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論金融控股公司組織整合後之內部控制與內部稽核張靜萍, Chang, Jin-Pin Unknown Date (has links)
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導入國際財務報導準則對內部控制影響之研究 / The effect of adopting International Financial Reporting Standards on Internal Controls林雅芳 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 導入IFRSs對業務流程及內部控制之影響程度,在內控目標與要素均有顯著差異,「導入後」之影響程度均顯著高於「導入前」。
2. 「IFRSs專案小組負責人」與「內部稽核單位」之看法,在內控目標與要素間並沒有顯著差異。
3. 內控三大目標與五大組成要素之影響程度,在不同資本市場別與產業別之顯著差異程度不盡相同。整體而言不論在導入前後,上市與上櫃公司在不同產業間存在較顯著之差異,金融業之影響程度顯著高於電子業與其他。 / The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of adopting International Financial Reporting Standards on internal controls. The main subjects of this research are the companies which will adopt IFRSs in 2013 in Taiwan. This research wants to know whether the effects of IFRSs on objectives and elements of internal control show significant differences under different subjects, capital markets and industries. This research analyzes the above effects to understand the effect of adopting IFRSs on internal controls. The main results of this study are as follows.
1. The effects of IFRSs on business processes, on the aspect of objectives, and elements of internal control show significant differences with the adoption of IFRSs. The impacts of three objectives and five elements of internal control after adoption are significantly higher than before adoption.
2. The results of the investigation on chief executives of adopting IFRSs and internal auditors do not show significant differences neither on the aspect of objectives nor on elements of internal control.
3. The impacts of IFRSs on three objectives and five elements of internal control are different under different capital markets and different industries with the adoption of IFRSs. Overall, listed and over-the-counter companies show significant differences under different industries before and after adopting IFRSs. The effect of adopting IFRSs on internal controls under financial industry is significantly higher than under electronic industry and other industry.
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台灣銀行業作業風險的新挑戰-金融消費者保護法及個人資料保護法之因應高秀嘉, Kao, Hsiu Chia Unknown Date (has links)
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論無證移民的權利保障 / The protection of rights of undocumented immigrants葉南君 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統觀點立基於保守的國族主義觀對待生活在台灣境內的「外人」,但這樣的看法在人口遷徙頻繁的全球化時代中,似乎明顯過時,且亦不符合各國際人權公約的精神。本文擬從保障弱勢者權利的角度觀察無證移民議題,認為在一個自詡為自由民主秩序的民主國家中,對於違反移民法規而成為無證移民者,不能將其等同於罪犯視之(即使是犯罪者,也會給予某種程度的基本權保障),更不能對其生存困境視而不見, 建構保障無證移民之理論實屬必要。
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大同集團企業股權結構與控股型態之探討 / Study of corporate ownership structure and board seat-control of Tatung business group王盈琇 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:集團企業、股權結構、公司治理、席次控制權 / This study employs the Tatung business group as our sample and defines the ultimate owner as the entity with ultimate influence over major decisions regarding the operation, management, and allocation of company resources. We first analyze the characteristics of different boards of directors and corporate ownership structure of the Tatung business group. Corporate governance related issues are then identified, followed by discussions on the deficiencies of relevant regulations and suggestions for improvements on government policies.
The analysis indicates that cross-holdings, pyramid structure and seat control over the board members are approaches applied by the Lin Family to actively control the Tatung business group. An analysis on the measurement of voting rights, cash flow rights and board seat-control shows that direct shareholding, voting rights and cash flow rights are on average 1.17%, 21.83% and 1.07%, respectively, while the board seat-control ratio is 61.85%. The average deviation between voting right (board seat-control) and cash flow rights is 20.76% (60.79%). The number of board seats controlled by the owner is 178.01 times greater than cash flow rights. In other words, the ultimate owner gets approximately 178 units of controlling power through one unit of capital input. To the extent that ownership and control is highly deviated, a weaker disciplinary effect and a stronger entrenchment effect can be expected. In addition, in this study of the Tatung business group, we examine the emptied assets case, significant capital reduction, and the transparency of financial information of investment in Nature Worldwide Technology Corporation. For the corporate ownership structure and the characteristics of different boards of directors of the Tatung business group, we identify the critical issues regarding corporate governance. Finally, discussions on the deficiencies of relevant regulations and suggestions for improvements on government policies are provided.
Keywords: Business group; Corporate ownership structure; Corporate governance; Board seat-control.
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Clawback條款、權益基礎薪酬和審計委員會之監督效率性 / Clawback provisions, equity-based compensation, and audit committees' oversight effectiveness林玉君, Lin, Yu Chun Unknown Date (has links)
This study first examines whether equity-based compensation (i.e., stocks and options) is associated with audit committees’ oversight failures. I then examine whether this association between equity-based compensation and oversight failures is affected when firms initiate the clawback provisions in their compensation contracts. I use the likelihood of restatements, the incidence of internal control weaknesses (ICW), and earnings management measures to proxy for audit committees’ oversight failures. Based on a sample of 129 firms that voluntarily adopt the clawback provisions during 2003-09 and a matched sample created from the propensity score matching technique, I find several important results. First, larger amounts and portions of stocks and options are associated with higher restatement and ICW likelihood and greater earnings management. Second, equity-based compensation appears to harm audit committees' oversight effectiveness. However, the adoption of the clawback provisions significantly mitigates such negative effect. Finally, the clawback provisions are effective in reducing restatements, ICW, and earnings management only when these provisions are triggered by "bad faith" rather than restatements. Overall, my empirical results bear policy implications on audit committees’ compensation practice and the mandatory adoption of the clawback provisions.
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我國金融業審計委員會與內部控制缺失關聯性之探討 / The association between audit committee and internal control deficiencies of Taiwan financial industry沈宛亭, Shen, Wan Ting Unknown Date (has links)
綜上結果隱含以下推論:審計委員會監督功能發揮,將幫助金融業者減少內部控制缺失的發生,不過獨立董事在同一金控體系兼任多家公司獨立董事的情形,並未有較佳的監督效果出現。由於我國金融業者發生的內部控制缺失類型多樣,因此在審計委員的安排上,除了會計或財務專業的審計委員,也可廣納其他專業的專家學者擔任,另外會計師事務所也可扮演完善內部控制制度的一個輔助角色。 / To find out the effect of the audit committee on internal control, this study examines the association between audit committees and internal control deficiencies.The samples are listed financial holding companies including their bank and insurance subsidiaries, bank, and insurance companies in TWSE and OTC in Taiwan over the period from 2013 to 2015.
I find that the audit committees are negatively associated with the internal control deficiencies. However, there is no association between the audit committees of accounting or financial expertise and internal control deficiencies. Besides, I find that the circumstances that the independent directors of the financial holding parent companies also serve as an independent directors of the subsidiaries are positively associated with more incidences of penalty cases. Taken together, the empirical result indicates the association between the audit committees and internal control deficiencies in Taiwan financial industry.
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論懲罰性賠償金之法律爭議與風險管理陳春玲 Unknown Date (has links)
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點傳師與資本家-宗教與勞動控制的關係,以一貫道為例 / Dian-Chuan-Shi And Capital-The Relationship Between Religion and Labor Control - An Example by I-Kuan-Tao李怡道, Lee, Yi-Tao Unknown Date (has links)
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論我國公開發行公司內部控制法制之研究 / A Study of the Regulation of Internal Control in the Public Company林士和, Lin, Shih Ho Unknown Date (has links)
我國內部控制法制係全盤繼受美國COSO Report,其適當性容有探討空間;現行證券交易法中對於內部控制制度之部分罰則法條的適切性,得再檢討;對於法條競合,亦有待更多法院判決來統一見解。關於內控重大缺失之揭露,採用重大訊息之即時公告,應比內部控制制度聲明書之年度揭露,更有助於資訊透明度。另為抑止弊端或為政府新政策增添配套管理措施,主管機關不斷地增訂內部控制制度規範或擴張其範疇,此雖有相當功效,但部分事項也產生逾越法律授權範圍或行政裁量是否恰當之爭議。內部控制制度除硬性法規命令之強制推動外,軟性輔導企業內化至其日常作業中,應更能輔佐立法意旨之達成。
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