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科技學科教學知識、教師信念和知識創新學習環境相關之研究 / A Relationship among Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Teaching Belief, and Knowledge Building Environment.王巧鳳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在於了解國中教師資訊科技融入教學的情形,並探討教師教學信念、科技學科教學知識(Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, TPACK)和知識創新學習環境間的關係;同時並分析教師背景變項對TPACK表現造成的影響。
本研究改編外語教師TPCK調查研究問卷(Chai et al., 2011)和知識創新學習環境(Lin et al., 2014)之問卷,形成本研究資訊融入教學的問卷,對桃園市國中老師390位進行施測,統計方法上使用一般描述性統計、皮爾遜積差相關、單因子多變異數分析、多元迴歸分析以驗證假設問題。
研究發現如下:(1)教學年資較淺、任教術科教師、有使用教學平台及每周上網時間較長的教師在TPACK表現較佳。(2)學習者中心的教師信念、TPACK和知識創新學習環境之間具有顯著關係存在。(3)學習者中心的教學信念對TPACK的表現具最佳預測力。(4)教師的TPACK能力對知識創新學習環境也具預測力。本研究並根據上述研究發現提出相關的結論與建議以供教師或教育機關參考。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK), teaching belief, and knowledge building environment, in order to understand how teachers may integrate information technologies into their instruction.
This study attempts to answer the following research questions: (1) what are some major demographic variables that may influence middle school teachers’ TPACK level? (2) How are teaching belief, TPACK level, and knowledge building environment related to one another? (3) Can teaching belief help predict middle-school teachers’ TPACK level? (4) Can higher TPACK level help teachers to cultivate more creative knowledge building environment?
Data from 390 samples were obtained from middle school teachers in Taoyuan, Taiwan, through an adapted survey. The statistics employed for data analysis include descriptive statistics , Pearson's correlation analysis, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression.
The major findings were as follow:(1) Teachers who had less years of teaching experiences, or taught non-examination-oriented subjects, or had experiences of using teaching platforms or used Internet more often, tended to have higher TPACK level. (2)There were significant correlations among teaching belief, TPACK level, and knowledge building environment. (3)Student-centered teaching belief was found to predict teachers’ TPACK level. (4) Higher TPACK level was also found to predict teachers’ capacity to foster more creative knowledge building environment. Based on the findings, relevant conclusions and suggestions were also made for teachers and educational policy-makers.
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不同訊息的目標設定對內在動機的影響林文蘭, LIN, WEN-LAN Unknown Date (has links)
認知評價理論(cognitive evaluation theory )認為個人行為的自我控制感以及能
實驗結果採用Dunna 的事前考驗分析,分析時又將每一個實驗組分別區分為已達到目
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十九世紀俄國知識份子的覺醒:別林思基之研究余敏玲, Yu, Min-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
播種者之一。本論文擬有十九世紀俄國著名的文學批評家別林斯基(Vissarilon Beli
Circle )。別林斯基陰鬱的童年,使他不禁要問:人活著是為了什么?人生的意義何
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從產品知識與說服知識的差異,探討比較式手法對閱聽人廣告態度的影響 / 一個中介模式的驗證黃聖哲, Huang,Sheng Jer Unknown Date (has links)
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探討產品置入對消費者態度與購買意願之影響─以韓國手機置入韓劇為例李廷妍, Lee Cheng Yen Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,廠商與廣告人員試圖採用另一種有別於傳統宣傳模式的方法將產品或品牌以較自然的、較不易被察覺的宣傳方式影響消費者,將產品「置入」在電影之中,稱為「產品置入」(Product Placement)。
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契合度與產品知識對品牌策略效果之影響 / The Effects of Fitness and Product Knowledge on Branding Strategy張茂嵩, Chang, Derek Mao-Song Unknown Date (has links)
本研究經由前測,選擇Nokia及Nike作為母品牌,根據契合度的高、中、低,Nokia的延伸產品依序為PDA、隨身聽、臉部保養品;Nike的延伸產品依序為牛仔褲、防曬乳液、牙膏。並以模擬的18張彩色平面廣告施測於1035位大學生,進行3 (品牌策略:品牌延伸、品牌傘、新創品牌) x 3 (契合度:高、中、低) x 2 (產品知識:高、低) 的實驗。
整體而言,企業推出新產品時,採用品牌傘策略的效果較佳,是一個兼具品牌延伸及新創品牌兩策略優點的品牌策略,但在契合度與產品知識的調節作用之下,品牌傘策略的適用範圍有所限制,在延伸產品與母品牌為高契合度、低契合度時,以及當消費者為低產品知識者時,品牌傘策略並非最佳策略。行銷人員可視不同情境採用不同的品牌策略。 / The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of three kinds of branding strategies: brand extension strategy, umbrella branding strategy, and new brand strategy. Basing on the moderate effect of fitness and consumer’s product knowledge, the influence of these three strategies on the consumer reliability and the consumer acceptability will be evaluated. The feedback of the original brand’s perceived qualities brought by brand extension strategy and umbrella branding strategy are also taken into consideration.
Nokia and Nike were selected as original brands. When dividing fitness into high, medium, and low level, PDAs, walkmans, and skincare products were selected as Nokia’s extended products by this order. Jeans, sun blocks, and toothpastes were also chosen as Nike’s extended products. A 3 (branding strategies: brand extension strategy, umbrella branding strategy, new brand strategy) x 3 (fitness: high, medium, low) x 2 (product knowledge: high, low) experimental design collected data from 1035 college students through 18 color printed advertisements.
The main effect of brand strategy suggested that the umbrella branding strategy is prior to the new brand strategy in consumer reliability, and it is also prior to the brand extension strategy in consumer acceptability. Under the moderate effect of fitness, it is suggested to apply brand extension strategy while extending brands to the products with high fitness, to adopt the umbrella branding strategy as extending brands to those having medium fitness, and to utilize new brand strategy when the fitness is at low level. When moderate effect of product knowledge is discussed, it is suggested to apply umbrella branding strategy instead of brand extension strategy or new brand strategy whenever consumers’ product knowledge is at high level. Furthermore, if consumers’ product knowledge is low, utilizing brand extension strategy, instead of new brand strategy, will lead to high consumer reliability. As for the feedbacks to perceived quality of the original brands, when extending brands to the products with low fitness, adopting the extending brand strategy tends to damage more to the original brands than adopting the umbrella branding strategy. If extending brands to the products with medium fitness, utilizing the extending brand strategy would decrease the perceived quality of original brands, but applying the umbrella branding strategy would not affect it. When extending brand to the products with high fitness, both the brand extension strategy and the umbrella branding strategy do not have a significant difference.
To sum up, adopting the umbrella branding strategy will lead to better results because of its integrating advantages both in the brand extension strategy and the new brand strategy. Under the moderate effect of fitness and product knowledge, the range of implementation for the umbrella branding strategy will be limited. It is not the best branding strategy when extended products are at high or low fitness, and when consumers have poor product knowledge. Consequently, marketers have to apply different brand strategies depending on different scenarios.
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從企業機制及內部環境研究跨國公司知識分享實務, 以美商3M及德商Degussa公司為例吳宏智 Unknown Date (has links)
在高度競爭的全球化市場,如何創造差異化以及強化核心競爭力是現今企業非常迫切的課題。二十一世紀的產業競爭已從成本、產品導向轉變為服務與知識的競爭。 本研究的中心議題──建立有利於知識分享的機制及企業環境,是一個值得企業深思與努力的課題。筆者從研究中發現,一企業若能努力做好下列建議的工作,必可在知識分享工作中獲得較佳的成效。
七、適任的知識統籌員發揮知識中心(hub) 的功能,強化企業內部知識的
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英語教學知識結構及教學流程架構之研究 (以九年一貫國小英語課程為例)牟藜娟, Mou, Li Chuan (Jean) Unknown Date (has links)
英語教學內容知識框架(English Content Knowledge Ontology)抽象化類別具多重之階層、對等及相依關係。將內容知識抽象化類別實體化,其類別與實體之集合,即為本範例所建構之知識框架。
關鍵詞:九年一貫英語課程、知識管理、知識本體、語意資訊檢索、物件導向、UML / The Grade 1-9 English Teaching Curriculum was put into practice by the Ministry of Education in 2001. Due to the fact that there are too many students in each class and that there is not enough teaching media, the students fall into different levels in English proficiency. Some research concluded that an English Teaching Resource Centre should be established to enhance teachers’ teaching quality and to provide an on-line teaching aid, hence to give the students more learning opportunities and to improve their learning effects.
In this study, the on-line English teaching aid was discussed from the viewpoint of Knowledge Management. English Content Knowledge Ontology and English Teaching Knowledge Flow Architecture were suggested to provide an on-line teaching aid with a semantic retrieval system so as to initiate an innovative model for on-line English teaching aids.
The English Content Knowledge, Ontology, a model of English domain knowledge, defines the concepts and their attributes, as well as the multiple relationships between the concepts: Class(vertical), Reciprocity(horizontal), and dependency(grouping)relationships. An “instance” is hypostatized from an abstract class, and the integration of the abstract classes and the instances represent the English Content Knowledge Ontology built up in this research.
The present study has introduced Object Oriented concept that deemed the English content knowledge as an object and as an instance with different Attributes and Operations. Encapsulated attributes and operations engaged in coordination among different objects through exchanges of messages, and resulted in the achievement of the overall system operations. Meanwhile, each student would also be an object in the course of the study and possess different attributes and operations. The final goal, learning, could be achieved through the exchanges of messages for mission coordination.
UML was applied in the study to construct the three major models in the on-line English learning. Functional Model – Use case Diagram to model the user’s requirements for the system; Static Model – Class Diagram to abstract an object for showing a static architecture; Dynamic Model – Sequence Diagram to describe the information flow among the objects.
This research also attempted to explore the present circumstances of the primary school’s on-line English teaching aid websites. It illustrated the needs of developing architecture for a website with semantic retrieval functions, multiple choice ways of learning and diversified modes for learning assessments It will be able to record and analyse the learning effect and test the result, building up learning records (including learning style, habit, attitude and learning effect) in order to provide each student with more learning opportunities and to share teaching resources with all of the teachers.
Through the new learning model, the students are able to obtain learning resources to grow by themselves. The present study also urged more concern on the research and development of the English teaching website in order to provide more vitality to our children and their new learning methods. The model built up in this study may serve as a reference in the development of effective on-line English learning for children.
Key words: Grade 1-9 English Teaching Curriculum, Knowledge Management, Ontology, Semantic Retrieval System, Object Oriented, UML
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軟體公司知識創造與能耐積蓄之平台建構陳重嘉, Chen, Chung-Chia Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:知識管理、企業概念傘、雙軌生涯制度,知識創造,能耐積蓄 / In this knowledge economic era, “people” and “knowledge” are very essential to keep the enterprises’ sustainable competence. Hence, based on the survey of books and papers about knowledge management, this thesis distills diverse perspectives and best practices into eight issues for further study, they are as follows: (1) Is there any positive correlation between “organizational culture” and “organizational behavior”? For an organizational culture that encourages people to express their opinions and ideas without any concerns, can we really have the distinguishable perception that people really behave so in this circumstance? (2) Is there any positive correlation between “managers’ behavior” and “subordinates’ behavior”? If managers are willing to mentor subordinates, willing to share their knowledge and skills, can it become a driving force to make subordinates behave the same? (3) As we know, money, reputation, friendship and reciprocal, all these four factors affect the extent of knowledge-sharing willingness and behavior, but can we figure out the strength order of these four factors? If we can, then we may devise a better, more effective incentive system to maximize the synergy of knowledge-sharing. (4) If the solutions to a problem are ambiguous and equivocal, is it true that more than half the people can not accept this situation? (5) If the rational analysis conflicts with your instinct, which one do you trust? The issue 4 and 5 are actually discussing the varieties of cognitive style. (6) For dual career ladder, is
it true that more than half the people give higher evaluation to managerial ladder than technical one? Is it true that more than half the people regard the technical ladder as an incentive? (7) Is it true that more than half the people who are not clear about the concept umbrella of the company? (8) Based on nine indicators about knowledge management, conduct surveys of the four cases, and try to find out the strength and weakness of each case.
By the data analysis and case studies, this thesis has found out several facts, and then proposes a platform for knowledge creation and capability building. The platform is composed of five units, they are as follows: (1) Instill good and appropriate cultures. (2) Put dual career ladder into practice. (3) Establish knowledge steward system. (4) Establish systematic procedure as the guide for the knowledge creation and capability building activities. (5) Find out the necessary auxiliary measures for knowledge management, put them into practice. With the platform constructed by the five units, we believe that each enterprise is able to construct a unique environment and atmosphere of its own, which in itself is beneficial to nurture and consolidate the core competence.
Finally, we hope this thesis has shed light on the enterprises, and provided some intellectual stimuli for those people who are interested in knowledge management.
Keyword: knowledge management, dual career ladder, concept umbrella, knowledge creation, capability building
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領導者對內、外團體部屬的認知分化、情感分化及行為分化之間的關係顏志龍 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的,在於以認知、情感和行為三個層次,來探討領導者對內、外團體部屬的組間偏私(intergroup bias)現象。主要核心議題為:(一)探討領導者對內、外團體部屬的「認知分化」(領導者在認知上能清楚區分內、外團體部屬間差異的程度)、「情感分化」(領導者對內、外團體部屬在情感上喜好不同的差距程度)和「行為分化」(領導者對內、外團體部屬在行為上差別待遇的程度)三者間的關係。(二)探討領導者的個人特性(公平價值觀、認知需求)是否會影響上述認知、情感和行為分化間關係。(三)領導者公平與否是否會影響其整體領導效能。研究者以Fazio(1990)的「動機與機會決定模式」(Motivation and Opportunity as Determinant model,MODE)為理論基礎,以結構方程式檢驗Fazio所提之「慎思歷程」(deliberative processing)(「認知」影響「情感」進而影響「行為」)和自發歷程(spontaneous processing)(「情感」影響「認知」進而影響「行為」),何者較能描述領導者對部屬之組間偏私現象。樣本為軍事院校學生(領導者),經由前導研究(工具及變項修正;N=42)、研究一(相關法;N=98)、研究二(實驗法;N=93)等三個研究,結果顯示:(一)「慎思歷程」較能描述領導者之組間偏私,亦即領導者之組間偏私歷程傾向於「認知分化」影響「情感分化」進而影響「行為分化」。(二)其中「認知分化」和「情感分化」呈正相關傾向,而高「認知分化」之所以會造成高「情感分化」,是由於領導者產生了外團體拒斥(out-group derogation)而非內團體偏私(in-group favoritism)。(三)「情感分化」亦和「行為分化」呈正相關趨勢,但此種相關趨勢的強弱會受到領導者的個人特性(公平價值、認知需求)的調節,當領導者為高公平價值 / 認知需求時,情感分化和行為分化的相關會比低公平價值 / 認知需求者來得低。(四)領導者公平與否(對部屬的情感 / 行為分化),並不會影響其整體領導效能。
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