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再評估情緒調節策略對主客觀入睡歷程的影響:探討睡前控制性認知程度之影響 / Effect of reappraisal on subjective and objective process of sleep onset: the influence of presleep controlling cognitive activity蘇偉誠, Su, Wei Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
結論:本研究探討控制性不同的再評估策略對主客觀入睡歷程的影響。研究結果支持高控制性策略會造成認知激發狀態,並使受試者在客觀定義入睡喚醒後,仍有較多的思考活動與較少的入睡知覺,同時較低估自己有睡著的時間,顯示入睡前較高的控制性認知活動,的確可能影響受試者的入睡歷程。這支持了先前研究對再評估策略並非單一構念的假設,未來研究再評估策略時,須考慮其次分類才能有全面性的了解。最後,對照過去研究,睡前使用再評估策略的習慣與入睡歷程未有預期的正向關連,可能是與未考慮控制性有關。 / Objective: Reappraisal was found to be effective to decrease negative emotion, thus is considered to be an useful strategy for emotion regulation, because it was (Gross, 1998; 2001). Since negative emotion is associated with sleep disruption, reappraisal is supposed to facilitate sleep-onset. Nevertheless, previous study did not support this point of view (Harvey, 2001; Ree et al., 2005). There was a negative association reported between use of reappraisal and sleep quality in insomnia patients. Researchers have identified different types of reappraisal strategies (McRae et al., 2011) with different levels of controlling cognitive activity. The unexpected association between reappraisal and sleep might be due to the impact of increased level of cognitive activity associated with reappraisal. This study aims to compare the effects of two types of reappraisal strategies, change thought (high cognitive activity) and accept feelings (low cognitive activity), on sleep onset process.
Methods: Twenty six participants were recruited for this study, randomized to one of two groups (Acceptance group: N=13, average age=23.6 years; Change group: N=13, average age=24.9 years). Each participant will go through two nights of sleep recording at the sleep lab. The first night was baseline condition; the second night was experimental condition. After the emotion induction, the experimenter instructed the participants to use different reappraisal strategies to regulate their emotion, and then asked them to try to fall sleep in the experimental night. The experimenter woke up participants after 5-min after the start of stage 2 sleep, and asked their subjective experience right before waking up, including sleep perception (sleep or not) and thinking experience.
Results: As expected, the Change group had higher controlling cognitive activity and arousal level than the Acceptance group before going to bed. Then, after waking up participants on stable stage 2 sleep, the Change group had higher thinking experience, lower sleep perception and underestimated sleep time than Acceptance group.
Conclusions: The findings of this research show that high controlling activity reappraisal could have a negative impact on sleep-onset period than low controlling activity reappraisal. The result supports our hypothesis that controlling cognitive activity can increase pre-sleep arousal level that further increase cognitive activity during sleep-onset period and decrease the perception of sleep.
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創業家挫折學習之歷程與歸因探討 / Learning from Frustration: Entrepreneurial Process and Attribution王宣閎 Unknown Date (has links)
經過深度訪談與資料分析,本研究得出以下三點結論:(1) 面對原來的挫折時,所啟動的「敗因歸納-學習-反思與行為改變」歷程有下列影響:( i ) 內外部歸因前次的挫折,使創業家得到經驗學習的對象,進行反思。( ii ) 以前次的挫折為基礎,修正自我的行為,改變成不再犯同樣錯誤的。( iii ) 歷程過後,反思後得到內化後的能力將成為面對下次創業的依據之一。(2) 歷程中的行為改變可能引發控制錯覺,而成為下一次創業的失敗原因之一:當創業家在「敗因歸納-學習-反思與行為改變」歷程時,將針對前次挫折經驗視為學習與修正自我的對象,正因為創業家專注在解決與修正前一次的行為,使得歷程中的行為改變中,隱藏了下一次創業活動的行為盲點,而成為了當下檢討歷程的控制錯覺之一。(3)研究發現內外部的歸因與內外部資源有關聯:歷程中將內外部歸因以表格式的分類與分析,將敗因學習與行為修正所得到的回饋,轉而成為創業家實際的自我價值與資源。 / Small and medium enterprises in Taiwan have shown people their great vitality. Recently, the international business reports pointed that the entrepreneurial environment in Taiwan and Taiwanese entrepreneurship are almost on the top world. However, it is unavoidable to make mistakes when people stay in entrepreneurial process. There is a quotes spoken by Thomas A. Edison, “Negative results are just what I want. They're just as valuable to me as positive results.” People say that failure is the mother of success whether can entrepreneur really treat failure as a valuable experience?
It has been more and more important to learn from failure. We can easily find lots of books talking about this topic. After all, success can’t be copied but people can be able to learn from failure. People can accumulate experiences from failure and make themselves to be success. This research examines how entrepreneurs do with reflection after being failure. Through interviewing 5 entrepreneurs who had been suffered from failure or frustrated experiences, researcher tried to understand the relationships between those experiences and entrepreneur’s behaviors by attribution theory.Through in-depth interviews and data analysis, there are three main findings. First, the process in “attribute frustration - learning from failure - reflection and behavior adjustment” has 3 significant impacts on the behavior of previous setbacks which help entrepreneur achieve. Second, the behavior adjustment in the process may trigger the illusion of control, which may become one of the failure reasons for the next entrepreneurship. Last, according to the research, the dimensions of attribution and the dimensions of entrepreneur’s resources have connection.
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新巴賽爾資本協定下作業風險管理於銀行內部控制之研究 / Operational Risk Management in Bank Internal Control System under the New Basel Capital Accord鍾辰奕, Chung, Chen I Unknown Date (has links)
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不同評估績效期間之退休基金最適策略 / Optimal Strategy of Pension Fund Management Incorporating Distinct Projected Time Horizons田嘉蓉, Tien, Chia-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
不同評估績效的長短顯著地影響基金的經營策略,相較於強調穩健經營的退休基金而言,此因素是否亦影響退休基金的運作,本研究嘗試應用隨機控制理論,將投資績效的時間因素納入決策考量,以隨機微分方程式描述退休基金資產和應計負債的動態隨機行為,以多期基金規劃的觀點,探討時間因素與最適策略之關連性。本研究應用Brennan、Schwartz與Lagnado(1997)的結果至負債導向的退休基金管理,建構多期資產負債管理模型,退休基金持有資產將分類為風險性的股票投資組合、長期債券和短期票券,並考量投資標的短期利率與長期利率之隨機性質,將基金提撥與資產配置視為可調節因子,給定風險評估測度,於不設定投資限制下計算各期最適投資比例及基金提撥;本研究並以私人退休金個案進行模擬分析,結果顯示此基金未來10年之最適提撥率介於4.2﹪與5.1﹪,就不同評估期限而言,5年評估期之提撥率於初期高於10年評估期,基金比率η=0.75之提撥率低於η=1;5年評估期之基金交易行為較10年期明顯劇烈,基金比率較低時,其交易變化程度較小,不同評估年限與基金比率將同時影響退休基金之最適提撥與投資策略。 / Distinct time horizons in measuring investment perfomance significantly influence the financial planning for the money managers. In this study, we explore this issue concerning the pension fund management that has focused on the asset and liability management to meet its future obligations. A stochastic control model is formulated in a continuous-time framework to obtain the closed form solution for optimal strategy. The time variation in expected returns introduced in Brennan, Schwartz and Lagnado(1997)is adopted in obtaining the optimal strategy using plausible future plan’s normal costs and accrued liabilities under distinct time horizons. Based on the proposed performance measurement, the optimal funding schedule and portfolio selections are determined dynamically without trading restrictions.
A private pension scheme is selected and analyzed for numerical illustration. It shows that the optimal contribution rates are between 4.2﹪and 5.1﹪for this specific case. Comparing the funding schedules for distinct time horizons, we find that the contribution rates under 5-year period are higher than those under 10-year period in the beginning. The contribution rates given funding ratio at 75﹪are lower than those given at 100﹪. While the optimal trading behaviors of the pension fund managers for 5-year period are significant volatile than those for 10-year period. Their optimal trading behaviors have exhibited a reduced volatility under the lower funding ratios. The case study indicates that the distinct time horizon and the funding ratio play crucial roles in decision-making process for pension fund management.
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從政治控制到市場機制:台灣報業發行之變遷 / From political control to market mechanism-the change of newspaper circulation system in Taiwan陶芳芳, Tao, Fang-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
報業發行特性,重塑台灣報業的發展趨勢。 / After the lifting of martial law in Taiwan
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上市公司自行公告營收額與會計師簽證金額之差異研究 / The Adjustment of Net Sales Revenue黃文君, Huang, Wen Chun Unknown Date (has links)
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公營事業民營化與經營績效關係之研究 / The Relationship between the Operational Performance and the Pri-vatization of State-owned Enterprise黃允治, Hang, Un Tsi Unknown Date (has links)
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企業策略校準與績效管理之研究-以某記憶體公司為例 / The research of enterprise strategic alignment and performance measurement – with a case company of dram module范詠晟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以管理控制的概念試圖補足企業績效衡量的盲點,提升實施策略執行的效益,以記憶體模組產業為研究對象,透過內部與外部的資料收集分析該產業架構以了解企業內外之環境。藉由深度訪談的方式,先釐清個案公司整體策略與競爭策略之架構,並以IDEF0 (Integration Definition for Function Modeling)建模方法為企業建立流程模型,藉此深入探討企業績效衡量的方法。
最後,透過雙構面的作業基礎成本制(two-dimensional activity-based cost)與平衡計分卡(Balanced Scorecard)的四構面將企業各構面的目標進行連結,進而建議個案公司建立以流程為導向並能反映策略的管理控制系統。
研究結果發現企業績效衡量上無法以組織整體面向統一進行考核,各部門只能仰賴部門主管的經驗以建立對應的衡量指標,經由研究將策略、流程與指標透過平衡計分卡、流程管理與作業基礎成本制的結合,讓公司以流程為基礎所建立的績效指標,能夠反映出公司的事實面、策略面與平衡面。 / Because of the improvement of information and technology, most of the enterprises are going to build the information system which is fitted for their current business process to strengthen their core competition. Currently, in the internet economy, manager who spend their major time on formulating the strategy, but invest less time on how to implement the strategy.
This study attempted to compensate the blind side of the enterprise performance measurement by the conception of management control to promote the benefit of strategy implementation. This study is mainly probed a company in DRAM module industry. According to the information from inside and outside, it analyze the structure in this industry. Then, figuring out the structure of strategy by deep interview, and using IDEF0 to build the process model for case company to probe how they measure the performance.
Finally, it used the two-dimensional activity-based cost and four perspectives of balanced scorecard to link the goal, then suggesting the case company to build a management control system based on process that could reflect their strategy.
The results show that the case company couldn’t measure their division by the viewpoint of entirely organization. Each division only could rely on their manager’s experience to construct the measuring indicator. Via this study, it integrated strategy, process and measuring indicator by balanced scorecard, process management and activity-based cost. Giving a suggestion for the case company which could build the measuring indicator, and that could reflect the fact, strategic and balanced view for the company.
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美國、日本及台灣金融控股公司制度比較之研究 / Study on Comparison of Financial Holding Company in U.S, Japan, and Taiwan林洪澤 Unknown Date (has links)
因此,第二波金控公司的合併勢必進行,國內金控公司之跨業經營項目極需齊備,國外金控公司的架構大都具備保險、銀行、證券及資產管理等四項主要產品。國內金控公司的國際化,有迫切性需求,以應付國人理財及資產組合國際化趨勢。金控公司欲快速狀大規模,加強市場行銷,建立風險控管,取得良好信評,應尋求海外大型金控的合併或結盟,以提昇競爭力。 / Liberalization, globalization and expansion trend of the finance industry has gradually expelled traditional division of labor business model. In order to enhance financial institutions' business efficiency and advocate financial reform, the Government has introduced financial holding company system with an aim to enlarge financial institutions, improve business efficiency, encourage cross-industry business, and diversify operation so as to achieve the scale and scope economic benefits.
Taiwanese Financial Holding Company Act takes reference of American and Japanese systems. Although the common focus is on shareholding control, organizational enlargement, business diversification and crystal-clear compliance, each country has its own economy system, historical/financial background and resources, and therefore each country has different regulations and definitions for financial holding companies. American financial holding companies are derived from bank holding companies with primary conditions on deposits institutions of banks whereas Japanese systems focus on liberating securities brokers, separation between banks and insurance companies, and lifting of holding companies,. As such, Japanese financial holding companies system do not regulate that banks are the necessary component for forming financial holding companies. Neverthetless, banks are still the center of financial institutions as their broad business scope has immense impact on consumers and therefore banks are still the core of actual operation. U.S. and Japan's systems are derived from revising existing regulations to meet the actual demand of the society. Taiwan examine the American and Japanese systems and take whatever suitable for the Taiwanese society and legislate the financial holding companies system at one time and therefore there is no time difference. in regulation implementation Japan introduced Companies Separation Act and Preferential Tariff Act and legislated these two acts separately in 2000 and 2001 and as such, there is time difference in regulation adoption.
We try to identify pros and cons of each individual system comparing U.S., Japanese and Taiwanese bank holding companies. The characteristics of Taiwanese financial institutions are: small in size, large in numbers, tough in competition,, transaction of connection party, and conflict of interest which lead to high no-performance loan. The minimum capital requirement for Taiwanese financial holding companies is NT$20 billion at present. Ever since the opening of financial holding companies act, numerous applications were submitted and several holding companies have been established. In terms of each individual financial holding companies, the formation sharpens its competition. Nevertheless, in comparison with overseas financial institutions, there is still room for improvement on capital amount, effective asset or product design, IT application and combined effect of cross selling.
I therefore view that second merge of financial holding companies will be in place. Taiwanese holding companies are required to increase cross-industry products well in time. The structure of overseas financial holding companies mostly consist of four major components, i.e. insurance companies, banks, securities brokers and asset management companies. It is imperative for Taiwanese financial holding companies to globalize as soon as possible to meet the increasing international portfolio demand of local investors. In order to further increase its competition, financial holding companies are required to enlarge its size quickly, strengthen marketing ability, establish risk management system, receive good credit rating and seek strategy alliance of large overseas holding companies.
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從公司治理觀點剖析力霸集團弊案鄒美琪 Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果顯示,力霸集團企業之最終控制者王又曾家族係透過交叉持股及掌握董事會席次控制權等控制途徑掌控集團企業,其集團內七家公開發行以上公司的平均直接持股率、股份控制權、盈餘分配權分別為7.72%、28.92%、6.81%,但平均席次控制權則高達95.33%,股份控制權(席次控制權)與盈餘分配權偏離差之平均值則達22.11%(88.52%)。力霸集團企業席次控制權與盈餘分配權嚴重偏離之個案研究發現,符合經營者之經營誘因不足,而財富侵佔動機較強之學術假設。此外,該集團企業亦嚴重違反內部控制制度中控制環境、風險評估、控制作業、資訊與溝通,以及監督機制等主要原則,造成投資人權益的重大損失。最後,本研究針對內部控制制度之有效性、公司治理機制、會計師責任,以及金融監理功能四層面,提出討論及建議。 / Using the Rebar Business Group as the case of this study, the present research first analyzes the ownership structures of the member firms from an ultimate controller perspective. Internal control related issues are then identified, followed by a discussion on the effect of corporate governance on internal control weakness and fraudulent reporting.
The analysis indicates that cross-holding, pyramid structure and seat control over the board members are venues utilized by the Wang Family to actively control Rebar Business Group. An analysis on the measurement of voting right, cash flow right and board seat-control shows that direct shareholding, voting rights, cash flow rights are on average 7.72%, 28.92%, 6.81%, while the board seat-control ratio is 95.33%. The deviation between voting right (board seat-control) and cash flow rights is 22.11% (88.52%). To the extent that ownership and control is highly deviated, a weaker disciplinary effect and a stronger entrenchment effect can be expected. In addition, this research also finds that all principles buttressed in building a sound internal control system are violated. Finally, suggestions for improvements on internal control system and policies are provided.
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