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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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地方教育行政機關知識管理成熟度指標建構之研究 / A study on the construction of indicators for the knowledge management maturity model of the local educational administrative organization

簡仕欣 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建構地方教育行政機關知識管理成熟度指標,並藉以評估地方教 育行政機關知識管理品質。研究方法部分,先以文獻分析探究知識管理成熟度相關論述,再以專家問卷以及模糊德菲術問卷進行調查。專家問卷為十位教育學術與行政兼備專家,模糊德菲術問卷透過三角模糊數整合專家對指標重要性之看法並篩選指標項目,最後以歸一化之方式求得各構面以及各項指標權重,篩選出共三項構面及39項指標,完成地方教育行政機關知識管理成熟度指標指標體系,並以歸一化方式確立各構面及指標權重。各構面之主要權重為文化(33.3%)、流程(33.4%)、科技(33.3%)。根據研究之結果與分析,對地方教育行政機關與教育行政人員提出相關之建議,也對未來研究提出相關建議。

台灣新藥研發公司多角化策略分析 -從知識管理程序觀點 / Diversification strategy analysis of new drug discovery company in Taiwan:the perspective of knowledge management process

江政倫, Chiang, Cheng Lun Unknown Date (has links)
新藥研發是台灣生技發展的重點產業。新藥研發一般具有高投資、高風險與研發期長的特性。因此,有些公司會透過多角化的策略來分散風險。不過,在有限的資源與人力下,發展多角化的產品通常是個極具挑戰的任務。因此,本研究針對新藥研發公司,就其採取多角化的動機與策略來加以探討。 此外,在知識經濟的時代,知識已成為企業最重要的資產,如何透過有效的知識管理以提昇組織知識的價值,則是企業所重視的關鍵性議題之一。新藥研發屬知識密集產業,知識管理對於公司相當重要。因此本研究亦從知識特性的觀點(路徑相依度、不確定程度與競爭衝擊程度)來探討其對知識管理的影響。 本研究在方法上採取多重個案研究的方式,透過深入個案訪談與次級資料收集,所得到的結論如下: 1. 台灣新藥研發公司選擇多角化策略的動機相當多元。 2. 台灣新藥研發公司多角化的動機與多角化目標領域之路徑相依度有關。 3. 台灣新藥研發公司多角化目標領域技術知識的路徑相依度與競爭衝擊程度會影響其技術知識吸收的方式。 4. 台灣新藥研發公司多角化目標領域技術知識的路徑相依度會影響其組織設計、分工與人員式知識擴散的對象。 5. 台灣新藥研發公司進行多角化產品研發時,其知識蓄積活動上傾向於採取「機械-整合式」的蓄積方式。 / New drug development industry is one of the key biotech development areas in Taiwan. The nature of new drug development involves high investment, high risk and long development time. As a result, some companies develop diversification as a strategy to reduce the risk. However, the scarcity of resource and manpower makes developing diversified products particularly challenging. This study would focus on why these companies choose diversification strategy and which strategies they develop. Knowledge management is very important for companies in research-intensive industry. This study would also explore how the companies practice knowledge management on its diversified projects. In addition, this study uses technological knowledge characteristics (path dependence, degree of uncertainty, and competitive position) to analyze the effect upon knowledge management process. In this study, multiple case study method to take the way through in-depth case interviews and secondary data collection, the conclusion is as follows: 1.The reasons why new drug development companies in Taiwan underwent diversification vary a lot. 2.Synergy motivation of new drug development companies in Taiwan will affect the path dependence of technological knowledge in target areas for diversification. 3.Path dependence and competitive intensity of technological knowledge in target areas for diversification will affect the way of technical knowledge acquired in Taiwan’s new drug development companies. 4.Path dependence of technological knowledge will affect the organizational design, the division of labor and object of personnel-type knowledge diffusion 5.New drug development companies in Taiwan tend to choose 「Mechanical-Integrated」mode of knowledge Storage when the diversification activities.

結合感知玩具與電子書於兒童學習之互動設計 / Designing a children's learning app with tangible toys

曾韻如, Tseng, Yun Ju Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年平版電腦興起,觸控式平板之操作介面簡單直覺,學習曲線低,很適合小朋友來操作,已逐漸被使用在教育市場中。回顧教育學家所提出之學習理論,我們發現感官和四肢,是嬰幼兒時期主要的發展任務,也是幼兒智慧發展的根源,然而平板電腦缺乏實物的觸覺感知,平面的觸控體驗大幅限制了兒童的感官知能。因此本創作旨在針對3~6歲的小朋友,設計一套結合觸控平板之實體感知玩具(Tangible Toys),並延續福祿貝爾與蒙特梭利對於觸覺學習的教育理論,實作兩種運用於平板與感知玩具的遊戲學習模式,提供新型態的互動學習體驗。小朋友在本創作設計之遊戲學習過程中使用到手的操作與觸覺感知,藉由有趣的感官互動,增加小朋友的學習興趣。 我們提出兩種英文單字的學習模式,並觀察與分析兒童使用感知玩具在平板上的操作行為,作為未來「數位教具」與「平板」結合的參考依據,本創作所發展之技術亦可輔助觸控式平板發展多樣化之「數位教具」。 綜合所述,本創作完成目標如下: 1. 互動學習體驗:以感知玩具結合平板的互動形式帶給兒童新型態的互動學習體驗。 2. 兒童探索學習:透過感知玩具刺激兒童的學習興趣,利用不同的玩偶讓兒童嘗試去探索關聯式的單字。 3. 操作經驗分析:分析兒童對於感知玩具的使用經驗與操作,作為未來「數位教具」與「平板」結合的參考依據。 / Touch-based tablets have grown extremely rapidly in recent years. Since the touch-based interface is simple, intuitive and easy to learn, touch-based tablets have been adopted quickly in the Education market. However, touch-based tablet lacks tangible and tactile feedback, thus it constrains children’s learning ability of sensations. In this paper, we aimed at 3~6 years old children and designed a children’s learning app with tangible toys on the tablet. By extending Frobel and Montessori’s tactile learning theory, we implemented two game-based learning applications with tangible toys to bring a novel interactive learning experience for children. We conducted the preliminary study of 4 kindergarten children. The result showed that children were interested in tangible toys and had more fun in the learning activities. Finally, our capacitive tags can be used to design various forms of digital manipulatives on the tablets.

知識管理對於服務創新影響之研究 / The impacts of knowledge management on service innovation

劉憶蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
根據2011年統計資料,我國服務業生產毛額占整體國內生產毛額(GDP)比重從1981年的49.99%增長至2011年的65.50%(統計資訊網,2012),由此可見服務業已成為台灣未來經濟成長的主要關鍵。隨著各種服務的興起,吾人不能再以製造業的思維來看服務業的經營管理,業者必須強化自己的知識並不斷地進行創新,才能擁有競爭優勢。 創新的基礎在於知識,然而以往有關知識管理和服務創新的論文,大多只單獨研究知識管理或者服務創新的部分,即使有探討兩者的關聯性者又多為量化研究,內容上並無具體作為的論述。基於上述的研究缺口,本研究採取質性多重個案研究法,選擇四家在服務創新方面具有優越成效的服務業者進行深入的研究,探討其知識管理活動和服務創新作為,以及其知識管理活動對服務創新的影響。 本研究所得到的結論如下: 1.服務業者在服務創新相關之知識創造與擴散上會採用電子匯集平台、正式會議、口頭、師徒制、個案分享等多元方式。 2.服務業者進行服務創新時,會以人員、文件和物件等三種方式儲存知識,且會考量知識的品質、完整性和即時性,決定是否成立專職機構來蓄積和整合知識。 3.服務業者在服務創新相關之知識加值上會將累積的知識應用到其他服務上。在知識保護上則會使用權限和密碼的方式,並考量知識的機密性程度來決定是否使用統一監控的方式來管理。 4.服務業者擁有許多創新的來源,其內部會設置創新提案系統,使員工提出創新的想法。此外,也會根據其服務創新的合作網絡需求,決定與外部商業夥伴合作的頻率。 5.服務業者的組織文化會影響其服務創新的作為,且業者會透過會員工訓練和組織結構改變的方式來回應服務創新的內涵。 6.服務業者的知識建構與取得管道具多元性,且這方面對新服務概念的產生有所影響。同時,持續的知識創造與擴散和有效的知識蓄積與整合,都有助於新服務概念的產生以及高服務品質人員的培育。 7.服務業者因知識的高變動性,使得其知識保護程度的高低並不會影響其服務創新產生的頻率。 本論文最後提出本研究的學術貢獻、實務建議與後續研究之建議,使本研究更為完整。 / According to the National Statistics of Taiwan in 2011, Taiwan’s production in service industry was 49.99% in 1981 and rose to 65.50% in 2011, which shows that the service industry plays a decisive role in Taiwan economic growth. Service industry should have its own knowledge management and innovation in order to create its own competitiveness. Most of the former studies of knowledge management and service innovation focus on single case or High-Tech industry. The past studies of the relationship between two of them are almost quantitative research. Due to the research gap, this research adopts the qualitative method and selects four service companies which are famous for their service innovations. This research explores the knowledge management activities and service innovation in these four companies, and aims to find the relationship between them.The conclusions of this research are listed bellow: 1.The general methods of knowledge creation and diffusion are electronic platform, formal meetings, oral, mentoring, and case sharing. 2.Service companies store knowledge in three way:personnel, documents and objects. 3.The same knowledge of operation can be used in different services. The common way of knowledge protection is password. 4.Customers are important source of innovation. The service companies set up the innovative proposal systems to allow employees to bring up innovative ideas. 5.The companies’ culture has a high degree of support for service innovation. The training of staff and the structure of organization are changed due to the service innovation. 6.The construction and acquisition of knowledge have impacts on new service concepts. 7.The creation, diffusion, accumulation, and integration of knowledge contribute to the generation of new service concepts and new delivery system:Personnel. 8.The extent of protection on knowledge doesn’t affect the generation of new service concepts.

我國知識產權融資的法律問題研究 / Legal study on intellectual property financing in China

孫安娜 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

應用在空間認知發展的學習歷程分析之高效率空間探勘演算法 / Efficient Mining of Spatial Co-orientation Patterns for Analyzing Portfolios of Spatial Cognitive Development

魏綾音, WEI, LING-YIN Unknown Date (has links)
空間認知(Spatial Cognition)指出人所理解的空間複雜度,也就是人與環境互動的過程中,經由記憶與感官經驗,透過內化與重建產生物體在空間的關係認知。認知圖(Cognitive Map)是最常被使用在評估空間認知。分析學生所畫的認知圖有助於老師們瞭解學生的空間認知能力,進而擬定適當的地理教學設計。我們視空間認知發展的學習歷程檔案是由這些認知圖所構成。隨著數位學習科技的進步,我們可以透過探勘認知圖的方式,探討空間認知發展的學習歷程檔案。因此,我們藉由透過圖像的空間資料探勘,分析學生空間認知發展的學習歷程。 空間資料探勘(Spatial Data Mining)主要是從空間資料庫或圖像資料庫中找出有趣且有意義的樣式。在論文中,我們介紹一種空間樣式(Spatial Co-orientation Pattern)探勘以提供空間認知發展學習歷程的分析。Spatial Co-orientation Pattern是指圖像資料庫中,具有共同相對方向關係的物體(Object)常一起出現。例如,我們可以從圖像資料庫中發現物體P常出現在物體Q的左邊,我們利用二維字串(2D String)來表示物體分佈在圖像中的空間方向關係。我們透過Pattern-growth的方法探勘此種空間樣式,藉由實驗結果呈現Pattern-growth的方法與過去Apriori-based的方法[14]之優缺點。 我們延伸Spatial Co-orientation Pattern的概念至時空資料庫(Spatio-temporal Database),提出從時空資料庫中,探勘Temporal Co-orientation Pattern。Temporal Co-orientation Pattern是指Spatial Co-orientation Pattern隨著時間的變化。論文中,我們提出兩種此類樣式,即是Coarse Temporal Co-orientation Pattern與Fine Temporal Co-orientation Pattern。針對此兩種樣式,我們提出三階段(three-stage)演算法,透過實驗分析演算法的效率。 / Spatial cognition means how human interpret spatial complexity. Cognitive maps are mostly used to test the spatial cognition. Analyzing cognitive maps drawn by students is helpful for teachers to understand students’ spatial cognitive ability and to draft geography teaching plans. Cognitive maps constitute the portfolios of spatial cognitive development. With the advance of e-learning technology, we can analyze portfolios of spatial cognitive development by spatial data mining of cognitive images. Therefore, we can analyze portfolios of spatial cognitive development by spatial data mining of images. Spatial data mining is an important task to discover interesting and meaningful patterns from spatial or image databases. In this thesis, we investigate the spatial co-orientation patterns for analyzing portfolios of spatial cognitive development. Spatial co-orientation patterns refer to objects that frequently occur with the same spatial orientation, e.g. left, right, below, etc., among images. For example, an object P is frequently left to an object Q among images. We utilize the data structure, 2D string, to represent the spatial orientation of objects. We propose the pattern-growth approach for mining co-orientation patterns. An experimental evaluation with synthetic datasets shows the advantages and disadvantages between pattern-growth approach and Apriori-based approach proposed by Huang [14]. Moreover, we extend the concept of spatial co-orientation pattern to that of temporal patterns. Temporal co-orientation patterns refer to the change of spatial co-orientation patterns over time. Two temporal patterns, the coarse temporal co-orientation patterns and fine temporal co-orientation patterns are introduced to be extracted from spatio-temporal databases. We propose the three-stage algorithms, CTPMiner and FTPMiner, for mining coarse and fine temporal co-orientation patterns, respectively. An experimental evaluation with synthetic datasets shows the performance of these algorithms.

在WMN網路上考量功率及負載之路由協定 / An Efficient POwer-Load-Aware Routing Protocol (POLAR) for Wireless Mesh Networks

吳耀先, Wu,Yao-Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
為了降低無線網路基地台後端之backhaul成本及解決Ad hoc網路涵蓋面積問題,無線網狀網路WMNs(Wireless Mesh Networks)因此應運而生。WMNs網路上的節點裝置與Ad hoc網路上的行動裝置對電量消耗及負載的需求是非常不同的,所以在Ad hoc網路上可使用之路由協定在WMNs網路上是無法直接適用的。 在Pure Ad hoc網路上考量Power之MMBCR(Min-Max Battery Cost Routing)及考量Loading之CSLAR(Contention Sensitive Load Aware Routing)等路由協定並沒有考量到WMNs網路上不同元件間的不同特性。有鑑於此,我們著重在Hybrid WMNs網路環境上,並提出了在Mesh Clients及Routers上同時考量Power及Loading的路徑演算法,我們稱之為POLAR。實驗結果顯示我們的路由協定能夠提昇整體的網路效能及延長網路存活時間。 / In order to reduce the backhaul cost and solve Ad hoc network coverage problem, WMNs (Wireless Mesh Networks) arise at the historic moment. The requirements on power efficiency and loading are much different between mesh nodes of WMNs and mobile hosts of ad hoc networks. The routing protocol used in Ad hoc networks would be not suitable in WMN networks. The power-aware routing in MMBCR (Min-Max Battery Cost Routing) and load-aware routing in CSLAR (Contention Sensitive Load Aware Routing) used in pure Ad hoc networks don‘t consider the different characteristics of the components in WMNs. In view of this, we focus on the Hybrid WMNs environment, and propose a combined POwer-Aware with Load-Aware Routing algorithm (Called POLAR) along mesh clients and routers. The experimental results show that our routing protocol can enhance the network efficiency and lengthen the network live time.

台灣民眾選制知識之研究 / Citizen's Electoral Knowledge in Taiwan

王丞玄, Wang, Cheng Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
台灣在2005年通過修憲,將過去立委選舉所採用的「複數選區單記非讓渡投票制」改為「單一選區兩票並立制」,並於2008年第七屆立委選舉首度實施。有關民眾對新選制的知識以及選制知識如何影響其投票參與行為遂逐漸引起學界的關注。然而過去國內相關研究對於民眾選制知識的測量都只聚焦於新選制的制度成分(事實性選制知識),並沒有進一步探索民眾對這些制度成分可能帶來的政治影響的瞭解程度(概念性選制知識)。基於這樣的認識,本文嘗試延續現有為數不多的選制知識文獻,進一步延伸討論民眾對於不同類型選制知識的認知情形,一方面除了釐清事實性與概念性選制知識兩者之間的相關性以及各自的影響因素之外,另一方面則試圖探討不同類型的選制知識與選民分裂投票的關聯性。      在經驗資料的研究結果上我們發現,事實性與概念性選制知識之間的關係為低度的正相關;民眾的教育程度、性別、年齡、對2012年選舉的關注程度、政治新聞接觸的頻率等,皆是同時影響民眾事實性與概念性選制知識的相同變數;此外,2008年立委選舉有沒有去投票此變數只與民眾的事實性選制知識達到統計上顯著的正相關,而政黨認同強度也只會影響民眾概念性選制知識的高低。在分裂投票的研究結果方面,事實性而非概念性選制知識才是影響因素。      本文以初探性的角度出發,期許透過本文的發現,使得相關研究學者能注意到概念性(選制)知識的重要性,往後不僅只是注意事實性(選制)知識的內涵,未來更要深入瞭解概念性知識在激發、引導及合理化民眾政治評價及政治行為的可能性。同時在檢討與建議部分,本文也討論了概念性知識測量的困難,可能造成分析上的不足,這也是未來研究民眾選制知識,或是一般政治知識時所必須克服的挑戰。

設計導向的知識翻新學習對師資培育生教學知識之影響 / Effects of design-based knowledge building on pre-service teachers’ teaching knowledge

蔡函汝, Tsai, Han Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討設計導向的知識翻新學習對師培生的學習有何影響,包括探討其學習結果與學習歷程,同時本研究也分析各學習分組間的差異。研究對象為修習教學媒體與操作課程之44位師培生,以小組為單位進行課程,每組4至5人,共分為10組,採個案研究法。 資料來源包括:(1)師培生三次教案設計;(2)師培生三次教案設計之組內討論;(3)師培生三次教案設計後同儕回饋。資料分析方式說明如下:其一、將三次教案設計根據改編的教案評量表進行教案品質評分,透過相依樣本無母數檢定,比較其成果是否有所改變。其二、根據Mishra和Koehler(2006)所提出之七項教學知識架構,將三次基於教案設計的小組討論及同儕回饋進行編碼,以了解各組想法及回饋中所包含的教學知識有何改變;並以想法類別編碼分析各組師培生討論之想法有何差異。其三、利用集群分析各學習小組,比較不同集群之間學習成果與學習歷程之異同,並藉由質性分析探討各小組如何討論及設計教案,並剖析差異原因。 主要研究結果如下:(1)師培生整體教案設計品質提升,其中又在教學創新及創意表現向度(Z= 2.87,p < .01)與教學架構向度(Z=2.55,p < .05)上有顯著成長。(2)在各組教案設計討論過程中,發現包含一項教學知識的想法數量有顯著減少趨勢(Z=-2.81,P<.01);在各組收到的回饋中也發現,回饋包含兩項教學知識者於期末則有明顯成長趨勢(Z= 2.19,p < .05)。(3)利用集群分析將各組師培生教案設計所討論的想法進行分類,結果得到兩大集群,其一在認知及後設認知類型想法中產出較多,命名為想法高產出組;另一群則相反,命名為想法低產出組。此外研究還發現,想法高產出組在教案設計之創新及創意面向(t=2.33,p<.05)、教學媒體及科技面向(t=2.80,p<.05)顯著高於低想法產出組,也較低產出組能產出更多認知及後設認知類型討論想法。 綜上述而言,本研究發現設計導向的知識翻新學習歷程有助於師培生教學媒體教案設計之翻新,並提升師培生在討論及回饋中融合運用教學知識之能力。此外亦發現,能提出較多高階類型想法組別,其教案設計之創新程度、科技使用品質及給予他組回饋的表現上,相較之下也較佳。本研究建議教師在教學上應同時兼顧師培生討論數量及品質,鼓勵學生不斷提升討論的想法層次,並適時介入低產出組學生討論之中,協助學生不斷改進其教案設計的想法,以提升其教案設計所需的相關教學知識。 / The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of design-based knowledge building on pre-service teachers’ teaching knowledge. This research adopted a case study design. Participants were 44 undergraduate pre-service teachers who engaged in a course pertaining to the design of instructional media. They were divided into 10 learning groups. Data sources included: (1) pre-service teachers’ design of three lesson plans; (2) pre-service teachers’ discussion within groups; and (3) peer feedback after presentation of each group’s lesson plan. The process of data analysis is as follows: First, lesson plans were assessed by an evaluation form, and then analyzed by using nonparametric tests to see if there was any change in the design of lesson plans. Second, the three discussion and peer-feedback activities within each group were analyzed by open coding using two different coding schemes: “Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge—TPACK” (Mishra & Koehler, 2006), and quality of ideas. Third, using cluster analysis to divide 10 groups into different clusters, this study further compared students’ learning processes and outcomes between groups. The findings were as follows: (1) It was found that the design quality of lesson plans were enhanced, especially in terms of the innovative and creative teaching performance dimension (Z = 2.87, p <.01) and the design framework dimension (Z = 2.55, p <.05); (2) In the course of group discussion, teaching ideas that contained only one type of teaching knowledge (e.g., content knowledge) had decreased significantly (Z=-2.81,P<.01). Teaching feedback (received from other groups) regarding two types of teaching knowledge (e.g., pedagogical content knowledge) increased significantly (Z= 2.19,p < .05). (3) Using cluster analysis, this study classified 10 groups into 2 clusters based on groups’ discussion about teaching ideas. One cluster outperformed in both cognitive and meta-cognitive types of teaching ideas was named high-productive cluster; the other cluster was named less-productive cluster. High-productive cluster was superior to low-productive cluster in terms of the “Innovative and Creative Teaching” and “Instructional Media and Technology Use” dimensions for lesson plans, and in terms of the quality of feedback they provided to their peer groups. The main findings were as follows: (1) Design-based knowledge building helps pre-service teachers’ to design more innovatively their lesson plans and to enhance their teaching knowledge; (2) It was found that the groups who could work more creatively with ideas could also produce more innovative lesson plans, and were also more likely to give away quality feedback to other peer groups. Based on the findings, it is suggested that teachers should not just pay attention to the quantity of discussion posts, but also the quality of idea discussed. It is also important to encourage student to work innovatively and collaboratively with ideas during discussion. Teachers should also try to intervene and help provide necessary scaffolds to the low-productive groups so as to encourage them to continuously improve their teaching ideas.

管理顧問服務業國際化策略之研究 / The Study of Internationalization Strategy for Taiwanese Management Counsulting Service Firms

鍾宜靜, Chung, Jocelyn Unknown Date (has links)
在資訊時代引領的知識經濟中,知識密集型服務業已成為產業發展價值鏈中的重要一環,在創新中起著重要作用。 本研究主題在探討台灣的管理顧問服務公司要走向國際化應有的策略與重點執行方向。採取單一個案研究方法,以折衷理論和資源基礎理論為基礎的研究架構來檢視悦智全球顧問這個個案的狀況,並與顧問產業中國際化程度最深的標竿個案麥肯錫相比較,來進行台灣管理顧問公司走向國際化策略的探討。 研究結果發現,台灣管理顧問公司的國際化發展規劃,必須要先著重於:1) 人才資源管理 – 著重領導力,培養未來領袖 2)加速知識管理的能力建置 3)經驗值的累積與傳承制度 / Leading the knowledge economy in the information age, knowledge-intensive service industry has become an important part of the industry value chain, and plays an important role in innovation. This research topic is to explore the gaps and the implementation of a strategy and direction for Taiwan's management consultancy services company when it comes to be internationalizing of its operation. This thesis take single case research method, forming the research framework based on Eclectic Theory and Resource-Based View to examine the case of Atelligent Global Consulting, and comparing to the benchmark case McKinsey which has the deepest degree of internationalization in the consultancy industry, to discuss the internationalization strategy for Taiwanese management consultant firms. Findings, Taiwan management consultants international development plan must focus on: 1) human resource management – focuses on leadership, training future leaders 2) accelerate knowledge management capacity-building 3) experience accumulation and transmission system.

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