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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

新創事業定位之研究 / Case Study of New Venture Position

吳佩殷, Wu, Pei-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
一個新興事業創建的初期,除了對外有營運上的挑戰,在內部還要面對資源分配、人員聘用以及財務上周轉等的基本營運問題,由於其缺少同產業上可仿效或是追隨的目標對象,使得創建時期潛藏的不確定因子往往比具有某種程度規模的組織來的更多。本研究以本研究者和其團隊在2006年年底所創立之公司為研究對象,從綠色光電產業市場中的初級資料和次級資料,以質性研究方法,探討下面三面向之問題 (機會、團隊與資源):L公司在綠色光電的產業中之未來營運機會為何?在L公司發展過程中,團隊的核心能力為何?L公司如何在外界的環境中善用現有資源?如何找到他們? 結合的方式為何? 本研究是藉由夏恩博士於2005年所著「科技創業聖經」,原名為「尋找肥沃田地 – 為新事業辨視絕佳的機會」(Finding Fertile Ground – Identifying Extraordinary Opportunities for New Ventures) 書中的十個章節與L公司發展過程做一檢視,在機會的面向:選擇正確的產業、找出有價值的機會、管理科技演變、鎖定市場的真正需求、及了解顧客採用行為;團隊的面向: 管理智慧財產權與選擇正確的組織結構;資源的面向:利用既有公司的弱點、將報酬導向創新與管理風險和不確定性,以這十個面向為經,並利用Jeffry A.Timmons和 Stephen Spinelli在2003年所著的New Venture Creation – Entrepreneurship for 21st Century創業三構面 (機會、團隊與資源)為緯,將研究與實務做一比較,找出L公司下一步的方向與策略。 本研究發現,L公司在經由上述的檢討與行動修正後,能找到適當的利基點,正確掌握公司的核心能力,並隨著動態環境的改變適時作出調整,降低營運的風險。 / A new intention venture who builds up in the early stage faces the challengues not only the outsides operation, but how to solve the resources allocation, employee recruitment and finance issues…etc. Because this kind of new intention ventures are lack of the benchmark in the same industry, which make much more uncertain factors than in large scale companies. This research adopts researcher herself company, L Company, which is founded in the end of 2006 as the case study. We want to explore the following 3 dimention questions (Opportunities, Team and Resources) in green lighting industry with initial data and second level data, and use inductive research method. The three questions are: 1. What’s the future opportunity for L Company in the green lighting industry? 2. What’s the core competency from L company’s team in its developing process? 3. How to utilize the current resources in outsides environment for L Company? And how to find them and what are the methods to leverage them? This research approach applies Scott A. Shane’s theory framework – Finding Fertile Ground - Identifying Extraordinary Opportunities for New Ventures to review L company ‘s operation, and adopt Jeffry A.Timmons and Stephen Spinelli’s theory - New Venture Creation – Entrepreneurship for 21st Century to make the comparison of research and physical operation, and find out the next step for L company’s direction and strategy. Within this study, we find L Company can find its own niche market, control well her competition capibility through above items’ review and action adjustment and can reduce its operation risk with change in dynamic environment.

因應氣候變遷綠色專利制度之談討 / Discussion of green patent system response to climate change

王麗真 Unknown Date (has links)
「氣候變遷」此一名詞出現時,大多被認為是人類活動對氣候所造成之影響與後果,1988年成立的《聯合國跨政府間氣候變遷小組》(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of the UN , IPCC)每六年發表一次《全球氣候評估報告》,於2001年第3次氣候評估報告即點出,未來之氣候變遷將不再侷限於評估人為活動對氣候的影響,氣候自然變化同為評估重點。而最近一次在2013年發表第五次氣候評估報告則指出,預估到本世纪末全球地表温度將持續升高1.5至2.0℃,該報告指出有95%的可能性,人類活動是自1950年代以来地球暖化之主要原因。 科學家們早已一再提出警告,氣候變遷將導致水災、旱災、沙漠化、海島陸沉、糧食危機、氣候難民、戰爭、生態浩劫等各種無法逆轉的事件層出不窮,本論文將就因應氣候變遷而衍生之綠色專利審查機制,得以快速取得綠色專利權,進而可適度抑制溫室現象之綠色產品將大量出現,與智慧財產權有關之綠色專利亦將被大量運用。人們可盡一己之力來為減緩地球暖化做出貢獻,徹底實現世代正義,於此同時綠色經濟所帶來之商機亦將無可限量。 關鍵字:氣候變遷、智慧財產權、綠色專利審查機制、世代正義


曾斐金 Unknown Date (has links)
歐盟於2003年2月公佈的「電子電機設備限用有害物質」(RoHS)指令規定,2006年7月以後銷售至歐盟市場的電子與電機產品限用鉛、鎘、汞、六價鉻、多溴聯苯與多溴二苯醚等對環境有害的物質。RoHS指令對以製造為主的台灣廠商造成重大影響,為確保廠商所生產的產品符合環境法令的規定,有必要導入綠色供應鏈管理。因此,引發本研究對此一議題的興趣,進而探討:電子業供應商基於中心廠的要求而配合導入綠色供應鏈管理的情境下,從供應商的角度探討,影響其導入綠色供應鏈管理時配合度之因素為何? 本研究採取質的研究中的紮根理論法,以深度訪談方式,訪問以S公司為中心的供應鏈體系中的四家供應商,在取得受訪者同意後進行錄音,訪談結束後再謄寫成逐字稿。在整理與分析逐字稿,並經過開放、主軸編碼等過程,逐步地建構出一個從供應商角度,探討影響其導入綠色供應鏈管理時配合度的因素模式。 本研究從個案訪談中發現,供應商在面對法規壓力、同儕壓力、與客戶壓力之下,會經過成本效益、認知風險與認知價值之考量後,決定是否配合中心廠導入綠色供應鏈管理。一旦決定導入綠色供應鏈管理後,供應商須配合中心廠的諸多要求,而供應商是否達成中心廠之要求,則以供應商配合度來衡量,包括供應商傳遞資訊給中心廠時的資訊交換的及時性、資訊正確性、以及資訊完整性。 研究結果顯示,影響供應商配合度的因素有三類,第一類為供應商的技術與能力,此包括供應商的技術創新能力、供應商的資訊管理能力、及供應商與中心廠的專業輔導能力;第二類為聯絡人的特質,中心廠的聯絡人是否具備同理心、供應商與中心廠的聯絡人是否具備專業能力,此皆影響供應商的配合度;第三類則為中心廠與供應商之間的溝通情況,此包括:溝通策略、溝通管道、溝通頻率、溝通內容等。 與本研究相關的文獻進行比較後,發現本研究之成果與現有人際溝通的理論文獻相呼應,部分文獻指出溝通時個人特質會影響其溝通行為,在綠色供應鏈管理的情境下,本研究亦發現中心廠與供應商雙方聯絡人的特質會影響其溝通行為。此外,本研究亦擴充了溝通理論,例如:雙方聯絡人的溝通頻繁未必會提高供應商配合度。另外,本研究所提出的配合度概念,未見於其他文獻,此一概念可用於衡量供應商在配合導入綠色供應鏈管理時,其執行面的成效,在未來的研究中值得深入探討。本研究不僅對理論上有所貢獻,更對廠商提出實務上的建議。 / The Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS), which restricts the use of six hazardous materials in the manufacturing of various types of electronic and electrical equipment, was adopted in February 2003 by the European Union and then took effect on July 1, 2006. The directive makes a significant impact on Taiwanese electronic industry which specializes in manufacturing of computer, communication, and consumer electronics products. The firms in the electronic industry should implement green supply chain management (GSCM) to avoid contraventions of RoHS. Based on the research context described above, this purpose of this study was to explore the factors that influence suppliers’ compliance with their manufacturer’s requirements while they were required to implemente GSCM. In addition, the factors explored in this study were proposed by the suppliers’ perspective. In this study, Grounded Theory was applied to develop a model explaning the factors that influencd suppliers’ compliance with their manafacturer’s requirement. Besides, to collect the data needed, data triangulation was applied in this study, including in-depth interviewswith suppliers’ and the collection of secondary data. The interviewees were the employees of the four suppliers of S company. According to the data collection and analysis steps of Grounded Theory, the model that proposes the factors affecting suppliers’ compliance with their manafacturer’s requirement was developed. The results showed that confronted with the pressures of environmental regulations, peer companies, and the customers, suppliers decided to implement GSCM after having taken the cost-benefit analysis, perceived value and perceived risk into consideration. While suppliers decided to implement GSCM, they had to meet the requirements from their manufacturer. Whether suppliers met the requirement from their manufacture was measured by the indicator, suppliers’ compliance, which referred to the ability that suppliers timely exchanged the right and complete information with their manufacturer. Thus suppliers’ compliance was composed of three dimensions, such as including information timeliness, information accuracy, and information integrity. According to the data collected, three categories of factors influencing suppliers’ compliance with their manafacturer’s requirement were discovered. The first kind of factors was suppliers’ capability, including suppliers’ capability of technology innovation, suplliers’ capability of information management and guidance between supply chain members. The second category was the characteristics of boundary spanners, including boundary spanners’ empathetic mind and their professionalism. The findings were also compared with the previous research on interpersonal communication. Similar to the results mentioned in the existing literature, the phenomenon that a person’s characteristics did impact his communication behaviors in the context of implementing GSCM was also discovered. The study makes a contribution to the research on proposing the concept of suppliers’ compliance.s. In addition, the finding points out that the communication frequency between supply chain members is not positively related to suppliers’ compliance with their manafacturer’s requirement. The findings are also helpful for manufacturing firms that usually dominate the implementation of innovations in their supply chain members.


蔡昀泰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討企業之環境管理活動,並選定「溫室氣體管制」為特定環境議題,分析企業在營運過程當中所面對的環保壓力來源(包括政府環保法規、壓力團體、上游供應商、同業競爭、顧客與消費市場以及企業本身)來了解溫室氣體管制對企業所造成的影響為何。本研究並分析企業在回應溫室氣體管制時所採取的環境策略態勢(分為不變態勢、因應態勢、預應態勢以及創新態勢)與綠色創新活動型態(分為產品綠色創新、製程綠色創新以及端末回收創新),從中探究環保壓力、企業環境策略態勢及綠色創新活動之間的關聯為何。 本研究將製造業分為「傳統產業」、「基礎產業」和「技術密集產業」三大產業,從中各選一家廠商為深度訪談之對象,並對曾經獲得「經濟部節能績優獎」之製造業廠商做問卷調查,後將訪談結果彙整搭配問卷調查結果分析得到研究結論如下: 1. 政府環保法規仍是目前推動國內企業因應溫室氣體管制的動力來源,政府應更積極推行溫室氣體減量。 2. 國內在環境管理的發展上真正達到永續發展的企業仍屬少數。 3. 國內企業已開始用製程綠色創新來回應溫室氣體管制。 4. 企業本身具有環保意識的時候,會產生較多元的綠色創新。 5. 越積極回應環境的企業其綠色創新活動越多,且較常先產生製程綠色創新。 6. 產業特性的不同會影響企業的環境策略與綠色創新,政府應針對不同產業個別推動適合其產業特性之輔導計畫與相關法規。


林盈君 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著工業發展而產生的環境污染問題,促成了綠色供應鏈管理的提倡,尤其歐盟公佈危害物質禁用指令 (RoHS) 和廢電機廢電子設備指令 (WEEE) 的法令,讓企業對於環境保護的責任要盡更多心力。在現有供應鏈上加入綠色的考量,對於公司而言勢必是一種新的挑戰與壓力,這中間存在著許多的不確定性,風險也變得越來越複雜,在經營的過程中不可能完全去除風險,一個不利事件的發生會使得企業在營運、績效表現、成本、品質上,造成負面影響及損失,因此對於風險更應該站在事先預防的角度來管理它。如果能適當地評估,依據風險對於公司的重要性、潛在反應及其嚴重性,得知風險控管的優先順序,才不會將資源浪費在發生機率很小、影響程度不大的風險因子上。 綠色供應鏈的實施會關係到上下游廠商,是一種整合、全面性的作業活動,從上游的採購原料、製造過程、到下游的回收動作,都必須要有綠色的考量,需要彼此互相整合才能成功實施,這當中也會產生許多的問題。由於危害物質限用指令 (RoHS) 有規定八大類的電子電機產品限制使用鎘、鉛、汞、六價鉻等物質,會影響到採購和製造階段;而廢電子電機設備指令 (WEEE) 有規定回收率和與回收再利用率,會影響到企業的回收階段。因此從不同角度出發,找出企業在綠色採購、綠色製造、回收當中,不同階段中可能衍生出的風險因子,如此才能做到完整的考量。 本研究建立整體的綠色供應鏈風險評估模式,探討企業在實施綠色供應鏈可能所衍生的風險,找出影響的風險因子,並透過失效模式與效應分析(FMEA),加入模糊語意概念、灰關聯分析的方式,針對風險因子可能所帶來的嚴重性、發生度、難檢度進行分析評估,藉由計算出的風險值,可以排列出風險因子的風險大小,讓企業能知道控管的優先順序。 / Along with the industrial development has brought the environmental pollution question. Therefore green supply chain management was promoted. European Union announces the WEEE directive (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment) and RoHS directive (The Restriction of the use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment). These regulations make manufactures & retailers take charge of environment protection. The green consideration will be subsumed into the supply chain. It’s a new challenge and pressure for company. Because green supply chain management implies uncertainty, the risk will be become more and more complex. The company couldn’t remove risk. The occurrence of harmful event may cause cost, quality, performance negative affection and financial failure. The company should manage risk in advance. If the company can appropriately assess risk, according to the importance, severity, occurrence of risk, the company will get the priority of risk control, we won’t waste our resources on the risk that the occurrence probability is very small and influences degree is not very great. To implement the green supply chain will influence supplier, manufacturer, recycler and Name Brand Vendor. It’s a conformability and comprehensive activity. From supplier purchase raw material to Name Brand Vendor recycle the product, they all need a green consideration. They need the mutual conformity, so they can successfully implement the green supply chain. The RoHS has already ruled the restriction that Electrical and Electronic Equipment are limited to use Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Hexavalent Chromium, Polybrominated Biphenyls, etc, and therefore will influence the purchase stage of business and the manufacturing stage of business. The WEEE regulation include recovery rate and recue/recycling rate, so will influence the return stage of business. We should assess risk from the different viewpoint, and find out risk factor of the purchase stage, the manufacturing stage of business, and therefore we can have a complete consideration. This research constructs the risk assessment model for green supply chain, and probes into influential risk factors when the company implements the green supply chain. This study based on Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) that combine fuzzy set theory and grey theory, to analyze severity, occurrence, detection of risk factor. Results of this study show that risk value of risk factor, the arrangement of risk factors and the priority of risk control.


王宗安 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是探討中國大陸環保非政府組織在北京舉辦奧運期間所扮演的角色與功能。 本研究的範圍包括探求大陸環保非政府組織的興起、發展與面臨的困境與挑戰,以及在全球環境治理下的國際非政府組織在中國的發展。此外,也深入訪談專家學者,瞭解申奧前後大陸環保非政府組織所扮演的角色與功能為何。本研究是以非政府組織概論、國家組合主義及全球化、全球治理等角度作為理論基礎,並以文獻檢視、深度訪談與德菲研究法等作為研究方法,探析中國大陸環保非政府組織在北京奧運期間的發展概況與影響。 研究發現,大陸環保非政府組織已成為公眾參與政府決策的代言機制,政府應將一些環保事務委託民間團體來做,及讓NGOs參與政府環保決策,而大陸環保非政府組織也應走向專業化與網路化,才能發揮參與政府諮詢與決策的能力,不過大陸學者與環保非政府組織人士對於大陸環保非政府組織要由「政府主導,民間參與」的角色轉型為「民間主導,政府支持」的環保非政府組織,則持保留的態度。

國際觀光旅館業者對於環保旅館認知之研究-以台北市地區為例 / A study on the perceptions of green hotel by the executives of international tourist hotels in Taipei

林興國 Unknown Date (has links)
地球生態破壞和能源短缺對經濟和產業發展與生活形態的衝擊,讓環保議題日益受重視,已成為世界主流與普世價值,各產業無不朝向環保節能等方向發展產業經營優勢,這股風潮亦在旅館業醞釀發酵,環保旅館已成為產業發展重要課題。 本研究主要針對台北市13家具指標性的國際觀光旅館業者,進行環保旅館相關議題認知之探討,探討問題包括業者對於環保旅館認知及施行態度,環保議題上的管理與實務等。研究成果可作為未來旅館業者,在經營管理與政府推動環保旅館政策上的建議與參考。 本研究結果呈現國際觀光旅館業者,對於環保旅館及環保標章之認知正面且具施行意願。而研究進一步發現:1.高階主管年齡及工作年資較淺者,在涉及環保與經營管理相衝突之議題方面,相較於年齡及工作年資較深者,呈現較低之認同度;2.性別差異上男性對於環保旅館的設備及建設條件之認知上,相較於女性其接受度較高;3.前勤部門主管對於環保旅館概念認知程度較後勤部門主管較高。 由於政府對於推動環保旅館及環保標章認證實施,正在積極規劃階段,依本研究結果建議,政府應先制訂完整相關法令及獎勵措施,且旅館業者在培養新一代專業經理人時,應加強對於環保意識之觀念及落實,用實際行動為地球生命的延續貢獻個人心力,並善盡企業經營之社會責任。

調節焦點理論、消費罪惡感與內外控人格特質於綠色行銷之應用─以個人道德標準為調節變數 / The applications of regulatory focus theory, consumer guilt, locus of control as a means for promoting the green marketing

楊佑鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以調節焦點理論為基礎,企圖於綠色風潮盛行的環保社會中,將此理論應用於綠色廣告中,旨在探討消費者之目標導向與廣告中綠色產品所傳達的利益訴求訊息間一致匹配與否,是否也如此理論應用於一般產品廣告中,將使消費者對廣告中產品的評價產生影響,並且也探討消費者預期性消費罪惡感喚起程度及人格特質的不同,是否也會影響消費者對綠色產品的評價,最後以個人道德標準為衡量指標,探討其高低程度是否會使消費者的目標導向與廣告利益訴求訊息匹配時,較不匹配時所產生較好的產品評價受到影響。   本研究採用實驗法,為一次性實驗,實驗中共分為八個情境之問卷,即2(受測者的預期性消費罪惡感:有、無)X2(受測者的兩種目標導向:促進焦點導向、預防焦點導向)X2(廣告所傳遞的兩種產品利益:促進焦點利益訴求、預防焦點利益訴求)。   結果發現調節焦點理論所強調的消費者目標導向與廣告訊息利益匹配時,會較不匹配時對該廣告產品產生較好評價的概念,於綠色廣告的溝通應用中,也能發揮同樣的效果。在消費者預期性消費罪惡感喚醒程度與個人人格特質方面,首先在預期性消費罪惡感的部分,相較無預期性消費罪惡感喚醒的情況,消費者於預期性消費罪惡感喚醒時,能產生較佳的品牌態度;其次在個人人格特質方面,相較消費者為外控人格特質的情況,消費者屬於內控人格特質時,能產生較佳的品牌態度;最後在個人道德標準程度對調節焦點匹配與否所帶來影響的部分,廣告訊息所傳達的利益與消費者調節焦點導向匹配時,其品牌態度及購買意願優於不匹配時的差異程度,於消費者具高個人道德標準的情況較低個人道德標準的情況更大。

中國綠色媒體:反怒江大壩之媒體角色 / China's environmental journalism: media's role in the Anti-Nujiang campaign

盧郁涵, Lu, Yu Han Unknown Date (has links)
中國環境保護主義記者在近期的反怒江大壩運動中,整合水電移民的草根抗爭以及黨政媒體的力量,成功引發龐大輿論以影響中國中央決策,乃至展現中國社會與國家的關係逐漸轉變,尤其媒體在受到中央控管之下,還得以發揮民間社會的強大力量,證明中國綠色媒體在中國邁向民主化的過程中扮演不可或缺的角色。 / Media in China are generally categorized as the extensions of propaganda machine for the central government, because despite media commercialization, China maintains heavy-handed censorship at the whim of political will. However, there are still instances in which journalists are active participants of social movements in China. One recent case in particular is the “Battle to Protect the Nu River,” in which China’s environmental NGOs, scholars, and media formed joint coalition to fight off the Nu River Project, and stop efforts to build hydropower plants on Nujiang. This paper uses John Kingdon’s Multiple Streams Model to map out the ways in which the Policy Entrepreneurs – environmental journalists – capitalized on tools of the press to influence public opinion and decision-makers in the government, systematically brought the anti-NRP campaign up to the policy agenda, and eventually swayed the outcome of the national policy. Since the beginning of the proposal to build a cascade of 13 dams on the World Heritage site of Nujiang in 2003, Chinese premier Wen Jiabao personally intervened, and twice ordered suspension of the project. Therefore, while the final outcome of the anti-NRP campaign is still pending, at least China’s environmental journalists have successfully prolonged the unusual nine-year hiatus on a project that was slated for three consecutive Five-Year Plans.

環境意識、消費態度與綠色消費關聯之研究─以新北市環保志工為例 / The relationship between environmental consciousness, consumer attitude and green consumption: a case study of environmental volunteers in New Taipei City

林宜香 Unknown Date (has links)
全球各地出現許多警訊,顯示我們已經進入氣候變遷的年代。台灣近五十年來經濟快速成長,國民所得大幅提高,但在追求經濟高速成長的過程中,卻忽略了環境的保護,使這美麗之島環境迭遭污染,自然生態也被嚴重破壞。1992年聯合國於巴西召開「聯合國環境及發展會議」,通過「21世紀議程(Agenda 21)」,並於第四章「改變消費形態」中提出「促進減少環境壓力和符合人類基本需要的消費和生產形態」,認為要達到環境素質和永續發展的目標,就需要提升生產效率和改變消費形態,以便最妥善地利用資源和盡量減少浪費。而綠色消費的觀念,正是改變消費模式,以降低天然資源、毒性物質之使用及污染物排放,其目的在追求更佳之生活品質並不影響後代子孫的權益。 本研究主要探討新北市環保志工環境意識、消費態度與綠色消費之關聯,根據研究目的,並經由文獻探討、問卷調查及深度訪談的綜合分析,來瞭解環保志工對於綠色消費之態度與環保標章產品購買意願。 本研究發現:環境意識與綠色消費具有顯著正相關,消費態度與綠色消費具有顯著正相關。環保志工的環境意識及對環境的敏感度都高於一般民眾,尤其女性志工因心思細膩,所以環境敏感度更優於男性。本研究最後在政策執行層面提出了短、中、長程的建議,提供政府機關參考。 關鍵字:環境意識、消費態度、綠色消費、環保志工 / A lot of alarm signals have shown globally that we are entering an age of climate changing. Taiwan has experienced a rapid economic growth and a significant increasing of average income in recent fifty years. But at the same time, the high speed development in economic growth was achieved at the expense of environmental damage. This beautiful island has been polluted and nature environment has been seriously destroyed. In 1992, the United Nations held UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. During this conference, Agenda 21 has been passed with regards to sustainable development. In Chapter four, Changing Consumption Patterns, one of the objectives is “[t]o promote patterns of consumption and production that reduce environmental stress and will meet the basic needs of humanity.” Under such a guideline, it is stated that to achieve environmental protection and sustainable development, all nations should be devoted in increasing production efficiency and changing consumption patters, so that all resources can be used appropriately and decrease over-consumption. The notion of green consumption is to change consumption patterns to decrease the over-consumption of natural resource and toxic material, and the emission of polluted material. It aims to achieve a better life quality without damaging the rights of our off-springs. This research focused on the relationship between environmental consciousness, consumer attitude and green consumption of environmental volunteers in New Taipei City. Based on research objective, this research used literature review, questionnaire, and in-depth interview to understand consumer behavior of environmental volunteers in green consumption and green mark products. The findings of this research includes that environmental consciousness is positively related to green consumption. Comparing to common population, environmental volunteers have higher grades in environmental consciousness and sensitivity upon environments. Female volunteers were found to be more sensitive than male ones in such issues owning to their tenderness. The last chapter of this research provides short, medium, and long term operational suggestions for government administration. Keywords: Environmental consciousness, Consumer attitude, Green consumption, Environmental volunteers

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