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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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對台灣地區產業結構變動之研究 / Research of Industrial Structure Changing on Taiwan

王志豪, Wang, Chih Hao Unknown Date (has links)

台北市商業空間結構之研究 / A Study for the Commercial Spatial Structure in Taipei

黃名義, Huang, Ming Yih Unknown Date (has links)
商業設施活動類型由傳統的零星雜貨店鋪、市場、超市、百貨公司、量販店至大型購物中心等,發展型態,由據點、沿街路線、核心商業區、至目前郊區化發展的大型購物中心,整個商業活動蓬勃發展。但相對的也衍生了各種商業空間結構問題,致使都市機能品質日益惡化。因此,本研究擬從臺北市商業發展體系內之主要商業核心區進行實證分析,探討商業核心區空間層級如何界定及商業核心區區位如何選擇與競爭?期使商業活動發展由空間結構所規範。建立完善之商業空間體系。   本論文共有六章,二十二節,相關內容如下:   第一章:介紹研究動機、目的、研究範圍、內容、方法與流程。   第二章:說明商業空間結構相關結構理論基礎與研究模式,並對重要名詞加以定義,回顧相關文獻,以作為本研究分析乏基礎。   第三章:依中地理論背景,由供給面分析台北市商業空間結構,以商業設施規模複雜性分析、商業機能分析與二元變數法分析,界定出台北市25個商業核心區為四類空間層級。   第四章:依消費者行為活動理論,由需求面分析台北市商業空間結構,以消費者社經層級、消費型態、消費行為活動分析與群落分析,分別界定出台北市25個商業核心區各屬性的空間層級劃分。   第五章:以同層級商業核心區進行區位選擇競爭分析,本文以第三層級商業核心區進行供需因素綜合評比,並選出最佳區位地點南港商業核心區。   第六章:綜合前文分析,認為空間結構應由中地理論與消費活動理論一同建構,並依同層級商業核心區作為區位設址選擇分析之基準,最後,提出本研究之結論與建議。

美國反托拉斯法與我國公平交易法中市場結構控制之研究 / The Control of Market Structure in U.S. Antitrust Law and R.O.C. Fair Trade Act

吳英同, Wu,Window Unknown Date (has links)
反托拉斯法所規範的層面,大致可將之歸納為結構面(marketstructure)與行為面(Conduct)。前者主要規範獨占、寡占及主要廠商(Dominant Firms)與廠商結合(合併)所形成的市場結構;後者則規範諸多廠商水平的合作行為與垂直限制交易行為。本文之目的,即在探討美國法上,如何致力於「競爭性結構」的規範制度與執行方法,以做為我國公平交易法執法及修法上的參考。研究發現以下各點:1.規模經濟的考量與廠商合併的運作,可謂美國產業結構形成的重要因素。台灣經濟發展的過程中,政府介入程度頗深,寡占與獨占事業多為法令造成。就我國實證而言,發現結構、行為、績效三者間具有高度相關,而競爭性之結構亦較能帶來整體績效最大。我國公平法目前對獨佔及寡占事業僅規範行為面,對建立公平競爭秩序成效恐屬有限;蓋就市場結構之控制而言,在我國多為中小企業之情勢下,獨佔、寡占之問題較諸結合,更為嚴重,在此特殊產業結構背景下,欲建立一真正具競爭性之環境,應自市場結構面(market structure)著手,可考慮賦予我國公平會或法院類似聯邦法院所具之衡平權,使公平會得將濫用市場力量的寡占、獨占事業解體(dissolution)或分割獨占公司之資產以建立另一與之競爭的實體等權限,以重建競爭結構,以建立競爭秩序。2.經濟理論與工具應妥善運用,以符立法本旨,美國聯邦交易委員會及司法部反托拉斯局均設有經濟分析專責單位,我國公平會亦宜指定專責單位,加強產業發展之研究並負責經濟分析事宜,俾針對業務單位進行個案所需,提供相關經濟分析協助。3.美國在規範結合行為方面,係以訂定指導準則方式為之,此法無論對執法機關或事業而言,皆有遵循之標準,避免雙方在執法及適法上產生不確定性之困擾。我國可參考之。4.近來我國貿易自由化進展迅速,企業經營環境已隨著大幅改變,競爭法的實施(如「市場」之定義等)應考量此一因素,才不會失之偏頗,造成國內產業不利損失。附錄:限制營業競爭行為與國際經濟的關係

企業國家,國家企業:尼德蘭聯省共和國、英國、日本、中國之現代國家建構 / Corporate state or state incorporated: The modern state-building in Netherlands, Britain, Japan and China

尤怡文, Yu, Yi Wen Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,政治學慣於將企業畫歸為私領域活動,鮮於對企業組織及權力進行系統性分析。然而,正是這樣的忽視,使我們難以掌握後全球化時代,面對企業權力的崛起,國家政經結構將何去何從。 緣此,本研究回歸歷史,將長期遭政治學忽視的「企業」,重新置放於現代國家形成的歷史過程中,分析企業與政府,如何在競逐有限資金的過程中,建立起合作關係與制度,進而形成現代民族資本主義國家。並藉由先進/後發、東方/西方四個案例)尼德蘭聯省共和國、英國、日本、中國)的交互比較,進一步探問:為何有些國家由企業主導,形成「企業國家」,如尼德蘭、英國?又為何有些國家最終形成由政府主導的「國家企業」,如日本、中國? 經過四個案例分析後,本研究提出了一個新的國家建構過程:先是財務需求促成強制權力及資本權力的法人化,形成「政府」與「企業」組織;而後,由於政府與企業在融資上的競合,促成了政府與企業透過財務機制)持股、債務、董事連結),進一步連結成為「國家法人」。而這個由政府與企業組成的國家法人,因成立動機起始於財務需求,因此首先被建立起來的是金融制度。接著,受國際政治及市場競爭壓力,軍事外交部門開始組織化。再者,為獨佔境內資金,政府與企業聯手建立國內政治/市場的統一/壟斷制度。而後,為消弭因不公平分配所導致的叛亂)抗稅、罷工),出現了公共/公司福利制度。現代國家的政經制度:財政金融、軍事外交、社會福利,於焉建立。且正由於國家法人組建的基礎在於財務,因此導致國家走向「企業國家」或「國家企業」的分殊關鍵,即在於政府與企業兩大法人的相對融資能力(financing capacity)。

混合結構型商品個案分析 / Hybrid structure product case analysis

游宗憲, Yu, Tsung Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
2008年初,正值美國籠罩次級房貸風暴影響、全球經濟景氣趨緩、產油國地緣政治因素造成能源價格創新高…等險峻經濟狀況之際,投資銀行設計一包含 :搭配出局條款之CMS Spread雪球型利率結構商品及結合附加WTI上限、USD/JPY匯率上下限之異型選擇權的混合結構性商品提案。本文依據標的資產屬性,參考相關文獻及近期在頂級期刊發表之利率資產評價模型研究中,選用Extended BGM模型(Ting-Pin Wu, and Son-Nan Chen(2007))、遠期曲線模型及匯率評價模型為個案之基礎評價模型;以無套利觀念依取得之市場各資產相關公開報價資料估算各模型所需之參數;由於屬於雪球利率結構型商品及路徑相關特性,在目前相關文獻無封閉解的條件下,使用蒙地卡羅模擬獲得未來各資產之現金流折現值,進而計算預期理論價值。依據上述方法論評價所獲得之預期理論價格顯示,個案並非具公平價值之交易,依此結論強烈建議客戶不應該承做本交易。 個案相當於投資銀行以買入一個5年期附帶出局條件,隱含看空經濟景氣循環之CMS Spread選擇權及買入一個1年期看空WTI價格選擇權建構此混合結構性商品。為強化客戶承做意願,設立一似乎觸及機會很大,但從交易後至今從未觸及的出局條件,又透過每日數位選擇權計息方式將WTI波動度資產化,提供大於10%之相對LIBOR rate 很高,但實際是被低估之半年收息固定費率。由於雪球型利率結構型商品特性,收益不僅取決於是否達成交易付款條件,更重要因素是達成時間點之速度。 在蒙地卡羅模擬資產價格路徑中,觸及頭一次CMS Spread付款條件天數之眾數區間為125至135,貼近實際136天。從評價結果,交易之付款條件內已隱含透過兩個不同標的資產選擇權之高預期獲利相互達到避險、套利及強化收益等效益;投資銀行可以不用額外對受眾多複雜不確定因數影響之WTI價格採取避險策略,而將所有避險成本轉嫁於選擇權賣方的客戶。在資本計提規範下及確保未來預期收益之考量下,投資銀行唯一要做是以低成本尋求中介銀行進行背對背交易以強化因市場風險所衍生之信用風險。 從研究過程,不禁讚嘆個案是投資銀行設計建構在財務工程科學上的卓越藝術及策略,從它一旦出現世界上之瞬間,個人預估其價值將達34,211,458.09美元! / Early 2008 was a steep economic era when U.S. was enveloped by subprimemortgage crisis, world's economy was slowing down, and energy prices were pushed to a historical record high by oil geopolitical factors. Under this situation, an investmentbank designed a hybrid structure product, which includes a CMS Spread Snowball interest rate structured product with USD/JPY FX rate Knock out condition, a WTIoption of an additional upper limit, a USD/JPY exchange rate combined exotic option of upper and lower limits. After considering assets attributes and reviewing the relevant literature and recent research published in top journals related to the interest rate assetpricing model, Extended BGM model (Ting-Pin Wu, and Son-Nan Chen (2007)), forward curve model, and FX Rate model are selected as the basic pricing models. Tocalculate the expected theoretical value of this structured product, the unavailable model parameters of assets are estimated through the public market data based on thearbitrage-free concept, and the discounted values of the assets future cash flows are obtained by Monte Carlo simulation because of snowball interest rate structured product and path dependency characteristic and no close form solution in current relevant literature. The results of the pricing models shows that the net present value(NPV) received by customers is lower than that received by the investment bank, theconclusion is : Strongly recommend customers should not to do this trade ! In this case, the investment bank used a long position of one 5-year period CMSSpread Option with knock out condition, which implies Bearish on the economic cycle, and a short position of a 1-year period WTI option with up and low limits condition to construct this hybrid structure product. To draw customers’ attention to this proposal, the investment bank designed a knock out condition that seemed to be met very easily,but the price never touched by the article finished date. Additionally, a daily accrued digital option is used to transfer WTI volatility to a semi-annual fixed yield over 10% that, compared to LIBOR Rate, is very high but actually is underestimated. For theSnowball structure product, the total profit depends on not only when but also, more importantly, how soon to meet the payment condition. According to the asset pricing path generated by Monte Carlo simulation, the mode range which CMS Spread payment condition first met is 125 to 135 days after the contract’s value date, very close to the actually history data of 136 days. From pricing results, terms of contract implied that two different options combined to hedge risk and gain profit from each other. Hence, the investment bank does not need to make extrahedge strategy to WTI price which is impacted by more complicated risk factors.However, customer must spend hedge cost because of taking much risk as a sell option role. Under the Capital Charge regulation, to lock up the expected profit, what the investment bank needs to do is only to pay a very low cost fee, which like insurancepremium, to look for an intermediary bank to offer a back to back trade to manage thecredit risk caused by market risk! During the research of this paper, I am amazed what an excellent art and strategy that designed by the investment bank based on financial engineering science! As this structure product appeared in this world, I estimated that it would worth 34,211,458.09 USD.

影響調整至最適資本結構之調整因子分析 / Cross-country Determinants of Partial Adjustment Speed toward Target Capital Structure

楊淑婷, Yang, Shu-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年針對資本結構的研究發現,在比較先進國家的企業確實有逐步調整回自己的最適資本結構的動作。本論文進一步將研究擴大到開發中國家,發現研究中的32個國家,不論是已開發或是發開中國家的企業,確實都有維持最適資本結構的動作。當資本結構偏離時,企業會逐步地調整回其最適值,然而每個國家調整回最適資本結構的調整速度則存在著差異性。本論文進一步利用國家間法律、會計、制度以及規範面的差異下去分析,發現國家發展程度以及會計制度是影響調整回最適資本結構的速度快慢的重要因子。此外,本論文亦探討融資順位理論及擇時理論的影響,發現加入融資順位理論因子後,調整速度會有相當程度的減緩,而減緩的幅度,則與國家發展程度、法律保護、公司稅率以及會計制度有顯著的關連性。 / Recent empirical literature provides evidences that firms in most developed countries do partially adjust toward their target capital structure. In this paper, we show that no only firms in developed countries, but also those in emerging countries gradually move back to their long-run equilibrium when they are away from it. But the adjustment speeds vary from country to country. We study the determinants of adjustment speeds around the world by focusing on differences in laws and regulations across countries. Our evidences show that firms in countries with common-law tradition, stronger shareholder right, or more completed accounting standards tend to move back to their optimal leverage quicker. Furthermore, we add two variables related to other two main capital structures (pecking order and market timing) in our analysis to capture their effects. Both theories add some information in explaining capital structure, but the impacts differ when applying different leverage measures. When we define leverage ratio as long-term debts dividend by net assets, we observe that pecking order factor lowers the adjustment speed a lot. And the magnitude of decrease on adjustment speed is significantly correlated with market condition, law enforcement, corporate tax rate and accounting standard. More developed countries and countries with stronger law enforcement, higher corporate tax rate, or more completed accounting standards tend to have less reduction on adjustment speed when including pecking order factor, because they have less information asymmetries.

公司治理與動態資本結構關係之研究 / Two Essays of the Effects of Corporate Governance on Capital Structure Dynamics

張雅凱, Chang, Ya Kai Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討公司治理與動態資本結構之間的關係,以及產品市場競爭對此關係的影響。 第一篇文章探討公司治理品質如何影響動態資本結構。本篇文章同時考慮負債的「接管防禦」與「懲罰」效果,對最適資本結構調整速度的影響。我們的實證結果發現,雖然低負債(underlevered)和高負債(overlevered)公司,皆呈現公司治理品質愈差,調整速度愈慢的結果,但原因並不相同。以低負債且弱治理的公司來說,因負債所扮演的懲罰角色帶來的成本,高於使用負債作為接管防禦工具所帶來的利益,因此公司傾向減少負債的使用,並以較緩慢的速度朝向目標資本結構調整。但就高負債弱治理的公司而言,因面臨較嚴重的接管威脅,為了驅逐潛在的掠奪者,公司選擇增加負債的使用,而不願調降其負債水準至目標值,因此也降低了資本結構的調整速度。 第二篇文章主要探討產品市場競爭在公司治理品質與動態資本結構關係中所扮演的角色。文獻中已有許多研究探討市場競爭對經理人的怠惰行為的影響。然而,到目前為止,仍然沒有文獻研究產品市場競爭程度的高低如何影響公司治理與資本結構調整速度之間的關係。我們的文章因此補足目前研究文獻不足之處。實證結果顯示,公司在競爭的狀態下,更願意以追求股東財富極大化為其目標,此舉也因此提升公司資本結構朝向最適目標值調整的速度。除此之外,我們的實證結果亦發現在一個高度市場競爭的環境下,弱治理與強治理公司之間調整速度的差距會縮小。 / This study contains two essays on the relationship between corporate governance on capital structure dynamics, and how production market competition affects this relation. Essay 1: Corporate Governance and the Dynamics of Capital Structure: New Evidences The effects of corporate governance on optimal capital structure choices have been well documented, though without offering empirical evidence about the impact of corporate governance quality on the adjustment speed toward an optimal capital structure. This study simultaneously considers two effects of debt originating from agency theory—the takeover defense and the disciplinary effects of debt—on the speed of adjustment to the optimal capital structure. Corporate governance has a distinct effect on the speed of capital structure adjustment: weak governance firms that are underlevered tend to adjust slowly to the optimal capital structure, because the costs of the disciplinary role of debt outweigh the benefits of using debt as a takeover defense tool. Although, overlevered weak governance firms also adjust slowly, they do so because they are reluctant to decrease their leverage toward the target level to deter potential raiders, especially if they face a serious takeover threat. Therefore, this study finds that both overlevered and underlevered firms with weak governance adjust slowly toward their target debt levels, though with different motivations. Essay 2: Corporate Governance, Product Market Competition, and Dynamic Capital Structure The importance of product market competition for analyzing managerial slack or the impact of corporate governance on capital structure decision has been widely discussed. However, prior studies pay little attention to center on the impact of market competition on the relationship between corporate governance quality and capital structure dynamics. This paper thus fills this gap in the literature. Our study finds that competition makes firms with weak governance have stronger incentive to maximize shareholders’ wealth and thus increase their adjustment speed toward their target leverage. Moreover, the difference in the adjustment speeds between weak and strong governance firms become smaller when firms operate in highly competitive industries.

大投資組合異質分配假設下之信用結構商品內蘊風險分析 / The Risk Profiles of Credit-Structured Products under the Large Portfolio Assumption with Heterogeneous Distributions

楊啟均, Yang, Chi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本文延伸Hull and White (2010)之跨池因子繫聯結構模型中違約相關性之描述,藉由納入Normal Inverse Gaussian分配並允許其帶有狀態轉換之特性,我們探究信用結構式商品清償順位結構中,影響次順位信用保護層(subordination level)之因素。我們以房屋抵押擔保貸款債權憑證(MBS CDO)為例,分析資產違約相關性、資產池微粒化程度、跨池違約相關性等結構性變數如何影響分券評等之合理性及風險特徵。本文的研究結果呼應Azzalini and Capitanio(2003)中所提及採用Gaussian因子繫聯結構模型之於評價信用結構商品的缺失。我們發現增進信用資產池損失分配的之厚尾性描述,得以改善高估或低估分券信用價差的情況。 / By incorporating the Normal Inverse Gaussian distribution and allowing for regime shifts in the correlation structure of the multi-pool factor copula of Hull and White (2010), in this thesis we explorer the factors constituenting the subordination levels of credit-structured products. Using MBS CDOs as an example, we examine how model-embedded variables, such as default correlation, reference-portfolio granularity, and cross-pool correlation, affect the risk profiles of MBS CDO tranches. Our numerical results echo the findings of Azzalini and Capitanio(2003) in that correlation structure obtained under the Gaussian factor copula model may be inadequate in capturing the fact-tailed characteristic of the reference-pool loss distribution, thus can result in over/under-estimation of CDO tranche spreads.

漢語多義詞「跑」之結構及語意分析 / A structural and semantic analysis of the polysemous verb PAO in Mandarin Chinese

蔡宛玲, Tsai, Wan-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
一詞多義是所有語言會出現的共有現象,然而,過往較少探討多義詞整體結構與其各義項間的關聯,也鮮少討論句法結構延伸的原因。本篇研究將探討漢語日常使用頻率較高的移動動詞「跑」的多義性,以中研院語料庫之語料為本,客觀的回歸到語言事實作分析,並參照Talmy(1975, 1985, 2000)提出的移動事件框架,檢視「跑」所體現的概念結構及句法結構間的關聯,試圖解釋造成不及物用法至非常規賓語用法背後所展現的機制,此外,本文根據教育部重編國語辭典、中文詞彙網絡知識庫內「跑」的定義及參照Evans(2005)的原則性多義理論,確立「跑」的獨立義項並探討概念結構中不同元素的變化和「跑」多義性之間的關聯,進一步地說明各義項間的相關性與區別性,最後,參照Lakoff(1987)的放射形範疇結構整理出屬於「跑」的語意網絡圖。 本篇研究結果顯示,「跑」共有四種不同的句法結構,分別為最典型的不及物﹝A.名詞短語+跑﹞句式,由趨向介詞帶出名詞短語的﹝B.名詞短語+處所/趨向介詞+名詞短語+跑﹞句式及﹝C.名詞短語+跑+處所/趨向介詞+名詞短語﹞句式、從不及物用法延伸至非常規賓語用法的﹝D.名詞短語+跑+名詞短語(斜格)﹞句式,各句式映射到的概念結構皆不同,是概念結構內不同要素的變化影響句法結構的改變,人類的自然認知過程使路徑延伸出不同種類,造成「跑」的非常規賓語用法以及延伸出不同於字面義的其他義項。此外,本文確立「跑」的七個獨立義項為「以兩腿交互快速向前移動」義、「往特定目標移動」義、「為某事忙碌奔走」義、「迅速離開、逃走、躲避」義、「兩個以上的參與者競速」義、「交通工具或物體的移動」義及「離開原有的位置」義,各義項的出現與整體句法結構、概念結構及語境有很大的關聯,總結來說,「跑」所體現的概念結構、句法結構及語意三者之間的相互影響是造成多義現象的重要因素。 / This study investigates the prevalently used polysemous motion verb PAO “run” in Mandarin Chinese. The data are extracted from Academic Sinica Balanced Corpus of Modern Chinese. Under the framework of Motion Event Frame (Talmy 1975, 1985, 2000), the study explicates the mechanism of PAO’s syntactic complexities in a more plausible manner. Four different structures of PAO are detected: the most typical intransitive structure [A. NP+PAO], structures with prepostions [B. NP+P+PAO+NP] and [C. NP+PAO+P+NP], and the unconventional transtive structure [D. NP+PAO+NP(oblique case)]. Each structure manifests different conceptual structures. It is claimed that the extention of Path has caused the usage of unconventional transtive structure and the polysemous phenomenon of PAO. In addition, this paper investigates the relationship between the different senses of PAO and elements in its conceptual structure. The relevance and distinction between the different senses of PAO are built as a radial categorization. PAO is suggested to have seven different senses: move quickly with legs, move to specific places, move for specific reasons, escape, two or more participants race, vehicles or objects move and leave the original location. Each sense is related to the overall syntactic structure, the conceptual structure and different contexts. In conclusion, the interaction between the conceputual structure, the syntactic structure and semantic meanings is a major factor that makes a polysemy.


陳進財 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要是以市場結構及經濟管制的觀點探討如何健全建築經理公司管理制度,在理論探討中,由市場結構的特性分析,得知建築經理公司是屬寡占的市場結構;在管制理論的探討中,得知為使房地產風險合理分配及提升購屋者效用水準,政府有必要對建經公司加以適當的干預。但在探討建築經理公司管理制之前,宜先確立其角色定位,以期有助於課題的分析探討。 在建經公司現況的探討中,本論文就建經公司的沿革與發展、組織型態、規模、經營型態及與相關運作角色之關係等進行探討,發現建經公司與一般的寡占廠商的特性未盡相同,同時也伴隨著有關行業發展、管理輔導及與相關角色關係之問題。經過問題原因的分析探討後,推演出未來管理輔導上所應探討之課題,而為求進一步落實管理制度,除了就這些課題進行對策分析探討外,並根據這些對策設計的問卷調查及與業者數次的座談結果,提出適當的建議策略,再依據這些建議策略研擬管理辦法修訂之立法要旨,惟為求管理辦法的修訂能具體發揮效果,故再將其修訂之影響與配合措施以探討。 最後,本論文結論歸結有關角色定位、主要課題與策略、業者反應、立法要旨及管理制度健全後對各角色的正面效益等重點,再予以簡要述明;並分別對政府、建築經理公司及其他相關配合角色提出建議,以期建築經理公司管理制度能更周延。

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