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英國高等教育機構審核的效果評估之研究 / A study of the effects and implications of institutional audit in higher education in the United Kingdom陳立光 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 英國大學總體經營無效率的主要導因於「規模因素」,以規模報酬觀之,則缺乏規模效率遞增的大學、半數以上的院校均已步入規模效率遞減的衰退之路,在規模的擴張上應加以節制。
2. 由敏感度分析發現,「生均核心教學經費」的敏感度最高,為影響辦學績效之關鍵因子。
3. 在「師生比」和「課程完成率」兩個指標上,前者出現了兩極化的現象,後者則在三個類型的大學之間出現了明顯的落差。
4. 前身為技術學院的新大學,在純粹技術效率變動值衰退的比例較高,顯示資源的管理能力較差,資源閒置和誤用的情況較其他大學為高,此可能和新大學普遍立校不久的因素有關。
5. 由平均技術變革可知,大學的生產過程產生了質變,生產技術逐年向上提升,顯示大學可能是引進一個新的制度,使得介於投入和產出之間的過程運作得更有效率。
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以高頻率日內資料驗證報酬率與波動度之因果關係-以台灣期貨市場為證 / Use high-frequency data measuring the relationship between returns and volatility with Taiwan futures market data趙明威 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣股票市場的產業外溢效果 / Spillover of industry effect in Taiwan stock market張孟溢, Chang, Meng Yi Unknown Date (has links)
We investigate the spillover of industry effect in Taiwan stock market. Using a generalized vector autoregressive where forecast-error variance decompositions are invariant to variable ordering, we objectively propose measures of both total and directional spillovers on return and volatility daily data. In full-sample analysis, there is a heavy spillover effect in the interaction between stock market and industries. The stock market acts as a receiver from the information diffused from the industries, but the industries could not be confirmed as spillover outputer or inputer. The rolling-sample findings also pinpoint the high spillovers during the financial events. Finally, conducting the robustness test, we divide the sample periods into subperiods and switch the daily data toward weekly and monthly data, then obtaining the consistent results with prior inference.
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財政地方分權在中國地方小學教育發展所扮演的角色 / The role of fiscal decentralization in regional compulsory education development in China陳偉杰 Unknown Date (has links)
中國現行的義務教育體制,主要是由地方政府負責管理和籌措教育資金,這意味著地方義務教育發展將取決於其經濟發展水平與財政收支狀況。因此在此情形之下,提供本研究探討中國的財政地方分權化對於其地方義務教育發展之效果為何的動機。本文首先將回顧相關的理論與實證文獻,藉此作為本研究實證結果的基礎;其次,本文也將介紹與說明,近年來中國財政地方分權與義務教育之現況;最後,本研究將綜合整理1994年財政改革後,利用中國省級的追蹤資料(panel data),建立一個二因子固定效果模型(two-way fixed-effect model),並加入財政地方分權變數之平方項,以期能從中釐清財政地方分權與地方小學義務教育之間所存在的關聯性為何。 / Fiscal decentralization is considered as one of the successful institutional reforms to promote the development of China. However, some analyses of fiscal decentralization and the compulsory education in China show that the former did not improve the supply efficiency of the latter one. So the purpose of this study is to investigate the role of fiscal decentralization in China’s regional compulsory education development after the fiscal reform was implemented in 1994. Both theoretical papers and empirical papers related to the relationship between fiscal decentralization and compulsory education are reviewed. Then this study uses the panel data for 31 provinces in China during the period of 1997-2007 and the two-way fixed effects model with two different fiscal decentralization indices. Furthermore, in order to realize the precise relationship between fiscal decentralization and compulsory education, this study establishes two empirical models with the square term of fiscal decentralization as an independent variable. Finally, to reducing the mistakes occurred in positive models and enabling the study more rigorous, this study uses more methods to test the models and the result.
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存在負面品牌效果下的共同廣告問題研究 / Research of advertising cooperation under retail promotion with negative brand image洪立文 Unknown Date (has links)
本文使用微分賽局模型對單一製造商與零售商之間的廣告合作關係進行探討。製造商在全國進行廣告以建立產品商譽,而零售商則在當地進行促銷以增加產品銷售量;但促銷行動會損害該產品的商譽,且零售商除了販售製造商的national brand之外還販售自己引進的private brand。此外本文試圖探討零售商對於national brand商譽累積的不同態度(短視近利與有遠見的)對雙方利潤所造成的影響。結果顯示,若商譽的存量小於某一水準時,零售商的最適策略是表現出短視近利的態度。且零售商引進private brand一定會對製造商的利潤造成負面的影響,但廣告合作計畫可改善此狀況。最後,對於零售商來說,只有在期初的商譽小於某一水準時,引進private brand才可能獲利。
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中國大陸的改革開放與經濟成長 / The Structural Reforms and Economic Growth in Mainland China楊忠城 Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用介入模式分析中共改革開放所造成的經濟結構之轉變,並建構包含軍事、非軍事政府、及私人等三部門的生產函數,來探討其與經濟成長之間的關聯性。實證結果顯示,改革開放使得中國大陸由閉關自守的內向型經濟轉為高貿易依存度的外向型經濟,經濟體制由計劃經濟邁向多元經濟成分共同發展的市場經濟,整體投資環境獲得改善,而軍事支出雖持續增加,但相對於高經濟成長,其軍事支出規模卻是下降的。此外,中共的經濟成長主要來自於積累率的提昇、公部門支出的正面影響和外溢效果、及國際經濟關係的開放,而技術變遷和勞動投入之成長的影響並不顯著。 / This article proposes intervention model to analyze the structural change of China’s transitional economy. We identify the relationship between economic growth and structural change by using the production functions from military, nonmilitary, and private sectors. The results indicate a more market-oriented economy and changing relationship between private and public ownership will continue to drive China toward modernization.
In contrast to high economic growth, although military expenditure is still increasing but its relative scale is declining. The main sources of China’s economic growth are from the increase of accumulation rate, the positive and spillover effects of public expenditures, and the liberalization of international economic relations. Especially, much of China’s growth has come from producing goods for foreign trade. While on the other hand, the impacts of technological change and increased labor inputs are not significant in this study.
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電視犯罪新聞的第三人效果研究王浩然 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的,在探討一般人對電視犯罪新聞的認知與態度,是否存在第三人效果(third-person effect),以及第三人效果是否會導致人們支持限制電視犯罪新聞。Davison在1983年提出的第三人效果假說指出,人們會傾向認為,媒介訊息對自己的影響比較小,對他人的影響比較大。當媒介訊息使人們產生第三人效果認知時,人們會採取對應行動,為了保護他人不受訊息的負面影響而支持限制媒介。本研究以問卷調查法,訪問大台北地區969位大學生,結果發現受訪大學生傾向認為,電視犯罪新聞對自己的負面影響比較小,對他人的負面影響比較大。其次,受訪大學生人認為電視犯罪新聞對他人的負面影響愈大,愈傾向支持限制電視犯罪新聞。
本研究較特別之處,是探討犯罪受害恐懼感(fear of crime)、第三人效果與支持限制電視犯罪新聞的關係。本研究發現,受訪大學生的犯罪受害恐懼感愈高,愈傾向認為電視犯罪新聞對他人有較大的負面影響,也愈支持限制電視犯罪新聞。
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從BBS站廣告版閱聽人的質性分析來看對廣告效果研究的啟示呂懿婷 Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現,BBS站廣告版作為一個抒發意見的新媒體管道,它的內容是十分多元的,從文本環境來看,可以分成閱聽人意見的討論(包括詢問、感覺、心得、意見、批評等五種不同類型)與廣告本身(包括廣告演員、內容、現象、結構等分類的討論)以及學界概念、業界環境的討論等幾個重要的議題,同時,精華區的設置也提供了廣告版文章的歷史記錄和文章分類樣貌。本研究並提出《BBS廣告版的「閱聽人意見回饋」模式》來解釋BBS上廣告文本與閱聽人這樣的互動行為:當(when)受訪者 / 網友 / 閱聽人有廣告觀看經驗並有所想法,並有使用廣告版(接近性)的狀況下的的時候,他們就會發表對廣告的相關看法。在此條件下(under conditions),假如受訪者 / 網友 / 閱聽人與廣告有相當的關連性,那麼她們會對討論廣告有較為多元的想法,並且對自己意見發表的行為較為積極,這樣的意見回饋形式,呈現了閱聽人對於廣告多種想法的表達,有別於既有廣告批評或消費者研究將受訪者 / 網友 / 閱聽人視為缺乏主動性的研究立場,也劃分出另一個有別於傳統效果模式的意見回饋管道。
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世界各國對中國大陸直接投資差異之決定因素歐陽宏 Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用24個國家(地區)在1993年至2003年期間的資料,採固定效果模型研究外商對中國直接投資的原因為何。結果顯示在1993到1996年間,顯著的決定因素為相對國內生產毛額、相對每人國內生產毛額,以及相對工資率。而在1997到2003年間,顯著的變項轉變為相對國內生產毛額、相對借貸成本、以及相對國家風險。此外,兩階段的外商直接投資都有增加的趨勢,但1997到2003年間增加的速度有趨緩的現象。另由固定效果的分析中得知,地理距離與對中國的自發性直接投資具有負相關的關係,此可由引力模型和地理距離影響文化的擴散和交流解釋之。最後,為了降低實證模型發生錯誤的機會,並使研究過程更為嚴謹,於是對本文模型和估計結果使用更多的方法加以檢定。 / Since 1978, China has adopted the so-called “open door policy”, attracting foreign direct investment(FDI) has become one of the most important methods to facilitate its economic growth. However, foreign countries didn’t invest large amount toward China until Deng Xiaoping’s southern trip in 1992. The purpose of this study is thus to investigate the determinants of FDI from different foreign countries in China after foreign countries started to invest tremendous amount toward China.
This study adopts fixed-effect model to investigate the determinants of FDI in China with 24 countries’ (regions’) data during the period of 1993-2003. The result shows relative GDP, relative GDP per capita, and relative wage are the most important factor in attracting FDI in China during 1993-1996. However, during 1997- 2003, the important factors change into relative GDP, relative borrowing cost, and relative country risk. In addition, the FDI at two periods both have a increasing trend, but the increasing speed during 1997-2003 isn’t increase so quickly as 1993-1996. Furthermore, from the analysis of the fixed effect knows the geographical distance has a negative relationship to FDI in China, and it can be explained by gravity equation and geographical distance influences the diffusion and exchange of culture.
Finally, in order to reduce the mistakes occurred in positive models and enable the study more rigorous, then uses more methods to test the models and the result.
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智慧資本與公司價值關係之實證研究周宜勇, Chou, I-Young Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:智慧資本、Ohlson模型、企業價值、相互效果 / In the era of knowledge economy, firm’s core competitiveness has changed from tangible assets which include labor, factory buildings and capital to the intellectual capital value-drivers. However, the lack of accounting standards of recognition and valuation of intellectual capital results in failing to reflect the firm’s intrinsic value. Therefore, this study uses dimensions of human capital, innovation capital, process capital and customer capital to select the alternative variables of relevant value factors and to examine the relationships between intellectual capital value factors, inter-effects in those value factors and firm’s market value from an input-output viewpoint.
The framework of this study is based on Ohlson(1995)valuation model, and the samples of this study is the listed public companies in Taiwan during 2000 to 2002. This study uses relative education degree of employees, patents, assets turnover rate and customer retention ratio as the intellectual capital value factors, and adopts multiple regression methods to build the current and lagged one period empirical analysis models.
As the intellectual capital value factors, the results show that relative education degree of employees, patents and assets turnover rate have significant positive effect on firm’s market value under current and lagged one period model. But lagged effect of patents is not stable. As the inter-effects of value factors, the results show that there are significant positive relationships between the synergies of human-innovation, human-process, human-customer, innovation-customer capital and the firm’s market value, but only human-innovation capital has a remarkable persistence. Furthermore, the synergy of innovation-process capital has a lagged effect on the firm value creation.
According to the result, this study suggests that company should not only understand the contributions of every intellectual capital value factor to its core value, but also pay more attention to their inter-effects for integration of the firm’s operation strategies and increasing market value.
Key words:Intellectual capital, Ohlson model, firm value, inter-effects
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