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老人居住安排選擇因素分析-代間關係之探討曾瀝儀 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以多項羅吉特模型實證分析華人家庭動態資料庫(PSFD)2004年的資料,選取主樣本為已婚子女之樣本。研究結果顯示:在老人的屬性中,喪偶、教育程度低以及無工作者會偏好與子女同住,尤其老年女性喪偶的影響效果最大,使其獨居的機率降低50%;在主樣本的屬性中,當住宅為父母所有、有學齡前小孩、主樣本教育程度高會使兩代同住機率增加。因此對於老人而言,同住是身心狀況下降的較佳選擇;然而對於子女而言,同住是基於「交換」勞務所產生的居住安排。最後,本文並發現「同鄰」者多為身心狀況良好的老人且多與已婚兒子相鄰而居的狀況,顯示父系傳統對於華人家庭的深刻影響。 / According to the census report of population and housing of Year 2000 in Taiwan, about sixty percent of the elderly live with their children, but this situation is decreasing. In Chinese society, the elderly living with their children symbolize the culture of filial piety. With the change of modern society, the phenomenon is changing. Previous researches about the elderly living arrangement pay much attention to the characteristics of the elderly, rather than the influences of children. Therefore, this study attempts to explore the influence factors of the living arrangement between the elderly and their children. Moreover, the “neighboring living arrangement” of the elderly and their children makes the two generations not only could take care of each other, but also possess free and private residential spaces by themselves. This issue wasn’t discussed in the past, so this study also discusses this living arrangement of the two generations in order to realize the influence of intergenerational interaction on the choices of the elderly living arrangement.
This study uses multi-nominal logistic regression model to analysis the data of Panel Study of Family Dynamics(PSFD)in 2004. The empirical results shows, the widowed , with low education attainment and unemployed elderly prefer to live with their children. The widowed characteristic especially plays stronger marginal effect, which decreases the probability of living alone fifty percents for the elderly. Housing owned by parents, with under school- age grandchildren and highly educated children would increase the probability of co-residence of two generations. For the elderly, when he (she) is unhealthy or being single, co-residence with children is the better choice. However, for the children, co-residence is based on the “exchange” for elderly labor forces to take care of under school- age children. Finally, this study finds that the healthy elderly prefer to choose neighboring living arrangement with their children, and especially neighbor to their married son. It is implied that the influence of patriarchy culture on Chinese family.
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組織中人際信任的形成之探索性研究 / The Formation of Interpersonal Trust in Organizations: An Exploratory Study陳玉軒, CHEN, YU-HSUAN Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從個人與系絡的層次上探討組織中人際信任的形成,理論基礎為社會交換理論與交易成本理論。首先,由人際信任的形成開始探究,討論人際信任形成的過程,而後導出一個人際信任形成的概念架構;其次,將人際信任的形成置於組織成員的人際系絡下探討,藉由理論基礎以發掘出人際信任的型式,並透過探討組織中人際系絡的影響,以說明組織中人際信任所形成的各種型式;最後,於結論中提出本研究的發現:組織中人際信任的形成過程分為預設、預測、及評估三階段,組織中人際信任的形成受到權威系絡與關係系絡的影響,不同的行動值預測導致相異的信任程度,組織中人際信任具有移轉性,且據此提示管理者、一般組織成員、以及人力資源實務工作者,有關組織中人際信任形成所帶來的啟示。 / Designed as an exploratory study, this study attempted exploring the formation of interpersonal trust within organizations, including how and which context is interpersonal trust within organizations formed, and what is it after being formed. The purposes of the study were to realize the process of
forming interpersonal trust within organizations, the influence of forming trust within organizational members in organizational
contexts, and to wish to be useful to built appropriate interpersonal trust within organizations.
The study based on social exchange theory and transaction costs theory explored the formation of interpersonal trust within organizations at individual and contextual level. At first, the study discussed the formation of interpersonal trust
, which put emphasis on the process of forming interpersonal trust, and thereby evolve into a conceptual framework of forming
interpersonal trust. Moreover, the formation of interpersonal trust were discussed in interpersonal contexts within organizational members, found four types of interpersonal trust through literature review, and then examine types of interpersonal trust within organizations with discussing the influence of interpersonal contexts within organizations. In conclusion, the findings of the study were that (1) presumption
, prediction, and evaluation consist of the forming process of interpersonal trust within organizations, (2) guanxi and authority contexts affect the forming process of interpersonal trust within organizations, (3) different action predictions lead to different levels of trust, and (4) interpersonal trust within organizations can be transferred to another specific organizational member. Besides, it had implications for supervisors, usual organizational members, and HR workers.
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公部門組織信任與組織公民行為關係之研究許道然 Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論•••••••••••••••1
第一節 研究動機與目的•••••••••••••••01
第二節 研究方法••••••••••••••••••09
第三節 研究範圍、研究流程與研究限制••••••••11
第二章 文獻探討••••••••••••16
第一節 組織信任之理論與實務之研究•••••••••16
第二節 組織公民行為之理論與實務之研究•••••••56
第三節 組織信任與組織公民行為關係文獻之探討••••97
第三章 研究設計••••••••••••103
第一節 研究架構與研究變項說明•••••••••••103
第二節 研究問題與研究假設•••••••••••••107
第三節 問卷設計••••••••••••••••••115
第四節 研究調查過程••••••••••••••••128
第四章 資料分析與結果討論•••••••133
第一節 資料初步分析••••••••••••••••133
第二節 組織信任與組織公民行為之關聯性分析•••••140
第三節 人口變項與組織信任之關聯性分析•••••••152
第四節 人口變項與組織公民行為之關聯性分析•••••160
第五章 結論與建議••••••••••172
第一節 結論••••••••••••••••••••173
第二節 研究貢獻及對管理實務的涵義•••••••••190
第三節 對後續研究之建議••••••••••••••201
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記者與消息來源互動關係與新聞處理方式關聯性之研究 / Effects of the Relationship between news reports and Source upon the news treatment喻靖媛, Yu, Chen Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
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地方記者資訊蒐集行為研究--一個社會網絡與資源交換的觀點 / How Local Newspaper Journalists Gather Information? A Study in Social Network Approach李品葭 Unknown Date (has links)
總括而言,新聞記者的新聞資訊蒐集活動倚靠人脈,但只有少數的人脈會被展現在新聞報導之中,許多人脈的運作隱藏於幕後,且不同連帶關係的人脈對象在過程中提供不同類型的資源與幫助,新聞記者必須辨識並活用之。而為了和不同連帶關係的人脈取得資源,記者會採取不同的社會交換策略。和強連帶的資源交換策略包括給予資訊資源、版面資源、知識資源、中介性資源、服務性資源以及信任性資源,特別的是,平常便會交換情感性資源以維持雙方關係;而面對弱連帶對象,當一般報酬無法滿足對方時,可藉由人脈中當作橋樑影響弱連帶以達成資訊蒐集目的。 / Information gathering is one of the major tasks in journalistic work. Among the resources that journalists employ to gather news, social ties is an important factor that contributes to journalistic work. However, it is rarely known how social network was used as journalistic resources in daily news-gathering activities. This thesis aims to explore the above issues by employing a field study.
This field study is based on a case of newspaper reporter who is assigned to local beat in Central Taiwan. The researcher made participatory observation and intensive interviews in a period of 30 days. Data was collected and kept in field journals.
The data gathered were analyzed by both quantitative and qualitative methods. Two social graphs were plotted to show how the news sources distributed in both news reported and daily journals.
This paper further found that journalist benefits of social ties are quite diverse; social ties not only facilitates gathering of routine information, but also exclusive news, knowledge, experience, referral resources, power and trust. Strong and weak ties also provide different types of resources.
In conclusion, journalists contact many social ties in their daily information gathering tasks. Only very few appear on news reporting, while many were hidden behind the scene. These social ties provide reliable aid in news gathering activities. And a journalist has to identify, activate the connections, and make exchanges to get help according to the types of ties and resources needed.
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虛擬組織之信任問題-以個人理性、社會及倫理的觀點蔡雅嵐 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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社群網站行為與線上社會資本對社群商務之影響- 以社群網站臉書為例 / How Behaviors on Social Network Sites and Online Social Capital Influence Social Commerce: The Case of Facebook吳至倫, Wu, Chih Lun Unknown Date (has links)
隨著社群網路不斷快發展而使得上社群網站成為使用者每日生活的一部分,而社群商務也因此蓬勃發展。社群商務是社群網站使用者因社交活動而彼此交換分享產品或服務資訊的行為。根據Forrester Research在2011年的報告,預測至2015年時社群商務的產值將達300億美金。因此社群商務將隨社群網站不斷的發展,將越來越重要。
本研究以社群網站臉書的使用者為研究對象,研究以紙本及線上二種方式來搜集使用者問卷。紙本問卷主要以北部某大學生為主要搜集對象,線上問卷則以在電腦教室的大學生、社群網站臉書的線上使用者及BBS-批踢踢實業坊的使用者同時也是社群網站臉書上的使用者為主。有效問卷970份。經由信度分析、效度分析及共同方法變異分析,確認本研究之信效度,並採用偏最小平方法(Partial Least Square,PLS),來進行結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)研究模型分析。
此外,在經由量化分析研究,本研究獲得全部研究假設分析的結果,接著本研究並採用事後質性分析(Post Hoc Qualitative Analysis),利用半結構式深度訪談,對象包括大學部1-4年級的學生及上班族來做事後質性分析。事後質化分析的結果是將量化分析的所支持的假設加以驗証及探究更深一層的說明,並提供解釋量化分析所不支持假設的可能原因。
本研究理論貢獻在於採用社群網站行為-參與及瀏覽及線上社會資本-結合型(親密朋友)及橋接型(普通朋友)來預測採用社群商務-給予及接受之意願。較少研究採用社群網站行為及社會資料理論來解釋社群商務。管理意涵在於社群網站的營運者,應思考如何藉由社群網站來增加對使用者的〞黏性〞及提昇使用者瀏覽網站的流量,並依據使用者之前瀏覽的記錄,來推測並提供使用者所喜好的内容。更進一步來說,為增加使用者的參與行為可依照使用者彼此間的互動來分析使用者社群網站上的行為以推薦使用者加入其有興趣的粉絲團及社團,以增加親密朋友及普通朋友之使用者彼此的互動,同時增加線上結合型及橋接型社會資及使用者採用社群商務的意願。此外,本研究建議社群網站經營者應努力發展線上朋友介紹功能,並藉由大數據的資料分析擴大使用者的交友範圍。對於使用者線下的朋友,希望將其成為本身結合型(親密朋友)或橋接型(普通朋友)的社會資本。對於使用者線上不認識的朋友,希望能其成為橋接型(普通朋友)的社會資本,因為他們可能加入同一粉絲團或社團,以促進社群網站的使用者採用社群商務的意願。 / Following the fast growing of social network sites (SNS) such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook in the cyber world recently, the social commerce has become an important emerging issue in these SNS. According to the Forrester Research (2011) predicted the total value of output for social commerce will reach US$30 billion in 2015. Because the development of social commerce will follow the continueous growing of SNS, the social commerce will play a pivotal role in the e-commerce.
According to the literature review and focus group discussions, the study explored and applied SNS behavior including participating and browsing, social capital theory including bonding (close friends) and bridging (ordinary friends) to predict SNS users to adopt giving and receiving social commerce intention (SCI).
The study applied an empirical research on SNS users i.e. FB users to be research target samples. The data collection were applied by paper_based and online_based as two way to collect sample data. With regard to sample data from paper_based survey, the study adopted undergraduate students of a university located in northen Taiwan was the research main collection samples for paper_based survey. As to online_based survey, the study utilized undergraduate students, who are the same as paper_ based survey in the same university with computer lab classes, FB users of researchers’ friends and Taiwan largest Bulletin Board System-PTT who are also FB users to collect online users’ data. The total valid samples are 970 from online_based and paper_based survey. After reliability analysis, validity analysis and common method variance testing, the study confirmed that reliability and validity of study samples met the requirement of each statistical testing and were qualified for testing the study whole research model. Then, the study adopted partial least square (PLS) to proceed with structural equation modeling (SEM) research model testing.
As to whole model research testing, in the beginning the study was testing the relationship among SNS behavior, online social capital and SCI. The three constructs are second order constructs. The testing results show the effects of SNS behavior on online social capital and the effects of online social capital on SCI are significantly positive. Hence, the research continues to proceed with the research model testing. The research findings of whole research model testing have shown SNS behavior as a second order construct of participating and browsing, online social capital-bonding and bridging are both significantly positive influence to adopt social commerce intention as a second order construct as SCI (giving and receiving). Hence, the study will continue to explore the relationships between each sub-construct in the research.
Participating and browsing behavior are both significantly positive on bonding social capital. Moreover, browsing behavior is more significantly positive associated with bonding social capital than participating behavior is associated with bonding social capital. Participating and browsing behavior are both significantly positive on bridging social capital. Browsing behavior is more significantly positive associated with bridging social capital than participating behavior is associated with bridging social capital.
Participating behavior is significantly positive on adopting SCI (giving). However, browsing behioavr is no significant influence on adopting SCI (giving). Participaiting behavior and browsing behavior both have significantly positive influences on SCI (receiving). However, there are no significant differences between participating behavior and browsing behavior on adopting SCI (receiving).
Bonding and bridging social capital are both significantly positive on SCI (giving). Moreover, bridging social capital is more significantly positive associated with SCI (giving) than bonding social capital is associated with SCI (giving). Bonding and bridging social capital are both significantly positive on SCI (receiving). However, there are no significant differences between bonding and bridging social capital on adopting SCI (receiving).
To Sum up, generally speaking, browsing behavior is better on social capital than participating behavior is on social capital. Participating behavior is more suitable on adopting SCI than browsing behavior is on social capital. Bridging social capital is more appropriate on adopting SCI than bonding social capital is on adopting SCI.
Besides, after quantitative data analysis, the study proceeds with the post hoc qualitative analysis. Utilizing semi-structured in-depth interviews with undergraduate students and working persons to continue post hoc qualitative analysis. The aim of post hoc qualitative analysis is to validitate and provide insight for the hypotheses which are supported by quantitative analysis. Moreover, it provides the explainations for the hypotheses which ae not supported by the quantitative analysis.
The theory contributions of the study are applying SNS behavior including participating and browsing, social capital theory including bonding and bridging to predict SNS users to adopt SCI (giving and receiving). Seldom researches SNS behavior and social capital theory to explain social commerce individually. With regard to managerial implications are for SNS operators to think how to utilize SNS to increase users stickiness and raise users’ browsing quantities - following the users’ accumulated browsing behaivors history to predict and provide the contents which users may have interest. Moreover, regarding the interacting behavior for SNS users of participating behavior is to analyze the behaviors of SNS users and to recommend uers to join the fan pages or clubs that they may be interested in. Doing so is to increase the interactions with close friends and ordinary friends to enhance online bonding and bridging social capital and the users’ intentions to adopt SCI simotenously. In addition, the study recommends SNS operators to adopt friends introducing functions thoroughly and apply big data statistical analysis to enlarge the users’ friends rang to make more SNS friends. For the SNS offline friends, the study wish to let SNS users’ offline friends to become their online bonding or bridging social capital. For the SNS online unknown friends, the study wish to let SNS users’ online unkown friends to become their online bridging social capital because they may join the same fan pages or clubs to enlarge and accelerate SNS users to adopt SCI.
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無線點對點合理資訊交易模型達成破壞性行銷之研究謝儒鋒, Hsieh,Ju Feng Unknown Date (has links)
在可預見之未來無線點對點的世界裡,資訊交易就如同現實世界人與人間的交易模式,需考量到交易資訊的成本、價值與人際關係衡量之因素;傳統廣告行銷的效率問題也待創新的資訊交易平台來解決。本研究提出的資訊交易模型,以人性考量為基礎,在各種不同情境下,動態衡量資訊成本、價值與使用者間關係,透過助理軟體,協助加入資訊交易平台之個體,以更便利方式進行資訊交易,預期讓交易結果更貼近使用者的需求;而企業方面也能透過點與點之間快速傳遞資訊的特性,預期以更低成本、更高效率,完成商務行銷目的,達到破壞性行銷之目標。 / This paper presents a novel ambient e-service aiming at distributed marketing through sensible bartering in foreseeable wireless Peer-to-Peer (WP2P) environments. A variety of influential factors (e.g., cost, value, relationship) are proposed and formalized for empowering the bartering mechanism, unfolding a rich arena of ambient distributed trading and a disruptive paradigm of e-marketing.
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線上社群協作及其前置因素之研究:檢驗社群投入度之中介效果 / Online community collaboration and its antecedents: the mediating effect of community engagement蕭丞傑, Hsiao, Cheng Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之研究情境為玩家公會社群,本研究自一知名大型多人線上遊戲中收集340份有效問卷進行資料分析與假設檢驗,研究結果顯示:(1) 除社群禮貌外,社群投入度對於社群合作行為、助人行為與運動家精神皆有正向影響;(2) 對個人之結果預期與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介;(3) 對社群之結果預期與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介;(4) 知覺社群信任與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介;(5) 知覺社群規範與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介,但社群規範對於運動家精神亦有直接負向效果;(6) 知覺社群認同與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介,但社群認同亦會直接正向影響社群合作與助人行為;(7) 然而,知覺社群支持與線上社群協作行為之關係,並不會受到社群投入度所中介。針對上述之研究結果,本研究進一步闡述其學術研究意涵、實務管理意涵,以及研究限制與未來研究方向。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between online community collaboration and its antecedents by examining the mediating effect of community engagement. First, this study proposes a classification of online community collaboration by following the typology of in-role and extra-role behaviors. Accordingly, this study will further examine some of online community collaboration behaviors, including community cooperation, helping behavior, community courtesy, and sportsmanship. Second, drawing upon social cognitive theory and social exchange theory, this study identifies several antecedents of online community collaboration, including person-relevant outcome expectancy, community-relevant outcome expectancy, perceived community trust, perceived community norms, perceived community support, and perceived community identification. Finally, from the perspective of engagement, this study will examine the mediating effect of community engagement on the proposed model.
The research setting of this study is online gaming communities. After collecting 340 valid responses from a famous Massive Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG), our results show that (1) community engagement affects community cooperation, helping behavior and sportsmanship positively, but does not have a significant effect on community courtesy; (2) the relationships between person-relevant outcome expectancy and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement; (3) the relationships between community-relevant outcome expectancy and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement; (4) the relationships between perceived community trust and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement; (5) the relationships between perceived community norms and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement, but perceived community norms also has a direct and negative impact on sportsmanship; (6) the relationships between perceived community identification and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement, but perceived community identification also has direct and positive impacts on community cooperation and helping behavior; (7) the relationships between perceived community support and online community collaboration behaviors are not mediated by community engagement. According to these findings, this study concludes with research implications, managerial implications, research limitations and future research directions.
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