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對中國石油安全戰略發展之研究張學信 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
最後本文認為,中國未來石油戰略發展對外政策近程仍是以爭取傳統中東油源區穩定供給為主要目標,中程則以爭取與俄羅斯遠東及中亞□海地區合作為主要著演、長程目標則覬覦東海及東南海域油區的爭奪與開發。另從國家間權力平衡的本質與經濟全球化的必然發展,導出未來油源控制國與中國在石油供給間所形成「門派師徒」模型,並從此模型中,預判未來各油源控制國對中國將是採「互利不互信、掌握制油權」的姿態反應,而中國則以「擴大合作面,增強影響力」相對,並且在國家追求利益的前提下,為確保其能源版圖的完整,在跨世紀後必然邁向遠洋建軍戰備,以軍事大國的姿態,爭取維護石油供需平衡之主導權。 / Though China has actively promoted the oil security strategy, it will face many internal and external problems and challenges such as inefficient bureaucracy, monopolization of states-owned enterprises, difficulty of developing low energy-consuming industry, competition from international markets, America's geographic strategic containment, conveyance threat, and South China Sea disputes. In the view of the balance of international powers, that China seeks for foreign oil supply causes not only the increase of the international oil price, but also the keen competition of oil obtaining. However, from the angle of economic globalization, China's oil security strategy could have met its lowest demand of domestic economy development, and can be regarded as a success in terms of its strategic development.
The conclusion of this research is: In the short term, the Middle East is still the first priority for China to obtain the oil supply; in the middle term, China will strive for cooperation with Russia and the central Asia; and in the long term, China will covet the oil field in the Eastern Sea and the Southeast Sea. In addition, from the nature of international power balance and the development of the economical globalization, we propose the “Master-Disciple model.” With this model, we forecast that the attitude of oil supply countries to China will be “mutual benefit but not mutual trust, and to control the supremacy of oil supply.” On the other side, the response of China will be “to expand the cooperative scope and influence.” Under the condition to pursue its national benefits, China will be heading for the military preparation toward the blue sea and fighting for the leading role to balance the oil supply and demand as a military
powder in order to completely control the oil supply.
With the economic development and the average income increase, China's oil consumption has been growing year by year. Ever since it became an oil net import country in 1993, china's dependence on foreign supply has been rising annually; till 2003. China had became the second largest oil importing and consuming country in the world.
Since the oil is a. strategic material, the oil supply security has become a strategic issue which affects China's economic growth and national development. To china, sustainable economic development is not only the tool to maintain the communist regime and earn the recognition from the public for the mono-party political system, but also a strategy to ease the tense relationship with its neighboring countries and defend itself from the peaceful reforming strategy implemented by the western countries. However, the problems such as China's domestic oil exhaustion, high dependence on foreign supply and international skyrocketing oil price, the vulnerable conveyance; and the oil source controlled by the super powers have
severely endangered china's oil security.
To solve the existing oil security problems, China has built the strategic framework consisted of three security components: Revenue and Expenditure System, Conveyance and Storage System, Substitute Development, to reinforce oil exploration, exploit and make use of nature gas, import the crude from diversified countries, exploit foreign resources, build national oil-bearing structure, use oil carefully and develop substitute energy, expand energy trading and investment, and fully utilize The two resources and markets of domestic and overseas, so as to help China build the energy security
system in the new era.
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冷戰後中國石油能源需求與國家安全之研究-以地緣政治觀點分析王昇, Wang,Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
然而,儘管中國積極推動分散油源、油路的石油安全戰略,卻也牽涉到各強國在各地區的利益問題,以及各地區內部的政治、經濟、族群、宗教等問題。例如中東內部有以阿衝突、反美等問題,非洲的新興油源國、中亞各國內部都有因為宗教、政治導致的問題,而美、俄、日、印等大國與中國也在各地有所利益衝突,即使中國與俄羅斯有合作關係,卻也在中亞地區有利益競爭的關係。所以不僅中國與各強國之間有合作也有競爭外,也必須面對各個地區內部的各種問題。 / Since 1986, China’s demands for petroleum had increased extensively with the significant growth of economy, but the domestic production of petroleum decreased relatively. In the post-Cold War period, China was non-self-sufficient on supplying petroleum, and became a state which depending on importing petroleum thereout. By the discussion on the security of petroleum with the theory of traditional realism, we can conclude that the petroleum doesn’t only concern the development of economy but also concern the strength of nations. Therefore, we can see that petroleum plays an important role both on the status of international politics and the development of economy, and China must concern the influence of petroleum to national security thereof. Then, the proposal of this thesis is to analyse the relationship between supplies and demands of petroleum and the national security of China with the view of geo-politics.
The petroleum security system of China was framed on the basis of the revolution of domestic petroleum chemical industry, so as to frame her petroleum diplomacy system to acquire the petroleum, and decentralize the sources of petroleum meanwhile. The oil pipeline ways set up by China was formulated according to the goal of decentralizing the pipeline of petroleum, such as Medium South Peninsula pipeline, China-Pakistan pipeline, China-Bengal pipeline, China-Russia pipeline, and the China- Kazakhstan pipeline. Therefore, we can conclude that China set up its oil pipeline by establishimg the relations with surrounding nations which concerning geo-politics.
However, the strategies of petroleum security that decentralizing oil pipelines and petroleum sources was involved with the conflicts of interests among powerful nations in all areas, including the conflicts of politics, economy, race, and religion. For examples, there are conflicts between Israel and Palestine, and anti-American issue in Middle-East area. There are conflicts among the nations in middle Asia which caused by religion and politics. And there are conflicts of interests among USA, Russia, Japan, Indian and China all over the world. So does China conflict with Russia in middle Asia, even though there is a cooperative relation between them. In general, China does not only cooperate with other powerful nations but also contend against them. Furthermore, China has to face the conflicts and issues caused in every area when she promotes the strategy of petroleum security.
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冷戰後中共石油安全與外交政策研究劉安賢 Unknown Date (has links)
國家為了能源的安全獲得確保,必然發展對內保護對外擴張的能源政策,尤其是仰類進口能源的國家,其對外的能源政策將更具侵略性。中國的能源安全戰略圍繞在多元化為中心的概念展開,包括能源的來源、種類、路線以及運輸與獲得方式的多元化。對內,中國透過多元管道強化本身的能源安全鏈,避免對於進口石油產生過度依賴。對外,中國領導階層積極的出訪,綜合外交的力量推展「能源外交」,全方位的在全球佈局,突破大國對中國軟性的圍堵,除了獲得實質的石油收益外,也開啟了中國外交的新趨向。 / China rises abruptly symbolizes the explanation of realism is on a collision between the countries. Meanwhile the world make a popular discussion about they were threatened by China. Whatever it exist or inexistence, but it definitely influence the whole world. Until 1993 China became the petroleum importer that caused first deficit in China since 1963. It announced to end in self-contained petroleum and commence opening the extensive of energy resources policy.
The China is going to plan the economics that go forward and change into socialist marketing. For the 2050, they’ll expect to achieve the goal of middle-development country, and a turning point in the developing at this most important stage now. In their economics- development planning which bespeak the petrol expense is error of structures of resources expense, single-supply source and potential frailty. It was without doubt that potential negative factors for safety of energy resources of China. When they increase to import the petroleum, it becomes to solve the safety of energy resources was confusing with necessary method. An external policy of energy resources will ensure China to connect the safety of energy resources if it's stable.
They need safety of energy resources was assured so that they must develop the policies are internal protection and external extension. Especially the country depend on the resources imported, the external policy will more invasion. The safe policies of resources are around the conception of diversity are origin, kinds, channels, transportation and so on. For domestic policies, China use the diverse channels to strong the energy in Security and avoid to over rely on the imported petroleum. For foreign policies, China leaderships are highly active to make an official visit and diplomatic power combined to promote the “Energy diplomacy”. They operated the overall strategy of global and broke through soft containment of super state to them. Therefore China not only gains much benefit of petroleum virtually but opens the new tending of diplomacy.
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二十一世紀中國能源戰略之研究-以俄羅斯因素之分析 / China's energy strategy in the 21st century :an analysis of the Russian factor林泰山 Unknown Date (has links)
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液化石油氣加氣站經營方向研究 / If it is suitable to keep running an Auto station ,at this moment姚嘉偉 Unknown Date (has links)
染之最大原凶,民國 80 年政府政策宣誓,建設液化石油氣汽車加氣站改善空污,責成中國石油 公司開始辦理台北、台中、高雄三座示範站。 用液化石油氣為燃料之車輛,具有經濟、環保、安全的特性;(經濟性)在車輛使用人立即節省
40%燃料費支出,(環保性)是燃料完全燃燒不排放二氧化碳、苯、硫、鉛等致癌物質,(安全性) 是使用液化石油氣(註一、)為燃料車輛較使用汽油為燃料之車輛更安全,歐盟環保亦已此為重點 項目之一,大力推行。
此一行業在政府鼓勵下,從民國 82 年起發展,燃料由中油、台塑提供車用液化石油氣,車輛使 用人在汽車加汽站取得灌裝,整個產業鏈是自國外進口車輛改裝套件、在國內設備認證改裝簽 證、國內設置汽車加氣站加氣服務,合格改裝廠為車輛維修保養,是當下發展成熟又環保之產 品,理當政府扶持且鼓勵, 但近年政府在利益團體遊說下,調整了政策,本研究嘗試從相關液化石油氣加氣站產業鏈環保現 況發展、市場競爭、業者努力、政府政策,得出不同因素影響下,在合理狀況,作出決策探詢 加氣站未來經營方向。
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中國與哈薩克雙邊關係之研究1992-2009 / A study on China and Kazakhstan's relationships 1992-2009李政昆 Unknown Date (has links)
本文發現,中哈之間目前除水資源爭議外並無利益衝突,在以疆界問題為主的高度政治議題解決後,兩國在低度政治議題特別是石油領域,建交至今有長足的進步,符合哈薩克「石油興國」的目標,更成就中國「油源多元化」以打破「麻六甲困境」的能源安全大佈局。因此,中哈關係在目前國際環境條件不變之下,在各自以國家利益為前提下,可望繼續深化友好,促使中國與中亞地區產生更緊密連結。 / The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is nowadays one of the major powers in the world and the largest communist country. Republic of Kazakhstan (Қазақстан Республикасы) is the largest non-Slavic peoples component of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), and after its independence, it becomes the 9th largest country in the world and the most important and the largest country in central Asia. The PRC and Kazakhstan has established diplomatic relations since January, 1992 soon following Kazakhstan’s declaration of independence on Dec. 16, 1991. The PRC-Kazakhstan diplomatic relations are growing closer not merely in high politics such as diplomacy and security issues, but also in low politics such as economy and energy issues. The two countries have signed and reached certain treaties, agreements, bulletins and pronouncements as well.
This thesis reviews the origin of Kazakhstanian nation state and the transformation of mutual relations from the Chin Dynasty to the eve of Kazakhstan’s independence on the basis of the historical analytic approach and evaluates the present PRC-Kazakhstan diplomatic relations. Moreover, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was founded in Jun. 15, 2001 and it offered a multilateral channel for the PRC and Kazakhstan to dialogue and negotiate with each other. So this thesis divides the PRC-Kazakhstan diplomatic relations into two periods by the crucial year 2001 and therefore compares bilateral political, economical, energy and security (including anti-terrorism) issues before and after 2001. Nevertheless, the PRC-Kazakhstan diplomatic relations are always under the influence of other major powers such as Russia, the USA, the EU or even India due to the geopolitical value of central Asia, the so-called “heartland” of the “world island” in Mackinder’s theory. As a result, this thesis discusses on the impact by these behaviors upon the PRC-Kazakhstan diplomatic relations and its resolutions.
Finally, this thesis concludes that the PRC-Kazakhstan diplomatic relations are getting better with the time except for water resource issue. Their first cooperative item is petroleum mining and transportation. By doing so, Kazakhstan can trade foreign exchange to develop economy, while the PRC can ensure its petroleum import from “Malacca” dilemma and avoid energy hunger. Hence, looking forward to the future of the PRC-Kazakhstan diplomatic relations, they will build closer tie than ever under their national interests, and play more important roles both in central Asia and the world politics.
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模糊時間數列分析與預測—以石油價格為例 / Fuzzy Time Series Analysis and Forcasting – with an Example of Oil Prices陳蒼山 Unknown Date (has links)
石油是維持人類生存必需的商品,是容易運輸、儲存、使用的能源。石油價格的漲跌,將直接或間接影響經濟成長與物價水準。以公司營運來說,對海運業、航空業、石油公司等石油高度相關行業來說,購油成本一直佔據公司總成本相當大的比例,因此石油價格的變動,將使得會計年度內的購油成本高低相差甚大,進而影響公司整體營運利潤,因此購油決策重要性自不待言。當預測油價會上漲時,則公司將會以較低的石油價格購入較多的石油事先加以貯存或使用,以降低全年購油成本與分散風險。本文嘗試著導入模糊統計的概念並建立多變量多階自廻歸模糊時間數列模式,以期應用在油價之預測。實證方面則收集紐約商品交易所 (NYMEX: New York Mercantile Exchange) 的每日原油收盤價原始資料,針對原油價格進行模糊時間數列分析與預測,並比較命中率、誤差率與準確度。相信這對於購油風險控管及降低成本,提高公司盈餘深具意義。
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中國國有企業領導幹部晉升的制度性流動:以國有石油石化、電力、電信產業為例 / The political mobility of state-owned enterprise elites in China: petroleum, electricity and telecommunications industries陳鄭為, Chen, Cheng Wei Unknown Date (has links)
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現代インドネシアにおける大統領の権力とその強靭性茅根, 由佳 23 March 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(地域研究) / 甲第20488号 / 地博第207号 / 新制||地||74(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科東南アジア地域研究専攻 / (主査)教授 岡本 正明, 教授 水野 広祐, 教授 玉田 芳史, 佐藤 百合 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Area Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM
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廿一世紀中國大陸能源安全戰略之研究—以中亞地區為例 / China’S Energy Security Strategy of the 21st Century:Acase Study of Central Asia李鑑舉, Li, Chien Chu Unknown Date (has links)
大陸的能源戰略和海外投資,通常都是一個足以為外界激烈辯論的主題(例如「中國能源威脅論」)。中國大陸緊鄰著中亞區域,蘊藏著豐富的石油和天然氣儲備量,在這個區域發揮高度的能源戰略,似乎是中國大陸最可能的重要手段,另一方面亦藉以減輕其對來自中東的能源供應的依賴,若能掌握該區,大陸就可以減少對中東油源供應的依賴,種種徵候都明確顯示大陸積極鞏固國土疆域與追求能源安全戰略的全般優勢。 / When the timing to enter the twenty-first century era of globalization, under the global climate change and the impact of rising fossil fuel prices, the international community in order to protect its own economic development needed energy that fierce struggle, and even lead to serious conflicts and wars . Today's global energy consumption structure, petrochemical and energy continued to hold a dominant position, the contradiction between the finite and the demand for stock grew increasingly significant, therefore, the energy shortage has become a huge bottleneck in socio-economic development, global energy muddied intensified. With the advent of the era of globalization, (especially in the Asia-Pacific region) industrialization and modernization process in most developing countries relative acceleration, facing the world's energy demands are increasing, China is the most typical example.
China's overseas energy strategy and investments are usually sufficient for the outside world a hotly debated topic (such as "China energy threat"). China close to the Central Asian region, rich in oil and natural gas reserves in the region to play a highly energy strategy, China seems to be the most important means possible, on the other hand also so as to reduce its dependence on energy supplies from the Middle East , if we grasp this area, China can reduce its dependence on Middle East oil supply source, various incidents have clearly demonstrated China's active pursuit of the full consolidation of Land and territory advantages like energy security strategy.
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