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我國IC設計業研發支出遞延效應之探討陳昌民 Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討景氣因素、研發外溢效果及技術知識特質對IC設計業研發支出遞延效應之影響。本研究主要採用Lev and Sougiannis (1996)所發展之研發支出遞延效應實證模型,以國內IC設計業上市櫃公司為對象,透過分析產業特性,區分為多應用性IC設計群組及單應用性IC之資訊、通訊及消費性群組,並探討其研發支出遞延效應。研究發現如下:
三、資訊類單應用性IC設計公司之研發支出,對未來所創造之效益金額及持續年限,均未優於通訊類及消費類單應用性IC公司。本研究發現,技術路徑相依度及技術變動程度兩種技術知識特質,並不能完全解釋單應用性不同群組之研發支出所創造未來效益的程度,而必須同時考量下游應用市場之目前狀況及未來潛力,才能對其研發支出遞延效應做出更正確之推論。 / This thesis analyzes three R&D performance issues of the IC design firms in Taiwan. First, it addresses the effect of the fluctuating economic cycle in the semiconductor sector on the R&D performance of design and non-design firms in the IC industry. Secondly, this study examines the R&D spillover effect on the R&D performance of the multifunctional and single-functional groups of IC design firms. Finally, this study discusses how technological knowledge (path independence and complexity) influences the R&D performance of the three subgroups (computer, communication, and consumer) of single-functional IC design firms.
Three major findings of the study are as follows:
1.The fluctuating economic cycle in the semiconductor sector has less influence on the R&D performance of the IC design firms than that of the IC non-design firms. The fluctuation affects the R&D expenditure of IC design firms only in the current year, but that effect on the IC non-design firms exist in the current year and also the following year. The R&D performance of IC design firms is also less influenced.
2.The multifunctional IC design firms generate more benefit from R&D expenditure than single-functional ones, suggesting that the former group has a stronger R&D spillover effect.
3.Although the computer subgroup of IC design firms possesses high technological path dependence and low technological complexity, its R&D performance is not better than the other subgroups. This finding suggests that technological path dependence and complexity do not fully explain the difference in R&D performance among the three subgroups of single-functional IC design firms.
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新產品開發績效與市場知識導向能力對新產品研發成功之研究-以台灣數位內容產業為例 / An empirical study of the development performances of new products and the guided competences of market knowledge for successful research and development of new products based on digital content industry in Taiwan蔡緒浩 Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本研究的研究焦點放在(1)新產品開發績效對新產品研發成功的影響 ; (2)市場知識導向能力對新產品研發成功的影響。本研究的研究對象為台灣數位內容產業的廠商,共寄出問卷 600份,回收 141份,經由結構方程模式來分析本研究所提出的假設支持程度,所使用的統計分析方法為 SAS應用軟體。 本研究的主要發現有:
1. 新產品開發績效對新產品研發成功是具有正向的影響。因此,企業在產品開發過程中,應該要重視開發速度、開發成本及產品品質,以提高新產品研發的成功率。
2. 市場知識導向能力對新產品研發成功是具有正向的影響。企業一旦懂得應用市場所收集到的資訊,包括顧客的資訊、競爭者的資訊,將整合的資訊傳達到企業各個部門,新產品研發的成功率則會提高。 / In recent years, many organizations in academic or practical fields start to research the related topics in development stage of new products and how the enterprises interact with their customers in the market. However, there are few focuses on the development performances of new products and the guided competences of market knowledge for successful research and development of new products. Thus, it should be necessary for enterprises to reduce the development risks of new products and simultaneously fulfill the customer requirements by involving the development performances of new products and guided competences of market knowledge into the controlled process of research and development of new products.
In order to fulfill the customer requirements by faster speed, lower cost and higher quality in development stage of new products, the enterprises should pay earlier attentions on the development performances of new products and the guided competences of market knowledge in the research and development process of new products to decline the failure rate by interacting with the customer, understanding the competitor information, and simultaneously sharing the information to related departments in the enterprises.
Therefore, the study will focus on (1) the effect of the development performances of new products for successful research and development of new products; (2) the effect of guided competences of market knowledge for successful research and development of new products. The research objects of the dissertation are the venders of digital content industry in Taiwan. There are 600 questionnaires mailed out and 141 questionnaires replied, and through SEM to analyze the paper hypotheses by using SAS-the statistical analysis method. The main research findings include:
1. The effect of the development performances of new products for successful research and development of new products is positive. Thus, the enterprises in the process of research and development of new products should pay more attention to the development speed, the development cost and the product quality in order to enhance the successful ratio of research and development of the new products.
2. The effect of guided competences of market knowledge for successful research and development of new products is positive. Once the enterprises understand to utilize collecting information which contains the customer information, competitor information and to transmit the integrated information to related departments, the successful ratio of research and development of the new products will be improved.
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協同產品研發生命週期管理之研究-以某個案公司為例 / The Research of Collaborative Product Development Lifecycle Management:A Case Study粘平吉, Nian,Pyng Jyi Unknown Date (has links)
由微笑曲線理論(施振榮1992年提出)知道企業應該朝高附加價值領域發展,而其中上游智財權(Intelligent Property)、知識經濟(Knowledge Economics)是我國OEM、ODM製造業將生產基地移到大陸後,為避免國內產業空洞化,必須在國內深耕的核心競爭力領域。要強化智財權、知識經濟則必須強化產品研發與創新能力,而產品研發與創新能力的提升必須藉助良好的「協同產品研發生命週期管理解決方案」(Collaborative product development lifecycle management solution) ;但是此解決方案尚在發展初期,不論企業或是個人對於它皆了解不夠,也不知如何利用此解決方案來提升產品研發能力。
因此本研究透過文獻的收集與探討,整理出PLM(Product Lifecycle Management)解決方案的定義、演進,並對PLM解決方案的架構進行探討,再針對市場上PLM解決方案系統廠商所提供的PLM系統產品進行說明,讓有意導入PLM解決方案的公司企業可以參考。另外由於知識管理可以讓PLM系統所收集的產品資料與產品研發經驗與知識得以分享、流通與再創造與加值,因此對於知識管理(Knowledge Management)與PLM的關係進行探討。2003年歐盟立法通過兩大環保法規—WEEE(Waste Electronics and Electrical Equipment)及RoHS(Restriction of Hazardous Substances),要求製造廠商從設計開始即需考慮整個產品生命週期的環境保護觀念,此法規讓產品生命週期觀念有了具體的落實實施,因此本研究亦對綠色環保法規與PLM解決方案的關係進行探討與說明。
一、 因為綠色環保法規的規定而使得產品生命週期觀念能落實執行。
二、 PLM是一種企業策略方法,要成功導入必須從人員、流程、資訊科技三方面同時規劃。
三、 由於PLM系統架構的定義不同,且PLM系統廠商所提供的PLM系統解決方案亦有不同功能,企業必須根據自己的需求選擇適當的解決方案。
四、 PLM理念一直不斷變化與延伸,PLM系統已成為製造業不可或缺的系統。
一、 建議對於導入PLM要如何進行變革管理進行研究。
二、 建議對於如何利用知識管理來協助研發創新進行研究。
三、 建議對於PLM解決方案所帶來的協同產品研發績效的影響進行研究。 / Referring to the Smiling Curve Theory (Shih Chen-Rong, 1992), it is realized that enterprise should gradually lead the “High Value-Added” concept to its management system. Since recent years, Taiwan local OEM and ODM factories widely moved their production base to Mainland China, and so in order to avoid domestic industries being emptied, “Intelligent Property” and “Knowledge Economics” must be cultivated deep into our country. On the other hand, prior to strengthen Intelligent Property and Knowledge Economics, the premise is to strengthen the competency of Product Development and Product Innovation. In addition, to enhance the competency of Product Development and Product Innovation must follow by good “Collaborative product development lifecycle management solution”. However, the solution is still at initiation phase, therefore so far as now, either the enterprises or the individuals are not acquainted with it, and also do not know well how to utilize the solution to reinforce the Product Development competency.
By means of the concept mentioned above, literatures are collected and investigated by this study to work up the definition and evolution of PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) Solution. In advance, the framework of PLM solution is discussed; and the PLM system, provided by supplier, is introduced by this research as well, in order to allow businessmen, who would like to lead PLM Solution into their organizations, to adopt them as a reference for developing their enterprises. Moreover, considering of that Knowledge Management enables the experience and knowledge of Product Development and Product Information, collected by PLM system, to be shared, circulated, recreated and value-added, the relation between Knowledge Management and PLM system is examined in this study. Also, the relation between the legislated rules of Green Environmental Protection and PLM Solution is researched and reported in response to the two regulations of WEEE (Waste Electronics and Electrical Equipment) and RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances), which were legislated by European Union (EU) in 2003. In accordance with the two statutes, manufacturers are requested to think of the concept of environmental protection for the entire Product Lifecycle, starting from product design begins.
For the sake of assisting enterprises in understanding deeply about the PLM Solution, before introducing it into their organization, “case study” access is therefore adopted by the study to analyze in deep the problems on “Collaborative product development lifecycle management solution”, which might be incurred in each individual case. In line with the problems, a constructional strategy for PLM system as well as a framework of the application and integration of PLM system are proposed as a base of executing business strategic approach. Characteristics of the framework of the application and integration of PLM system include “strategic core by product”; “to value personnel, operation flow and product information”; “to manage and support the entire lifecycle from product concept to product lifespan being ended”; “the support covers collaboration between the divisions, customers, designing coworkers, suppliers. In addition, the running situation of this framework, which runs under the “Collaborative product development lifecycle management solution” is presented in the study. In the final part of the research, the key-points and strategies are presented for the proposal of introducing PLM systemic solution.
During the researching process, some important conceptions are discovered, and are summarized as follow:
1. Owing to the rules of Green Environmental Protection is legislated, it therefore enables the concept of product lifecycle be executed accurately.
2. PLM is a business strategic approach, so to introduce into enterprise successfully must through a proposal with the factors of personnel, operation flow and information technology simultaneously.
3. Since PLM system has varied system as well as different solution function from different suppliers, enterprises should choose a proper PLM systemic solution based on actual needs.
4. PLM concept varies and extends consecutively, so today PLM has become to the only system for option.
Hereunder suggestions from researcher to the latter in future as the researching direction reference.
1. Suggest proceeding study with how to run Reformation Management after the adoption of PLM system.
2. Suggest proceeding study with how to utilize Knowledge Management for assisting in developing innovation.
3. Suggest proceeding study with the subject of “Influence on the results of collaborative product development by PLM systemic solution”.
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新創科技公司資金募集及研發管理關鍵要素探討 / The Key Success Factors of Fund Raising and R&D Management for High-tech Start-ups張維仲, Chang, Wei-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
1 種子期
(1) 完善的營運計劃
(2) 募資時機的掌握
(3) 創業者所具備達成超高報酬率之條件
(4) 具號召力股東的參與
(5) 明確了解募資對象的決策特質,投資偏好、及投資策略
2 創建期
3 擴張期
1 明確的產品定位及產品組合
2 良好的研發專案管理能力
3 CEO或CTO應具良好的技術背景及領導力,以吸引優良技術人才加入
4 公司內外部研發資源良好之整合能力
5 利害關係人的支持
1. 研發管理績效不佳者,資金募集通常難以成功,而研發管理具良好績效者,其資金募集較易成功。
2. 資金募集績效良好者,必須具備良好之研發管理,而資金募集績效不佳者,未必研發管理績效不佳。 / High-tech start-ups are the powerhouses of economic development. The total market value of high-tech start-ups that launched after 1995 is twice of that of Fortune 500 companies combined. The Hsinchu Science Park of Taiwan has incubated some 300 companies since her inception 20 years ago. To date these 300 companies generate in total a revenue of about 10% value of Taiwan’s GDP.
High-tech start-ups have the attributes of start-ups and high-techs. As start-ups, they face so many uncertainties along the way. And as high-techs, they face dynamic market environments and short life cycle of products. Only through the founders’ entrepreneurship and strong motivation, can the high-tech start-ups survive and prosper. Team building, fund raising and R&D are the main jobs of every founder.
Recently, because of the unpredictable change of capital markets and industry markets, the high-tech start-ups have experienced a great challenge in fund raising and R&D management. For the past year alone in Silicon Valley, there have been more than 1000 high-tech start-ups filed Chapter 11 or Chapter 7, out of the failure of funding or R&D. A cruel scene has never been seen for the past two decades.
The objectives of this thesis intend to explore the key success factors (KSFs) of fund raising and R&D management for high-tech start-ups, and the relationship between the success of fund raising and R&D management.
This study was conducted by using case study methodology covering 19 samples of high-tech start-ups. The accidental sampling was collected from 9 samples located in the Silicon Valley and 10 in Taiwan, with industries ranging from IC design, opto-electronics, opto-communications, IC equipment, health care equipment to electronics components. The data was obtained by interviewing the top management of these companies and venture capitalist to validate the information.
The result of this study found that the KSFs of fund raising are as follows,
1. According to the research papers and readings, three key factors determine the success of fund raising--- the core competence of the management team, the economic, industrial and social environment, and the investment return vs. risk.
2. This study shows that the KSFs are related to the maturity of high-tech start-ups’ development levels. They are not all the same. In embryo stage, the KSFs are the solid business plan, the right timing of fund raising, the team’s track record, and the knowledge to know the prospective investor’s decision criteria, investment preferences and investment strategy. In early stage, the KSFs should add two more points; one is that the products shall have design-wins from strategic customers with the achievement of milestone complying with schedule, the other is the continuing support from strategic investors. In expansionary stage, the KSFs are the products’ marketability and manufacturability. Also the marketing ability and financial ability are no less important.
Moreover, the key factors affect the success of R&D management as follows,
1. In the research papers and readings, three determinants to the success of R&D management are the products’ positioning, the application and integration ability of external resources, as well as the management and integration ability of internal resources.
2. In the analysis of this study, the KSFs, emphasize more on the sides of strategic thinking and founders’ entrepreneurship as follows:
a. The right product positioning and products portfolio;
b. The good R&D project management skills;
c. The founders’ good technical background and leadership to attract top-notched technical staff to join;
d. The good integration ability of internal and external resources;
e. The full support of shareholders.
Above all, regarding the relationship between the success of fund raising and R&D management, the poor performance of R&D will, in general, leads to the failure of fund raising, whilst the good performance of R&D will help the success of fund raising. However, one with the success of fund raising, must couple with the good performance of R&D, and one with the failure of fund raising, not necessarily goes with poor performance of R&D.
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宏碁公司(2005-2010)快速蹶起 之 核心能耐研究 / The Core Competence of Rampaging Growing IT Company The Case Study of Acer Inc. (2005-2010)蔡榮龍, Tsai, Frank Unknown Date (has links)
宏碁在 2005 到2010 創造了爆發性營業額成長,這個高度成長已超過一般公司的表現;也引起 Dell 和 HP 研究 Acer 的威脅分析。每個公司都有它們的核心競爭能耐,去贏得在PC業界傑出表現的方程式。此論文動機是去發覺出真正Acer內部贏的方程式,看看這個公司在過去五年來;如何得到手提電腦中最高成長的市佔率。
有三個研究目的,此論文將研究: (1) 是什麼全球策略帶領新產品開發能力與技術創新? (2) 有什麼主要的新產品開發流程與系統,導致最低開發成本及最快的開發時程? (3) 客戶的評論與回饋如何影響產品計畫與管理方式。總之,本研究將找出Acer核心競爭力,在2005 到2010快速成長的五年。
此研究架構包含三的項目: (1) 全球策略: 全球,事業,和產品層次。(2) NPD 新產品開發流程的組織、流程、與系統。(3) 技術創新和其管理能力。我們用Acer這個擁有16%全球PC市佔公司來探究與其質量研究 。首要資料得到、收集、消化 ,都是從各個相關部門來增加資料正確性;如業務、行銷、產品管理、研發、與品質服務。但有些資料及表格式內容則由許多資深內部同仁的問卷調查和他們各別的想法。同時,研討最高階管理者,為何深刻影響全球資源整頓與分配? 看到內部NPD組織與不斷研發改善流程結合?最後,也看出什麼專案應包含那種NPD 系統的優化?
這本論文共發現了十個研究發現如下: (1)Acer的全球事業開發策略目標已經清楚定義事業團隊與NPD 新產品研發團隊相關工作職責(2)Acer 的全球外包策略也幫助公司的營運效率,也加強產品設計品質;藉由結合外部優勢資源與其管理能力。(3) Acer 管理層不斷推動的成本領導策略,來保持全球產品競爭力。(4) 四次在 2006-2009 M&A 事件,產生快速市佔提昇,但也付出相當整合資源投入。(5) 專案矩陣組織是最通用的,也讓最高管理者,快速安排適當開發資源,來控制時間、成本、和規格。(6) 在NPD開發中,簡化系統模組共同設計,來節省開發成本,也能創造市場中更有彈性產品。(7) 一個簡化的公司,藉由不斷流程精化與專案效能管理來達到最佳NPD境地。(8) 在不同的管理和功能團隊,都有導入NPD跨平台快速新技術能力。(9) 整合全球法務系統與資源,加強法務專利管理能力,並高度結合研發團隊與NPD 設計工程。(10) 聽取客戶端價值聲音,以改善產品規劃和品質,提昇其競爭力。
關鍵字: 宏碁 戴爾 惠普 新產品開發 核心競爭力 全球策略 技術創新
成本領導 研發 企業倂購 專案矩陣組織 出貨單元 / Acer has made rampaging business growth during 2005 – 2010. The outstanding and surpassing performance was an unusual case that induced Dell and HP to conduct Acer analysis projects how to react to the Acer’s threatens. Each company would have its core competence or competitive capability to make it a winning formula to attain breakthroughs in the PC industry. The motivation of this study is to figure out what real winning formula inside to keep Acer obtaining the highest market share and growth in laptop sales for the continuous five years till 2010 Q3.
Three objectives will be studied in this thesis: (1) what are the global strategies that lead to new product development capability and technology innovation? (2) What are the key process and systems of new product development (NPD) that result in the lowest development cost and fastest development lead time? (3) How do customers’ comments and feedbacks impact product planning and management? In summary, this study is to explore Acer’s core competence that results in business rampaging growth during the years 2005 to 2010.
Research framework of this study consists of three constructs: (1) Global strategies: global, business and product level, (2) NPD organizations, processes and systems, (3) Technology innovation and management capabilities. As an exploratory study, qualitative research is adopted to conduct case study on the firm – Acer, which has attained 16% global PC market share in 2010. For data collection and digestion, primary data were obtained through multiple sources of evidence and findings in order to increase its validity. Some data came from internal business and product development documents especially on sales, marketing, product management, R&D and quality service. There are other data sources such as articles’ tabular content, case study database, and senior colleagues’ notes and opinions to the above-mentioned questions. Why do top-management strategies of a corporate deeply influence allocation and integration of global resources? What does internal NPD organizational adaption should be engaged with continuous improving design process? Which projects could attain optimization of the NPD systems will be analyzed as well.
Findings of this study are as below:
1. Acer business goal develops varies of global strategies that clearly define task ownerships between business teams and NPD teams.
2. Acer’s global outsourcing strategy may assist with company’s operational efficiency and enhance product design quality by leveraging talented resources with their capable management skill.
3. Acer cost leadership strategy driven by top management stays the sustainability of global competitiveness.
4. The four times M&A events increased market share significantly but took heavy resources to the companies being acquired during the years of 2006-2009.
5. Project matrix organization is most common one that allows top management to allocate capable development resources to control projects in schedule, cost, and specification.
6. Simplification with modularity of system design during NPD is to save development cost and create flexibility of product SKU to the market.
7. A learning company like Acer may improve internal NPD design defects by continuously taking process refinement and project management to achieve the best NPD practice.
8. A fast adaptability of new technology design in platform during NPD for different managerial and function teams to perform technology innovation.
9. To leverage global legal experienced resource and system to enhance legal management capability to closely engaged with R&D during NPD design works.
10. Listen to the value voices of customers for product planning and quality improvement may play a key refinement process to sustain product in competitiveness.
At the end, practical suggestions will be given for companies in PC industry on business and product strategies management plan and how to optimize internal NPD system to refine process, project and organization by different level of management capabilities and technology innovation. That could render a company highly competitive in a global PC market place.
Keywords: Acer, Dell, HP, NPD, core competence, global strategies, technology innovation, cost leadership, R&D, M&A, project matrix organization, SKU
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