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電子血壓計通路代理商之供應商暨通路管理 / A Study on the Management of Supplier and Dealers in Electronic Blood Press Monitors Market孫崇騰, Sun, Tsung Teng Unknown Date (has links)
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降低對肥胖者與愛滋感染者的偏見方案:以可控制性切入 / Prejudice reduction interventions toward people with obesity and people with HIV/AIDS:The role of controllability郭育培, Kuo, Yu Pei Unknown Date (has links)
偏見不只影響遭受者的身心健康,也違背社會正義,為了改善這樣的狀況,研究者們致力於發展降低偏見的方案。不過這些降低偏見的方案通常針對種族或性別群體,卻甚少關心肥胖者與愛滋感染者。肥胖者、愛滋感染者不僅受研究社群忽視,他們在生活中亦不受重視(如醫療體系),因此本論文著眼降低人們對肥胖者、愛滋感染者的偏見。研究一發展降低偏見方案,透過撰寫支持肥胖者或愛滋感染者的短文,引發人們言行不一的認知失調感,可能進而改變其原本對肥胖者或愛滋感染者的偏見。研究一的結果顯示,只有撰寫愛滋主題的參與者其愛滋偏見分數低於其他組別,也就是說他們的行為違反本身對愛滋感染者的既有態度而產生認知失調,透過降低愛滋偏見來化解認知失調之不適感。不過,撰寫肥胖主題的參與者,其肥胖偏見分數則與各組無異,也就是說這種降低偏見的方案對肥胖者的偏見無影響。預試二發現,相對於愛滋感染者,肥胖者通常被視為較可控制自己身屬於該社會群體的命運(可控制性),且其較需為自己的遭遇負責。為了檢視人們認為肥胖者與愛滋感染者可控制性的差異,是否影響偏見方案的效果,研究二除了改良研究一的降低偏見方案外,更操弄可控制性的高低。研究二發現可控制性會調節降低偏見方案的效果-當人們認為成為愛滋感染者是自己可以控制時,降低偏見方案的效果較弱;反之,若人們認為成為愛滋感染者是自己不能控制的,則降低偏見的效果較強。不過,撰寫肥胖主題文章的參與者則無此效果。這樣的差異或許是因為人們對肥胖者與愛滋感染者的熟悉程度有所不同。相較於愛滋感染者,人們對肥胖者較為熟悉,對其態度不容易改變,不論是接受高可控或低可控的訊息操弄,都無法改變人們對肥胖者的想法。根據本論文結果,認知失調適合降低人們較不熟悉與視其較為不可控的社會群體,如愛滋感染者,不適合應用在人們較熟悉的社會群體,如肥胖者。本論文進一步討論降低偏見方案執行困難的原因,並提出可能的建議與後續的研究方向。 / Prejudice and discrimination may have negative consequences on subordinate group members’ physical and mental health, and prejudice and discrimination also violate social justice. To deal with these problems, researchers have dedicated to develop various interventions to counter prejudice and discrimination. However, most of these interventions focus on racial and gender minorities, and researchers largely ignore people with obesity and people with HIV/AIDS. The purpose of this thesis is to develop an intervention that could reduce prejudice against people with obesity, as well as to reduce prejudice against people with HIV/AIDS. According to cognitive dissonance theory, when people’s attitudes and behavior are inconsistent, they feel uncomfortable and in turn change their attitudes to eliminate the inconsistency (Festinger, 1957). Following the basic ideas in cognitive dissonance theory, in Study 1, I randomly assigned participants to write presumably counter-attitudinal essays, in which they write about people with obesity or people with HIV/AIDS (to advocate allocating more resources to them), or school policy change (a control group). The results showed that after writing about people with HIV/AIDS, participants displayed significantly lower prejudice against people with HIV/AIDS than participants in other conditions. However, after writing about people with obesity, participants’ prejudice against people with obesity remained at similar levels as participants in other conditions. According to findings in the second pilot study, the diverging findings in Study 1 may be due to that people with obesity were considered having more controllability and responsibility than people with HIV/AIDS. To further explore the effects of levels of controllability on intervention, I revised Study 1’s intervention and added a manipulation of controllability on people with obesity or on people with HIV/AIDS. The findings showed that controllability manipulation moderated the intervention effect on people with HIV/AIDS, but had no effect on people with obesity. Because participants were more familiar with people with obesity than with people with HIV/AIDS, it is possible that attitudes toward a familiar social group are more difficult to be changed than the attitudes toward an unfamiliar social group, The results suggested that interventions based on cognitive dissonance principle have effects on unfamiliar social groups, such as people with HIV/AIDS. Obstacles with prejudice reduction interventions were further discussed; suggestions and future research directions were offered.
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保險契約承保範圍之解釋 / The interpretation of insurance policy coverage廖蕙芳 Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 表明研究動機、目的及研究方法。
第二章 討論保險契約的法律特性,並以保險契約具有最大善意契約的特性,進而討論被保險人有過失行為時,保險人可否主張抗辯。及保險契約是附合契約,並而討論保險契約有無消保法適用。
第三章 以一般保險契約解釋方法,諸如特別規定優先普通規定、探求當事人真意及對價平衡原則的解釋方法,在法律規定及法院實務的運用情形。
第四章 則討論承保範圍之因果關係,在相當因果關係與主力近因原則間,我國法院實務的適用情形。
第五章 是研究保險法有關解釋保險契約的規定,即保險法第54條第一項、第二項及第54條之一的規定,與民法、消保法的規定有何異同。
第六章 即介紹美國保險法學說「合理期待原則」,該「合理期待原則」與我國法律的比較,及其在法院判決適用情形。
第七章 結論則提出保險法第54條第二項修法建議。 /
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結構型金融商品之評價與分析-完全保本黃金連動債券 / Pricing the structured notes-USD 100% Capital Guaranteed Gold Linked Note詹晴鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
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攻擊行為控制機制之探討 / Exploring the Control Mechanism of Aggressive Behaviors李怡青, Lee, I-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本論文嘗試以行為引發機制與行為抑制機制的觀點,探討非法且屬人際層面的男性攻擊行為,從中評估常表現攻擊行為個體的認知、情緒與行為缺陷。由於攻擊行為的特殊性,個體表現攻擊行為時,相關的行為機制包括表現該行為可能得到獎賞的行為引發機制﹔表現該行為可能得到懲罰的行為抑制機制﹔與攻擊他人時,被害者的非語文訊息引發的個體的暴力抑制機制。研究一根據暴力抑制機制的理論內容發展實驗工具,透過違反道德與違反慣例圖片組的呈現,了解高、中、低攻擊組的表現差異。結果發現高攻擊組對兩違反情境的嚴重程度評估較低,同時,在違反道德圖片組刺激下,高攻擊組表現較少的道德情緒與較少的同理行為。研究二則透過研究一發展的圖片組評估個體的暴力抑制機制運作能力,並結合Patterson與Newman的四階段理論發展實驗刺激,透過情境的操弄,了解高攻擊組之行為引發機制與行為抑制機制運作情形。結果發現經由兩套理論(暴力抑制機制與四階段理論)的結合,可將高攻擊組分為兩類,一類為暴力抑制機制運作正常,但行為引發機制運作過強﹔另一類為暴力抑制機制無法運作者。以認知、情緒與行為缺陷評估兩類高攻擊行為者發現,具有認知、情緒與行為缺陷的高攻擊行為者只有第二類。 / Based on a behavioral activation mechanism and two behavioral inhibition mechanisms, unlawful and interpersonal male aggression was studied. Moreover, the possibility of individuals’ cognitive, emotional, and behavioral deficiencies was evaluated. Due to the special quality of aggressive behavior, when a person acts aggressively, there will be three processes involved. They are the behavioral activation mechanism activated by reward, the behavioral inhibition mechanism induced by punishment, and the Violence Inhibition Mechanism (VIM) triggered by victims’ cues of distress. In order to study these three processes, two sets of pictures were developed from study 1 in order to evaluate how participants functioned their VIM. The results showed differences between High, Medium, and Low Aggression Group. The High Aggression Group evaluated incidents of moral/ conventional transgression less serious than the other two groups did. Also, they showed less moral emotions and less empathic behaviors than the other two groups did. Based on the sets of pictures developed from Study 1, a group of young offenders were divided into two groups based on their VIM functioning. Further, a survival game was developed from Patterson and Newman’s four-stage model. By manipulating situations to present reward/punishment, those young offenders showed different aggressive patterns. Young offenders with good VIM functioning behaved more aggressively when there were rewards. Relatively, young offenders with poor VIM functioning were less likely to be influenced by either reward or punishment. The implications were discussed in the article.
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強制性財務報表重編之成因與後果游智媛 Unknown Date (has links)
就財報強制重編之成因而言,本研究發現盈餘管理誘因亦適用於財報強制重編之情形;公司治理機制中控制權與所有權偏離程度的縮小、外部審計品質的提升與關係人交易之透明與簡單化,皆可以降低財報強制重編之機率。就財報強制重編之外顯徵兆,則發現會計師出具無保留以外之意見與損益品質的下降,為公司錯誤報導財務報表之重要指標。就財報強制重編之經濟後果,實證顯示財報強制重編與財務困難間具有顯著的關聯性。此外,本研究並發現財報重編影響的報表數愈多、金額幅度愈大、涉及業外非核心盈餘與投資損益之重編時,公司發生財務困難的可能性將顯著增加。 / This research employs both case study and empirical approaches to investigate the causes, demeanors and economic consequences of a sample of firms that were enforced by the Securities and future Bureau to restate their financial statements over the period of year 1996 to year 2003.
The analysis of the causes of mandatory restatements shows that the motivations of earnings management also apply to the context of financial restatements. The firms with smaller deviation of control rights from the cash flow rights, higher audit quality and more transparency in related-party transactions help alleviate the probability of restatements. The results also indicate that unclean audit opinions and decrease in quality of earnings are important demeanors of misstatement of financial statements. In addition, firms are enforced to restate their financial statements are found to be significantly related to the occurrence of financial difficulties in the future. The findings show that the severer the materiality of the restatement in terms of the length of period, dollars, and the nature of the restatements, the higher the possibility of firms will experience financial difficulties.
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薪資所得與通貨膨脹不確定性於確定提撥退休金計畫 / Hedging Labor Income Inflation Uncertainties through Capital Market in Defined Contribution Pension Schemes黃雅文, Hwang Ya-wen Unknown Date (has links)
本文於確定提撥退休金制度下,探討基金經理人如何決定最適資產策略規避薪資所得及通貨膨脹之不確定風險,求得期末財富效用期望值極大化。本研究首先擴展Battocchio與Menoncin (2004)所建構之資產模型,我們不僅探討來自市場之風險,同時考量薪資所得、通貨膨脹與費用率之不確定性,研究其對最適資產配置行為的影響,建構隨機控制模型,以動態規劃方法求解Hamiltonian方程式,研究結果顯示,我們可利用五項共同基金分離定理來描述投資人之最適投資決策:短期市場基金、狀態變數避險基金、薪資所得避險基金、通貨膨脹避險基金與現金部位。數值結果顯示,股票持有部位中通貨膨脹避險基金佔有最大的成份,債券持有部位中通貨膨脹避險基金與狀態變數避險基金佔有最大的成份。
關鍵字:確定提撥、薪資的不確定性、通貨膨脹、隨機控制、動態規劃 / In this study, we investigate the portfolio selection problem in order to hedge the labor income and inflation uncertainties for defined contribution (DC) pension schemes. First, we extend the previous work of Battocchio and Menoncin (2004) that allowed the state variables (i.e., the risks from the financial market) and a set of stochastic processes to describe the inflation, labor income and expense uncertainties. A five-fund separation theorem is derived to characterize the optimal investment strategy for DC pension plans to hedge the labor income and the inflation risks. Second, by solving the Hamiltonian equation in the three-asset framework, we show that the optimal portfolio consists of five components: the myopic market portfolio, the hedge portfolio for the state variables, the hedge portfolio for the inflation risk, the hedge portfolio for the labor income uncertainty and the riskless asset. Then we explicitly solve the optimal portfolio problem. Finally, the numerical results indicate that the inflation hedge portfolio comprises the overwhelming proportion of stock holdings in the optimal portfolios. In addition, the inflation hedge portfolio and the state variable hedge portfolio constitute the overwhelming proportions of bond holdings.
Keywords: defined contribution; salary uncertainty; inflation; stochastic control; dynamic programming.
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認知再評估能力對睡前情緒調節表現及入睡之影響 / The effect of cognitive reappraisal ability on presleep emotion regulation and sleep onset陳諳融, Chen, An Jung Unknown Date (has links)
過去研究顯示負向情緒會干擾夜間睡眠,預期可有效降低負向情緒的情緒調節策略應有助於睡眠,然而,認知再評估策略對睡眠的影響卻未有一致的研究結果,此可能受限於過去研究多以問卷測量認知再評估策略的使用偏好,卻未測量個體使用策略的能力,亦即認知再評估策略的調節效果。本研究透過實驗室典範測量認知再評估能力,主要探討個體使用認知再評估策略的能力是否會影響個體於夜間情緒調節的效果,以及再評估策略於睡前之適用性。本研究受試者共24位,包含11名男性與13名女性,平均年齡為22歲。受試者皆依序經歷引發和調節負向情緒的實驗情境與中性情境兩個夜晚,並以主觀問卷與客觀生理反應測量受試者使用認知再評估策略調節情緒的表現,及對其後續睡眠的影響,在兩晚作業結束後,受試者會回到實驗室進行認知再評估能力測量作業。研究結果發現,認知再評估能力佳者於實驗晚的情緒調節表現較佳,在能力指標中,正負向與憤怒感調節佳者,其睡前生理激發度增加量較低、入睡前高頻腦波相對功率較低,且較不會高估入睡耗時;此外,運用再評估策略會增加較高情緒控制感者,入睡後高頻腦波相對功率較低,且實驗晚所增加的入睡耗時較低。整體來說,負向情緒會干擾後續睡眠,於正負向指標上調節能力佳者較可減少其主觀失眠困擾度,且使用再評估策略後有較高情緒控制感者,較可彈性的運用再評估策略。 / Negative emotion has been showed to interfere with sleep, therefore effective emotion regulation to reduce negative emotion prior to sleep could be beneficial for sleep. Cognitive reappraisal is generally considered to be an effective and adaptive emotion-regulation strategy, but previous studies had inconsistent findings about the impact of reappraisal on sleep. A study has even found that insomnia patients had a higher frequency to use reappraisal in comparison to good sleepers. However, previous studies used self-report measure of an individual's tendency to use reappraisal. It has been shown that the frequency of using reappraisal did not correlate with the ability to use reappraisal as measured by reduction of stress reactivity after standard laboratory challenge. The present study examined the hypothesis that the impact of pre-sleep reappraisal on sleep onset process depends on individual's cognitive reappraisal ability (CRA). Twenty-four normal sleepers were recruited (male:11, female:13, average age: 22 years). Participants came to sleep laboratory for two experimental nights and one daytime reappraisal ability evaluation. For the two experimental nights, participants did a cognitive task and got two different feedbacks for the two conditions: either a neutral feedback (baseline condition night) or a negative feedback (experimental condition night). They were instructed to use cognitive reappraisal strategy to reduce negative emotion after getting negative feedback. The change of subjective emotion ratings and physiological reaction were measured during the presleep task. Polysomnographic recording and subjective ratings of sleep onset experience was conducted for the sleep onset process analysis. During the daytime session, the ability of the participants to use reappraisal was measured with physiological reactivity to a standard laboratory challenge with anger-inducing films. The results showed that, at experimental night, participants with high CRA in reducing emotion valence exhibited better emotion regulation outcomes, less presleep somatic arousal increments, lower beta power before falling asleep, and less overestimation of their sleep onset latency (SOL). Besides, participants with high CRA in reducing dominance of emotion exhibited shorter emotion regulation time, lower beta power after falling asleep, and lesser SOL increments. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that reappraisal ability would determined whether cognitive reappraisal strategy is adaptive for presleep emotion regulation; those individuals with better CRA in reducing dominance of emotion might have more flexibility in applying reappraisal strategy.
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警察與城市管理:南京警察之研究(1927-1937) / Police and Urban Management: A Study of Nanking Police, 1903-1937江佳威 Unknown Date (has links)
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建構派翠網路封閉形式解決方案的序曲:從變型K-階S3PR系統開始 / The overture of constructing the closed-form solution for Petri Nets: begin from the variant k-th order S3PR system游宗憲 Unknown Date (has links)
因應物聯網、機器人和雲端計算等系統快速的科技創新,我們需要更有效之方法來模型化由上述系統所架構出來愈趨複雜的動態資源配置系統,以解決類似瓶頸、死結等潛藏的系統控制相關問題。為了解決以派翠網路模型化大型系統一直存在的指數倍數成長之複雜性問題,一個即使運用MIP(混合整數規劃)方法於可達性分析也是完全NP(非確定性多項式時間)的問題,趙玉教授率先以開發k階和k網系統的控制相關狀態(CRSs)數量之封閉形式解決方案(簡稱封閉解),來突破此一指數倍數成長複雜性的障礙。然而,對稱網路結構的屬性,限縮了此兩系統在模型化系統中可應用的範圍;同時由於不可避免的死結的狀況,也阻礙了兩個系統的並行處理能力。為了延伸派翠網路封閉解的研究領域至非對稱系統,及強化對大型即時動態資源分配非對稱系統的模型化能力,本論文擴展派翠網路封閉解的研究領域至所謂的「左邊一般化k階系統」、「左邊一般化k網系統」和「A網系統」等三種不同類型的基本非對稱系統。「左邊一般化k階(相對於k網)系統」是在k階(相對於k網)之控製行程的任意位置,使用一非共享資源的網路模型,為模型化具有客製化製程系統之基本網路架構; 「A網系統」是在一k階系統中,連接一頂層非共享圈子網(TNCS)的網路模型,在實際應用中,為模型化具共享相同製程系統的基本網路架構。本論文透過非共用資源在等價網路(k階(相對於k網))的影響性分析,及其等價網路之封閉解為基礎,建構「左邊一般化k階(相對於k網)系統」之封閉解;在「A網系統」中,由於TNCS和連接的缺陷 k階系統兩個子系統的獨立性,首先我們可以從其相關之k階系統的封閉解中,排除不可能狀態的數量,推導出缺陷k階系統的封閉解,然後以累計加總缺陷k階系統及TNCS兩個子系統在各種TNCS中存在不同權杖個數狀況下的封閉解乘積,構建出「A網系統」的封閉解。在實際應用中,我們可透過由封閉解所產生之即時CRS信息,強化對大型動態即時資源分配系統的模型化能力。例如,採用本論文所提出的避免死結演算法,可以在不用附加控制器之狀況下,實現k階和k網系統之並行處理的功能;並且可以在k-網系統中,在不用暫停所有系統的工作流程狀況下,實現動態行程配置的功能。除了應用虹吸計算方法構建非對稱系統的基礎封閉解外,本論文還提出了依據其反向網路被驗證的有效信息為基準,新的由模型驗證之以知識基礎的理論分析方法,加速派翠網路封閉解的建構。在此,本論文開啟了以變型k階系統為啟端,建構派翠網路封閉解新的研究時代。 / In the light of the rapid innovation of the Internet of Things (IoT), robot systems, and cloud computing systems, we need an efficient methodology to model gradually more and more complicated, real-time resource allocation systems (RAS), constructed using the systems mentioned above, for solving issues such as bottlenecks, deadlocks, and other embedded system-control-related problems. To solve the exponentially increasing complexity in the persistent problem of modeling large systems using Petri nets, which is an NP (nondeterministic polynomial time)-complete problem even when MIP (mixed integer programming) is employed for reachability analysis, Chao broke this barrier by developing the first closed-form solution (CFS) for the number of Control Related States (CRSs) for k-th order and k-net systems. However, the properties of symmetric net structures limit their application range in modeling systems; the inevitable deadlock obstructs the capability of concurrent processing in both systems. To enhance the capability of modeling large dynamic, real-time resource allocation in asymmetric systems, this dissertation extends the research on the CFS of PNs to the so-called Gen-Left k-th order system, the Gen-Left k-net system, and the A-net system, which comprise the three different types of fundamental asymmetric systems. A Gen-Left k-th order (resp. k-net) system is a k-th order (resp. k-net) system containing a non-sharing resource (NSR) at arbitrary locations in the control process, which is the fundamental net structure for modeling contained customized manufacturing processes inside a system. An A-net system is a k-th order system connected to a Top Non-sharing Circle Subnet (TNCS), which is the fundamental net structure to model a shared common manufacturing processing system in real applications. Based upon analyzing the effects of one NSR in the equivalent, the corresponding k-th order (resp. k-net) system, and an equivalent CFS, this dissertation derives the CFS for the Gen-Left k-th order (resp. k-net) system. Due to the independence of the TNCS and the connected Deficient k-th order system, we can first derive the CFS for a Deficient k-th order system just by excluding the number of impossible states from the CFS for its corresponding k-th order system. Then, the CFS of an A-net is constructed by summing the products of the CFS for the two sub-systems in each different case under the condition of the number of tokens inside TNCS. Based on real-time CRS information derived, we can enhance the capability for modeling a large dynamic, real-time resource allocation system in real applications. Employing the proposed deadlock-avoidance algorithm, for instance, we can realize concurrent processing in both k-th order and k-net systems without additional controllers being implemented; and the function of dynamic process allocation in a k-net system without suspending the system’s working flows. In addition to applying siphon computation to construct the fundamental CFS for asymmetric systems, this dissertation pioneers and proposes a new knowledge-based, analysis methodology, called proof by model, to accelerate the construction of the CFS for a PN based upon the validation information from its reverse net. This dissertation opens a new research era for constructing the CFS for PNs beginning from the Variant k-th order system.
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