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綠色和平:組織、策略與運作之研究吳建曄 Unknown Date (has links)
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組織綠化之研究 / A study of organizational greening王鎮煙, Wang, Jenn-Lan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將環境管理理論做一回顧,也對 Piasecki 及溫肇東的「企業環境策略與管理理論」做了更進一步的強化,並輔以相關的組織理論,包括組織演化論、轉型領導論、組織學習論、策略選擇論、自然選擇(生態)論、及機構論等。並藉由個案分析,期望能夠對組織綠化提供一些田野實證研究,並嘗試回答下列幾個問題:
本研究在經過文獻回顧與探討,蒐集多家國內外企業組織在組織綠化上做法的相關次級資料,以及實地訪談永豐餘造紙、工研院以及天下雜誌推動組織綠化的情況之後,針對研究問題歸納出下列 13 個研究發現:
研究發現 1 組織型態不同,綠化壓力來源不同
研究發現 2 組織在推動綠化時,都會訂定環境政策
研究發現 3 推動綠化的組織,其高階管理者多是組織的綠色領袖
研究發現 4 組織推動綠化時多設有環保專責組織、人員,或由任務編組成立環境委員會。主要的職責多為訂定政策、目標,以及注意法規的發展
研究發現 5 推動組織綠化會引進新的知識或管理工具
研究發現 6 有些組織是以透過技術提升來推動綠化工作
研究發現 7 組織的綠化會透過獎勵來鼓勵員工推動綠化工作
研究發現 8 企業仍可透過傳統組織溝通的方式傳達綠色訊息
研究發現 9 透過組織綠化行動可塑造出綠色企業文化
研究發現 10 國外企業組織較重視對外環保溝通,尤其是與社區的關係
研究發現 11 組織綠化也會透過策略聯盟的方式進行
研究發現 12 組織推動綠化獲得的效益最明顯的是成本的節省、銷售量提升以及增強競爭力
研究發現13 組織對於環保的回應是處於被動/反應與接納性/參與之間 / Because of the more and more serious worldwide environmental problems andglobal badly pollution enents, the wave of the international environmentalconvention and the international environmental protection standard undoubtedlyhas become the unavoidable issue to run an enterprise. According to this, theleading enterprises start to gradually develop the three-win strategy which can benefit the enterprise, the consumer, and the environment at the same time.With the three-win strategy, we hope that environmentalists will not be illagainst the enterprises and that greening can become another source of enterprise competitive capability.
The dissertataion not only widely review the environmental management theory, but also reinforce Piasecki and Chao-Tung Wen's "Corporate EnvironmentalStrategy and Management Theory" with the study of related organizational theoryby case analysis. We expect to provide organizational greening with positiveresearches and try to answer the raised questions below.1.What is the motivation of organizational greening?2.What greening actions have the organizations taken?3.What impact on organizations does the organizational greening have?4.Which organizational theory can be applied in the process of organizationalgreening have?
The dissertation take the five elements form Piasecki and Chao-Tung Wen'senvironmental strategy and management structure as five analysis dimensions, which are strategic recognition and commitment, new title and functions, newmanagement tools, einvornmental communication, and strategic alliance.
After reviewing the papers and case analysis physically, the dissertationhas thirteen research findings.
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環境經營思維之演進過程-奇異和日立之個案研討 / Environment management thinking evolution stage: a case study of Ge and Hitachi溫志中, Wen, Chih Chung Unknown Date (has links)
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電子產業達成封閉式供應鏈之關鍵因素—以華碩與Dell電腦公司為例 / Key success factors for the electronic industry to complete closed-loop supply chain- a case study of ASUS tek inc. & Dell inc.王韻婷 Unknown Date (has links)
從1990年代個人電腦普及以來,電子垃圾產生了嚴重的環境問題,其中尤以廢電腦的影響為鉅。2001年美國發動The Computer Take Back Campaign (CTBC)來推動製造商處理其生產的有毒性電腦廢棄物。其後歐洲提出「生產者責任延伸(extended producer responsibility, EPR)」法規,並在2003年歐盟宣布施行「廢電子電器回收指(Directive on Waste Electric and Electronics Equipment, WEEE)」。再加上我國國內亦繼此世界趨勢陸續頒布廢容器、廢汽機車、廢家電產品及廢電腦強制回收再生的法規,也因此舊廢產品的回收逆物流處理能力對我國電子電器及資訊產品廠商就顯得益發重要。
本研究選擇重視全球環保及永續發展的華碩電腦,以及在逆物流回收實施領域施行多年且成效顯著的Dell電腦做為個案研究的對象。本研究架構乃依據文獻分析結果,從驅動個案公司進行產品回收的力量開始分析,進一步檢視個案公司的回收再生策略,並從訪談及其他文獻資料內容中分析有哪些重要因素會影響個案公司達成封閉式供應鏈,這些要因會根據第二章歸納出的四大面向為基礎進行比較。最後,根據分析結果評估個案公司在封閉式供應鏈的完成度與績效表現。 / Since 1990s, the electronic wastes (e-wastes), especially PCs and laptops, have caused serious environmental problems. In 2001, the Computer Take Back Campaign (CTBC) initiated and asked the PC manufacturers to be in charge of toxic e-wastes that they produced in the U.S; in 2003, the European Union declared the Directive on Waste Electric and Electronics Equipment (WEEE); besides, Taiwanese government also put the recycling laws into practice, requiring that the wasted containers, cars and motorcycles, electronic products and PCs should be recycled. Therefore, the capability of managing e-wastes has become more and more crucial for Taiwanese PC manufacturers.
For those manufacturers who sell out electronic products, it’s difficult to track and recycle their wasted products. Furthermore, there are few researches discussing about how to build up a profitable closed-loop supply chain. Therefore, this study will focus on exploring the key success factors for building up a profitable closed-loop supply chain in the electronic industry.
In the case study, ASUS Tek Inc. and Dell Inc., both are dedicating great efforts on recycling issues, were chosen to be the case companies. The framework of this study will start from analyzing the drivers of recycling, the recycling strategies, and then generalizing the key successful factors, which are discussed in Chapter 2, for building up a profitable closed-loop supply chains for the case companies. Finally, the study will evaluate the completeness and performance of the case companies.
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台灣電源供應器廠商的綠色創新模式-以L公司為例 / Green business model innovation of power supply manufacture in Taiwan-L Company case study高育坤 Unknown Date (has links)
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新動力?新城市?綠色共識下新能源汽車與上海嘉定區產城融合模式的發展 / New Motion? New City? The Development of New Energy Vehicles and the City-Industry Integration Model in Jiading Under Green Consensus王藝, Wang, Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本文通過實地田野調查對上海市嘉定區發展新能源汽車產業的案例進行研究並認為:地方政府為了應對外部發展環境的變化,選擇「把握發展主動權」引入新能源汽車產業,但其實質為把握地方不變的關鍵性資源,即土地開發權。憑藉新能源汽車所帶來的產業不確定性與「綠色共識」下發展正當性的橋接,地方政府獲得了更大的行為自主性與容錯空間,得以透過產業基地與國際示範區的建立帶動地方整體的空間轉型,進而謀取短期的土地開發利益;但產業發展的長期目標卻在這樣的過程中被推遲乃至消解。經由以上案例,本研究將揭示「產城融合」「城」大於「產」之本質,並深入討論綠色發展成為主流論述之下中國地方發展模式的轉變。 / Under the pressure of environmental deterioration and economic downturn, Chinese government have to seek to find a more intensified, innovative and environmental friendly (green) path to development, which differs from the inherent one. As a result, strategic emerging industries like New Energy Vehicles (NEVs) that bear the target of energy saving, environmental protection and industrial transformation start rising. For local governments who take main responsibility of acting, the way how they implement is to combine the industrial development with local urbanization process, which could be called as City-Industry Integration Model.
This paper research the development of New Energy Vehicles in Jiading District, Shanghai Municipality and argues that in order to adapt to the changes of external conditions, local government chooses to “grasp the developmental initiative” to introduce the NEVs industry. However, the essence of the action is to grasp the changeless local key resources, which is the land development rights. Rely on the industrial uncertainty and the bridging of developmental legitimacy under Green Consensus, more autonomy and fault-tolerant space has been obtained by local government. Moreover, local officials could implement spatial transformation through the construction of industrial base and international demonstration area, and then gain short-term land development interests, which is in the cost of long-standing goal of industry booming. Overall, this research would reveal the fact that urbanization occupies a larger proportion than industrial development in the City-Industry Integration Model, and discuss the transformation of local developmental model in China under the new mainstream discourse of sustainable development.
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政府採購納入環境考量之研究── 以我國與歐盟法制為中心 / The Adoption and Promotion of Environment Protection in Government Procurement: A Comparative Study on the Legislation of Taiwan and EU楊懷慶, Yang, Huai Ching Unknown Date (has links)
政府採購向來金額龐大,以民國 103 年為例,該年度機關辦理逾 10 萬元之採購決標總金額為 1 兆 1367 億餘元,同年度中央政府總預算歲出合計為 1 兆 9162 億餘元,政府採購金額約為總預算歲出的 60%,故就政府採購所制定之法規範具有實務上之重要性。復因政府之採購金額龐大,政府之採購偏好足以影響經濟運作與競爭秩序,因此各國政府經常藉以達成特定政策目標。
我國政府採購法第 96 條訂有採購環境保護產品之特別規定,環境保護在國家政策中、甚至國際社會中向來為重要議題,民國 90 年起,行政院核定實施之「機關綠色採購推動方案」、國家永續發展委員會提出之「台灣二十一世紀議程國家永續發展願景與策略綱領」和「永續發展政策綱領」等政策方案,都希望藉由政府採購達成環境保護的目標,我國簽屬之「政府採購協定」(Agreement on Government Procurement)亦於 2012 年修訂環境保護相關條款,然而我國政府採購「環保」之成效卻十分有限,同樣以民國 103 年為例,該年政府採購納入環境考量之比例,約僅為政府採購總金額的 0.5%、總預算歲出的 0.3%。因此,本論文嘗試探討我國政府採購納入環境考量之現行法規,是否符合憲法誡命、或是否存有更佳的立法方式,以回應國內政策的需求、並善盡國際義務。
本論文以憲法就環境保護和經濟秩序之規定探討為始,界定立法者具體化相關法令規定之立法形成界限,復以此為前理解,檢視現行規範是否妥適,初步認為政府採購法第 96 條之相關子法,有不當限縮環境保護範圍之嫌,因而手段不足以落實國家對環境的保護義務,可能係實務上納入環境考量比例不足的原因之一;因此以綠色政府採購(Green Public Procurement)成效顯著、且為「政府採購協定」修訂環境保護相關條款之原始提案國──即歐洲聯盟為研究對象,探討其政府採購法制設計,作為我國法制修正之參考。
本論文參酌歐洲聯盟採購法制,認為我國應放寬政府採購納入環境考量的範圍、增加可資運用之手段、於採購時計算產品生命週期費用並妥適運用環境標誌與宣告,進而提出初步修法解決之框架建議,以期環境保護能夠確切、妥適地於政府採購中落實。 / Government procurement has been constantly adopted as a policy tool in many countries for its profound effect on a nation’s economic performance and market competition. Legislation concerning government procurement becomes therefore important. According to Article 96 of Taiwan’s Government Procurement Act and other related regulations, procuring entities subjected to those provisions may provide preference to environmentally friendly products. Furthermore, as the Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) was revised and come into force in 2014, it suggested that environment protection can be promoted via government procurement. As a consequence, the Executive Yuan formulated several policies to enhance environmentally friendly procurement. Nevertheless, such policies were not as effective as expected. Official statistics show that as government procurement value accounted for 60% of annual expenditures in 2014, the adoption and promotion of environment protection in that value merely accounted for 0.5%.
Recognizing the problem, the thesis raises two questions: Is current legislation concerning environment protection in government procurement in accordance with the Constitution? Is there any better way to legislate? To begin with, the thesis first discusses the Constitution’s stipulation of environment protection and economic system to figure out the limit of legislative discretion. Secondly, by reviewing current legislation based on such limit, the thesis finds that neither the definition of “environment protection” nor the methods of priority procurement are appropriate. The thesis hence concludes that such inappropriateness of current legislation may be one of the reasons why those policies did not work out. Last but not least, the thesis has done a comparative study on government procurement legislation of the European Union (EU) to see how legislation in Taiwan may improve. While it is the first party to propose to amend the GPA by adding environment protection into the provisions, EU has also achieved remarkably in “Green Public Procurement” (GPP).
In conclusion, the thesis has the following legislative suggestions: First, redefine “environment protection” in the Government Procurement Act and other related regulations. Second, add additional ways in current legislation for procuring entities to better adopt and promote of environment protection in government procurement, including using life-cycle costing and eco-labels.
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台資物流企業進軍中國大陸的經營模式研究 / The Research of the Development of Taiwan Based Logistics Enterprise in China Market游尚志, Yu, Shang Chih Unknown Date (has links)
台資物流企業面臨客戶大量西進中國,市場大幅萎縮的窘境,而彼岸市場卻是商機無限。自從中國加入世貿後,不斷深化體制改革,改善投資環境,推動經濟快速增長,不僅累積大量外匯存底。其次,中國大陸在成為世界工廠後,為降低對外貿易的依存度,積極擴大內需市場,鼓勵消費,間接帶動龐大的物流市場。根據美國國際數據資訊(IDC)的預測,未來十年中國委外物流將以每年40 %的速度激增。此外,從2006年起,中國物流業已經全面開放,取消對外資的限制。在外資不斷湧入之下,大型物流業者挾帶資金、技術和全球網路優勢,逐漸擴展中國大陸的物流市場;而本地物流業者,也在政策的扶植下和地緣的優勢,快速轉型升級,搶佔市場。台資物流企業面對這全球物流業的最主要的競技場,如何憑藉自身的優勢,配合主客觀環境的演變,掌握中國物流產業未來可能的趨勢與變化,作為佈局中國,開拓新市場,變成是一個必須面對的課題。 / 本研究的課題是以產業、區域經濟、消費、基礎建設、環境保護等經濟層面為主,圍繞在中國境內物流的發展。以台資物流企業經營路線貨運的零擔(LTL,Less Than Truck)物流業者的角度為出發點,依據其產業特性,剖析中國物流業的基礎環境、產業結構、產業發展策略、政策法規、交通建設等主題,再佐以中國物流業的市場特色、外資與本地物流業者的合縱連橫等要素分析,進而了解中國現代物流的範疇與多樣性。
本論文研究核心在於探討中國的物流環境與未來趨勢,以作為台灣物流業,特別是零擔物流業者,在進軍中國大陸策略佈局時的參考。本研究試圖以較宏觀的角度,勾勒出中國物流產業的發展概況;外資進入中國的戰略,再對照歐美物流業的發展歷程,來推估未來中國現代物流的走向。再以微觀的角度切入市場需求與發展趨勢,形成一套台資物流企業部署中國的可行方案。 / It is suffered by Taiwan based logistics enterprises that their major customers move forward to China for the business reasons. This not only causes the Taiwan market to shrink but also makes the market in China grow very soon. Since China entered WTO, it strengthened the architecture of the governance system, improved the investment environment, which stimulated the economic growth and accumulated huge money from foreign trading. After China becomes the world manufacture factory, it reduced the dependency from foreign trading, aggressively expanded its domestic market and encourage people to spend money in consumer markets, which indirectly created a huge logistics market. According to the evaluation of IDC, the outsourcing logistics market will grow 40% per year in the coming 10 years. In addition, Chinese government started to open the market since 2006, it modified the law and allow foreign enterprises to manage domestic markets. Therefore, most foreign logistics enterprises entered China market and made the market expand gradually through capital, technology and network advantages. Moreover, local logistics enterprises adapted their business models to grab the market share through the government support and leverage the benefits of local people. How Taiwan based enterprises facing the global major market of the logistics to compete with others on the basis of their own advantages, fulfill the requirement of the changing business environments , learn to ride the trend of the industry from the planning of the deployment in China and open new markets become a serious subject. / The scope of this research focuses on the economic level issue, including industries, area economics, consumers, infrastructure and environment protection around Chinese domestic markets. It is from the point of the view of LTL(Less Than Truck) supplier, which runs the regular truck transportation featuring the characteristics of this domain to analyze the infrastructure, industry architecture, development strategies, policies, regulations and so on. The discussion of the Chinese market characteristics along with industry corporation, competition between foreign and local logistics service providers can further define the Chinese modern logistics category and diversity.
The core of this research is to probe into the industry environment and the future trend of China logistics to build the guideline for Taiwan based enterprise to enter the China market. It attempts to make a profile of the China logistics industry through broad viewpoints and predict the China logistics trend from the reference of the strategy of foreign competitors and the history of Europe and US development and furthermore, through the understanding of the market requirements to work out the deployment plan in China.
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環境經濟學的三篇論文 / Three Essays in Environmental Economics龐雅文 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文由三篇獨立論文組成,討論的議題為經濟成長與環境保護。第一篇論文以環境顧至耐曲線研究1992至2004年中國大陸經濟發展與空氣品質的關係。第二篇論文分析綠色租稅改革的健康效果,與其對最適環境稅率的影響。第三篇論文研究在經濟體系扭曲之下的次佳最適排放稅稅率。 / This dissertation consists of three independent essays which focus on the issue of economic growth and environmental protection. The first essay examines the relationship between economic development and air quality by examining Environmental Kuznets Curves from 1992 to 2004 for Mainland China. The second essay analyzes the health effect of green tax reform and its impact on the optimal environmental taxes. The third essay examines the optimal second-best environmental tax rate in the presence of pre-existing distortions by taxing emissions.
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買或不買: 馬來西亞大學生綠色購買意向調查 / To buy or not to buy: Malaysian University students’ green purchase intention伊德琳, Edaline Audrey Spykerman Unknown Date (has links)
This research was driven by Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) to examine the impact of ecological knowledge, ecological concern, and man-nature orientation on green purchasing (including both intention and actual behavior), with the moderating effect of price sensitivity and allowance and/or income. This research surveyed 602 Malaysian university students within the age bracket of 18 to 25, because this specific demographic is a sizeable market and such research is lacking in an emerging economy like Malaysia. The results demonstrated that ecological concern and man-nature orientation influenced purchase intention and actual purchase. The findings also indicated that price sensitivity and allowance and/or income moderated the relationship between behavioral intention and actual behavior. This study has two implications: (1) it extends TRA by exploring the potential moderating variables between behavioral intention and actual behavior, and its findings adds to the body of knowledge in the area of green consumer behavior; (2) marketing managers can formulate their green marketing strategies effectively by consistently driving heart-warming campaigns to create or stir consumers’ emotions. Marketers should keep in mind that Malaysians are highly influenced by man-nature relationship belief, and additionally, marketers need to be careful in justifying pricing difference between non-green and green products for consumers that are sensitive to price.
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