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大陸地區中小型台商企業流程再造工程(BPR)應用研究 / BPR 企業E化

林振明, Lin ,Cheng Ming Unknown Date (has links)
中小型台商企業十餘年來一歨一腳印,在大陸總體經濟,社會及政治環境尚未成熟之際,身先士卒,孤身深入大陸打拼,一路走來披荊斬棘,愈挫愈勇,打落牙齒和血吞,三折肱而成良醫,從數百人至今數千人的工廠,也能亂中有序,管理日漸成熟. 數年前在無數台商與部分港商無數次的折衝與無私奉獻下,大陸總體經濟,社會及政治環境已日臻成熟而穩定.也因此吸引大批歐美大廠及台灣中大型企業大規模或擴廠或垂直整合,而內資企業在台資企業與港資企業的技術引導與政府大力協助下,快速瓜分中小型台商企業有限的市場資源與人力資源,而在中小型台商企業技術資源積累不易情況下,發展空間遭受嚴重的內外夾擊. 現今不確定時代的衝擊與微利時代再次悄悄的來臨,中小型台商企業再次面臨十餘年前產業外移大陸前的競爭困境,有幸的是中小型台商企業已積累了一定的資源與實力.然而,中小型台商企業究竟應如何提升總體競爭力以因應目前及未來日益嚴苛的內外在經營環境? 本研究從個人多年來實際輔導大陸地區中小型台商企業所積累之經驗及持續對於中小型台商企業內外在經營環境之觀察中,藉助在科技管理研究所EMBA三年來所受嚴謹的邏輯思維及個案研究中,進行反思與整理,並輔以國內外中大型企業流程再造工程(BPR)案例探討及流程再造工程(BPR)理論探討,歸納出中小型台商企業在面對目前及未來嚴苛挑戰之可能因應之道.研究發現: 一、 經由實際輔導中小型台商經驗及觀察其內外在經營環境之演化,並藉由SWOT分析, 流程再造工程(BPR),將有助於提升其總體競爭力. 二、 歐美企業與台商企業民族性不同,因此在流程再造工程導入方法論上存在高度差異. 三、 中大型企業與中小型企業組織規模不同,在流程再造工程導入方法論上存在高度差異. 四、 不同型態的中小型台商企業受限於企業文化及組織氛圍,企業主的經營理念及管理風格,管理團隊之管理素質與溝通及執行能力,甚至行業特性等,都將對於在應用流程再造工程(BPR)方法論上,存在高度差異. 流程再造工程(BPR)如何應用於中小型台商企業?本研究藉助修正歐美企業與大型台商企業對於流程再造方法論之應用,與根據以往之實務經驗及案例之描述與分析,試圖整理出一套對於中小型台商企業有用之流程再造工程(BPR)實用性架構. 流程再造工程(BPR)之應用,對於中小型台商企業間,存在高度差異性,本研究亦試圖從過去協助多家企業,規劃與導入流程再造工程之實務中,歸納及整理出一套,對於不同型態中小型台商企業在導入流程再造工程時,可以參考之實用性架構,已上種種僅希望對於中小型台商企業之未來競爭力有所助益. / For over the past ten more years, Taiwan’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) had been struggling with immature business environment in China, whatever on the aspects of macro economy, sociality or politics. However, the significant achievement that Taiwan’s SMEs had established in China is undoubtedly hard to be ignored. Thanks to early contribution of Taiwan’s SMEs and some Hong Kong’s companies, China has progressed step by step in all respects. Therefore, China attracts further capital injection from large-scale multinational companies and Taiwan big companies for the purpose of investment, factory expansion or business vertical consolidation. In addition, because of the full support of China government and the know-how transfer from Taiwan and Hong Kong’s enterprises, China’s companies have also grown to begin capturing most of the market and human resources originally owned by Taiwan’s SMEs. Thus, Taiwan’s SMEs have begun to face the survival challenges due to the severe market competition and easy to be copied technology resources that they have. In reflection of aforementioned uncertainty and squeezed profit in the current business environment, Taiwan’s SMEs in China are suffering the threat again, which is similar to the same situation when they were forced to move their business into China ten more years ago, or even worse. Fortunately, Taiwan’s SMEs in China have accumulated a certain capital and resources,which are solid enough to help them overcome the difficulties gradually. However, Taiwan SMEs still need to think and defend against a looming problem, i.e. how to enhance their overall competitiveness in order to face current and future more stringent business environment. This dissertation is issued based upon 1) my personal practical and consulting experiences at Taiwan’s SMEs in China, 2) continuous observation about the internal and external business environment faced by Taiwan’s SMEs in China, 3) the learning methodology and results of EMBA course, 4) deliberation upon the implementation of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) theory at medium to large scale international and local companies. And according to my practical experience and many years of observation in China, I have summarized my research results from four dimensions as follows: 1. By way of SWOT analysis, it is found that the implementation of BPR theory is indeed able to help enhance overall competitiveness of Taiwan’s SMEs in China. 2. Due to cultural and national difference, there is high difference existing between western multinational and Taiwan’s companies in the implementation of BPR theory. 3. Due to economic scale difference, there is high difference existing between large and small to medium companies in the implementation of BPR theory. 4. Even for the SMEs as a whole, there is still high difference existing in implementing the BPR theory among different small to medium sized companies, which are due to the difference in the quality and style of management, communication and execution effectiveness of the organization, and corporate culture and industry characteristics of the company itself, etc. Through different case study analysis, the paper is intended to modify the current BPR theory applied at large scale western and Taiwan companies, and help to establish a concrete proposal to benefit different Taiwan’s SMEs in China. Finally, I sincerely hope that the paper could give Taiwan’s SMEs in China a practical reference guide and help them enhance their overall competitiveness in the future.


謝煜廷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在於探討:(1)良好個人工作習慣及組織工作習慣間之關聯性;(2)影響個人績效及競爭力之核心關鍵工作習慣;(3)影響組織績效及競爭力之核心關鍵工作習慣;(4)個人績效及競爭力與企業組織績效及競爭力間之關聯性;(5)企業組織在形塑與組織績效及競爭力相關之良好組織及個人工作習慣時,其背後的心理機制;和(6)一般企業與標竿企業,在組織工作習慣與績效競爭力上之比較。 本研究樣本為來自4個產業,16家企業組織內之員工,共計480人。研究結果顯示:(1)良好個人工作習慣、組織工作習慣與組織管理變項間,達顯著相關;(2)良好個人工作習慣確實對於個人績效與競爭力有所影響;(3)良好組織工作習慣確實對於組織績效與競爭力有所影響;(4)個人績效、競爭力與組織績效、競爭力及組織管理變項間,達顯著相關;(5)組織管理變項,的確與組織用於形塑工作習慣、績效與競爭力之機制有關;(6)一般企業與標竿企業在各變項上達顯著差異,且標竿企業在各向度上之表現均明顯優於一般企業。最後,研究者並進一步提出本研究之限制,與後續研究之方向,以及對個人及組織在實務應用上之具體建議。

行政院院本部組織調整之研究-從組織變革觀點探討 / The Research on Organization Adjustment of the Headquarters of Executive Yuan: An Organizational Change Viewpoint

林立棟 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣近幾十年歷經民主化洗禮,社會大幅轉型;政府面對國際競爭壓力及國內政經環境的急速變遷,為順應社會變革與民眾期待,並冀望對行政組織做全面性、系統性的檢討,爰依據2001年「經濟發展諮詢委員會議」的共識和「總統府政府改造委員會」的決議成立組織改造推動委員會,同時從政府核心職能角度深入思考,規劃組織總體檢及新時代國家樣貌,俾為全民打造一個具有國際競爭力的環境。 政府改造係以「具全球競爭力的活力政府」為願景,並訂定1.興利創新的服務機制;2.彈性精簡的行政組織;3.專業績效的人事制度;4.分權合作的政府架構;5.順應民意的國會改造等五大目標,同時將行政院組織改造列為第一要務。因行政院組織改造後之工作環境、業務範疇、定位方式等皆攸關員工權益與福祉,故員工對政府改造工程之支持與認同,及各項修法工作、研議內容對員工之影響層面,員工對組織改造之不確定性認知與組織承諾之關係、對組織承諾程度上之差異等等,均為本研究探討之範疇,又研究結果所提出之建議可供作政府未來政策之參考。 本研究以行政院院本部400餘位員工為研究對象,並就不同職級職等、主管或非主管人員及職工(駕駛、工友)選取訪談對象。另為增加廣博性,研究過程亦徵詢曾參與規劃之相關權責單位如研考會、人事行政局、政府改造委員會成員之意見,俾更了解組織改造之背景因素與進程目標。本研究共設計八個訪談題目,其內容略以:1.行政院組織改造近期能否定案?最大瓶頸為何?2.員工是否關心行政院組織改造長期演變?未來能否落實「小而美、小而能的高效率政府」?3.行政院組織改造是否影響個人權益?宣導與規劃措施是否完善?影響何種職務員工權益最鉅?4.機關組織變革對個人有何心理或實質層面影響?5.行政院組織改造是否造成員工疑慮與壓力?6.員工以何種態度面對機關組織變革?採何因應策略?7.員工於組織變革之際是否考慮退休?與原來生涯規劃有無落差?主要因素為何?8.對行政院組織改造有無其他意見或建議? 本研究發現,行政院組織改造停滯不前之關鍵,在於複雜的政治環境與立院生態使相關法案受到杯葛;受訪者一致認為組織改造會影響員工權益,且對組織變革充滿不確定性與不安全感,業務整併或移撥將使部分員工由主管變非主管,或轉換工作環境,甚至選擇退休;而舊有習慣的改變,對變革缺乏信賴所產生的誤解,以及個人利益受到威脅等等,均導致員工對未來充滿疑惑與恐懼;又受訪者多認為政府宣導與規劃措施不足,並主張應再加強雙向溝通與宣導。受訪者平均年資約20年,部分符合退休條件者表示組織變革之際可能選擇退休,顯示政府已成功設計了優退的誘因,並能充分掌握人員編制減併的預期目標,另中高階層因主管職務變動所產生的衝擊,亦可能帶動提前退休之風潮;惟此所衍生之業務斷層、人力不足等問題是否會影響行政效能?又退休人數集中勢必造成政府嚴重的財政負擔,而提早退休者在失業率攀高的年代,似難再覓得第二春的工作機會,退休年齡提前亦將使社會閒置人力趨向年輕化,這些併同人口老化、平均壽命延長所引發的退休安養規劃不足的問題,都可能使社會經濟結構產生新的變化,在社會福利制度未臻健全之前,建議政府應預為防範。 行政院組織改造後一旦裁撤各業務組,必將改變幕僚作業機制並影響院長裁處決策,故建議未來應籌設完備、多元的政策幕僚機關,以強化院長政務領導與政策統合。又為使員工了解組織變革之原因與過程,減少誤解與疑慮,建議政府應加強宣導及建立溝通管道,並可考慮以任務編組方式成立「組織調整發展小組」,採問卷調查、座談會、個案處理等多種方式運作;而員工面對環境改變時,亦應積極調適、主動學習多元業務與技能,藉以認識組織之核心價值,了解內部優勢與外部競爭環境,以加強對組織之認同與承諾。

學校核心競爭力指標建構之研究-以技專校院為例 / Study on establishment of school core competitiveness indicators–with vocational and technical institute as examples

陳賢舜, Chen. Hsien Shun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建構學校核心競爭力指標體系,以技專校院為研究主體,運用文獻分析、德懷術、訪談及問卷調查等4種研究方法進行探究。研究者首先蒐集核心競爭力、學校競爭力、學校核心競爭力、教育指標、技專校院的現況與發展等相關資料,透過文獻分析,初步建構學校核心競爭力指標體系草案後,再經由18位德懷術專家學者3次問卷往返的協助修正,最後建立技專校院適用之學校核心競爭力指標體系。研究過程中,另與6位專家學者進行深度訪談,瞭解技專校院現場實務工作者對研究問題之看法與建議,協助取得較完整的調查研究資料;最後,針對全國科技大學、技術學院與專科學校等93校,寄發465份指標認同程度調查問卷,以立意樣本進行教師意見調查,回收之有效問卷340份,回收率為73%。 根據文獻分析、德懷術專家問卷、訪談及技專校院教師問卷調查結果,經過整理及分析之後,本研究獲致之以下結論: 一、核心競爭力是多種類型能力所組成。 二、學校核心競爭力特徵具有獨特性、價值性、整合性、動態性、延展性、過程性與核心性。 三、學校核心競爭力是學校永續經營的重要根基。 四、學校核心競爭力探討的學校層級著重在高等教育領域。 五、技專校院正面臨再造發展的關鍵期。 六、本研究建構技專校院適用之學校核心競爭力指標體系,包括「科研核心競爭力」、「師資核心競爭力」、「學生核心競爭力」、「學校表現核心競爭力」等四構面,合計79項指標。 七、德懷術專家對於「科研核心競爭力」與「師資核心競爭力」層級各指標評價之共識程度,高於「學生核心競爭力」與「學校表現核心競爭力」層級各指標。 八、受訪談者肯定技專校院具有重要的價值與功能。 九、受訪談者對於提升技專校院核心競爭力的策略,認為應從「師資水準」、「學生能力」、「政府政策」、「學校經營策略」與「合作策略聯 盟」等層面推進。 十、技專校院教師對於「學校表現核心競爭力」層級各指標之認同程度較高,對於「科研核心競爭力」層級各指標之認同程度較低。 十一、技專校院教師對於本研究建構之指標評價,受不同性別、年齡等變項的影響較不顯著,受不同學校型態(科技大學、技術學院、專科學校)的影響較顯著。 十二、技專校院教師背景變項對於編號「A-2科研價值性」、「A-2-4技術移轉件數」、「B-1-2具有博士學位教師數」指標認同程度之影響較顯著,對於編號「C-1-1取得專業證照學生數」、「C-1-2通過專技檢定學生數」、「C-3-3學生公共服務表現」、「D-2-3學校建築物樓地板面積」指標認同程度無顯著影響。 根據上述研究結論,本研究分別提出對主管教育行政機關、技專校院與未來研究建議如下: 一、對主管教育行政機關之建議 (一)重視與應用技專校院之學校核心競爭力指標,並將指標納入技專校院資訊資料庫。 (二)強化技職教育的定位與功能,鼓勵技專校院發展學校優勢特色,協助技專校院增進核心競爭能量。 (三)積極協助競爭力較弱的技專校院,助益學校改善經營體質,建立妥適之技專校院進退場機制,激勵學校再造與整併。 (四)成立學校核心競爭力中心,協助技專校院進行核心競爭力評核,接軌國際教育核心競爭力潮流,辦理學校核心競爭力論壇與研習。 二、對技專校院之建議 (一)強化科學、技術、實務與應用整合的學校核心競爭力,發展技專校院「專業、專才、專項、專精、專攻」的五大核心競爭策略。 (二)建立師資領先的競爭態勢,積極改善師資的品質與結構,增進教師實務經驗與交流,鼓勵教師與業界產學合作。 (三)提升學生的多元競爭能力,協助學生取得專業證照,強化學生實用的專業技能,鼓勵學生參與專業競賽。 (四)以學校永續經營為本,資源有效運用為宗,積極展現優質學校的品牌形象,豎立學校不畏競爭的強勢地位。 三、對未來研究之建議 (一)增加研究對象人數,更採樣本抽樣方式,以使研究立論更為客觀,並擴大研究推論範圍。 (二)採用更多元的指標建構方法,以增進指標研究的適切與實效。 (三)針對不同的學校性質,建構分類的學校核心競爭力指標。 / This research aims to establish a system of school core competitiveness indicators with vocational and technical institute as examples, utilizing methodologies such as literature review, Delphi technique, interviews and questionnaire survey to conduct the research. The research first collects relevant development and information related to core competitiveness, school competitiveness, school core competitiveness and educational indicator of vocational and technical institutes. Consequently through initial establishment of school core competitiveness and subsequent collaboration with 18 Delphi technique experts, a school core competitiveness system suited for vocational and technical institutes are established. Through the process of the research, six other experts are interviewed to provide suggestions of practical understanding to researchers and assist in acquiring a more accurate research data. Finally, 465 indicator acceptance questionnaires are sent to 93 technological universities, technical and vocational institutes and purposive samples were utilized to investigate teacher opinions. 340 questionnaires were returned, giving an effective response rate of 73%. According to literature review, Delphi experts’ questionnaire surveys, interviews and teacher opinions surveys of vocational and technical institutes, the research reaches the following conclusions after integration and analysis: 1. Core competitiveness is composed of several types of abilities. 2. Characteristics of school core competitiveness include uniqueness, value, integration, mobility, extendibility, process and core. 3. School core competitiveness is the fundamental of sustainable management. 4. Discussion of school core competitiveness is focused on higher education sector. 5. Vocational and technical institutes are facing the critical phase of re-engineering. 6. There are 79 indicators in the process of building school core competitiveness system and they include: “R&D core competitiveness”, “teaching staff core competitiveness”, “students’ core competitiveness” and “school performance core competitiveness”. 7. Delphi experts have higher consensus and appraisal regarding “R&D core competitiveness” and “teaching staff core competitiveness” compared to “students core competitiveness” and “school performance core competitiveness”. 8. The interviewees have high affirmation regarding the function and value of vocational and technical institutes. 9. The interviewees thought effective strategies to promote core competitiveness of vocational and technical institutes include raising “teaching staff level”, “students’ abilities”, “government policies”, “school management strategies” and “strategic alliances”. 10. Teaching staff of vocational and technical institutes have overall higher approval level concerning “school performance core competitiveness” than “R&D core competitiveness”. 11. Evaluations of indicators established in this research are affected mainly by school types (technological university, technical institutes, and vocational schools) rather than gender or age group. 12. Variables of teaching staff of vocational and technical institutes have significant differences with respect to “A-2 R&D value”, “A-2-4 Number of technology transfers” and “B-1-2 Qualified Ph.D. teaching staff”, and less significant differences with respect to “C-1-1 Number of students with qualifications”, “C-1-2 Number of students who passed technical examinations”, “C-3-3- Students’ public service performance” and “D-2-3 Area of school buildings”. According to the above research conclusions, this research proposes the following relevant suggestions for education administration authority, the educational institutes and future research: 1. Suggestions for education administration authority (1) Place emphasis and employ practical application of the school core competitiveness indicators of vocational and technical institutes, and incorporate those data into school database. (2) Strengthen positioning and functions of vocational and technical institutes, develop their unique competitiveness and core competitiveness ability. (3) Actively assist weaker vocational and technical institutes to improve their management and establish appropriate exit strategies to encourage school re-engineering and consolidation. (4) Establish center for school core competitiveness to assist assessment of core competitiveness of vocational and technical institutes, follow international educational core competitiveness trend and host forums and research on school core competitiveness. 2. Suggestions to vocational and technical institutes (1) Strengthen scientific, technical, practical and integrative core competitiveness of schools to develop the five core competitiveness: professional, talented, training, expertise and specialty. (2) Establish teaching staff competitiveness edge by actively improving teaching staff quality and structure; promote practical experience sharing and encourage involvement with the industry. (3) Increase students’ multi-faceted competitiveness by assisting students in receiving their professional certifications, enhancing their practical skills and encouraging them to participate in professional competitions. (4) With sustainable management as key principle and effective utilization of resources as model, actively exhibit a positive image of quality education and strong competitive edge. 3. Directions for future research (1) Increase number of research targets and employ random sampling to make research conclusion more objective and have wider inference aspect. (2) Establish more multi-faceted indicators to enhance research appropriateness and effectiveness. (3) Establish different types of school core competitiveness for different types of schools.

提升台灣競爭力:加台資訊科技產業合作 / Enhancing Taiwan's Competitiveness through Canada-Taiwan ICT Industry Cooperation

李艾, Ashley Stead Unknown Date (has links)
台灣是一個健全的資訊傳播科技產品代工樞紐,而加拿大正試圖推動資訊傳播科技的創新同時也是台灣的一個主要貿易夥伴與合作者,兩國有機會增進在資訊傳播科技的合作。本論文將評估兩國資訊傳播科技在產業、企業、政府三個層次合作的現況,目的是要發掘台灣如何能夠透過與加拿大進一步的合作,以確保台灣在資訊傳播科技產業的競爭力。論文探討下述研究問題:加拿大與台灣的進一步合作,是如何可以增進台灣在資訊傳播科技產業的創新以確保台灣的競爭力。論文以質化分析兩國的資訊傳播科技產業,來查明優勢與限制和雙方合作的現況。研究結果顯示加拿大與台灣在資訊傳播科技產業是有互補性的夥伴,並有堅實的基礎推動合作、研發與加強創新,而透過開發新的產品、服務與技術,政府與企業合作可以加強台灣資訊傳播科技產業的競爭力。 / Taiwan is an established contract hub for the manufacturing of information and communication technologies (ICT). As Canada aims to promote innovation in its ICT industry and as a major trading partner and collaborator with Taiwan, there is opportunity for both countries to increase cooperation in this industry. This thesis will assess the current level of cooperation between the two countries’ ICT industries, ICT companies and governments. The purpose is to determine how Taiwan can maintain its ICT competitiveness through enhanced Canada-Taiwan ICT industry cooperation. The following research question will be analyzed: How can enhanced ICT cooperation and collaboration in research and development between Canada and Taiwan improve innovation in Taiwan’s ICT industry in order to remain competitive? The thesis will use a qualitative analysis of both industries to determine strengths and weaknesses. Current cooperation in bilateral relations between them will be examined. Findings demonstrate that Canada and Taiwan have complementary ICT industries for partnerships and strong foundations which can promote further cooperation, research and development, and bolster innovation. Strong government level and company level cooperation will enhance Taiwan’s ICT competitiveness by creating new products, services and technologies.


黃文櫻, Haung, Wen-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
以往對於競爭力之探討多著重於探討國家、產業或個別廠商之間的競爭現象,近年來隨著經濟全球化、自由貿易的興起、地方經濟逐漸成為地方政府及許多學者關心的焦點,而在台灣方面,地方自治亦是憲法明定的方向,因此各地方政府為了爭取更多的資金投入、人口及廠商進駐,也將競相改善工作及居住環境,以增進其吸引力,因此未來台灣地區都市之間的競爭現象將愈趨明顯,基於此,本文針對都市競爭力深入探討,並以台灣地區作為實證對象,實際計算都市競爭力。另外,製造業為都市基礎產業,因此本文亦針對製造業生產力及都市競爭力與製造業生產力之間關係深入探討,以作為地方政府規劃都市及產業發展之參考。 本研究可分為四部分,第一部份為都市競爭力與製造業生產力文獻回顧,第二部份為台灣地區都市競爭力與製造業生產力現況分析,實際計算台灣地區都市競爭力、製造業生產力、都市化、地方化及專業化現況及排名,並計算此五項變數之間的簡單相關係數,第三部份為都市競爭力與製造業生產力理論模型建構及實證分析,此部份係以文獻回顧所歸納出之都市競爭力及製造業生產力影響因素,建立都市競爭力與製造業生產力之聯立方程式,並以兩階段最小平方法進行迴歸分析,第四部分為結論建議與後續研究。經由本研究之實證結果,得到之結論為: 一、都市競爭力為都市本身吸引居住人口、廠商及經濟活動之區域特質,受到製造業生產力、公共建設、區位及都市寧適性影響。 二、製造業受都市不經濟影響,專業化因素成為製造業生產力之正面外部經濟因素。 三、製造業生產力為都市競爭力的正面影響因素,都市競爭力亦為製造業生產力之影響因素,但民國85年兩者關係出現轉變,即都市競爭力對製造業生產有負面影響。 / The past study of competitiveness has been focus on the competitiveness of nations, industry or firms. In recent years, because of the economic globalization and the booming trend of free trading, the local economy has been the concern of many governments and scholars. In Taiwan, local autonomy is the future direction recorded in constitution. Local governments will improve the living and working environment to attract persons and capital. The competitiveness between cities will be clearer. In this study, I will study urban competitiveness and compute the urban competitiveness in Taiwan. In addition, manufacturing is the base industry of urban, so this study will also discuss the relationship of urban competitiveness and manufacturing. According to the result of this study, I have several solutions: 1. Urban competitiveness is the ability to attract persons, firms and economic activity and will be affected by productivity of manufacturing, infrastructure, location and urban amenity. 2. Manufacturing is affected by urbanization diseconomies and specialization will improve the productivity of manufacturing. 3. Productivity of manufacturing will improve urban competitiveness and urban competitiveness will improve productivity of manufacturing. But the relationship between urban competitiveness and productivity of manufacturing has changed at 1996.


陳文燕 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的旨在探討我國及北高兩市國民教育經費歷年來的分配狀況。透過探討相關國內外研究及國民教育經費分配的原則後,說明國際間在國民教育經費上之分配情形,並配合國內相關的教育統計資料,來分析我國歷年來在教育經費分配的情形及其趨勢走向,並以此分析我國北高兩市在國民教育經費部份在國際上的相對地位。 研究結果顯示(一)在國家發展階段與教育競爭力方面,我國各級教育的投資比率上,偏重於高等教育投資的現象確實存在。(二)現階段各國間國民教育經費發展方面,我國及北高兩市在國民教育階段教育經費分配不均的現況,雖較以往有所改善,但仍不可怠忽改革的腳步,期待透過教育競爭力的提昇帶動國力提昇。 因此,研究者在建議部份提出(一)建立一套教育經費分配及補助制度;(二)允許縣市自由分配補助款;(三)建立有效教育經費執行考核制度;(四)調整各級學校間整體及各類教育經費之比率;(五)調整三級政府負擔三級教育經費之結構。藉由調整三級政府的法定的教育權責,調整各級教育投資比率,將教育經費及資源分配給學生人數最多的國民教育階段。因為唯有人力資本素質的提昇,才能提昇教育品質及創造國家源源不絕的發展動力。 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與研究目的……………………………………1 第二節 研究範圍與限制 …………………………………………4 第三節 研究方法與研究步驟 ……………………………………7 第四節 名詞釋義 ………………………………………………16 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 教育經費分配的理論背景 ……………………………20 第二節 教育經費分配的原則 …………………………………48 第三節 國民教育經費分配問題之探討 ………………………62 第三章 國民教育經費分配之分析 第一節 國家發展階段與教育競爭力 …………………………86 第二節 現階段各國間國民教育經費分配之比較 …………105 第三節 我國教育發展與國民教育經費分配 ……………… 120 第四章 北高兩市國民教育經費分配之比較 第一節 北高兩市政府經費分配情形 ……………………… 147 第二節 北高兩市教育發展與國民教育經費分配 ………… 159 第三節 北高兩市與各國教育發展之比較 …………………178 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 ……………………………………………………186 第二節 建議 ……………………………………………………200 參考書目 ……………………………………………………207


朱家威 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的有四:(1)瞭解目前國內創業投資事業發展狀況。(2)探討創業投資事業的核心競爭力。(3)探討創業投資事業的投資風險傾向與投資策略,期能深入瞭解其投資行為模式,進而有益於其投資策略之制定。(4)探索創業投資事業的核心競爭力與投資策略之間關聯,配合其他考量的因素與屬性,以進一步瞭解其中的因果關係。 本研究屬於探索性個案研究,主要是藉由實地訪談國內績效卓越的創投業者,配合國內外相關文獻,以瞭解目前創投事業的發展,核心競爭力與投資策略的關聯。 經由理論與個案訪談,本研究得到以下的結果: (1)各家創投事業的核心競爭力或有不同,因此形成各自獨有的利基,並總括有七項的核心競爭力。 (2)創投事業的核心競爭力在於某些特定項目,則將導致某些的投資策略。 (3)由於臺灣創投事業發展環境的影響,創投事業所投資對象的行業分布主要集中在資訊電子業,且投資資金的撤出方式也採在股票公開交易市場出售的方式。另外,目前創投事業已漸有使用垂直整合的策略,以增加獲利。] (4)創投產業的關鍵成功因素為豐厚的人脈關係附加價值的提供。 / This paper attempted to (1) realize the current development of domestic venture capital business; (2) discuss issues related to the core competence exhibited i the business; (3) review investment risks and strategies for indepth understanding of investment behavior mode to help map out investment strategies; and (4) explore into the correlation between the corecompetence and investment strategies to identify the consequences in conjunction with other contributing factors and properties. As an exploratory case stdy, this paper ventures the fact finding essentially by conducting field interviwes with those local entrepreneurs have achieved excellent performance in venture capital and by referring to related documentation available at home and overseas to describe the correlation among present development of venture capital business, its core competece and investment strategies. Through the theory and case interview, findings of the paper are: (1) The core competence of each venture capital company may differ, thus to from individual niche, and there are in general seven types of core competence. (2) Should the core competence the focused on a specific area, certain investment strategies are formed accordingly. (3) For being subject to the particular environment, the development of venture capital business has been concentrating. In the industry of information electronic, and stack trading in the stock market has become the way to withdraw the funds initially invested while swinging to the vertical integration strategy for increasing profitability. (4) Wide and constructive contacts with the right, if not powerful, persons as well as the provision of add-ons have proved to be the key success factors of venture capital business.

自創國際品牌競爭力之研究 / Build the Competitive Strength of International Brand

李瑞穎, Lee, Jun-Yin Unknown Date (has links)
民國八十年,臺灣躍升為世界第十二大出口國,但自創的國際品牌仍是寥寥無幾,除是MIT形象不佳的影響外,廠商長期以OEM方式為人作嫁,缺乏市場掌握、行銷經驗也是原因所在,近年台灣 OEM訂單流失,廠商紛紛尋求產品升級與自創品牌。本研究試圖了解臺灣地區已自創品牌廠商的經驗,以提供給有心業者做為參考的依據。經過品牌相關文獻的回顧及廠商專訪後,建立理論架構並以問卷調察的方式,收集到35家臺灣地區有自創品牌外銷國際市場實績廠商的資料,試圖了解 MIT形象、政府輔助、公司資源、行銷策略對公司創造品牌競爭力的影響,並由品牌競爭力來解釋品牌績效的產生,由於產品類別的不同,整個關係的呈現也應會有所差異,所以視為干擾變數來處理。重要結論: 1.廠商所認知到的國外消費者/採購 人員對MIT形象的看法不同,與廠商對政府輔助活動參與程度,並不影響品牌競爭力的高低,但公司越具有各項資源時,品牌競爭力會越高。 2.不同目標市場的選擇與市場競爭地位,在品牌競爭力上的表現無顯著差異。較重視品牌命名的廠商,品牌競爭力較高。利用電子媒體廣告或平面廣告是有助於品牌競爭力的增加。使用國內外貿易商通路系統的廠商,品牌競爭力的表現較差。廠商在研發與宣傳上的投入程度與品牌競爭力間有正向趨勢 。 3.高品牌競爭力廠商在單位毛利、品牌忠誠度、媒體主動報導、政府單位肯定上的表現是高過低品牌競爭力廠商,因此品牌競爭力是可以解釋品牌績效的高低。 4.在消費品廠商方面,公司資源的多寡、電子媒體廣告及平面廣告的使用程度均與品牌競爭力的有正向的關係,而品牌競爭力高的消費品廠商,在品牌忠誠度與政府評價的表現上均較佳。在工業品廠商方面,公司資源的多寡、使用專門代理商的程度會對品牌競爭力的增加有正面影響,而高品牌競爭力的工業品廠商在品牌忠誠度、媒體主動報導及政府評價上的成績是高於低品牌競爭力廠商。 5.MIT 形象的好壞、政府輔助活動的參與程度,公司資源的多寡、行銷策略的運用,均會影響公司品牌競爭力的高低。就整體樣本、消費品廠商為分析基礎時,發現各解釋變數的影響程度不同,其中以公司資源的多寡與品牌命名決策的正面影響程度較大。但在以工業品做分析基礎時,發現各解釋變數的係數均不顯著,可能是工業品的品牌競爭力模式非為本研究之理論架構,或工業品更該著重的是產品競爭力而非品牌競爭力。

1987~2007年東亞國際旅遊競爭力研究 / A Study of International Tourism Competitiveness of East Asian Economies of 1987~2007

陳勇安, Chen,yong an Unknown Date (has links)
本文目的為探討影響東亞九個經濟體(台灣、香港、韓國、中國、及東南亞國協五國─印尼、馬來西亞、菲律賓、新加坡、泰國)在國際旅遊觀光市場之相對競爭力的因素及利用國際旅遊觀光統計資料,透過三階段最小平方法(3SLS)及迴歸分析,分別針對東亞九個經濟體,探究相對價格、匯率及供給面變數,對其主要來源國家觀光客─美國、日本做實證分析。實證結果發現:(1) 如果旅遊目的為商務或探親,或者是以觀光團型態旅遊,則國際觀光客對於相對價格變動並不敏感。(2) 如果大部分在目的地國家的旅遊支出是以來源國家貨幣計價,則國際觀光客對於匯率變動並不敏感。(3) 供給面因素的確對經濟體之國際旅遊觀光市場佔有率具有決定性影響,然而其影響視來源國與各目的地國家之相關性而定。

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