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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


徐國峰, Hsu, Kuo-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
1999年,味全龍在三連霸後意外解散,徒留龍迷無限思念,時至今日,許多龍迷仍在各BBS站的龍隊討論板,尋找、分享過去曾有的記憶。只是隨著時空的變遷,與龍隊相關的消息大幅減少,儘管仍有前龍將在球場上征戰,但他們的今日表現也不再與龍隊直接相關。假使網路中的虛擬社群能夠成為龍迷記憶過往的處所,對龍迷而言,社群記憶的形塑過程為何?社群成員之間又存在著什麼樣的關係? 不同於過去虛擬社群之研究取徑集中於效果論、控制論的範疇,本論文試著從James Carey的傳播儀式觀點出發,從人類的固有行為,特別是儀式活動中,重新檢視社群記憶的產生與成員關係。研究對象為批踢踢實業坊(ptt)的Dragons板,研究分析之理論基礎包括了Maurice Halbwachs的集體記憶理論、Victor Turner的社會劇理論,以及Turner儀式研究的中介性與交融概念,研究方法為文本分析與深度訪談。 研究發現,奧運期間,針對徐生明爭議所引發的各個討論串內容,不僅彼此扣連,也互相影響著,使得討論串的主題發展,宛如社會劇中的情節更迭。在社會劇的修正行動中,龍迷則在討論串的字裡行間透露出對過去記憶的重組與召喚,目的時常是為了合理現狀、弭平對立與衝突。同時,由於社群管理者的管理態度與對自我職權的認識,讓參與者在取得社群身份,以及為文互動的過程裡,展現出類中介性的特徵,Dragons板也成為龍迷面對社會之不規律性與緊張時,自願而非義務結合的交融狀態。 從研究發現進一步延伸,「龍魂不滅」作為Dragons板的社群記憶,並非指成員之間的共同記憶,也絕非永恆不變。事實上,「龍魂不滅」應視為社群記憶形塑過程中的象徵性資源,此象徵不僅是儀式過程中成員行動的力量來源,象徵意義也可能在記憶重組與召喚的動態過程中,被賦予新的意義。另一方面,Dragons板所具有的類中介性,是龍迷遭逢危機與不安時的自發性結合;Dragons板所以能成為記憶社群,從儀式觀點,社群的參與宛如朝聖,社群的意義以及成員之間的關係,則是在選擇之後產生,也就是交融。

加我為好友-- 社群網路外部性之經濟分析 / Add Friends -- The Economic Analysis of Social Networks.

陳珮瑜, Chen, Pei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究分析消費者如何在不同的社群網路間作出選擇,當用戶使用社群網站的同時,產生與朋友互相連結、分享資訊、聯絡感情等正面網路外部性,且此外部性隨著社群網站的功能越強大、隱私設定越開放而大幅增加,使用戶使用越開放的平台產生的效用越高。 但此現象同時帶給使用者相對程度的威脅:越開放的平台越無法對隱私權進行有效控制,換言之,越開放的平台越 「不願意」 對隱私權進行規範。隨著新興社群網站漸趨開放,用戶一方面享受朋友高度連結產生的正面效用,另一方面承受失去個人隱私權帶來的負面效用。且當重大侵犯隱私權事件發生,此正面外部性將如同雙面刃般轉化為傷害用戶的利器,其高度的好友連結度反而用戶間無一倖免產生強烈的效用損失。 傳統社群網路不必然會被開放性的新興社群網路所取代,因此本論文分析了純粹社群均衡、雙重均衡與社群優勢均衡的情形等多種社群網路均衡型態。 / This thesis analyzes social network asoption by consumers. The linkage with friends is nodeled as positive network effect. That is , the higher the amount of friends a user connects on a social network site, the higher the extra benefits she derives other than the direct ututility via usage. On the other hand, as new social network sites demonstrate: openness inproves connecting potential but gives way to privacy cncern.A privacy breaching event will rattle the socialty connected group to a drastic degree. Throung the interaction of both the positive and the negative network effects, we find that many types of social network equilibrium can be sustained.

Facebook社群遊戲與社會連結的關係: 反思遊戲成癮之人格特質 / The relationship between social game and social connectedness: a reflection on game addictive personality

洪嘉蓮, Hung, Chia Lien Unknown Date (has links)
Facebook在台灣的流行及使用習慣皆與社群遊戲功能息息相關,社群遊戲整合、複製真實人際網絡至線上,藉由遊戲互動增強線下的人際關係,社群遊戲使用行為與社會連結的關係,「真實與虛擬人際關係的相互增強」成為本研究關注的焦點。基於社群遊戲的特殊性質,使用者是否透過遊戲行為同時滿足社交需求,以及給予「沉迷」於線上遊戲者大多疏於發展真實人際網絡此刻板印象翻轉的契機,藉本研究一探其互動關係。 本研究以網路問卷調查的方式於PTT的熱門版發放,問卷發放日期自2012年5月9日至5月18日,為期十天,回收問卷共計666份。研究結果發現: (1)使用社群遊戲可滿足「娛樂」與「社交」需求,並且可實際提升與朋友之間的「親密感」,藉由社群遊戲的互動,使用者會更了解他們原本不是很熟的朋友,社群遊戲對於發展「弱繫」的人際關係有顯著的功能。(2)「過與不及」的社群遊戲使用行為,對於增強社會連結不會產生實質幫助。社群遊戲使用者若長時間投入於遊戲使用行為,對於發展實質社交關係並沒有幫助,導致社會連結程度下降;但若是每天持續使用社群遊戲,將其當作一種與朋友聯繫感情的社交工具,而非沉迷於遊戲中,則對「主動建立關係」仍有實質幫助。(3)人格特質「嚴謹性」程度較低者與「神經質」程度越高者,較容易產生社群遊戲成癮;人格特質「外傾性」特質愈明顯者,愈傾向社群遊戲「習慣成癮」。 Facebook社群遊戲的使用有助於發展社交網絡,達到社會連結的調節作用,積極、主動與他人建立關係,若從中得到社交滿足感,便會持續地使用社群遊戲,強化人格特質、遊戲行為與社會連結的相互作用關係,但使用者若過度沉迷其中則會達到反效果。 / The popularity of Facebook in Taiwan is said to be closely linked with social games features. Because social games carry certain characteristics, users may meet their social needs by playing social games. Also wonder if the assumption of online game players who addicted to playing games may neglect to develop the interpersonal relationship in real world. Social games integrate and copy the interpersonal networks in real world to online games. Furthermore, the interaction in social games may enhance the offline relationships. This study adopted online questionnaire survey via the Facebook board on PTT. With a total of 666 valid questionnaires, the results showed that (1) playing social games could not only satisfy the needs for entertaining and social contact, but also increase the sense of intimacy with friends. Through interactions via social games, users could understand more about the acquaintances. Therefore, playing social games will help develop weak ties;(2)an excessive use of social games makes little differences on enhancing the relationships, in terms of social connectedness. However, instead of addicting to the social games, if players use social game as a tool for communicating with others, then the social games can be seen as constructive on relationship building; and(3)users who have lower degree of conscientiousness or higher degree of neuroticism of personality trait may be more likely to be addicted to social games. People with higher degrees of extraversion are more likely to addict habitually to social games. Playing social games shows an impact on developing people’s social network. If players meet their social needs, it would reinforce the relations between personality, game use and social connectedness. In conclusion, the social game on Facebook can still contribute to the development of social network, but over-indulgence may cause the opposite effect.

農村社區治理夥伴關係運作之研究-社會資本理論觀點 / The operation of partnership in Rural Governance - from social capital theory perspective

簡俊發, Chien, Chun Fa Unknown Date (has links)
我國的農村社區發展由政策性的部門計畫,轉變為制度性的地域性計畫,所強調的是農村社區的在地治理,然而農村特性不同,夥伴關係運作成為在地治理的重要手段,農村社區夥伴關係及其運作將是農村社區能否永續發展的關鍵。本研究以社會資本理論觀點,進行不同農村社區的夥伴關係運作的分析,以及農村社區夥伴關係之運作與夥伴關係社會資本之結構面、關聯面與認知面間的關聯性。並在同時注重夥伴關係社會資本的過程與階段性結果的考量下,針對成熟型的外獅潭社區、學習型的象山社區及多重社區型的無米樂社區三個個案,以半結構式訪談及統計檢定方法,透過質的分析方法瞭解農村社區夥伴關係的運作過程,並在量的方面,以問卷調查與檢定,瞭解階段性過程社會資本的構成與變動。 本研究發現,農村社區因社區特性形成差異性的夥伴關係運作模式,也會因人的因素與制度的改變,導致個別社區不同程度的運作困難。夥伴關係運作愈好,夥伴關係社會資本平均值愈高,然社會資本權重平均權值高並不意味著夥伴關係運作會較好,因夥伴關係運作與夥伴關係社會資本構成只是一個過程及階段性結果的呈現,因此如只著重在社會資本構成之量的調查,而缺乏質的夥伴關係運作過程分析的對比,分析結果將很有可能產生偏誤。另研究也發現,農村社區不僅需要可發揮地方性知識從而在建立社區共識下,形成夥伴關係的在地治理發展模式,在夥伴關係運作過程中,也必須得助政府公部門與許多專業者的持續性專業協助,完成社區發展工作,印證整合型農村發展應注重超在地(extra local)的新內生性農村發展模式。本研究因此提出政府宜積極培育農村社區發展之專職專業經理人、農村社區治理須有積極的人力培力及適時的人力更新,但變動幅度不宜過大、整合性的農村社區發展需長期的逐步累積,不宜遽變式的制度嵌入、農村社區夥伴關係運作透過機制移植雖可加快推動速度,但仍需給予調適期與因地制宜等農村治理等建議。 / The development of rural communities in Taiwan has transferred from sectoral plan approach to place-base approach which emphasizes local governance. The operation of partnership in rural governance is the important method in rural community due to the diversity of rural community types. The partnerships of rural community and its operation will be the key to the continuously development of the rural communities. Based upon the social capital theory, this study investigates the operation of partnership on three different kind rural communities. Semi-structure in-depth interview and statistical test approaches are used to understand the process of rural partnership and the change of social capital in the three rural communities. The investigation focus on the process of rural partnership by in-depth interview approach and the relation on the three dimension of social capital by statistical test so as to understand the change of both quality and quantity of social capital of partnership in the study cases. This study found that the mode of partnership operation is different and results in various difficulties due to the different characteristics of the community, human factors and institutional change. The average weight value of social capital is higher when the operation of partnership is better. However, the higher weight value of social capital doesn’t totally mean that the rural community has a better partnership operation because the weight can only represent a process or the result of the operation of partnership in a certain period. Therefore, there could be exist bias if the analysis focus only on quantity investigation without a contrast from quality analysis of partnership operation. In addition, this study also found that rural community needs instant assistance from government and specialist in the partnership process as well as they need to elaborate local governance within the community’s common vision. The important point to notice is that the comprehensive rural development should adopt ‘extra local’ specialty of new endogenous model .Furthermore, this paper also provides promising suggestions such as full-time position of professional manager , new rural human resources and a long-term vision for the future rural development in Taiwan.

解開「好社工」的封印 ---一段尋找專業與自我靠近的歷程 / Breaking the chain of being a good social worker ----a journey to find the true self

鄭涵尹, Cheng, Han Yin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從我是不是一個好社工的自我懷疑開始,以自我敘事為研究取向,探索:(一)社會工作教育如何建構好社工的樣貌?(二)在家庭經驗和社會工作教育的交織下,我成為了一個什麼樣的社工?(三)如何安放我對好社工的焦慮,找到解放自己的可能性? 透過閱讀、對話與書寫,梳理過去作用在我身上主流的「專業」社工框架,那些對於好的想像,小心翼翼的姿態,一步步抽絲剝繭,如撥雲見霧般看見整體的樣貌,那些小心翼翼源自於自己在原生家庭裡求生存的姿態,在看懂自己身上所烙印對於好的印記後,我開始試著正視它,並直接回到家庭現場面對它,進而面對自己、接納自己的樣貌,讓那些過往為我助人工作的養分,並試著在助人樣貌裡,漸漸展露出自己,成為「我」的特色,而,這也是我所追求一個好社工的樣貌。 / This thesis starts from my self-doubt – Was I a stereotypically good social worker? By means of self-narrative, I will explore: 1st : How our social work education constructs the image of a good social worker? 2nd : What kind of a social worker I have become under the influence of my family experience and the social work educational system? 3rd : How can I release my anxiety of being a good social worker and find out the possibility to unchain myself? Through reading, conversation, and writing, I wish to understand how the mainstream stereotype of a professional social work makes impact on me to see the whole picture of my social worker career. After progressively going over my family circumstances back in the days when I was young, I try to face it, and accept who I am now. Hopefully, these past experiences can be beneficial to let me be my true self while helping others, which is my ultimate goal for being a self-defined good social worker.

自適應社群網路服務:以九校EMBA社群為例 / Adaptive Social Network Services: The Practice of 9EMBA.COM

鄭巧翊 Unknown Date (has links)

在地社群參與的行動邏輯—以大溪民間宗教社頭為例 / The Logic of Action in Participation of Local Community – The Case Study of Daxi Folk Religious Comunities.

游任濱, Yu, Jen-Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的出發點,在於試圖藉由對近三十年來台灣社會在現代性的框架下,所想像和理解的「社區總體營造」的反省,重新尋找另一種出自在地生活脈絡,不同的社群參與方式,以及另一種社群參與的可能。本文以為在各式各樣不同社群的互動模式下,不同的行動者在其日常生活中有著不同參與、實踐公共與社群的方式;也導致對公共參與有著不同的理解。 因此,本文以圍繞在桃園大溪當地主要廟宇—普濟堂,為了每年關公誕辰繞境的在地社群為例。試圖說明這樣一種在當地稱為「社頭」的民間宗教群體,乃是另一種有別於現代社區概念的「社群」。從田野調查中看到這些社群的構成、會員的招募、經費的來源,其實具體而微地反映大溪當地綿密且複雜的人際網絡。這些社群與在地社會的各樣網絡緊密相連,並承擔著維繫與整合社會關係的功能。 從對這些社頭參與者的訪談中可以看見,他們擁有著某種共同的記憶,這些記憶除了維繫著行動者對於繞境活動和社頭本身的認同外,也在各種現在與過去相對比的記憶中,畫出他們所認定的社群的範圍。對這些參與者而言,繞境記憶的敘事結構之所以能被持續的召喚,並且能持續的「再生產」,與其參與的「儀式」有密不可分的關係。為維持社群的運作,唯有藉由儀式所進行的身體的展演,才能進一步將社群的倫理內化在行動者之中。社群中的倫理除了透過敘事取得共識外,它還必須能夠在日常生活中被「展演」出來。 歸結對這些社群的田野調查,本文發現,這些社群中的行動者因著「記憶」、「儀式」和「倫理」三個要素的交互作用, 形塑了他們之所以參與這些社群的行動邏輯。這些社頭的行動者堅持某種他們從兒時記憶而來的「傳統」,這是一種經由身體儀式的展演而內化在其生命敘事中的社群倫理。進一步來說,這樣的倫理與記憶和儀式一起,成為構成一個社群可見,供人辨識與區別的特質。最終這樣的倫理成為推動這些行動者在參與社頭背後的行動邏輯,也進一步讓他們與在地社會產生認同與連結。 / The starting point of this thesis try to find another kind of community participation from the local context, and the thesis is based on the reflection which understand Community Development in the modernity framework for nearly thirty years in Taiwan. This paper argues that every actors have different ways practicing public lives in the variety community interactions, and they have different interpretations of public participation. Therefore, this study focus on the main temples ‘Po Gi Temple’ in Daxi Dist., and their annual parade for celebrating Guan Gong birthday. The study attempts to illustrate such a group of folk religions is another community which is different from the modern communities. From the field investigation, we can see the composition of the community, the recruitment of the members and resources, and how they reflect the local complex interpersonal network. The various networks are responsible to maintain the local social relations. From the interviews with these participants, we could see that they have the common memory of the ritual. The ritual maintain the identity of all actors and divide the border between themselves and others. For these participants, the narrative structure can be continually summoned and reproduced, owing to the repeatedly ritual. In order to maintain the community development, only through the body performance of the ritual, the ethics could be rooted in the participants. The conclusion of the study is that because of the interaction between memory , rituals and ethics, the actors in the community have shaped their action logic. Furthermore, such memory, together with ethics and rituals, become a visible and distinguishable characteristic of the community. Finally, this memory, ethics and rituals becomes the action logic to drive these actors and gives them recognition and connection with the local community.


洪偉家, Hung, Wei-Chia Unknown Date (has links)
對日本政治而言,參拜靖國神社一直具有高度敏感性的問題。在國際間,日本的政治人物參拜靖國神社,常引來鄰近國家的抗議。在國內,重要政治人物的參拜,也並非一直受到民眾歡迎,也可能招來在野黨強烈批判。然而,日本的重要政治人物,長期以來參拜靖國神社,從戰後至今幾乎沒有中斷過。既然參拜靖國神社是如此不受歡迎、政治不正確的行為,為何日本的政治人物,尤其以自由民主黨為主的國會議員、政府官員為主,仍然想繼續這種行動呢? 在民主體制之下,政治人物的行動,需要民眾支持作為基礎。參拜神社的政治人物們也是如此。本文試著觀察支持、且定期參拜靖國神社的政治人物,並釐清是誰支持政治人物參拜。過往文獻往往把焦點拜在日本首相的參拜,然而本文著眼在首相以外的政治人物,例如國會議員與內閣成員的參拜情形。本文發現,政治人物的參拜可能受到利益團體的影響,其中包括日本遺族會、神社本廳與日本會議等保守派團體。這些團體各有不同的發展背景,卻同樣支持參拜靖國神社。最後三種不同的保守派利益團體組成的策略聯盟。透過政治活動等方式,利益團體影響政治人物,做出參拜神社的表態或承諾。

社會企業如何取得資源—以A公司為例 / How do social enterprises acquire resources - illustrated by the case of Company A

蔡蕙伃, Tsai, Hui Yu Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟的快速成長,產生了各種社會問題,而為了解決這些社會問題,許多社會企業隨之出現,這些企業希望在改善社會問題的同時,能透過盈利的方式,使組織永續經營,而本研究欲探討社會企業如何取得資源,換言之,哪些因素會影響資源擁有者提供資源的意願。 本研究參考過去的文獻資料,整理出三項會影響社會企業獲取資源難易度的因子,分別為「社交連結」、「品質信號」與「說故事」,並透過個案研究的方式,透過深度訪談及次級資料的蒐集,探討各個因子是否對社會企業取得資源有所影響。研究結果顯示,在三項因子中,社會企業最常使用說故事的方法來獲取資源,最少透用釋放釋放品質信號,然而,若社會企業有一個很強的品質信號,便會被大量的使用。最後,社會企業若有好的故事,且主動聯絡,透過多樣化的媒體管道,也能更有效的吸引資源擁有者的注意,增加獲得資源機會。 / With the rapid development of economy, a variety of social problems have arisen. As a result, many social enterprises have emerged in order to solve these social problems. These enterprises attempt to help solve social problems and meanwhile, they want to make the enterprise sustainable by making profit. This study wants to explore how social enterprises acquire resources. In other words, this study examines the factors that will affect the willingness of resource owners to provide resources. Referring to past literature about how social enterprises acquire resources, this study categorizes them into three factors that may affect the accessibility of resources for social enterprises, which are “social ties”, “quality signals” and “storytelling.” This study uses the method of case study. Through in-depth interviews and secondary information, we examine how each factor may affect social enterprises acquiring resources. Results show that among the three factors, storytelling is being used the most often to obtain resources. On the other hand, quality signals are used the least often. However, if a social enterprise has a very strong quality signal, it will be widely used. Finally, if a social enterprise has a good story and takes initiative to contact media, it can attract more media attention. Through various media channels, more resource owners will have the chance to know this social enterprise; therefore, the chance of acquiring resources may increase.

包摂と排除の公的医療保険― ―皆保険体制における排除を巡って― ―

瀬野, 陸見 23 March 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(経済学) / 甲第22956号 / 経博第631号 / 新制||経||295(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院経済学研究科経済学専攻 / (主査)教授 久本 憲夫, 教授 諸富 徹, 教授 岡 敏弘 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Economics / Kyoto University / DFAM

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