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我國大專院校預算控制與會計管理之研究盧文隆, Lu, Wen-Long Unknown Date (has links)
教育為國家百年之大計,立國的根本。先總統 蔣公曾有訓示:「教育實為復國建國
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台灣皮鞋業市場之研究吳資江, Wu, Zi-Jiang Unknown Date (has links)
第五章「台灣區皮鞋之銷售市場」,鑒於台灣皮鞋銷售市場有集中都市的特性,特將台灣區分劃為六個重要區域敘述之,即: 台北、基隆、新竹、台中、台南與高雄、六大都市,並將親赴各該市調查結果分析目前台灣皮鞋業市場的一股狀況。
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公司治理與轉投資行為 - 以威盛電子為例 / Corporate Governance and Equity Investment - Taking VIA Technologies as An Example施銘賢, Shih, Albert Min-Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本文最後並討論世界銀行、OECD及我國所規範之公司治理架構,希望公司治理能實際有助於我國企業之轉投資行為。因為制度的設計與執行若能加強公司治理與監督管理者的行為,當能強化公司競爭力,此乃公司治理積極面的貢獻。 / Abstract
One of the reasons for the East Asia 1997 financial crisis is because of the careless corporate governance. The impact of this financial crisis actually has had deep and board affection even afterward. According to one investigation by Mckinsey & Company in June 2000, there are about 80% of global investors who are willing to pay 18% extra money to buy those stocks belong to companies have better corporate governance. On the other hand, starting from the end of year 2001, the successive collapse of Enron, WorldCom, and other USA companies has exposed the serious and urgency about corporate governance. It makes people in worldwide enterprises realize how significant the corporate governance is and try to avoid similar events occurred.
Although corporate governance has many aspects, it all related to how to secure the deserved return of the capital providers. Accordingly, one of the important topics of corporate governance is to protect the minority shareholder rights from being invaded by the insiders (controlling shareholders and top executives). This topic become even more important especially when controlling shareholders are also top executives of the equity-invested companies. Thus, how to secure the investors’ (minority shareholders and creditors) rights is an interesting and practical issue of corporate governance.
Controlling shareholders in Taiwan are used to manage firms based on their own convenience such as the efficiency of operation, interest of themselves, and control rights, instead of considering corporate governance. This attitude, however, will easily result in some negative behaviors such as the lack of transparency between mother company and her equity investment, cross holding or private holding of controlling shareholders, indifferences between ownership and management, the potential interest impact between mother company and equity investment, and even the affection of firms’ performance by the characteristics of controlling shareholders. This thesis emphasize in the above correlation between corporate governance and equity investment. We also examine a real firm’s case to enhance its conviction.
This thesis also discusses the corporate governance structure of World Bank, OECD, and Taiwan. It is the author’s hope that corporate governance can be practically useful for a firm’s performance as its aggressive contribution.
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銀行治理與盈餘管理陳呈祿 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究建立銀行業四大財務決策:放款、票券買賣、壞帳費用提列以及股利發放之聯立方程式,並使用台灣地區36家上市櫃商業銀行的財務報表資料,實證分析上述財務行為間的互動關係。本文首先利用時間面之切割,分析1991-1996、1997-2001年間銀行業盈餘管理程度之差異;其後更利用La Porta et. al.,(1999)所提出的股權偏離概念作為衡量銀行管理當局的道德風險指標,依此檢測「盈餘管理」程度是否因為道德風險的提升而隨之增加。實證結果顯示在1991-1996年間,非操弄性(原始)盈餘越高的銀行,反而會再增加票券買賣利益與降低壞帳費用提列,進一步提高營業利益;然而,原始盈餘為負的銀行,損益平滑化的現象顯著。在加入道德風險指標後,可以發現利用票券買賣進行盈餘管理,是銀行界普遍的狀況,而盈餘管理的程度會隨著道德風險的增加而提升,但是原始盈餘為負的銀行則較不傾向利用票券的買賣進行盈餘管理。在壞帳費用提列方面,可以發現銀行普遍利用壞帳費用的提列來進行損益平滑化的動作,但是道德風險之差異卻對原始盈餘為負的銀行之影響較為明顯。
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探討產品置入對消費者態度與購買意願之影響─以韓國手機置入韓劇為例李廷妍, Lee Cheng Yen Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,廠商與廣告人員試圖採用另一種有別於傳統宣傳模式的方法將產品或品牌以較自然的、較不易被察覺的宣傳方式影響消費者,將產品「置入」在電影之中,稱為「產品置入」(Product Placement)。
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考量保險業加入國外投資之最適組合 / Incorporating Foreign Equities in Optimal Portfolio Selection for Insurers and Investors with Significant Background Risks洪莉娟, Li-Chuan Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討面臨顯著背景風險(諸如核保等風險)金融機構之投資策略,考量加入國外投資風險下,該金融機構如何決定最適動態資產配置策略,為充分反映市場風險、匯率風險及核保風險,本研究以隨機方程式描述資產價值及核保經驗之變動,並以假想之人壽保險公司作為討論對象,預估未來現金流量並建構公司財務資訊相關之隨機模型,給定最低資本限制下,於指定投資期限內達到全期淨值(盈餘)最佳效用值為目標。本文依照給定之背景風險建構隨機控制模型,利用動態規劃法求出最適資產配置。結果顯示最適投資組合將由三項要素組成:1.極小化盈餘變化之變異數之部位;2.類似於短期投資組合策略之避險部位;以及3.用以規避背景風險之避險部位。因為模型複雜性之限制,以逼近馬可夫理論之數值方法計算最適投資策略。 / This paper analyzes the optimal asset allocation for insurers and investors who are required to cope with significant background risks due to underwriting uncertainties and interest rate risks among a set of stochastic investment opportunities. In order to hedge properly the country risks due to local volatile financial market, the foreign investment opportunities are included in the optimal portfolio decision. In this study, detailed formulation using the projected cash flows of a hypothetical life insurance company and its related stochastic phenomena are constructed. The insurers are assumed to maximize the expected discounted utility of their surplus over the investment horizon under the minimal capital requirement. Our problem is formulated as a stochastic control framework. According to the optimal solution, the optimal portfolio can be characterized by three components: a hedging component minimizing the variance of the change in surplus, a hedging component familiar to myopic portfolio rule, and a risk hedging component against the background risks. Since the explicit solutions cannot be achieved due to model complexity, the Markov chain approximation methods are employed to obtain the optimal control solutions in our numerical illustration.
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台灣地區保全業風險管理暨保險相關問題之研究楊重正, Yang, Chung-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討台灣地區保全業風險管理與保險之相關問題,架構上係以風險管理原理為基礎,輔以實務運作現況,以求有系統地分析保全業經營管理之相關風險,並藉此歸納保全業風險管理之核心原則。其次,本研究亦針對保全業運用產物保險(保全業責任保險、銀行業綜合保險、員工誠實信用保證保險)時所衍生紛爭,以案例研究方式解析其爭議所在,期能界定消費者、保全業、保險業三方之權利義務關係。最後,根據發現與結論,本研究提出若干建議供相關單位參考,期能全面提升保全業風險管理與保險運用之水平。 / In terms of the life cycle, an enterprise may experience the following stages: introduction stage, growth stage, maturity stage and decline stage. It is observed that the security industry in Taiwan is currently situated in the maturity stage. Due to severe market competition and narrow margin of profits, the security industry is forced to meet the magnificent challenge, locally or internationally. Without a long-term planning and efficient reform, it is likely to see many security companies merged by multi-national security companies in the future. Under such a scenario, the security industry in Taiwan will eventually step into the decline stage.
Misunderstanding the operation of security industry, many people ignore the necessity of insurance coverage after security protection is arranged. It leads to the leakage in protection and coverage. In practice, many security companies also take less care of risk management and loss prevention due to business competition. In addition, a security company is required to transfer its risks through insurance. Because of the perceptional gap, many claim disputes arise among the security industry, the insurance industry and the clients. Under such circumstances, all of the above have deteriorated the reputation of security industry and result in many criticisms from the general public.
The main theme of this research is to explore the issues related to risk management and insurance of the security industry in Taiwan. Based on the fundamental theories of risk management and market practices, the relevant risks are systematically analyzed and core risk management principles for the industry are developed. In addition, it undertakes several case studies to examine the controversial issues of certain insurance products often associated with the security business. It is hoped to clarify these issues and define the rights and obligations among different players. In the final part, the conclusion and recommendation is submitted to relevant institutions to upgrade and enhance the risk management and insurance arrangement of the security industry.
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Rhythm & Motion: Animating Chinese Lion Dance with High-level Controls / 節奏與運動:以高階指令控制之中國舞獅動畫陳哲仁, Chen, Je-Ren Unknown Date (has links)
在這個研究中,我們嘗試將節奏的要素(速度、誇張度與時間調配)參數化,以產生能控制特定風格之人物角色的動畫。角色動作風格化的生成及控制是藉由一個層級式的動畫控制系統RhyCAP (Rhythmic Character Animation Playacting system), 透過一個節奏動作控制(Rhythmic Motion Control, RMC) 的方法來實現。RMC是基於傳統動畫的原則,設計參數化的動作指令,來產生生動並具有說服力的角色動作。此外,RMC也提供了運動行為的模型來控制角色動畫的演出。藉由RhyCAP系統所提供的高階控制介面,即使是沒有經過專業傳統動畫技巧訓練的使用者,也能夠創作出戲劇性的中國舞獅動畫。 / In this research, we attempt to parameterize the rhythmic factors (tempo, exaggeration and timing) into the generation of controllable stylistic character animation. The stylized character motions are generated by a hierarchical animation control system, RhyCAP (Rhythmic Character Animation Playacting system) and realized through an RMC (Rhythmic Motion Control) scheme. The RMC scheme can generate convincible and expressive character motions from versatile action commands with the rhythmic parameters defined according to the principles of traditional animation. Besides, RMC also provide controllable behavior models to enact the characters. By using the high-level control interface of the RhyCAP system, the user is able to create a dramatic Chinese Lion Dance animation intuitively even though he may not be professionally trained with traditional animation skills.
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企業風險評估與風險控制策略之研究吳及揚, Wu, Chi-Yang Unknown Date (has links)
其次,以個人在集團內執行安全管理系統和損害防阻安全查勘服務計畫的個案,說明企業損害防阻管理意義、風險的確認、分析與評估、損害防阻管理的執行與考核、績效評估等。最後再以身為企業推動風險管理與損害防阻的一份子,檢視以往歷程提出建議,期能拋磚引玉,讓更多的組織、企業和相關人士重視並推動主動式的風險控制及損害防阻管理。 / Since the risks faced by the modern enterprises are changeable, the laws and stipulations are obsolete and outdated, the resources, costs and benefits used by the enterprises organizations are subject to change, and therefore the enterprises have to carry out the risk management in order to be able to adapt the future changes in situations.
The major targets for the enterprises to implement the risk management are for the purposes of reducing the anxiety, conforming to the outside stipulations and fulfilling the social responsibilities sincerely before the losses occur; surviving, operating continually, maintaining the incomes and continuing to grow, etc. if the losses should occur. However, the enterprises often run their business diversified and even operate the specific business activities everywhere, that will make their risk management more complex.
This article intends to be written in the view of practical experiences to engage in the risk management, loss prevention and control as well as the assists of theory foundations, depicts the implementations of goals, strategies, procedures, plans and performance evaluations, etc. in risk management, loss prevention and control, anticipating various enterprises to identify and measure the risks by means of selecting and executing the risk management methods which conform to the utmost economical benefits for the goals of running businesses continually.
Next, in the case where the writer personally carried out the safety management systems and safety survey service plans of loss prevention and control in group enterprises illustrates the meaning of loss control management, the identification, analysis and evaluation of risk, and the implementation, the verification and performance evaluation of loss control management, etc. Finally, as the member of implementing enterprises risk management and loss prevention and control, the writer examines the past working processes and experiences to offer some recommendations, expecting to throw stones and bring back jade to let much more organizations, enterprises and the parties concerned think highly of and enforce the proactive risk control and loss control management.
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Financial Holding Company and Corporate Governance from the Perspective of Ownership and Control: Case Study of SinoPac Holdings Co., LTD.Yeh,Jessie Unknown Date (has links)
In response to the changing financial environment both internally and externally, the government endeavored to pass the Financial Holding Company Act, which is intended to provide an environment conducive to financial integrations. According to the Principal-Agent theory, agency problems tend to take place when misalignment occurs between an ultimate owner’s cash flow rights and voting power. It is of interest whether the financial holding company structure actually increases or decreases such misalignment. The shareholdings of the Hong family of SinoPac Holdings is the subject of this research, and the essence of the research is to examine the Hong family’s shareholding and their actual control based on the one-share-one-vote principle before and after the holding company structure. The findings conclude that the misalignment between the Hong family’s ownership and control in fact increases under the holding company structure, which is generally viewed as a negative sign of corporate governance. Notwithstanding, the Hong family has adopted some measures to strengthen corporate governance despite the widening misalignment.
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