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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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新北市公立國民小學校長空間領導與教師 效能感關係之研究 / The Study of the Relationship between the Elementary School Principal’s Space Leadership and The Teacher Efficacy in New Taipei City

李冠瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 本研究旨在了解新北市公立國民小學校長空間領導與教師效能感的現況與之間的關係,並分析不同背景變項之教師在知覺校長空間領導與教師效能感差異情形,且探討兩者之間的關係,最後藉由校長空間領導對教師效能感進行預測。 本研究採問卷調查研究法,分層隨機為其抽樣方式,並以學校規模為分層依據,從新北市211所小學抽取作為問卷調查對象,共計抽樣46 所小學,發出474份問卷,收回464份,有效問卷共計442份,並利用統計套裝軟體SPSS18.0分析兩變項之現況與影響關係。 本研究獲致結論歸納如下: 一、新北市國民小學校長空間領導為中高程度,以「以空間規劃引領 教學創新」之程度最高,「校長以空間規劃增進社區關係」之程 度最低。 二、新北市國民小學教師知覺教師效能感為中高程度,以「教學策略 效能感」之程度最高,「班級經營效能感」之程度最低。 三、新北市國民小學教師,因其年齡、服務年資、教育程度、擔任職 務及學校規模之不同,而有不同的校長空間領導感受,以年齡 41-50歲之教師、服務年資11-15年之教師、教育程度研究所以 上之教師、擔任職務為主任之教師及學校規模為31班(含)以上之 教師知覺程度較高。 四、新北市國民小學教師,因其性別、年齡、服務年資、教育程度、 擔任職務及學校規模之不同,而有不同的教師效能感,以女性、 年齡41-50歲之教師、服務年資11-15年及服務年資21年(含)以上 的教師、研究所以上之教師、級任教師及學校規模為31班(含)以 上之教師知覺程度較高。 五、新北市國民小學校長空間領導與教師效能感有顯著正相關,校長 空間領導的程度越高,教師效能感也越佳。 六、新北市國民小學校長空間領導對教師效能感具預測力,以「校長 以空間規劃革新行政效能」的預測作用最佳。 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以供教育行政機關、學校校長以及未來研究之參考。 關鍵詞:校長空間領導、教師效能感


蘇馨容 Unknown Date (has links)

態度決定行動: 政治效能感對於政治參與的影響效果之實證分析 / Attitudes Determine Actions: Effects of Political Efficacy on People’s Political Participation

翁定暐, Weng, Ting Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究有感於近年來台灣社會政治活動的參與情況,與往年相較起來熱絡許多,從以往只能透過數年一度的選舉活動,來表現個人的政治參與;到目前有許多人能夠從網路發表自身意見,討論時事議題,進而與政府、官員們接觸,甚至透過大型的集會活動來表達個人的立場以及訴求,企圖影響,並改變當前政治環境。在眾多參與政治的過程當中,個人心理因素對於投入與否的影響效果十分重要。政治態度的種類繁多,筆者在本文以政治效能感的角度出發,探討民眾對於政治參與的動機。是否會因為個人能夠理解政治,同樣能夠感受到政府官員對於個人的關心與重視,進而擁有認為自身能夠影響政治的這項心理態度,使得個人願意力行不同種類的政治參與。 本研究運用2013年「台灣選舉與民主化調查研究」資料,探索政治效能感對於政治參與的影響效果。除了檢證過去理論中:政治效能感愈高,愈會參與政治活動之外,區分了政治效能感的內在與外在的不同面向,以及政治參與的不同種類,探討政治效能感對於不同種類的政治參與是否具備不同的影響效果。研究結果發現,內在政治效能感較容易影響純粹表達意見的政治參與,而外在政治效能感較容易影響企圖改變現況的政治參與,此一發現提供與以往不同的理論觀點,認為政治效能感對於是個人政治參與的影響,是一項重要心理因素。 / Over the past few years, political participations in Taiwan have been flourished. Indeed, a democratic society, like Taiwan, should allow people to have various ways to participate in politics beyond simply casting their votes, including demonstrating on the street to show what they stand for. By examining public opinion data in Taiwan, this study aims to explore the relationship between political efficacy and different types of political participations. Specifically, this study use the 2013 Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study (TEDS) data to examine the extent to which one’s political efficacy could influence his/her political participations. The conventional wisdom suggests that the higher the political efficacy, the more political activities one may participate in. Additionally, previous research also posits that the linkages between political efficacy and participation vary, depending on different components of political efficacy as well as various types of political participations. The empirical results of this analysis show that the respondents who have higher internal political efficacy are more likely to participate in “opinion-expression actions”. On the other hand, those who have higher external political efficacy are more likely to participate in “changing the status quo action”. In short, political efficacy should be regarded as an important psychological element that may influence different dimensions of political participations.

實習教師效能感與工作壓力之相關研究 / A Study on the Teachers' Sense of Efficacy and the Job Stress for the Intern Teachers

黃光雄, Huang,Kuang-Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國中小實習教師的教師效能感及工作壓力現況,並針對不同背景實習教師分別比較兩者之差異,同時瞭解其間之相關情形,最後研究不同背景變項與教師效能感對工作壓力的預測功能,俾供教育主管機關及實習教師參考。 本研究採問卷調查法,透過文獻探討,蒐集有關實習教師、教師效能感與工作壓力方面的資料,研究工具為自編的「實習教師效能感與工作感受問卷」,其中包括有個人背景資料、教師效能感量表、工作壓力量表及開放性問題等四部分。本研究叢集抽取國中30所、國小60所之桃園縣實習教師500位為樣本,回收有效卷共計414份,回收率82.8%。問卷所得資料以SPSS統計軟體處理,採次數、百分比、平均數、標準差、積差相關、單因子多變量變異數及逐步多元迴歸等統計分析,以回答待答問題。 本研究主要結論如下: 一、實習教師感受整體教師效能感屬中上程度,其中又以「一般教學效能」層面較高 二、實習教師感受工作壓力屬中等程度,以「工作負荷與生涯角色」層面感受較高 三、不同性別實習教師有不同教師效能感受 四、除性別外,不同背景實習教師效能感無顯著差異 五、除實習學校外,不同背景實習教師感受工作壓力無顯著差異存在 六、實習教師效能感之「個人教學效能」與工作壓力之「管教問題與人際溝通」呈現顯著負相關;「一般教學效能」與工作壓力之「工作負荷與生涯角色」及「管教問題與人際溝通」皆呈現顯著負相關 七、實習教師效能感對工作壓力具有效負向預測功能 八、對實習過程而言;近五成實習教師感受快樂或非常快樂,近四成感受有壓力或壓力很大 九、實習教師工作壓力來源,以教師甄試及對未來不確定性、與輔導老師溝通不良、實習工作繁雜、津貼過低等居多 十、實習教師提出心中的感受及建議,值得重視 最後,本研究根據發現及結論,分別就教育主管單位、師資培育機構、實習輔導學校、實習教師及未來研究提出具體相關建議。 / The purposes of this study were to investigate the status of the intern teachers’ sense of efficacy and the job stress, to compare the differences of sense of efficacy and job stress due to different backgrounds, and to examine the correlation between their sense of efficacy and job stress. In conclusion, researched job stress predict function in different background and teachers’ sense of efficacy, I hope to provide references for the educational administration authorities and intern teachers. This study adopts the methods of literature review and questionnaire, aided with literature explore to collect information on intern teachers, teachers’ sense of efficacy, and job stress. The research instrument used was a self-designed survey named “Questionnaire on Intern Teachers about Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy and Job Sense”. The questionnaire consists of four parts: personal background information, teachers’ sense of efficacy, job stress, and opening questions. Study samples were 500 intern teachers from 30 elementary schools and 60 junior high schools in Taoyan County. There were 414 valid surveys received, accounting for 82.8% of the total surveys distributed. Information obtained was statistically with factor analysis, mean, standard deviation, one-way MANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation test, and multiple stepwise regression analysis of the statistically relation software SPSS. The conclusions obtained from this study are summarized as follows: 1. Inter teachers reached a high middle level of sense of efficacy. The highest level due to general teaching efficacy. 2. Intern teachers’ job stress achieved the middle level. The ”workload and career role” level is the main pressure. 3. Gender differences showed the differences on teachers’ sense of efficacy. 4. No significant correlation on different variables on teachers’ sense of efficacy, but gender backgrounds. 5. No significant correlation on different variables on the job stress, but intern mentor school backgrounds. 6. There is a significant negative correlation between the sense of efficacy dimension of personal teaching efficacy and the job stress dimension of teaching problem and personal relationship. There is the other significant negative correlation between the “general teaching efficacy” aspect of teachers’ sense of efficacy and the “workload and career role” and “teaching problem and personal relationship”. 7. Teachers’ sense of efficacy have the negative predict function on job stress. 8. In the process of Intern teachers’ practice learning, nearly 50% of the intern teachers feel happy or very happiest, and nearly 40% have pressure and the most. 9. The main causes of the job stress on the intern teachers are job interviews and recruitment, uncertainty of one’s future, poor communication with one’s supervisor, complexity of work practice, extremely low allowance, etc. 10. The intern teachers’ feelings about the internship and suggestions are worth paying attention. Finally, based on the research findings and conclusions, here comes some suggestions for our educational administration authorities, teacher-education institutes, intern mentor schools, intern teachers and future studies.


趙于萱 Unknown Date (has links)
本文肇始於民國99年公務人員考績法修正草案所引發的爭議,並基於政策執行研究最常關切的重點─徒法不足以自行的事實,希望透過質性研究方法,從實際執行績效考核工作之第一線主管人員的心理層面進行探究,歸納形塑考核者動機之因素,以進一步了解考核者動機對考核決策之影響,並以學校組織中的考核者為研究對象。 藉由Decotiis與Petit於1978年提出的績效考核過程模型,以及Harris於1994年提出的考核者動機模型,抽取與本文研究興趣有關的因素,重新進行歸納,建構本研究的概念架構,並以此概念架構作為訪談設計、資料蒐集、資料分析,以及詮釋績效考核執行實務的脈絡依據。概念架構中,尚運用對描述個體實際決策行為特別具有解釋力的展望理論(Prospect Theory),以其概念,對考核者作決策時的心理運作機制作更深刻的詮釋與理解。 研究結果發現,考核者因對制度執行成效普遍缺乏信任感而損及其對於績效考核的重要性認知、考核者因對執行考核工作的自我效能感不佳而選擇採用可規避衝突與責任的第三種策略評價、考核者關切考核決策所引發的效應甚於達成考核制度所強調的獎優汰劣目標、限制考列等次比例使考核執行成果難以兼顧實質公平性、考核參與機制已然成為考核者規避考核責任的最佳途徑,以及考核者作決策時的心理運作機制為影響績效考核執行成敗的關鍵因素。最後,學校之組織特性框架雖與一般行政機關有異,然該研究場域中之考核者在制度執行層面的看法與作法卻未有太大差異,此或可歸結於績效考核的制度規範密度過高所致。 基於前述研究發現,本文針對績效考核制度提出兩點省思:(一)考列等次比例限制仍為問題根源、(二)考核改革宜跳脫捨本逐末的「症狀解」思維。再自前述之研究發現及省思觀點延伸思考,據以提出三點建議:(一)改革初期應著重獎優甚於汰劣,以幫助考核者重拾對績效考核的信任感、(二)運用訓練及經驗分享,以提升主管對績效考核的重要性認知與執行知能、(三)讓其他次要管理者或受考人的主要服務對象加入共同進行考核評價,以淡化績效考核主觀性、分散考核者單一評價責任,並提升考核評價的正當性基礎。

國民小學學校組織健康、組織學習與教師效能感關係之研究 / A Study of Relationships Among Organizational Health Climate, Organizational Learning and Teacher Efficacy for Elementary School in Taiwan.

張嘉原 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨探討國民小學學校組織健康、學校組織學習與教師效能感之關係。研究方法為文獻分析與調查研究法。研究對象為臺北縣國民小學教師,共發出794份問卷,回收率85.39%,有效樣本共566份。問卷回收後分別以因素分析、信度分析、描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析以及結構方程模式分析等統計方法進行分析。根據研究結果與分析後歸納之研究結論如下: 壹、臺北縣國民小學教師知覺學校組織健康、學校組織學習與教師效能感之現況屬中等程度,仍有相當進步空間。 貳、不同背景因素的教師在學校組織健康、學校組織學習與教師效能感等整體及分向度的看法上有差異。 參、國民小學學校組織健康、學校組織學習與教師效能感之間彼此關係密切。 肆、國民小學學校組織健康與學校組織學習對整體教師效能感有顯著聯合預測力。 伍、國民小學學校組織健康、學校組織學習與教師效能感之間的結構關係佳。 最後,本研究依研究結果分別提出以下建議: 壹、對教育行政機關之建議 一、提倡學校組織健康概念,促進學校組織學習,以提升教師效能感。 二、強化教師職前培育與在職進修的「引導學生效能感」課程規劃。 三、發展教學輔導教師制度,充實教師專業知能。 四、因應地方需要,發展適當學校規模。 貳、對校長培育機構之建議 一、營造更健康的學校組織氣候,並建立良好學校公共關係。 二、奠定良好組織學習文化,強化學校組織學習動力。 三、塑造學校組織願景,強化學校知識管理策略,以提升教師效能感。 四、活化學校氣候與文化,試行教師輪調制度。 參、對校長之建議 一、瞭解不同校長培育機構之課程規劃,持續校長自我專業發展。 二、理解校長實踐學校績效管理之流程與作為,力求自我知行一致。 三、建置校長專業發展之知識分享平台,提升校長績效管理能力。 四、培養校長面對變革之自我因應能力,掌握學校多元之情境脈絡。 肆、對後續相關研究之建議 分別就研究範圍、研究對象、研究變項、研究方法、研究工具以及統計方法等方面,對未來的研究提出建議 / This study is focus on investigating relations between organizational health, organizational learning and teacher efficacy in elementary schools. The research process combines literature review and questionnaire method. The elementary school teachers in Taipei County are the main survey subjects. In total, 794 questionnaires were distributed to the elementary school educators. In addition, the amount of return questionnaires stands for 85.39% of the total amount, which includes 566 questionnaires are valid. The data is analyzed through the statistics methods of factor analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, multipack regression and SEM. The findings of the study are as follows: 1. The teachers in elementary schools of Taipei County show median level of perception in school organizational health, school organizational learning and teacher efficacy aspects. Thus, the level of perception could be improved. 2. The teachers with different background show different opinions in school organizational health, school organizational learning, and teacher efficacy aspects, no matter in the whole evaluation or in the divided examination. 3. The relations between school organizational health, school organizational learning, and teacher efficacy in elementary school are quite close. 4. The school organizational health and school organizational learning in elementary school show significant predictability to the whole teachers’ effectiveness. 5. The structure relations between school organizational health, school organizational learning, and teachers’ effectiveness are good. Furthermore, this study provides the following suggestions based on the above findings: I. The suggestions for educational administration i. Schools should advocate the concept of school organizational health, and promote school organizational learning, in order to improve teacher efficacy. ii. Teachers should be encouraged to take more the pre-work training and further education, which are related to how to inspire students’ effectiveness. iii. Schools should develop the supervisor system and further education program to improve teachers’ profession and skills. iv. Governments should depend up the needs of area to build up appropriate school scale. II. The suggestions for principle training institutions i. To build up a more healthy school organizational climate and develop good school public relationships. ii. To create the good organizational learning culture and strengthen schools organizational learning power. iii. To develop the school organizational vision and extend the strategy of school knowledge management, in order to promote teacher efficacy. iv. To implement the teacher rotational system, in order to encourage the active school climate and culture. III. The suggestions for principles i. To understand different programs of principle training institutions, in order to continue principles’ self-professional development. ii. To recognize the process of school management and how to meet to achievements; moreover, to realise these. iii. To build up the sharing platform of principle professional knowledge, in order to enlarge the ability of performance management. iv. To develop the ability to face changes, and handle the multiple aspects of schools. IV. The suggestions for further studies This study advises some implications on research scale, subjects, methods, tools, and statistics methods aspects, respectively; moreover, it provides some suggestions for future studies as well.

臺北市國小校長分布式領導、教師效能感與教師組織承諾關係之研究 / A study of relationships among elementary school principal’s distributed leadership,teacher efficacy and teachers' organizational commitment in Taipei City

王昭人, Wang, Chao Jen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在分析國小校長分布式領導、教師效能感與教師組織承諾之間的關係。採用問卷調查法,以臺北市地區之公立國小教師為研究對象,有效樣本為445份。問卷調查結果採用描述性統計、t考驗、變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、逐步多元迴歸及結構方程模式等統計方式加以分析。 本研究得到下列結論: 一、目前臺北市國小教師對校長分布式領導的知覺情況屬中上程度。 二、目前臺北市國小教師對教師效能感的知覺情況屬中上程度。 三、目前臺北市國小教師對教師組織承諾的知覺情況屬中上程度。 四、教師因背景變項中「現任職務」的不同,在知覺校長分布式領導、教師效能感與教師組織承諾上有差異。 五、國小校長分布式領導、教師效能感與教師組織承諾兩兩之間具有正向的關聯。 六、國小校長分布式領導、教師效能感的分層構面,對教師組織承諾有正向的預測作用。 七、校長分布式領導可透過教師效能感,增強對教師組織承諾的正向預測力。 最後,根據研究結果提出建議,以供教育行政機關、學校及後續研究之參考。 / The intent of this study was to explore the relationship among principal’s distributed leadership, teacher efficacy and teachers’ organizational commitment in elementary schools. The questionnaire investigation method was employed, and there were 445 valid questionnaires collected from public elementary schools in Taipei City. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's product-moment correlation, stepwise multiple regression analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. The results were as follows: 1. The perceptions from the elementary school teachers about principal’s distributed leadership were quite well. 2. The perceptions from the elementary school teachers about teacher efficacy were quite well. 3. The perceptions from the elementary school teachers about teachers’ organizational commitment were quite well. 4. Incumbent duty had significant influences the perceptions of teachers about on principal’s distributed leadership, teacher efficacy and teachers’ organizational commitment. 5. There were significant correlations between principal’s distributed leadership and teacher efficacy as well as between teachers’ organizational commitment. 6. The sub-level of the distributed leadership and teacher efficacy could apparently predict the teachers’ organizational commitment. 7. Teacher efficacy had mediate effect on distributed leadership and influence positively teachers’ organizational commitment. According to the above conclusion, the research proposed relevant suggestions to be referenced by education administrative organizations, elementary schools , and future research.

幼稚園教師合班關係之研究 / A Study for the cooperation relationship of kindergarten teachers in classroom

王慧娟 Unknown Date (has links)
國內過去有關幼稚園教師合班關係之研究,多以個案的方式進行,缺乏大量樣本的研究。因此,本研究以量化的方式,首先調查幼稚園教師合班關係之實際與理想情形;繼而探討不同背景變項幼稚園教師與合班滿意度、教學效能感、工作滿足之關係;最後探討幼稚園教師合班滿意度與教學效能感、工作滿足之關係。   本研究發現:(一)公私立幼稚園的教師合班類型並不相同,公幼以輪流教學為主,私幼以主助教搭配合作為主;但多數公私立幼稚園教師認為,團隊式教學才是理想的合作教學類型。(二)整體幼稚園教師的合班滿意度在六點量表中,為4.74,接近「滿意」程度。(三)公私立幼稚園教師的合班滿意度無顯著差異,但有區域性差異,台北縣市的教師合班滿意度,優於台中縣市與高雄縣市。(四)教師的教學效能感與園所規模、教學年資都有關;一班規模的教師教學效能感顯著較低,年資3年以下的教師教學效能感也較低。(五)合班滿意度與教學效能感呈顯著中度正相關(相關係數 .415, p<.01)。(六)合班滿意度與工作滿足也呈現顯中度著正相關(相關係數 .410. p <.01)。   本研究並根據研究結果提出建議,以提供幼稚園教師、幼稚園經營管理者、政府機關以及未來研究者之參考。 / In the past, the studies for two kindergarten teachers cooperation in one classroom in Taiwan were used to conduct in case study and still insufficient for large and quantitative sample study.Therefore, using quantitative way, this study firstly investigated the practical and ideal situations for two kindergarten teachers cooperation in one classroom.Then, after discussing the relation among kindergarten teachers‘s different background, cooperative satisfaction, teaching efficacy, and job satisfaction, this study discussesd the relation among kindergarten teachers cooperative satisfaction , teaching efficacy, and job satisfaction.   It finds out that: (1) The cooperative type of teachers is various between public and private kindergartens. The major teaching is a week in rotation in public kindergartens while the other teacher as assistance in private kindergartens. In addition, most teachers in both public and private kindergartens believed that the ideal type of cooperative teaching is team work. (2) In six-point scale for satisfaction of the teacher cooperation, the total point is 4.74, closed to the degree of “satisfied”. (3) Teachers‘cooperative satisfaction shows no significant difference between public and private kindergarten, but in region. It’s greater in Taiper city than in Taichung and Kaohsiung city. (4) The teaching efficacy is related to the size of the kindergarten and the teaching experiences. This study shows that the teaching efficacy is lower in schools which have only one class and teachers within three year teaching experience. (5) The cooperative satisfaction and teaching efficacy reveals mid positive correlation (r = .415, p < .01). (6) The cooperative satisfaction and job satisfaction also indicate mid positive correlation (r = .410, p < .01).   According to the findings, this study proposes some suggestions for kindergarten teachers, kindergarten managers , administration, and researchers in the future.


吳雅倩, Wu, Ya Chien Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 全球經濟自2008年產生從1929年經濟大蕭條以來,最嚴重的經濟危機-金融海嘯。造成全世界企業的倒閉,以及勞工的大量失業。當企業組織身處於動盪不安的環境時,往往就是考驗企業領導人的關鍵時期;因為領導者的卓越與否,左右著企業組織的生死存亡。因此,本研究以「領導才能」作為出發點,探討「組織文化」、「目標設定」、「自我、團隊、與組織效能感」、及「競爭力、績效」之間的關聯性,並將上述變項進行整合,建構一「組織效能感之競爭力模式」。發展此一模式,不僅可以作為後續相關研究之重要參考,同時亦可協助個人、團隊、與企業組織檢視其目前的現況,以作為提升與改善競爭力及整體績效的重要依據。   本研究透過嚴謹編製程序,進行問卷編製與資料收集,並進行專家會議、信效度與因素分析,以及各變項之間關聯性的探討。此外,本研究以國內的壽險業作為研究母群,調查對象為壽險業中的業務銷售員,並以立意抽樣方式回收共計232份有效樣本,經統計分析,本研究量表之內部一致性信度(.938~.977),與效標關聯效度(與組織績效之r值介於.567~.775之間)等檢驗指標上,皆達顯著的效果。   最後,本研究假設之考驗及模式驗證之結果顯示:1.領導才能對於組織文化、組織競爭力及績效均具有正向的顯著影響;2.目標設定對於個人、團隊、與組織效能感皆具有正向的顯著影響;3.組織效能感確實對於組織競爭力及組織績效具有正向的顯著影響;4.本研究所建構之「組織效能感之競爭力模式」獲得支持。此外,研究者並針對研究結果及企業組織應如何面對「金融海嘯」,以及對未來學術研究與實務應用提出具體的建議。 關鍵詞:領導才能、組織文化、目標設定、效能感、競爭力、績效 / Abstract The gobal economics broke out the most serious economical crisis after the economical sluggish since 1929-financial meltdown in 2008. It makes the close of enterprises and increases the unemployed rate. When facing the turbulent environment, it is the best challenge for all leaders. Organizations can keep surviving or not, depends on leaders’ competencies. This study starts on 「leadership competency」, to discuss the relationship between 「organizational culure」、「goal-setting」、「self / collective / organizational efficacy」、「individual / team / organizational competitiveness」、「individual / team / organizational performance」. This study integrates the above-metioned variables and constructs a 「organizatioanl efficacy of competitiveness model」. The model can not only be the important reference but also assist individual、teams and organizations to examine their current situations to improve their competitiveness and the whole performance. The study uses questionnaire to measue and collect data. The insurance companies in Taiwan were taken as the population, and questionnaire is sent primarily to the insurance sellers. A toatal of 232 samples were collected using purposive sampling. Through the empirical analysis, it shows that the internal consistency reliabilty (.938~.977) and criterion-related validity (.567.~775) of all scales were significant. Finally, according to the results of correlation and Structural Equation Modeling analysis, it shows:1. leadership competency has significant and positive influence to organizational culure、organizational competitiveness and performance; 2. goal-setting has significant and positive influence to self-efficacy、collective efficacy and organizational efficacy; 3. organizational efficacy has significant and positive influence to organizational competitiveness and performance; 4.the constructed 「organizational efficacy of competitiveness」model was supported. Furthermore, evey hypotheses and constructed model in this study were supported. Finally, substantial suggestions were proposed for follow-up academic studies and practical applications, especially for financial meltdown. Keywords:leadership competency, organizational culture, goal-setting, efficacy,competitiveness, performance.

國民中小學校長工作價值觀、重要他人支持、自我效能感對其工作選擇的影響研究 / A Study of Impact of Work Values, Significant Others’ Support, and Self-efficacy on Junior High and Elementary School Principals’ Job Choice

席榮維, Hsi, Jungwei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討校長工作價值觀、重要他人支持、自我效能感對其工作選擇的影響情形,探討不同重要變項理論內涵、現況與變項之間關係,進而建構及驗證其互動模式,並依研究結果提出建議。 本研究先進行文獻探討,作為架構研究的理論基礎,並以100名校長為預試樣本,分析預試結果以形成正式問卷,再以404名之校長為正式問卷施測樣本,問卷回收整理後分別以描述統計、t考驗、相關分析、變異數分析、多元逐步迴歸分析及線性結構模式分析探討;之後,根據調查結果研擬訪談題綱,實地訪談10名現職校長以瞭解造成差異的原因。本研究之主要研究發現如下: 一、國民中小學校長在工作價值觀、重要他人支持、自我效能感與工作選擇的得分現況屬於中高程度。 二、擔任校長的年資、性別、學校區域等背景變項,在校長工作價值觀量表的得分有差異情形存在。 三、學校類別、總服務年資、擔任校長的年資、性別、學校區域等背景變項,在重要他人支持量表的得分有差異情形存在。 四、總服務年資、擔任校長的年資、性別、學校區域等背景變項,在校長自我效能感量表的得分有差異情形存在。 五、學校類別、擔任校長的年資、性別、學校區域等背景變項,在校長工作選擇量表的得分有差異情形存在。 六、工作價值觀、重要他人支持、自我效能感與校長工作選擇具高度相關。 七、工作價值觀、重要他人支持、自我效能感對校長工作選擇有顯著預測力。 八、工作價值觀、重要他人支持、自我效能感對校長工作選擇有顯著影響力。 九、校長自我效能感對其工作選擇的影響力最大,重要他人支持次之,工作價值觀的影響力最小。 最後,根據研究結果提出相關建議,以供教育行政機關、校長培育中心、現職校長以及未來研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of work values, significant other’s support, and self-efficacy for principal’s job choice. The study included literature analysis, questionnaire survey, and interview. The purpose of literature analysis was aimed to explore the relationship of work values, significant other support, self-efficacy, and job choice. The pilot study was included 100 subjects. The sample was included 404 principals. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, correlation, ANOVA, multiple regression and LISREL model. The interview was conducted according to the analyzed results. The major findings were: 1.The principal’s scores on work value, significant other’s support, self-efficacy and job choice were moderately high. 2.Years of principalship, gender, and districts could make significant differences on principal’s work values 3.The levels of schools, in-service years, years of principalship, gender, and districts could make differences on significant other’s support. 4.In-service years, years of principalship, gender, and districts could make differences on principal’s self-efficacy. 5.The level of schools, years of principalship, gender, and districts could make differences on principal’s job choice. 6.There was highly positive correlation among principal’s work values, significant other’s support, self-efficacy, and job choice 7.The principal’s job choice could be predicted by work values, significant other’s support, self-efficacy. 8.The principal’s job choice could be affected by work values, significant other’s support, self-efficacy. 9.Principal’s self-efficacy was the strongest indicator for job choice, significant other’s support was the second one, and work values were the smallest one. According to the results, suggestions for authorities of educational administration, School leadership academy, principal, and for further study were proposed.

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