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吸菸者多重自我概念與品牌人格之一致性對香菸品牌態度之影響倪培軒 Unknown Date (has links)
自Grubb and Grathwohl(1967)透過Rogers(1951)的個體自我增強理論(theory of individual self enhancement)為基礎,假設自我概念對個體而言是一種價值,並且個體的行為會朝向增強或保護他們的自我概念為方向,因此購買、展示行為或商品使用,皆會透過購買符號商品的過程來加強自我概念後,將此理論運用到廣告行銷領域的研究便開始蓬勃發展。本研究即是透過一致性理論來觀察吸菸者與其所喜好的香菸品牌間之關係,並輔以Aaker,J的品牌人格理論做為觀察面向。最後在本研究架構上將吸菸動機及吸菸行為一併納入其中討論。
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台灣地區大學學雜費調漲對生育率的影響洪文娟 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以1991年至2002年台灣地區23個縣市之追蹤資料為研究對象,經由固定效果模型的估計結果發現,大學學雜費對台灣地區生育率的影響有顯著的負相關;而其他影響台灣地區生育率的主要因素,如台灣地區各縣市家庭所得、失業率(尤以男性失業率為顯著)、婦女教育程度等均呈現顯著的負向影響,台灣地區嬰兒死亡率亦呈現負向影響但並不顯著,而婦女25 – 39歲年齡組群佔該縣市15歲以上婦女總人數比例,對台灣地區生育率的影響,呈現顯著的正向關係。
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財政分權對中國地方金融發展的影響 / The effect of fiscal decentralization in regional financial development of China林庭偉, Lin, Ting Wei Unknown Date (has links)
觀察中國多年來經濟的穩健成長,財政的分權化著實扮演著舉足輕重的角色;而在影響經濟成長的眾多因素中,金融發展亦被認為是說明一國經濟成長與資本累積的指標。本研究首先將回顧相關理論與文獻,作為本研究之實證基礎;其次,將簡介中國財政改革的歷程與金融體制發展的歷史演進,並說明中國財政地方分權與金融發展之現況;最後,本研究將整理中國財政改革後,1995年至2010年涵蓋31個省市之追蹤資料(panel data),建立一個二因子固定效果模型(two-way fixed-effect model),並導入財政地方分權變數之平方項,試圖探討中國地方財政分權對於各省市金融發展之影響效果之全貌,並提供具體的政策及建議。
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考慮固定效果的隨機邊界模型概似函數之推導: Copula Functions之應用 / The derivation of maximum likelihood function in fixed effect stochastic frontier model:an application of copula function陳奕淙 Unknown Date (has links)
Greene (2005) 在縱橫資料型態下提出真實固定效果隨機邊界模型 (true fixed effect stochastic frontier analysis, TFESFA),該模型保留了傳統隨機邊界法之架構並考量到廠商間之異質性問題,同時設定廠商之無效率項可隨時間改變。但此模型假定不同廠商皆有特定之固定效果參數,當廠商家數多而資料觀察期間較少時,會因待估參數過多而導致模型存在擾攘參數問題,產生估計偏誤 。
本研究利用Tsay et al. (2009) 提出之方法,以錯誤函數 (error function) 之非線性近似函數以及關聯結構函數 (copula function) 推導得到TFESFA模型經一階差分轉換後組合誤差項之近似概似函數,成為本研究提出之差分隨機邊界模型(difference stochastic frontier model, DSFA) 模型,透過模擬過程生成平衡縱橫樣本及不平衡縱橫樣本,發現本研究提出之DSFA模型的確能在觀察期間較少時消除擾攘參數問題之影響。最後,本研究使用TFESFA模型及DSFA模型,配合投入面距離函數來衡量俄羅斯銀行之技術效率,而DSFA模型亦能達到更良好之估計效果。
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搜尋結果之預期一致性與關聯性對關鍵字廣告效果之影響 / The Influence of Expected Consistency and Relevancy of Search Results on the Effects of Keyword Advertising郭怡吟, Kuo, I Yin Unknown Date (has links)
1. 以產品名稱搜尋,消費者對知名品牌的廣告產品態度與廣告品牌態度明顯優於不知名品牌。
2. 以品牌名稱搜尋,消費者對與預期一致的品牌的廣告注意、正面廣告態度、廣告產品態度、廣告品牌態度皆明顯優於非預期的品牌。
3. 關鍵字廣告產品與消費者預期搜尋的產品關聯高時,則消費者對廣告注意與瞭解程度顯著高於產品類別關聯低之產品;同時,對關鍵字之正面廣告態度、產品及品牌態度皆優於產品關聯低的廣告。
4. 認知需求會增強消費者對廣告產品類別關聯高的關鍵字廣告的瞭解能力與提升對廣告產品的態度。
5. 認知需求對搜尋結果是否與預期一致或知名品牌之廣告效果的調節效果不顯著。 / As consumers are relying more and more on the internet, web advertising has become more mature on the consumers’ side, especially for keywords advertising. Advertisers have favored keywords advertising due to its ability to precisely target its customer and relatively low cost, which resulted in a significant growth in the advertising market. Recently, many companies started to use piggybacking as a keyword advertising method, buying keyword phrases of competitors, channel brands or product names to use as their own keyword advertisement, in order to increase the exposure of their corporate advertisement.
This study used an experimental method to manipulate consumers using different search strategies, and investigated the influence of brand expected consistency and category relevancy. A total of 642 questionaires were analyzed by using MANCOVA analysis, and resulted in the following conclusions:
1. Search by product name: Consumers’ attitude toward advertising product and advertising brand were significantly better for well-known brands compared to unknown brands.
2. Search by brand name: Consumers’ advertising notice, attitude towards positive advertising, advertising product and advertising brand attitudes were significantly better for the expected consistency brand compared to inconsistency brands.
3. Consumers’ advertising notice, understanding, attitude towards positive advertising, advertising product and advertising brand were significantly better for highly relevant product categories compared to low relevant product categories of consumers’ search.
4. Consumers’ need for cognition enhanced the ability for consumers to understand the keyword advertising and raised their attitude towards the advertised product.
5. Consumers’ need for cognition regarding search results on the brand expected consistency or brand familiarity towards advertising effect was not significant to become a moderator.
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跨國金融危機擴散效果之分析-以Copula模型為分析方法 / Analysis of transnational financial crisis contagion effect-copula approach莊旭明, Chuang, Shiu Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要是想探討在2008年全球金融危機發生後,美國與亞洲國家股票市場之間的相關性是否發生明顯的改變。藉由2005年至2012年美國、新加坡、台灣、日本和泰國的股票市場資料,來觀察各國股票市場的相關性是否產生不對稱的現象,首先檢定美國對其他四個國家有無產生蔓延效果,並藉由不同期間的資料來檢定蔓延效果以看出各國之間是否在極端的情況下產生尾端相關性,最後,再使用不同的關聯結構函數配適出最適合資料的模型。 / The main idea of this paper is to show whether or not that stock market between U.S and Asian country has been obviously changed after 2008 financial crisis. For the sake of observing if there is or not occurred inconsistence phenomenon in each country’s stock market, we use the information from U.S、Singapore、Taiwan、Japan and Thailand since 2005 to 2012. First, look in that if U.S has contagion affects to other four countries and, checkup the contagion effects through the information from different period to find the tail dependence in extreme situation. Finally, to dispose a model which is the most suitable for the information by using different Copula functions.
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線上旅遊資訊對於台灣旅遊景點及旅客的影響 / How the Travel Information from Internet Affects Resorts and Visitors in Taiwan李羽嵐, Lee, Yu Lan Unknown Date (has links)
網路盛行下,取得資訊的成本大幅降低,人們在旅遊決策前會先使用網路查詢相關的資訊,本研究目的在於探討線上的旅遊景點資訊搜尋對於景點以及對於到訪該景點之旅客有什麼樣的影響,利用景點的Google搜尋熱度、景點的燈光資料及景點旅客人數的資料,使用固定效果模型分析,證實景點的線上的旅遊景點資訊會使其景點變得熱鬧,尤其會影響到秘境、高學歷旅客及年輕人喜歡前往的景點。 另外本研究也發現,線上搜尋會使得旅客想要找旅伴一同出遊,且會使去其景點的遊客平均年齡降低,以及使遊客去其景點採取自由行的比例上升,讓旅客的旅遊模式變得多元化。 / With the borderless online communication becoming more widespread, obtaining information has significantly become faster and easier. Nowadays, people will do the research from the internet to gain the tourists information in advance. The purpose of this study is to explore how the online search of tourist attractions affects the attractions visitors. This study uses the Google trends, Nighttime Lights on Taiwan attractions and the number of tourist attractions from 2004 to 2013. This study used the fixed effects model to confirm that the online search of tourist attraction will make that attraction become more popular.
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盈餘管理、宣告效果與私募增資對象的關聯 / Earnings management, announcement effect, and investor type of private placements孫偉哲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣468筆私募增資案,探討應計基礎和實質盈餘管理的決定因素,及盈餘管理對宣告效果的影響。我們發現當投資人類別分為內部人及外部人時,於私募增資前一年,兩者的盈餘管理程度有顯著地不同。並發現相較於應計基礎盈餘管理,實質盈餘管理與宣告效果呈顯著負相關。研究結果顯示與內部人的私募案相比,外部人的私募案,其盈餘管理程度較低,宣告時市場給予較高的異常報酬,且盈餘管理會顯著地負向影響宣告時的報酬。 / We employ 468 private placements in Taiwan to examine the determinants of accrual-based earnings management and real earnings management (REM), as well as the impact of earnings management on announcement returns. The results indicate that the type of investors affects earnings management prior to private placements. Compared with discretionary current accruals (DCA), REM is significantly and negatively related with announcement returns. Outsider placements are associated with lower earnings overstatement and higher announcement returns. Outsider placements also exhibit a significantly negative relation between earnings management and announcement returns.
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外籍勞動力在臺縣市分布的影響因素探討 ─長期追蹤資料分析法 / The Study on the Factors Influencing the Foreign Workforce in Taiwan among cities and counties ─Panel Data Analysis謝沛穎 Unknown Date (has links)
為了解外國勞動力在臺工作縣市分布的影響因素,不同於以往的研究,本文從縣市別角度出發,採用2006年至2015年臺灣21個縣市的追蹤調查資料,以外籍專業人員、外籍勞工、全部外籍勞動力為被解釋變數建立3個模型,並分別以最小平方法、固定效果模型以及隨機效果模型進行迴歸分析,結果顯示,影響外國專業人才來臺工作縣市分布之重要因素為產業因素與教育資源因素,而失業率、產業因素以及教育資源因素則為外籍勞工與全部外籍勞動力的重要影響因素。 / Taiwan, with the post-war baby boom turning into the elderly boom by time, coupled with being one of the lowest birth rate in the world, is currently facing serious population aging problems. In order to deal with this situation, Taiwan government needs to encourage fertility, reduce domestic workforce outflows, and attract overseas students and nationals to return home. In addition, it is also urgent to recruit foreign workforce to ease the pressure of domestic working generation.
Different from the previous studies, this study attempted to understand the influencing factors of foreign workforce’s distribution in Taiwan by adopting a new perspective of observing each city and county respectively. This study used the data of 21 cities and counties in Taiwan from year 2006 to 2015, choosing the data of foreign workforce, foreign professionals and foreign labors as the dependent variables. Afterwards, the OLS model, the fixed effect model and the random effect model were conducted to estimate those variables separately. The results indicated that the industrial factors and educational resources factors were the main important factors influencing the distribution of foreign professionals in Taiwan, while the unemployment rate, industrial factors and educational resources factors were the important factors influencing the distribution of foreign labors and all the foreign workforce.
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貸款成數、加碼利率與房價的動態調整 / Loan-to-value ratio, mark-up rate and housing price dynamics彭思瑾, Peng, Ssu Chin Unknown Date (has links)
四、政策宣告會改變民眾的預期,促使房價於政策宣告後立即跳動,並在政策執行前就已對房屋存量和房價做出反應。在宣告降低貸款成數的瞬間,房價會有跳躍性減少的情況;但在宣告提高加碼利率的瞬間,房價則視加碼利率變動的正負效果相對大小,有跳躍性上升或下降的情況。 / This thesis extends the housing market model pioneered by Poterba(1984) from a partial equilibrium analysis to a general equilibrium analysis. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how the anticipated and unanticipated policies of the loan-to-value ratio and the mark-up rate govern the transitional dynamics of housing prices and the housing stock.
There are two main findings emerge from the analysis. First, a reduction in the loan-to-value ratio leads to a decline in both of housing prices and the housing stock, regardless of whether the increased loan-to value ratio is beneficial or harmful to the return on housing. Second, in response to a rise in the mark-up rate, whether the steady-state housing prices and the housing stock go up or go down depends on the mark-up rate effect. Both housing prices and the housing stock go up if the increased mark-up rate contributes a positive effect on the return of holding houses. By contrast, the steady-state housing prices and the housing stock go down if the increased mark-up rate causes a negative effect on the return on housing holdings.
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