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αクラスター励起状態における芯クラスターの回転・変形によるクラスター構造への影響吉田, 侑太 23 March 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第20178号 / 理博第4263号 / 新制||理||1613(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科物理学・宇宙物理学専攻 / (主査)准教授 延與 佳子, 教授 川合 光, 准教授 板垣 直之 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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我國公營事業內部審核之研究楊朝榮, YANG, ZHAO-RONG Unknown Date (has links)
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延伸企業核心競爭力之研究-以Intel公司為例楊凱迪 Unknown Date (has links)
未來企業競爭優勢的來源必須來自於本身的核心競爭力及必須建構新的核心競爭力,國內外專家學者對於核心競爭力的意義和來源以及探討核心核心競爭力的發展的過程已有一些研究,但是當外在環境改變時,企業如何能夠繼續運用原有的核心競爭力及如何建構新的核心競爭力方面的研究卻較少。因此,本論文就以擁有創新研發、製造技術、速度、規模與彈性的Intel公司為例,針對面對現有的競爭廠商及當未來環境的發展及應用延伸到寬頻、無線通訊及資訊家電等多元應用領域時,Intel如何延伸原有的核心競爭力和適當維持與運用其資源與能力來建構新的核心競爭力而能夠延伸成為其新的長期核心競爭力並爭取到進入新的市場的機會,創造新的競爭優勢。本研究歸納的研究發現如下 :
研究結果發現,Intel能夠成功適當地運用企業原有的內部核心競爭力(資產能力和管理制度)並能夠建構新的核心競爭力而能夠有能力延伸到新的網路無線通訊市場領域。Intel的企業優勢主要為能夠繼續投資創新研發在晶圓廠和半導體製程,領先競爭對手的研發製程技術,擁有經濟規模而有產業規格制定的能力來主導市場,能夠提供完整平台解決方案的能力,‘Intel Inside’行銷策略的成功,領導者和管理制度及企業文化價值觀的結合。當外部環境朝向無線網路通訊新領域發展時,Intel仍然繼續投資新的研發技術以開發新產品並降低成本,並且運用行銷策略聯盟、併購及轉投資新技術和成立新事業部的方式來建構及延伸其核心競爭力而進入新的無線網路通訊領域。
在微處理器市場的競爭,Intel是先佔廠商,採用的是大幅躍進在製程、速度及效能表現上大幅超越競爭對手的方式。而面對已有先佔廠商且許多新規格仍未明確的無線通訊網路市場,Intel是利用自行研發和外部取得新技術加上原有的研發創新製程技術以及配合原有的內部核心競爭力繼續建構成為新的核心競爭力而延伸到新的市場。 / The source of future corporate competitive advantages must come from their own existing core competence and also from building new core competences. Some scholars have already explored the meaning, source and process of the core competence, but when the outside environment changes, few scholars have studied how a corporation continually uses its original core competence and how it builds new core competences. Therefore, this thesis is a case study of Intel Corporation, which is a corporation with innovation R&D, manufacturing technology, speed, scale and flexibility. This thesis will focus on how Intel extends its original core competence, leverages resources and capability to build new, long-lasting core competences, thus seizing the opportunity of entering new markets facing today's competitive environment and future potential markets, including broadband, wireless communication and IA field. We could summarize this thesis to the following findings:
1. The corporation's R&D department may spend their R&D expenditures on the commercialization of technology in order to accumulate resources and also to increase and strengthen the corporation's inner core competence.
2. The extension of the core competence can help forecast the next generation of product and technology by a future perspective instead of past experience.
3. The establishment of the industry standards and continuous investment can help build and strengthen the corporation's core competence, and as a result, gives the corporation the chance to extend original core competences to the next new market and set up new industry standards.
4. The market factor of the product specification is a key success factor of core technology development.
5. Core competence is extensive, and the creation and accumulation of the core competence is based on effective leverage and sharing of corporate inner resources.
6. The building of the core competence is based more on the accumulation of long time learning than leapfrog inventions.
7. The vision and values of the corporate leader, the management style and the organizational culture all have great effect on extending the corporation's core competence.
8. The higher the extent of path dependence, the easier the knowledge spreading and transferring.
9. In the new future business, forming a new business group is an important method of building new core competence.
This thesis finds that Intel not only is able to successfully use its original core competence, it is also able to build new core competences enabling Intel to expand its market realm to broadband and wireless communication fields. Intel's corporate advantages mainly lie in continuous investment of IC and wafer manufacturing technologies; leading R&D and manufacturing processes; scale of economy; the establishment of industry standards therefore giving Intel the ability to dominate the industry; the capability of providing a total solution platform; the success of the “Intel Inside” marketing strategy; and the perfect combination of leader vision/value, management systems and corporate culture. When the outside environment changes and wireless communication seems to be the next gold mine, Intel continues to invest in new technology and new product development, cut down costs, extending core competences and entering new markets using various means including strategic alliances, merge & acquisitions, investing in new technology fields, and forming new business units or groups.
Intel is a first-mover and a dominant firm in the CPU market, and it stays on the edge by substantially staying ahead of competitors in manufacturing technologies, speed and efficiency performances. While facing the new wireless communication market, which already has a dominant firm but not yet a dominant industry standard, Intel chooses to use internally developed inventions and externally obtained technology, in coordination with existing advantages in manufacturing processes and original core competences, thus extend to the new markets.
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會計原則變動查核報告意見之市場反應研究林靜婷 Unknown Date (has links)
在會計師因強制性會計原則變動而出具保留意見時,將在查核報告中揭露變動金額與否分為兩組,研究結果為:有揭露金額者的盈餘反應係數低於沒有揭露者。 / The purpose of this study is to examine the potential need to modify current R.O.C. Statement of Auditing Standards No.2, which is under revision by R.O.C. Auditing Standards Board. Specifically, our study provides empirical evidence to help ASB members evaluate the impact of cahnges in accounting principles on capital market under the diverse scenarios of different opinions issued by auditors. Accounting changes of TSE (Taiwan Stock Excahgne) listed firms from 1992 to 1996 are included in our sample. Three primary issues investigated and empirical results are summarized as follows.
1. Information content of voluntary vs. mandatory changes.
Market(investors) reactions to accounting chagnes, not matter which types of changes, show no significant difference, except that investor react favorably to voluntary accounting changes to percentages of completion method under long-term construction contracts.
2. Market reactions to auditors' opinions of accounting changes.
Market reactions to auditor' qualified or unqualified opinions of voluntary and mandatory accounting changes indicate no significant difference.
3. Impact of disclosing amounts of mandatory accounting changes on ERC.
Firms disclosing the amounts influenced by mandatory accounting changes inauditors' qualified opinions have lower earnings reponse coefficients(ERCs)than non-disclosure firms.
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Python平行化在SCMDS上之應用 / The application of parallel Python in SCMDS李沛承, Lee, Pei Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
近年來資料產生的數量遠超過過去可處理的數量,以現今的個人電腦使用傳統的方法已經無法處理大資料的運算與分析,所以改善傳統的方法與平行化為必經的方向,本論文以拆解合成-多元尺度法的平行化為主要討論對象,除了介紹Python程式語言及其相關套件如何撰寫平行化程式,我們將拆解合成-多元尺度法從原本的單核心版本改進為多核心版本,並且探索拆解合成-多元尺度法在平行化過程中的計算效能,藉以了解拆解合成-多元尺度法在平行化計算時的參數要如何設定,使得平行化的SC-MDS可以有最高的計算效率。經實驗證明多核心底下的SC-MDS平行化又把SC-MDS單核心的效能做個再次的提升。 / In recent years, the number of generated data is growing fast such that it is infeasible to process by using traditional methods. So improving traditional methods and developing paralled computing methods are important issues. The main contribution of this thesis is to delelope the parallel version of the split-and-combine multidimensional scaling method(SC-MDS). We will fistly introduce fundamental python program, the basic python packages and the python multi-core program. Then we will implement the serial core version of SC-MDS to the multi-core version. Moreover, we will discover the efficiency of the multi-core version of SC-MDS. Then we can understand how to determine the parameters of the parllel version of SC-MDS. By our experimental results, we successfully implement the serial core of SC-MDS to the faster parallel version of SC-MDS.
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大型プラズマ閉じ込め装置LHDにおける水素リサイクリングの分光研究藤井, 恵介 26 March 2012 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第16795号 / 工博第3516号 / 新制||工||1532(附属図書館) / 29470 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科機械理工学専攻 / (主査)教授 蓮尾 昌裕, 教授 木村 健二, 教授 斧 髙一 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当
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金融科技對於新一代銀行核心系統導入策略探討 / A study on the Strategy of Introducing FinTech into the New Generation Core Banking System劉帥君 Unknown Date (has links)
金融業面臨數位科技進步的大浪來襲,在行動、社群、雲端、大數據、網路等資通訊(Information and Communication Technology, ICT)技術的快速發展,加上政府積極推動金融科技(Fin Tech)創新金融服務,並促進金融科技產業發展。金融業已不再是面臨同業競爭,愈來愈多非金融產業也開始跨業經營各種金融業務,分食金融市場的大餅。
數位金融創新的崛起,逐漸改變消費者的消費模式。全球銀行創新之父Brett King在Bank 3.0書中提出「未來銀行不再是一個地方,而是一種行為;客戶需要的不是實體營業據點,而是銀行的功能」。金融業面對科技進步及數位創新的競爭挑戰,銀行的資訊能力將不再是後勤支援的角色,而是攸關生存的核心競爭力。唯有不斷強化資訊能力、與時俱進,才能持續在市場上成為領先者。
本研究以文獻探討與研究如何透過新一代銀行核心系統的導入策略,提升銀行資訊能力以強化市場競爭力。一般銀行業泛指的「銀行核心系統」為屬於銀行與顧客帳務及權益有直接相關,須即時從分行或其他通路登錄資料並更新各業務資料庫的應用系統,並作為會計記帳處理之依據。傳統銀行核心系統在封閉式的環境中發展,提供分行或網路銀行顧客金融資訊服務,但銀行提供的資訊服務仍無法跟上Fin Tech平台的創新與效率。本研究將從外部金融科技發展趨勢、本國銀行核心系統發展現況及傳統核心系統面對金融科技巨浪的衝擊等三個構面來探討金融科技對新一代核心系統導入策略之影響。
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卓越軍職人員核心能力建構之研究--以陸軍校階主官管職為例張孟剛 Unknown Date (has links)
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我國數位典藏廠商核心能耐之個案研究蔣嘉俊, John,Chiang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以吳思華(1996)利用資源基礎理論來檢視與確定數位典藏廠商的基本能力資源的所在,並且利用Hamel and Prahalad(1990)核心能耐原則來檢視廠商由既有資源建立核心能耐的過程與準則。另外,本研究的研究方法採用個案研究法以及質化研究,深度訪談得意典藏股份有限公司以及新視科技股份有限公司的高階經理人,獲得以下結論:
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我國國營事業與民營企業電腦內部稽核之研究 / The EDP Internal Auditing of a State-owned Enterprise and Privately-owned Enterprises劉盈欒, Liu, Lin Luan Unknown Date (has links)
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