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企業社會責任對現金股利影響性之研究 / The impact of corporate social responsibility on cash dividends吳昕樺, Wu, Hsin Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討企業社會責任與現金股利之間的關聯性,並利用傾向分數配對方法(Propensity Score Matching method)控制可能會影響落實企業社會責任的因子,再進一步探討企業社會責任本身是否對現金股利仍具有正向影響性。由於企業社會責任由許多構面所組成,我們將繼續探討企業社會責任各個構面的落實是否對股利政策具有顯著的影響效果,並將研究落實企業社會責任是否會為企業帶來保險效果。本研究利用傾向分數配對方法,根據公司的傾向分數是否相近來進行樣本的配對,藉由分析落實企業社會責任公司與其反事實樣本(其特性變數和落實企業社會責任公司極為相似但實際上未落實企業社會責任的公司)來降低選擇性偏誤與內生性問題。本研究以2007年至2016年之上市上櫃公司(不包括金融類股)為樣本,實證結果發現落實企業社會責任的公司現金股利發放較多,且企業社會責任之評分與現金股利亦呈正向影響。此外,各項構面對現金股利發放皆有正面影響,然而落實企業社會責任並無顯著保險效果。同時以傳統解決選擇偏誤問題的Heckman(1979)兩階段估計法作為傾向分數配對法之穩健性檢定,實證結果與前述結果類似。 / This research examines the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on firm’s dividends and the impact between different components on dividends. (i.e. Corpo-rate Governance, Corporate Commitment, Social participation, Environmental Pro-tection). This research suggests that corporate social responsibility have positive im-pact on dividends. We also examine the insurance effect of CSR activities. In this research, we use propensity score matching method to prevent from the contamina-tion of CSR-effect and the selection bias. This research uses all listed company at stock exchange market and over the counter data which financial stocks are exclud-ed and defines the winners of Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility Award which conferred by Common Wealth Magazine as firms with CSR during 2007 to 2016. The findings support the view of relationship between CSR and dividends is positive. Moreover, each component has positive effect on dividends, while the in-surance effect does not exist. We also use the Heckman two-stage model (1979) as robust test, and find the similar results as using propensity score matching method.
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通貨膨脹目標政策效果分析 / Empirical Analysis of the Effect of Inflation Targeting on Inflation余福燊, Yu, Fu Shen Unknown Date (has links)
依據Svensson (1997)與Orphanides and Wilcox (2002)的理論可知,當通貨膨脹低於目標區間時,通貨膨脹目標政策對通貨膨脹具有正向的效果;當通貨膨脹高於目標區間時,具有負向的效果;而當通貨膨脹位於目標區間時,效果微弱。本文利用1980年--2010年17個國家的年資料作實證分析。實證結果發現,通貨膨脹目標政策在不同分量的通貨膨脹下對通貨膨脹的影響有所不同。當通貨膨脹低的時候,通貨膨脹目標政策對通貨膨脹具有正向效果;然而,當通貨膨脹高的時候,具有負向效果,且隨著通貨膨脹的上升,負向效果有增強的趨勢。此結果與前述理論一致。
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政府與私部門防治支出、環境政策制定以及環境顧志耐曲線賴靜瑤, Lai , Ching-yao Unknown Date (has links)
為解決經濟發展過程伴隨的污染問題,常可見到政府和私部門一同投入防治工作,Pearce and Palmer (2001) 發現OECD國家隨著經濟成長,政府逐步提高公共防治支出,而且各個國家私部門的防治投入仍然佔有相當比重。Seldon and Song (1994)、Antle and Heidebrink (1995) 和Komen et al. (1997) 等實證文獻曾提出「倒U字型」EKC成立的原因可能來自環境財為奢侈財,使得經濟成長過程中公共防治投入快速增加,污染才會逐步減少。雖然Pearce and Palmer (2001) 實證OECD國家公共防治投入的所得彈性確實大於1,可是Kriström and Riera (1996) 發現許多國家對環境品質改善之願付價值的所得需求彈性值介於0到1之間,環境品質實為正常財而非奢侈財。鑒於相關實證資料的矛盾,本文從政府公共防治決策過程,了解環境品質所得需求彈性與公共防治投入所得彈性大於1的關聯,以連結環境品質所得需求彈性與EKC成立的關聯。本文證明無需奢侈財的偏好條件,而僅需環境品質偏好為正常財,以及防治技術滿足規模報酬遞增或固定,平均所得提高,消費者對環境品質的主觀願付價格高於客觀代價,模型預期政府將不斷提高防治費率,平均所得水準和防治費率同步增加,公共防治投入的所得彈性必定大於1,污染量終會減少並趨向於零。
實證研究指出並非所有種類污染物的污染水準與平均所得關係,一定呈現「倒U字型」關係,而過去理論模型單從消費者對於環境品質偏好條件,或是單從污染物防治技術是否具備規模報酬遞增,仍不能完全解釋不同污染物與所得關係的差異性。本文強調必須將經濟成長帶動所得分配變化對污染的間接效果納入,有助於釐清不同種類污染物與所得關係的差異性。首先,所得分配固定不變而平均所得提高,只要滿足環境品質偏好為正常財,以及防治技術滿足規模報酬遞增或固定,平均所得對污染的直接效果為「倒U字型」。再則平均所得固定不變時,只要消費者對環境品質的偏好為正常財(而非奢侈財),所得分配改善,經由多數決投票決定均衡費率反而調降,污染隨之增加。考量高所得國家經濟成長帶動所得分配改善 (即顧志耐曲線存在) 的間接效果,不同污染物面對相同的所得分配變化,唯一的差異僅是防治技術的不同。防治技術之規模報酬遞增並不保證平均所得對污染的淨效果為「倒U字型」,而必須該污染物防治技術之規模報酬指數很高,直接效果大到足以抵銷間接效果,淨效果才可能為「倒U字型」。
另外,本文探討為何世界各國普遍有公私部門同時投入防治的現象,以及研究公共防治支出對私人防治投入產生排擠或排入效果的機制。模型發現無論政府和私部門的防治要素是否為互補要素 (complementary inputs) ,政府和私部門的最適防治投資都不為零。假若私部門增加設備無關乎提升公共防治設備之效能,公共防治增加,將對私人投資產生排擠效果。假若私部門增加設備可以提升公共防治設備之效能,公共防治對私部門防治投資可能產生排擠效果或排入效果,端看該國對於環境品質的重視程度。
政府環境政策制定與私部門防治投資決策的互動息息相關,環境政策的成效實有賴私部門是否願意配合投入防治設備。一旦公共支出對私人投資具排入效果,政府傾向事前宣布較高費率,期望刺激私人投入防治,待事後私人已經投入防治設備,政府則有誘因調降費率。反之,假若公共支出對私人投資具排擠效果,則政府傾向事後再調高費率。只要政府落實事前宣布政策,在符合實證支持的技術條件,污染與平均所得的關係為「倒U字型」的環境顧志耐曲線 (Environmental Kuznets Curve, 以下簡稱EKC) ,若缺乏機制督促政府落實事前宣布政策,且消費者理性預期政府背離意向,當動態一致性 (dynamically consistent) 費率低於事前宣布政策的費率,則執行動態一致性費率所對應的EKC將高於政府確實執行事前政策之EKC;若動態一致性費率高於事前宣布的費率,環境政策的動態不一致反而使得EKC降低。
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生產者服務業知識外溢效果-以台北都會區為例 / The spillover effect of R&D on producer services industries in Taipei metropolitan area劉科汶, Liu, Ke Wen Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現,投資於R&D要素對於公司的成長並沒有顯著的影響,甚至對於中小型公司為負向影響。產業內知識外溢效果方面,對於各公司規模皆有正向的幫助。產業間知識外溢效果則呈現對大規模公司有正向幫助,對中小規模公司則為負向效果。在知識經濟時代下,兩種知識外溢效果確實有助於大規模公司的成長,為產業聚集的重要成因之ㄧ,但對於中小規模公司則有不同的效果產生。因此在促進產業發展的區位規劃設計上,需要考量不同規模公司與不同知識外溢效果的相互關係,以便有助於生產者服務業的發展,建立更具有國際競爭力的都市型態。 / Facing the developing economics of knowledge and globalization, Taipei metropolitan area has faced the issue of industrial restructuring. The strategy for globalization is to develop the producer services (PS) sector, in order to improve higher competitiveness to the city. The theory of agglomeration economics includes scale economics, localization economics and urbanization economics. Nowadays, spillover effect is considered as the most important reason that industries agglomeration develop in urban areas. This paper analyzes two categories of R&D spillover effect in the PS sector of Taipei metropolitan area by quantile regression. The spatial distance and the Input-Output table are used to calculate the intra-industrial and inter-industrial spillover effect, respectively.
The result shows that investment in R&D has a negative effect to firm’s output. Firms with any scale benefit from the intra-industrial spillover effect incomplete. The inter-industrial spillover effect analysis shows that only the bigger scale firms can get the positive benefit, the smaller scale firms get the negative effect. The research analyzes different kinds of R&D spillover effect, and the result show that there are different effects among different conditions. In sum, this research suggests that the disposition of industrial location should consider both the scale of firm and the different spillover effect. As above, utilizing the R&D spillover effect is an important factor to develop the PS sector and to construct the global city.
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台灣股票市場股票報酬之時間序列研究 / The Time Series Analysis of the Stock Returns in the Taiwan Stock Exchange陳柏助, Chen, Po-Chu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文採用Fama and French[1993]所提出之三因子模式為基礎,以公司規模[firm size]、帳面淨值市價比[book to market ratio]、及市場超額報酬[market excess return]為三因子,配合動能因子[momentum]及三種不同的流動性指標[成交量,成交值,成交量週轉率]來延伸探討五因子的時間序列資產定價模式。
(5.)台灣股票市場有顯著的動能存在,投資者可藉由動能策略獲得更高的超額報酬。 / This article provides evidence that stock returns listed in the Taiwan Stock Exchange do have shared variation due to the “market anomalies”, such as size, book-to-market ratio, momentum, and liquidity, which have been argued by scholars and investment professionals for many years. The evidence shows that small-cap effect plays an important role in explaining the violation in stock returns after controlling for other determinants of stock returns. Besides, value, momentum, and liquidity effect do exist in the Taiwan stock market. Moreover, we suggest that turnover rate is a better proxy for liquidity in terms of its stronger relations with the stylized portfolio returns. We empirically estimate the intercepts of our asset-market models using weekly time-series data for individual securities over the sample period from 1992 to 2000 and across 452 securities. To emphasize particularly, our result does not imply that the Taiwan stock market is not an efficient market.
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社會支持、自我效能對兒童知覺雙親衝突影響兒童生活適應歷程之調節效果研究 / The mediating effects study of social support and self-efficacy on the process of child's perception of interparental conflict on child adjustment劉宗幸, Tsung-Shing Liu Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………… 1
第一節 研究背景與目的………………………………………… 1
第二節 研究問題………………………………………………… 4
第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………… 5
第一節 婚姻衝突與兒童生活適應的關係……………………… 5
壹、 婚姻衝突的概念與含意…………………………………… 5
貳、 生活適應的含意…………………………………………… 7
參、 父母衝突對兒童生活適應的影響………………………… 9
肆、 父母衝突對兒童影響的機制………………………………11
一、 模仿…………………………………………………………11
二、 認知情境脈絡架構…………………………………………12
三、 親子間的依附關係…………………………………………15
第二節 兒童的社會支持與自我效能與其生活適應之關係……22
壹、 社會支持與兒童生活適應之關係…………………………22
一、 社會支持概念的起源與定義………………………………22
二、 社會支持的來源與分類……………………………………25
三、 社會支持的測量……………………………………………27
四、 社會支持的壓力調節假說…………………………………28
五、 社會支持的相關研究………………………………………31
貳、 自我效能與兒童生活適應之關係…………………………34
一、 自我效能理論緣起…………………………………………34
二、 自我效能的意義……………………………………………36
三、 自我效能的來源……………………………………………38
四、 自我效能的測量……………………………………………39
五、 自我效能的相關研究………………………………………40
第三章 研究方法…………………………………………………43
第一節 研究假設與架構…………………………………………43
第二節 研究對象…………………………………………………44
第三節 測量工具…………………………………………………45
第四節 資料處理…………………………………………………61
第四章 研究結果………………………………………………63
第一節 受試者之基本資料…………………………………63
第二節 研究變項各向度的描述統計結果……………………64
第三節 研究變項的相關分析…………………………………65
第四節 研究變項的迴歸分析…………………………………68
第五章 結論與討論………………………………………………76
第一節 結論……………………………………………………76
第二節 討論……………………………………………………77
第三節 研究限制與建議…………………………………………82
附錄一 預試量表………………………………………………95
附錄二 正試量表…………………………………………… 106
圖 2 -1 認知情境脈絡架構………………………………………………………13
圖 2 -2 社會支持之主要效果模式………………………………………………29
圖 2 -3 社會支持作為壓力調節器的模式………………………………………30
圖 2- 4 社會支持之調節效果模式………………………………………………30
圖 2 -5 三種互動論………………………………………………………………35
圖 5 -1 兒童社會支持在兒童知覺雙親衝突與父親依附間的調節效果………72
表 5 -1 樣本次數分配表………………………………………………………63
表 5 -2 研究變項各向度之平均數與標準差…………………………………64
表 5 -3 各研究變項向度間的相關……………………………………………66
表 5 -4 各研究變項間的相關…………………………………………………68
表 5- 5 兒童知覺雙親衝突對親子依附關係的迴歸分析……………………69
表 5 -6 兒童知覺雙親衝突對親子依附關係的逐步迴歸分析………………69
表 5 -7 親子依附關係對兒童生活適應的迴歸分析…………………………70
表 5 -8 父親依附對兒童生活適應的逐步迴歸分析…………………………70
表 5 -9 母親依附對兒童生活適應的逐步迴歸分析…………………………71
表 5 -10 以父親依附為依變項、兒童知覺雙親衝突為自變項、兒童社會支
表 5 -11 以母親依附為依變項、兒童知覺雙親衝突為自變項、兒童社會支
表 5 -12 以兒童生活適應為依變項、父親依附為自變項、兒童社會支持為
表 5 -13 以兒童生活適應為依變項、母親依附為自變項、兒童社會支持為
表 5 -14 以父親依附為依變項、兒童知覺雙親衝突為自變項、兒童自我效
表 5 -15 以母親依附為依變項、兒童知覺雙親衝突為自變項、兒童自我效
表 5 -16 以兒童生活適應為依變項、父親依附為自變項、兒童自我效能為
表 5 -17 以兒童生活適應為依變項、父親依附為自變項、兒童自我效能為
調節變項的階層迴歸分析……………………………………………75 / The purpose of this study is to discuss the role of parent-child attachment as a mediator in the relationship between child's perception of interparental conflict and child adjustment , and to investigate whether or not did social support and self-efficacy have buffering effects on the relationships between child's perception of interparental conflict and parent-child attachment, and between parent-child attachment and child adjustment
Using 318 5th- and 6th- grade students in elementary school as subjects, researcher adopted six scales- The Children's Perception of Interparental Conflict Scale, Inventory of Father Attachment , Inventory of Mother Attachment , Social Support Scale, Questionnaire of Self-efficacy , and Inventory of Elementary School Students Adjustment- to measure subjects' scores in these variables (child's perception of interparental conflict, parent-child attachment, social support, self-efficacy and child adjustment ).
Results indicated that parent-child attachment would mediate the relationship between child's perception of interparental conflict, and child adjustment. The buffering effect of social support was only showed in the relationship between child's perception of interparental conflict and father-child attachment. Self-efficacy didn't show any buffering effects.
According to the results, interparental conflict had negative impact on parent-child attachment and child adjustment . Thus, parents should avoid showing conflict in a destructive way or display the conflict in a constructive way; that is, don't forget to be sensitive to and take care of child's feeling when parents are in conflict. There are no obvious buffering effects of social support and self-efficacy on the relationships between child's perception of interparental conflict and parent-child attachment and between parent-child attachment and child adjustment . To learn more on their relationships, further researches are needed.
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網路廣告的溝通效果研究 / The study of internet advertising communication林建志, Lin, Elton Unknown Date (has links)
若以目前最常被用來評估網路廣告效益指標:CPM (每千人廣告曝光成本)及CTR(廣告點選率)而言,由於網路廣告的“曝光”不代表一定被看見,因此CPM只能作為媒體採購成本的參考;若以CTR作為評估標準,台灣目前平均廣告點選率已低於0.1%(2012年業界實際經驗值),是否就可以直接推論:『99.9%的廣告曝光是無效的?』(因為99.9%的曝光並不會吸引網友點選)
假說一: 曝露在指定品牌廣告下的消費者,比沒有曝露在指定品牌廣告下的消費者更容易回答有看到廣告中的指定品牌。
假說二: 曝露在指定品牌廣告下的消費者,比沒有曝露在指定品牌廣告下的消費者更容易回想到廣告中的指定品牌。
研究結果證明:『即使網友在一般網路瀏覽行為中不刻意瀏覽網頁中的附帶廣告、甚至點選廣告,但只要在廣告上明顯揭露指定品牌名稱,就會有一定比例的網友對廣告留下印象』,因此即可推論:『即使平均廣告點選率= 0.1%,也不能直接推論 99.9%的廣告是無效的』。只要在廣告的設計上明顯揭露品牌/產品/活動名稱,就會有一定比例的消費者對廣告留下印象,但若廣告設計時無明顯揭露品牌名稱,則結果就如同本研究中的“無廣告操弄”,對提升品牌印象/價值毫無加分作用,更遑論可以提升偏好度/購買意願。
最後有關“廣告外溢效果”的探討,雖然本次研究結果無法證明:『若是一個中等品牌偏好度的品牌在做廣告時,其產生的外溢效果會加惠於該產業的知名品牌,讓消費者因 “中等品牌偏好度的廣告” 而自動回憶起原本即喜歡的他牌,尤其是高知名度的領導品牌』,但如果後續能持續研究此議題並證明其假設成立,則領導品牌的媒體廣告投資週期就可適度避開二線品牌的廣告曝光期,因為當二線品牌刊登廣告可能也會同時喚起對領導品牌的回憶,領導品牌的廣告就可延後刊播,待二線品牌廣告停止時再接續播出,有可能達到整體媒體投資效益最大化(最佳化)、拉長廣告影響期間的目標。
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從眼動證據探究閱聽中文形聲字之音形映照 / Eye movement evidence for Phonological to orthographic mapping when reading and listening Chinese Phonograms余姿幸, Yu, Tzu Hsing Unknown Date (has links)
整體而論,本研究整合形音映照之概念所衍生出的形音一致性效果及同音字密度效果,就視、聽兩種模式之眼動實驗,檢視音形映照歷程,並進一步提供音形映照的實驗證據,探究其於中文語言系統的文字辨識歷程中之影響力與重要性。 / The present study aims to examine the states of phonological to orthographic (P-O) mappings when reading and listening Chinese phonograms. Two eye tracking experiments regarding to visual and auditory modalities were conducted to explore the intrinsic nature and the temporal dynamics of P-O mappings in Chinese word recognition.
Experiment 1 manipulated homophone density and P-O consistency to investigate the involvement of P-O mappings at lexical and sublexical levels during the reading process. The result of Experiment 1 revealed that the P-O consistency effect was evident in second-pass eye movement indices of total viewing time (TVT) and rereading rate (RRR), demonstrating a late occurrence of P-O consistency effect at a the verification stage in reading. The occurrence of P-O consistency is in accordance with the view that the phonological information and orthographic representation are activated in a bidirectional flow, which implies that the mappings from phonology to orthography were guaranteed during the reading process.
Experiment 2 utilizes visual world paradigm to explore the P-O mappings in auditory modality and further inspect the temporal dynamic in listening Chinese spoken characters. The result demonstrated that the P-O consistency effect emerged approximately 300 ms earlier than the homophone density effect, reflecting the early P-O consistency effect and the relatively late HD effect during the temporal stage of spoken word recognition. The result also supports the bidirectional activation of orthographic and phonological codes during word recognition, demonstrating the notion that the dynamic influences of orthography representation on spoken word recognition are ubiquitous at both sub-lexical and lexical levels.
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警政負面新聞第三人效果之研究 / The Third-Person Effect in Perception of the Impact of Negative Police News Media陳瑞南, Chen,Rwei-nan Unknown Date (has links)
對於警政議題涉入感方面,研究證實受訪者對警政新聞議題涉入愈高者,普遍認為對自己、一般警察、一般民眾愈會造成負面影響。本研究同時發現警察的職業認同感維持在中度以上,結果顯示職業認同感可以正面預測「對自己的影響」、「對一般警察的影響」、「對一般民眾的影響」三者,即警察的職業認同感愈高,愈傾向認為警政負面新聞的負面影響愈大。受訪者認為警政負面新聞的影響愈大,愈傾向支持媒介限制行動。總的來說,警政負面新聞「對自己的影響」、「對一般警察的影響」、「對一般民眾的影響」等變項,均是預測支持警政機關採取媒介限制行為的顯著變項。 / This thesis is the first study in Taiwan focusing on “negative police news”, attempting to apply the third person effect theory to study the possible impact of negative news coverage of police. This research furthermore investigates several variables, including demographic variables, issue involvement, social distance, and professional identification, and their influence on the perception of negative police news. A relationship of exposure of negative news and support of media regulation is analyzed at the same time.
A survey of 846 incumbent officers from twenty-three metropolitan police agencies in Taiwan was conducted. Results show that negative news coverage of police has both first and third person effects on police officers. Officers consider that effects of negative police news have stronger impact on themselves than on other officers. They generally consider that negative police news has more negative influence on the general public. From a viewpoint of social distance, an attitude formed through heterogeneity and uncertainty among different social groups, this study found that effects of exposure to negative police news upon perception of the effect on other officers were more limited than on the general public.
From the aspect of issue involvement, the more the officers were involved in negative news issues, the more they consider negative police news has negative effects upon themselves, other officers and the general public. This study also concluded that the higher the professional identification a police officer held, the more she/he tended to consider that negative police news had a stronger impact. We also found that there was a tendency that police officers were more likely to support media regulation. Effects upon oneself, effects upon other police officers, and effects upon the general public of negative news coverage of police, were all variables significantly predicting the support of media regulation.
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台北市連鎖便利商店展店行為的動態分析 / An Entry Analysis of Convenience Stores in Taipei黃伊平, Hwang, I Pyng Unknown Date (has links)
區則是展店機率較低的行政區。 / The density of convenience stores (CVS) in Taiwan is ranked as number one in the
world. The highly concentrated market of convenience stores has dramatically
changed the lifestyle of Taiwanese people. The number of existing outlets in a region
is also an important factor in regard to the entry decisions of new outlets. In this study,
we construct a model of the dynamic discrete game, and examine the influence of the
rival outlet number on CVS entry decisions in Taipei, Taiwan. The empirical evidence
we find is that the CVS profits first rise and then decline as the own or rival outlet
number increases. This result implies that the complement and substitution effects
vary with the number of the CVS outlets in a specific region. Furthermore, we
estimate the probabilities that the CVS companies will set up additional outlets in any
district of Taipei during the data period. The results show that it is most likely for the
companies to enter the Da’an and Zhongshan districts, while Nangang, Datong and
Wanhua are districts with low entry probabilities.
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