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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

併購對企業價值於危機時期之影響 / The wealth effect of merger activity in crisis periods

林芸霈 Unknown Date (has links)

資本管制對銀行恐慌傳染現象之有效性探討 / The Effectiveness of Capital Requirement in Preventing against Bank Panic and Contagion Phenomenon

湯士俊, Tang, Shih Chun Unknown Date (has links)
自1997亞洲金融風暴以來,區域性金融危機的傳染現象(Contagion, or Spillover Effect)便受到經濟學界高度重視,其重要性在2008年雷曼兄弟事件所引發的全球性金融海嘯後更加突顯,而相關的資本管制也陸續出籠,其中最引人注目的當屬2010年通過實行的三代巴賽爾條約(Basel III)。本文奠基於Allen and Gale(2000)所提出的銀行同業拆借市場(Interbank Market)模型,配合資本適足率的導入,試圖驗證在資本管制的設定之下,是否能有效預防銀行恐慌與其蔓延現象之發生。其結果證實提高資本適足率後,藉由銀行本身主動的提高緩衝性準備(Buffer),銀行倒閉的發生機率將顯著降低,換言之,資本適足率管制有效提高了銀行倒閉門檻。同時,本文亦證實資本管制對於銀行同業拆借市場所衍生的傳染現象具有顯著的改善效果。 然而,資本適足率之管制雖具有穩定金融體系的作用,其對存款人消費之緊縮效果卻無可避免會降低其效用。本文在考慮銀行倒閉風險機率後,建立一兩期之社會福利涵數,並利用計算代表性個人(Representative Agent)預期效用極大化條件下的最適資本適足率。在特定參數之下,所得到最適資本適足率為6.375%。我們並且進一步證實,在權益資金報酬率小於長期資產報酬率之下,最適之資本適足率將同步增加,進而使社會福利最大,此符合一般的經濟直覺,同時再次突顯金融體系穩定性對於社會福利的重要性。 / The financial contagion phenomenon, or the spillover effect, has become a crucial issue in recent years after the breakout of the financial crises in 2008. To deal with such problem, some regulations such as the capital requirement, has been introduced as a solution. In our paper, we develop a model based on Allen and Gale (2000) to testify whether the introduction of the capital requirement can successfully reduce the risks of bankruptcy and contagion phenomenon for the interbank system when suffering from the regional liquidity shock. We conclude that after the introduction of capital requirement, the bank will voluntarily hold more buffers to lower the bankruptcy risk and reduce the spillover effect. What’s more, we construct an optimal level of the capital requirement that maximize the social welfare utility and depends on the probability of bankruptcy, the percentage of early withdrawals, the relative cost of capital and other parameters. By simulation, we have the optimal capital requirement at 6.375% in our benchmark case, which is a reasonable one compared with the current Basel Accord. Finally, the paper shows that as the cost of capital is getting lower, bank uses more capital which enhances the social welfare significantly in equilibrium, indicating the great importance of financial stability.

有關金融市場的三篇實證研究 / Three empirical essays on financial markets

李淯靖 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文是由三篇關於金融市場的實證研究組合而成。第一篇以權益存續期間為主題,主要是利用迴歸模型估計台灣上市產業指數的實證權益存續期間,以探討股票報酬率的利率敏感度。迴歸模型中控制了三個重要的股票風險因子─市場因子、規模因子與價值因子。但其中,我們改以正交市場因子代替市場因子,以避免因為利率變動與市場報酬間存在共線性,而造成權益存續期間有可能錯估的問題。此外,基於權益存續期間具有會隨時間改變的動態特性,本文亦對各產業指數最近一次結構性變化的發生時點進行偵測,並據以推估最近期的權益存續期間。實證結果顯示:除了鋼鐵業的權益存續期間不顯著之外,其他所有產業指數皆具有負的權益存續期間,表示其報酬率與利率變動呈現出正向關係。在程度上,則以營建類指的利率敏感度最大,汽車類指最小。 第二篇應用了Diebold and Yilmaz (2009)的外溢指標分析台灣上市產業指數間的連動性,其優點是可以瞭解到產業間相互影響的方向以及程度。實證結果顯示:台灣上市產業指數間的外溢程度頗高,並以營建業為最主要的影響者,而相反地,鋼鐵業則是主要的被影響者。外溢指標具有隨時間改變的動態特性,而且透過動態外溢指標可觀察到次貸風暴蔓延的嚴重性。 第三篇應用了Goyal, Perignon and Villa (2008)所提出的多群組因素分析法,檢測美國總人口死亡率的共同因子個數。該方法最大的優點是能夠有效地辨識出真正的共同因子,避免了一般因素分析容易將解釋能力高的群組內獨特因子誤認為共同因子的缺點。根據檢測結果顯示,美國總人口死亡率的共同因子共有兩個,而且第二個因子的重要性隨時間愈來愈明顯。 / This thesis consists of three empirical essays about financial markets. The first essay analyzes the sensitivity of stock returns to changes in interest rates by estimating empirical equity duration of 18 industrial indices in the Taiwan Stock Exchange. In the regression models, we also control for the market excess return and the Fama-French mimicking returns for size and book-to-market factors. To avoid the effects of the multicolinearity between the market excess return and the interest rate changes, we replace the market excess return by the orthogonalized market factor. In addition, considering the time-varying pattern of empirical equity duration, we further adopt the reversed ordered Cusum test proposed by Pesaran and Timmermann (2002) to identify the most recent break of the regression relationship, and then extract the post-break data to re-estimate the up-to-date empirical equity duration. The result shows that except the Steel index, all industrial indices exhibit significantly negative equity durations, indicating a positive relationship between industrial index returns and interest rate changes in Taiwan. Among them, the Construction index has the largest interest rate sensitivity, while the lowest one is for the Automobile index. The second essay focuses on the nature of financial market interdependence, both in terms of returns and returns volatilities. Being capable of identifying the direction and magnitude of linkages among financial markets, the spillover index proposed by Diebold and Yilmaz (2009) is used to measure return and volatility spillovers between the top eight industrial indices based on market value in the Taiwan Stock Exchange. We find that for both returns and volatilities, the spillover effects among industrial indices in Taiwan are substantial. In particular, the Construction index is the major transmitter of shocks to other industries, and the Steel index, in contrast, suffers the most shocks from others. The spillover index fluctuates over time and indeed detects the severity of subprime mortgage crisis. The third essay adopts the multigroup factor analysis proposed by Goyal, Perignon and Villa (2008) to estimate the number of common pervasive factors for annual age-specific mortality for the entire U.S. populations. While the standard principal component analysis easily treats any group-specific factor as pervasive one due to its high contribution to total system variance, this methodology is able to estimate the space spanned by common and group-specific pervasive factors and recognize the true common factors. Empirical result shows that there are only two common pervasive factors governing the death rates in the United States; in particular, the importance of the second factor increases over time.

香菸警示圖文面積佔比、廣告訴求及涉入對香菸消費者之廣告效果 / Advertising effectiveness on area of cigarette warning labels, advertising appeals and involvement

李宗祐, Lee, Tsung Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文研究主要針對香菸警示圖文相關政策做消費者廣告效果的衡量,主因為世界反菸相關運動及政策近幾年不斷的在興起,而台灣在政策上雖然也有相同的聲音出現,但在相關研究上卻寥寥可數,並無足夠實證證據去推動相關法案的運行,且在警示圖文的面積及廣告訴求上,台灣目前所推行的警示圖文相對世界而言,不僅單調且在與消費者的溝通效果上也不如預期,因此引發本研究之動機,警示圖文面積對消費者的影響為何?而是否在不同的廣告訴求下,會使警示圖文面積的放大對消費者的影響有加成效果,而面對香菸消費者對香菸的不同涉入程度,警示圖文面積是否仍然有效? 本研究先利用現行實施的警示圖文政策中,面積佔比最大及最小的警示圖文做為本次研究實驗的基準,並取兩者中位數定義為面積佔比中,主要衡量警示圖文面積的改變與廣告效果的關係,並根據文獻推論這三個層次的廣告效果會受到消費者對涉入程度以及警示圖文之廣告訴求的干擾。 理論架構以3*2的實驗設計,利用不同廣告訴求之警示圖文,採用實際菸盒大小比例,設計包含了大、中及小三種層次的警示圖文,研究樣本為有抽菸習慣的人,並將對香菸的涉入程度做為組內設計,隨機抽樣180人進行實驗後填答問卷,以隨機分配的方式至六組,有效問卷為177份,先利用敘述性統計及因素分析檢驗樣本及問卷,再利用變異數分析進行後續的統計分析。 經實證研究後發現以下結果,(一)單純香菸警示圖文面積佔比的改變,對消費者的廣告效果並無顯著的影響,且台灣現行警示圖文已失去該有的警示效果,(二)考慮干擾效果之後可以發現,不同的廣告訴求確實會對香菸警示圖文面積佔比的廣告效果,對態度上有顯著的影響,對理性訴求來說,警示圖文的放大仍然會有影響力,但總體效果並不如感性訴求的警示圖文(三)不同涉入程度水準,也會對香菸警示圖文面積佔比的廣告效果,對購買意願有顯著的影響,對涉入程度較低的香菸使用者而言,警示圖文確實能造成其未來對香菸購買行為的改變,而對香菸涉入程度高的消費者而言,警示圖文可產生的廣告效果並不會對其行為有太大影響。 / The anti-smoking campaign and relative policies is growing around the world in these years. However, there were not much related researches in Taiwan. In addition, our anti-smoking policy really fallen behind which compared to other developed countries. It’s became the motivation of this study. This thesis focuses on cigarette warning label issues, and measure advertising effectiveness of warning label area. In addition, it also considers the disturbance variables, including involvement and advertising appeals. This study conducted experiment method. According to literature review, the Independent variable based on current world warning label policy, we define three levels of different warning label area. This study take the smoker in Taiwan as research objects in order to distribute 180 questionnaires, 177 of which are retrieved and the valid ratio is 98%. As the result of experiment, we found that the advertising effectiveness of cigarette warning area wasn’t distinct, but that would be affected by involvement and advertising appeals. The result of research supported part of fundamental hypothesis. The effectiveness of attitude could be higher when the warning label was emotional appeals. The smoker with lower involvement would have higher effectiveness of purchase intension. Beside of that, this study also found that the current cigarette warning label isn’t work anymore.

網路口碑訊息面向、訊息價值與產品涉入對說服效果影響之研究-以網路論壇為例 / The persuasive effect of word-of-mouth’s message sidedness, message value, and product involvement- a case study of internet forum.

蕭珮妤 Unknown Date (has links)
口碑行銷的魅力勢不可擋,企業也開始運用創造網路口碑的方式,來提升行銷的效果。因此,如何操作網路口碑的訊息內容品質以增強可信度,更成為了企業主必須掌控的內容。然而在學術上,網路口碑於訊息因素的研究卻仍缺乏,因此本研究初探性地將兩種有關訊息研究的討論構面共同結合與探討,從訊息結構中的「訊息面向」(單面或雙面陳述)以及內容中的「訊息價值」(所呈現的產品屬性價值)共同進行研究操弄;同時,將接收者的產品涉入程度視為影響網路口碑說服效果的干擾變項,期能以網路論壇討論區來驗證口碑訊息的說服效果。   本研究設計採實驗法,實驗變數包含訊息面向、訊息價值以及干擾變數─產品涉入,共三個變數。故本研究為2(訊息面向:單面訊息/雙面訊息)*2(訊息價值:功能性/享樂性價值)*2(產品涉入:高/低)的三因子組間實驗設計,共計8組實驗組。抽樣方法採取便利抽樣的方式,有效問卷共計回收675份。   本研究結果證實,第一,網路口碑呈現不同的「訊息面向」,對於消費者的訊息可信度具有顯著影響,且呈現「雙面訊息」(正負訊息比例為6:2)的訊息可信度顯著高於「單面訊息」。第二,網路口碑呈現不同的「訊息價值」,對於消費者的訊息可信度具有顯著影響,且呈現產品「功能性價值」的文章,其訊息可信度顯著高於「享樂性價值」。第三,有關產品涉入度的干擾效果,產品涉入度與口碑訊息面向對於訊息可信度無顯著交互影響;而產品涉入度與口碑訊息價值對於訊息可信度僅部分有顯著交互影響,高涉入產品宜採用功能性價值,低涉入產品則兩者皆重要。最後,可發現訊息可信度顯著影響消費者的產品態度與購買意圖。經由本研究結果,就實務上意涵,可提供企業主於網路口碑操作時之建議方向,如何透過訊息的操作來提升可信度,進而達成口碑說服效果。

大陸西部大開發政策對西部地區經濟成長之影響 / The impact of Mainland China’s western development policy on economic growth in the western region

鄭美珍, Cheng, Mei Chen Unknown Date (has links)
自1978年鄧小平南巡,中國大陸在經濟上採取改革開放政策以後,開始一連串的經濟制度改革,由中央集權的計劃經濟逐漸走向市場經濟。使得中國大陸有充裕資金、技術長足進步、經濟快速成長、人民生活水準提高、生產總值和人均所得皆大幅提升。但就總體整個大陸因區域經濟結構與政策等因素影響,東部沿海地區發展快速,西部地區發展停滯落後,內部各區經濟發展仍存在極大差異。因此,自江澤民在1999年6月9日「中央扶貧開發會議」上首次提出了「西部大開發」戰略概念,中國大陸就陸續提出多項區域發展政策,期能撫平區域發展不均衡的差距。而西部大開發政策實施迄今將屆10年,經濟建設與發展成果豐碩,並將進入第2階段,西部大開發政策的實施方針是否真正提升西部地區經濟發展?且解決東西部區域經濟差距問題?此外,在2008年國際金融危機開始蔓延,外部市場需求萎縮情況下,西部地區生產總值同比增幅超越東部地區,但隨著中國大陸整體經濟成長,東、西部地區、城鄉差距仍然懸殊,西部地區要脫離落後狀態應該發展的方向究竟為何? 因此本文的研究目的在於以1997年至2009年西部地區各項有關經濟成長追蹤資料,搭配固定效果模型的估計,分析影響大陸西部地區經濟成長的趨勢及決定因素為何,並以估計之結果檢視「西部大開發」政策是否為西部地區發展所需,並確實提升西部地區經濟成長。 根據實證結果顯示,影響西部地區經濟成長的決定性因素有七:就業、工資率、固定資產投資、利用外資投資總額、能源消費量、西部大開發的優惠政策及金融危機。其他的變數如貿易開放程度及時間趨勢等,皆未有顯著影響。 / Since Xiaoping Deng’s Southern tour in 1978, China has adopted economic reforms and open policy, there are series of economic reforms, changed from the central planning economy to the market economy gradually, which resulted in capital abundance, advance in technology, rapid growth of economy, living standard enhanced, both GDP and per capita income has increased significantly in mainland China. But overall due to the regional economic structure, the policy and some other factors, the rapid development of the Eastern coast and the lagging behind of the West, has created significant differenence in the economic development of each region. Therefore, since Zemin Jiang launched the "The West Development" strategy in the "Central Poverty Alleviation and Development Conference" on June 9, 1999, Mainland Chain has a number of regional development policies, to solve the unbalanced gap of regional development . The implementation of Western Dvelopment Policy has been over 10 years, there are fruitful result on economic construction and development, it is going to enter Phase 2. Has the approaches of Western development policy really enhanced the economic development in the West ? Has it solved the economic gap between the East and the West ? In addition, under the condition of the spreading of international economic crisis in 2008 and the shrinkage of external demand, the West's GDP growth is lower than the East. But following the economic growth of China overall, the gap between The East and the West, the City and the Country is still huge. What will be the development direction of the West to escape from the lagging ? Therefore, the purpose of this research will base on the relevant tracking data of 1997-2009 economic growth in the the West and the estimate of fixed-effect model, to analyze what are the the economic growth trends and decisive factors of the West ? And use the estimate results to check whether "The West development policy” is right for the development ? Has it actually enhanced the economic growth of the West ? According to experience, there are seven decisive factors to influence the economic growth of the West: Employment, Wage rate, Fix Asset Investment, Amount of Foreign Investment, Energy Consumption, The Beneficial Policies of West Development,and Economic Crisis. Other variables such as trade openness and time trends, also has significant impact.

國際iShares的跨境價格差異 / Cross-border Price Differences: Evidence from International iShares

林淑惠, Lin, Shu Huei Unknown Date (has links)
在單一價格法則之下,國際ETF的市場價格應該與NAV或標的資產價格一致。由於ETF具備申購贖回機制,其溢價現象將較國家型封閉型基金來得低。本文以32檔國際iShares檢視國際ETF的績效與國際投資分散效果,資料期間為1996年至2006年10月20日之日資料,並在考量區域因素的影響之下,將樣本區分為全球型、已開發市場型、以及新興市場型ETF。 本實證結果顯示,如同國家型封閉基金常出現的溢折價現象,國際iShares存在價格差異現象,尤其於新興市場型iShares更為明顯而且波動較大。然而,此價格差異現象僅是暫時的,而且主要由本國資訊所影響。此外,價格均衡的調整時間與3天期的結算清算時間一致。因此,ETF的申購贖回機制有助於提升價格調整的效率性,亦即長期而言,iShares遵循單一價格法則,而且於美國市場交易的投資人可由該投資工具達到國際投資組合分散效果,尤以全球型或複合型的iShares為最。 / In the law of one price, the share price of international ETFs should be the same as the domestic stock price and NAV respectively. Especially, with specific mechanism of creation and redemption process for ETFs, price deviation would be mitigated effectively comparing with similar product of closed-end country funds. This paper examines international ETFs’ performance and international diversification effect through 32 international iShares which are the most popular international ETFs in the world, and we use daily data with sample period from inception to 2006/10/20. Consider the regional impact on the price deviation, we also categorize the sample to three types as global, developed, and emerging market ETFs. In this paper, price deviations exist and are larger and more volatile for emerging market iShares, which is consistent with previous studies. However, the price deviations occur temporarily and are primarily driven by domestic information for all types of international iShares. We also find that the time of equilibrium adjusting process is consistent with three-day settlement period. Though incompletely perfect, the existence of the creation or redemption process along with the high transparency of iShares management appears to enhance price efficiency. Therefore, in the long-run, iShares price follow the law of one price, and US investors may obtain international diversification benefits through the instrument. Especially, the benefits will be larger for global or hybrid iShares comparing with country-specific iShares or emerging market iShares.

台灣上市櫃公司股權募資方式之決定因素 - 公司治理機制的影響 / The determinants of public offerings v.s. private placements: corporate governance perspective

黃必松 Unknown Date (has links)
過去文獻對於私募股權增資主要有三種論點,分別是資訊不對稱假說、監督效果假說以及管理者自我鞏固假說,過去研究基本上對於私募股權具有可以減輕資訊不對稱問題的效果有一致的結論,然而對於監督效果與管理者自我鞏固效果仍沒有一致的定論。因此本文控制了資訊不對稱、增資前的營運績效、公司股價表現以及發行規模等因素的影響後,從公司治理的角度去探討究竟國內的私募股權增資是符合監督效果假說,還是管理者自我鞏固假說。 實證結果顯示,董事會獨立性愈高、機構法人持股比率愈高時,愈傾向使用私募股權增資,隱含私募股權增資的確有提升對企業經理人之監督進而有助於公司價值之提升,符合(Wruck,1989)提出的監督效果假說。此外與過去研究發現一致,本研究的實證結果亦顯示,資訊不對稱愈高的公司使用私募股權增資的機率愈高,顯示企業可以透過私募股權增資來減輕資訊不對稱之問題。同時,若公司的股價在增資前異常攀升時,企業會傾向選擇公開募集增資,顯示出相較於私募股權增資,公募股權增資比較會有擇時之考量。當公司於增資前營運績效表現較差時會傾向選擇使用私募股權增資。而發行規模較小時,為了降低直接發行成本,企業會傾向選擇以私募的方式辦理增資。

影響天津吸引外來投資的決定因素 / Determinants of foreign direct investment in Tianjin, China

謝忠國 Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸自1978年確定改革開放政策,天津自改革開放初期的經濟發展面對資金和技術不足的問題。1990年末期,因為外商企業在天津長期投資,對天津產業技術提升及企業管理發揮積極作用,使天津市擠身中國大陸最吸引外來投資之地區之一。1992年鄧小平南巡再次確認中國大陸積極對外開放政策後,天津之外來投資呈現倍數之高度成長。2010年度,天津之外來投資金額更是突破百億美元大關。本文之研究目的冀討論天津在1990年第至2010年,影響各國家地區對天津投資之決定因素。本文採用天津此1990年至2010年累計最高投資金額之前九個國家地區之資料,利用固定效果模型估計,結果顯示決定因素有相對實質匯率、相對每人國內生產毛額、工資率及時間趨勢,另外各國家地區對於天津之地理距離透過分析亦可知其自發性投資呈現負相關。為降低實證模型發生錯誤,將各種統計量之檢定方法加以檢定,皆獲得通過。 / China has adopted and confirmed the so-called Open Door Policy since 1978. Tianjin faced the shortage of capital and technology in the early period of the implement of the Policy. However, in the end of 1990, Tianjin became one of the most attracting foreign investment cities in China because the foreign direct investment had played an important role and positively influenced industries upgrade and business management in the city. The amount of foreign direct investment in Tianjin has a high speed growth after Deng Xiaoping’s southern trip in 1992 to confirm the determination of China’s open door policy again. In 2010, the amount of foreign direct investment in Tianjin was impressively over ten billion US dollars. The purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants of foreign direct investment from different countries and districts in Tianjin from 1990 to 2010. The study adopted fixed-effect model to investigate the determinants of foreign direct investment in Tianjin with the top nine countries and districts in the period of 1990 to 2010. The results revealed relative currency rate, relative GDP per capita, relative wage rate and time trend are the most important factor in attracting foreign direct investment in Tianjin in the period. Another result showed the geographical distance has a negative relationship to foreign direct investment in Tianjin by fixed effect analysis. In order to reduce the occurrence of mistakes, the model and result results also have been tested through related tests methods.

由品牌互動與品牌延伸的角度探討品牌行動應用程式對品牌態度的影響 / Evaluation of the effectiveness of branded mobile phone application from brand interactivity and brand extension

魏晧瑜, Wei, Hao Yu Unknown Date (has links)
隨著新生活娛樂型態興起,以及可攜式行動裝置愈來愈普及,行動廣告的重要性也與日俱增,品牌行動應用程式與消費者的高互動特性,已引起行銷人員相當大的興趣,承載品牌識別圖案與訊息的品牌行動應用程式,無疑是最新崛起的行銷戰場。然而本研究認為,品牌行動應用程式不單純只是品牌的廣告,實際上也是品牌延伸後的新產品,因為它提供使用者不同於原品牌的新功能與服務,且擁有一套獨特的設計理念,因此,本研究在探討行動應用程式互動的效果時,還加入了“品牌延伸”的概念。   本研究選擇五個品牌行動應用程式為研究主體,依照受測對象為使用者與非使用者,調整問卷內容與次序,共設計十份問卷。資料分析結果證實,消費者與品牌行動應用程式的互動而產生的媒體經驗,確實能提升其母品牌的態度;由品牌延伸的角度,研究結果亦證實,品牌行動應用程式與母品牌的認知契合度越高,消費者對品牌行動應用程式的態度就越好,而且品牌延伸存在正向的外溢效果,意即品牌行動應用程式的好感會正向回饋至母品牌的態度。另外,本研究發現體驗型的品牌App較能觸發多元、獨特、且專屬於該品牌的聯想。   本研究的結果不僅可以提供廠商在使用品牌行動應用程式作為行銷工具時的參考,更能在廠商實際建置品牌行動應用程式時,建議提供何種互動經驗給目標消費者較為適當、設計的概念是否要與母品牌概念一致、或者依據行銷目標的不同,推出不同類型的品牌App。

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