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研發人員參與企業數位學習業務之研究-以工業技術研究院為例郭秉宸, Bing-Chen Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
因此,企業數位學習(corporate e-learning)將成為一個充滿機會的產業,組織/機構開始將推動企業數位學習業務視為一項重要營運目標。對於經營企業數位學習業務而言,促使組織/機構中知識擁有者¾研發人員的積極參與,是非常關鍵的因素。這些研發人員平日都已經擔負著相當多的任務,當組織/機構一旦決心投入企業數位學習業務的經營,研發人員的參與程度將決定了這項新的業務是否能夠成功。他們不但要繼續進行既定的工作,還要另外配合組織/機構的政策,提供知識和經驗給企業數位學習部門來推動業務進行。
企業組織/法人機構把知識創造過程自然融入企業數位學習當中,並且加進入實地操作與臨場經驗(Hands-on experience),將使得技術知識擴散可以更具備完整性。
關鍵字:研發人員、企業數位學習、工作動機、工作特性、知識創造、知識擴散、組織變革、變革抗拒 、工業技術研究院
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學研機構研發成果商業化可行性評估機制之探討-以生物科技領域為例 / Feasibility Evaluation Mechanism for Commercialization of R&D Achievements in Academic and Research Institutes --- Focus on Biotechnology Field歐師維, Ou, Shih Wei Unknown Date (has links)
根據個案研究之發現,本研究對於國內學研機構之整體建議,主要包括:研發成果商業化可行性評估機制應依機構之目的、性質、智財管理現況加以擬定;研發成果商業化可行性評估之構面應配合研發成果之性質及開發階段而設定,並以技術構面為基礎,智財構面為樞紐連結市場與法規構面之評估,最後以財務構面進行統合;而學研機構若欲採外部審查方式執行評估工作,須考量可能之缺失;此外,研發成果商業化可行性之評估應由具備跨領域能力之團隊加以執行,並應使具備產業經驗與市場背景之人員有一定程度之涉入;再者,生物科技領域研發成果因其本質上之特殊性,故於進行商業化可行性評估時,有諸多因素需加以考量;最後,政府可主動協助建立專業之機構或團隊,提供學研機構進行研發成果商業化可行性評估甚至後續之技術行銷服務,以有效符合規模經濟、範疇經濟與專業、客觀之考量。 / Academic and research institutes are the origins of technology innovation. Many of the significant inventions were devised in these cradles of innovation. Academic and research power can often indicates the technology capability and competency of a nation. Every government invests vast resources to universities and research institutes in order not only to make academic publication but also to realize the maximum value of the knowledge through converting the innovative ideas into intellectual properties (IP) and further commercializing the R&D achievements to meet the market needs.
The academic researches in Taiwan can compete with the technological leading countries such as the U.S, Japan, and E.U. countries, in terms of some science and technology indicators like R & D expenditure, SCI / EI publications, and the number of U.S. patent granted. Nevertheless, the actual revenue generated by IP in 2007 was only account for 0.87% of the total R&D input and the coverage ratio of technology balance of payments was only 0.23 in 2005. The fact indicates that there were some barriers on the path of R&D commercialization in Taiwan.
In the 21st century of knowledge explosion, it is predictable that more and more R&D achievements will be generated from academic institutes and the expenses devoted to the acquisition and protection of IP will keep rising. Therefore, it will become a critical issue in academic institutes to sieve out the targets of the higher commercial potential from numerous R&D results and patents so as to concentrate the time, human and financial resources on those targets for its further commercialization. Moreover, under the highly asymmetrical information situation during the technology trading, technology buyers have difficulty in identifying whether the technology is a suitable trading target or not. A well-established feasibility evaluation mechanism will also stimulate the interflow of information and promote the technology transfer and commercialization.
Accordingly, this thesis will try to establish a feasibility evaluation mechanism (FEM) for commercialization of R&D achievements in academic institutes in order to activate the stuffy R&D energy in Taiwan. Biotechnology is one of the most important fields of technology in the 21st century and thus be the main concern of the discussion of this thesis.
This thesis will investigate the feasibility evaluation mechanism for commercialization of R&D achievements on a “5W” basis, including the purposes of evaluation (why), the time of evaluation (when), the executives of evaluation (who), the information needed in the evaluation process (how), and the factors that should be taken into consideration in the evaluation process (what). Accordingly, a feasibility evaluation mechanism for commercialization of R&D achievements will be established as the central concept of this study and as the ground of follow-up case analysis.
In addition, each aspects of feasibility evaluation as well as the significant issues and questions of each aspect will be illustrated in this study. According to the feasibility evaluation mechanism and framework established in this study, there are five main evaluation aspects including the technical aspect, intellectual property aspect, market aspect, legal aspect, and financial aspect.
The main subjects of this study were the academic institutes in biotechnology field in Taiwan, the National Yang-Ming University, the Academia Sinica, and the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). These institutes are chosen as the subjects of case study standing respectively for the higher education institute, basic research institute, and the applied research institute. By way of interviewing the personnel of R&D achievements and IPR management department in the institutes in question, the feasibility evaluation mechanism implemented by different types of academic institutes was investigated to delineate the key findings, followed up with some practical advices.
The overall advices proposed by this study for the academic institutes in Taiwan were summarized as follows: (1) The feasibility evaluation mechanism for commercialization of R&D achievements should be devised in accordance with the purpose, the nature, and the IP management status of each institute. (2) The feasibility evaluation should be set to match up the development stage of the R&D achievements and take the technical aspect as the groundwork, IP aspect as the pivot connecting to the market and legal aspect, and the financial aspect as an integrated result. (3) Evaluation executed by external parties may be of some defects that should be taken into consideration. (4) The feasibility evaluation for R&D commercialization should be executed by multi-disciplinary team and the industry-experienced or market personnel should as well participate in the evaluation process. (5) Due to the characteristics of biotechnology, many special factors should be involved in the evaluation process. (6) The government may actively assist in setting up a professional organization or team to provide feasibility evaluation and even the further technology marketing services to meet the consideration of economies of scale/ scope, specialty, and objectivity.
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團隊交融記憶系統之研究--以學生及企業人士為對象郭家倫 Unknown Date (has links)
許多組織為了建立競爭優勢,運用團隊成員的專業及經驗去解決問題,創造差異化的產品。這個趨勢可以解釋為何團隊的研究目前又開始熱門,特別是團隊知識歷程。“交融記憶系統”(TMS) 就是其中一個著重在瞭解團隊知識歷程的理論架構。“交融記憶系統”的構念,特別強調如何利用和組合分散在個人身上的專業,以幫助我們瞭解知識任務者的團隊如何充分發揮個別成員知識的價值(Lewis,2003) 。透過團隊的交融記憶系統,團隊成員可以建立各自專業,信賴且有效溝通,這似乎正是解決目前產業問題的良方。
Lewis(2003)為了在實務上有效應用交融記憶系統的理論,到各種不同目的與型態的團隊,編制了交融記憶系統量表。這個量表包括“專業”(Specialization)、“信賴”(Credibility)、與“協調”(Coordination)三個分量表,每個分量表各有五個題目,整個量表共有15題的5點李克特式量表。以其研究物件的團隊 來看,此量表可廣泛應用于研發創新團隊、中小型企業與新創公司等,幫助公司預估績效與提高競爭力。
本研究分為兩大部分。第一部分為量化研究,對Lewis(2003)所編量表進行修訂,以用來測量臺灣地區團隊的團隊交融記憶系統:為了驗證本量表效度,本研究收集了大量企業及學生團隊樣本,以統計方法分析績效良好團隊在交融記憶系統量表分數,是否顯著高於績效不彰團隊外,也分析交融記憶系統量表與團隊成員“依附風格” 、“創新行為”、“團隊創意觀念產生”、“成就目標” 之間的相關關係,以確認量表的建構效度。第二部份研究為質性研究,透過對實務團隊的深入訪談與實證,驗證交融記憶系統在成效良好團運作的現況。
本研究的第二個成果,透過實務團隊的訪談與實證,驗證了交融記憶系統在國內成效良好團隊運作的現況。文化創意產業的紙風車兒童劇團 ,及TIC100創業競賽的冠軍團隊 ,這兩個成功典範團隊的運作中,雖然成員本身沒有認知到系統的存在,不過都有運作良好的團隊交融記憶系統,再度確認交融記憶系統理論架構在實務上團隊中的運作。
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惠普科技策略管理研究─個人電腦事業群 / Strategy Management Analysis of Hewlett Packard -on Personal System Group Organization張惠琳, Chang, Marlene Unknown Date (has links)
Hewlett-Packard was the leader of computer for many years but losing its core-competence recent years, this thesis is trying to study the root cause internally based on the strategy management perspective. From external marketing environment to internal functional level analysis to support the key reason on Hewlett-Packard strategy management issues.
In the competitive market of computer industry, We can see the old companions like Dell and Sony are no longer as profitable as they were used to be, Dell has gone off market since 2013, and Sony announced they will leave the PC market. In this thesis, we divide chapters into functional level strategy and business level strategy to demonstrate how HP is cope with current trend and what decisions have been made.
Hewlett-Packard is gradually losing its competitive strength due to several reasons. For instance, R&D design products with less innovation but cost-oriented, marketing do not position product as premium product in the market, and supply chain controls inventory less efficiently.
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吸收能力,網路關係與企業創新之關聯許強, Hsucheang Unknown Date (has links)
第壹章 緒論 6
第一節 研究動機 6
第二節 研究目的與問題 9
第二章 文獻探討 11
第一節 知識管理理論 12
壹,知識的內涵及分類 12
貳,知識移轉 15
參,知識整合蓄積與擴散 18
肆,知識創造 19
伍,知識管理理論小結 23
第二節 吸收能力理論探討 23
壹,吸收能力定義 23
貳,組織學習理論探討 27
參,吸收能力理論小結 28
第三節 網路關係 29
壹,網路定義 29
貳,網路類型 31
參,網路利益 32
伍,網路關係小結 33
第四節 企業創新 35
壹,創新的定義與分類 35
貳,知識創造與企業創新的影響因素 38
參,企業創新小結 39
第參章 研究方法 40
第一節 研究架構 40
第二節 研究變項 43
壹,影響吸收能力的構面 43
貳,知識網路關係 45
參,影響吸收能力的其他因素 45
肆,吸收能力,知識網路與知識流通間的關聯 47
伍,吸收能力,知識網路與企業創新間的關聯 48
第四節 研究範圍 48
第五節 研究方法 51
第六節 研究限制 52
第肆章 個案分析 53
第一節 專業消費性IC設計業 53
---凌陽科技 53
壹,IC設計產業簡介 53
貳,凌陽科技公司簡介 54
參,吸收能力之構面 58
肆,吸收能力與網路關係之交互關係 63
伍,吸收能力其他影響因數 69
伍,吸收能力,網路關係與知識流通的關係 77
陸,吸收能力,知識網路與企業創新之關聯 77
第貳節 IDM大廠---旺宏電子 85
壹, 旺宏公司簡介 85
貳,吸收能力之構面 86
參,吸收能力與網路關係間之間的交互關係 90
肆,吸收能力其他影響因素 94
伍,吸收能力,網路關係與知識流通之關係 99
陸,吸收能力,網路關係與企業創新之關係 100
第三節 專業記憶體IC設計---鈺創科技 105
壹,記憶體IC產業介紹 106
貳,鈺創科技簡介 107
參,吸收能力之構面 111
肆,吸收能力與網路關係間的交互關係 115
伍,吸收能力其他影響因素 119
陸,吸收能力,網路關係與知識流通間之關係 123
柒,吸收能力,網路關係與企業創新的影響 123
第四節橫跨3C的IC設計公司---瑞昱半導體 127
壹,IC設計產業簡介 128
貳,瑞昱半導體簡介 129
參,吸收能力之構面 134
肆,吸收能力與網路關係間之交互關係 137
伍,吸收能力其他影響因素 142
陸,吸收能力,網路關係與企業創新之關聯 148
第伍章 命題發展 153
第一節 吸收能力影響構面之探討 154
第二節 吸收能力與外部知識網路關係間之交互影響 170
第三節 吸收能力其他影響因素之探討 175
第四節 吸收能力,知識網路關係與知識流通的關聯 182
第五節 吸收能力,知識網路關係與企業創新之關聯 183
第陸章 結論與建議 188
第一節 研究結論 188
第二節 理論與實務含意 195
壹,對理論的貢獻 195
貳,對實務的貢獻 196
第三節,對後續研究的建議 197
第柒章 參考文獻 204
英文部分 204
中文部分 206
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技術知識特質與知識管理對新產品開發績效的影響-以台灣工具機業為例高玉龍 Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本研究建議企業為了提升新產品開發的成效,的確需要強化知識管理,同時其研發部門應設計符合技術知識特質及利於推動知識管理的組織型態與作為。平時應作好內部技術傳承及外部技術來源佈置工作,並在新產品開發不同階段妥善配置適合的資源與人力。 / This research is focused on Taiwan's CNC machine industries for exploring the impacts of knowledge management on the performance of new product development. The influence of the characteristics of technological knowledge on knowledge management is also studied. The research was conducted mainly based on deep case studied. The research subjects include four R&D projects two which are selected from two companies of CNC machine industry.
The preliminary conclusions are as follows:
1. The more the R&D project knowledge is absorbed from different sources, wide ranges,and multiple organizational learning activities, the better the performance of new product development would be.
2. The more the R&D project knowledge creates the technological breakthrough and thenewly added value, the better the performance of new product development would be.
3. The more the R&D project knowledge is accumulated with the documentation, the amass of activities, and the core resourcefulness, the better the performance of new product development would be.
4. The more the R&D project knowledge is diffused in different patterns and activities, the better the performance of new product development would be.
5. There exists a direct relationship between the knowledge management of R&D project and the degree of change of technological knowledge.
6. There exists a direct relationship between the knowledge management of R&D project and the degree of explicitness of technological knowledge.
7. There doesn't exist a direct relationship between the knowledge management of R&D project and the degree of path dependence of technological knowledge path.
8. There doesn't exist a direct relationship between the knowledge management of R&D project and the degree of modualization of technological knowledge.
9. There exists a direct relationship between the knowledge management of R&D projects and the degree of complexity of technological knowledge.
As a result, it is suggested that the R & D departments of the companies possessed with different characteristics of technological knowledge should design the organizational form and activities that are conformed to the characteristics of technological knowledge for facilitating the practices of knowledge management.
The internal technology inheritance and the external technology resource deployment have to be executed ordinarily; and the appropriate resources as well as human powershall be properly allocated in accordance with the different steps of new product development with a view to intensifying the satisfactory result.
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智慧財產之國際授權-境外實施技術授權之研究 / International licensing of intellectual property--A study on off-shore technology transfer樊治齊, (Alex) Fan, Chih-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
我國科技基本法自民國88年公佈實施以來已有十年。智慧財產的產出、保護及運用在這十年間突飛猛進。雖然如此,但是仍有許多配套措施及觀念尚未成熟的建立起來。對於彰顯及發揮智慧財產價值所面對之『境外實施管制機制』更是有相對檢視之急迫性。在『國際技術移轉制度理論與實務』(王偉霖、劉江彬 著,2010年9月初版)劉江彬教授序中,劉教授特別指出這一點,認為應該突破其限制。我國在智慧財產方面之創新管理成就,中國也在快速學習,急起直追,從中國十二五計畫之政策可以看出他們更在發揚創新商業化之投資,學習我們企業的經營哲學。台灣有相當多的創新能量,蘊含智慧財產運用之潛力,政府可以從更宏觀的角度思考,發揮台灣的『軟實力』,實現台灣的願景。
本研究比較美國、日本、大陸及台灣之政府資助產出之成果下放、技術出口管制、技術與投資境外實施管制相關法規之規範與作法,並訪問各國極具智慧財產管理運用代表性之組織--Association of University Technology Manager (AUTM) 及Licensing Executive Society (LES) 總會之會長、美國Stanford University技轉辦公室主任、美國前University of Washington負責技術移轉之副校長、日本東京大學技轉辦公室主任、前新加坡大學之技轉辦公室主任、徐小波大律師、台灣積體電路股份有限公司負責技術移轉之法務處宿文堂處長、政治大學商學院智慧財產研究所王偉霖教授及我國技術服務業之宇東公司副執行長等在智慧財產授權領域之產官學研專家學者,彙整歸納他們之看法及筆者之意見。再綜整工業技術研究院過去十年來向經濟部提出境外實施申請之案件,以三案不同技術、授權模式及授權區域之案件為案例探討。對照經濟部投資業務處對於我國境外投資之管理規範及審核要項,對於經濟部技術處目前審核境外實施作業,分析實務操作面之問題所在,進而提出『分類分級管理』之構想。視專利權之技術內容及授權模式,將審查作業分為高度管理、低度管理及事後報備。希望未來境外實施之管制也能夠兼顧行政成本降低、多元化彈性模式及商機時效。
本研究參酌世界各國之作法,搭配本研究生多年在工研院之經驗,檢視目前我國之實務運作,以學術討論之立場,結合實務與理論,嘗試提出一些看法,希望能夠提供給政府宏觀的思考,構建更契合打造台灣為亞洲樞紐之願景的機制。但本研究之所有論述純屬本研究生之個人觀點,不代表工研院或其他任何機構與單位之立場。 / “Intellectual Property” is the key factor to winning the industrial competition among competitive countries in the twenty-first century. Although domestic products and well-protected intellectual property are both extremely important, intellectual property should ultimately be used actively in order to maximize its core value. While governments around the world enthusiastically harness a variety of policy instruments to actively promote the use of intellectual property, they also take into account the security and competitiveness of their nations’ own domestic industries, as well as the impact of growth and decline on their economy. With these concerns, most of the intellectual property outputs are regulated by a series of overseas licensing restrains. The active usage of intellectual property and the control over overseas licensing are issues that are usually mutually independent. However, they sometimes conflict with each other. Only a clear and thorough understanding of both topics can allow one to establish a well-rounded strategy that creates a win-win situation in reference to the relationship between overseas licensing and domestic products.
The Fundamental Science and Technology Act of the Republic of China has been in effect for a decade since its original ratification. Even so, there are still a lot of support measures and concepts established by the Act that have yet to be fully developed. For example, the “Overseas Licensing” control mechanism within the Act is an important measure that has received minimal development, and is in urgent need of having its political limitations removed for it to become more effective.
This study compares United States, Japan, China and Taiwan’s export controls and overseas licensing laws. By visiting leaders of those intellectual property management representative organizations - -Association of University Technology Manager (AUTM) and Licensing Executive Society (LES), Director of the United States Stanford University Technology Transfer Office, former Vice President responsible for technology transfer of University of Washington, Director of Technology Transfer Office of University of Tokyo, Ex-Director of the Office of Technology Transfer of University of Singapore, Professor Paul S. P. Hsu, Chairman & CEO of PHYCOS International Co., Ltd, Director of Legal Transactions of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., National Chengchi University Institute of Intellectual Property Business School Professor Wang Weilin and Vice President of Tanspercific IP Ltd. , the study summarized views and opinions of these professionals . The author analyzed overseas licensing cases that Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) applied over the last decade in their technology, business model, and licensing area. Using the analysis of the practical problems in the overseas licensing control regulations and rules under the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the author proposed a concept of “classification management” ideas. According to this concept, the technical content of patent rights and licensing models and their management will be reviewed in three different levels, including high degree management, low degree management and post-filing. In the future, the costs of administration, the diversity of business models, and the flexibility in time should be considered in all cases of overseas licensing.
The overseas licensing control that is related to national security should take a “high degree of management”. The rest of which do not involve national security can be reviewed under a “low degree of management”. Non-exclusive patent license and the case which has already been reviewed by any government agencies under the overseas licensing control should be reviewed under “post-filing management” to simplify the process. Furthermore, government should consider the gradual establishment of self-management mechanism as an “Internal Control Program” in the industry and research institute. Without excessive government interference, the terms and considerations of an overseas licensing should return to” commercial market negotiations mechanism”. Government administrators who are involved in the intellectual property management affairs need to strengthen their knowledge, vision and experiences in the field of intellectual property by training courses.
This study further points out several topics related to the need of follow-up studies which include extending the entity who can apply under the Fundamental Science and Technology Act to governmental natural research institutes and schools - such as Academia Sinica, public universities and so on in order to break through the National Property Act and the Government Procurement Law for getting more freedom and flexibility in Intellectual property management. Since this study focuses on Economic Affairs related overseas licensing control system, fields that are outside of this area such as educational system and other Minister which might have the same issue is worth a glimpse.
This study is based on the experiences that author had when working in ITRI and the general practice in overseas licensing field, trying to raise view point from broader angle for government’s consideration. Every view point raised under this study is the observation of the author himself purely which does not represent or reflect ITRI’s thoughts whatsoever.
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台灣臨床試驗服務公司 (CRO) 營運模式之探討- 以藥品研發為例 / A study of business model of contract research organizations in Taiwan: case study on drug development鍾曉芬, Jung, Shiau Fen Unknown Date (has links)
生物醫藥產業對人類健康福祉影響甚鉅,同時也屬於技術、資本密集、開發期長、風險偏高的產業,在新藥開發的歷程中,臨床試驗是開發中藥品自「試驗階段」邁向「市場階段」的絕對關鍵過程,其重要性不言而喻。對藥廠而言,臨床試驗若能有效率地被執行,一方面可縮短試驗時間減少花費;另一方面則是搶得先機佔據市場,及早實現獲利。因應臨床試驗重要且繁複需求的臨床試驗服務公司(Contract Research Organization, CRO)便應蘊而生。
CRO產業在美國的發展已逾40年,在奠基於過去的競爭基礎之外,其CRO產業已朝向「便利性」與「客製化」等利基市場佈局,以滿足新的顧客價值主張,並創新商業模式,追求新的成長機會。本研究在介紹美國CRO之產業市場營運模式之外,也以個案分析方式,自國內CRO公司與藥廠/生技公司的互動、合作,探討CRO的營運模式是否符合客戶需求,並嘗試以<白地策略>書中四個核心市場要素:顧客價值主張、利潤公式、關鍵流程與關鍵資源,思索CRO公司應如何經營市場白地。希望借鏡國外CRO公司的演進,反饋予國內CRO產業的未來發展及策略調整參考。 / Bio-pharmaceutical industry on human health well-being highly influential, but also a industry of technical, capital intensive, long development periods, and high risk. Among the course of drug development, clinical trials are absolute the key to the process, and advance the development process from the pilot phase to the market phase. For pharmaceutical companies, if the clinical trial can be executed efficiently, they can shorten the test time and spending; seize the market in advance, and reap profits as soon as possible. In response to the important and complex clinical trial requirements, the Contract Research Organization (CRO) prospers and takes advantage of a favorable situation.
The evolvement of the CRO industry in US is more than 40 years. In the foundation base in the past, the CRO industry has been towards convenience and customization and other niche market distribution, to meet new customer value propositions, innovative business models and pursue new growth opportunities. In this thesis, the author not only introduces the CRO’s business models in US, but also explores the CRO’s business models in Taiwan by way of case studies. Through the interaction and cooperation between domestic pharmaceutical companies and CROs, the author wants to find out if the business models of CROs are in line with customer needs. The author also wants to quest if the CROs can learn how to manage and operate a white space which the CROs hope to seize by way of the book Seizing the White Space lists four fundamental building blocks including customer value proposition, profit formula, key resources, and key processes that make a company business model works. The domestic CROs can adjust their strategy and business model for fitting customer’s value proposition.
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委外代工廠選擇程序之研究---以多國公司為例 / Contract Manufacturer Selection Process—The Case of Multinational Enterprises黃智源, Huang, Chih Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
根據研究結果,本論文提出一套一般性的委外代工廠選擇程序。依照所考慮的委外代工廠種類之不同,該選擇程序建議五至六個階段(Market Research, General Survey, Specific Survey, Trial Run (optional), Verification Survey, and Decision Making),同時建議各階段應考慮的評估項目。本論文亦根據研究結果,對於欲建立委外代工廠選擇程序之品牌廠商以及委外代工廠提出相關建議。 / In order to survive and even to grow in the competitive environment, enterprises may adopt outsourcing strategy to focus on their core competency and to have external suppliers to handle the other activities. How to select a proper outsourcing supplier is very critical to the implementation of outsourcing strategy because outsourcing suppliers will affect the final outcome of the whole value chain very much. Therefore, this thesis studies in the electronic industry to understand the process and evaluation criteria of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to select contract manufacturers (which are electronic manufacturing services, EMS, providers or original design manufacturers, ODMs). Case study is applied as the research method and three multinational companies are in-depth interviewed for this study.
Based on the research results, a general contract manufacturer selection process is proposed. This general process has five to six stages (Market Research, General Survey, Specific Survey, Trial Run (optional), Verification Survey, and Decision Making), depending on the kind of contract manufacturers under consideration. Corresponding evaluation criteria are also recommended for usage in each stage of the selection process. According to the research results, recommendations are made for OEMs which are planning to establish a contract manufacturer selection process and for contract manufacturers which are being surveyed.
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韓國KOTEC評估方法探討 - 以台灣新藥研發公司為例 / A Study on South Korea's KOTEC Evaluation Method - Taiwan New Drug Development Companies as Examples吳書帆 Unknown Date (has links)
故本研究旨在建立一套適用於新藥研發公司之一般性價值評估方式,解決此雙方認知差異問題,以增加更多元的籌資管道。其中,本文參考其他國家評估方法,選擇其中針對技術型公司、發展久遠的韓國技術信用保證基金KOTEC評估模式,導入台灣微脂體、基亞生物科技、賽德醫藥科技3間新藥研發公司個案作一評估。並於最後研究結論,經由分析比較個案公司間歷年經營狀況,得出公司整體與個別質、量性指標項目量化的相對分數,以台灣微脂體分數157分最高,基亞生技次之。本研究亦參考個案評估狀況,得出該類公司較佳的一般性經營策略結論,發現公司創立早期可先以開發週期短、風險較低的老藥新用開發以代替副業產生短期營收的效用,同時累積本業開發經驗,待時機成熟再轉入全新藥物開發為一攻守兼具的經營模式,以供新藥研發公司參考。此外,本研究屬於探索性研究,僅於評估新藥研發公司分數階段,尚未轉換為公司融資評等。該部分尚待具一定案源量後,以統計模型將評估分數與還款違約率關聯性做一分析,方能計算融資評等。而建立內部評等模型、資訊系統對台灣銀行規模而言,為一額外高昂成本,亦建議可效法韓國由政府主導為可行方式之一。 / The biotechnology industry is one of the six future stars of the industries in Taiwan. The government established Biotechnology Venture Capital (BVC), and the more and more private companies joined the procession of biotech investments, such as the two famous biotech funds, Taiwan Global BioFund (TGB) and Diamond BioFund Inc.. According to sources of funding, we can divided them into two groups: one is the loan of external funds (liability side), and the other is the shareholder investment of internal funds (equity side), both of them have different advantages and disadvantages for the company, and the company should strike a balance between these advantages and disadvantages. However, the majority of the funds are invested from the equity side, especially the new drug development companies, which are the highest risk types in the industry, and most of their equity ratio is higher than 95 %. This information indicates the limited sources of funding, and the difficulty to attract liability side’s investors to participate. That proportion of funding sources doesn’t comply with the company’s financing strategy and debt to equity ratio in the growth stage of the enterprise life cycle in the pecking order theory, and equity side’s funds are not suitable for accounting for more than 95% of assets in balance sheet because most of them want to get high profits in the short-term.
Currently, major new drug development companies usually apply for loans from the Direct Guarantee Dept. of the Small & Medium Enterprise Credit Guarantee Fund of Taiwan (Taiwan SMEG) or the Promote Industrial Innovation or R&D Loan Program of Industrial Development Bureau in Taiwan, but the amount of loan is insufficient to cover the costs for the new drug development, and this method is not a general way to obtain liability side’s financing from the bank’s direct evaluation. In the international situation, the progress from development to sale of a single new drug spends about US $800 million (about NT $24 billion) on average. Despite Taiwan's R&D strategies only cover the sectional development progress or the policy of the new usage of old drugs (drug repositioning), there is still a high degree of capital requirement. However, in the present, banks and other liability side’s investors still lack the will to invest in the new drug development companies. These investors concern about several major problems, including the lengthy product development cycle, high uncertainty of the product examination and approval, the high cost of long-term clinical trials in this industry. In addition, these companies are also faced with the problem of lacking collateral, because they invest much money in new drug R&D. On the other hand, liability side’s investors, such as banks, don’t understand the complex field of new drug development companies' business models, and this situation becomes another reason for reducing the financing will.
Therefore, we should establish a general evaluation method applicable to new drug development companies, to solve the problem of cognitive differences between liability side’s investors and the borrowers, and expand the funding sources of these companies. This article refers to the actual evaluation method in other countries, chooses the most suitable and well developed evaluation model --- Korea Technology Finance Corporation (KOTEC)’s evaluation method for the technology-based company, and utilizes the method to evaluate three cases of the new drug development companies in Taiwan, including Taiwan Liposome Co., Medigen Biotechnology Crop., and CytoPharm, Inc.. In conclusion of the study, by analyzing and comparing the three companies’ operating situations in recent years, we can get relative quantified scores from the companies’ overall and individual qualitative, quantitative indicators, and the result is that Taiwan Liposome Co. gets the highest score, 157 points, then Medigen Biotechnology Crop. gets the middle one. This study also refers the case situations, to find a better general business strategy for such companies. We find that new drug development company in the early stage can focus on new usage development of old drugs ,which has advantages of short development cycle and lower risk, to replace the sideline that generates short-term revenue, and accumulate the experience of drug development. When the time is ripe, it can transfer to new drug development. This way is the general suggestion of both offensive and defensive business model for new drug development companies. In addition, this study is an exploratory research, which only focuses on the evaluation stage, and has not converted the result into a corporate financing credit rating. To calculate financing credit ratings, we require a lot of historical cases data to establish a statistical analysis model, and link evaluation scores with repayment default rates. The establishment of an internal rating model or information system incurs high additional costs for the size of the banks in Taiwan, so the recommended one of the possible ways is that we can follow the example led by the South Korea Government.
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