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異質與分群訊息在金融市場的交易行為及績效分析 / Analysis on heterogeneous and subgroup information in financial markets楊祐宗, Yang, Yu- Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
金融市場中存在著許多預測機構, 他們各自召集信眾並且不時地釋放訊息給其會員好讓他們能在交易中獲利。每筆訊息皆代表著各機構對此資產價值的預測, 會員則依此訊息至市場上尋找機會交易。他們交易前會先理性地觀察市場過往的波動。如果市場走勢所預測的訊息與自己的訊息一致, 那交易者交易時大概不會有所顧慮。然而當市場趨勢與自己的訊息不一致時, 交易者勢必會陷入兩難。仔細地衡量斟酌兩股力量的輕重後, 進而選擇他覺得對的決定。如果交易者放棄自己的訊息而追隨前人交易的腳步, 那我們可定義這是一種群聚的行為。
如果某一機構的會員人數龐大, 則他們勢必會影響市場價格的波動。不知情的交易者在看到價格趨勢如此時, 可能會放棄自己的訊息轉而追隨過往交易者的選擇。然而此種交易伴隨著風險, 因為不知道正確的訊息為何, 當價格已經達到機構所預測的目標時, 知情的會員便開始反向操作, 而不知情的交易者可能會持續地採取此一交易策略。於是當資產真正價值揭露時, 不知情交易者便可能因此被套牢。跟隨大眾的決策相對保險, 但是當追隨的人沒有額外的訊息無法查覺情勢的變化時, 便可能面臨損失的風險。
我們建構了一個存在兩種類型交易者的市場, 一方是沒有參加機構的一般交易者, 另一方是同時參加某一機構的會員交易者。透過私有訊息與公開歷史交易預測的權衡, 交易者必須想辦法在這一次機會的交易中獲利。而我們想找出是否對任何交易者而言, 參加預測機構是有利可圖的。
想當然爾, 市場中會員交易者的多寡對於機構預測目標價位的達成頗為重要, 因為影響力的大小間接決定了市場雙方的利潤。當然每位交易者對訊息的信心也有所不同, 這些因素都會影響雙方的利潤。而本篇論文即是嘗試找出在哪種條件之下, 參與機構交易者的交易績效會比沒有參與機構交易者的績效為佳。 / Traders with their own heterogeneous hidden information are coming to the market to trade in order to maximize their expected profits. They will observe the trends of prices and compare it to their private signals and then make the right decisions. The trends might not consistent with the private signals. If the traders choose to abandon his own signals and follow the actions made by predecessors, we called the action “Herds.”
In this paper, we set a mechanism to harmonize with these two powers. Also we put the traders into two subgroups, and one of the groups will send another signal to its members. For simplicity, we use a sequential trading model to see the trade patterns. Since we use the closing price to measure traders’ profits, traders in the market need to presume what the closing price will be. Then we calculate the profits of each group and find out their performance.
We want to see under what kind of conditions, the performance of one group will be better than that of another group. If we can find the conditions of better performance, it is worth for the traders to join that group.
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投資者有限關注與股價表現及投資者行為異質性 / The performance of stock price and investor heterogeneity with investor attention.鄭威 Unknown Date (has links)
在傳統的投資者有限關注度對於股價影響的研究中,往往都採取極端收益率、異常成交量等市場指標作為投資者關注度的代理變量。隨著網絡科技的發展,搜索引擎和財經網站的數據更直觀、即時、準確地反應了投資者關注度的變化。本文用和訊網股票關注度作為衡量投資者關注度的代理變量,實證檢驗了和訊網股票關注度所帶來的投資者異質性以及和創業板股價的聯繫。本文的實證結論主要有以下幾點:1.和訊網股票關注度比市場指標為代表的投資者關注度的代理變量更及時地反應投資者的注意力的分佈。2.小額投資者受關注度影響持續淨買入,而大額投資者則在關注度高的期間大量賣出以套利。3.投資者有限關注度對股價當期起正向的壓力,之後迅速反轉。4.在創業板市場上的高轉送(high stock dividends)事件期的股價反轉現象受關注度驅動。 / In the traditional studies of investor attention,scholars often use indirect proxies of investor attention .such as extreme return,trading volume and price limit.with the development of network technology,the measures of investor attention from search engine and financial web are more direct ,immediate and accurate.this paper use the measure of investor attention from hexun web to test if investor attention links with investor heterogeneity and GEM stock performance.We find that:1. hexun investor attention captures investor attention in a more timely fashion than the other proxies of investor attention. 2. Retail investors are likely to be net buyers of attention-grabbing stock continuously while large investors keep selling. 3. The investor attention brings the positive pressure to current stock price, and then quickly reverses. 4. The stock price reversal in the period of high stock dividends event is driven by the investor attention.
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財務市場之計量分析--以台灣、美國、日本市場為例鄭敦仁 Unknown Date (has links)
自從Engle(1982)觀察金融資產報酬序列具有波動叢聚的現象,進而提出自迴歸條件變異數異質(Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity)模型後,解決了傳統的時間序列模型如自我迴歸移動平均(Autoregressive Moving Average;簡稱ARMA)模型在財務金融的實證研究上對變異數異質(Heteroskedasticity)的現象不能做有效解釋的問題後。陸續的延申模型如Bollerslev(1986)一般化自我迴歸條件異質變異(General Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity;簡稱GARCH)模型、Chou(1988)的GARCH - M(General Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity in Mean;簡稱GARCH - M)模型,已廣泛的應用於分析股票市場股價持續波動的問題上。
接著,本文亦就股價指數歷史資料橫斷面探討國際間股市的互動性,經由Tank and Kwok(1997)模型加以延申,進行台灣、美國、日本國際投資組合多角化效益之分析,探討的命題主要是週末效果、元月效果,和Rogalski效果是否顯著存在於台灣、美國、日本股票市場,即分析上述效果是否對國際投資組合均報酬、報酬波動、風險分散利益產生影響。
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網路事業知識整合與創新類型關聯之研究 / The relationship between knowledge integration and innovation on the World Wide Web吳若君, Wu, Ruo-Jun Unknown Date (has links)
3-1 網站企業所需的知識整合機制包括方向/目標、順序/流程、例規、共同語言、多元專業個人、對話/開會,區分為組織機制、介面溝通機制、多元專業個人機制、團隊運作機制四種類型。
3-2 網站創新所需的知識複雜度高,且知識異質度高,組織傾向採用介面溝通機制、多元專業個人機制與團隊運作機制整合不同專業的知識,介面溝通機制複雜度較高。
3-3 網站創新所需的知識複雜度高,且知識異質度低,組織傾向採用多元專業個人機制與組織機制整合不同專業的知識。
3-4 網站創新所需的知識複雜度低,且知識異質度高,組織傾向採用團隊運作機制與組織機制整合不同專業的知識。
3-5 網站創新所需的知識複雜度低,且知識異質度低,組織傾向採用多元專業個人機制與介面溝通機制整合不同專業的知識,介面溝通機制複雜度較低。 / The relationship between knowledge integration and innovation on the World Wide Web -By Ruo-Jun WUAdvisor: Dr. Se-Hwa WuKeywords: Internet innovation, knowledge heterology, Knowledge integration , mechanisms of knowledge integration 1. Background Internet industry grows rapidly. According the Internet report of Mogan Stanley company, new businesses that are created by or for Internet marketplace will grow very rapidly, at an estimated CAGR of 38% from now until ths year 2000. One of the important factor in the Internet's on-going growth is that there are many original innovations in the Internet. One person or a small company can create high innovative value by their own knowledge through the World Wide Web. Innovation becomes an important ubject i2. Purpose According to the research background ,the research objective of this study are four points: (1) To find the innovation on the World Wide Web and the categorization of innovation on the World Wide Web.(2) To explore the characteristic of knowledge with the innovation on the World Wide Web. (3) To explore the relationship between the characteristic of knowledge and categorization of innovation. (4) To explore the relationship between the characteristic of knowledge and the mechanism of integration knowledge?3.
Conceptual FrameworkThe literature on organization knowledge and learning has explored the role of organizations in the acquisition, processing, storage, and application of knowledge(Argyris and Schon 1978,Levitt and March 1988,Ribertwon and Swan and Newell 1996). Demsetz(1991) proposes that efficiency in the acquisition of knowledge requires that individuals specialize in specific areas of knowledge, while the application of knowledge to produce goods and services requires the bringing together of many areas of specialized kGrant's(1996) observations of mechanism of integrating knowledge imply that the difference of knowledge characteristic will influence the method of knowledge management and Lyles and Zander(1992) propose the structure of organization knowledge would play an important role in searching the strategic opportunity. Based on the literature review in the preview paragraph, this study proposes the following framework (shown in figure 1), which is made up of two dimensions: knowledge heterology and knowledge complexity as the variables and in order to discussing the company how to integrate different individual's knowledge and to produce innovation on the World Wide Web. 4. MethodologyThe data were collected through research in both primary and secondary sources. Primary data were then collected about the web site project by contacting directly one of the members of web site team and requesting an interview. Search engine is considered the representative product in the Internet and so six project was picked through the recommendation of search engine to show the operation of successful companies on the World Wide Web5.
Conclusion(1) The categorization of innovation in Internet industry included incremental innovation and radical innovation. (2) Organizations are more likely to adopt incremental innovation when the degree of knowledge heterology is low and adopt radical innovation when the degree of knowledge heterology is high. (3) Organization will take different mechanism to integrate knowledge when the characteristic of knowledge with Web innovation is different. 3.1 Organizations take "Rules and Directives, Routines, Sequencing, problem solving, dialogue/meeting, multiskilled individual " as the mechanism of integrating knowledge. These mechanisms can be categorized by four mechanism patterns-Organization mechanism, Team mechanism, Individual mechanism and Communication mechanism. 3.2 Organizations will take Team mechanism, Individual mechanism and Communication mechanism, when the degree of knowledge complexity is high and the degree of knowledge heterology is high. The degree of common language is more complex. 3.3 Organizations will take Organization mechanism and Team mechanism, when the degree of knowledge complexity is low and the degree of knowledge heterology is high. 3.4 Organizations will take Organization mechanism and ndividual mechanism, when the degree of knowledge omplexity is high and the degree of knowledge heterology is low. 3.5 Organizations will take Individual mechanism and Communication mechanism, when the degree of knowledge complexity is low and the degree of knowledge heterology is low. The degree of common language is less complex.
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上市公司出售資產事件之宣告效果:GARCH模型之應用 / The Effect of Voluntary Sell-off Announcements張嘉宏, Zhang, Jia-Hong Unknown Date (has links)
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兒童日常生活中數位媒體使用:以台灣學童部落格使用為例 / Children's digital media usage in everyday life: case study on two elementary school students' weblog behavior in Taiwan翁孝蓁, Weng, Hsiao Chen Unknown Date (has links)
Children use Internet for many reasons, such as playing on-line games, searching for information, downloading music and videos or doing homework. However, there is one interesting tendency that Internet has changed the boundary between the sender and the receiver. Children in this Internet age, they change their roles to become content providers. While they are blogging or uploading photos, they are processing “I media”.
In the past, children invite their friends to their bedroom. They talk the secrets or playing games while they are in a parenting area. Today, ‘bedroom’ and ‘digital bedroom’ can be combined. Staying at home, and not going out, but by surfing the (world) of the web, both boys and girls of different ages are engaging in a kind of domestic or bedroom culture that take place in virtual space.
In this study, children’s personal weblog may be seen as ‘heterotopias’, Michel Foucault (1986) proposed. This research concerned about children's use of blogs in their everyday life, attempted to learn children's digital bedroom culture through the analyses of all kinds of documents presented in children’s blogs, and to know how children gain identity through blogs.
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以條件拔靴法估計VaR之探討賴信宏 Unknown Date (has links)
關於風險值之估計,拔靴法因直接以市場資料為抽樣分配,計算時便包含一般財務時間序列所常有的厚尾高峰等現象,避免模型偏誤(Model Risk)。但市場上的波動因具有異質變異,易產生波動聚集現象(Volatility Clustering),是以歷史資料無法立即反應波動之起伏與及時之資訊,一般VaR估計模型往往在波動較劇烈起伏處,無法準確估計風險值,因而提高市場風險。
針對於此,此次研究嘗試以GARCH模型捕捉波動起伏,並運用拔靴法估計之便捷與優點,估計更可靠之風險值(簡稱GARCH Bootstrap)。研究所得之主要結論如下:
1.拔靴法(Bootstrap)以及偏誤修正之拔靴法(Bias-Corrected Bootstrap)在厚尾及常態之下,皆比歷史模擬法有較佳之估計。但實證資料因厚尾情形不足,三者之VaR估計,並無顯著差異。
4.在資料本身具有GARCH現象時,GARCH Bootstrap會較Bootstrap為佳。
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索忍尼辛小說《癌症病房》權力與空間研究 / Study of power and space in A. I. Solzhenitsyn's novel “Cancer Ward”呂正山 Unknown Date (has links)
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匯率目標區體制下匯率與利率差之波動:異質民眾預期的研究賴祈妃 Unknown Date (has links)
早期匯率目標區之研究是在政策具有完全可信度、央行採邊界干預形式及商品價格完全調整等三個假設下所成立。Krugman (1991)在此前提下,提出實行目標區政策會使匯率波動變小,但需付出利率差波動變大代價之結論。唯後續實證上卻發現:有許多實行匯率目標區的國家,其匯率與利率差兩者波動皆變大,與上述理論結果不符。因此,往後學者便陸續將這些假設逐一放寬,以求理論模型更能切合實際的資料。本文之重點,在於將政策具有完全可信度之假設放寬;在政策不具完全可信度下,分析民眾未來匯率之預期,對目標區政策成效影響,即民眾預期對匯率與利率差兩者的影響。
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新創企業創業團隊關係研究 / A study of relationship of startup company partners吳梓川, Wu, Zi Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究對已有研究和文獻進行了梳理,總結和評論,針對創業團隊成員的個人特質,挑選因素,成員間的異質性,團隊組成因素,創業團隊成員關係維持,特殊合夥人關係,股權分配以及退出策略八個層面,開展了探討台灣創業環境下創業者及創業團隊成員關係維繫為主題的研究。研究發現以下幾點對關係維繫是正向作用的:創業前確認彼此的信任關係,創業團隊成員具有優秀的特質,創業前明確職責和權利,團隊成員之間願景一致且能力互補,合理分配股權。未來,在本研究的基礎上,還可繼續探究優秀個人特質之間的關係,創業團隊成員的溝通方式,成員的異質性對彼此關係的影響,以及產業細分后的創業團隊成員關係。希望對創業團隊成員關係的研究,能補充現有創業研究的不足,擴大創業理論的研究範圍,給創業者和投資人更多的指導性建議。 / With more and more startups around the globe, entrepreneurship has become a key to the national development, not only to economic development and social growth, also to improving the employment and national innovation capability. One of the key factors of entrepreneurship is the business partner matching. Partner matching has drawn more and more scholars’ attention and research around the world. But as an emerging research area, there are still some theoretical and practical questions worth investigating. How to make sure that an entrepreneur can accurately select a partner that is suitable for the business and how to maintain the relationship between the partners are the core issues in an entrepreneurial practice.
In this study, I conducted a comprehensive analysis of the existing literature related to the relationships of business partners. Drawn lights from the literature, this study discussed 8 key variables such as the individual characteristics of the partners, the selection of the partners, heterogeneity among the partners, the factors of the partnership team, the relationship maintenance of partners, the special partner relationship, the distribution of the shares and the withdrawal strategy of the partners. This research grounds itself on the relationship maintenance between entrepreneurs and partners in Taiwan's entrepreneurial environment. The study found that the following aspects are positive for the maintenance of partner relationships: mutual trust among the partners before the partnership, the constructive characters of partners, the clear sense of liability and rights before the partnership, the accordant of the vision and the complementary ability, and the rational allocation of equity. In the future, we will continue exploring the relationship among individual characters, the communication among partners, the impact of partners’ heterogeneity on partnership, and the partnership after industry segmentation. By studying the partner relationship, this study casts light on supplementing the existing research of entrepreneurship, expanding the scope of research on entrepreneurial theory, and giving more practical guidance to entrepreneurs and investors.
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