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台糖開創蝴蝶蘭產業組織新制度分析黃瀚諄, Huang,Han Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過田野調查以及非線性之質化比較方法,試圖分析台糖開創蝴蝶蘭產業組織新制度的建構模式。研究時間點的劃分,主要以1985年蝴蝶蘭產業小型試種至2001年組織邁入新紀元為止。事實上,在制度環境的架構上,台糖公司發展新興產業的抉擇,隨時間而有階段性的選擇,凸顯了新制度理論在制度環境變遷上歷史性之偶然的觀點(Mizruchi et al. 2006)。事實上,台糖公司落實蝴蝶蘭產業之發展並使之商業化,必須透過三個面向予以說明,首先,制度環境上,組織透過鬆散式結合之運作邏輯化解正式化組織過於僵化的運作模式,並藉此運用正式化組織之資源,結合組織內外之正向的制度環境,發展領先的蝴蝶蘭經營與栽培能力。另外,能夠如此地善用組織資源與變革制度環境,關鍵在於推展產業時,組織任用具有社會技能的制度企業家,不僅聯繫組織內外之菁英,也創造了獨特的經營模式。最後,制度能夠逐漸形成,必須觀察個體行動對於制度環境日常生活實踐的情形,台糖公司在產業開創之時,因其農業企業公司之特質具備優異的農業知識,又基於台灣民間蝴蝶蘭知識資源深厚,經由非正式的接觸,創造了蝴蝶蘭知識,也透過互動的模式擴散知識的分享。 / Taiwan Sugar Company developed an Orchid industry in 1985. It turns flower planting into business in order to continue the advantage in Taiwan. The industry originated from State-owned enterprises, which is the formal way of organization. The organization succeeded in developing orchid industry in the world. It helps that there are entrepreneurs who have the social skills to mobilize members and alter strategies in the organization; therefore, the organization can expand these useful institutions and resolve the institutional myth.
The study used field research and qualitative comparative analysis to analyze the structural model of the organizational institution when Taiwan Sugar Company initiated orchid industry from 1985 to 2001. In fact, choosing the produce for this developing industry depends on different stages. It appears that the viewpoint of new institutional theory is that institutional transformation is historically contingent (Mizruchi et al. 2006). Actually, there are three levels that Taiwan Sugar Company uses to develop orchid industry and turn flower planting into business. First, the organization is loosely coupled with formal organization in order to resolve inconsistencies. Moreover, it uses the resources of formal organization and links institutional environment. There was positive feedback about becoming a pioneer in managing and planting in the orchid industry. Second, because there are entrepreneurs who have social skills, the organization can use the advantage of resources and institutional environment. It not only connects the people who own high capability in orchid, but also creates special business model. Finally, the study surveys individual action in the institutional environment, in order to research and understand how to form an institution. When Taiwan Sugar Company created the orchid industry, it was a state-owned enterprise and had rich knowledge in agriculture; in addition, there is rich knowledge about orchids in Taiwanese society. From interaction between the members in the organization and farmers in society, it has created knowledge in orchids and diffused the knowledge in the field.
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低價小筆記型電腦市場區隔研究-以華碩Eee PC為例 / The research of market segmentation for low-price laptop--taking ASUS Eee PC for example蔡桂賓, Tsai, Kuei Pin Unknown Date (has links)
Eee PC的低價小筆記型電腦的銷售成功,小筆記型電腦衍然己被筆記型電腦廠商視為下一個藍海市場,以產品生命週期來看,Eee PC由萌芽期進入成長期,而早期辨出消費者中的創新使用者及早期採用者,在新產品發展階段有策略上的重要意義,本研究目的在進一步辨識出消費者及其使用習慣,讓市場行銷人員能選定目標市場及制定適當的行銷策略。
本研究以消費者決策歷程(Consumer Decision Process, CDP)為基礎,在配合科技接受理論TAM (Technology Acceptable Model)當中的有用知覺(Perceived Usefuless, PU) 及易用知覺 (Perceived Eas of Use, PEOU) 發展成本研究的研究架構,並以線上問卷便利取樣己購買Eee PC的消費者,以AIO生活型態做為Eee PC消費者使用者行為的市場區隔基礎,以市場區隔理論(Segmentation)及創新擴散理論將消費者予以區隔,利用因素分析、集群分析、變異數分析、卡方檢定及區別分析等統計方法做為分析方法的工具,試圖分辨出購買Eee PC的使用者並了解Eee PC購買者的使用習慣。
(1)Eee PC消費者具有創新者與早期使用者的特性
(2)依Eee PC消費者之購買行為資料分析,消費者最重視的產品屬性
(3)Eee PC消費者資訊搜尋對象以網站為主,但購買仍以實體通路為
(4)Eee PC消費者購買用途以休閒娛樂及工作課業需要為主,不同族
(6)依知覺程度來看,各族群在知覺程度上有所不同。 / The success of selling of ASUS’s Eee PC, the low-priced laptop, led Eee PC be taken as the next blue ocean for notebook manufactures. In the product life cycle of Eee PC, it has been changed from the introduction stage to growth stage. Early identification of the innovators and early adoptors is a strategical important meaning for new product development. The research is to identify the the consumers and their consuming habits, so that the marketing departments can select an ideal market segment and to employ effective marketing tactics.
The research is based on the conceptual framework for the consumer decision process proposed by Kolter & Keller (2007) and combines the perspective from the Technology Acceptance Model proposed by Davis(1989) to identify the consumer of Eee PC and explores their satisfacation and how they use Eee PC. Finally, the research uses the traditional stastics tool to differentiate Eee PC buyers based on Psychology variables from AIO theory proposed by Plummer(1974) and segmentation theory proposed by Wind(1978).
The research obtains the following findings:
(1) Eee PC buyers can be distinguished as innovator and rearly adoptor.
(2) According to the data analysis from Eee PC, the features that consumers highly concerned are easy and light for hand-carry instead of cheap price.
(3) Eee PC buyers use internet to search information, but they buy Eee PC via the physical channel or stores
(4) Eee PC buyers use Eee PC for entertainment and academic or job
(5) As the point of view in demographic, two clusters are significance different.
(6) As the point of view in perspective, two clusters are significance different.
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我國科技公司採用產品生命週期管理(PLM)系統下的研發知識管理活動之探討 / Knowledge management in R&D division under the implementation of PLM system: The case of Taiwanese high-tech companies廖柏侖 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所得到的初步研究發現包括:(1)在研發知識管理推行實務上,企業需同時重視組織與資訊科技兩構面的作為,並將兩者平衡使知識管理達到真正的效益;(2)企業的知識分享文化與高階領導者態度等內部因素,對於研發人員的知識管理活動具關鍵影響力;(3)績效評估制度知識管理目標的配合,有助於知識管理效益的提昇;(4)企業研發創新的程度影響其知識創造的來源;(5)企業透過供應鏈的多元合作關係,形成知識創造的網路關係;因此,品牌廠商與代工廠商兩者的知識管理活動具有相依性;(6)企業透過PLM系統的採用將知識管理結合於作業流程之中,並使研發過程中個人之知識轉化為組織之知識;(7)企業的知識管理策略影響其知識擴散之作為。本研究最後並對企業經理人與後續研究者分別提出實務上與研究上之建議。 / Taiwanese high-tech industry has been emphasized the value of R&D innovation since 2000 in order to survive under the strong competition in globalization environment. The capability of innovation and efficiency of product development have been on the highly priority of companies. Hence, Taiwanese companies implement the product lifecycle management (PLM) system to improve product development schedule. Knowledge is an important intangible asset for companies in the 21th century. Because of PLM system, companies could manage R&D knowledge through collecting and linking R&D project or event. However, the promotion of knowledge management could not exist without the information systems and organization activities.
This article considers the knowledge management activities from organizational and technical aspects. The purpose of the research is to examine the knowledge management of R&D division under the implementation of PLM system, and find out the key factors which influent R&D knowledge management. The research adopts four Taiwanese high-tech companies as Case Studies and has interviews with managers to understand knowledge management in R&D division under the implementation of PLM system. By knowing inside information of knowledge management in the R&D division of companies would make my research more practical and well-organized to give examples and facts to the future implementation of PLM system for Taiwan industries.
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探討顧客關係、知識創造與動態能力對企業進入新市場領域之影響-以A公司為例 / A study of the influence of customer relationship, knowledge creation and dynamic capability upon performance of new business development王彬, Wang, Pin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究提出三點管理實務建議:企業當隨時調整內部流程以配合顧客之個別流程,從雙方高度互動中創造共鳴性知識,達到雙贏局面;企業應當加強市場需求辨識敏銳度,提昇組織更新內外部能力的效率,創造嶄新優勢;深化企業文化與價值於員工心中,建立樂於分享之工作環境與氛圍,深紮成長根基。 / How enterprise crosses the knowledge gap to get into undeveloped marketplaces or satisfy unmet customer needs?
This research adopts the “Case Study” research method to study the success factors and best practices from selected enterprise who has been successfully crossed the knowledge gap and won the installed-base from new marketplaces.
This research selects HP/Agilent Technologies as the target company, who is the market leader among the test and instrument industry. This research framework is consists of knowledge creation, dynamic capability and customer relationship dimensions. Purpose to validate each research dimension is able to contribute the performance of getting into new marketplace or not, and also validate the interrelationship across these three dimensions. The variables used for customer relationship dimension include customer trust and loyalty, for knowledge creation dimension include knowledge spirals of epistemological and ontological domains, for dynamic capability dimension include key process, position and path of enterprise.
Findings of this research: (1) these three research dimensions have been validated all are able to contribute to the performance of new entrance, and every dimension also interrelates to others. (2) Best practices from the case-study company include front-end employees follow the “Customer First” culture to develop the best customer relationships and gain mutual trust from owned customers. Trust and respect people, and encourage open communications both contribute to knowledge creation. Management team not only supports the employee development, but also delivers the training programs by themselves, which accelerates the knowledge conversion and accumulation. Proactively change on process and resource allocation to echo to the environmental change. (3) Interactive with customer proactively, create new knowledge through project execution. More knowledge conversion, more trust. More trust, then higher customer loyalty. (4) Develop learning path together with customer, which creates the interdependence relationships with customer when moves to next strategic position. (5) Be focused and rely on dedicated team to invest on market development, support with valuable solution offering, and manage the most updated knowledge creation processes to develop long-term strategic resources.
Conclusions of this research, (1) enterprise adopts proactive account management approach to interact with customers. The front-end employee creates knowledge conversion and learning path with customer for next strategic resource development. (2) The field middle-level manager plays critical role on knowledge creation and dynamic capability update.
Recommendations on managerial practice include (1) enterprise should adopt internal change proactively to match with individual account process, which promotes the best interactions with customers. (2) Enterprise should be more sensitive to distinguish the external change, and improve organizational capabilities to maintain his competitive advantage. (3) Cultivate corporate culture and values into people mindset. Encourage employee shares success with others.
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論化學發明之非顯而易知性—美國聯邦巡迴上訴法院案例分析 / Non-obviousness in chemical invention - an analysis of CAFC case study黃俊傑, Hwang, Jiunn-Jye Unknown Date (has links)
化學發明是專利申請領域別中另一個重要的領域,醫學藥品的龐大商機是重要的推手,因為大多數藥物的活性成份為有機小分子化合物,且研發一新藥,須費時10到15年,研發經費估計高達26億美金,各大專利藥廠當然積極申請專利,保護投資。另一方面,Hatch-Waxman Act鼓勵學名藥可以盡早上市,使一般民眾能以較便宜的價格取得所需藥品。在美國藥品市場數千億美元的商機吸引下,學名藥廠積極挑戰專利藥廠之專利權。其中非顯而易知性要件認定,為雙方訴訟爭點。
2007年,美國聯邦最高法院在KSR案,針對非顯而易知性,重申Graham 案建立的非顯而易知性判斷法則的重要性,與重新適用顯而易知的嘗試。KSR判決後,許多文章討論KSR判決將不只針對機械組合發明,同時也將會對醫藥化學發明非顯而易知性之認定標準,產生一定的影響。
本論文研究KSR判決後, CAFC使用顯而易知的嘗試、與先導化合物分析(lead compound analysis)判斷準則,於醫藥產業化學發明專利的非顯而易知性的判決。CAFC於涉及組合藥物或配方調配案件,使用顯而易知的嘗試審查基準;使用先導化合物分析,都涉及系爭藥物中「活性成份結構」的非顯而易知性認定,CAFC針對不同類型的化學發明案件,採用了不同的審查基準。
KSR判決雖然重新啟用「顯而易知的嘗試」判斷準則,且CAFC適用「顯而易知的嘗試」的案件,亦明顯的增加。唯,本論文研究發現,於醫藥產業化學發明專利的非顯而易知性的判決,仍明顯高於對非藥品相關案件。 / Chemical invention is one of key art in patent application driving from the huge market size of medicines, in which active ingredients are organic molecules. The average cost to research and develop each successful drug is estimated to be $2.6 billion US dollars, and took 10 to 15 years. In other word, whether pharmaceutical companies can recover their investment in drug development heavily depends on the patent protection of their drugs. On the other hand, the Hatch-Waxman Act introduced in 1984 created the generic drug pathway to the market, so general public can obtain the drugs at a affordable price. However, within this framework, the validity of drug patents are often challenged by generic manufactures, mainly the "non-obviousness" requirement in patent system.
During this lengthy and expensive drug discovery, chemist often entails making small modifications to lead compounds to establish structure-activity relationship (SAR) to speed up the process. Those modifications might be deemed “obvious to try”—and then studying the largely unpredictable, yet critical, resulting biological effects.
In 2007, the Supreme Court of the United States, in KSR decision, reasserted that a prima facie case of obviousness may be determined by the framework set forth in Graham and "obvious to try" test. Since then, there are predictions that KSR decision will have a substantial impact in pharmaceutical and life sciences arts.
This study, we examine the CAFC ruling in pharmaceutical arts regarding to "non-obviousness" issue by "obvious to try" and "lead compound analysis" test after the KSR decision. And found that the "non-obviousness" judgment of the chemical invention patent in the pharmaceutical industry was still significantly higher than that of the non-drug-related cases.
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從PC時代到IA時代-日本半導體廠商之技術知識特質與知識管理作為之研究 / From PC era to IA era - How Characteristics of Technological Knowledge impacts on Knowledge Management: A Case Study on Japanese Semiconductor Industry謝慶龍, Hsieh, Ching-Lung Unknown Date (has links)
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知識翻新教學對小學生 科學探究活動與科學合作概念之影響 / Effects of knowledge building on elementary students’science learning activities and their views on scientific collaboration王博賢, Wang, Po Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在探究國小學生,在利用「知識論壇」 (Knowledge Forum)—一個以知識翻新(knowledge-building)教育思想為核心所建立的電腦輔助合作學習(CSCL)平台—進行教學之前與之後,在「科學學習歷程」與「科學合作概念」上的改變情形。研究對象為台北市某國小五年級學生。資料來源主要為課堂觀察、上課錄影資料、知識論壇平台上的活動記錄、以及集體訪談的前後測訪談稿。實驗共分二組:(1) 實驗組使用知識論壇平台進行知識翻新教學;(2) 控制組則以傳統講授與小組合作方式授課。
研究結果主要有以下四點:(1) 課堂觀察與錄影資料分析顯示,在傳統的課堂中(控制組)教師主導的活動佔據大部分上課時間,然而在進行知識翻新教學之課堂中(實驗組),學生則使用更多的時間進行同儕間的互動與合作;(2) 知識論壇平台活動記錄分析結果發現,在論壇的輔助下進行知識翻新教學,有助於幫助學生跳脫分工合作的小組活動、進行更機遇式(opportunistic)的合作學習;(3) 平台中的發文內容分析顯示,經過18週的課程,學生有更多以合作為基礎的學習活動;(4) 訪談稿前測結果指出,學生對於科學知識本質的「暫時性」與「共構性」僅有初步瞭解。在合作方式上,多數學生認為科學家會合作,然而在合作的方式上則普遍強調以「分工」為基礎的科學合作,而非以「創新」知識為基礎的合作方式。訪談稿後測結果則指出,經過知識翻新課程後,受試國小學生已漸能形成以創新為基礎(而非任務為導向)的科學合作概念。
本研究主要的結論有四點:(1) 知識翻新教學有助於促進學生間的互動學習;(2) 在知識翻新教學後學生有更多以合作為基礎的探究活動;(3) 本研究中的小學生已普遍有合作的理念,但仍停留在分工合作的觀點;以及(4) 知識翻新教學可以有助於幫助學生形成以創新為主的合作觀。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of knowledge building on fifth-grader’ science learning process and their views on collaboration. A software program called Knowledge Forum—which is designed based on knowledge-building theory—was employed to complement student learning. Participants were 53 fifth-graders from an urban school in Taipei. Data source mainly came from video-taping of classroom activities, class observation records, group interview, and the online activities automatically recorded in the Knowledge Forum platform. The students were divided into two groups for comparison: (1) the experiment group adopted knowledge building pedagogy; (2) the control group adopted traditional instruction that combined both teacher lectures and student collaboration in groups.
The main findings are as follows: (1) as shown in the video and the classroom observation data, it was found that in the traditional (control) class, teacher-led activities took up the majority of class time; in contrast, in the knowledge building (experimental) class, students had more time for peer interaction and collaboration; (2) as the online activity data showed, it was found that engaging in knowledge building helped students to move away from division of labor and to engage in more opportunistic collaboration ; (3) based on content analysis on student online discussion, it was found that students progressively performed more collaborative activities towards the end of this class; and (4) as evidenced in the pre-post interview data, it was found that students initially had a more limited understanding of scientific knowledge as “tentative” and “co-constructive”. In addition, while they thought scientists work together, they tended to highlight the kind of teamwork based on division of labor, rather than the kind of teamwork aimed to create new knowledge. However, the post-interview data showed that after engaging in knowledge building for 18 weeks, students began to see scientific collaboration as more innovation-oriented, and less task-oriented.
Based on the findings, the following conclusions were made: (1) engaging students in knowledge building was helpful for promoting more interaction among students; (2) knowledge building progressively fostered more scientific inquiry activities that is based on collaboration; (3) before attending this study, students had already the concept of cooperation, and such concept is highly based on division of labor, but after engaging in knowledge building, they were able to gradually develop a more creative view of collaboration.
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預售屋、新成屋與中古屋之偏好選擇 / Housing choice among presale houses, newly constructed houses and existing houses.王俊鈞, Wang, Jiun Jiun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用內政部營建署「住宅需求動向調查」資料,利用混合多項羅吉特模型探討不同限制條件下,預售屋、新成屋與中古屋之個體選擇行為。實證結果顯示,投資者較偏好於購買知覺風險較高之預售屋,期待以高知覺風險換取高的報酬;教育程度較高者,因對居住品質要求愈高,因此傾向於選擇設備新穎之預售屋與新成屋;家戶平均月所得較高之購屋者,負擔能力較高,因此選擇總價較高之預售屋機率較高,其次為新成屋。此外,搜尋頻率愈高者,選擇預售屋之機率愈高,因預售屋無實體存在,預售屋購屋者為降低其知覺風險,將花費更高之搜尋成本。在價格彈性分析部分,實證結果顯示預售屋之競爭力最高,但預售屋之受衝擊力亦最高,而中古屋之競爭力於三種市場類型中居次,但中古屋衝擊力最小,因此,當單價屬性發生變動時,較不影響中古屋購屋者之選擇,但卻大幅影響預售屋購屋者之選擇機率。 / Every household would face housing choice, the past housing choice study founded that households decided tenure choice first, if they decides to buy a house, they first decided on what location, and then decided what type of housing to buy, but it has not been mentioned the housing choice among different residential market types. Pre-sale houses, newly constructed houses and existing houses implied different effectiveness and risks, affecting the choice of homebuyers. This article tried to discuss homeowners’ choice among different residential market types.
This study use Construction and Planning Agency, "Housing Demand Survey of 2009" data, use mixed multinomial logit model, investigated under different constraints, housing choice behavior among pre-sale houses, newly constructed houses and existing houses. The empirical results showed that investors prefer higher perceived risk in buying pre-sale housing, looking for a high perceived risk and high rewards; higher education level, due to the higher quality requirements for living, so they preferred pre-sale houses and newly constructed houses. Homebuyers which have higher average monthly household income, have more affordable ability, so the probability of choosing pre-sale houses are much higher, followed by the newly constructed houses. In addition, the higher search frequency were more likely to choose pre-sale houses because pre-sale houses for sale no physical presence, pre-sale housing homebuyers in order to reduce their perceived risk, would spend more search costs. In the price elasticity analysis, empirical results showed that the pre-sale houses had the highest competitiveness, but the impact force was also the highest, while the existing houses market, the competitiveness of the third types was the second place, and the competitiveness of the existing houses was the smallest. Thus, when a change in unit price attribute, does not affect existing houses homebuyers, but significantly affected the choice probability of pre-sale houses homebuyers.
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兩岸新產品專案之技術知識特質與知識創新管理研究-以資訊硬體產業為例 / A Study on Relationship of Characteristics of Technological Knowledge and Knowledge Innovation Management on NPD Project in Taiwan and Mainland China--A Case Study of Computer Manufacturing Industry林恩鍵 Unknown Date (has links)
並依研究結論提出具體建議,對產業界提出針對投資的外部環境和廠商內部組織運作上兩方面,在投資外部環境上有「掌握大陸經營環境的變化」、「善用大陸的資源」、「重視產業互動和加強廠商互助」等,在廠商內部組織運作上有「廣泛的吸收資源網路中的知識並引進不同背景的員工」、「建構資訊管理系統有效儲存知識」、「利用知識技術的可分割性,建立企業的競爭優勢」、「有效運用組織內部成員意見,促進產品知識創新」等具體建議。 / This study discussed how the characteristics of technological knowledge influence the knowledge management, including input, adsorption and integration, storage, and circulation via NPD project in Taiwan and Mainland China. Furthermore, the purpose of this study was to discuss the following topics:
1. How does the knowledge transfer via NPD project from Taiwanese company to China subsidiary company?
2. What characteristics of technological knowledge do the NPD projects have in Taiwanese company and China subsidiary company?
3. What is the relationship between the characteristics of technological knowledge and NPD project knowledge management?
According to the analyses of six cases in computer manufacturing industry, the study has generated the following conclusions:
1. The complexity of technological knowledge characteristics can affect the composition of team members.
2. The segmentation of technological knowledge characteristics can affect the model of cooperation in the project in Taiwanese company and China subsidiary company.
3. The segmentation of technological knowledge characteristics can affect the communication style in the project.
4. The explicitness of technological knowledge can affect the model of project transfer.
5. The explicitness of technological knowledge can affect the background of project leader.
6. The standardization of technological knowledge can affect the input of knowledge.
7. The relative technology ability in China subsidiary company can affect the path dependency of technological knowledge.
8. Two driving forces influence the investment in computer manufacturing industry in Mainland China, one is customer's suggestion, the other is labor costs.
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知識空間、專屬資產投資、跨組織學習與代工績效關聯性之研究-以通訊代工廠商為例 / The research of relationships among knowledge space, asset specific investment, inter-organization learning and performance of outsourcing - a case study of communication subcontractors陳東賢, Chen ,Tung Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
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