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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

統包工程產業工程師人格特質與組織承諾之相關性研究 / A study on the relationship of the personality characteristic and organizational commitment among engineers of EPC Company

李奇銓 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以統包工程產業工程師為研究對象,探討人格特質對組織承諾之關係,並針對研究結果提出建議,作為統包工程公司在人力資源運用與管理的參考。本研究採用問卷調查法,共發出420份問卷,回收314份,有效問卷314份,將回收之問卷資料採用描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Tukey事後比較、Pearson積差相關及多元迴歸分析等方法檢定後,研究結果發現: 1.不同個人背景變項(服務年資、現任職務、婚姻狀況、工作月薪)的統包工程產業工程師在組織承諾上具有顯著差異。 2.統包工程產業工程師的人格特質與組織承諾具有顯著正相關。 3.統包工程產業工程師的人格特質對組織承諾具有預測力。

在低結構化口試情境下應試者人格特質與口試結果之關係 --從五大人格、自我監控、自我效能談起

陳淑慧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的為檢驗在低結構化口試情境中,應試者的人格特質,如五大人格、自我監控、自我效能與口試結果之關係。 本研究採取問卷調查法進行,分成研究一與研究二,研究場域為北部某縣市高中職教師甄選,研究一的研究對象為該場教師甄選的口試委員,共27名,所採用的研究工具為「中等學校教師甄選口試現況調查問卷」;研究二的研究對象為參加教師甄選第二階段口試的應試者,共216名,有效問卷214份,研究工具為「性格自評量表」、「自我監控量表」、「一般自我效能量表」。 研究結果指出在本研究場域教師甄選口試屬低結構化狀態,應試者自評的五大人格、自我監控、自我效能分數與口試結果未達顯著相關。 研究建議在辦理教師甄選實務工作上,朝提高口試結構化方向努力;在未來研究上,應注意社會期許效應的控制、擴大樣本的特性及人格測量方法的檢證。 關鍵詞:口試結構化、教師甄選、人格特質、口試結果 / The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between the interviewee’s interview outcome and his/her personalities presented in such measures as Big Five, Self-Monitoring, and Self-Efficacy. The interview in which the interviewees are involved is a low-structured situation. The data of the research are collected from a senior/vocational high school teacher test in one of Taiwan northern counties. The research is divided into two sub-researches—Sub-research 1 and Sub-research 2, and different questionnaires are used to collect research data in the sub-researches. The subjects of Sub-research 1 are 27 committee interviewers, who are asked to do the “Questionnaire for investigating the applicants’ interview performance in the senior school teacher test.” The subjects of Sub-research 2 are 216 applicants, who are approved to interviews. The measures used in this sub-research include “The Scale of Big Five,” “Revised Self-Monitoring Scale,” and “General Perceived Self-Efficacy Scale.” Of all the applicants, 214 samples are collected. The findings show that in the low-structured interview situation there is no significant relation between the interviewee’s interview outcome and his/her scores gained from the chosen measures. For the future programs in selecting new teachers, a high-structured interview is suggested. For the future research on this topic, the effects of the social expectation, the characteristics of the subjects, and the personality measures should be paid attention to. Key word:structured interview、teacher selection、personality、interview outcome

創意人格特質與創新經營關係之研究-以幼稚園園長為例 / The Study of Relationship Between Creative Personality and Innovative Management for Kindergarten Principals in Taiwan

林鎂絜, Lin, Mei-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對幼稚園園長為對象,旨在瞭解創意人格特質與創新經營之內涵與現況,探討其關係,進而建構及驗證其互動模式,並依據研究結果提出建議。 首先進行文獻探討,作為架構研究之理論基礎;接著,邀請八位教育專家填寫專家意見問卷、問卷調查750位幼稚園園長(區分為北中南三區域,共發出750份問卷,有效卷481份)、訪談三位教育現場實務者,以分析現況,驗證理論;最後,依據研究果進行討論與結論建議。本研究主要發現如下: 一、幼稚園園長知覺創意人格特質對創新經營具重要性 二、不同背景變項的幼稚園園長在創意人格特質及創新經營達顯著差異 三、知覺創意人格特質不同程度對創新經營表現上有顯著差異 四、創意人格特質與創新經營具有關連性 五、驗證創意人格特質對創新經營模式佳 / The main purpose of this study was to investigate the creative personality and innovative management of kindergarten principals in Taiwan. The study included literature analysis, survey method with an interview, and survey method with a questionnaire.The purpose of literature analysis was aimed to explore the creative personality and innovative management of kindergarten principals. The purpose of survey method with 8 specialists were aimed to explore the opinions of specialists. Questionnaire of survey based on opinions of kindergarten principals about the creative personality and innovative management of kindergarten principals. The subjects of the questionnaire included principals of the kindergarten in Taiwan.

建構「讀人識人模式」之可行性分析─ 以高科技通路企業為例

黃惠娟 Unknown Date (has links)
企業所需要的優秀人才,必須具備「能力條件」與「人格特質」兩個面向條件,這是所有現代化企業都同意的觀點,然而,這兩個大面向均為籠統的概念,能否展開到更具體的、甚至有客觀衡量標準的要項,而且在不同階段都可能成為影響工作表現的關鍵因子。各企業間就有相當大的差異,甚至連企管學界的說法也都莫衷一是。因此,如何歸納出最重要的幾個判斷項目?要如何判讀?成為所有組織任用人的關鍵。 本文嘗試以個案研討的方式,說明個案公司如何基於其企業的特質與經營模式,如何透過擷取認知神經科學的學理,彙整出一套系統化的「讀人識人模式」,並輔以問卷調查的深度訪談,針對使用該模式的高階主管,印證該模式的實用性、不足與侷限處,嘗試了解系統化的建構一套判讀人的能力潛質與人格特質之可行性。

為什麼他們喜歡文化創意商品?從消費者特質與涉入度觀之 / Why do they like cultural creative products? From the perspectives of consumer personality and involvement

黃凱琳 Unknown Date (has links)
根據文獻,Zaichkowsky (1985)提到個人特質(如對自身重要性、興趣、價值觀)會影響涉入度(involvement),而許多學者也指出涉入度與商品態度息息相關(Laurent and Kapferer, 1985; Zaichowsky, 1985; Barki and Hartwick, 1989),本研究想要了解消費者特質、涉入度與文化創意商品態度三者的關係,以提供文化創意商品設計時的參考。 本研究根據文獻探討歸納出文化創意商品的重要面向有美感、文化及創意,並根據這些重要面向找出相關的消費者特質,這些特質包含了美感中心性(the centrality of visual product aesthetics, CVPA)、懷舊心理(nostalgia)、地方依附(Place attachment)以及新奇追求性(novelty seeking)。本研究想知道具有上述特質的消費者對於相關文化創意商品面向的涉入度(美感涉入度、文化涉入度、創意涉入度)是否不同,而又是否透過涉入度的中介而影響文化創意商品的態度。於是將消費者特質做為自變項,文化創意商品態度做為依變項,提出假設。 本研究使用調查法收集有效問卷共313份,利用線性迴歸驗證假設。在美感面向得知:「美感中心性」越高的消費者,其「美感涉入度」越高。而「美感涉入度」在「美感中心性」與「文化創意商品態度」的影響上有部份中介的效果存在;在文化面向得知:「懷舊心理」越高的消費者,其「文化涉入度」越低、「地方依附」越高的消費者,其文化涉入度越高,且「文化涉入度」在「地方依附」與「文化創意商品態度」的影響上有部分中介的效果;在創意面向得知:「新奇追求性」越高的消費者,其「創意涉入度」越高。而「創意涉入度」在「新奇追求性」與「文化創意商品態度」的關係中有部分中介的效果。 根據本研究結果得知具有美感中心性、地方依附與新奇追求性特質的消費者因其自身對於文化創意商品的美感涉入度或者或文化涉入度或者創意涉入度較高,因此對於文化創意商品的態度較正面。

睡前不同之生氣表達方式對於入睡歷程的影響:以適配假說進行檢驗 / Effects of pre-sleep anger expression style on sleep onset period : A test of Matching Hypothesis

周芳嫻, Zhou, Fang Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
研究目的:過去的心理生理學研究顯示,個體在壓抑生氣與表達生氣情緒時,分別對於情緒調節和生理反應上有著不同的作用機制。本研究試圖以Engebretson等人(1989)提出的「適配假說」(Matching Hypothesis),進一步延伸探討其對於後續睡眠的影響,並預期在引起受試者的生氣情緒後,若其當下所採用的生氣表達方式與自身所慣用的方式是一致的,則能有效地降低個體睡前的生理激發狀態,促使其恢復到先前的水準,因此對於個體後續睡眠的負面影響也會較小。 方法:本研究共收案35人(男12人,女23人),對象為年齡介於20到35歲之間,身心健康的正常睡眠者。研究者先透過短式華人敵意量表,將受試者分類為高壓抑敵意特質組(HS)18人、高表達敵意特質組(HE)17人,之後再將其隨機分派到壓抑生氣(AI)或表達生氣(AO)其中一種實驗情境。實驗中,係透過高難度的認知作業來引發受試者的壓力和挫敗感,再於過程中不停地打斷其作答狀態來造成其煩擾,以達到生氣情緒的誘發;隨後再經由有/無給予機會讓受試者表達心情並對主試者(激怒者)進行評價,來達到表達/壓抑生氣的實驗操弄,之後即請其入睡。期間持續以Biopac MP150生理儀器來測量受試者的心跳速率(HR)、收縮壓(SBP)、舒張壓(DBP)和膚電反應(SCR),以了解其於入睡前的生理激發與恢復狀態;後續以多頻道睡眠記錄儀(polysomnography, PSG)來進行夜間睡眠之記錄,並以受試者的自評睡眠狀況作為主觀睡眠品質的分析指標。 研究結果:在誘發生氣情緒後,不論是在表達生氣或壓抑生氣的情境下,HE都比HS有顯著更高的DBP上升反應。在恢復期期間,HE的DBP則有低於HS的傾向;AO比AI有更多的DBP恢復程度,以及較短的SCR恢復時間。而在適配情境下,受試者後續的HR恢復時間較短,且DBP的下降程度較多,此也支持了適配假說的觀點;然而,不論適配與否,對於後續的睡眠相關參數並無顯著的影響,此未支持本研究假設。再以2(特質)x 2(情境)之二因子獨立樣本變異數分析比較各組在睡眠結構上的差異,結果顯示階段二睡眠以及慢波睡眠的比例,皆有來自特質的主要效果;其中HS的階段二睡眠時間比例高於HE,HE的慢波睡眠時間比例則高於HS。另外,AO的慢波睡眠時間比例高於AI──顯示比起壓抑生氣,表達生氣的因應方式對於深睡期的增加可能較具正向的影響。最後,研究發現睡前SBP、DBP的上升皆和主觀入睡耗時的增加呈顯著正相關;PSG的檢查結果亦顯示,入睡期HR、SCR、SBP的上升和階段二睡眠潛時的增加呈顯著正相關;此外,當SCR的恢復時間越長,階段二睡眠潛時越長,顯示個體睡前較高的生理激發狀態和較慢的恢復速率,對於主客觀睡眠品質皆具有負面的影響。 結論:在經驗生氣情緒時,表達生氣相對而言是對於生理恢復狀態較為有利的因應方式;然而,「特質」不僅可能影響著生氣情緒當下的生理激起狀態,且對於後續的生理恢復亦具有一定之影響力。本研究支持了適配假說的觀點:當採用的生氣表達方式與自身所慣用的方式一致時,最能有效地降低心血管反應;然而,再去檢驗適配假說和後續睡眠品質之間的關係,並未發現符合預期的結果,故若欲以適配假說來預測後續較佳的睡眠品質,仍須更多相關的研究加以支持和驗證,且可能尚須納入其他重要變項加以探討,例如個人的認知風格、內在情緒調節策略等。最後,本研究結果再度彰顯了睡前的生理激發和恢復狀態對於後續睡眠歷程的影響力;而生理激發狀態在情緒、因應行為和睡眠間之關係所扮演的角色,也為急性失眠的病因機制提供了一種可能的註解。 / Introduction:From past studies it is known that anger suppression and anger expression may play different roles in emotion regulation and in psychophysiological response. Engebretson and his colleagues (1989) had proposed ‘Matching Hypothesis’-- that is, if one used his/her preferred mode of anger expression style in response to the instigation, then his/her cardiovascular reactivity (CVR) would be less elevated and would have a faster recovery rate of CVR than those who were engage in a manner of anger expression that was inconsistent with their preferred mode. To do a further study, we intend to know what would bring on in the following sleep if we used the two different anger expression style during the pre-sleep period. Besides, in according to Matching Hypothesis, we predict that if one expressed his/her anger in a preferred way, then this ‘matching’ state would make one’s physiological arousal effectively declined and would help it back to the baseline level more quickly; therefore, it would have less negative effect on the following sleep, and vice versa. Method:35 healthy individuals who has psychometric characteristic of high hostility were examined. All subjects’ preferred style of anger expression-- highly suppressive (HS) or highly expressive (HE), had been assessed by a self-report questionnaire. After the anger instigation, subjects were randomly assigned to two experimental conditions: anger in (AI) or anger out (AO), and then went to sleep. Biopac instrument and software were used to measure heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP) and skin conductance response (SCR). Besides, polysomnography (PSG) was used to record the nocturnal sleep. In addition, the subjects were asked to fill out the self-report questionnaires next morning, as a measurement of subjective sleep quality. Finally, statistic analyzed the influence of two variables (trait and condition) on the physical arousal level, recovery rate and sleep quality. Results:HE showed higher DBP elevation than HS, both in the two conditions. During the recovery phase, there was an inclination that HE showed lower DBP than HS; AO showed a higher DBP recovery level, and a shorter SCR recovery time, comparing to AI. Subjects in the matching state showed a shorter HR recovery time, and much DBP decline; however, no matter in the matching state or not, there was no difference in the nocturnal sleep quality. To view the sleep architecture, HS showed higher percentage of stage 2 sleep than HE, and HE showed higher slow-wave sleep percentage than HS. On the other hand, AO showed higher slow-wave sleep percentage than AI, suggesting that expressing anger seems to be much helpful for the promotion of slow-wave sleep. Finally, the findings demonstrated that before sleep, the elevation of SBP and DBP showed positive correlations with longer subjective sleep onset latency. Besides, the elevation of HR, SCR and SBP was positively correlated with the longer onset latency of stage 2 sleep. Furthermore, longer SCR recovery time accompanied longer onset latency of stage 2, indicating that both high arousal state and low recovery rate brought negative effects on the following sleep. Conclusions:The CVR results generally were consistent with Matching Hypothesis. However, the findings indicated that the matching/non-matching state couldn’t be merely used to predict the sleep quality. Therefore, there is still a need to do more research to figure it out. In addition, variables such as personal cognitive style and emotional regulation strategy, should be bring into the future studies. In conclusion, the findings pointed out that the physical arousal state during the pre-sleep period will impact on the following sleep process significantly, and it plays a important role in the relationships between emotion, coping behavior and sleep.

雲林縣國中生個人人格特質與校園受凌經驗之研究 / The Study of The Junior High School Students' Personality Traits and Bullied Experience in Yunlin County

陳俊烽, Chun-Feng Chen January 1900 (has links)
本研究主要目的在瞭解國中學生知覺校園受凌經驗與其相關 因素的關係。研究對象:本研究對象以就讀於雲林縣國民中學一至三 年級的學生為主要研究對象,共 580 位。發出問卷 580 份,計回收 550 份回收率 95%,剃除無效問卷 16 份,剩下 534 份為有效問卷, 有效問卷回收率為 92%。統計方法:將所得資料經描述性統計、獨 立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析。 研究結果發現: 研究樣本之國中學生在「個人特質」與「受凌因素」中,個人特 質包含「神經質性」、「嚴謹自律性」,受凌因素包含「個體受凌」、 「反擊霸凌」、「整體受凌」;顯示出「聰穎開放性」與「反擊霸凌」、 「整體受凌」達顯著正相關,「外向性」與「個體受凌」、「反擊霸 凌」、「整體受凌」達顯著負相關。 由此得知,個人特質越「神經質性」或越「嚴謹自律性」在「個 體受凌」、「反擊霸凌」與「整體受凌」上越容易受凌。個人特質越 「聰穎開放性」在「反擊霸凌」與「整體受凌」上越容易受凌。個 人特質「外向性」越負向在「個體受凌」、「反擊霸凌」與「整體受 凌」上越容易受凌。 / The purpose of this study was to understand the junior high school students’ perception of being bullied in school and its related factors. The participants were 534 students in three junior high schools in Yunlin. The data was analyzed by Descriptive Statistics, T-test, One-way ANOVA and Pearson’s Correlation. The results were as follows: Two main factors were analyzed in this research. One was Personality Traits, and the other was Bullied Factors. Personality Traits included Neurotic Traits and Rigorous Self-Discipline. Campus Bullied Factors included Individual Bullied, Countering Bullied, and Overall Bullied. It showed that Intelligent Openness was positively correlated with Countering Bullied, and Overall Bullied. Extraversion was negatively correlated with Individual Bullied, Countering Bullied, and Overall Bullied. From the results of the research, the personality traits with more Neurotic Traits and Rigorous Self-Discipline were positively correlated with Individual Bullied, Countering Bullied, and Overall Bullied items and were easily been bullied. The personality traits with more Extroversion were negatively correlated with Individual Bullied, Countering Bullied, and Overall Bullied items. / 內容目錄 中文摘要................................................................................................ iii 英文摘要................................................................................................ iv 誌謝辭......................................................................... ............. ............. v 內容目錄................................................................................................ vi 表目錄.................................................................................................. viii 圖目錄..................................................................................................... x 第一章 緒論......................................................................................... 1 第一節 研究背景與動機..................................................... 1 第二節 研究目的................................................................. 5 第三節 研究問題................................................................. 6 第四節 研究假設................................................................. 6 第五節 名詞操作型定義 ....................................................... 7 第六節 研究限制................................................................. 9 第二章 文獻探討 ............................................................................. 10 第一節 校園霸凌之定義、型式及起因 ......................... 10 第二節 校園霸凌理論及相關文獻.................................. 22 第三節 受凌的特徵及相關之研究.................................. 27 第四節 受凌經驗之相關因素.......................................... 34 第三章 研究方法............................................................................... 46 第一節 研究架構............................................................... 46 第二節 研究流程圖........................................................... 47 第三節 研究對象............................................................... 48 第四節 研究工具............................................................... 48 第五節 專家效度............................................................... 49 第六節 資料處理與分析................................................... 75 第四章 結果與討論 ......................................................................... 76 第一節 研究樣本之人口背景變項及個人描述之現況分析... ………..76 第二節 不同背景變項的國中學生在受凌因素上之差異比較.. …… 80 第三節 探討不同個人描述的國中學生在受凌因素上之差異比較…..85 第四節 探討不同個人特質的國中學生在受凌因素上之相關分析…..93 ………………..…………………… 第五章 結果與建議 ……........…………………………………….94 第一節 討論…………………....………………………94 第二節 結論……………………....………………........97 第三節 建議 ……………………....……………..........101 參考文獻 中文部分 ………………………....……………………..104 英文部分…………………………....……………………122 附件一預試問卷………………………………....………………….131 附件二正式問卷…………………………....……………………….140 表目錄 表 2-1 校園霸凌各學派理論............................................................ 22 表 2-2 受凌者的特徵 .................................................................... 28 表 2-3 受凌特徵表現一覽表 ........................................................ 32 表 2-4 人格五大因素特質各量尺的說明...................................... 41 表 3-1 個人描述第一回合問卷統計結果與建議 ........................ 50 表 3-2 個人描述第二回合問卷統計結果與建議 ....................... .51 表 3-3 個人因素特質量表第一回合問卷統計結果與建議 ..... ...52 表 3-4 個人因素特質量表第二回合問卷統計結果與建議 …...56 表 3-5 受凌經驗量表第一回合問卷統計結果與建議………....59 表 3-6 受凌經驗量表第二回合問卷統計結果與建議………....63 表 3-7 「個人特質預試量表」項目分析摘要表……………. ..66 表 3-8 個人特質因素分析摘要表………………………… .....68 表 3-9 「個人特質因素」信度分析摘要表 …………………...70 表 3-10 「受凌因素預試量表」項目分析摘要 表 …………..71 表 3-11 受凌因素分析摘要表 …………………………………72 表 3-12 「受凌因素」信度分析摘要表 ……………………….74 表 4-1 國中生人口背景現況分析表 ………………………….77 表 4-2 國中生人口背景個人描述現況分析表………………….79 表 4-3 不同性別國中學生知覺之受凌因素分析摘要表……….80 表 4-4 不同就讀年級國中學生知覺之受凌因素分析摘要表….81 表 4-5 不同學業成績國中學生知覺之受凌因素分析摘要表.....82 表 4-6 不同家庭狀況國中學生知覺之受凌因素分析摘要表.....83 表 4-7 不同個人描述學生知覺之個體受凌分析摘要表(一) ….85 表 4-8 不同個人描述學生知覺之個體受凌分析摘要表(二) ….86 表 4-9 不同個人描述學生知覺之個體受凌分析摘要表(三) ….87 表 4-10 不同個人描述學生知覺之個體受凌分析摘要表(四) ….88 表 4-11 不同個人描述學生知覺之個體受凌分析摘要表(五) ….89 表 4-12 不同個人描述學生知覺之個體受凌分析摘要表(六) ….90 表 4-13 不同個人描述學生知覺之個體受凌分析摘要表(七) ….91 表 4-14 不同個人描述受凌分析總表 …………………….……92 表 4-15 個人特質與受凌因素之相關分析摘要表……………….93 圖目錄 圖 3-1 研究架構 .........................................................................46 圖 3-2 研究流程圖 .....................................................................47

渥騰貝克戲劇中的歷史與性別 / History and Gender in Timberlake Wertenbaker's Plays

施懿芹, Shih,Yi chin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文由性別的角度切入討論渥騰貝克的歷史劇與口傳歷史劇,強調歷史與性別兩者都應該重新被檢視,以挑戰傳統的封閉線性的歷史觀與刻板印象的男女特質,如此才能對歷史與性別有重新的認識。本論文論證渥騰貝克在戲劇創作上的特點即是指出歷史中兩性的動態權力關係。此研究包含五個章節,第一章介紹論文架構、渥騰貝克的多文化的成長背景、與她的戲劇特色。第二章是本論文的理論基礎,認為唯有將歷史視為敘述的形式,才能開啟重新撰寫歷史的可能,而從性別寫歷史也才可行,進而達到對歷史與性別的同時批判。第三章討論四部歷史劇,《解剖新義》(1981)、《瑪麗.崔維斯的美德》(1985)、《為了國家的利益》(1988)、《達爾文之後》(1998),並論證歷史不再是建立在男性的高壓統治與女性的絕對服從之上,再者,將性別視為社會建構的產物才能夠打破傳統對兩性限制的男子氣概與女性特質的刻板印象。第四章研究三部歷史劇,《夜鶯之愛》(1988)、《黛安妮拉》(1999)、與《灰姑娘》(2000),因為都是採用口傳歷史的緣故,本論文命為口傳歷史劇以區別第三章的四部劇作。從性別角度閱讀以男性為中心的口傳歷史如神話與童話,渥騰貝克批判了傳統的性別關係,企圖與傳統男性沙文的口傳歷史做切割,並從中賦予過去與當代女性自我意識,期許未來有一個平等的兩性關係。論文最後一章強調渥騰貝克由性別重建歷史是成功的,尤其是重建歷史的動作本身就是重要並且是刻不容緩的工作。 / As traditional immobilized history and gender are confining, Timberlake Wertenbaker in her (oral) history plays argues that both history and gender should be reread radically to challenge closed linearity of history and stereotypical images of femininity and masculinity so as to reconstruct new visions of history and gender. This book aims at discussing mainly seven of her plays from the perspective of gender, especially how the playwright rewrites gender into history, and it proposes that Wertenbaker's contribution to drama is to expose the unstable power relations between the sexes in history. Chapter One introduces the structure of the book, Wertenbaker's cosmopolitan background, and the characteristics of her plays overall. Chapter two is the theoretical foundation, and it claims that just as Hayden White sees narrative nature of history and just as Joan Scott finds social formation in gender, Wertenbaker also believes that both history and gender are constructed and should be reread to offer new visions. Analyzing four history plays, New Anatomies (1981), The Grace of Mary Traverse (1985), Our Country's Good (1988), and After Darwin (1998), Chapter Three asserts that by rewriting gender into history, Wertenbaker asserts that history is no longer based on the model of men's coercive domination over women and only the acknowledgment of gender as a social construction can destroy the stereotypes of masculinity and femininity. Chapter Four, focusing on three oral history plays, The Love of the Nightingale (1988), Dianeira (1999), and The Ash Girl (2000), claims that by rereading against male-centered oral history of myth and fairy tales from a gender-oriented perspective, Wertenbaker criticizes the traditional gender relation and proposes a break from male chauvinism in oral history and to have self-awareness for women in the past and the present so as to have a new mode of gender relations in the future. The final chapter affirms that Wertenbaker's history rewriting from gender is successful and the act of reconstruction of history itself is important and necessary.


羅凱南 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用Ryff (1989a)的心理幸福滿足感架構,探討社會支持、人格特質、個人屬性與老年人的心理幸福滿足感的關係。受試是文山區老人服務中心、台北聯合門診中心、政治大學附近的公園與台北市私立愛愛院等四處共150位老年人。以社會支持行為量表、人格特質量表、心理幸福滿足感量表與個人屬性問卷等作為研究工具。資料分析方式採用皮爾森積差相關與多元迴歸。 研究結果顯示:1.四種社會支持型態與社會支持滿意度或多或少和心理幸福滿足感的六個部分有顯著正相關,其中以情緒支持的影響最為明顯;2.控制源、統整性、內化性等人格特質大多與心理幸福滿足感的六個部分有顯著正相關,其中統整性、內化性與心理幸福滿足感的六個部分皆有顯著正相關;3.教育程度、經濟狀況、婚姻狀況、健康狀況、家庭生活狀況等個人屬性也大多與心理幸福滿足感的六個部分有顯著正相關;4.統整性與內化性愈高,傾向內控,加上家庭生活狀況也較好的老年人,其整體老年心理幸福滿足感較佳。 最後根據研究結果與討論,針對老年人心理幸福滿足感之增進,以及未來研究方向提出若干建議。


石文宜, Shih,Wen-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解師生互動關係的概況、探討師生背景變項及學生人格特質與師生互動關係間的關係、以及師生互動關係及滿意度與學生偏差行為表現間的關係,乃以國中學生800人為研究對象,再採用人格特質量表、師生互動關係及滿意度量表及偏差行為量表等研究工具,獲取所需資料,再以描述統計、卡方考驗、多變量變異數分析、區別分析、皮爾森積差相關、單因子變異數分析、二因子變異數分析、scheffe’之事後考驗、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。 本研究之主要發現如下: 1.當前國中師生互動關係偏向「影響力」較多,「接近性」中等的情形,若進一步分為四種類型來看,又以「低影響低接近型」及「高影響高接近型」的互動關係最多;「低影響高接近型」最少。 2.性別不同的學生與教師間的師生互動關係(影響力、接近性及類型),並無顯著差異存在。 3.教師對來自不同家庭社經地位學生的「影響力」及師生互動關係類型,並無顯著差異存在。然而,教師與來自高社經地位家庭的學生的「接近性」,較多於來自中社經地位家庭者。 4.性別不同的教師與學生間的師生互動關係(影響力、接近性及類型),並無顯著差異存在。 5.不同性別組合的師生,其間互動關係的「影響力」及師生互動關係類型,並無顯著差異存在。然而,男學生與男教師在互動時,其間的「接近性」,顯著高於男學生與女教師,且女學生與男教師在互動時,其間的「接近性」,顯著高於男學生與女教師者。 6.學生的五大人格特質與師生互動關係之「影響力」間存有顯著正相關的關係;學生的和善性、嚴謹自律性、外傾支配性及聰穎開放性,與師生互動關係之「接近性」間存有顯著正相關的關係;且以學生人格特質區別師生互動關係類型的正確率為42.5%。 7.當教師對學生之影響力或接近性越少時,學生會表現越多的偏差行為。且「低影響低接近型」的師生互動關係,學生的偏差行為表現顯著多於「高影響高接近型」的師生互動關係。 8.當教師對學生之影響力或接近性越多時,學生對師生互動關係越滿意。且「高影響高接近型」的師生互動關係,學生滿意度高於其他三種類型的互動關係;而「低影響低接近型」者,學生滿意度低於其他三種類型的互動關係。 9.師生互動關係與滿意度會交互影響學生偏差行為表現。 10.對整體學生而言,能有效預測其偏差行為表現的變項各有不同,預測力在17.8%至18.0%之間。 11.對男學生而言,能有效預測其偏差行為表現的變項各有不同,預測力在18.8%至19.6%之間。 12.對女學生而言,能有效預測其偏差行為表現的變項各有不同,預測力在16.3%至17%之間。 最後,本研究根據研究結果進行討論,並對教師、學校及未來研究,提出具體建議,供後續實務工作及研究參考。 / The main purposes of this study were to investigate the styles of teacher-student interaction in junior high school and to explore the relationships among personalities of junior-high-school students, teacher-student interaction, students’ satisfaction and misbehaviors. The participants included 800 junior high school students in Taiwan. The employed instruments were Personality traits Inventory, Teacher-Student Interaction Inventory, and Activity Experiences Inventory. The applied analysis methods were Descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, MONOVA, Discriminant Analysis, Pearson Correlation, One-way ANOVA, Two-way ANOVA, Scheff’s Method and Multiple Regression. The main findings in this study were as following: 1.Teacher-student interaction in junior high school was high “Influence” and middle “Proximity”, and further, the most frequently styles of teacher-student interaction were “Low-influence Low-proximity”, and “High-influence High- proximity”; the least is “Low-influence High- proximity”. 2.For students, there were no significant gender differences on teacher-student interaction. 3.There were no significant SES differences on influence and styles of teacher-student interaction, however, SES had negative influences on proximity of teacher-student interaction. 4.For teachers, there were no significant gender differences on teacher-student interaction. 5.There were no significant gender differences on influence and styles of teacher-student interaction, however there were significant differences on proximity of teacher-student interaction, more specially, interaction of male students and male teachers had higher proximity than male students and female teachers, and interaction of female students and male teachers had higher proximity than male students and female teachers. 6.Personalities of students and influence of teacher-student interaction had significant positive correlations. Agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion and openness to experience of personalities of students and proximity of teacher-student interaction had significant positive correlations, and personalities of students can correctly discriminate 42.5% styles of teacher-student interaction. 7.Influence and proximity of teacher-student interaction had negative influences on students’ misbehaviors, in addition, the style of “Low-influence Low- proximity” leads to high students’ misbehaviors. 8.Influence and proximity of teacher-student interaction had positive influences on students’ satisfaction, and students mostly satisfy the style of “High-influence High- proximity”, and dissatisfy the style of “Low-influence Low- proximity. 9.Teacher-student interaction and students’ satisfaction effect reciprocally student’s misbehaviors. 10.For whole students, many different variables could effectively predict student’s misbehaviors about 17.8% to 18%. 11.For male students, many different variables could effectively predict student’s misbehaviors about 18.8% to 19.6%. 12.For female students, many different variables could effectively predict student’s misbehaviors about 16.3% to 17%. Finally, after discussion, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational instruction and future studies.

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