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我國榮民安養養護機制運作之研究-平衡計分卡觀點 / The Research of Operative Mechanism of Care andDisplacement of Veterans in Taiwan , R.O.C. :The Viewpoint from Balanced Scorecard張伯英 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:榮民、榮家、平衡計分卡、財務構面、顧客構面、內部流程構面、學習與成長構面 / The subjects for veterans-home to take care of are veterans who are aged ex-servicemen and live helplessly. They spent their days in war and turbulent environments, therefore, most of them have eccentric and unsociable characters, hard to live with others. The requirements for veterans-home are different to other organizations.
In order to get a better understanding for the mechanism of veterans-home, this study makes use of the four perspectives from balanced scorecard viewpoint which are financial, customer, internal processes and learning and growth. Through on-the-spot, long-term observation and interviews with the veterans-home personnel to discuss its operation mechanism and provide some suggestions for veterans-home to meet the requirements of aged ex-servicemen. And how does veterans-home make the best use of its resources, broaden its service subjects and promote its service quality while facing the social environment change.
This study takes the four perspectives of balanced scorecard as its theory frame to research the settlement of veterans and the operation of settlement mechanism in our country, to offer some suggestions for the references of improving service quality and create a better living environment for the veterans. From this study we find that:
1. Financial perspective: interviewers believe that veterans-home should cut down its unnecessary administration expenses and enhance its financial audit mechanism, in order that the limited budget can be spent on the veterans.
2. Customer perspective: improve living facility and environment of veterans-home, promote the service quality of personnel, increase leisure activities and enhance medical treatment to raise veterans’ desires to live in the veterans-home.
3. Internal processes perspective: establish a standard operation procedure for service, enhance personnel and internal management.
4. Learning and growth perspective: in order to upgrade the medical treatment quality, all the interviewers believe that the basic medical treatment ability for service personnel should be enhanced, as well as the professional training for medical treatment personnel.
Key Words : veterans, veterans-home, balanced scorecard, financial perspective, customer perspective, internal processes perspective, learning and growth perspective
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教育網站觀察程序與分析系統之研究陳信宏, Chen,Andy Unknown Date (has links)
我們認為,在網路教育的中的Amazon.com尚未成形之際,有關教育網站的任何分析與研究,其實就是嚐試對於一連串「什麼是教育網站?」的問題,給予較具體及系統性的回答;據此,本研究從整理「網路教育」的定義開始,歸納包括Michael G. Moore及Bill Gates等學者專家對網路教育的觀察及想法,推導出教育網站幾個可能的「想像空間 (構面)」[第2-1節];並且,整合相關的「教育理念」、「網站經營邏輯」與「網路科技」到各構面中作為觀察 (或比較) 各網站差異的指標 [第2-3節];此外,環顧實際的競爭環境,文中在構面要素的選擇上,也絕大部份以能夠直接從介面進行觀察為主要考量。最後,為了滿足網路經濟□「一夕數變」的動態需要,我們進一步推演構面間的邏輯關係、分析方法及觀察程序,使「構面」及「構面要素」更能輔助作為網站經營長、短期的決策依據 [第3章]。
研究發現,由歸納定義形成「構面」及「構面要素」的網站分析方法,可以系統性地整理出網站經營要素,協助經營者適度界定營運範疇 並妥善分配資源比重。以「教育網站」為例,本研究所採用的分析方法,可以有效幫助經營者脫離空泛的想像,更具體地將經營重心縮小到「結構」、「對話」、「社群」、「軌跡」四個構面及其相對應的構面要素上。
我們也發現,不僅「教育網站」四個「網路經營」構面間有嚴謹的演化邏輯 (Ch.2-3-5.3),構面背後的「教育理論」更同時存在相同的邏輯基礎 (Ch.2-3-5.7 )。這使得本研究可據之以推論104人力網站為「教育網站」再合適不過的「定位型」聯盟 (Ch.3-1-2);推論亞卓市形成「幽靈課程」及「幽靈學生」 的原因 (Ch.3-1-3);並決定研究中的各變數關係如何構築一個完整的研究架構(Ch.3-3)。
根據上述邏輯基礎,我們另外發現,一個同時滿足「網路經營」、「網路科技」、「教育及學習理論」的「網路教學情境」設計 (Ch.2-3-5.6),如何模擬出「真正的」教育網站風貌。同時,在此情境下的網路學習方式,也讓吾人有機會重新思考如何增進教育網站「忠誠度」:在「個人」先備知識與「社群」分類知識游走間摧化;一種有別於其它非教育性質網站的獨特作法 (Ch2-3-5.6;Ch.3-1-2)。
我們還發現,妥善設計一個觀察程序,可以組合本研究中的部份結果成為進行網站比較時的觀察標準;如此可以協助經營者在面對不同型式同樣標榜教育功能的各式「教育網站」時,有能力更深入也更完整探討其間的差異所在 (Ch3-4-1)。
我們更發現,由於「構面」及「構面要素」除了能夠動態組合、方便賦予權重指標,同時還能因應變動的競爭環境,靈活增刪構面要素而不影響決策系統;整個研究因此提供了「決策系統可程式化」的機會 (Ch3-2-1;Ch3-2-2;Ch3-3)。
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智慧資本影響企業經營績效模式之探討─我國液晶顯示器(LCD)製造產業之實證研究吳俊輝, Wu,Chun-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
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消費者基礎品牌權益衡量在台灣實務界的應用探討李正祜 Unknown Date (has links)
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悠活麗緻渡假村之服務創新發展模式研究 / Service innovation model research of Yoho Beach Resort蘇筱涵 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟發展,工業化成熟,台灣的產業結構正逐漸由「製造的台灣」(Made in Taiwan)轉型為「服務的台灣」(Served by Taiwan)。我國休閒旅館業為了能夠提升競爭力,近年來積極發展服務創新,希望透過創新方式來提高競爭門檻,避免價格戰,提高品牌與服務價值。但創新人人會談,問題是怎麼做?每間旅館飯店在發展服務創新時,乃是依據不同的策略思維,由於本身營運模式的營運範疇、核心資源及事業網路不同,建構出不同服務創新的模式。
回顧過去文獻探討,服務創新應用在休閒旅館業之研究,此新興議題乃付之闕如,且大多探討服務創新的內涵與構面之間關係,但卻鮮少深入分析服務創新背後的策略構面與服務創新模式的關聯性,故本研究參考吳思華所提之「策略三構面」及Bilderbeek & Hertog所提出之「服務創新四構面」作為本研究之研究架構,並以悠活麗緻渡假村之「兒童旅館」、「單車旅館」與「樂活長住U化全心服務建置計畫」為例,運用個案研究法並輔以次級資料之搜集與整理,詳細剖析其公司經營模式,如何建構出其專屬的服務創新模式與內涵。
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產業矩陣之應用-以液晶顯示器模組產業為例黎雅惠 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
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稅務機關服務品質之探討--以台北縣政府稅捐稽徵處為個案研究魏貴珠 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣小型IC設計公司創立新事業之個案研究陳清宏, Chen, Ching-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區的IC設計產業,近幾年來的發展十分蓬勃,總產值排名全球第二,僅次於北美,全球市場佔有率約22%左右;截至2005年底,台灣IC設計業者總數已達268 家,其中有8家業者擠進全球前30大IC設計公司排行榜。
本研究嘗試分析台灣IC設計業的現況,找出其全球競爭的優勢,並以一台灣小型IC設計公司的創業實例,結合吳思華教授的策略三構面以及Scott A. Shane科技創業聖經的分析,試圖找出小型IC設計公司的成功之道,供其他新創IC設計公司做決策時的參考。
一、 探討台灣新創小型IC設計公司如何選擇公司創立時的產品方向。
二、 台灣新創小型IC設計公司因各項資源短缺,如何選擇適合的營運模式。
三、 小型IC設計公司沒有市場知名度,如何做上下游的合縱連橫,才能成功銷售產品。
一、 組成有較高技術能力的研發團隊,找出有技術門檻的產品,可擺脫與其他小型IC設計公司直接競爭的可能性。另外,應找出市場規模不大但穩定成長的產品,因為這種市場的需求量不符合大公司的經濟規模,大型IC設計公司比較不想進入相同的市場。而且因為市場規模不大,產品單價較高,毛利率可相對提高。雖然市場需求量不是非常大,但是小公司的營業費用較低,若產品的毛利率高,且市場穩定成長,公司獲利的機會就高。
二、 小型IC設計公司的資金以及人員不足,無法自行完成所有前後段IC設計,需要外包後段IC設計以及生產安排;而且如果增加後段IC設計的人員,會造成整個公司的營業費用變高,若市場規模不大,獲利的機會將會降低。
因此,小型IC設計公司應利用台灣IC產業完整的供應鏈supply chain做互補性資產,慎選供應商以快速切入市場。
三、 小型IC設計公司應利用台灣製造業王國主導關鍵零組件選擇權的優勢,並利用Local Support達成Time to market的優勢,與大企業合作共同尋找潛在產品,並以利潤分享模式,確定顧客願意使用以及推廣,保障基本營收,借力使力克服其他客戶對小型公司的疑慮,進而開拓市場知名度,增加長期競爭力。 / The development of IC design industry has been prosperous for the recent years in Taiwan. The total production value ranks the second in the worldwide, and the entire production value takes up 22% share among the worldwide market, only being inferior to that in North America. The number of IC design companies has been increasing to 268 ones in Taiwan, up to the end of the year 2005; eight of which even squeezed into the worldwide top 30 companies at the ranking chart.
It is only the medium and large companies that stand a fair chance to sparkle themselves on the international stage, and they fill with steady vitality as well. As for other small ones, it will be hard for them to survive in the keen competitive market if they are deficient of the innovative technology and managerial strategy as their weapons.
The gist of this research focuses on analyzing the current situation of Taiwan IC design industry and exploring its superior advantage against the global competition. A real case is taken from a Taiwan small start up IC design company with which combined Dr. Wu’s “three aspects in strategy” in his “The nature of the Strategy” and “Finding Fertile Ground” by Scott A. Shane. It is the purpose to try to find out a road leading the small start up IC design companies to achieve success and to hope that can be a strategic reference for the new start up IC design companies.
The object of this research is to answer the questions listed below:
1. Discussing how a small start up IC design company sets his direction in defining their product during the initial period.
2. How can a small start up IC design company choose a proper business model under the limited company resources.
3. Being lack of the market prestige of a small start up IC design company, how to jointly and coordinately cooperate with his strategic customer to have their products enjoy a steady and successful sale?
This research concluded the followings:
1. Composing R/D team with greater inventive ability and inventing some products with more difficult threshold in order to get rid of the directly competitive possibility with other small IC design companies. Moreover, they should find out the product without huge market demand while it owns stable growth rate. Since the demand at the market does not meet the economy scale of big companies; thus, the big companies would rather not get into the same market. And since the market demand is not big, the products selling price can be higher, the more gross profit they can get in this kind of small market. Although there is not a great demand for the product, the small companies can still get better profit from the lower business expense, and the small company can be profitable due to the steady growing market demand.
2. Small start up IC design companies might be lack of sufficient capital and employees, so they can not complete both the front end and the back end IC design process alone. Thus outsourcing the back end IC design process and production arrangement are necessary. Otherwise, the business expense will be too high if they increase the labor force of the back end engineering. The overall profit will get worse if the market demand is not big.
So, small IC design company should make good use of the sufficient supply chain in Taiwan IC industry as a supplementary asset, and select the suppliers by higher criteria, then penetrate the market timely.
3. Taiwan electronic manufacturing industry has occupied a dominant position in key components, so the small IC design companies should take advantage of that, and use the strength of “local support” to achieve the advantage of “time to market”. Cooperate with big firms in order to find out the potential products. Small companies can take profit sharing business model to ensure the strategic customers have the willingness to use and promote their products. Then the other customers can spontaneously eliminate their concern toward a small start up company.
In this way, the small start up company can assure to gain a basic income first; furthermore, they would enjoy a positive increasing market reputation and a stronger long term competitive capability.
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企業自創品牌歷程與影響因素解析-以法藍瓷與宏達電為例 / An analysis of enterprises on building self-owned brand innovation in Taiwan and its impacting factors ---cases on Franz and hTC蔡佩純, Tsai, Pei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
五、衡量企業代工產品於市場上競爭強度如何,例如藉由在指標性市場之銷售量分析 / The goal of this research is to study how corporations in Taiwan transform original equipment manufacturer (OEM) / original design manufacturer (ODM) into the development of their own brands. In this thesis, the research approach is to analyze and discuss successful cases in different industry sectors and evaluate the critical factors that contribute to the successes. The results can serve as a strategic guideline for companies that are seeking to develop new and innovative brands.
In this research, qualitative approaches are applied to case examinations through secondary data analysis and case interviews. There are two companies in the case study: Franz and hTC. The results are organized into four categories corresponding to four major contributing factors for brand value development. These factors include industry environment, business scope, relationship network, and core resources. Through the analysis of these four categories, the logistics for success in brand development can be well understood.
During the study, it is shown that there are common points which influence whether the corporations can overcome challenges involved in brand development. The intended managers can refer to the following points as guidelines:
1.Analyze the industry trait and evaluate the company’s positioning in the value chain constantly.
2.Describe its own industry network and analyze the strengths and weaknesses
3.Develop strategy alliances and cooperate with key players in the industry; build and acquire specific core resources
4.Progressively make decisions based on successes from other companies such as backward integration toward research& development, or forward integration toward marketing distribution
5.Evaluate the competitive strength of the contract manufacturing products on the market by analyzing the sales figures of the key-index markets.
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飯店產業服務創新專案開發模式-以日月潭雲品酒店為例曾鳳秋 Unknown Date (has links)
儘管服務創新對飯店產業來說是非常重要的發展方向,然回顧過去文獻,飯店產業的服務創新乏人探討。因此,本研究參考Bilderbeek & Hertog所提出之服務創新四構面作為本研究之研究架構,並以日月潭雲品酒店「數位飯店及虛擬管家建置計畫」為例,運用個案研究法並輔以次級資料之搜集與整理,詳細剖析其發展服務創新的過程與模式,以及探討服務創新各構面與發展活動會對服務創新的成果產生哪些影響。
6.企業應不斷地將服務精緻化,構築競爭者的模仿障礙,而若將成功案例推廣至集團其他據點,亦可發揮規模經濟的效益,降低整體平均建置成本。 / The expenditure for information technology in Taiwan’s hotel industry increased 17.5% in 2008, and further on to 50.8% in 2009. The scope of this increment is very conspicuous and reveals that even in the face of difficult times, the hotel operators are still willing to invest large amount of money in IT. The main reason driving the operators to start offering a variety of IT services is they want to enhance their brand’s image in consumers’ minds by adding more value-added services to their already extensive portfolio.
In a market where the competition is becoming more intense every year, it is a major challenge for the hotel operators to retain regular customers while attracting new ones. Hence developing new service innovations is seen as a way to increase customer value and simultaneously help the hotels maintain its competitive advantages.
However, despite the importance of service innovations to the hospitality industry, there are barely any studies conducted on it. Therefore this paper aims to look deeper into this subject, using the service innovation model by Bilderbeek & Hertog as a starting basis.
This paper centers on a pre-chosen establishment, FLEUR DE CHINE HOTEL, using the method of case study. Assisted by second hand data, the study attempts to analyze the service innovation development process of the hotel and also determine how the various related activities influenced the final innovation results, so that areas for further improvement can be identified.
The study concludes that:
1.Service innovation should be flexible, so it can adapt well and quickly to the customer’s needs.
2.The new client interface must be based on “operating conveniently” and integrate all other interfaces effectively. If it is able to provide additional service smoothly, it can also increase the chance of sales.
3.The support of the executives is a key factor for the success of developing new service innovation.
4.When introducing a new service, it should be done step by step, so that it’s easier for the employees to follow up and reduce their uneasiness.
5.With the assistance of IT, it can improve employees’ skills and enhance their sense of mutual achievement.
6.A company should enrich and refine their services continuously and proactively. If a company is able to propagate a project’s success to other departments or branches, it can also bring other economic benefits and reduce the overall operational cost.
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