of Rayark, to analyze the innovation on business model and strategy through Business Canvas and Strategy Diamond. The material came from interview, participant observations and secondary datas. Through the interaction with the literatures, depicts the appearance of the company then discover the innovation inside.
At last, this research concludes the innovation of Rayark into the following 3 points: original contents and one-source-multi-use; platform and value co-production; organic fans business. Yet, the intention of this research is not to apply the innovation to other organizations. This research aims to provide complete and in-depth introduction of Rayark, hoping that it could give some insights to Taiwanese game companies.
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運用實質選擇權觀念分析手機ODM產業研發投資價值 / A real options perspective on R&D project evaluation in Mobile Phone ODM industry龔化中, Kung, Hua Chung Unknown Date (has links)
另外本文利用這種分析方法,比較各種型式的手機專案的預期投資價值與機會成本,以提供管理者在比較與選擇不同專案時參考。也利用這種方法來分析手機ODM廠針對智慧型手機研發上的各種策略對投資價值的影響,以提供管理者在排定策略優先次序時參考。 / The Real Options approach has recently been growing in popularity in the valuation of R&D projects. It can help to evaluate the chances and risks of R&D investment by reflecting the values of of timing and operational flexibility. In most cases, these investments can be treated as “buying Real R&D Options”. However, the R&D projects of ODM (original design manufactor) companies are quite different. They “sell Real R&D Options” to their Brand-Name customers.
To sell Options will increase the risks, so it’s definitely not free. This research utilizes the Real Options concept to evaluate the cost of these Real Options sold by Mobile Phone ODM companies to their customers. With this information, ODM companies can have a reasonable finaicial analysis before they sign the contacts based on market risks and opportunities.
Futhermore, in this study we design a method to compare different types of projects based on the Real Options analysis. Companies can prioritize projects based on the results of the analysis. We also propose several approachs to increase the value of these R&D investments by reducing the cost of the Real R&D Options they sold.
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開放式架構產業的產品創新研究--以華碩 Eee PC及宏達電 Smart Phone 為例 / A study of product innovation in open system industrial--cases of ASUS Eee PC & HTC smart phone許先越, Hsu ,Hsien Yueh Unknown Date (has links)
在開放式架構產業之中,許多新產品的開發,已經不能以過去傳統技術導向的思維進行。因此希望透過實務與理論上的結合,選定以華碩Eee PC以及HTC做為討論個案,進一步的探討「產品創新」之相關議題。
一、 身處開放性架構產業(Open System Industrial)的公司在進行「產品創新」時的相關內部條件為何?
二、 開放性架構產業(Open System Industrial)中的產品如何進行「產品創新」活動?
三、 開放性架構產業(Open System Industrial)中的「產品創新」與產業內「基石公司(Keystone Company)的關係」之影響。
四、 開放性架構產業(Open System Industrial)中,「產品創新」要如何提高競爭者之進入障礙,以避免競爭者快速跟進、抄襲及模仿。
一、 Open System Industrial 的產品創新可以著重在以使用者為中心及如何提供客戶最佳的使用者經驗這一部份最容易成功。
二、 深厚的技術基礎是支撐產品創新的重要關鍵。
三、 建構一個組織,讓內部每個部門都有Design Thinking 的想法會是未來產品創新成功的關鍵。
四、 產品創新不應該只侷限於產品本身,而是應該延伸到整體的使用經驗及提供完整的解決方案,因此除產品本身之外可能包括服務、內容等相關的議題。
五、 在Open System Industrial的產業中要做產品創新,與Keystone Company 息息相關,務必尋求基石公司的支持,最底限要取得他們的諒解,如果能合作開發會是最佳狀況,任何違反基石公司利益的動作務必三思而後行。
六、 在新產品開發的過程當中如果有發現任何可以差異化的部份,務必立刻申請專利保護,如果沒有辦法申請專利,最底限度要與技術提供者盡量爭取時間差,創造最大的時間價值。 / In the past, the development of Taiwan industry was emphasized on the Manufacturing. In recent years, it’s generally agreed that the Services is the new way of the Taiwan industry. In the industrial restructuring process, using the manufacturing ability to value-adding the related industries is the important issue.
In the open system industry, we cannot use the Technology-oriented method to arrange the new product development issues. In order to discuss the “Product Innovation” issue, the study chooses two successful product innovation cases. By discussing the cases of ASUS Eee PC and HTC, we expect to find out answers of the following questions:
1. What are the internal conditions of the firm to carry out the product innovation when the firm belongs to the open system industry?
2. How does the open system industrial firm’s product carrying out the product innovation issue?
3. How does the Keystone Company affect the open system industrial firm’s product innovation issue?
4. How to create the entry barriers to prevent the plagiarism of competitors when the firm belongs to the open system industry?
The study adhering to the three criteria for successful ideas (Brown, 2010), which are Feasibility, Viability and Desirability. The criteria are critical to the Design Thinking. Besides, the study proposed the fourth dimension of the criteria for successful ideas, and it’s “The Relationship with the Keystone Company.”
Six main contributions:
1. The product innovation in the open system industry should focus on providing the best User Experience.
2. The strong technology ability is the key point of the product innovation.
3. To build a Design Thinking organization is the key point of the future product innovation.
4. The product innovation shouldn’t limit to the product itself, and it should extend to the overall User Experience and Total Solution. So the product innovation should include the product, service and other contents.
5. The Keystone Company plays a pivotal role in the product innovation issue. The firm of the open system industry should acquire the supporting from the Keystone Company. It’s best to cooperate with the Keystone Company.
6. If there’s any chance to make differentiation, the firm should apply for patent protection immediately. If the firm cannot apply for patent protection, the firm should strive for the time difference to maximize time value.
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第三代行動通信業者行動上網服務定價模式探討 / A study of 3G telecom operator mobile internet pricing models李挺彰 Unknown Date (has links)
行動上網技術的成熟,為行動上網市場提供了良好的發展環境,吾人認為第三代行動通信業者的行動上網定價模式也扮演了關鍵的催化劑角色。 本研究主要是探討台灣第三代行動通信業者在訂定行動上網服務定價模式時,對於內、外部因素的考量,並進一步了解其現有定價模式與內、外部考量因素的關聯性,以期能為行動上網服務定價模式找到新的方向。
1. 影響3G營運商行動上網服務定價模式之主要因素為何?
2. 3G營運商在訂定行動上網服務定價模式的主要考量因素為何?
3. 3G營運商行動上網服務現有定價模式的訂定與考量因素的關聯性為何?
本研究透過深度訪談與相關的次級資料蒐集與彙整分析後,獲得以下六個結論。 1.用戶數成長、營收成長、網路建設成本還有手機補貼是影響電信公司行動上網服務定價模式的內部因素。 2.寡占市場結構與回應競爭者是影響電信公司行動上網服務定價模式的外部因素。 3.用戶數成長還有營收成長是所有電信公司訂定定價模式時的主要的考量因素。 4.為了回應競爭者並與市場競爭,所有電信公司都是以單一費率定價模式搭配手機補貼來行銷行動上網。 5.兩段式與預付型定價模式是為了要達到提高用戶數成長的公司目標。 6.產品組合定價模式是為了要達成提高非語音營收成長的公司目標。
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