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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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國際企業社會責任發展對我國跨國企業的衝擊與契機 ─以手機代工業為例 / Impact and Opportunity of International Corporate Social Responsibility on Taiwan Multinational Enterprises—Citing the Handset ODM/OEM Industry as an Example

朱竹元 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的企業在過去數十年有驚人的進步與發展,無數的企業甚至於從家庭工廠或小型公司開始,憑藉台灣人辛勤苦幹與創業家精神戮力經營,逐漸地成長茁壯,進而提升及蛻變,終能在國際上嶄露頭角,甚至成了勝出於國際同業之間的跨國性企業,但是面對企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility,簡稱CSR)由2005年的邊緣性的議題,轉變為2006年全世界談論的焦點之際,台灣企業卻對CSR仍然陌生,倘若不及早規劃因應,恐將遭受極大的衝擊與損失,鑑於公司治理係屬CSR所涵蓋財務面、環境面及社會面等三個面向當中的財務面向,因此允宜在國內過去推動公司治理的經驗與基礎之上,持續推動落實公司治理,並擴大至整體企業社會責任的推動與建制,本研究即秉持這樣的基調,希冀經由探討及瞭解CSR的意涵、沿革、現況與未來發展,透過產業案例之研究,分析檢討台灣在CSR的履行與因應上的問題與缺乏,並試圖提出改善與強化的建議,進而作為未來資本市場本身暨其針對上市上櫃公司及其他市場參與者,宣導、推動及落實CSR的起點與參考。 本文的研究架構共分為五章,「第一章」為緒論,係就研究的背景、動機、目的、範圍與研究的架構與歷程,逐一加以闡述與說明。在研究背景方面,主要列舉近年來,尤其是2006年,全世界所發生關乎企業治理議題、環境議題、社會議題等CSR各面向的新案例,暨CSR新的標準或倡議,以顯示CSR的蓬勃發展;研究動機則導因於總部設在荷蘭的國際機構SOMO所發表一篇對手機品牌大廠有關CSR的報告,鑑於未來將直間接衝擊台灣的供應商與代工業,因此頗有進一步探討研究之必要;研究目的則意欲探究CSR對台灣企業的可能衝擊,促使業者及國內各相關機關、機構及早因應及規劃;研究範圍方面,則為使研究符合具體化且具實務性價值,因此以公司治理相對較有基礎的上市櫃公司且將更以上開SOMO的研究報告相關聯的手機代工業產業為探討檢視的對象;研究的架構與歷程乃以文獻的蒐集參考,加上個案案例研究暨問卷調查分析等方法進行。 「第二章」為CSR的探討,首先係針對CSR的文獻探討部分,分別就CSR的意涵、演進、主要面向、具體內涵及其目標使命加以說明探究;次就CSR的歷來重要的國際倡議與標準,並介紹近年來國際上有關CSR的發展情形、具體作為及重要案例;最後則臚述台灣CSR的現況與問題。 「第三章」為全球與台灣手機市場現況,主要是就本研究所選定手機業的產業狀況分析,包括手機業有關全球與台灣的產業概況、國內產業供應鏈概況暨國內手機業者在全球產業鏈中所佔地位,著重其對上下游廠商的優劣勢,尤其導引出面對品牌大廠的劣勢,因而更有來自大廠的CSR壓力與危機。 「第四章」為台灣手機代工業所面臨CSR之挑戰,先就SOMO組織所發表該篇報告中,針對手機品牌大廠CSR的批判事項以及其中所透露的警訊,另分析探討該等大廠對其代工廠或供應商可能提出的要求或採取的作為,並分析對台灣業者的相關衝擊;另為了具體瞭解及掌握國內手機代工業者的CSR執行現況,乃參考ICT針對供應商CSR自評問卷內容設計簡式問卷,對國內上市手機代工業者進行問卷調查,並分析其缺失問題,也提出其可以強化的做法。 「第五章」為建議與結語,乃針對我國整體與企業面對CSR潮流與挑戰,暨或可規劃努力的策略、方向與層面提出建言;在宣導、推動與機制建立方面,建議「從公司治理到企業社會責任」,以近年來推動公司治理的經驗為本,參照既往的方式與軌跡,朝更多的面向與層面努力以赴,期能克竟其功,並期許台灣企業或可以公司治理與CSR均佳的台積電公司為典範,落實建立與履行CSR,俾能造就更多台灣產出的世界級企業。 / Over decades, some very small family business and manufacturers have grown and developed significantly to large enterprises in Taiwan. Nowadays they are becoming prosperous, developing multinational business, and some are even globally recognized brand names. However, when facing the issue of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which has become an essential issue in 2006, these prosperous enterprises are not familiar with and yet to be well-prepared. Given that corporate governance involves only the financial aspect of CSR, which entails economic, social, environmental, and ecological aspects of firms’ operations and activities, it may well be appropriate to promote overall CSR concept and infrastructure based on corporate governance. This concept serves as the purpose of this dissertation: to analyze and investigate into problems facing enterprises obliged to take CSR, by studying the meaning, background, current circumstances and future developments of CSR, and through case study of mobile phone industry. Hopefully more conclusion and suggestions can be drawn from this dissertation to provide TSE and GTSM listed companies and other market participants with more reference to promote and implement CSR. This dissertation is divided into 5 parts: Chapter 1: Introduction This chapter includes research background, motive, purpose, research scope, structur and process. New cases, especially in 2006, of corporate governance, environmental impact, and social issues are presented in the section of research background to demonstrate new trends of CSR. The motive of conducting this research is based on a report from an international organization named SOMO based in the Netherlands. This report addresses CSR topics regarding worldwide handset manufacturers. CSR issues mentioned in this report will directly affect handset suppliers and ODM/OEM enterprises. With further research and investigation, hopefully handset manufacturers and related enterprises can be more aware of CSR and can better cope with these issues and take proactive measures to prevent CSR related problems, which serves as the purpose of this dissertation. Research scope encompasses listed companies in the handset ODM/OEM enterprises. Research process includes literature review, case study, and questionnaire analysis. Chapter 2: Literature review of CSR This chapter first looks at the definition, evolution, various aspects, practical meaning, and purposes of CSR. Afterwards the international standards of CSR and international practices and development of CSR cases would be elaborated. Finally Taiwan CSR status quo and challenges would be discussed. Chapter 3: Taiwan and global handset manufacturing market status In this chapter, mobile phone industry analysis is conducted, including domestic and global mobile phone market status, Taiwan handset manufacturing supply chain. It also looks at Taiwan handset makers’ market position in the global industrial environment. This chapter stresses the threats of domestic enterprises when facing global main handset players, which makes them face more stress and problems as a result of CSR. Chapter 4: CSR challenges facing Taiwan handset ODM/OEM firms In the beginning we will look at the criticism and warning to handset global brand names from the aforementioned report of SOMO. In addition we analyze potential requests and conducts required by these global players to their ODM/OEM firms in the face of CSR. These requests and conducts can subsequently impact Taiwan mobile phone manufacturing industry. In a bid to look at the current circumstances of domestic handset makers’ CSR operation, we use ICT’s CSR questionnaire as a reference to design a simplified version, and distribute to TSE and GTSM listed handset ODM/OEM enterprises. According to the questionnaire result, we find some current drawbacks and propose solutions. Chapter 5: Suggestion and conclusion In this chapter we are looking at trends and overall CSR challenges facing domestic enterprises in Taiwan. Practical strategies and directions are proposed. In terms of promotion, implementation, and establishing CSR mechanism, this dissertation proposes that firms start from Corporate Governance to CSR, and develop in more CSR aspects based on their previous Corporate Governance experience. This article also cites TSMC as a role model for CG and CSR, hoping that firms to follow suit and for this island to create more globally renowned enterprises. Key words: Corporate Social Responsibility, Multinational Enterprise, Handset ODM/OEM, CSR Initiatives, CSR International Standard, Corporate Governance, Corporate Sustainable Development, Supply Chain, Supplier

運用層級分析法評估新產品定義與定位─以台灣自有品牌智慧型手機產品為例 / Evaluating the definition and positioning of the new product by Analytic Hierarchy Process

黃心郁 Unknown Date (has links)
科學技術進步下,產品生命週期不斷縮短,不少企業藉縮短新產品規劃階段以及簡化的前置作業,回應必須快速推出新產品的壓力,但學者研究調查中持續發現,輕忽新產品設計與開發最起始階段是導致新產品失敗的主要原因,因此本研究將研究重點放在新產品開發流程之前段新產品策略與規劃工作上。 本研究將新產品開發流程一切為二,「前段」涵蓋全面發展階段之前的產品構想、初步調查、細部調查等新產品開發階段,「後段」則包括全面發展階段在內的產品測試與確定、全面生產與上市等新產品開發階段,而Cooper(2000)在前段與後段之間設立一個重要的檢核關卡,前段須產出明確的「新產品定義」相當於科技產品之規格,以及「新產品定位」也就是新產品對消費者之訴求重點後才能進入後段流程,因此本研究期望使此重要關卡所需的最後「新產品定義與定位」產出,能是一個周延考慮各面向因素的最佳結果,因此本研究提出之解決方法是納入前段所有需考慮的新產品策略因素以及可行性因素,加以整理並建立「新產品定義與定位評估架構」,提供企業在決定「新產品定義與定位」時能夠透過客觀檢核架構,進行新產品推入市場後成功率的評估,甚至能將之運用在各新產品方案之間的選擇,例如:越符合架構各面向因素的新產品方案,代表較高的產品成功率。 本研究選擇決策中心在台灣的「台灣自有品牌企業」,鎖定產品生命週期短且汰換率高之特性的「手機產品」,並以對企業與市場而言皆為新產品的「智慧型手機」為研究對象;本研究研究目的為希望了解台灣自有品牌手機公司實際進行新產品開發流程的情形,並找出妥善評估「新產品定義與定位」的衡量架構與指標,並進行整體與跨公司之各因素指標權重比較,期望結果可提供台灣自有品牌手機業者一個可遵循的「新產品定義與定位評估架構」以及可了解企業本身對新產品注重之重點的具體新產品管理方法;本研究方法為整合專家訪談、學者文獻和產業研究報告,建立「新產品定義與定位評估架構」,並使用層級分析法(AHP)將架構因素設計成問卷,請五家公司各一位有權決定新產品全面發展與否的高層主管,依據過去新產品專案管理經驗透過因素之兩兩比較,得到各層級之各因素在企業做新產品評估時的權重。 研究結果發現台灣自有品牌手機公司在第一層級指標中首重「新產品市場潛力與需求確認」與「新產品策略發展競爭分析」,並對「新產品技術開發與設計可行性」最不重視;策略夥伴(通路商/電信商)商品趨勢預測、新產品推出市場後的獨特性與優越性、機構與ID(工業)設計能力、新手機專案如期完成,都是第二層最被重視的指標;現有產品線之影響、目標市場銷售成長潛力、功能需求等則為第三層企業評估重點。 本研究相信新產品之表現好壞不僅是上市之行銷企劃結果,更來自於最起始新產品初生時企業所做的規劃階段與前置工作品質,透過「新產品定義與定位評估架構」將專家在做決策時的內隱經驗與知識作架構化,更透過層級分析法(AHP)的量化分析找出各指標權重,以客觀周延架構與具體權重改善決策者過去依主觀經驗決策情形,並提供企業一套有效產出「新產品定義與定位」的思考過程,更可進一步作為最佳成功率方案選擇的新產品管理方法。 / With rapid leaps in technology, product life cycle has been shortened in the past several years. Responding to this change some firms tried to simplify the preceding operation in the planning stage of the new product development process in order to speed up the lead time for launching new product. However some academic researches point out that the fewer firms do in the beginning stage of new product development process, the higher failure risk firms will take finally. For considering the importance of the start stage of new product development process, this thesis focuses on how to plan a new product properly and effectively. This thesis divides the new product development process into two parts. One is the former phase including “discovery stage”, ”scoping stage”, and “build business case stage”. The other is the later phase covering “development stage ”,”testing and validation stage”, and “launch stage ”.The Scholar, Robert G. Cooper(2000) created a method to manage the whole process called “stage-gate”. He mentioned “gate three” played a meaningful role between former and later phase because firms have to make commitment to the new product and put in real resources after former phase. In other words, “gate three” plays a role as a serious gatekeeper to make sure a well-defined and clearly-positioned new product. The definition and position of the new product is the output of former phase and means “gate three”. To have a sound definition and position of the new product, this thesis suggests a framework involved in all factors that are under consideration in former phase. Firms could adopt the framework when they have to create or evaluate a new product. This thesis also suggests that following the framework to evaluate a new product could be more objective and easily-obeyed, and most importantly lower the failure risk of the new product. This thesis takes “Taiwanese own brand company” as the object of study is because it is more feasible to contact with the core of the people who are the decision maker of a new product. Mobile phones are suitable to be the product of the study on account of facing the intense pressure from product life cycle shortened and high changing usage rate. Moreover this thesis chooses a fresh and novel product for consumers and firms, “smart phone”, as the target product. The purpose of this thesis is to know more how “new product development process” being implemented in Taiwanese own brand company, collect the factors considered in the process, and organize all the factors in a hierarchy framework. This framework works as a guidebook to evaluate new product definition and positioning. The method used in this thesis can provide more information such as quantification of importance percentage of some indexes. This study recommends that firms revise and adjust the percentages by comparing each other within five companies separately. To set up “ the new product definition and positioning evaluative framework ”, this research integrates the expert opinions of interviews with professors, academic researches, and industrial research reports. The concept of questionnaire is based on “Analytical Hierarchy Process, AHP” and designed for continually comparing the importance of different two factors for calculating the importance percentage. The people answering questionnaire are the senior managers who are responsible for making final decision and decide a new product is qualified for “gate three” and enter “development stage”. This thesis believes a successful performance of a new product launch is partly based on the marketing communication plan but mainly comes from an entire consideration of new product plan in the beginning of the process. By way of evaluating the definition and positioning of new product with hierarchy framework, helps decision maker to remove subjective opinion and conclude the decision more objectively. The most important contributions of this study are not only transferring latent thinking process to a easily-followed framework and output meaningful quantification importance percentage, but also the percentage can further be used to calculate points for choosing the best-fit new product on the selecting list. The thesis hopes the process of this research method to be a good new product management method and improve the success of new product development effectively.

手機市場策略行銷分析 / The Strategic Marketing Analysis of Mobile Phone Market

鐘芝蓁, Chung, Sophia Unknown Date (has links)
台灣自1994年首家廠商明基電通投入手機的研發,在1997年第一支自製手機問世,開啟手機產業嶄新的一頁,短短的十年間,成就「 手機代工王國」的美譽,並且在2006年攀上最高峰,手機整體出貨量終於突破1億支(黃建智,2007),全球市佔率也衝上13.8%(葉憶如,2007)。過去十年來,手機廠商的生存契機,主要來自於代工訂單的爭取。而基於各別公司生產策略之不同,自製與外包的程度差異頗大,一直以來釋單較積極的國際大廠只有美商Motorola。 台灣有研發及製造的實力,但是因為廠商過度集中於代工客戶的訂單,在代工大餅沒太大增加,但手機廠商家數直線成長的情況下,部份廠商乃積極轉型發展品牌並加強行銷管理。過去有關手機品牌發展的研究,大多是由競爭策略、整體通路之價值鏈活動等觀點著手,但專注於品牌策略,進行4C交換成本態勢分析之探討者,則尚不多見,因此,本研究乃有其先導性。 本研究以台灣地區的大學生手機市場為研究對象,期望所做研究結果可供台灣手機廠商,做為規劃手機品牌行銷策略之實務參考。本研究經由問卷調查以灰階層統計分析,並將其結果以4C交換成本理論的四個主要變數:外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本、專屬陷入成本,進行大學生消費族群之消費偏好分析,並歸納出: 首先,台灣的手機品牌廠商在專利成本高於國際大廠而品牌知名度低於國際大廠的情況下,其「外顯單位效益成本」高。其次, 台灣的手機品牌在市場定位不是很清楚的情況下,它的「資訊搜尋成本」偏高。此外,與品牌歷史悠久的歐美品牌及積極擴張的韓國品牌比起來,台灣的手機品牌在消費者的心中屬於高「道德危機成本」風險的選擇。最後,在專屬資產的建立上面,台灣的手機廠商因為品牌的發展資歷較淺,經驗累積不足,在這一方面的操作略顯不成熟,因此對消費者而言也沒有很高的一般專屬陷入成本。 / In 1994, the first Taiwanese company –BenQ Corporation (former Acer Peripherals)– started the involvement on the research and development of mobile phone, and it was the beginning of the new era of mobile phone industry has been started since the launch of the first “Made in Taiwan” handset in 1997. After one decade, Taiwan became the “ODM Kingdom of mobile phone”, and reaching a historical high on 2006 of the overall shipping volume — 100M units, meanwhile achieved a 13.8% of the global market share. In the pass decade, the survival opportunity of Taiwanese mobile phone maker was from ODM orders。And Motorola was the only among the international brands, which released the ODM orders aggressively. However, as the source of ODM orders is not in an upward trend and the growing number of mobile pone makers are all concentrate on ODM business, as a result that part of makers try to move toward OBM business to look for a bigger room and better development. Most of the researches stood on the views about the OBM development on the competition strategies, value chain activities of the mobile phone channels, etc., but the point on the 4C exchange cost analysis has not been seen much, which is important for this research. This research is expected to provide the result for the practical reference of the branding marketing strategy to the Taiwanese mobile phone makers. This research is been developed by the survey of questionnaire and is been analyzed by Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) and Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP), and then through the four primary parameters of the 4C exchange costs, the cost: the external cost on utility, information searches, moral hazard and asset specificity. Finally, following important result have been pointed out: First of all, the patent cost is higher and the brand awareness is lower to the Taiwanese branded mobile phone makers compare to the international branded companies, and as a result of high external cost on utility. Next, due to the market positioning developed by most of the Taiwanese mobile phone makers is unclear; the cost of information searches is obviously high to consumers. In addition, compare to the well know western brands and the aggressive Korean brands, the choice of Taiwanese brands of mobile phone has high risk on morals hazard to consumers. Finally, as a new player for mobile phone branded business, the skill on branding manipulation requires more experiences, and the cost of asset specificity is low for consumers from the Taiwanese mobile phone brands.

博物館導覽系統之實驗性研究:行動應用程式對參觀者之效用 / An experimental study of museum navigation system: does mobile application matter to visitors?

陳貞羽, Chen, Chen Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究首先從文獻回顧及實際調查中深入探討影響參觀者使用博物館行動導覽系統的七大影響因素,接著據此設計並實作出在智慧型手機平台上使用之一套博物館行動導覽系統,以期有效解決現有參觀者遇到的導覽問題。研究中使用設計科學之研究方法,提出解決方案,並且依據實際環境、背景以及文獻基礎,設計整體的系統架構。接著以故宮為例,建構出本研究之博物館行動導覽系統手機應用程式。系統開發完成後,以實驗法進行設計之驗證,評估結果顯示:本研究所提出之行動導覽系統相較於傳統之紙本導覽,可提升參觀者使用博物館行動導覽系統的意願、感知價值及滿意度。本研究之博物館行動導覽系統建置過程、以及系統成效的驗證,可作為手機應用程式(APP)廠商建置行動導覽系統或使用設計科學法開發其他類別的APP之指引;亦或作為博物館策劃展覽活動與導入行動導覽系統之依據;此外本研究亦指出使用者預期實際使用系統之感知與預期系統需求之落差,以供未來相關研究參考。 / In this research, according to literature review and field observations, we first identify and discuss seven design factors affecting visitors’ usability in museum mobile navigation systems. We then design and construct a museum mobile navigation system on the basis of the seven factors. The purpose is to meet the visitors’ needs and increase the visitors’ intention and satisfaction toward using the museum mobile navigation system. Design science research method is used in this research to propose solution plans. According to actual environment, context, and literature, the complete system architecture is designed. We then build a mobile navigation application on Android for the National Palace Museum and evaluate the design to ensure this system can effectively solve the problems that the visitors encountered during navigation process. In this research, the building process of the mobile museum navigation system and the evaluation of the system performance could provide guidance to APP vendors; or a basis for museums to plan an exhibition and to implement a mobile navigation system. Moreover, the gap between users’ perception of using the real system and their expected system requirements can be identified; this could serve as the reference point of future related research.

從開放式經營模式觀點探討Google及Apple在智慧型手機上行動廣告的發展 / The development of mobile advertising model on google and apple:open business models perspective

許少峰 Unknown Date (has links)
根據Morgan Stanley 「The Mobile Internet Report 2009」 提及於2000年開始的Desktop internet世代(以下統一稱為PC Internet),擁有10億以上的單位,將會進展到2010年的Mobile internet世代,並快速成長到 100億以上的單位;同時在行動裝置中最重要的智慧型手機出貨量可能在2011年於北美地區超越功能性手機,達到9,300萬支,亦可能在2012年於全球地區超越個人電腦出貨量,達到5億支。根據Pew研究中心日前公開的調查顯示,目前美國已經有超過40%的成人已開始使用智慧型手機上網來瀏覽網路、收發電子郵件、使用即時訊息等服務。 智慧型手機使用者具備Anytime、Anywhere、Always Online的特性,而且啟動GPS功能,因此可以精準掌握到使用者的個人化資料及地理位置及生活習慣,將會改變人與人之間互動模式,進而影響行銷及品牌溝通的方式。而在智慧型手機上的行動廣告,已成為新焦點。預估在未來2至5年間,將看到行動廣告佔整體廣告比例越來越增加,甚至將取代個人電腦,成為最大的行銷通路。 Google 及Apple 當然都看到這樣的趨勢,二大陣營都不約而同積極展開在行動廣告的布局。本研究將會探討並預測:在全球PC端高達69.7%(Strategy Analytics 2010 Q2)搜尋引擎占有率,而且在全球關鍵字廣告總量占65%的Google,以完全「開放而分享」的態度持續推動Android作業系統,逐漸提高在智慧型手機的市占率,進而達成「Android Everywhere」的目的,並購併最大的行動廣告平台AdMob,將以何種模式來引領行動廣告的發展。 另一方面,在全球已經擁有將近一億支行動終端裝置(含iPod Touch,iPhone,iPad),22萬個應用程式,累積40億次的下載次數的Apple,如何以「only for Apple」而採封閉式模式的iOS作業系統,但已發展出獨樹一格的Apple app經濟體系,以及非常高忠誠度的品牌認同,並於最近推出將Google AdSense、AdMob排除在外的iAd平台,又將會以何種模式來爭奪這一塊日漸成長的行動廣告大餅。 本研究歸納出以下結論:開放式經營模式有不同程度的型態,以及不同的外部合作架構,企業將根據本身的短期策略或是長期的策略,而選擇不同程度的開放式/封閉式經營模式,而達到最大效益。並將會從開放式、封閉式創新、經營模式、合作架構及行動廣告產業眾多構面來探討Google 及Apple二大陣營的差異性,而在這差異性上將以不同的策略而發展出不同的行動廣告經營模式。

後iphone時代智慧型手機產業環境因素對宏達電競爭策略影響之研究 / The Smartphone Industry Environmental Impacts to HTC Competitive Strategy After iphone Era

王俊雄 Unknown Date (has links)
中文摘要 競爭策略的核心問題是企業在產業中的相對位置。競爭位置會決定企業獲利能力高出或低於産業平均水準。產業的獲利能力並非取決於產品功能或技術層次的高低,而是由產業結構決定。產品設計即使很時尚或是高科技的東西如果處於產業結構中不對的位置上,企業的獲利依然不會好。例如台灣的筆記型電腦代工產業的一直處於全球領先位置但是產業獲利卻是低毛利的狀況。 當產業有重量級競爭者進入時,新的技術可能破壞原本的產業結構,原來的產業競爭者可能受到程度不等的影響。影響的結果取決於企業應變策略及其在產業中的相對位置,應變速度慢或是選擇錯誤的策略皆可能導致公司步上衰退,而與重量級同質性高的廠商受到的衝擊往往最大,資源互補的廠商卻可能從中獲利。 此外,新的技術也可能為產業帶來新應用與新市場,使產業擴大,企業如能把握時機,妥善選擇競爭策略,為客戶創造價值,也能在產業中獲得更大的利潤。 本研究方法採用「個案研究法」來進行,探討個案企業憑藉哪些創新與競爭策略,使其能夠在重量級廠商加入產業對原來產業產生重大影響的環境中突圍,以及如何面對下一波的挑戰。得到的發現如下: (一)開發中國家的企業要成為國際企業,宜採取漸進式方式,經過多年的耕耘,逐漸成為國際知名企業。(二)智慧型手機開放性架構有利於手機生態系統的競爭,傳統電信營運商將可能淪為數位匯流時代之配角。(三)技術創新的本身並不重要,只有在技術創新影響到產業結構及企業競爭優勢的情況下,才突顯出它的重要性。(四)技術創新可能會影響產業結構,導致市場轉移,企業內現有競爭者必須快速因應。(五) 企業以大量客製化的服務方式來滿足客戶的營運模式,似乎較難進行破壞性創新。(六)企業的能力與稟賦,皆會影響公司的獲利,且會受到技術及市場知識所影響,領導企業具有提供低成本和差異化的能力與稟賦。非領導企業最好在低成本和差異化兩策略上擇一為之..等.

手機產業併購活動中之智財整併-以明基整併西門子手機事業為例 / Strategic IP Structuring in M&A of Mobile Phone Businesses-Utilizing the BenQ-Siemens Merger for Case Study

張淑貞, Chang,Aileen S.J Unknown Date (has links)
西元2005、2006年間,臺灣數家知名手機代工業者,或是從手機代工兼跨經營自有品牌的手機業者,透過與國內、外企業所進行之整併活動,上演多幕併方與被併方商業資源之切割、位移與重新整合的戲碼,而除決意退出賽局的企業不論,其他繼續競逐的業者,似正利用整併活動,快速囊闊並整合企業繼續成長壯大所需的商業資源。 其中,在明基整併西門子手機事業案例中,併方明基集團明確指出,透過整併,希望能取得被併方手機相關之智慧財產資源,包括核心專利、有限期的商標使用權及人員、技術等。且併方亦表示,取得被併方手機相關核心專利與品牌使用,是該整併案中重要標的,更是決意整併與否的關鍵因素,故在本件整併,併方對於取得被併方手機相關核心專利與品牌使用,顯然有高度之期許與重視。 讀到上開資訊,腦海中所伴隨著的問題意識,包括:究竟台灣手機業者透過整併活動,取得知名手機大廠所擁有之核心專利,其商業目的為何?倘若取得此等核心專利,有其商業價值,依據併方擬達到之商業目的,併方應於整併前,進行何等相應評估與規劃作業?此外,在取得國外知名手機廠商授權商標使用權能部分,此等商標使用權能之取得,究竟併方商業目的何在?倘併方看中的是,被併方商標具有品牌價值,那麼奠基手機品牌價值之價值活動為何?且併方應透過何等途徑,才能順利位移被併方之品牌價值到併方身上,並讓併方據此更佳蓬勃? 本論文以上開問題意識出發,於論文各章節中,進行相應之探討。而明基整併西門子手機事業之案例,恰好提供豐富的商業基礎事實,故本論文援引此一案例,作為研究與論述基礎,並藉由實際案例所提供資訊,讓學術討論更具意義。 經本論文研究結果認為:倘若併方將被併方核心專利與商標使用權能之取得,列為整併重要標的,在進行此等整併作業時,併方應依據所設定之商業目的,事先應有一套完整的評估作業(本論文嘗試提出評估作業架構圖),亦需規劃後續相應配套執行作業,如此,始能提高商業目的既遂的機率,並且避免讓『大機會』變成『大風險』,而且,在併方取得被併方商標使用權能部分,併方應先明辨商標與品牌之不同,併方於使用被併方之商標,也應事先確定其具品牌價值且無嚴重的負面印象存在。 基於以上研究結論,筆者進一步提出幾項建議如下,作為本論文研究成果: 一、併方整併被併方智財資源之具體標的,倘在於核心專利取得。建議併方應於整併前,對所取得之專利是否為核心專利先予驗明正身,而且必須設定取得核心專利之明確商業目的,後續也應依據商業目的,具體規劃相關評估與執行作業。 二、若欲讓整併目的既遂並降低相關商業風險,整併前之評估作業,至為關鍵,建議未來進行類似整併案件之併方,務需於雙方拍板定案簽約前,即投入相當人力物力資源進行評估與資訊情報蒐集作業,而不是於拍板定案後,才臨機應變並見招拆招。 三、併方取得被併方之核心專利,本質上存有有哪些風險,建議併方亦需清楚臚列評估,並應於雙方併購合約中透過合約約款之設計,讓併方之商業風險有效控制與降低。 四、在取得被併方商標使用權能部分,建議併方事先應評估被併方商標是否具有品牌價值,並找出奠基被併方品牌價值之因素,且併方應明確區分品牌價值與品牌知名度之不同,進而仔細評估被併方品牌究竟是有真實價值,還是徒具知名度而已。 五、確認被併方商標具品牌價值後,若欲將被併方品牌價值真實位移到併方體內,建議併方應將被併方企業價值活動盤點,並進行去蕪存菁作業,進一步將有價值之企業活動加值,亦需將雙方企業活動整合與融合,如此被併方之品牌價值始能真實位移,而不是曇花一現。 六、又,不論併方品牌策略之操作,是採單一品牌或雙品牌操作模式,如果被併方授權商標使用是有期限的,併方應考慮到使用期限屆至後,儲蓄在被併方商標上的品牌價值應如何順利位移承接到併方商標上,以及在採行雙品牌策略後,當併方之品牌脫離了被併方之品牌,要如何自立不受影響。 / In 2005 and 2006, several renowned mobile phone OEM or branding companies in Taiwan were merging, sinning off and/or restructuring through their local or foreign affiliates. Except some were intended to exit the market, most were utilizing the merger and acquisition to combine various resources to grow in their sizes. In one of the cases, the merger of mobile phone business units of BenQ – Siemens, BenQ clearly indicated that through the merger, BenQ intended to acquire the intellectual property resources from Siemens including the essential patents, license of trademarks, technical supports and know-how, etc. BenQ also indicated that the acquisition of licenses of Siemens’ essential patents and brand name usage regarding mobile phone business would be the major target in the merger deal, as well as the turning point as to whether the merger should proceed along. In that case, therefore, BenQ highly expected to obtain licenses of Siemens’ essential patents and brand name regarding mobile phone business. The foregoing paragraph raises certain issues: what is the business purpose of a Taiwan mobile phone company to obtain the essential patents from other renowned and sized mobile phone branding companies? Assuming such business purpose is found, what kinds of evaluations and feasibility studies the merging company should conduct before the merger closing, in order to warrant the business purpose? Besides, what is the business purpose for the merging company to acquire from the renowned company a license to use the trademarks? If the merging company views such trademarks not as merely trademarks, but largely focuses the branding value added by the merged company with such trademarks, one would ask a question: where are the activities that have created and supported the mobile phone branding value? Through what ways, the merging company is able to successfully transfer the branding value from the merged company to the merging company and develop its business prosperously with the transferred branding value? This thesis starts with the above issues and discusses the relevant topics in various theories, using the ample business materials and facts in BenQ – Siemens merger as a base for case study so as to make the theory discussions in this thesis in a more practical sense. The research conclusion in this thesis indicates: If the major target in the whole merger deal is to acquire essential patents and trademarks from the merged business, the merging business must establish a complete feasibility assessment program in accordance with the intended business purpose (the thesis intends to provide a illustration charts for such assessment program) before the closing, and a well coordinated implementing procedures for post-closing operation, in order to higher the probability of meeting the intended business purpose while lower the possibility of spoiling a “great opportunity” into a “huge risk”. In addition and beforehand, the merging business should be able to tell the specific differences in nature between the brand names and trade marks. The merging business should also clearly identify the merged branding value, and further, ensure there is no negative impact in applying the merged branding in its business. Based on the conclusion stated in the preceding paragraph, the author thereby submits the following recommendations as a result of the research in the thesis: 1.If the specific target for a merging business seeking to combine intellectual property resources of the merged business is to obtain the essential patents from the merged business, it is advisable for the merging business to, before the merger, identify whether the patents proposed to be acquired are indeed essential patents in relevant industries, establish a clear business purpose feasibly achievable by acquisition of such patents, and establish an assessment program and a well coordinated implementing procedures operation in accordance with the established business purpose. 2.It is extremely imperative to conduct a solid and full-scaled pre-closing feasibility studies so as to reduce the business risks in merger deal. It is advisable for a merging business to devote considerable resources to conduct evaluation and information gathering before merger closing, and not to remedy and mitigate the case in post closing days. 3.It is advisable for the merging business to identify and list in detail the risks in acquiring the core patents from the merged business, and further structure through merger related contracts to effectively control and minimize such risks. 4.It is advisable for the merging business to clarify whether the proposed trademarks are having true branding value, find the factors within the merged business creating and supporting such branding value, clearly tell differences between branding value and brand popularity, and then carefully assess if the proposed brand name is powered with the true branding value or merely covered with a wide popularity. 5.After identifying the branding value of the proposed trademark, if the branding value is intended to be transferred into the merging business, it is advisable for the merging business to conduct a full examination on the previous branding value activities of the merged business, and adjust/develop the value-added items of new activities by continuing joint efforts of corporate businesses, not a flash show in the market. 6.No matter the marketing strategy is by single brand name or combined dual brand name, if the proposed trademark usage is limited by time expiration, the merging business must consider after the expiration, how to successfully transfer the branding value of the proposed trademark to existing trademark originally held by the merging business, and how to maximize or maintain the independent branding value of the existing trademark after the expiration.

日常生活的科技社交角色—— 以Facebook打卡為核心的媒體實踐為例 / Technologies’ Social Roles in Everyday Life: A Case Study on Media Practice through Facebook’s Check-ins

石婉婷, Shih, Wan Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要討論在日常生活中,以智慧型手機和社群網站Facebook打卡為主的媒體實踐所扮演的社交角色以及實踐者的空間經驗感受,試圖描繪科技帶來社交網絡的連結,並且透過現代科技漫遊者的實踐,混淆日常性和觀光凝視的界線。從媒體實踐取徑,觀察生活中各種實踐行動,試圖勾勒媒體實踐如何定錨社交關係,以及人為主體的媒介消費複雜性。 研究以民族誌法為研究方法,結合線上觀察、線下田野、深度訪談,研究三個身處不同社交圈位置的個案;研究者以參與觀察的方式進入研究對象的生活、工作、休閒場域,期以從實踐者的生活方式,理解日常生活中細瑣行動的動態關係。 研究發現,作為新科技的Facebook打卡和智慧型手機,身處社交圈不同位置的實踐者在近用之後能發展機會,包括鞏固意見領袖地位、晉升為領導者、創造與他人的連結;而Facebook的標籤功能、打卡時機的調整、省略打卡位置等實踐,成為實踐者挪用以建立社交關係。 實踐者是為現代的科技漫遊者,在漫遊城市時透過打卡找到新空間經驗感受,這些經驗包括:(1) 日常生活與觀光凝視的界線流動,實踐者凝視平凡的日常找到非比尋常,將之轉化為打卡題材;(2) 打卡實踐是實踐者既地方性又全球性的文本生產,讓地標賦予了既真實又虛擬的混合空間意涵,實踐者於其中觀展表演而自我揭露;(3) 打卡鞏固了觀光凝視的空間經驗,實踐者的空間感受並非固定,而可能既溫暖有情感又陳悶的儀式,打卡實踐添增了生活中面對鏡頭的觀光客姿態。實踐者面對科技物質特性、社會關係、監視構成的結構性限制,能找到方式因應,但其能施展的自由與機會也有局限性。 / The aim of the research investigates Facebook’s check-ins as a media practice that plays a crucial social role in everyday life. While walking in the city nowadays, a practitioner can convey his/her feelings, uploading stories and photos to social network websites through mobile technologies. A practitioner’s gaze upon spectacle of the city brings him/her complicated media experience in the media-drenched world, which turns a practitioner into a tourist and a flâneur. The study explores practitioners’ media consumption in everyday life. My empirical study focuses on three cases, who are heavy users of smart phones and in favor of check-ins on Facebook. The three cases situate in different social status and develope different social relationships through Facebook. By choosing ethnography as my method, I am a participant-as-observer who immerse in on-line and off-line field work. My findings indicate that smart phones and check-ins on Facebook provide opportunities and resources for practitioners. A keen adopter of technologies becomes an opinion leader, and her practice of check-ins brings her a fashionable image. The person who owns ordinary fellowship becomes an opinion leader in his peer group by acquiring technology skills. The practitioners use tagging and adjust the timing of check-ins to create social connection with friends. A practitioner, who is also a tourist and a flâneur, finds new feelings through mobile technologies when walking in the city. (1) The boundary between everyday life and tourism is not fixed, but weaves in a flow instead. (2) Geo-tagging symbolizes a hybrid space, in which contains virtual and physical information. (3) The practices of check-ins embody the tourist gaze. The sense of place is a flow, and practitioners may find warm or chill places through different media practices. However, the tension of interaction between people and technologies brings several unexpected troubles. The practitioner combats these problems by using tactics with agency, while he/she faces the power of structure which limits agency at the same time.

大家都不看新聞了?手機新聞接收的日常節奏實踐 / How to “read” the news? Rhythmanalysis on mobile news

蕭奕雯, Hsiao, Yi Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以日常生活為研究範疇,探討使用者的手機新聞接收實踐如何鑲嵌於日常節奏中,並重新釐清該如何理解如此經驗下的新聞。故以液態現代性為基本認識架構,重新詮釋新聞如何液化;接著,再從液態的時間經驗轉向節奏,並從列斐伏爾物的節奏分析中發現「人-技術-日常節奏」的交互關係;最後以關聯性機緣了解節奏的生成,開展本文的分析架構:日常生活脈絡、主動揭露的技術、以及與整體媒介世界的關聯,進一步理解使用者殊異的手機新聞接收實踐。 因此,為了更深入瞭解使用者的個人經驗,以及如何詮釋意義,本研究採取深度訪談法。從中發現,當手機新聞進入使用者的日常生活,為了與原有日常節奏協調,使用者會形成一套調配時間與空間的邏輯,或建立特定接收規則,進而形構如「拿起來看一下」的接收節奏、和「都看討論比較熱烈」的篩選機制;這過程中,手機和接收平台的技術節奏、既有的功能條件、以及技術的社會意涵皆會影響使用者的手機新聞接收實踐;最後我們亦發現,如此接收實踐背後更隱含與整體媒介世界的關聯,且媒介世界的基礎結構亦會作為背景、認識架構滿實使用者自身的新聞接收經驗。 是以,我們不能只討論新聞本身,而需擴大到使新聞顯現的背景脈絡與整體環節,進而提出「新聞體驗」的想法,認為如此體驗是相應關聯下、具明確指向性的個人體驗,且是於世之中,由不斷連續的、當下的直接知覺形構而成,期盼能以新聞體驗的概念重新釐清新聞之於個別使用者的核心價值,這才是新聞不被淘汰的關鍵。 / This study aims at exploring how users’ daily reception of mobile news embedded in their everyday life. In order to clarify the essence of news, the study applies the concept of Liquid Modernity as the research framework, adopting Lefebvre’s rhythmanalysis to reframe the interrelationships of “human- technics- daily rhythm”. In response to this question, this study develops three analysis units: contexts of everyday life, self-revealed technics, and the interrelation to the whole media world. In-depth interview is conducted to deeply understand user experience. It is found that, when mobile news enters users’ life, users adjust their thinking patterns of zoning time and space, and restructure the rules of reception for integrating original daily pace. The technical rhythms of the mobiles and the reception platforms, the technical properties, and social affordances of the technics, all are the factors to affect users’ mobile news reception. This study also found that the practices implying the interrelation with the whole media world, and the whole media world would be the background to fulfill user experience of news reception. In conclusion, this study suggests that, ‘News’ is an activity of experience. This personal experience is instituted by continuing direct-perception at a given time. Individual users have been changed from passive acceptance to active experience and restructure the value of news. The concept of ‘news experience’ helps us think the meaning of news for each user; clarify how to ‘experience’ news rather than “reading” news.

寵物社群電商三合一平台商業模式規劃 / Plan on the 3-in-1 business model for pets, social network , and e-commerce

竇立德, Tou, Lite Unknown Date (has links)
本計劃因應台灣地區大量適婚年齡男女未嫁娶與少子化,所以許多人將寵物視為家庭的一份子,讓台灣寵物市場穩定成長,因此計劃打造一個以寵物為主題的行動平台,本平台將建立一個結合交友、社群與電子商務的綜合產業生態圈。 本計劃規劃的執行方式為藉由App的方式,讓會員免費使用交友與社團服務,建立以寵物為共同興趣的大型社群;再透過大數據與LBS機制(Location-Based Service基於位置的服務)進行寵物用品與食品相關的電子商務與廣告媒合。 本計劃預期效益為三年內產生8千萬元台幣營收與締造會員30萬人;針對個人方面,本計劃為對寵物有興趣的男女進行交友媒合,並為其建立實體與線上的交流社團;針對廠商方面,本計劃為大型寵物食品用品廠商建立行銷廣告通路,為小型寵物食品用品與文創商品廠商建立銷售通路。在商家方面,本計劃為寵物用品店、寵物醫院、寵物旅館、寵物美容院、寵物餐廳等等建立與客戶連絡與溝通管道。

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