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廣告量與客觀品質之關係─以台灣市場為例 / The Relationship of Advertisement Volume and Objective Quality: A Taiwan Market Case廖俊琮 Unknown Date (has links)
由相關分析的結果顯示,廣告量和客觀品質之間存在著輕度正相關,而後續的回歸模式檢定和卡方分析卻顯示,並無法以四個調節變數說明在何種情況下最適合以廣告量作為判斷客觀品質的指標。顯示台灣廠商不傾向以廣告量多寡作為品質信號,而消費者固然可以廣告量作為品質判斷的指標,然而應輔以其他相關指標進行選購以降低決策風險。 / Products with higher advertisement volume are often regarded as possessing better quality by consumers, so companies are willing to spend huge expenditure to enhance their perceived quality and thereby sales volume. Also, scholars in past researches discussed relationship between advertisement volume and perceived quality and finding positive correlation does exist. However, further examination on whether advertisement volume can reflect the real product quality has yet been done, so that consumers have no way to tell is advertisement volume a dependable quality signal or not. Thus, this research targets Taiwan market to discuss the reliability of using advertisement volume to evaluate objective quality.
The research uses methodology of secondary data analysis, adopting “Product Testing Unit” in Chinese Taipei Consumer Report as objective quality sources, and effective advertisement volume by Rainmaker Corp. as advertisement volume data, analyzing data of total 35 product categories or 623 brands to examine the correlation. The research further uses product durability, accessibility of quality evaluation, degree of product differentiation, and financial risk as mediators, categorizing products into four groups to discuss the strength of correlation under various situations. As for advertisement data, the research uses not only advertisement data of the very year products are tested, but also three-year averaged volume to see whether the “lag effect” in advertisement strengthen the correlation.
Correlation analysis indicates positive correlation between advertisement volume and objective quality does exist, yet results by both regression and chi-square analysis denied four characteristics as effective mediators, suggesting companies in Taiwan do not use advertisement volume as signal of quality, and consumers should complement with other signals other than advertisement volume when judging objective quality.
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牙醫門診患者就醫決策過程相關因素之探討程道揚 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字: 性別、年齡、消費者、決策行為 / Viewing a patient as a customer is not a new concept. But there is a long way to go between recognition and performance in old medical system. This research is motivated by the following two questions: How do we avoid the traditional superior attitudes of doctors over patients and how do consumers choose hospitals or clinics. In addition, we are also concerned about how females, the largest consumer decision-making group, view these subjects and how they affect their perspectives. Viewing the patient as a customer is absolutely important to medical market and hope we can find another dental business channel by studying and understanding this concept.
This research is focused on dental patient decision making process and related factors when choosing a dental provider. The data were collected from patients in four clinics in Taipei City and Taipei County. We analyzed the differences and correlations between the patients gender and ages with 831 surveys collected.
Our research has found that dental patient decision-making differs based on age and gender. When it comes to judging and decision-making, we found some differences between different age groups, especially amongst females. In addition, the attitude of the doctor is a major factor that determines whether or not a patient will return to the dental provider in the future.
We suggest doctors know not only professional knowledge, but also how to serve a patient like a customer. Finally, this research will offer marketing advice for running clinics according to historical information and analysis of our survey.
Key Word:Gender、Age、Consumer、Decision-making Behavior
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藥品責任與消費者保護法 / Drug Liability and Consumer Protection Law柯昇穎 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著現代社會的發展,人類的平均壽命已經大幅的延長;以台灣為例,男性的平均餘命為76.4歲,而女性更高達82.7歲。壽命延長的可能因素有很多,但其中最重要的應屬公共衛生環境的改善和醫藥科技的進步;醫藥科技的創新,讓藥品成為對抗疾病中不可或缺的角色,除了能治療包括敗血症等許多原本致死率高的疾病外,亦能幫助控制如高血壓、糖尿病等會造成長期併發症的慢性疾病,甚至可改善患者(例如憂鬱症等)的生活品質;而製藥產業也因此成為巨型的產業群 ,每年花費鉅額的研究經費、並雇用許多研發人員來發展新的藥品;但是即使如此,依然有許多疾病例如某些癌症和老年癡呆症等,到目前為止還沒有令人滿意的治療方法來幫助這些患者。
雖然發展和使用藥品之目的乃為了幫助受疾病所苦的患者,使用藥品反致病患健康損害的事件卻時有所聞;著名的案例包括了1970年代的沙利多邁事件造成畸胎兒的出現、以及血液製劑受汙染而造成愛滋病感染的事件等等。這些不幸事件的發生提醒了社會藥品的危險性,並促使各國衛生主管關對於藥品的高度控制: 透過嚴格的制度來維持藥品製造和上市前後相關措施的高品質、要求藥品在上市前已經有足夠的資訊和科學證據、並確保藥品對這些病人的利益遠高於可能傷害,希望能讓這些不幸事件的發生或是嚴重性降到最低。
我國自民國83年通過開始施行消費者保護法 (消保法) 後,對企業經營者課以更高的產品責任;消保法規定之產品責任係採無過失責任,較民法第191條之1規定之推定過失責任,對於被害人提供更完整的保護。而藥品需透過專業人員診斷與開立處方,並不若一般產品可以在市場上任意買賣、藥品之許可流通於市面,必須經過國家重重嚴格審核、且使用藥品治療之病患並非健康的民眾,其身體機能本已受損;這些與一般產品的相異之處,讓藥品在消保法的適用有許多值得討論之處。
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甘比亞消費者中人口統計因素對廣告效果之影響 / The Impact of Demographic Factors on Advertising among Gambian Consumers沙帝保, Sadibou Jammeh Unknown Date (has links)
甘比亞消費者中人口統計因素對廣告效果之影響 / A study on the impact of demographic factors on adverting among Gambian consumers is very crucial in the development of the overall advertising industry in The Gambia. Although no previous studies have been dedicated to this area, this research reveals the importance of significant differences in gender, age and education among Gambian consumers. The focus of this study was therefore to conduct an empirical research on differences in demographic factors among Gambian consumers in their response to different advertising appeals and choice of media.
The findings of this study will serve as a reference for companies and advertising agencies to design better advertising campaigns for their target audience by providing adequate knowledge on the behaviour of the Gambian consumer. According to the differences in response to different advertising appeals and media choices, Gambian consumers should not just be bundled, rather conscious effort must be made to reach out to consumers on different media, programmes, and at different times who should also be targeted based on difference in gender, age and level of education.
This research will also serve policy makers as well as the nation’s only TV station to set quality standards for the advertising industry in The Gambia. The absence of a comprehensive policy on advertising gives much weight to this study in understanding what constitutes an effective, desirable and ethically accepted advertising in a conservative society like The Gambia
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價格與品質之關係探討–以台灣市場為例 / Price-Quality Relationship in the Taiwan Market ppt張香玉, Chang, Dolly Unknown Date (has links)
一般消費者常常會有「一分錢一分貨」的想法,但是價格是否真的能夠準確的反應出品質?本研究用使用民國79年11月至民國94年4月份的「中華民國消費者報導」中102種產品的產品測試結果,用以探討台灣市場上價格與品質之間的關係。研究結果顯示,價格並不能準確的反應品質,台灣市場上的品質價格相關平均值為0.189,而且不同產品之間的品質價格相關性都有大幅的差異。本研究也發現價格品質相關性的變異原因之一為產品的特性 - 搜尋品的品質價格相關性高於經驗品的品質價格相關性。而本研究所提出的其他三項解釋原因 – 產品耐久程度、價格變異、以及價格高低並不能顯著的解釋產品品質價格相關性的變異。此研究的結果顯示價格並不能代表品質,因此消費者在購買產品之前必須有更多的資訊,不能單以價格做為購買衡量標準。 / This paper uses 102 product category test results of the Chinese, Taipei Consumer Report from the period of November 1990 to April 2005 to examine the validity of price as a signal of quality in the Taiwan market. In other words, does price accurately reflect quality, and do consumers really get what they pay for? The findings of this study indicate that price is not a very good indication of quality in the Taiwan market, with an average correlation value of 0.189 and greatly varying levels of correlation across product categories. In terms of reasons for the varying correlation levels, product characteristic is a factor – search goods have a higher price-quality correlation than experience goods. Other factors proposed in this study including product durability and quality uncertainty (price range and price levels) do not significantly influence the correlation levels. The results of this study indicate that price is not a good indicator of quality and that consumers need to be informed on more than the price of products when making purchasing decisions.
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自費型醫藥產品行銷策略與消費者行為研究張博勝, Po-Sheng, Brian Chang Unknown Date (has links)
一、 以個案研討說明醫藥產業中,跨國性原開發製藥廠產業競爭形態與競爭策略。
二、 以與專家深度訪談方式探討自費型醫藥產品在現行醫藥法規環境下,如何擬定其行銷策略。
三、 以市場調查之研究數據探討自費型醫藥產品之消費者行為與決策模式。
一、 根據個案中跨國性的原開發製藥廠之產業分析與其競爭形態之探討,結果符合產業分析中之之運用,顯示五力分析與競爭策略類型仍適用醫藥產業,有助於對產業環境描述與如何因應產業間的競爭。
二、 從威而鋼(Viagra)上市前與上市後,及競爭品上市前後,皆可以看到在不同時期,威而鋼(Viagra)在市場區隔、目標市場、產品定位、以至於行銷組合工具中產品、價格、通路及促銷的整合性策略,由此可以說明,針對自費型醫藥產品而言,行銷策略理論應該充分被應用到市場操作面上,來增加競爭優勢與擴大獲利。
三、 消費者對於自費型醫藥產品之行為模式,大多是注重在親朋好友之經驗分享與媒體訊息,對於專業醫師反而未加以重視,而且有將近九成的消費者在到達通路前已決定品牌,會受到通路銷售人員影響的只有三成,足見男性消費者對於此類產品的選擇,其自身之主導性甚強,也與其一般之消費行為類似,而且效果與安全性的實質利益是最重要的,在品牌的分類構面,自費型醫藥產品的品牌形象較符合功能性需求與經驗性需求,較不適合象徵性需求,因此消費者行為理論也可以在此得到驗證。
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以使用者為基礎的社群網站品牌權益之研究--概念架構、量表發展與影響因素 / User-Based Brand Equity (UBBE) of the virtual community web businesses-conceptual framework, measurement, and impact factors劉芳梅 Unknown Date (has links)
Study 1採取文獻探討和田野調查方式蒐集資料,包括6家社群網站共計8位經營者、3場社群網站使用者焦點座談共計15個受訪者,以及2位品牌專家。歸納質性訪談結果,本研究認為社群網站的品牌權益以使用者為基礎所建立 (User-Based Brand Equity, UBBE),包括以下3個要素:第一、使用者投入資源;第二、使用者形成的人際網絡;以及第三、使用者形成的社群影響力,特別是對購買決策與消費行為的影響。
Study 2發展社群網站使用者基礎品牌權益的量表題項,並進行2次量表施測,分別回收283份和319份樣本數,經由信度與效度驗證,社群網站使用者基礎品牌權益量表分為投入的時間、投入的資訊/知識、人際網絡廣度、人際網絡聯繫強度,以及社群影響力等5個構面,分別有3個題項,總共15個題項。
Study 3探索影響社群網站使用者基礎品牌權益的前置變數,依據使用者在社群網站面對的交換關係,提出網站品質、關係品質和移轉成本為影響使用者基礎品牌權益的重要前因,而網站品質和關係品質透過移轉成本的部分中介機制達成影響效果,針對社群網站使用者共回收500份樣本數,實證結果發現,上述前置因素與中介機制皆獲得支持。
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論銀行開放兼營保險經紀人或代理人業務之修法檢視及其兼業性質分析探討劉乾緯, Liu, Chien Wei Unknown Date (has links)
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線上決策輔助是否改變傳統上消費者之決策漏斗 / Do online decision aids change the traditional decision funnel for customers蘇曉淳, Su, Annie Unknown Date (has links)
The goal of this study was to build a more holistic and comprehensive look of the effects of search and decision tools (collectively known as decision aids) on the traditional consumer decision process. Specifically, how it affects the information search and alternative evaluation stages. It combined multiple models and concepts from different areas of consumer decision behavior, decision support systems, technology acceptance and task-technology fit theory. It explores how consumers use five different decision aids that are commonly found in today’s marketplace: consumer reviews, social media and electronic-word-of-mouth, comparison matrices, filter agents, and virtual assistants. The effects of these different decision aids were compared in both the information search stage and alternative evaluation stage.
In information search, a 5x2 within-subject factorial study was used to determine the effects of decision aids over time (present vs. ten years ago). Two-way repeated ANOVA found that the effects of decision aids in terms of perceived usage across all decision aids have increased from that of ten years ago. Also, consistent with task-technology fit theory usage between each decision aid differed based on how well the decision aid’s capabilities matched the stage’s need.
In the alternative evaluation stage, three treatments were manipulated: decision aids, task complexity (high vs. low) and step within the alternative evaluation stage of the consumer decision process (screening vs. evaluation step) in a 5x2x2 within-subject factorial design. The treatments were compared by measuring its effects on four dependent variables proposed in technology acceptance literature: perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, trusting beliefs and intention to use. Three-way repeated ANOVA showed that consumers rely on a two-step process when faced with high task complexity, screening out alternatives based on a simple non-compensatory rule before more detailed evaluation of the remaining alternatives are evaluated. The results were also consistent with task-fit theory with decision aids differing based on how well their capabilities matched each stage. The study however couldn’t provide definitive proof of differences in the two steps within the alternative evaluation as the significance of the results varied.
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食物科技對消費者行為之影響 / A study on the impact of foodtech on consumer behavior謝歆, Hamel, Cecile Unknown Date (has links)
Supported by the trend of On Demand Economy, the recent emergence of FoodTech companies have reshaped the food service sector. New stakeholders have entered the market, changing the relation between restaurateurs and consumer but above all, impacting the consumer behavior.
To understand better this recent phenomenon and how it redefines the consumer buying process and habits, this study analyses the depth of the changes for customers and focuses on the different subsectors of FoodTech that have recently impacted the most the consumer behavior regarding food services in Europe and North America.
After giving a wide overview of the consumer behavior and the FoodTech sector, the report will focus on the different steps of the consumer buying process; and by analyzing different case studies, will illustrate the impact of FoodTech companies on each step of this process.
This study reveals that the consumer orders more food delivery than before, he uses more internet to order food or to make a reservation in a restaurant. He has become also more demanding, he looks for precise information on the restaurants and reads reviews before going to a place or ordering food. Because the competition between FoodTech companies widens the range of choices for the consumer, he clarifies first his need and evaluates more alternatives, to find the best cost-benefice ratio or the service corresponding exactly to his needs. After a purchase, he shares his opinion and posts reviews on online platforms.
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