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學習型組織理論應用於社區總體營造之研究-以大溪和平老街為例 / A study on how Organizational Learning Theory is applied to the integrated Community Development—An example of Her-Pyng Old Street in Dashi蔣玉嬋, Chiang, Yu-Chan Unknown Date (has links)
相關的建議為:(1)社區居民:應關心、愛護社區,發掘社區議題,積極參與社區事務。(2)規劃團隊:應認清自己是教練的角色,協助社區並向社區學習。(3)地方行政首長:要有永續經營的理念,進行組織內部整合,並建立民眾參與制度。(4)承辦人員:肯定自己的能力,以服務的心態協助社區進行營造工作。(5)文建會:加強內部工作規劃,並積極進行部會的協調整合工作。 / It has been growing fast in the economical development in Taiwan in the recent years. A large number of people in the rural areas have moved to the urban areas. It results in a phenomenon of low density of population and descending agriculture in the rural areas. On the other hand, people who are from the rural areas and living in cities often see themselves as passerby. They do not care the living matters around them. It results in poor relations between these people and their communities. In order to rebuild active communities to reshow activity and to redevelop the harmonious relations of “people and people” and “people and environment”, CCA (Council for Cultural Affairs, Executive Yuan) proposes a policy of “Integrated Community Development”(ICD) to achieve the above goals by referring to Japanese Machizukuri. From the view of culture and art toward communities, it is hoped to inspire residents to participate in the public affairs automatically. Through negotiation, communication and discussion, residents who live in the same community can have a shared vision to build a humane hometown.
Under the tide of global competitiveness, people realize that “sustainable revolution” will become the surviving direction of organizations in the future. Thus, the concept of “Organizational Learning” has been proposed and is focused on how to build organizational learning to fit in the possible situation in the future. The organizational learning includes “building shared vision”,“improving mental models”,“personal mastery” and “team learning”. These points have the same ideas as ICD which points out a central idea of “building new people, new society and new living value”.
This research tried to build the model of how “Organizational Learning” could be applied to ICD by documentary method, observational method, interview survey, comparative study and qualitative research. It is also including integrated community development case study of some Japanese cases and Her-Pyng Old Street in Dashi. Some conclusion and suggestions will be referred to be the reference of other related sectors in the future.
It concludes here that (1) ICD is a kind of creative cultural policy and must be carried out by the corporation of residents, public sectors, experts and local private sectors.(2)ICD changes the previous thinking and operating models. Promoting organizational learning can overcome difficulties.(3)If all communities can promote organizational learning, ICD can work smoothly. Then every community has its unique characteristic in Taiwan to build a citizen society. Our country can develop stably and sustainably.
Other related suggestions are:(1)community residents:who should care and love their communities, find out community issues, and participate in the community matters positively.(2)planning team:which should realizes itself as an instructor to help communities and learn from them. (3)local magistrate:who should have sustainable idea to proceed organizational inner integration and develop a rule of public participation. (4)staffs:who should confirm their own abilities and help communities to proceed ICD with sincere service.(5)CCA:which should strengthen planning contents and proceed the integrated work between the different sectors positively.
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麥金泰爾論德性的社群 / MacIntyre on Virtuous Community黃昭榮, Huang, Chao-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本文的主旨在於探討當代美國哲學家麥金泰爾(1929-)的政治思想。麥金泰爾以亞里斯多德的理論來構築他心中理想的政治社群。並據此批駁自由主義所建構的政治社群。本研究擬藉此論爭以深入討論政治社群的本質。而整個研究是奠基在麥金泰爾後期(1981-)的著作。全文共分四章,分別略述如下。 第一章 緒論 旨在說明本研究的動機與目的,並概述麥金泰爾政治思想的
第二章 麥金泰爾對現代性的批判麥金泰爾以亞里斯多德傳統的目的論觀點,批判啟蒙以來整個現代性的發展。本章討論麥金泰爾對現代性獨特的理解。 第三章 麥金泰爾的德性理論構築一個德性的社群是麥金泰爾思想的中心。因此對德性的探討成為他理論的基礎。本章討論麥金泰爾的古典德性理論以及德性的三個核心環節,進而論述此一德性理論的政治社會基礎。
第四章 政治社群的重建主導現帶社會的自由主義所引發的問題是麥金泰爾批評的重心所在。因此本章藉由麥金泰爾與自由主義之間的爭論來探討政治社群的重建問題。並且對麥金泰爾的理論部分與實踐部分作一評估。 結論 筆者綜合前面討論提出三個值得注意的論點
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醫學與社會變遷-從古典社會學理論出發 / How Medicine - A Classical Sociological Research黃慧琦, Huang, Hui Chi Unknown Date (has links)
醫學在當代受到社會科學的青睞,一般被認為是自1980年來,學術潮流中社會科學對所謂「人的科學」的省思和再出發,包括心理學、社會心理學、文化研究和文學理論等都有新的研究取向,而醫學社會學亦屬於這一潮流,並特別是受到傅科對現代醫學的研究和貢獻的影響。(D. Lupton, 1994:5-6)。本篇論文屬於這新興的醫學社會學思潮中批判性的觀點,主要是在古典社會學的社會變遷理論中,尋找「傅科吊詭」(the Focault paradox)的問題意識的位置。
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臺灣地區的族群居住隔離 : 以1956、1966、1980及1990年四次戶口普查報告資料為例 / Ethnic Residential Segregation in Taiwan─ An Analysis of the 1956,1966,1980 and 1990 Census Data許癸鎣, Xu, Gui-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究臺灣地區的族群居住隔離,以1956年至1990年間四次戶口普查報告資料為主,分析臺灣地區中四個族群(外省人、本省閩南人、本省客家人及原住民)於1956年及1966年兩次戶口普查報告資料中的居住隔離狀況。以及兩個族群(外省人及本省人)於1956年、1966年、1980年及1990年四次戶口普查報告中的居住隔離狀況。並以1990年戶口普查報告資料進行族群居住隔離因素探討。研究中使用 D指數及P*指數,作為居住隔離程度的指標。
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法西斯主義對中國三○年代政治的影響 / Fascism and the Politics of China in 1930s馮啟宏, Feng,Chi-hung Unknown Date (has links)
除了側重法西斯主義對三○年代中國政治的影響外, 並嚐試將法西斯主
義傳入中國及其興起過程作一清楚釐清。全文共分六章, 第一章「緒論
」,簡述撰寫本文的動機、過去研究回顧及成果、 以及研究上所面臨的
限制等。第二章「法西斯主義的傳入」, 即是探討法西斯主義傳入中國
及三○年代興起的過程。第三章「國民黨內的態度與爭議」的內容, 即
是國民黨的重要人士的法西斯主義觀,及其在國民黨內引起的爭議, 和
中國的法西斯組織的傳言, 顯然是造成國民黨內反對派系激烈反對法西
斯主義主要原因。 本文第四章「三民主義力行社的成立」,主要係針對
題。第六章「結論」除了將法西斯主義在中國的發展型式, 與其他國家
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利用標籤社會網絡之影響力最大化達到目標式廣告行銷 / Influence maximization in labeled social network for target advertising李法賢 Unknown Date (has links)
病毒式行銷(viral marketing)透過人際之間的互動,藉由消費者對消費者的推薦,達到廣告效益。而廣告商要如何進行病毒式行銷?廣告商必須在有限資源下從人群中找出具有影響力的人,將產品或是概念推薦給更多的消費者,以說服消費者會採納他們的意見。
利用社會網絡(Social network),我們可以簡單地將消費者之間的關係用節點跟邊呈現,而Influence Maximization就是在社會網絡上選擇最具有影響力的k個消費者,而這k個消費者能影響最多的消費者。
然而,廣告相當重視目標消費群,廣告目的就是希望能夠影響目標消費群,使目標消費群購買產品。因此,我們針對標籤社會網絡(Labeled social network)提出Labeled influence maximization的問題,不同過往的研究,我們加入了標籤的條件,希望在標籤社會網絡中影響到最多符合標籤條件的節點。
針對標籤社會網絡,我們除了修改四個解決Influence maximization problem的方法,Greedy、NewGreedy、CELFGreedy和DegreeDiscount,以找出影響最多符合類別條件的節點的趨近解。我們也提出了兩個新的方法ProximityDiscount和MaximumCoverage來解決Labeled influence maximization problem。我們在Offline時,先計算節點與節點之間的Proximity,當行銷人員Online擬定行效策略時,系統利用Proximity,Onlin找出趨近解。
實驗所採用的資料是Internet Movie Database的社會網絡。根據實驗結果顯示,在兼顧效率與效果的情況下,適合用ProximityDiscount來解決Labeled influence maximization problem。 / Influence maximization problem is to find a small subset of nodes (seed nodes) in a social network that could maximize the spread of influence. But when marketers advertise for some products, they have a set of target audience. However, influence maximization doesn’t take target audience into account.
This thesis addresses a new problem called labeled influence maximization problem, which is to find a subset of nodes in a labeled social network that could influence target audience and maximizes the profit of influence. In labeled social network, every node has a label, and every label has profit which can be set by marketers.
We propose six algorithms to solve labeled influence maximization problem. To accommodate the objective of labeled influence maximization, four algorithms, called LabeledGreedy, LabeledNewGreedy, LabeledCELFGreedy, and LabeledDegreeDiscount, are modified from previous studies on original influence maximization. Moreover, we propose two new algorithms, called ProximityDiscount and MaximumCoverage, which offline compute the proximities of any two nodes in the labeled social network. When marketers make strategies online, the system will return the approximate solution by using proximities.
Experiments were performed on the labeled social network constructed from Internet Movie Database, the result shows that ProximityDiscount may provide good efficiency and effectiveness.
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資訊品質與品牌社群忠誠意向之關係 - 以台北地區有機食品商店社群為例 / The relationship between information quality and brand community loyalty intention - evidences from organic food store clubs in Taipei area陳利澤, Chen, Li Tse Unknown Date (has links)
鍵因素(Andersen,and Srinivasan,2003; Parks, and Kory,1996; Zeithaml and Berry,1996)。國內學者江義平與林佳蓁(2006)的研究也指出資訊品質會對虛擬社群成員的滿意以及信任有正向的影響。Jang, Olfman, Ko, Koh and Kim (2008)則指出資訊品質對於虛擬社群成員的承諾並無顯著關係。然而,資訊品質與實體的品牌社群之間的相關性研究則有待進一步探討。
3.品牌社群認同並未透過規範性壓力而影響品牌社群忠誠意向。 / In recent years, researches on the brand gradually emphasize brand community studies, which explore the influence of social meaning and the relationship between brand identification and loyalty intentions. But the researches on brand communities in the past focused more on the impact of social factors, such as relationship quality, interactive quality, etc., and less investigated the impact of information quality. Information quality is regarded as one of the key factors of the satisfaction and loyalty intentions for the members of virtual community (Andersen, and Srinivasan, 2003; Parks, and Kory, 1996; Zeithaml and Berry, 1996). Jiang Yiping (2006) also pointed out that the quality of information has a positive influence on the virtual community members’ satisfaction and trust. Yet, Jang, Olfman, Ko, Koh and Kim (2008) pointed out that the information quality has no significant influence on the virtual community members’ commitment. However, the relationship between information quality and physical brand community is to be further explored.
This research focuses on the members of the physical organic food store communities in Taipei area. It tests the hypotheses by estimating a structural equation model with survey data from a sample of the members of the organic food store culbs in Taipei area.
After questionnaire investigation and SEM analysis, the empirical results are divided into three parts:
1.Information quality affects brand community loyalty intention through the mediation effect of community identification. And the accuracy, completeness, relevance, timeliness and consistency of the information quality have positive and significant effects on brand identifiaction.
2.Brand community identification not only influences the brand community loyalty intention through brand community commitment, but also directly affects the brand community loyalty intention positively and significantly.
3.Brand community identification doesn’t affect the brand community loyalty intentions through the mediation of normative pressure.
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宗教與民主化:社會系統理論觀點的檢視與重構 / Religion and democratization: social systems theory perspective劉育成, Liu ,Yu Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
宗教對信仰自由的維護與對人權的爭取毋寧是來自於自身的信仰元素。換句話說,與之有關的論述是以一種自我指涉的運作方式而獲得實現。此種不斷回到自身之信仰以尋求論述之正當性的作法在操作上賦予了這些論述正當性,這便是系統的自我指涉運作。就此而言,系統毋寧是封閉的,其在自身之中不斷地自我生產有關信仰自由與人權的論述。然而,也正是因為其運作上的封閉,使得宗教(長老教會)所生產出來的論述與接續之行動均能夠在內部獲得支持,從而對自身而言具有正當性。這個正當性也成為其能夠進行觀察與自我描述的基礎。從系統論的觀點而言,長老教會在政治與社會關懷的論述與行動上,便是以封閉為基礎的開放性自我指涉運作。若非以此自我指涉的封閉且開放之運作為其系統形成的特性,那麼論述與行動的正當性便易於受到質疑,甚至無法獲得系統內部的支持。據此,現代社會以功能為主要分化形式的系統形成,至少在時間面向上均必須取得自我指涉或自主性運作上的正當性。這個正當性決定於系統在多大程度上能夠持續地維持與其環境的界線。長老教會對人權與信仰自由的主張與論述的建構,或許是與政治系統對相同論題的溝通存在著無法跨越的差異。這個差異同時也標示的是宗教與政治系統之間的那個界線,而這個差異的維持在系統分化的社會演化過程中,使得「民主(化)」作為政治系統乃至於社會描述自身的語意是可能的。 / This thesis draws on Niklas Luhmann’s theory of social systems, and examines the relationship between religion and democratization in Taiwan. In order to advance the analysis and to make some helpful suggestions, two points are firstly highlighted. One is the concept of democracy itself, and the other is the descriptions of it by the political system and by other social systems within society. The word ‘democracy’ has long history since ancient Greek city-state, however, its modern use and the meaning of it can possibly date back to the Middle ages, especially to the sixteenth century. Modern concept of democracy relates to the tradition of monotheism, in this case referring to the Reformation and later to the formation of Western political philosophy. The second point argues that ‘democracy’ is simply a self-description of society, and its realization lies in the transformation of the form of differentiation from hierarchical to functional. Luhmann would like to link the semantics to social evolution, by which he can investigate and explore the dialectical process between semantics and structures. The analysis of the relationship between democracy and democratization refers to this dialectical process, concerning systems differentiation and social evolution.
Issues relating to democratization, the consolidation of democracies, and their discontented consequences, etc. need to be reconsidered in the sense that the concept of democracy and its modern descriptions utilize a ‘paradox’ which must be hidden while forming and maintaining identities, whether they be societies, nations, or individuals. This constitutes both positive and negative sides of the development of democracy, and also leads to crises gradually confronted by those ‘matured’ democratic Western countries and also by some third-wave democratizing regions. Among them exists a similar problem which will be discussed in this thesis: the concept of democracy and its modern developments are increasingly eroding its own foundation when the differentiation of subsystems and the evolution of society both go too far. This by no means indicates that there will not be any democracy in the near future. Instead, as an observer observing observations, this thesis inquires our present situations while at the same time attempting at offering some possible and also suitable questions from systems theory perspective.
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台灣生物技術廠商社會資本與區域創新氛圍之研究 / The interactive effect of social capital and regional innovative milieux:a case of biotechnology industry in Taiwan陳仲萌, Chen, Chung Meng Unknown Date (has links)
近年隨全球生產鏈改變,廠商為維持競爭力由追求區位最佳化,轉而追求網絡位置優化。在此種現象下,引發本研究探討區位環境在廠商創新過程中所扮演之角色,並嘗試與網絡位置共同分析,探查區位環境對於廠商是否具有功能化效果。且以Markusen (1996)與Glückler(2007)之論述為基礎,檢視創新環境差異下是否存在網絡結構差異。區位環境與技術網絡分別透過創新氛圍與社會資本作為論述框架,利用兩者皆強調個體行動者特質,連結地理區位、社會化行動至創新績效之路徑。
本研究以台灣生物技術廠商為研究對象,該產業為我國新興產業之一,對於技術網絡建立與研發需求強烈。資料收集同時利用二手資料與問卷方式,建立近似於整體性的技術網絡資料,分析方法採用社會網絡分析法、變異數分析以及卜瓦松回歸進行假說驗證。分析結果呈現地區創新氛圍差異確實存在廠商社會資本型態差異,支持先前文獻論述。而地區創新氛圍在廠商創新過程中扮演調和社會資本結構面功能角色,隨創新氛圍提升,強化直接連結的正向效果,減緩了網絡中介的負向效果;突顯了區位選擇在廠商面對全球化過程中仍為影響創新績效的關鍵因子。 / The empirical studies of firms’ innovation pointed out the important of localtion. In early days, firms pursue better location to lower the cost.But now they facing the globalization recombining the global supply chain. The important of location is re-placed by “ network system”. In this view, the main part of our research tring to understand the role of innovative milieu in innovation process. According to the lite-rature of Markusen (1996) and Glückler(2007) suggest the difference network structure between difference industrial districts. The second goal of this research is using statistical data to confirm their explanation.
Tthis research which indicate two important results. The first is the difference social capital of firms existing in difference innovative milieux.This result support Markusen and Glückler’s discussions. Second, the role of innovative milieu is mod-erated effect between social capital and innovative perfornment.Following the differ-ence social capital strength, the effect of innovative milieu is difference.The empirical result indicate that the important function of location is working on firms’ innovative process.
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中小企業策略性企業社會責任(CSR)創新模式之研究-以台灣醫療產業為例 / The Study on SMEs Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - the medical industry in Taiwan黃貞瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
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