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「具象名詞+wosuru」句型 / About「concrete noun+wosuru」

廖紋緻 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在研究「具象名詞+WOSURU」句型之構成。本稿先從意義上將WO格名詞分類,再藉由屬性結構(qualia structure) 之概念分析「具象名詞+WOSURU」句型的成立原因、限制,以及區別能夠與動詞「NSURU」共起之名詞與不能共起之名詞。   本文共分為5章。序章介紹本文的研究動機、目的與研究對象。第1章探討過往相關文獻並提出筆者所認為的問題點。   第2章「附著類之成立要因」則檢討附著類的下位分類「裝著類」與著衣動詞的異同,並以屬性結構的概念分析「附帶・接觸類」的成因、以及附著類名詞的限制。   在第3章,則利用換喻與<目的・機能>屬性結構的概念分析生活活動類、通信活動類名詞。第4章分別從字義的角度,分析WO格名詞與動詞「NSURU」是否具實質意義(具有什麼樣的意義),以及從句法(syntax)角度檢視本句型中語與語的結合強度,最後分析「具象名詞+WOSURU」句型的共通特徵與文化背景。最後的第5章為結論。    先行研究之中,影山(1980)已闡明以具象名詞為直接賓語之服飾品類的使用限制,但過去的研究均將「蓋WOSURU」「塩WOSURU」、「O茶WOSURU」「電話WOSURU」等句型當作一種定型句型。而本研究釐清了這類「具象名詞+WOSURU」句型成立過程與成立限制。

越南在中美南海議題上的策略:結構制約下的避險分析 / Vietnam's strategy on South China Sea Dispute: Hedging Analysis under Structural Realism approach

劉安恬 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,南海議題再度興起,越南與中美兩方的互動關係越來越密切。 本文透過研究越南在軍事、安全、法律及政治四個面向的發展情形,探究越南在南海議題上的對外策略。從越中與越美的互動進程中,發現越南在南海議題上的策略作為仍受到體系結構的制約,唯有透過結構制約下的避險策略運用, 越南才能在爭端中取得立足點,追求國家安全的最大化。

食品安全政策轉變之研究 / The policy change of food safety

蘇修民, Su, Hsiu Min Unknown Date (has links)
台灣隨著國家不同時期的發展,在食品產業與食品供應系統產生巨大的改變。這些變化影響了食品安全的政策,使得食品安全政策著重的焦點在不同時期發生轉變。起初台灣在國民政府遷台,以恢復基礎工程、公共設施的政策下,著重於食品的「衛生」;爾後國家經濟發展與國民生活水準提高、消費者的意識抬頭、食品產業的轉型,食品安全政策從「衛生」轉移到注重因發展所帶來的汙染的「安全」上;在加入WTO後,食品產業踏入國際化,在新技術與食品來源複雜下,食品安全政策導入了「風險」觀念。 本研究採取Giddens的結構化理論來探究食品安全管理制度的轉變,食品產業在工業化的過程中改變了食品供應系統,糧食供應從農業社會到工商業社會造成社會結構改變,食品安全管理制度為行動者在面對食品工業化過程的社會實踐。在結論本文認為在食安事件中民眾反映出對食品工業化結構的反思認知能力,對於食品工業化使「從土地到餐桌」的過程變得既複雜又難以理解,大多數消費者看到的都是最終的成品,缺乏對於生產流程的認識。民眾擔心不只是某一樣的非法食品添加物或非食品原料被投入到食品生產之中;他們擔心的是整體:到底還有多少沒有被揭露?我還要承擔多大的食品風險?民眾對於食品安全的「安心」,其實核心在於資訊、透明、負責。除了讓物美價廉、物超所值的商品存在於市場,也允許品質高的食品得到應有的價值,讓消費者去做選擇。 / The food industry and food supply system have a huge change during the development of Taiwan. These changes have affected the policy of food safety, shifting the focus of food safety policy in different periods. At the beginning, under the policy of restore the infrastructures and public facilities. Taiwan government focused on the “hygiene” of food. After the economic development, the improvement of living standard, the rise of consumer awareness and the transformation of food industry, food safety policy shifted the focus from “hygiene” to the “safety” brought by the pollution from development. Joining the WTO, the food industry becomes more international. In the new technology and the complex of food sources, food safety policy added the concept of “risk”. This study adopts Gidden’s structuration theory to explore the change of food safety management system. The food industry has changed the food supply system during the process of industrialization. The change of social structure from the agricultural to modern society also changes the food supply. Food safety management system is the social practice for the actors in the face of the process of food industrialization.This study found that in the food crisis, the people reflect the cognitive ability of the process of food industrialization. Most consumers are lacked of awareness of the production process because they only see the final product. Food industrialization makes the process of “from the stable to the table” becomes both complex and difficult to understand. People worry that not only a certain kind of a certain kind of illegal food additives or non-food material are put into the food production. They are worried about the whole food industry. How much hasn’t been exposed? How much risk do I still need to bear? The core value of food safety is more information and more responsible.

極值相依模型下投資組合之重要性取樣法 / An importance sampling (IS) for evaluating portfolio with extremal dependence model

陳家丞, Chen, Chia Chen Unknown Date (has links)
在針對投資組合之信用風險模擬時,如何選取適當的模型來解釋資產間的相依程度是非常重要的。最常用來解釋投資組合的模型為常態關聯結構模型,但近年來發現t關聯結構模型更適合用在解釋投資組合間的相依程度。蒙地卡羅法在針對信用風險模擬上是一個很實用的工具,但是其缺點是模擬時間久且對於發生極端情況時,將不易得到結果,導致其效率過低。而此時,重要性取樣法則是一個很適合用來針對信用風險模擬所使用的工具,其優點在於模擬時間短,且針對極端值也能夠模擬出結果。 本篇文章將蒙地卡羅法作為比較的基準,以Glasserman, and Li (Management Science, 51(11), 1643-1656, 2005) 所提出的二階段重要性取樣法,我們稱為GIS,以及將Chiang et al. (Journal of Derivatives, 15(2), 8-19, 2007) 所提出的重要性取樣法加以改良,我們稱為MIS,針對bassamboo et al. (Operations Research, 56(3), 593-606, 2008) 所提出的極值相依模型,也就是t關聯結構模型進行模擬研究,並根據模擬出來的數值結果判斷重要性取樣法的估計效益,此外,我們也會對常態關聯結構模型進行模擬。依據模擬結果我們發現到,整體而言,在模擬時間上,MIS法所花費的時間較GIS法來得少,在準確率方面,MIS法一樣是比GIS法來的準確,也較為穩定,且MIS法所達到的變異數縮減效果更佳。


張宇, ZHANG,YU Unknown Date (has links)
第一章前言。揭示研究的動機與目的,乃基於老年人口比例的增加,將成為明日社會 政策重要的課題。本文以理論與實際並重,來探討因應之道。 第二章老人問題剖析。廣泛探討老人經濟、醫療保健、精神調適等問題,做為福利政 策所應關注的提示,是一般性的敘述。 第三章老人福利政策的背景。一則是政府職能的擴張,人民希望政府能提供從搖籃到 墳墓的服務措施,二則晚近人口結構、社會結構的變遷也是重要的背景。 第四章各國老人福利。乃以瑞典、美國、英國、日本等國為例,他山之石,可以攻錯 ,是借鏡,非欲移值。 第五章我國老人福利探討。環境迴異他國,文化特質尤有助於我國推行敬老安老,有 古老的傳統,但宜發揚光大之。 第六章我國老人福利展望。老人福利法訂頒並不表示萬事全矣,老人年齡的再商權, 年金制度的建立,老人資源的運用等,仍頗值再設計,是為了建立成功的晚年而努力 ,而非使之溫飽而已。 第七章結論。老人權的時代必然來臨,這是為明日而設計,也是為鼓勵更多貢獻的今 日而設計。

中國學生學習英語時所產生的中介語之主題-評論結構 / Topic-comment Structures in Chinese EFL Learners' Interlanguage

黃麗華, Li-Hua Huang Unknown Date (has links)
主題-評論結構(topic-comment)在主題顯著(topic prominent)的語言(如中文)扮演十分重要的角色,尤其是在描述第二語言學習者的中介語時特別重要.但是有關研究,對於中國學生在學習英文時產生的中介語,並沒有對主題-評論結構提供全面且確切的描述.本研究旨在探討中國學生學習英文時所產生的中介語之主題-評論結構, 運用三種測驗來引出中介語—文法判定測驗, 引導寫作測驗, 及翻譯測驗.受試者包含台灣區域位於台北的三所國中挑選的94位國二生,以國一期末考英文成績分為三組.此外,並於政大語視中心挑選14位以英語為母語的外籍生作為本研究的控制組.本研究探討的四種主題-評論結構是由中英文主題結構對比中所產生的, 分別為主題省略(topic drop), 主題移前(topicalization), 主題置左(left-dislocation), 及雙主詞結構(double-subject construction).本研究所運用的中介語之理論架構是參考三種第二外語習得理論所發展出來的, 分別為第一語言影響(L1 influence), 普遍語法(universal grammar)的存在, 以及附屬集合理論(the Subset Principle). 研究結果顯示, 第一語言轉換(L1 transfer)在所有程度的學生的中介語當中都十分普遍, 但是普遍語法只有在程度最高的學生的中介語較為明顯.因此本研究推論中介語系統內部運作過程包含三階段, 開始為第一語言轉換, 接著是第一語言轉換及普遍語法並存, 最後階段為普遍語法. / The role that the topic-comment structure plays in a topic prominent language such as Chinese is very important when it comes to SLA learners’ interlanguage. However, the related research has not provided a comprehensive framework in describing topic structures of Chinese EFL learners’ interlanguage. The purpose of this study is to analyze the topic structures in Chinese EFL learners’ interlanguage elicited by three tasks—the grammaticality judgment task, the guided writing task, and the translation task. The subjects include 94 junior high school students chosen from three separate schools in Taipei, Taiwan, and they were divided into three proficiency levels. In addition, 14 native speakers from the language center of NCCU served as the control group. This study investigated four topic structures—topic drop, topicalization, left-dislocation, and double-subject construction—which were determined by a comparative study of Chinese and English topic structures. The current theoretical framework of interlanguage operation is developed from three SLA perspectives—L1 influence, the existence of universal grammar (UG), and the subset principle. Results indicated that L1 transfer was prevalent in all proficiency levels but UG was only obvious in the most advanced level. It was thus inferred that the internal operation of interlanguage system should include three stages—first L1 transfer, then L1 transfer and UG, and finally UG.


陳嘉甄, chen, chia-chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究應用系統思考為基礎所發展出來的系統結構圖方法,結合電腦模擬活動,引導學生感知系統動態性及複雜性,設計自然科學教學方案進行教學;同時比較融入概念階層聯結為基礎的概念構圖方法教學、及一般教學的學生認知表現。具體而言,本研究目的為:在自然科學學習歷程中,結合環狀關聯的系統結構圖,及階層關聯的概念構圖方法,比較二圖形學習策略對學生成就測驗及知識結構的表現差異。 研究採多基線實驗研究法,以國小五年級學生樣本,共三個班級,100人,分列為對照組、系統結構圖策略組、及概念構圖策略組。以自編的複本測驗、實作評量檢核表,及應用路徑探測法(Pathfinder),評估學生認知表現與知識結構。 結果發現,採用系統結構圖策略或概念構圖策略,均能增進學生認知表現,且記憶保留效果會優於不特別採用策略者,其知識結構的表現亦存在差異;而二種圖形式學習策略的各項認知表現之間,不存在任何差異;不同能力組別與不同學習策略間,具交互作用存在。 本研究證實,在學習歷程中,採用概念構圖策略或系統結構圖策略,將比採用一般教學方法,較能有效增進學生的學習表現及保留效果,其知識結構也會較接近專家表現。因此在教學歷程中,結合策略進行教學有其必要性。圖像式的思考及學習方法能有效協助學生學習。然而研究所取用的二種圖形策略的思考本質是不同的,一重視靜態架構、一重視動態因果變化,未來研究者可進一步探究造成改變的內在機制,及是否能真正轉化為習用的思考型態。 / The world of system and system thinking marks a shift from the more linear, analytic way of thinking that most people are used to. A system is a group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent components that form a complex and unified whole. Systematic structure diagram is a useful tool to offer a glimpse into the complex systems behavior. Concept mapping, known as cognitive maps or organizers, semantic networks, or visual/graphic organizers, make use of figures, lines, arrows, and spatial configurations to show how content ideas and concepts are related. Concept mapping is described repeatedly in the literature as a tool that can support and enhance students’ learning in science classrooms. It is an important meta-cognitive tool in science education today. The research uses the experiment methodology of multiple baselines designs. In the study 100 students in 3 classes at grad 5 were studied to see the implications of the learning results. Assign the subjects to three groups, control group (n=34), Systematic structure diagramming group (n=33), and concept mapping group (n=33). The graphics oriented strategies, Systematic structure diagramming /concept mapping, were used in the teaching processes of the systematic structure diagramming group /concept mapping group. The researcher evaluated the performance of the subjects with duplicated-tests, checklists, and Pathfinder. The testing of the students was done in a pretest-posttests design using written tests. Data were analyzed in the use of three-factor repeated measures. The analysis of repeated measures showed a statistically significant difference in duplicated-tests and knowledge structures between control group and two experimental groups. There also exists an interaction between group and strategy. The result revealed that concept mapping may improve test scores of low-achieving students. This research verified that the learning performances, knowledge structures, organizations, and delayed memories of the subjects who belong to concept mapping strategy group and systematic structure diagramming strategy group were better than control group. The results indicated that, for improving students’ learning performances and retention effects, adapting concept mapping strategy and systematic structure diagramming strategy in the teaching processes may help students form a cognitive schema to assimilate and relate the information. Base on the results from this study, some recommendations educators were suggested.

組織知識系統的存在與演化 / Being and Becoming of Knowldege System of Organization

林文鼎, Lin, Wen Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本論文是以有生命的開放系統的觀點來描述與解釋組織內的資訊、知識、及智慧財產的整體作為一個知識體的存在與演化方式,以有別於目前許多學者以智慧資本偏向靜態觀點對於組織的知識的存在方式的描述。以系統科學與生理學及非線性的觀點來看待組織之內的知識價值累積過程,以有別於 Nonaka與 Takeuchi等以偏向機械論的觀點來看待組織內的知識形成過程。 本論文提出一個組織的知識系統理論,描述每一個存活著的經濟「組織」都有一個它賴以維生的「知識系統」,稱為「組織知識系統」。組織在處理資訊的同時,組織身實體部份發生的改變,其實是它的知識系統的知識價值新陳代謝發生在先所造成。理論的發展從Galarbith(1971)的組織處理資訊的方程式出發,以量子物理學家Schrödinger(1944)提出生物以負熵維生的理論及Wiener(1948)提出資訊是負熵的理論為依據,將Prigogine的耗散結構方程式轉換,得到「組織知識系統」是知識價值的「蓄積結構」的方程式。透過生理系統與知識系統的類比說明組織知識系統的知識價值的改變是其內部的同化作用與異化作用的總合。經由非線性模擬方程式的設計與模擬參數的組合選擇,模擬知識系統的知識價值在不同生命週期的變化,來說明知識系統的存在與演化方式。本論文研究的貢獻包括: 一、 在理論發展上,成功的將Galarbith的組織處理資訊的理論、Prigogine的耗散結構理論、Schrödinger的生物以負熵為食的理論及Wiener資訊等於負熵的理論,此四個理論整合為本論文的知識系統理論。 二、 在認識論的層次上,以活的開放系統的觀點描述組織裡的整個知識體的存在與演化方式。本體論的層次上,透過系統模擬及生理系統類比使知識系統的本體存在方式在認識論給出之後能被確立本體的存在。在方法論的層次上,由知識價值蓄積結構方程與非線性方程式的建立與聯結,使知識系統的知識價值在生命週期之中的變化的描述可被數量化。 三、 以知識系統內的新陳代謝類比清楚的說明整個知識系統的知識價值蓄積在不同生命週期階段的改變,是同化作用與異化作用的共同結果。 四、 知識系統的新陳代謝現象可由一個簡潔的非線性疊代方程式清楚說明,使以模擬來驗證直覺成為可能。 關鍵字:知識系統、耗散結構、蓄積結構、新陳代謝、同化作用、異化作用。 / This dissertation applies and extends a living open system view of organization in description and interpretation of being and becoming of knowledge body of organization,which is a metaphysical part of organization and constituted by information、knowledge and intellectual properties as elements of a living open system。This study provides a dynamic view of existence of knowledge in organization which is to critic and differentiate with contemplated intellectual capital theory with tendency toward a static aspect。System science approach、physiological analogy and non-linear model were applied in this study for describing the process of preservation of knowledge value in organization which is different with previous studies of Nonaka and Takeuchi with tendency toward the mechanic aspect of knowledge formation process in organization。 A theory of knowledge system of organization was developed which claimed every living economic organization who want to survive must rely on its knowledge system survive first。 Organization processes information,its physical part also is changing at the same time which is driving by knowledge value metabolism happened first in its knowledge system。To build the theory,a information processing theory (Galarbith, 1971)、a theoretical view of organism rely on feeding on negative entropy to survive (Schrödinger, 1944) and a theory of information is equal to negative entropy (Wiener, 1948) were integrated for converting the equation of dissipative structure theory of Prigogine to a equation of preservative structure theory of knowledge value of organization。On the analogy of knowledge system as a physiological system to interpret knowledge value change of knowledge system is the net of its system internal new knowledge value formation (termed anabolism) and existing knowledge value decay (termed catabolism)。Then this study uses non-linear equations to build mathematical models and selects different sets of simulation parameters to simulate knowledge value change in different life cycle stages of knowledge system to demonstrate being and becoming of knowledge system。The contributions of this study are: 1.On theory building,theories of Galarbith, Schrödinger, Wiener and Prigogine were successfully integrated into a theory of knowledge system of organization。 2. On the epistemological level,a living open system view was adopted to clearly describe the being and becoming of knowledge system of organization。On the ontological level,the physiological system analogy and non-linear system simulation make it is able to ensure the existence of knowledge system of organization。On the methodology level,the equation of preservation of knowledge value of knowledge system of organization was constructed and extended to linkage with non linear equations, make it feasible to qualitatively describe the knowledge value change in the whole life cycle of knowledge system of organization。 3. With an analogy of metabolism of physiological system and knowledge system of organization,it can be clearly explained that the knowledge value change of knowledge system is its sum of the system internal effect of anabolism and catabolism。 4. Metabolism of knowledge system can be clearly described via a concise non-linear equation,which makes it feasible to prove intuition by mathematical simulation。 Key Words:Knowledge System、Dissipative Structure、Preservative Structure、Metabolism、Anabolism、Catabolism。

中國民營上市集團企業之控股型態及公司治理衡量指標之研究 / A research on ownership structure and corporate governance performance indicators of Chinese private business groups

黃培琳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用個案研究方法,以德隆及復星兩大中國民營上市集團企業為對象,從最終控制者的觀點,針對股權結構及董事會組成分析中國民營集團企業之控股型態,以及公司治理指標衡量之議題進行探討。具體而言,本研究首先分析中國民營企業股權結構特性,發展大陸上市公司股份控制權、盈餘分配權及席次控制權的衡量方法,並比較兩個案集團在控股型態及公司治理模式上的異同。 研究結果顯示,德隆及復星企業集團(系)股權仍屬集中,集團旗下上市公司均有持股超過三成的單一大股東,且均透過金字塔之股權結構控制其集團企業,但交叉持股情形不明顯。其中,德隆系大都透過未上市公司取得集團內上市公司持股控制,復星系則大都透過集團內上市公司轉投資未上市公司,並經由各未上市公司再持股其他上市公司(屬間接互相持股性質),取得股權控制。以傳統偏離指標(盈餘分配權與股份控制權之偏離)上,兩集團偏離程度相近;但以盈餘分配權與席次控制權或以席次控制權與股份控制權之偏離比率來衡量偏離程度時,德隆系偏離程度明顯高於復星系。此外,兩大集團均設有獨立董事,及由職工代表出任監事會;但分析結果亦顯示,法令雖規定應由職工代表監事席次,但集團內仍有部分上市公司未依法設置。 / Based on an ultimate controller(s) perspective and using a case study approach to two private business groups—DeLong and Fuson—in China, this research analyzes the ownership structure, board structure, and measurement of governance indicators of theses groups. In specific, this research first discuss the attributes of ownership structure of the individual business group, followed by the computation of voting rights, cash-flow rights, the degree of control through board seats (board-seat control), and the related deviation between theses control power owned by the ultimate controller. In addition, in-depth comparisons of governance features between these two groups are also performed. The analysis indicates that the concentration of ownership is relatively high for both DeLong and Fuson groups. There exits one single largest shareholder with more than 30% of shareholdings, and the formation of pyramidal ownership structure is also common for both groups. However, cross-holding is not obvious for either group. In DeLong, the ultimate owners exercise their voting control through their unlisted companies. In contrast, the ultimate owners of Fuson exercise their voting rights through unlisted companies that invested by the listed companies. The deviation between cash-flow rights and voting rights of these two business groups are similarm while the deviation between cash-flow rights and board-seat control and the deviation between voting rights and board-seat control is significantly higher for DeLong groups. Furthermore, the corporate boards of DeLong and Fuson groups are composed of both independent board directors and workers' representatives on the supervisory board. Although it is mandatory to have a minimum numbers of workers' representatives on the supervisory board, it is not uncommon to find the lack of full compliance to this requirement.


王智明, Wang, Chih-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
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