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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳玟如 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,面對內外環境的快速變化,大學也必須開始思索如何提升自身競爭力已求生存。在這方面,除了教學與研究的內容及方向之改善議題已逐漸獲得重視外,大學行政單位的績效表現其實亦是一個不容忽視的環節。惟回顧以往文獻,多將焦點集中於教學、研究,或者個別行政人員之評鑑,而甚少探討大學行政單位整體績效指標的建立,因此本研究希望能為其找出建構整體績效的具體方法。而大學電子計算機中心身為學校資訊服務的主要提供者,隨著校園資訊運用的普及與深化,電子計算機中心所擔負的責任越見吃重,故本研究即以政大電子計算機中心為研究對象,嘗試為其發展具體的績效衡量指標。 由於本研究認為每一個大學行政單位應有符合自身業務特性的一套獨特衡量指標,因此並不為行政單位建立可廣泛適用的指標項目,而是以個案單位為例,說明行政單位發展績效評估指標應有的流程。因此,本研究的目的在於:1.發展大學行政單位績效評估指標建立的過程與方法。2.為大學電子計算機中心建立具體可行的績效指標。3. 並以該績效指標供校際之電子計算中心間進行客觀的比較。 為達上述研究目的,本研究首先針對研究目的發展研究方向及選擇個案單位,其次經由文獻探討與資料蒐集之結果來發展研究構面,並提供可供選擇的績效指標。接著進行個別訪談,並整合文獻與訪談結果確認構面與可行指標。 本研究之研究發現與結論如下: 一、 本研究提出行政單位可用於建立績效指標的過程與方法。主要步驟包括: 1. 單位發展方向與目標確立。 2. 業務分析與構面發展。 3. 指標建立。 4. 限制因素考量。 二、 本研究並為個案單位發展出八個業務構面以及三個整體構面,並進一步整理出可能之相關績效指標。 三、 上述指標可供於校際之間進行客觀比較之參考。惟須注意不同學校之本身限制條件、發展與目標重點不同,均會影響該校在該項業務構面之表現,於衡量績效前須先有此認知。


吳建輝 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以大型金融機構在四個大內金融中心建立的據點來分析金融中心之間彼此互相交流的程度,以及金融中心的銀行家數來衡量金融中心對各家大型金融機構的吸引力,並試圖運用引力模型(Gravity Model)與財務績效指標找出對大型金融機構到海外建立據點的決定因素。 首先,針對金融機構的地理擴張進行研究,整理全球銀行的產業特性、業務、組織型態與其在海外建立據點的動機之相關文獻。其次並研究國際金融中心發展的成因與衡量金融中心的相關條件,並選擇亞洲、美洲、歐洲等地的區域金融中心作分析,並依所得高低分為已開發國家城市、開發中國家城市及新興市場,結果發現據點個數有逐年增加的趨勢,尤其是歐美系的銀行對於亞洲新興市場的據點增加最為快速。 最後本研究以世界排名前三百大之銀行分為美洲、歐洲、日本與亞洲大洋洲等四大區域,並以其財務資料對各區域金融中心的據點數進行簡單迴歸;從資料分析中我們可以發現日本地區銀行的績效最差,但對於亞洲開發中國家的金融中心投資最為積極,較偏好勞力成本低廉的地區進行投資;歐洲地區銀行資產規模龐大,較重視據點對股東權益的保障與獲利性,國內存放款愈少,將增加往海外設立據點的動機;美洲銀行的績效指標最佳,獲利對據點的設立有顯著的吸引力,能降低成本,增加收益;亞洲與大洋洲其他地區銀行較重視對已開發國家金融中心的投資,在這些地區較能增加獲利,減少產生備抵呆帳的風險。但最能解釋大型金融機構的因素,為資產的大小,資產排名在前一百名者,對於進行地理擴張的策略佈局最明顯,尤其是上海和倫敦。引力模型對金融業的對外投資獲得良好的結果,能清楚地解釋金融機構在金融中心設立據點的個體財務因素為何。

我國就業服務績效指標建立之研究 / Performance Indicator Building and Study of Public Employment Services

阮月敏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討我國就業服務三合一作業標準流程設計下,公立就業服務站之五大服務區塊就業資訊區、接待台、綜合服務區、就業諮詢區、雇主服務區、其最主要之量化績效指標與質化績效指標之建構與產生。 研究方法採取文獻分析、出國考察訪視、問卷調查統計分析,收集近年我國就業服務績效指標建立之文獻、公部門績效管理之作法,探討國外英美國家主要就業服務流程,以及國內三合一就業服務流程之比較分析。以英美就業服務績效指標,為建構我國就業服務績效指標之參考,設計二份不同問卷,針對站長、就業服務人員,實際調查訪問。本次接受調查人數共計159人。 根據文獻探討以及問卷調查之結果,本研究獲至以下結論: 綜合國內外研究比較分析、公立就服務中心與公立就業服務站應設有不同工作目標與不同面向之績效指標設計,公立就業服務中心負有較高責任完成職訓局交辦之政策執行角色,另一方進行監測所屬之公立就業服務站之績效達成與未達成,並完成輔導任務。本研究建議公立就業服務站之量化指標應簡單明瞭,就業站主要服務功能,處理每日大量進站取得就業資訊之失業民眾,為直接面對面為民服務機構,不宜加諸太過多重複雜工作任務、影響排擠本身每月應執行之績效量之達成。 量化指標設計之精神: 1、著重大部份之績效評估比率在於就業服務核心功能。 2、加強「就業媒合」績效,在求職、就業媒合、求才媒合之績效指標上應側重 其百分比。(一般求職、就業媒合服務與雇主服務) 另建議就業服務站量化績效分為二層次管理型態: (1) 第一層為中央直接管理監督的量化績效指標。每月推介就業成功人數、每 月求才新登記人數、每月求才利用率、每月求職新登記人數四個重要指標,作為全國就業服務流量之整體呈現。 (2)第二層為就服中心分配就業服務站之量化績效指標。 三合一量化績效與質化績效並行評估之重要性 三合一實施四年以來,依照數據統計顯示,就業服務量明顯提昇,藉民眾利用率提升之際,建議檢視量化績效之正確性,合適性,評估最高承載服務量與服務品質的再精緻化。觀察都會就業服務站與非都會就業服務站之顧客服務量與工作人力,加以調整平衡。未來規劃檢視三合一服務流程之適當性,如何加強提升就服人員之服務品質效益,建議運用本研究之量化績效指標,將全國就業服務站,做流量管理與追蹤,隨時監測全國就業服務站提供顧客服務量之消長情形。另建議採用本研究之質化績效指標管理機制,協助就業服務人員,建立完整質化績效管理機制,加強「顧客商務服務」專業訓練,提供為更人性化、更符合顧客需要之服務內容與品質,期許我國就業服務部門成為獲得最佳滿意度之政府部門。

我國訴願機關績效評估指標之研究-以內政部為例 / The Research of Performance Evaluation Indicators of Administrative Appeals Commission-A case Study of The Department of Interior

林美利 Unknown Date (has links)
「沒有衡量,就無法進步」,績效管理已成為政府改革最核心的工作之一,績效經由客觀評量後,可以良性刺激更多的努力,以追求績效,規劃完善的績效管理制度,可以引爆組織潛藏的動力,落實組織的策略目標與遠景,但是設計不良的績效管理制度,亦可能成為組織的致命傷,把組織導向錯誤的策略方向。政府為達成一定之行政目的,設有不同性質之行政組織以推動政務,績效管理與績效評估亦應配合組織之特性而有所調整,依訴願法規定,各機關辦理訴願事件,應設訴願審議委員會,其具有準司法機關之特質,性質與一般行政機關不同,訴願機關的績效衡量指標應如何訂定,值得探討。 本研究以內政部為例,採用質性研究,藉由個案檢視與深度訪談,探討研究訴願機關績效評估的實施情形及評估指標的選定,並對訴願制度及訴願機關績效指標之設計提出建議,以期對內政部訂定訴願績效指標有所貢獻。 / 「Without measurement, there won’t be any possibilty of progress.」 Thus Performance Management has become a very core part of government reforms. By way of the subjective measurement, the performance can properly stimulate more efforts to look for a better performance. A well-planned Performance Management System can explode the potential power within the organization and accomplish its strategic target and vision. However, a Performance Measurement System with poor design can be fatal to the organization. It may lead the organization to a wrong strategic direction. In order to reach an administrative purpose, a government usually sets an official organization with various qualities to achieve its goals. Therefore, both Performance Management and Performance Evaluation should be adjusted to cope with the characteristics of different organizations. According to the law of appeals, every official department should set the Administrative Appeals Commission when it deals with any appeals case. Since the Administrative Appeals Commission has the feature as the Department of Justice, its quality differs from any other general administration. Thus it’s worthy to survey how to set the Performance Indicators and the Performance Measurement. With Qualitative Research Method, this research takes the Department of Home Affairs as an example. By using the methods of individual case examining and deeply interviewing, this research surveys how Administrative Appeals Commission carries out the Performance Evaluation and how it chooses its Evaluation Indicators. Moreover, besides providing some suggestions to the appeals system, this study proposes how to design the Performance Indicators for an appeals department. The research also hopes to have some dedication for the Department of Home Affairs to set its Appeals Performance Indicators.

網站KPI之流程建置_以某非營利網站為例 / Establishment of websites' KPI - taking one non-profit portal as an example

李峰政 Unknown Date (has links)
農委會為了提升網站服務品質,委託經營「休閒農業服務網」的台灣農業資訊科技發展協會執行整合旗下二十個子網站計畫,同時參加研考會的評獎,並以「政府服務品質獎評獎作業手冊」為依據,評分設計總分1000分,且應分為外部效益550分、內部效益佔150分、流程整合200分及資通訊服務導入100分。 本研究目的是訂定可衡量且相對客觀的網站績效指標,以利後續跨網站整合。透過文獻探討、深度訪談、焦點團體訪談等方式確認目前網站現況及網站重要使用者的建議,並透過AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process;層級分析法)得到指標權重,最後與執行單位制定可衡量的關鍵績效指標。結果分為四部分。 1. 內部效益指標150分則分為實際改善程度(人力、時間及設備)及三 構面(工作士氣、配合度、協調性提升及題項改善程度),各佔75分。 2. 外部效益指標550分共有四個構面,權重以括弧表示,依序為資訊品 質(0.34)、服務品質(0.28)、溝通品質(0.20)及系統品質(0.19)。 其中內、外部效益指標是分別透過實際改善程度及問卷評估。而流程 整合及資通訊服務導入則把焦點團體訪談的建議及休閒農業服務網未來想改進的項目彙整,最後以各類全部應改進事項總完成率計分。 3. 流程整合200分總共有十五項待改進項目,由於項目本身評鑑難易有 別,其中九項是透過焦點團體訪談評鑑,其餘六項透過專家審核。 4. 資通訊服務導入100分總共有五項待改進項目,其中四項是透過焦點 團體訪談評鑑,其餘一項透過專家審核。 本研究發展一套流程結合理論與實務,並建置非營利網站關鍵績效指標(KPI - Key Performance Indicators),以作為其他非營利網站或商務網站重要之參考。 / The Council of Agriculture authorizes Taiwan Agriculture Information Technology Association, the management team of EZGO website, to integrate the twenty subsites of EZGO and enhance the website service quality. In addition, EZGO will participate in the evaluation contest held by Research, Development and Evaluation Commission. According to the “Operation Manual of Evaluation of Government’s Service Quality”, evaluation design should include 1,000 points in total, which contains 550 points for the exterior performance indicator, 150 points for the interior performance indicator, 200 points for the process integration and 100 points for the implementation of ICT. (Information Communication and Technology) The objective of this research is to provide EZGO with measurable and objective KPI (Key Performance Indicators) to integrate its subsites. Through the literature review, in-depth interviews and a focus group interview, the current situations of the web portal, its subsites and suggestions from important users are confirmed. After that, the analytic hierarchy process method to calculate the weight of performance indicators is used. Finally, discussion with executing unit is carried out in the research for setting the measurable KPI, which gives the results in four parts as follows: 1. The interior performance indicator includes the level of improvement in cost (i.e. human resources, time and equipment) and three criteria (i.e. improvement of work morale, compliance and coordinance, as well as their sub-items) for 75 points each. 2. The exterior performance indicator includes 4 criteria with weights indicated within the parathesis in sequence of information quality (0.34), service quality (0.28), communication quality (0.20) and system quality (0.19). The interior and exterior performance indicators are evaluated via the evaluation on level of improvement in cost respectively and questionnaire. For the process integration and implementation of ICT, the users’ suggestions from focus group interview and the items to be improved for future EZGO are combined accordingly. Finally, scores are taken via total completion rate of all items to be improved in each category. 3. The process integration contains fifteen items to be improved in total. Owing to the difficulty of assessment, nine items are assessed via the focus group interview and expert’s assessment for the remaining six items. 4. The information communication technology contains five items to be improved in total. Four items are assessed via the focus group interview and expert’s assessment for the remaining one item. This research develops a set of procedures to combine theory and practice, which establishes the KPI for non-profit portals. Such KPI serves as an important reference for other non-profit or e-commerce portals.


段恩雷, Enlei Tuan Unknown Date (has links)
由於國際貿易有助於一國的經濟福祉,故各國政府為促進對外輸出而紛紛設立以促進輸出為目的之貿易推廣機構。各貿易推廣機構並在國外設立辦事處以執行其任務。   應如何評估貿易推廣機構之績效,目前尚在萌芽階段;至有關貿易推廣機構應如何評估其國外辦事處績效,目前則只有UNTAD/ITC曾作過研究。不過它的建議只能用為績效評估的輔助方法,而不能引為績效評估的依據。因此本研究之目的即在為貿易推廣機構國外辦是處的績效評估指標建立,發展一個可以遵行的方法。   經參酌營利事業、非營利機構、多國藉企業國外分支機構等的績效評估理論與實務,本研究為貿易推廣機構國外辦事處績效評估指標之建立,發展出下列五個命題;   命題一:貿易推廣機構國外辦事處,有關達成目標的績效評估指標,應以其工作項目中,有關促進貿易之項目為對象,作為建立之基礎。   命題二:貿易推廣機構國外辦事處,有關善用資源的績效評估指標,應以其運用可控制資源的效率,作為建立之基礎。   命題三:貿易推廣機構國外辦事處,有關使所屬貿易推廣總部滿意的績效評估指標,應以所屬貿易推廣總部決策人員,對於「何謂有效達成目標」的主觀價值,作為建立的基礎。   命題四:貿易推廣機構國外辦事處,有關使本國廠商滿意的績效評估指標,應以本國廠商利用其與促進貿易有關工作後的評價,作為建立的基礎。   命題五:貿易推廣機構國外辦事處,有關使駐在國進口廠商滿意的績效評估指標,應以駐在國廠商利用其與促進貿易有關工作的次數增減比率,作為建立的基礎。   為驗證前述五個命題在實務上的適用性,本研究續以我國的駐外商務單位為對象,初步發展出23個績效評估指標,再繼以駐外商務單位主管、國內總部決策人員、出口貿易廠商為對象,進行間卷調查之實證研究。   調查結果顯示本研究為貿易推廣機構國外辦事處所建立的績效評估五項命題,其有適用價值。貿易推廣機構可據以發展績效評估指標,以對其國外辦事處,進行績效管理。

台灣壽險業的企業形象與公司財務及業務績效關聯性之實證分析 / The empirical study for the relationship between corporate image and financial and underwriting performance of life insurance companies in Taiwan

萬憶蓮, Wan, Yi Lien Unknown Date (has links)
壽險業的產品特性與其他產業有相當大的差異,它提供給消費者長期的保障承諾。因此,良好的企業形象是消費者進行購買決策的重要關鍵因素。 本研究主要目的在於探討影響壽險公司企業形象的原因,本文將壽險公司財務及業務經營兩大構面的績效指標分類,並以現代保險金融雜誌的企業形象統計調查結果~『最值得推薦的人壽保險公司』排名,進行迴歸統計分析,實證企業形象與經營活動兩構面之關聯性,以了解各項指標對企業形象之影響力,並提出經營企業形象的建議。 實證結果發現,壽險業企業形象的好壞與公司的財務面與業務面的經營績效均有相當程度關聯性,而業務績效指標則對企業形象的影響較大。且公司型態若屬於金控子公司或外商公司,亦對企業形象有顯著影響力。消費者對企業形象評估的觀點,不僅從財務績效評價,更在意經營品質。因此,壽險公司的經營應更加注重本業營運活動及服務品質,才能提升壽險公司本身的企業形象。 / This study attempts to analyze the relationship between corporate image and business operation of life insurance companies in Taiwan. Based on the performance indicators in underwriting and financial aspects, this study conducts regression analysis to find the influential factors for corporate image of life insurers. The corporate image measurement is based on the survey of “The strongly recommended life insurance companies” made by the Risk Management, Insurance & Finance Magazine in years 2005-2010. This study finds that both of underwriting and financial operations have considerable impacts on the corporate image of life insurance companies. The results indicate that consumers evaluate the corporate image based on not only the financial performance but also the quality of underwriting management, such as services provided by the insurers. Besides, the company types (e.g., subsidiary of financial holding companies or foreign insurers) also significantly influence the corporate image. The findings of this study suggest that the life insurance companies in Taiwan should pay more attention to the underwriting activities and service quality in order to enhance their corporate image.


吳政蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
面對競爭激烈的經營環境,如何以優質的企業決策及執行力獲取競爭優勢,成為經營管理層重要的管理議題。本研究以國內某公司為個案研究對象,透過(1)檢視個案公司的策略內容,了解企業本身之策略形態(條件、環境與目標)、功能政策、組織方式與結構以及各項行動方案與績效衡量等之關聯性,(2)策略點態勢分析及平衡計分卡,診斷企業管理缺口並發展未來的策略方向及行動方案。(3)透過策略地圖與平衡計分卡之概念,將願景、策略內容與目標及衡量指標之因果關係轉化成策略執行的架構,以達成策略執行及目標績效管理的整合效果,協助個案公司建立一套有效的策略管理制度。(4)以相關係數分析驗證績效指標與策略目標間之關聯性,以作為未來改善之基礎。 本研究之主要研究結論包括: ㄧ、經由分析個案公司的現行策略與經營形貌,體認在缺乏明確的公司願景及目標下,有限資源的分配順序無法產生共識,造成企業內部溝通成本過高及組織績效不彰的問題,個案公司有必要進一步釐清策略定位並規劃長期性的目標,將事業單位之目標與公司整體目標相聯結,以增進績效指標與策略目標之達成。 二、以策略形態之分析結果提供個案公司各單位主要主管對話之基礎,並經由內部整合會議之溝通討論,基於個案公司之核心能力及優勢,決議短期內將公司定位為產品追隨者,將企業目標聚焦於核心產業,長期則將以全方位方案解決提供者為企業目標,在事業與總體策略上,強調品牌業務經營之強化及快速擴大專案代工規模以獲得製造之規模經濟,並強化功能性產品與機械之開發能力,適度調整功能性架構,以強化橫向溝通及資源之整合綜效。在網絡定位策略上形成之共識包括增加價值鏈項目活動與深化專案代工業務之核心競爭力,增強在產業中的主導實力。 三、在建置組織績效管理架構上,則初步建構出組織績效各構面之衡量指標,並採用相關分析驗證現行績效指標與策略目標間之關聯程度,以作為個案公司日後進行策略管理之建議與未來持續改善之基礎。相關係數分析顯示,聯結程度不顯著之績效指標充分反映個案公司經由策略整合分析後,決議強調之策略發展方向。 / Obtaining a competitive advantage via a well thought out strategy and its execution for value creation is one of the most important tasks for executives in today's cutthroat market place. A listed Taiwanese enterprise was chosen as the subject company for this study. Focused efforts were directed to analyze the relationship between the subject company's strategy and its actions in pursue as well as to diagnose its overall management performance. The results of this study were summarized in hope to provide the firm an organized framework for refining and mapping its strategic plans and developing its performance measuring system. The approach of this study is guided in four sequential steps: 1. Examine the subject company's strategic insight to understand the firms strategic posture (capability, environment, goal), functional policy, organization structure, and relationship between its action plans and measuring system; 2. Diagnose, by applying the methodology of Strategic Posture Analysis, the subject company's performance management system and identify gaps between actions and its strategic direction for the corporate and its individual business units; 3. Develop the subject company’s strategy map and translate the mission and strategy of corporate and individual business units into a set of measuring build around the four perspectives within the framework of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as a template for investigating the subject company's performance in relationship to its objectives; and 4. Test empirically the correlation between the key performance drivers and its strategic objectives to provide a gap analysis as the basis for its improvement planning. The major findings and results from the study are summarized as follows: 1. The assessment on the subject company's current strategies and its actual operations in practice revealed that its vision and mission have not been clearly communicated and consensus was lacking on priority of resource deployment among its executives. As a result, the subject company suffers from high communication cost and lagged performance. It is imperative that the subject company clarify its corporate vision and mission statement and long term strategic objectives to realign individual business units' actions to corporate long term strategic postures. 2. Through multiple interviews with its officers and their participation in analysis of the subject company's overall strategic posture, consensus on strategies for both short term and long term were eventually achieved. Playing follower to the leading brands in the short term will continue while, in the long run, it will prepare itself to be a total solution provider in its selected markets. Dedicated efforts to strengthen its functional materials and equipment engineering platform as well as to expand its front end customer service capability were suggested. Due to the nature of its diverse business unit operations, the business unit executives agreed on a combined strategy portfolio–focusing branded business activities in value building; expanding OEM business for economies of scale while steering toward ODM; and adding E-Channel to broaden its communication and connection vehicles to the market and consumers. Organization may need to be restructured in such a way as to allow resource sharing and leveraging for better synergy. It was well recognized that increasing activities in the value chain together with enlarged OEM/ODM scale will naturally enhance the subject company's driving position in its industrial network. 3. A strategy map in the framework of BSC was developed for correlation analysis between the current performance drivers and key strategic objectives. Weak correlations were identified in many of the subject company's key activities which suggest the needs for further review upon its strategy setting and execution practice before a BSC concept-based strategic performance management system could be applied effectively to integrate performance across organization.

臺北市政府政風機構工作績效與功能效益分析之研究 / The analysis research of job performance and function benefits of the ethics organization, Taipei City Government

陳保倫 Unknown Date (has links)
在整體大環境求新求變的趨勢下,行政機關面臨許多外在環境衝擊,而開始思考突破傳統的管理方法加以因應,是故政風機構自民國81年9月16日改制成立,分階段設定不同工作目標,從「肅貪行動方案」、「預防重於查處、興利優於防弊、服務代替干預」、「反浪費、反腐敗、反貪污之「預防性政風」、至以民為本之廉政新構想的「行動政風」,都是為了因應社會變化與需求所作之創新改變。因此,本研究以臺北市政府公務人員為對象,將政風機構工作績效以訪談方式進行質化研究分析,以瞭解公務人員對於政風機構核心價值與工作績效之認識程度及功能效益之評析。 本研究經質化訪談研究發現如下: 一、 政風機構在主動度部分,受訪者對其主動協助機關辦理大型活動之安全維護工作及擔任溝通協調角色,均予正面肯定評價。 二、 政風機構在成效度部分,受訪者透過廉能宣導活動能加深反貪倡廉理念,並藉與機關業務或活動結合方式,更能有效達到反貪理念的深化與活化。 三、 政風機構在配合度部分,受訪者肯定政風同仁對交辦業務盡心盡力之工作表現。 四、 政風機構在精進度部分,近年導入風險管理推行政風業務,能機先掌握機關可能發生違常之人、事、時、地、物之風險,並於危機發生時能迅速妥處,降低傷害。 / With the development of social pluralism and external environmental impact, government agencies had to rethink about their traditional management ideas and how to improve them. Therefore, Since September 16, 1992, Government Ethics Office (GEO) has begun restructuring different stages of target , from the early stages of「Anti-Corruption Action Plan」 to 「Plans of Crime Prevention, Positive Measures, Daily Recommendations, and Anti-Waste & Anti-Corruption」to the current「Mobilization of Government Ethics Plan」which are all in response to public demand made by social changes. The study was based on the employees of Taipei City Government through qualitative interviews and research, as well as, analysis on public awareness and benefits towards job performance and core values. The essence of research findings are as follows: 1. GEO Initiatives: respondents provided positive evaluations towards GEO Communication, coordination, maintenance, and security during large scale events 2. GEO Effectiveness: Strengthening the concept of anti-corruption and reducing crime rate by promoting more effective anti-corruption action plan 3. GEO Cooperation: striking positive evaluation on job performances 4. GEO Refined Progresses: with the implementation of risk management in recent years, GEO were able to lower the risk occurring at organization and deal with them quickly as well.


陳添賜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將過去五年各ETFs基金之資料,針對Sharpe Ratio、Information Ratio、Omega Ratio、Sortino Ratio及Gain-Loss Ratio等衡量指標當作績效評比依據。 首先,分別從個別平均報酬及本利和的角度,進行ANOVA 之F檢定分析,檢視各績效指標在以一個月或三個月為衡量期間,最好(Winner)和最差(Loser)ETFs之次月(季) 平均報酬及本利和,是否存在顯著差異性。 再來,單獨利用Sharpe Ratio、Information Ratio、Omega Ratio、Sortino Ratio及Gain-Loss Ratio等指標,排序挑選每月(季)之前七檔(Winner) ETFs,除一個月為投資前間之Sharpe Ratio外,其餘各指標在次月(季)的投資績效似乎都不明顯。然而績效指標可預先發出警訊,當指標與下一個衡量期間之報酬率背離時,可當成空頭來臨前的警示燈號。 此時在研究中,思考可擬定投資策略,分別同時做多(long)其最好之七檔ETFs,及做空(short)最差之七檔ETFs,即使是經歷金融海嘯的過程,依此策略Sharpe ratio、Omega ratio、Sortino ratio或Gain-Loss ratio在絕大部分時間裡都是正報酬。 最後,迴歸分析結果顯示,要找出適合解釋ETFs報酬率能力的績效指標並不容易。並未有單一績效衡量指標具有對不同ETF皆有很好的預測能力,可見在金融市場裡,想單靠幾個績效指標來解釋ETFs基金的報酬率並不易達成。同時在研究基金績效是否具有持續性上,結論也發現以各績效衡量指標過去一個月的績效,並沒有能力去預測ETFs基金未來的價格,沒有証據可支持ETFs基金績效具有持續性。符合”所有基金績效,均為過去績效,不代表未來之績效表現”;建議機構或個別投資人買賣ETFs基金應著重於研究產經未來趨勢,而非過去績效。

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