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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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壽險業務人員教育訓練及其績效相關性之研究 / The Research about the Training and Performance of Life Insurance Sales

張艷玲, Chang, Yann-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究目的: 本研究的目的在了解以下問題: (一)教育訓練是否能改善業務人員的保險相關知識、從業態度、銷售技巧及工作習慣。 (二)教育訓練與業務人員績效是否相關。 (三)個人之人口統計變項與績效是否相關。 (四)個人之人口統計變項與教育訓練是否相關。 二、研究方法: 本研究以國泰、新光、南山、國華、安泰、大都會、保德信、喬治亞等大台北地區營業單位之業務人員為其研究對象,並以壽險業務人員教育訓練內容(KASH)之認知為研究範圍。 抽樣方法採用非隨機抽樣中的便利抽樣及集體抽樣。 本研究利用統計方法係次數分析、t test、相關分析、變異數分析、複迴歸分析及LSD等來作檢定與分析。 三、研究結果: (一)教育訓練確定能提昇業務人員保險相關知識、從業態度、銷集技巧、工作習慣並增加業務人員推動業務的信心。 (二)從業態度對績效有顯著影響。 (三)在人口統計變項方面: 1、人口統計變項對教育訓練影響情形: (1)教育程度對從業態度有顯著影響。 (2)第一家服務壽險公司及目前服務壽險公司對保險相關知識、從業態度、銷售技巧、工作習慣、信心皆有顯著影響。 (3)家庭生命週期從業態度的認知有顯著影響。 2、人口統計變項對績效影響情形: (1)壽險銷售時間長短對每月平均保費及公司排名有顯著影響。 (2)年齡對公司排名有顯著影響。 (3)第一家服務壽險公司對每月平均件數、上季達成率、公司排名有顯著影響。 (4)目前服務壽險公司每月平均保費、每月平均件數、上季達成率有顯著影響。 (5)家庭生命週期對公司排名有顯著影響。


賴佑昀 Unknown Date (has links)
人力資源的優劣為決定企業經營績效的成敗關鍵,而人壽保險業的業務人員更為其最重要的生產力,因此加強業務人員的教育訓練則是壽險業的重要課題之一,實關係著人壽保險業之企業形象及其業務上的銷售績效。 研究內容包含下列各點: 一、探討業務人員在受過教育訓練後,保險專業知識、工作態度、行銷技巧及工作習慣上的成果認同度以統計分析方法歸納出與銷售績效構面之間的關係。 二、分析壽險業務人員各人口統計變數與銷售績效之差異化。 三、探討壽險業務人員各人口統計變數與教育訓練成效中,保險專業知識、工作態度、行銷技巧及工作習慣有何差異性。 四、統計出業務人員最想參加的教育訓練課程、受訓方式、上課時數與時段,如此可了解業務人員最欠缺的訓練,進而落實教育訓練的實施與檢討評估。 本研究主要探討壽險業務人員教育訓練與銷售績效之相關性;對於不同背景業務同仁提供更符合業務人員需要的訓練課程,進一步了解業務人員最需要接受的是何種課程與訓練方式,也依各種狀況及需要規劃不同的上課時段,提供更適當的訓練課程,進而提高業務人員生產力及定著率。並歸納出教育訓練、銷售績效、人口統計變項之相關性分析,希望可以有效協助業務人員及業務主管,在增員選才上選擇適合人才,以減少人員流失及增員輔導成本。以某人壽保險公司外勤業務人員為研究樣本,共發出850份問卷,回收686 份,有效問卷608 份。研究方法包括了基本統計分析之次數分配及均質分析、差異性分析之單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本T 檢定、卡方檢定、Pearson 積差相關分析來了解業務人員教育訓練成效、業務人員績效與人口統計變項等三者之間的關聯性。 本研究發現:一、業務人員職級與知識、技巧、態度與習慣皆有差異性,年齡及每天工作時間長短與知識、技巧及態度有顯著差異性。二、是否從事過其他工作與知識及習慣有顯著差異性。三、職級、年資與近三個月業績及去年年所得有顯著差異。四、業務人員最想參加的教育訓練課程是:財稅、投資等專業知識、銷售技巧、話術、人際溝通以及消費者心理學;訓練方式以:個案研討、實例解說,反覆模擬銷售技巧role play 話術,角色扮演與問與答Q&A雙向溝通-互動式座談討論為主。


李俊德 Unknown Date (has links)
因應二十一世紀「全球化」時代的來臨,無論私人企業或公務部門 ,無不以提高效能為首要之追求目標,藉以強化競爭力,其中最主要因 素在於人力資源,惟有人力資源不斷地被開發,工作知識傳承式累積以及組織能耐持續釋放,是任何成長型組織創造競爭優勢的基礎,管理大師Peter Drucker(2000)曾提出,未來的組織不是運用勞工而是知識工作者,所謂知識工作者,就是懂得如何運用知識從事生產的人(吳秉恩;2005)。 面對知識革命的浪潮,警察工作配合時代潮流演變,瞬息萬變,「在職訓練」(on-the-job training)是唯一立於不敗之地、不為潮流所淘汰的主要途徑之一,早期曾有位警政署署長曾喊出:「訓練是員警最大的福利」口號,突顯教育訓練之重要性,近期內政部更進一步、有效落實員警在職訓練之意涵,特於2003年4月定頒<警察常年訓練辦法>乙種,將警察之常年訓練之實施方式、種類,行諸於具體文字,展現高層決策者對於警察教育工作之重視。 研究教育訓練之相關理論者眾多,學者Goldstein(1986)指出訓練的基本架構大致包括:需求評估(Needs Assessment)、訓練與發展(Development)、評估(Evaluation)及訓練目標等四部分,國內學者吳秉恩(2002)以策略性人力培訓之觀點認為,進一步闡述實施員工培訓之合理程序:一、確定培訓需求,首要任務。二、決定培訓目標,計畫基礎。三、選擇培訓計畫,依序執行。四、執行培訓計畫,軟硬兼施。五、評估成效回饋,檢討改進。等具體之程序,本研究內容係藉由我國專業警察機關間,因其警察角色與一般行政警察之扮演不同,且各機關間屬性不一,其對於「專業訓練」重視之情形,對應於我國家公園警察專業訓練,作一全面性探討。 本文藉作者本身在國家公園警察大隊服務,且兼辦常年教育訓練業務多年之經驗實證分析,並探討國內外有關文獻,實際訪談有關人員,秉持「他山之石可攻錯」之精神,從多方面對於現況作研討,得到以下結論: 一、發現: (一)、目前專業警察的常年訓練存在的問題。 1.現有專業訓練設備不足。 2.專業訓練課程缺乏完整規劃。 (二)、國家公園警察常年訓練面臨的問題。 1.訓練設備不足。 2.專業職能學、術科學者、專家人才庫未建立,師資遴聘造成困難。 3.專業性的教育訓練器材缺乏。 4.訓練課程設計與規劃過於僵化。 5.部分專業課程缺乏書面輔助教材。 6.澄清部分受訪者易混淆的觀念。 二、建議: (一)、短期 1.積極籌劃專業人才庫及師資管道的建立。 2.常訓課程規劃應符合各隊特性。 3.妥加運用現有教學環境優勢。 4.建立完整專業訓練課程書面之教材。 5.鼓勵教官、助教的終身學習及在職進修。 (二)、中期 1.擬訂一套機制激發單位主管對訓練工作的重視及管考。 2.國家公園警察人力資源運用的調整。 3.訓練設備之增建。 4.民間資源運用及經驗交流。 (三)、長期 1.推動遠距或線上互動學習網絡。 2.成立國家公園警察刑事單位專責案件偵辦。 3.專業訓練設備的購置、增加訓練需求。 / With the forthcoming trend of the 21st century’s “globalization”, the private enterprises or the government departments try strenuously to raising the effectiveness as the pursuing goal so as to strengthening their competitive- ness. One of the main components is “human resources”. The foundations of any growing organization to create its superiority of competitiveness are to constantly developing “human resources”, to accu- mulatively inheriting work knowledge, and to continuously releasing the energy of this organization. Peter Drucker suggested in 2000 that the organizations of the future are not run by labors, but by knowledge workers. ( Wu, Bin-en, 2005) Facing the wave of knowledge revolution, police works have to do with the changing tides of the society. On-the-job training is one and the only way to cope with the elimination through competition. To focus on the importance of on-the-job training of the police, the Ministry of the Interior further issued a national “police on-the-job training measure” in April 2003 to make it more practicable. This on-the-job training measure fulfills the methods, the manners of training in specific words to show the respect of the police work among top management level. Among many researchers studied in the education and training fields, Goldstein (1986) pointed out that the essential structures of training included needs assessments, training and development, evaluation, and goals of training. Domestic researcher, Wu, Bin-en (2002), viewed with strategical aspects of human resources in cultivation and training, exerted that the ideal procedures of training employees would be: 1). To determine the need of training of employees as the priority. 2). To decide the goal of training as the foundation of training program. 3). To select training programs to execute orderly. 4). To execute training programs with the carrot or the club. 5). To evaluate and review training performances and feedbacks. Due to the different goals and roles between the specialized police agencies and administrative police agencies, this study overall studies the contents and the importance of the on-the-job trainings in specialized police agency—the National Park Police Corps. As a senior staff officer of the National Park Police Corps, and with several years of experiences in area of police on-the-job training, the author analyzed with experience and studied numerous documents in and abroad, personally interviewed relevant individuals. With the belief of “another’s suggestion can remedy one’s own defects”, the author tried in many aspects to discuss and came to the conclusions as follow: 1). To discover: A. the problems existed in the specialized police agencies: (a) inadequate facilities in specialized training, and (b) lack of complete plans in specialized training. B. the problems existed in the National Park Police Corps: (a) inadequate facilities in training. (b) short of specialized personnel both in academic and in martial circles, incomplete data bank of human resources. (c) lack of facilities in specialized training , especially those of ski, diving, ( mountain) climbing, upstream inspection, etc. (d) stiff training courses, lack of dedicate and complete planning or designing. (e) some specialized training programs are without written or printed documents, especially in martial art training. C. To clarify the confused concepts of the interviewed: Those who were interviewed tended to believe that insufficient training budgets and inadequate facilities in shooting ranges would affect training performances. They also tended to believe that, as sub-brigades of the National Park Police Corps scattered-situated, would affect learning performances. But, this study shows otherwise. 2). To suggest: A. to actively build up data bank of specialized personnel. B. to make a fitful training programs. C. to make good use superiorities of teaching environments. D. to collect some training documents and publish some reference books. E. to encourage instructors or assistant instructors to life- long learning or on-the-job studying. F. to set up a scheme to inspire the police chiefs to valuate and to pay attention to training programs. G. to adjust the human- resources of the National Park Police Corps. H. to increase the facilities in specialized training. I. to use of civil resources. J. to use distance learning or computer-assisted learning network. K. to add the section of criminal investigation. L. to increase the facilities and courses in specialized training.


郭育信, Kuo, Yu-hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要目的在探討金融控股公司於進行交叉銷售時教育訓練體系之規劃研究。在總體環境與個體環境產生變革之促使下,金融業跨業兼營各類商品將會逐漸成為未來趨勢,本文希望以目前國內實際從事金融商品交叉銷售之金融保險業為研究範圍,並以負責規劃相關教育訓練活動之執行者及受訓者為研究對象,透過人員問卷查詢與訪談,及報章雜誌等相關文獻之探討,進一步分析交叉銷售時訓練體系規劃可行架構,期能對新興之金融控股公司進行交叉銷售活動時有所助益。 研究中首先透過金融業傳統教育訓練體系之分析,分別探討產物保險,人壽保險,銀行與證券公司之訓練體系,發現企業教育訓練方式將隨產業急遽變化而轉變。次則分析金融控股公司設立對金融產業之影響,包括商品,客層區隔與交叉銷售通路,而以花旗銀行為例。繼而以訪談及問卷查詢彙整結果,發現金融控股公司成立後,進行交叉銷售對企業訓練單位及受訓員工皆產生影響。最後綜合本研究結果,提出對業者進行交叉銷售訓練模式與相關實務執行之建議。期望透過本研究,能對從事交叉銷售訓練之金融控股公司或非金融控股公司與相關人員有所助益,且使其教育訓練模式之效益極大化。 / Under the pressure of changes from macro and micro environments, cross selling of various products and services among different financial industries become a trend in the near future The purpose of this paper is to analyze the establishment of training system for the cross selling demand in financial holding company. The analysis covers the financial insurance industry with practical cross-selling experience of financial products, and targets persons who are responsible to plan related training activities and trainees. The analysis method is through questionnaire survey and interview, as well as investigation of media reporting, to further analyze the possible framework of cross selling training system, with an aim to benefit those booming financial holding companies while they implement cross selling activities. Propose certain recommendations for the booming financial holding companies while they implement the cross selling activities. The study begins with analysis of traditional training system of the financial industry, including property insurance, life insurance, banks and security companies, and discovers the training methods shall change with the rapid change of the industry. Followed by analysis of the impact of financial holding companies to industry, including products, customer segmentation, and cross-selling, taking CITI CORP. as example. Then consolidates result collected from the interview and survey, finds out that after the financial holding company set up, cross selling has impacted both training persons and trainees. Lastly this paper proposes recommendations for companies doing cross selling training and practical execution, expecting to benefit both financial holding companies and non-holding companies, related persons who work on cross selling training, and to maximize the effectiveness of training models.

我國銀行業從業人員教育訓練與生涯發展之研究 / Educational training and career development of banking in R.O.C.

葉鳴美, Yeh, Ming May Unknown Date (has links)
銀行業在一個國家中扮演了重要的角色,許多全國性的金融政策均需透過金融體係靠個別銀行實際執行,而銀行業係服務業之一環,以無形的服務為商品,故人力即成為其關鍵因素。   近年來,我國銀行環境隨著金融自由化與國際化而產生了相當大的變化,組織本身之人力資源策略亦應有所調整。本研究即期望經由組織教育訓練與個人生涯發展使組織目標與個人目標之達成最大化,達成雙贏的目的。   本研究根據理論文獻的探討與對次級資料的匯整,認為教育訓練係組織為達成組織目標、提昇人員之工作能力而實行之系統;而生涯發展則指個人一生的主要角色之歷程。為提昇組織在實行教育訓練時之效果,則組織在規劃與執行教育訓練時應兼顧個人需求,提昇個人學習動機,藉由瞭解員工在不同生涯階段有不同之生涯需求與激勵因子,和教育訓練之內容加以配合。此外,藉著對員工本身的瞭解,組織在對未來之決策上亦可增加其可行性與降低其風險性。就個人而言,教育訓練的施行則可提昇其工作能力與增加其未來在勞動市場之議價力,且隨著個人能力的提昇,未來之生涯選擇機會亦將增加。   本研究分別針對公營、民營與外商銀行作個案式之研究,發現公營銀行主要之問題為受到各種法令的束縛;民營銀行則為資源的不足;而外商銀行為對未來環境的不確定與業務範圍的限制,上述情況使得我國銀行業教育訓練與生涯發展之配合未能有效運作。   隨著我國金融自由化與國際化等之趨勢,銀行競爭將日趨激烈,除金融人才之危機外,員工意識與對工作生活品質的要求亦日益提昇。   根據本研究發現生涯管理方案係一影響我國金融勞動市場之重要機制,故就組織而言,若欲在勞動市場中取得與留住所須人才,則應實施生涯管理方案,以滿足員工需求並達成組織目標。   本研究建議銀行業在人力資源策略之調整上,應兼顧組織不同職位之訓練需求與不同人員之生涯發展需求,實施生涯管理方案。而根據個案研究結果建議:公營銀行應加強組織與人事部門的連結;新銀行對業績過於重視致影響員工之工作權,應有勞基法之保障;而外商銀行之流動率相當高,挖角風盛,故更應照顧個別員工需求,並掌握其生涯訊息,才能掌握所需人才。


林子寧, Lin, Tz Ning Unknown Date (has links)
人口結構逐漸呈現高齡化,是現今世界上許多國家共同的趨勢,而我國的人口結構也漸漸邁入高齡化的趨勢,許多關於老人福利、安養、退休生活等議題益發值得討論,加之目前年輕人平均所撫養長輩人數之「撫養比」有不斷攀升的現象,顯示老人照顧議題更成為其中越來越不可忽視的重要一環。而我國公部門體制下的老人照顧人力資源運用,目前則正面臨著環境與法規變遷的挑戰,因此老人照顧的人力資源如何妥善配置,並針對其相應的工作職能進行強化,是為本研究主要探討的面向。 因此本研究經由組織分析、工作分析、個人分析等三層次訓練需求評估理論,並輔以中外文獻檢視,探討我國北區老人之家頤苑自費安養中心此一之個案。本研究運用質性研究方法,以北區老人之家頤苑自費安養中心老人照顧服務員及中心管理人員為研究對象,進行深度訪談,評估未來發展之訓練需求,最後根據文獻探討與深度訪談之研究發現,提出針對北區老人之家頤苑自費安養中心照顧服務員未來訓練規劃之建議,俾優化照顧人力的運用狀況,以提升老人照顧服務的品質。 本研究主要結論包括:(一) 組織承諾與團隊建立面向:可靠性之導向;(二)工作知能與工作態度面向:反應性與保證性之導向;(三)自我成長與生涯規劃面向:有形性與關懷性之導向。盼此些實務建議可作為我國公辦民營老人安養機構改善照顧人力運用與配置的參考。 / The increasing aging phenomenon of the structure of population is the common issue to many countries around the world in this days, and our country also faces the same situation. There are so many issues of senior citizens' welfare, healthcare, and retired life need to discuss. This survey executed through the 3 theories of training demands: organization analysis, work analysis and individual analysis, to investigate the chosen case: northern region senior citizens' home. This survey adopted qualitative research method, proceeded to interview to the nursing aides of northern region senior citizens' home, to evaluate the training demands of further developing, and then present the conclusions of the survey which was based on both the literature review and research findings of depth interview. The conclusions of this survey include the following: (1) The dimension of organizational commitment and team building: Reliability. (2) The dimension of work skills, and Work attitude: Responsiveness and Assurance (3) The dimension of self growth and career planning: Tangibles and Empathy. Expecting these suggestions could improve the using of care staff and the quality of elderly care.

人力資源教育訓練遊戲化學習成效之研究 / Research into Learning Effectiveness of Gamified Human Resource Training Program

高翊瑄, Kao, Yi Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
教育訓練對於企業的營運是很重要的,但是一般教育訓練的內容有時並不是很有趣,而且當教育訓練的內容是傾向沒有唯一解答的主題時,企業也不容易透過傳統上課、閱讀教材或考試等方法了解員工是否真的理解教育訓練所要傳達的觀念。 本研究希望以一種新的教育訓練模式提升員工參與教育訓練的動機和意願,並同時達到一定程度的學習成效,因此本研究在企業教育訓練之中加入遊戲化 (gamification)和冒險遊戲 (adventure game)的要素,將員工玩遊戲的動機轉化為學習的動力。而為了了解這種新的教育訓練模式的學習成效,本研究以人壽業T公司的遊戲化教育訓練課程為例,收集T公司員工實際進行課程的學習紀錄進行分析。 經過資料分析之後,本研究認為員工對於這種新的教育訓練模式有一定程度的參與意願和完成課程的動機之外,同時也能夠達到和傳統教育訓練差不多的學習成效。而且,與一般傳統的教育訓練方法相較,這種新的教育訓練模式可以以相對較少的時間與力氣實施員工的學習難點分析,能夠幫助企業快速找到員工需要加強的部分,進而實施更符合員工特性的相關課程內容或宣導活動。 / Human resource training programs are important to enterprises, but the contents of these training programs are sometimes not very interested to employees. On the other hand, when the contents of training programs have characteristics of high flexibility, it is hard for managers to evaluate whether employees really understand the concepts of training programs by traditional methods such as lectures, reading materials or exams. This research aims to propose a new human resource training method to increase employees’ motivation and willingness to join training programs, and to achieve a certain level of learning effectiveness as well. In this new training method, skills of gamification and adventure game are applied. To examine the learning effectiveness of this new training method, a gamified human resource training program of Company T is studied. Data from employees of Company T, who have been actually joining this gamified training program, is collected and analyzed. This study addresses that the employees are willing to join this gamified training program, and are motivated to complete the program. At the same time, the learning effectiveness of the program is equivalent to that of traditional training programs. Moreover, compared to traditional training programs, gamified training program enables managers to easily analyze learning weak points of their employees, which is helpful for enterprises as they implement further training programs or campaign that are more suitable for their employees.


陳文正, Chen, Wen-Zheng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文分別為:導論、研究方法、研究變數之衡量與分配、各項變數對電腦化成效影 響之分析、及結論建議。導論中包括研究動機與目的、研究問題與研究範圍、研究限 制、重要名詞詮釋等四節。第二章研究方法包括研究步驟、相關理論之探討、本研究 之架構與假設、研究設計等四節。第三章變數之衡量與分配分為四節,第一、二、四 節是以因素分析法說明系統性能、組織氣候、教育訓練、工作改變及電腦化成效等主 觀知覺變之衡量;第三節是有關使用者基本屬性之說明。第四章分為四節,以相關分 析、變異數分析、逐步迴歸等方法分析各項自變數對電腦化成效( 工作績效、工作滿 足) 的影響如何。第五章僅一節結論與建議。


陳聖儀 Unknown Date (has links)
這些年來,經濟環境持續惡化,市場利率不斷下滑,壽險公司面臨利差損的巨額損失,然而相關修正法規通過投資型商品的銷售,因此壽險公司積極開發投資型商品,運用此商品來對抗利率下跌所產生的風險,同時提供消費者「保險」與「投資」雙重功能的新商品。 本文根據當前金融環境及壽險業所面臨的問題,來探討壽險公司對投資型商品的經營策略,並實際訪談己推出投資型商品外商、本土具代表性的壽險公司,最後依據研究結果做出結論及建議。 本研究得到的結論歸納如下:(1)壽險公司銷售投資型商品,朝改善商品結構,有效防範和化解經營風險,提升核心競爭力,亦是建立長期競爭優勢。(2)經營投資型保險經管風險的評估,其最大費用是教育訓練及軟体系統的投資與維護,即作業風險是最大考量。(3)外商保險公司發展投資型保險商品速度快於本土保險公司,對市場反應力較強。而本土保險公司,要落實教育訓練較為費時,因此本土公司都從簡單易懂商品開始,漸進式轉入投資型保險。(4)外商公司的競爭優勢是商品設計,行政作業靈活及電腦系統優異,而本土公司的核心競爭力則是行銷通路及眾多業務員,因此由簡易套裝商品切入市場建立客戶群。(5)保險公司業務員仍為主要行銷通路,而「全方位理財顧問」將是業務人員的定位,因此教育訓練及選才是壽險公司進入投資型保險的重要課題。(6)對行銷人員來說,以往「人情保」或「退傭金」的銷售模式己不適用,而是要規劃客戶需求的責任風險,及提供相關金融知識,成為客戶個人及家庭的理財顧問。(7)金融自由化及金控法規通過,壽險公司必需整合資源形成經濟規模,對於投資型商品的投資靈活性、商品成本透明度與投資種類的組合等方面將是壽險業之間競爭模式的轉變。(8)投資型商品具有保障和投資雙重功能,但需將投資型保險當作保險商品來運用而非投資工具,並且要「長期持有」才能顯現基金績效;而業務人員誠實揭露相關費用及明確告之消費者權益和義務是避免銷售糾紛的最重要關鍵。 關鍵字:投資型保險商品,經營策略,行銷通路,教育訓練 / Because economic environment is getting worse and the interest rate is lower and lower, the life insurance companies are in face of huge profit loss. In the meaning time, the related laws and regulations were released; therefore the hfe insurance companies strongly developed the investment-linked insurance to overcome the impact of lower interest rate and to offer new products to customers, which meet insurance and investment both benefits. Based on financial environment has today and the problems of insurance industry, this study is to discuss the operation strategies of investment- linked insurance products. By extensive interview with the major of four insurance companies, we come out conclusions and related suggestions. The main conclusions of this study are described as followings: (1) For effective and solving the operation risk, the life insurance companies should sell investment-linked products and keep improving the structure of the products. In the long run, the life insurance companies need to build up core competence through investment-linked insurance products. The middle size company may consider Investment-linked products as major products to develop business. (2) There are two major factors to evaluate the business risk, which are the training course and the cost of software. (3) Foreign insurance companies very fast-developed investment-linked insurance products to meet market request. The local insurance companies have to build up customers based through simple-packaged products. The large size companies have to consider the training system early and to help sale improving the financial knowledge. (4) The competitive advantages of foreign companies are design products, operation system and computer hardware. The strength of local companies is having channel infrastructure and many salesmen. (5) The agents are main marketing channels and to be a financial consonant. The training course and selection are important to the life insurance companies. (6) By brothering customers or returning commission, it is not a suitable sales model for salesmen. To offer right risk plan and financial knowledges, salesmen are a financial consonant for customers or customers’family. (7) The completive situations between life insurance companies are to offer investment-linked insurance products, which have investment information, cost and investment portfolio. (8) The investment-linked insurance products have insurance and investment both benefits, but tibey should be regarded as a tool of insurance. Customers have to keep them long turn to get the benefits of fund. Salesmen also have to tell customers clearly about their rights and all costs to avoid argument after sell. Key words: investment-linked insurance products, management strategies, marketing strategies, training course.


林偉仁 Unknown Date (has links)
這十幾年來台灣地區高科技電子業之所以能夠蓬勃發展,除了研究發展、資本密集等因素外,人力資本可謂居功甚偉,因此,探討台灣上市公司財務報表中,有關人才培訓支出投資抵減的內容揭露,是否與企業價值之間具有攸關性,以及企業當期發生之積極人才培訓支出(以其投資抵減金額衡量)是否可以有效提高企業之財務績效表現及降低企業員工之離職率,本研究利用2002-2005年台灣上市公司之財務資料、遞延所得稅與所得稅抵減揭露資訊以及設算之員工離職率,採用Pearson相關分析及OLS複迴歸分析進行探討。 研究結果顯示,人才培訓支出投資抵減(不論是企業當期發生金額或是期末餘額)與企業價值間不具有攸關性。而在以毛利率衡量企業財務績效時,企業當期發生之人才培訓投資抵減,會對企業當期之財務績效有顯著的正面影響,亦對企業次期之財務績效有顯著的正面影響,顯示企業對於員工的教育訓練可以增加企業當期與次期之毛利率;但在以修正後資產報酬率、修正後權益報酬率及營業利益率分別衡量企業財務績效時,則對企業當期與次期之財務績效,皆未有顯著之正面影響。此外,企業當期發生之人才培訓支出投資抵減,與企業當期與次期之員工離職率顯著負相關,顯示企業當年對員工的教育訓練,可以提高員工對於企業的歸屬感及工作滿意度,而降低當年與後續年度企業員工之離職率。 關鍵詞:人才培訓支出投資抵減、遞延所得稅、價值攸關性、教育訓練、企業財務績效、離職率。

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