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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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簡溎勤 Unknown Date (has links)
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張秀寧 Unknown Date (has links)
論文摘要 朱自清的散文及學術成就廣為眾人所知,然而其國文教學指導理論雖已被海峽對岸的教育界所重視,在臺灣卻少有探究者,本論文試圖以中學國文教學的角度探究朱自清的國文教學成果,並藉此續接臺灣現今國文教學,也期待台灣國文教學之指導理論做一番現狀探討。 本文研究的範圍以中學國文教學為主,探討朱自清著作中,有關國文教學的論著。如有《精讀指導舉隅》、《略讀指導舉隅》、《國文教學》、《經典常談》《新詩雜話》等文本及散見於其他書中的國文教學相關論述,如:〈中等學校國文教學的幾個問題〉、〈高中畢業生國文程度一斑〉、〈怎樣學習國文〉等篇章,以探討國文教學、讀書指導、國學、文化、新詩教學、國文教材及與國文相關問題之素材。 關於朱自清國文教學指導理論,以本文第三章及第四章為主要本論。朱自清的閱讀理論強調教師的精心指導與學生的主動閱讀學習;其寫作理論對於思考訓練及寫作技術的訓練兩者並重;而其國文教學,在過程中他要求教師要能帶領學生欣賞課文文章,並重視國文老師的「教」與學生的「學」兩者的發展;他的古典文學入門,注重在傳統文學文化的普及,以淺白的語言文字使學生了解其背景及內容認知;新詩教學則以新詩形式、內容之發展背景為探討方向,以及解讀新詩為其重點;再者論及中學生國文程度,他認為文言的閱讀仍應注重,白話的寫作更需加強;最後有關其教材的探究,乃側重在選材與文言、白話文並重之觀念。以上為朱自清國文教學指導理論的大要。 第五章為本論文的延續,將朱自清其後臺灣的國文教學發展做一簡單的探討,期待視朱自清留下來的國文教學指導理論為一資產,續接臺灣的國文教學現狀,以期待對現今的國文教學有所關懷與展望。

1945年後泰國華文教育之發展 / The development of Chinese education in Thailand after 1945

陳惠玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的第一章為緒論部分,第二章開始進入正文,討論第二次世界大戰前泰國華文教育的發展。首先論述泰國華文學校的出現,接著探討泰國政府對華人的總體政策,即同化政策。在同化政策下,泰國政府衍伸制訂所多法令規範華人,以期能加深、加速對華人的同化。本章的討論重點在同化政策的施行細項,從其內容來看,可以發現同化政策影響到泰國政府對華文教育的態度與策略。對泰國政府而言,施行同化政策的目的,一方面是冀望泰國華人能融入當地;另一方面,也希望將華人的經濟力量留在泰國。同化政策深深牽引泰國華文教育的發展,因此本章也將探討施行同化政策的另一個面向,即泰國華人的入籍問題與泰國國籍法的實施,以便更完整的討論同化政策對華人的影響,以及促成泰國華文教育演變的過程。 第三章論述戰後泰國華文教育的短暫復甦與再次受限。戰後初期泰國華教曾發展到極盛,但隨後遭到當權者的限制。1990年代以前,絕大多數時間,歷屆的泰國政府基於政局與“同化”華人的考量,對境內的華文教育採壓制手段。本章試著呈現泰國政府採用的政策與華文教育的發展情形,並且探討戰後泰國的華文教育,除了受到政府政策的限制,亦受到其他內、外在因素的影響,因此逐漸走向衰微。 第四章則討論1990年代後,泰國華教發展的新局面。1980年代末期,華人的經濟地位逐漸崛起,臺灣、香港、新加坡等華人地區對泰國的投資及貿易額增加,華語成為熱門的商業用語,本章欲探討的是全球“華語熱”對泰國華文教育帶來的影響,以及華教再次復興所帶來的諸多問題,並且討論臺海兩岸對海外華文教育推展的經營與努力,特別是中華民國政府,對泰國華文教育提供的幫助,以解決目前泰國華文教育面臨的諸多問題。第五章為結論,綜合論述泰國華文教育的發展與泰國政府歷次的華教政策演變。


譚惠芸 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主旨在探討古文字輔助國中國語文教學的原因、實施程序及實徵研究結果。並綜合研究結果,提出建議,作為教師運用古文字輔助語文教學之參考。 本研究分為「錯別字辨正」與「字義探究」兩大單元,其生字主要選自國立編譯館編審之國中國文課本與選修課本,研究者擷取各古文字學家中翔實可信之說法,利用電腦掃瞄各階段古文字字形與相關圖片,編製成CD龍互動式電子書作為教學輔助媒體。 本研究以台北市信義區某國中七、八年級八個班共237人為實驗對象,各教學單元均先根據單因子變異數分析檢定,選擇同年級國文段考成績無顯著差異的兩班進行實驗研究,當教學活動前半節時,甲班為實驗組,乙班為對照組,後半節則反之,整個教學過程均由同一位教師擔任,於教學活動結束後立即進行隨堂成就測驗,並於一週後與三週後進行二次後測。 本研究以「國語文段考成績」、「錯別字辨正成就測驗」、「字義探究成就測驗」、「學習心得問卷」、「晤談口語資料」等工具蒐集資料。研究結果資料以單因子變異數分析進行差異顯著性考驗,根據統計分析結果,本研究共有下列發現: 一、學習成就方面 在「錯別字辨正」單元,七年級1-5題含有「龜」例字,隨堂成就測驗兩組有顯著差異,可知就七年級而言,透過古文字解說字形由來,能對各部件進行有意義的編碼與儲存,造成短期記憶字形的優勢,長期記憶(一週後與三週後)則不顯著,而八年級則無顯著差異。 在「字義探究」單元,七年級1-5題含有「之」、「臭」、「既」例字,一週後或三週後實驗組與對照組成就測驗成績有顯著差異,八年級6-10題含有「毓」、「臧」例字,一週後實驗組與對照組成就測驗成績有顯著差異,可知古文字輔助教學對長期記憶字義具有優化效應。 此外,就受試者性別來看,總體而言,「錯別字辨正」與「字義探究」單元之隨堂測、一週後與三週後成就測驗,實驗組男生與女生未達到顯著差異,可見性別對於古文字輔助國語文教學之學習成效並無顯著影響。 二、學習觀感方面 大部分受試者認為在「錯別字辨正」與「字義探究」教學活動裡,古文字對辨正錯別字與記憶字義的幫助、提升學習興趣以及增進對中華文化的認識與熱愛,都是介於「非常有幫助」到「大部分有幫助」之間。至於受試者對於應用古文字輔助語文教學的意願,也是介於「非常希望」至「希望」之間。此外,有七成以上的受試者喜歡認識字形的由來,亦有不少受試者表示喜歡老師多發問,讓學生以小組競賽方式搶答。綜言之,大多數受試者對古文字輔助語文教學抱持著正向肯定的態度。 最後,根據研究結果的發現,分別就教學及教材方面提出多項建議,以供教育工作者參酌之用。 / The ancient writing application in the auxiliary mandarin teaching at the junior high school was studied in this research. The suggestion was recommended about the auxiliary mandarin teaching as the reference of teachers. The research was divided into two units” erroneous character distinguishability and character-denotation study”. The character was selected from mandarin books and optional books which education bureau branch qualified at the junior high school The character explanation was verified by experts, and was fabricated to the interactive CD electron book as teaching auxiliary media The 237 personnel’s experimental samples of four classes in Grade 7 and 8 individually at Xin-Yi area in Taipei city were adopted in this research. The two grades in the same grade which mandarin score was not significant difference each were selected as samples according to ANOVA variables analysis rule. The grade A, B is experimental group and comparison group respectively when the time of teaching activity is not over the half of class time. On the contrary, the experimental group was exchange with comparison one as the time over the half of whole class .The whole teaching activity was executed by the same teacher. The achievement exam will be implemented immediately as teaching activity was over and be re-tested post the first week and third week. The samples were collected by the mandarin score at school, erroneous character distinguishability,evaluation,character detonation achievements test, learning questionnaire and interview-oral data. The result was analyzed by single way variables analysis (ANOVA). The results were summarized as follows according to statistical analysis results. 1.learing achievements In unit “erroneous character distinguishability”, the test score of question 1-5 (e.g.龜) was significant with two grades in seventh grade Thus, the character was coded and stored effectively by the history of ancient writing .Therefore, the capability of character memory was improved in the short time. On the contrary, it was not significant in long term (e.g.1 week,3 week) in seventh and eighth grade. In unit “character detonation”, the test score of question 1-5 (e.g.之,臭,既 etc.)was significant during the period of first and third week on experimental group and comparison group in seventh grade. At the same time, the test score of question 6-10(e.g.毓,臧) also had the significant level in eighth grade. Thus, the auxiliary teaching of ancient writing was positive for memorizing the detonation in long term. Furthermore, for sex, the score was not the obvious difference in two units post first and third week regardless of seventh or eighth grade. 2.learing conception Most of all testers think that ancient writing teaching was helpful in strengthening the memory of erroneous character distinguishability,character detonation, and also in promoting learning interest and Chinese culture understanding. It’s results lied in between “very helpful” and “helpful partly”. Regarding as the desire of the subject for applied ancient writing auxiliary teaching, it lied in between “very hope” and “hope”. On the other way, the 70 percentage of the subject liked to know the history of character form, but some of the tester liked the way which teacher questioned and let the student competed with answers. Therefore, most of the testers think that, it was positive for ancient writing auxiliary teaching Finally, the suggestion was recommended in the teaching way and materials as the reference of educators basing on research results.


王韡康 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係採參與式模型,藉由文教財團法人執行長(秘書長)的參與及協助,嘗試建立一套適用國內文教財團人之績效指標。按基金來源別,本研究將文教財團法人分為(1)非官方與非特定企業支持之基金會、(2)特定企業支持之基金會二類,以所建構之續效衡量指標來探討上述二類文教財團法人所重視之指標是否存有顯著差異。此外,本研究進一步探討執行長(秘書長)與志工對這些指標的重要性看法是否一致。本研究希望所得之結果能作為文教財團法人本身績效衡量、政府機構審查及茉會大眾捐款時的參考依據。 本研究之結果可分三方面彙總扼要說明如下: 一、平均數與標準差 全體受試者認為較重要的前五項績效指標是:(1)舉辦活動內容與成立宗旨相符。(2)完善的督導制度。(3)健全的財務制度(公開化、透明化)。(4)與社會互動的情況。(5)健全的董監事會。 全體受試者認為較不重要的五項績效指標分別是:(1)舉辦活動的次數(含座談會、公聽會)。(2)平均每服務人次成本。(3)專職人員的離職率。(4)參與基金會活動人次的多寡。(5)專職人員與志工的人數。 二、因素分析 本研究以 Kaiser 洪共萃取出五個因素,分別命名為:(1)因素一:組織結構與制度因素。(2)因素二:內部作業的管理因素。(3)因素三:與外界關係因素。(4)因素四:與外界關係因素。(5)因素五:服務成果因素。 根據平均數與因素分析的結果,本研究建構一套兼具適量性、重要性及涵蓋組織各個層面的績效指標,此績效衡量指標分別是:(1)舉辦的活動內容與成立宗旨相符。(2)服務的內容符合民眾的需求。(3)活動目標達成率。(4)完善的督導制度。(5)完善的檔案管理和工作說明書。(6)健全的財務制度(公開化、透明化)。(7)與社會互動的情況。 三、單因子多變量變異數分析 根據變異數分析的結果,本研究得知基金來源的不同並不會造成執行長(秘書長)對各績效指標的看法有顯著的差異,而執行長(秘書長)與志工對績效指標的看法有九項產生差異,分別是:(1)指標一:舉辦的活動內容與成立宗指相符。(2)指標四:參與基金會活動人次的多寡。(3)指標七:完善的督導制度。(4)指標十三:定期的專職人員與志工培訓計量。(4)指標十六:基金的數額及孳息的多寡。(6)指標十八:與社會互動的情況。(7)指標十九:社會知名(大眾對貴基金會的了解)程度。(8)指標二十:與主管單位密切聯繫的程度。(9)指標二十一:與相關公益團體密切聯繫的程度。 / This research is based on participant observation model. The goal is to set up an appropriate performance standard for domestic non-profit organizations through the participation of the directors. I divide those organizations into two sub groups based on their fund resources. One is non-official and to specific supporter from enterprise, the other is the foundation which has specific enterprise supports. According to the measurements in two different groups to find out if there is any major difference among those organizations. Furthermore, the sample includes the directors of the organizations as well as volunteers in order to test the agreements on performance standards. The objectives of thsi research are to establish an general performance vealuation standard for non-profit organizations. In the meantime, it acts as the measurement of government investigation and public donation. The research results are as follows: 1. Arithmetic mean and standard deviation: The whole interviewees consider the five most important criteria areas follows: (1)Activities are consistent with its mission statement. (2)A sound supervision system (3)A sound financial system (4)Good interaction with society (5)A sound Board of directors The whole interviewees consider the five less important criteria areas follows: (1)The frequency of activities (2) The average human cost per service (3) The turnover rate of porofessionals (4) The amount of people attends the activities (5)The numbers of professionals and volunteers 2.Factor analysis: This research contents five factors by using Kaiser method. (1) factor 1: organizational structures and systems (2)factor 2: internal management system (3)factor 3: public relationship (4)factor 4: service content (5)factor 5: service performance Accordig to the results of arithmetic mean and factor analysis, I construct the indicators incuding the importance and general guidelines of organizations. They are: (1)Activities are consistent with its mission statement. (2) Services can meet people's needs (3)The success rate of activities (4) A sound supervision system (5) A sound file management and job description (6) A sound financial system (7) Good interaction with society 3. One-Way MANOVA According to the results of analysis of variance, there is little correlation between the fund resources and the point of view from directors. However, the differences between directors and volunteers are as the following: (1) Activities are consistent with its mission statement. (2) The amount of people attends the activities (3) A sound supervision system (4) Regular professional and volunteer training programs (5) The amount of funds and interests (6) Good interaction with society (7) Reputation (8) The degree in association with authorities (9) The degree in association with relative organizations

文教事業策略規劃之研究-以文教公司為例 / Strategic Planning for an Educational Company

陳建安 Unknown Date (has links)
近年台灣少子化問題日益嚴重,根據內政部戶政司統計,台灣出生人口從2001年之260,354人,至2010僅剩166,886人。台灣文教產業受人口結構之影響甚大,面對少子化衝擊,多數業者在策略上選擇相關多角化,延伸至不同年齡層客群,以追求範疇經濟;亦有以連鎖事業為主軸,運用直營、加盟等展店方式,延伸服務之範疇,追求規模經濟以提昇經營之競爭力。然而,並非所有業者均以展店為策略主軸,本研究希望探討Z文教公司在2013年中,以課程與產品特色差異化為重心之策略主軸,在績效檢討中分析執行之問題,並制定出2014年突破經營困境之新策略。因此,本研究之目的為: (一) 分析2013年Z文教公司之經營策略,依執行之問題找出改善方向; (二) 依Z文教公司之目標、環境、條件,規劃出2014年修正後之新策略; (三) 供文教產業中類似公司作為策略擬定之參考。 研究過程中透過逐步分析,將Z文教公司之策略明確化,其2013年之策略主軸如下: (一) 將研發國中小課程合併包裝,以專業學習法課程加盟之形式,與大台北區域之終端門市業者配合,藉由售後服務、品質控管與輔導機制,作為與競爭者之區隔模式; (二) 撰寫書籍並拍攝DVD,將核心之研發技術包裝為精裝教材,結合電視購物、網購通路、終端門市文教通路,以全台灣之授課教師與家長作為銷售對象。 本研究亦針對其策略做績效檢討,在歸納其執行面之問題後,提出以下之修正建議: (一) 專注於國小低年級市場,配合政策將課程重新規劃,拉長實施時間降低課程單價,同時導入數位化課程技術,降低師資培育成本,提昇教學品質與門市端接受意願; (二) 與國小課程經銷商合作,提昇業務開發之說服力,將通路拓展至台北市、新北市、桃園市、台中市等直轄市區,並建立自我開發業務之能力; (三) 開設直營校,成為接觸國小市場之持續研發來源,充分利用公司專業師資之教學綜效,並建立加盟通路之服務能力,提高品牌建立之效率。

緬甸華文學校與華文教學現況之探討 / Chinese Schools and Chinese Language Teaching in Myanmar

常慶芬, Chang, Qing Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解緬甸華文學校與教學現況。研究資料來源分為四個階段:第一階段為來自十四所緬甸華文學校之35位教師;第二階段為第一階段研究參與者中挑選14位不同學校的教師作為學校代表;第三階段為第一個階段中選出四所學校各一名教師作為個案深入訪談對象;第四階段為在國立臺灣大學、國立政治大學、國立師範大學就讀的緬甸籍大學生以及研究生,共20名作為研究對象。第一階段採用開放式的問卷請教師們填答,第二階段以訪談方式收集資料。第一階段和第二階段所收集的內容為了解緬甸十四所學校的基本概況。第三階段為延續性訪談,主要目的為透過四名個案教師之學習經驗、專業訓練、教學環境以及實務教學深入了解緬甸華校以及教學現況,即本研究的重點。第四階段透過20位緬甸僑生在緬甸學習的經驗和在臺灣的各大學校學習的經驗,從學生的角度了解他們對於來臺灣前和來臺灣後的華語文能力自我評量以及就讀緬甸華文華校的感受。四個階段由學校、師生與各個層面深入了解。研究發現緬甸華文學校在緬甸社會環境與文化下雖然歷經很多困難,但仍然在緬甸開花結果。緬甸華文學校大部分為獨立運作的單位,因此各校的學校運作模式、上下課時間和課時、教授的課程有不一樣的情況。緬甸華文學校、教師、教學與教材跟當地環境、社會和文化的關係之間有著很緊密且複雜的關係,因此如想了解華校的內幕必須先了解緬甸的環境、社會和文化。若想改善教學則必須從教師們的學習經驗、教學經驗、所接受過的專業訓練、目前的教學狀況、學生、教學環境以及所形成的原因等找出答案。最後研究者針對緬甸華文學校、教材、教學以及教師提出相應的建議,以便各界人士與相關單位參考。 關鍵字:緬甸華文教育、華文學校、華文教育、華文教學、僑校、華文 / This study aims to explore the present situation of Chinese school and Chinese instruction in Myanmar. The research data collected in four phases: First phase, 35 teachers from 14 Chinese schools in Myanmar answed an open-ended questionnaire. Secondly, 14 teachers selected from the participants in stage one as school representatives were interviewed.Thirdly, four teachers from stage one are selected for in-depth case studies. Fourth, 20 undergraduate and graduate Burmese students from National Taiwan University, National Chengchi University, and National Taiwan Normal University filled out a survey on this Chinese learning while in Myanmar. The findings of the current study are that Chinese teaching has been blooming in Myanmar a long time even when the country underwent many political turmoil. Most of the Chinese Schools in Myanmar are independent. Therefore, the system, teaching hours, schedules, contents all vary. There is a close yet complicated relationship among Myanmar Chinese schools, teachers, instruction, teaching materials, local environment, society, and culture. In order to develop a deep understanding of Chinese Schools in the country, it is important to get an inside’s view into the Myanmar social an cultural ecology and the local Chinese cultural.In order to improve the instruction, we should start from understanding the teachers’ experiences,their professional training, current teaching situation, students, teaching environment and the causes that lead to the present situation. Suggestions for Myanmar Chinese schools, teaching materials, teaching and teachers are provided.

高中國文教師運用數位典藏網站融入教學之研究 / Integrating digital archives website into instruction for senior high school Chinese literature teachers

黃琇苓 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的有四:1.探討數位典藏支援國文教學的意涵與最佳實務、2.探討數位典藏網站融入高中國文教學的模式、3.探討數位典藏融入教學成功案例之國文老師的教學策略、4.高中國文老師運用數位典藏融入教學的推動建議。 配合研究目的,本研究分析得獎教案、訪談教案設計老師,期望能據以了解數位典藏資源融入國文教學之模式、策略,了解教師使用數位典藏資源的動機、需求與看法,進而提出對未來我國文教學界應用數位典藏網站之建議。 本研究使用「個案分析法」、「深度訪談法」,首先分析歷年數位典藏融入高中國文教學得獎教案,發展出數位典藏融入國文教學模式,以幫助教師應用整合到教學歷程及學生的學習活動中,以達到將數位典藏做最有效利用的目的;接下來對得獎教師進行訪談,了解數位典藏融入國文教學的現況、困難與需求。根據研究結果,可獲得以下結論: 一、 數位典藏網站融入國文教學的必要性 1.數位典藏的豐富資源,是語文教學的極大寶藏,有助於創意學習、資訊融入,值得大力推廣。 2.數位典藏網站擴大教育層次,扮演教學資源、學習環境、學生創作等三種角色。 二、 數位典藏網站融入高中國文教學應用模式與教學策略 (一)建構數位典藏融入高中國文教學三模式:準備階段、實施階段、評量階段 (二)統整、分類台灣地區語文類數位典藏101個網站,以古典文學為多,融入教學時機、方法均較為多元與深入 (三)數位典藏融入國文教學指南: 1. 「引起動機」、「發展活動」、「綜合活動」三個時段,是教師進行數位典藏網站融入教學最適宜進入的時機 2. 「閱讀教學」、「課文教學」是最適切數位典藏資源融入教學的類型。 3. 「作者講解」是數位典藏網站融入教學最多、最深入的時機。 4. 「問題導向」、「網頁主題探究」是數位典藏融入教學最常應用的教學實施策略。 5. 「情境教學」可活化國文教學 6. 「自編並使用數位典藏評量」為教師使用數位典藏融入教學最常使用的評量模式,以「學習單」、「專題實作」內容為主要的方式。 三、 高中國文老師使用數位典藏網站融入教學的困難與需求 (一)數位典藏網站融入教學的困難 1.數位典藏資源認知不足,使用率、續用率低 2.數位典藏資源,需要老師配合課程進行篩選與組織 3.缺乏資源統整的「高中國文教學入口網站」,使用意願不高 (二)數位典藏網站融入教學的需求 1.內容需求:圖片與影音資源的豐富度 2. 功能需求:網頁主題導覽、檢索查詢、資料下載 3. 推廣需求:「研習課程」與「教學觀摩」 / This thesis contains four chapters. Chapter one examines the effect and and practibility of digital archives in supplementing Chinese teaching. In the second chapter, it aims at analyzing the mode of digital archives websites integrating into senior high school Chinese class. Next, I would elaborate upon the successful cases of the mode mentioned above in authentic contexts. I conclude the thesis in the fourth chapter by offering suggestions to this approach. In light of my research goal, I analyze award-winning teaching plans as well as interviewing these teachers in the hope of further understanding the mode and strategy of digital archives applied in senior high school Chinese class. In addition, by reexamining the motives, needs, and viewpoints of this approach, I would like to provide teachers in this field with suggestions about the authentic application of digital archives websites. I employ two methodologies, “Case Analysis Method” and “In-Depth Interview,” to analyze award-winning teaching plans applying digital archives resources. By means of integrating these resources into Chinese teaching, this could practically facilitate in-class activities for the purpose of exerting its maximum benefits. Next, via interviews with these teachers, I could follow and observe the current situations, obstacles and conceivable improvements. Based on my research result, the following is my conclusion. I. The Essentiality of Digital Archives Websites in Chinese Teaching A. The resources of digital archives websites are highly recommended for its abundance and significance. They are beneficial for generating creativity and sharing data. B. Digital archives websites do broaden educational dimensions; they serve as teaching resources, learning environment, and platforms for brainstorming. II. The Effect of Digital Archives Websites in Supplementing Chinese Teaching A. They construct three modes for the authentic application: the phase of preparation, the phase of practice, and the phase of evaluation. B. Chinese classics cover most of the resources in the category, and they are more dimensional in authentic teaching contexts. C. The Guidebook of Digital Archives Websites in Chinese Teaching a. Teachers are recommended to make good use of this method in three phases: motivation trigger, activity design, and activity integration. b. The most appropriate genres applied are extracurricular reading and text instruction. c. The most common application observed is the introduction of author. d. The most practical strategies applied are question-oriented method and theme page research. e. Contextual teaching could facilitate Chinese teaching. f. Self-edited digital archives evaluation is commonly used in the form of studying sheets and seminar course. III. The Difficulties and Needs in Application A. The Difficulties a. The promotion of this method covers a low scope. As a result, the rate of usage and sustainability is low. b. The application of it in authentic teaching contexts collide with the current course designs. c. It lacks compatibility and integration. B. The Needs a. The content: add more photos and audio-visual resources b. The function: improve theme page guidelines, search query, and data download c. The promotion: apply the method in “Study Courses” and “Classroom Observation”


李振彥 Unknown Date (has links)

《水滸傳》詈罵語研究及其在華語文教學中的意義 / A research on the teaching value of abusive language used in Water Margin

劉佩佩, Low , Pei Pei Unknown Date (has links)
《水滸傳》是中國宋朝一部描寫綠林好漢的文學作品,它不僅在文學史上有巨大的價值,在語言研究上也占有一席重要地位。此書是中國歷史上第一部以白話文寫成的章回小說,在語言的運用更是別具特色,因此筆者選擇了在詞彙中有趣的詈罵詞做為研究方向。 本論文在一開始先介紹歷來學者對“詈罵”所下的定義及略談其從古至今的發展概況,並根據劉福根先生〈漢語詈詞淺議〉一文中的十一類為藍本,再相較於前人對於《水滸傳》一書中詈罵語的分類表,重新列出了十類。 其次,筆者對於《水滸傳》書中特有的詈罵詞運用習慣進行了分析工作,因宋朝的詈罵語在漢語詈罵詞的歷史發展過程中產生了很大的變化—俗化。根據劉福根先生在《漢語詈詞研究》書中將這時期的詈罵詞俗化的因素歸納為兩方面:俗文學的興盛及印刷術的發達,而這些具有獨特風格的詈罵詞全都一一表現在這本著名的文學作品中。 通過《水滸傳》中的詈罵語運用,我們可以透析宋朝的社會生活情況,同時還能了解中華民族自身的文化涵蘊。因此,筆者嘗試從語用角度去探究該時期的社會與漢族文化,並將之反映在對外漢語的教學工作上。筆者認為要成為一個華語文教師,除了著重於教科書的詞彙、文法運用外,傳承中華文化的精髓也是必要的,而華語文學習者在經過詈罵詞的教學後,也能提升對《水滸傳》書中話語的理解能力及文學作品的鑒賞能力。當然,教師在教學工作的進行中,仍有其所要注意的現實問題存在,所以筆者也就此提出了幾點要素。最後,筆者認為詈罵詞的教學是有其必要性的,不應該被漠視,也不應被鄙視或摒棄。

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