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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


李秀媚 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著預防醫學的觀念興起,加上社會高齡化的現象,使得消費者越來越注重養生、保健,消費者更加追求年輕美麗,期望留住青春的腳步;在這股美容生技的熱潮帶動下,也促使生技化妝品市場的蓬勃發展,國內許多標榜生醫材料與奈米技術的生技公司紛紛加入化妝品產業的行列。化妝品製造業具有進入障礙低、研發投資成本低及附加價值高的特質,因此國內很多企業已開始創立自有品牌銷售生技化妝品,許多傳統企業也以生物科技為號召,多角化投入生技化妝品產業,例如台鹽綠迷雅 (Lu-Miel) 系列、台塑生醫芙堤 (FORTE)系列、台糖的膠原蛋白、台肥的魚鱗膠原胜肽等。這些傳統企業進入競爭激烈的化妝品領域,顯然必須具備特定的核心能力才能夠在國外知名品牌環伺的台灣化妝品市場中,仍佔有一席之地;因此,這些企業要如何運用組織內部的資源條件,持續創新,在動態的環境下建立特定的能力,是個值得探討的議題。 本研究採用Teece, Pisano & Shuen (1997) 提出的動態能力觀點作為理論基礎,來探討傳統企業多角化投入生技化妝品產業的歷程中,如何更新、建構新的能力以因應快速的環境變動。透過個案研究的方式,針對投入生技化妝品產業的傳統企業加以探討,期望能得到新的啟發,並提供實務界參考。 目前國內有關生技化妝品廠商的相關研究主要著重於行銷策略、經營策略、關鍵成功因素等方面之探討,尚無有關生技化妝品廠商在動態能力發展歷程的相關研究。本研究透過相關文獻的探討,包括多角化、動態能力等相關理論,以瞭解多角化進入新事業的動態歷程之相關文獻,並採取多重個案分析的個案研究法,藉由深度訪談及次級資料進行分析探討。本研究之發現如下: 1.傳統企業多角化投入生技化妝品產業的動機,主要為掌握市場新機會及充分利用企業剩餘資源。 2.傳統企業多角化投入生技化妝品產業時,因考量營運成本、風險以及新事業可共享母公司既有資源等因素,多角化進入方式以內部投資為主。 3.傳統企業多角化投入生技化妝品產業時,新事業在組織管理程序中的協調/整合方式與原企業一致,新事業於組織管理程序上若要改變母公司以往作法需要長時間慢慢改變。 4.傳統企業多角化投入生技化妝品產業時,新事業安排員工透過教育訓練的方式學習新事業所需之能力,且在人力建構上以沿用舊有員工為主。 5.傳統企業多角化投入生技化妝品產業時,原企業與新事業均能視外界環境變化,並配合公司經營策略,以隨時進行組織重整與轉型。 6.傳統企業多角化投入生技化妝品產業時,新事業傾向於有效運用原企業技術資產,以發展新產品。 7.傳統企業多角化投入生技化妝品產業時,新事業初期考量設備及成本限制,皆委託外界專業代工廠生產;之後隨著銷售量及產品品項的增加,則採取轉投資代工廠或自行設置自有製造廠的方式。 8.傳統企業多角化投入生技化妝品產業時,透過與外界合作有助於新事業技術資產、互補性資產的建立。 9.傳統企業多角化投入生技化妝品產業時,利用原企業聲譽及品牌形象有助於新事業的發展。 10.傳統企業多角化投入生技化妝品產業時,依循路徑相依的特質,與原企業的專屬資產位置及過去的經營策略均呈現關聯性。

創新生技醫療器材經營策略之研究-以L公司為例 / A Study on the Business Strategy for Biotech &Medical Equipment Industry– TheCase Study of L Company

洪一平 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣員工薪資將近二十年一直無法明顯的提升,主因是國內產業大都著重各產業鏈的代工,產業代工毛利不高,因此產品受制於研發設計及通路行銷歐美先進國家,所以台灣產業風險較高,製造相關業者也利潤較不佳,業者必須投資價格高昂的成本如土地,廠房,機器設備---等。醫材是少量多樣,國際化,可靠性及精密度高。人口老化,所得提高,因此全球醫療市場逐年成長 ,各國陸續推行醫療改革,帶動醫材市場成長。台灣代工能力很強,醫材產業是協助中小企業技術/品質升級、轉型,提升市場競爭力的最佳途徑。台灣中小企業若能加強投資生技醫材的研發及產業鏈建立,較能改變台灣的產業價值與環境。 因此,本研究是以台灣中小企業如何由製造業加值產品服務,提升產品附加價值為研究主軸,探討微創醫材的經營策略模式,並藉由經營策略模式的研究,據以作為投資該產業的依據。因此,本研究根據分析的結果,獲得了以下幾項研究發現且概述如下: 1.核心技術是中小生技醫療器材產業創造高獲利空間的基礎,也是帶動成長的趨動力; 2.人才資產管理是中小企業的重要投資,目的是讓人才資產達到最大的效益,創造最大的績效和價值,以完成企業的經營效果效率,並且能達到創造人才最佳的價值與企業永續經營; 3.中小企業透過異業結合,可以將不同領域之創新技術導入醫材產業,開發或創造新的醫療需求已成為目前生技醫療器材的開發重點; 4.中小企業針對市場產品提出改進產品,漸進領導產品市場佔有率,或提出破壞性產品,重新建立市場規則,若能夠持續在市場生存時,必能找到利基市場。

台灣生技企業特殊籌資工具之探索性研究 / The preliminary study of special financing tool for Taiwan Biotech coporations

鄭師安 Unknown Date (has links)
根據美國生技產業協會(Biotechnology Industry Organization, BIO)的資料顯示,純研發型的生技公司難以取得投資資金,且投資者對公司的現金部位益發看重。而我國的台灣經濟研究院調查也指出國內生技廠商在研發階段所面臨到的重大困難是「資金取得不易」,這些正反應出國內外投資者對生技產業特殊性的疑慮,進而不願意投入大量資金。 為解決國內生技研發型公司資金不足之問題,本論文分析了美國生技公司籌資狀況及常使用之工具,並考量台灣生技產業所面臨之整體環境,為國內生技企業建立了具實用價值的特殊籌資工具及發行模式,以滿足不同的籌資需求及降低投資者的風險。而為驗證此一籌資工具之可行性,本論文也挑選國內一家生技研發型公司,以其業務及財務現況,進行特殊籌資工具之定價,並提供發行前後應注意之相關事項。 / According to the research report from BIO(Biotechnology Industry Organization), it is hard for research-based biotech companies to get financing and investors are more concerned about whether the company has enough cash or not .The same result can be found in the investigation of Taiwan Institute of Economic Research(TIER).They find out the research-based biotech companies in Taiwan encounter one difficult problem - hard to get enough money to support their R&D .All these facts just reflect the special characteristics of biotech industry and the investment trend among biotech field. The goal of this thesis is to resolve the financing problem faced by the research-based biotech companies in Taiwan, so we analyze how American biotech companies get enough financing to support their R&D, and then, construct the special financing tool for the research-based biotech companies under the economical situation in Taiwan, in order to fulfill the needs of biotech companies and reduce the investment risk. In this thesis, we use a case study to verify the pricing model of special financing tool and propose some material facts should be resolved when stocks issuing.

新藥臨床試驗制度在生技產業政策推動過程中變遷之探討 / The study on the institutional change of new drug clinical trials in biotechnology industry promotion policies

鄭居元, Cheng, Chu Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在探討台灣生技產業科技政策推動過程中所引發之爭議:臨床試驗(clinical trials)產業化,並以台灣地區自1960年代末期至2010年臨床試驗發展的制度變遷為研究標的,尤其是其中之生技產業政策推動及臨床試驗制度變遷,以說明該爭議如何發生及為何發生。 為發展台灣生物技術產業,行政院於2005年起推動生醫科技島(biomedical technology island)計畫,將原先為生物技術產業發展基礎設施的臨床試驗作為政策推動的主體,引發臨床試驗產業化的爭議。一般認為,此爭議是來自於促進產業發展與維護國民健康之間的利益衝突。 本研究經由制度變遷(institutional change)的觀點,探索台灣地區臨床試驗發展的歷程,認為上述臨床試驗產業化的爭議不只是產業推動與國民健康間的衝突,而是與台灣地區自1960年代末期至2010年生技產業政策推動與臨床試驗制度變遷有關。 台灣地區推動生物技術的科技政策始於1982年行政院修訂「科學技術發展方案(science technology development program」,明訂生物技術為八大重點科技之一,而後有1995年的行政院「加強生物技術產業推動方案(biotechnology industry promotion program」,2005年的行政院「生醫科技島計畫」等科技政策,本研究發現不同時期的科技政策賦予臨床試驗不同的意義,而不同時期臨床試驗的發展,其不同時期的行動者【產、官、學、研、醫】-- 包含政策決策者與政策參與者 -- 在臨床試驗制度變遷的過程中產生行動的差異;而在不同時期臨床試驗的發展階段,不同的官方行動者 -- 治理機構(governance agency)【衛生署、國科會、經濟部、科技顧問組等】,對於臨床試驗議題有不同程度的涉入。 台灣地區臨床試驗的發展在生技產業政策的型塑下,由原先之學術研究,階段性轉向協助產業發展。2005年行政院生醫科技島計畫,將臨床試驗作為政策推動的主體,擴大醫界參與生物技術產業發展,而醫界主要以醫療服務為主的制度邏輯(institutional logics)與科技政策形塑下產業發展的制度邏輯不一致(contradictions),因而引發臨床試驗產業化的爭議。 本研究發現對於科技政策的意涵為:在制訂與推動科技政策的過程中,唯有同時瞭解產業發展的歷史脈絡,才能避免產生非預期的結果(例如爭議)。本研究除探討生技產業政策推動過程中臨床試驗的制度變遷與變遷過程中所衍生的爭議,並將探討未來可能的研究方向。 / The study is intended to explore a controversy derived from the Taiwan biotechnology industry promotion by government policies, industrialization of clinical trials. The study targets the institutional change of the clinical trials and the policies for biotechnology industry promotion in Taiwan from the late 1960’s through 2010 to explain why and how the controversy was incurred. In order to develop the Taiwan biotechnology industry, the Executive Yuan implemented a Biomedical Technology Island program beginning 2005 to focus on clinical trials -- supposedly the infrastructure of biotechnology technology development -- but resulted in the controversy about the initiative of industrialization of clinical trials. It is reputedly because there is a conflict of interest between industry development promotion and how to maintain national healthcare. From the perspective of institutional change, the study explores the evolution of clinical trials in Taiwan, holding that the aforementioned controversy is not only a conflict of interest between industry development promotion and how to maintain national healthcare but also a consequence of the institutional change of the clinical trials and biotechnology promotion by government policies from the late 1960’s through 2010. The biotechnology industry promotion in Taiwan began with the Executive Yuan’s revision of its Science Technology Development program in 1982, designating the biotechnology as one of the eight strategic industries. The Executive Yuan followed through with a Biotechnology Industry Promotion program in 1995 and the Biomedical Technology Island program in 2005. The study finds that science and technology policies in different periods of time endowed clinical trials with different meanings while discrepant actions on clinical trials were taken by both policy makers and policy executors including the industry, government organizations, academia, research institutes and the medical community in different periods of time. The study also finds that different governance agencies, such as the Department of Health, Ministry of Economic Affairs, National Science Council as well as Science and Technology Advisory Group of the Executive Yuan, had different levels of involvement with the development of clinical trials in different periods of time. Molded by the government’s biotechnology policies, clinical trials in Taiwan have evolved from the nature of academic research to assistance to industry development. The Biomedical Technology Island program beginning 2005 focuses on clinical trials and strengthens the medical community’s participation in biotechnology development, but the institutional logics of the medical community is primarily about medical service and its contradictions with the institutional logics of biotechnology industry development have resulted in the controversy about industrialization of clinical trials. A science and technology policy implication identified by the study is that unexpected outcomes, such as the controversy dealt with herein, can only be avoided by understanding the historical context of an industry when the government develops and promotes the relevant policies for the industry. Moreover, the study will explore possible research directions in the future.

醫療產業大量客製化研究—醫療服務與醫療生技 / A Study of Mass Customization in the Medical Sector – Medical Service and Biomedical

蔡正雄, Tsai, Cheng Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以大量客製化的方式,在兼顧成本及客製化的雙重需求下,歸納出醫療產業可採取九種大量客製化模式,平衡醫療供需及促進醫療創新。如:〝共享〞─相同的元件,可以被橫跨使用在不同的產品,達到範疇經濟。〝替換〞─不同的元件可以使用在相同的基礎元件上。〝裁切〞─元件可以依客戶的需求做裁減。〝混搭〞─混搭不同的元件形成一個獨特的產品。〝平台化〞─建立一個標準架構,使其可以承載不同的元件。〝介面化〞─允許不同的元件做任意的組合。〝移除〞─移除指定元素,進而產生客製化的產品或服務。〝置入〞─依顧客的需求對於既有的標準產品或服務,進行置入。〝取代〞以置入的方式取代另一被移除元素。 此外,本研究涵蓋非醫療產業(硬體、軟體及服務業)與醫療產業(醫療服務及醫療生技)的跨產業分析比較,一方面可得知醫療服務及醫療生技如何進行大量客製化,另一方面借鏡觀形,了解醫療服務及醫療生技仍有待改進的地方。 最後,為了方便企業找出適合的大量客製化模式,本研究共整理醫療服務及醫療生技的12種大量客製化應用方式,而且這十二種應用方式,並非互相排斥,可混合運用於企業的營運模式之中。


蕭筱婷, Hsiao, Hsiao-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
「雙星產業」其中的一星--生技產業為我國經濟發展很重要的一環,但在投注了大量資源的今日,卻未見明顯成功企業標的。以台灣經營環境而言,企業多半規模不大,在研發起步較晚、創新能力不足的狀態之下,若要與大型廠商競爭是不智的,中小企業發展生技是否有較適宜的發展方向?即使如此,台灣仍有成功商品化且獲益的生技公司出現。因此,本研究藉由個案深入研究,探討台灣生技產業可能的關鍵成功因素,並分析個案公司成功之創新點,進而提出對廠商在發展上的建議。 個案公司--邰港科技由原本經營傳統水族產業而透過生物技術轉型成功,其創新商品螢光魚,正代表著生技產品從技術研發到商品化而後成功進入市場的典範,其成功因素不外乎掌握了現代人的寂寞商機,在研發創新上邰港投入大量研發經費(占營業額6%),透過與學界合作技術移轉的方式讓研發及技術取得更有效率;在技術方面也掌握到了不孕性處理的先驅以及量產的技術;資源方面由於邰港在水族產業的深耕,能作為其創新價值的後盾。 本研究透過對邰港科技的深入研究後,對於欲轉型或跨入生技業者提出建議如下: 一、 找出與公司既有核心能力相關的發展方向。 二、 積極運用產學合作培植有發展潛力的技術。 三、 發展自有品牌、透過結盟方式加強行銷通道的建構。 四、 採取以小養大、以短養長的模式轉型或發展生技產業較適宜。

生技製藥產學合作之智財管理-以產業界之觀點 / Intellectual Property Management of Academic-Industrial Collaboration in Biotech-Pharmaceutical Industry

鄭聖群 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於我國長期以來皆為技術引入國,為強調自主創新,產學合作受到了相當程度的重視,而生技製藥產業的價值鏈長、高風險、高研發成本、高知識內涵等特性,使得產學合作成為生技製藥產業中相當重要的機制。又由於上述的產業特性,使得生技製藥公司在產品上市前,所有的研發投入,皆以「無形資產」的形式,儲存在階段性的開發成果之中,因此,智慧財產的保護與管理,對生技製藥公司而言,確實有很高的重要性,智慧財產若經過妥善的經營與管理,能有效成為企業的競爭優勢來源。 本研究即以生技製藥產業之產學合作為前提,針對智財管理與企業策略因子,以產業方的觀點,探討「產學合作-智財管理-企業營運模式」三者之間的關連性,並從智財管理的四大內涵-「創造、保護、管理、運用」作為分析之構面,釐清重要議題與關鍵因素,以作為日後雙方架構合作與管理模式之依據,達到知己知彼,互信合作,創造雙贏的綜效。 本研究以個案訪談方式,訪談台灣微脂體、台灣東洋、世基生醫三間國內生技製藥公司,並根據訪談結果之分析與彙總比較,得到研究發現並提出建議如下: 1. 生技智財策略與其營運模式有關,受到獲利方式影響而採取不同的智財策略。 2. 生技產學合作成果,「權利歸屬」之模式多元化,與該成果距離商品化之成功率有關;此外,「先專利、後發表」的慣例已普遍採用,無保密與公開之衝突。 3. 智財專責部門的設立與人數配置,應隨企業的成長而增置,人才網羅應以生技背景之跨領域專業人才為主,且需經過商管課程之訓練,方能對產業發展與競爭脈動有所掌握。 4. 產學合作成果運用,與企業核心能力與互補性資產掌控度有關,國內廠商而言,「對外授權」仍然必要;運用訴訟的方式與否,與「智財策略」有關聯,並受成本因素之影響。 5. 產業方應主動積極參與產學合作,由於學界缺乏商品化之經驗,技轉辦公室現階段亦無法充份發揮功能,因此,由產業方積極參與產學合作,能以產業方敏銳的商業嗅覺協助學界補捉具有潛力的研究,發揮引導之功能,使前瞻研究能進入應用階段,而實際造福人群,同時帶動產業的活絡發展。 / Regarding that Taiwan is always in the position of “technology transfer licensee”, to emphasize the goal of innovation, academic-industrial collaboration has becoming an important issue. Especially with regards to the features of bio-pharmaceutical value chain, such as compartmentalization, high risk, high return, highly knowledge-based, the investment input is thus transformed into the form of “intangible assets”before the product actually launched. Therefore, the protection and management of intellectual property is critical to bio-pharmaceutical companies. If IP is properly managed and utilized, it could become a source of competitive advantage. This thesis is based on the study of bio-pharmaceutical academic-industrial collaborations, from an industrial perspective, focusing on IP management and strategy. Four components of IP management-development, protection, management, and exploitation, is set as major constructs of this thesis. The primary goal of this study is to find important issues and key factors toward a successful collaboration. This thesis studied three bio-pharmaceutical companies, Taiwan Liposome Company, TTY Biopharm, and Pharmigene. According to results of interviews and analytical comparison, this thesis concludes some findings and suggestions as follow: 1. The IP strategy of a bio-pharmaceutical company is related to its business model. Different profitable models should apply different IP strategies. 2. The way which academia and industry allocate the IP right and interest is diversed, according to the risk and commercialization successful rate of the collaboration. Also, “patent goes first, publication goes after”is a common route. Therefore there is no collision between secrecy and openness. 3. The establishment and expansion of in-house IP department should go in accordance with the growing of company. It is necessary for an accountable one to be bio-tech educated and further received MBA training, in order to be competent to business competition and strategic planning. 4. The exploitation of collaboration is in relation to company’s core competence and complementary assets. For Taiwan bio-pharm companies, the“licensing out”model is necessary. With regards to litigation, the attitude toward litigation is related to its IP strategy and cost of litigation. 5. The industrial part in such collaboration should take an active attitude, because the academic part lacks commercialization experience. It would be helpful for industry to guide and help capturing valuable study in academia, therefore makes radical innovation an usful one.


陳淑君, Chen, Shu-chun Unknown Date (has links)
制定專利法的本意,不僅是給予發明人在一定期限內擁有一定限度的獨占權,以鼓勵發明人揭露新穎發明,亦在於提升科技發展、提高經濟成長,使社會大眾可從既有發明中再進行卓越科技研發,以節省社會研發成本。專利法賦予專利權人禁止任何未經授權之他人製造、使用、販賣、為販賣之要約,以及為上述目的進口該專利權技術之排他權利。但為達促進產業進步的目的,各國專利法並增列研究、實驗的免責條款(experimental use exception)來平衡專利權人及社會大眾的利益。研究實驗免責的前提必須對專利權人權益造成微量或是最低限度的干擾(de minimums),即是希望對專利權人的權益造成最小傷害,同時又可以達到促進產業發展及鼓勵更多研發工作進行的目的。 我們將實驗免責條款分為二類,一種是純為好奇心,僅針對專利技術內容作實驗,研究如何改善該發明,此為狹義的實驗免責;第二種則是應用於醫藥產業,此類實驗並非改善發明內容,而是重覆實施其發明,再進行其他研究及實驗,可視為廣義的實驗免責,此即美國在1984年修正Hatch-Waxman法案之醫藥產業的實驗免責條款,只要是為提交FDA之相關實驗資料時,則可主張實驗免責,目的為使已享受二十年專利期之發明儘快成為公共財,以供大眾利用。 研究工具專利的實施方法即作為研究及實驗目的,醫藥產業上可以是生物材料,亦可以是篩選新藥方法。由於具有研究及實驗的特性,若在研究實驗免責條款下,非專利權人企圖以研究實驗免責方式來規避其侵權行為時,專利權人行使權利時,則可能遭遇不少困難。若研究工具專利又被主張為提交FDA相關資料之實驗免責時,此行為對於專利權人權益並非造成微量或是最低限度的損失,發明人未因該專利而獲益,又無法實施專利權,則會降低申請專利的意願。 專利權的效力,應給予專利權人較大權利使發明人願意揭露技術、促進社會科技進步,抑或是應給予較大實驗免責範圍,使研發機構不會受到專利權限制而阻礙社會科技發展的動力,此二種考量方向,如同位於天平的兩端,呈現兩難局面。目前法院實務案例則以執行研究工具專利會落入藥物開發之實驗免責規範為主要認定,但筆者認為應就實施研究工具專利的行為、內容、目的作一探討及了解,並顧及公平性,才是評估研究工具專利是否適用實驗免責條款之依據。 因此,專利權人應如何管理或應用其研究工具專利,並可真正執行專利權而不至落入實驗免責條款? 可由數個方向進行:一、產品形式保護研究工具專利:將研究工具的執行方式以產品形式包覆,以銷售產品的方式跳脫實驗免責之框架,未必需要經由專利授權的方式來取得利益;二、進行全球化佈局:於申請研究工具專利之前,分析其發明深度及可能競爭對手,並在可能進行製造、使用、行銷、及進口相關於此發明技術之國家申請專利,以未來如何執行及如何獲利作為考量全球佈局之策略;三、成立契約研發中心(contrast research organization,CRO):當研究工具專利在執行專利權有困難,不易跳脫實驗免責範圍,則可使用營業秘密 (Trade Secret) 方式保護其發明,不以公開技術方式,而是應用研究工具成為新藥篩選中心,提供研發服務;四、授權國家單位:即是採用類似NIH之OTT模式,將研究工具專利權直接授權給政府,由政府支出其授權金並可擴展至更多研發機構。 至於非專利權人,如一般之研發機構,應如何利用研究工具專利,且不落入專利侵權的疑慮? 除了取得專利授權外,亦可採用:一、從已授權國家單位取得技術:即如同NIH之OTT模式,由已取得研究工具專利授權之政府單位進行非專屬授權,該發明具較合理之授權金,並可被更多研發機構善加利用;二、落入實驗免責範疇:針對研究工具專利之實質發明內容進行改良及應用,再利用其方式以進行其新藥研發實驗,則可適用於實驗免責的規定;三、交互授權(Cross-license):使用研究工具專利之研發機構與原本專利權人合作,經由交互授權方式成為合作伙伴,則可達到雙贏;四、成立開放社群,共同分享技術:如多數國家成立之GenBank,或BIOS (Biological Innovation for Open Society)社群之概念,收集對人類具有重大意義之研究工具,如基因序列等,以開放原始碼(Open source)之社群相互分享,使後續研發工作更加快速及順暢。 除了上述方法外,專利法可仿照著作權法,增定合理使用(fair use)之相關規定,亦即除了試驗例外、第三人繼續使用權、私人領域內之非營利性使用外,賦予第三人一般而全面性的專利權合理使用範圍,或以自願性參與集體授權機制(voluntary collective rights licensing)以支付合理權利金,促進社會公益。實驗免責條款可使得發明人願意持續公開其發明,同時使新穎發明公諸於世,兼顧社會公益,促使社會經濟及產業的進步,使國家社會整體因研發創新而真正獲益。 / The original purpose of the patent law not only offers the exclusivity to the inventors in a limited periods and in a limited rights in order to inspire the inventors to disclose more novel inventions, but also encourages the development of the technology and increases the growth rate of economics to the publics. The more new inventions the inventors provide, the more cost of R&D will be saved in whole society. The right of the exclusivity for the patentee is when someone without authority from the patentee, he can’t makes, uses, offers to sell, or sells any patented inventions, within the countries, or imports into the countries. But in order to enliven the industrial growth, the experimental use is added as a legal exception in many countries to balance the benefits of the patentee and the public interests. We should minimize interference to the patentee’ rights when the experimental use exception of the patents is claimed. We can divide the experimental use exception into two classes. One is the narrowly-defined experimental use exception only for the curiosity, for testing the content of the patents. The use aims to find out how to improve the inventions. The broadly-defined experimental use exception that is applied in the medical industry. This kind of use does not improve the technology of the invention, but repeat the invention again without changing any content. Such kind of broadly-defined experimental use exception is created after Hatch and Waxman Act in 1984. The experimental use exception in the medical industry is described that if the result of the experience is for submitting the drug information for the FDA examination, it is claimed non-infringement of the patent and protected by “safe harbor” of 35 USC 271 (e)(1). The purpose is to practice the inventions of the patents earlier and save the cost of R&D through public use. Research tool patent are used for the purpose of research and experiment and improves the speed of the experiment. In the medical industry, the research tool patent may be the biological material or the method of screening the new drug. Because of the experimental characteristics, the non-patentee may claim the experimental use exception and cause persecutions to the patentee. This kind of experimental use exception is not fair to the patentee and damage patentee’s benefit, especially in the research tool patentee. The patentee will not be able to receive the royalty from the non-patentee who claims the experimental use exception. As a result, it would reduce the will of filing such kind of patents. Should the effect of the patent right grant the patentee a broader right to patentees to encourage the inventors to release new technology which benefits the social and scientific progress? Or it should offer a large range of the experimental use exempt for the research institutes to encourage the using in the experimental use exception? It is difficult to judge which direction is better than the other one. The court are taking the side of the range of experimental use exception, allowing the research tool patents in the pre-clinical tests or experiment for submitting to FDA. This thesis proposes that there should be more criteria other than FDA, such as the purpose and the practical condition of use. Only when the whole situation and justice are taken into consideration will there be a suitable explanation of the experimental use exception. This thesis offers some suggestions concerning the management and application of research patent tools for the patentee and the non-patentee. It also assert that regulations about the fair use, such as experimental use exception, non-profit private use, voluntary collective rights licensing with rational royalty, can be added to the patent law to urge the patents to be put into practice. The reasonable experimental use exception can encourage the inventors to release his invention and the R&D departments to improve the technology more aggressively, realizing social and industrial advancement through the patent applications.

生技製藥產業的價值創造模式-以APEX、NEXMED、BURRILL&COMPANY為例 / How to Create the Value in the Biopharmaceutical Industry? Case Study of APEX, NEXMED, and BURRILL&COMPANY.

林群倫, Lin, Chun Lun Unknown Date (has links)
新藥開發是需要大量的資金投入,同時需要專業的技術實驗人才、以及具產業經驗的管理團隊,但是其所獲取的價值和領域也是相對較大的。生技製藥產業包括新藥、學名藥、中草藥、基因及蛋白質製劑、遠距醫療、預防醫學、醫療器材等。台灣在生技製藥已經投入許多資源,但是所獲得的成果並不如預期,主要原因除了缺乏像國際大廠的充足資金之外、且沒有完整的生技製藥產業鏈,更重要的是缺少了對生技製藥智慧財產管理的經驗、沒有國際行銷能力去取得市場。起因點則為台灣生技製藥公司仿照國際成功的生技製藥大廠模式,卻沒有自己的價值創造和創新模式,為了替台灣生技製藥廠商尋找新的利基和成功模式,本文分析了國內與國外的生技製藥公司,以尋找適合台灣的價值創造模式。 台灣生技製藥廠商主要缺乏的並非是技術,而是結合智慧財產的法律議題、並且發展出市場導向的生物技術研發模式。智慧財產相關議題在生技製藥產業更是最關鍵的因素,因為新藥研發動輒10年,而一般資金來源的銀行和創投都無法忍受所投資的公司必須要十年才可以獲利退出,因此透過不同臨床時期開發的新藥,其價值也會有顯著的不同,再透過技術移轉、授權和相關合約的簽訂,才能促使台灣中小型的生技製藥公司可以生存。本文要提出價值創造模型之前,必須要針對生技製藥產業的技術研發特性進行分析,接著必須透過智慧資本與財務會計的方式計算生技製藥產業無形資產的價值,最後透過個案中不同公司的營運策略,找出最適合現今生物製藥產業發展的模式。 生技產業需要相當多的資金去做新藥研發與市場行銷,這也是生技產業特殊的供應鏈上最重要的一環。因為,創投公司不只會投資金錢,它還會幫忙被投資公司尋找人才、市場、和策略發展。因此,本文第三個個案公司Burrill&Company為美國生技創投公司,最近幾年也可以看到它在大中華地區尋求投資機會。Apex International公司選對人才創造出優良品質的委託臨床試驗、和NexMed透過技術授權所產生平台技術,三家公司所創造的價值,去印證本文所提出的生技製藥產業價值創新模式的適用性。 論文研究結果顯示生技製藥產業最成功的關鍵因素至少有兩點,第一點就是核心能耐(Core Competence)的建立、第二點就是選擇對的人才。由本論文的價值創造模式中心出發,便是透過紮實的研究發展技能;建立優良的管理技巧以降低研發風險;透過創造新的技術和產品價值的核心能力建立,再選擇正確的人才組合,創造出外部的價值,最後達到整體價值創造的綜效。希望台灣不光只是擁有科技基本法與生技新藥產業發展條例等政策,而是可以透過本論文提出之價值創造模式,有效提升整體生技製藥產業的環境,以期產生更多成功的故事。 關鍵字:生技製藥、智慧財產、實體審查、無形資產鑑價、價值創造、技術移轉。 / Biopharmaceutical is driving force of the global healthcare economy transformation. In order for a biopharmaceutical company to gain value from a new drug during its clinical development, capital investment, professional talents, and management team with industrial experience are needed. Biopharmaceutical industry are included of new drugs, generic drugs, Chinese herbal medicine or traditional Chinese medicine, genetic and protein preparations, tele-medicine, preventive medicine, medical devices and so on. Taiwan has invested a lot of resources at biopharmaceutical fields but the results are not as expectation. The main reason is the lack of adequate funding from international big pharma, and the operation is no integrity of the value chain at biopharmaceutical industry. More importantly is the lack of management experience on Intellectual Property, and no marketing ability to access to the global technology supply and demand market. The key point is that they copy of the format of big pharma but lack the spirit of the creativity and innovation. I analyzed the three cases in the thesis and tried to find a niche and successful model for the value-adding on the Taiwan’s Biopharmaceutical industry. Taiwan does have the technology know-how, but most of the companies’ problems are the lack of market-oriented R&D model and the Intellectual Property issues. IP issues including management know-how related to biopharmaceutical industry are the most crucial factors. Most companies tends to spend ten years on developing a new drug. Most of the investment banking and venture capitals are hard to endure by the long-term exit mechanism. The value will be totally different if the investors can exit at various clinical stage of new drugs at various stages with the strategy of technology transfer and licensing agreement. Such business model can make Taiwan’s small and medium-sized biopharmaceutical companies easier to survive. To verify this value creation model, I analyzed the characteristics of the industrial research and development and calculate the value of intangible assets on the technology by the methodology of intellectual capital and financial accounting. Finally, I will identify the most suitable model by compared with the different business models in three representative cases. The biotech industry needs a lot of funding to do R&D and marketing of new drugs which is the most important on this special supply chain. Not only to invest money, venture capitalist should help the company to recruit the talent, target the market, plan and execute the strategy. Therefore, the third case is the U.S. venture capital firm called Burrill & Company. In recent years, it moved to the Great China region to seek the investment opportunities. Apex International recruit the right talents to the right position and create a great world class quality project on the clinical trial, and NexMed bring their value through the platform technology and technology licensing. All the cases are selected to examine the availability and suitability of the value creation model. At least two key successful factors for biopharmaceutical industry has been revealed by the research of the thesis study. The first one is the establishment of the core competence on the technology in their respective business, and the second one is the management know how in putting the right person on the correct position. Overall, the value creation model is build on a solid research and development skills, a great management know-how to reduce the risk, and the spirit of entrepreneurship to create the true innovative products or services. With all the core competences, we can integrate the team with multidisciplinary talents to expand the value with the outside resources, and give the synergy of the whole value-added model. Hope that with the recent enactment of the Basic Science and Technology law and New Pharmaceutical Development Act in Taiwan, more successful stories can be created by this value-added model discussed in this thesis.


蔡宗儒 Unknown Date (has links)
在學術領域之中,其過去對於新藥產業的研究大多集中於「新藥發展策略」、「產業環境分析」與「智慧財產權策略」等領域,而探討新藥研發各階段之團隊組成與運作模式的研究仍然極少。 本研究以個案訪談法為主要研究方式,深入探討兩家台灣新藥研發公司(包括基亞生技、台灣微脂體),並以『新藥研發流程』與『技術知識特質』兩個構面來探索其對於『新藥研發專案團隊運作』之影響。 所得到的初步研究發現包括: 1. 新藥研發專案各階段中,技術知識路徑相依程度與技術知識系統複雜程度呈現負相關,當路徑相依程度越高時,系統複雜程度則越低。 2. 新藥研發專案隨著階段的推進,專案團隊的組成與結構也會隨之產生變化,臨床前與臨床試驗皆有不同的團隊組成與結構。 3. 技術知識系統複雜程度會影響新藥研發團隊組成的異質/多元程度:技術知識系統複雜程度越高,其團隊組成的異質/多元程度越高。 4. 技術知識路徑相依程度會影響團隊採取何種團隊運作策略:(1)路徑相依程度愈「高」或是愈「低」,專案團隊會傾向採取「自行發展」的團隊運作模式;(2)路徑相依程度為「中」時,專案團隊會傾向採取先執行「初步研發」活動之後,再與外部廠商進行「合作研發」。 5. 技術知識路徑相依程度會影響新藥研發專案各階段的團隊類型:(1)技術知識路徑相依程度愈低,專案團隊會傾向採用「重量級」、「自主型」的團隊運作模式;(2)技術知識路徑相依程度愈高會傾向採用「功能型」、「輕量級」的團隊運作模式。 6. 技術知識內隱化程度愈高,該專案在團隊運作上愈容易將外部成員視為內部團隊,甚至在團隊組成上直接將外部成員納入內部團隊之中。 7. 在臨床試驗階段,試驗主持人的過往經驗為成功關鍵之一。 8. 新藥研發廠商若擁有先導研發的能力,可以減短研發時程與成本。 / Most of previous the studies on pharmaceutical industry have been focused on the development strategy, environmental analysis and intellectual property. Very few of them emphasize the stage of new drug development concerning the project team management. This study uses technological knowledge characteristics (path dependence, complexity, and explicitness) and drug development process (drug discovery, non-clinical, pre-clinical, and clinical ) to explore the effect upon project team management. The result of this study: 1. In every stage of new drug development, the path dependence and the complexity of technological knowledge have significantly negative correlation. 2. When the new drug development project evolves into the clinical stage, the structure of project team will be different. 3. The complexity of technological knowledge can affect the composition of team members. If the complexity of technological knowledge is higher, the complexity of members is higher. 4. The path dependence of technological knowledge can affect the development strategy. If the path dependence is higher or lower, the team members prefer “inner development”. If the path dependence is medium degree, the team members prefer “primary inner development” and then “cooperative research and development”. 5. The path dependence of technological knowledge can affect the team structure. If the path dependence is higher, the enterprise prefers “Heavyweight team structure” or “Autonomous team structure”. If the path dependence is lower, the enterprise prefers “Lightweight team structure” or “Functional team structure”. 6. If the explicitness of technological knowledge is higher, the enterprise intends to recruit team member from outside. 7. In clinical stage, the practice investigator can be key person of the success. 8. If the enterprise has the ability of “primary inner development”, the time and the cost of the new drug development can be reduced.

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