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蔡佩玲 Unknown Date (has links)
我國民事侵權行為之「過失」概念,向來學者均未有深入闡釋,其等雖均認為民事法與刑事法的規範目的有異,卻仍往往援引刑法第14條過失的定義加以適用。在民事侵權行為「過失」概念欠缺其應有的獨立內涵之情形下,法院實務上的操作更因此勝敗兩異,喧騰一時的玻璃娃娃案 即為一例。而民事侵權行為「過失」概念不明確,不僅在一般的侵權行為案件中,造成法院實務操作困難,在專業的醫療訴訟中,也出現了法官嘗試用不明確的「過失」概念去決定一個陌生的專業領域有無過失的不適當。 因此,首先要解決的問題是民事侵權行為「過失」概念之內涵如何?與刑事過失概念是否同義?又,過失概念中在英美立法例上的發展均從「注意義務存在」轉向以「注意義務違反」的討論為重心,論者又均謂是否違反注意義務的判斷,應依事件的特性,分別加以考量,因行為人之職業、危害之嚴重性、被害法益之輕重、防範避免危害之代價,而有所不同。因此,在專業的醫療訴訟中有哪些判準是有利於法院判斷醫療訴訟中醫師是否違反注意義務,急待釐清!我國學者未見有更深入的討論,因此醫療訴訟中是否違反注意義務所應有的判準,特別是醫界的「醫療常規」能否作為法院在個案中的「當為行為」的標準,頗值吾人深入探討。 本文所要討論的是關於法院能否審酌「醫療常規」合理性的問題,在美國法的發展上,有著名的Helling v. Carey案,法院以醫師所遵行的醫療常規對於該案原告的保護並不足夠,認為被告醫師主張已經遵行醫療常規而無過失,並不可採,Helling案之後法院一度有支持Helling Rule的判決實務,但是後續發展卻都一面倒地採取與Helling Rule不同的看法,甚至有指出Helling案的法院嘗試去審酌醫療常規是相當不可採的作法;而在我國法上,也出現了相對應的」台安醫院維他命事件,被告醫師也同樣以其已經遵行醫療常規的作法主張其並無過失,但對於醫療常規是否可採,法院在來來回回七個審級間也如同美國法的發展上有一度地掙扎,本案雖未確定,但在更二審即最末次事實審時,法院明確地指出醫師依其經驗與專業知識以及醫療常規的作法而行為,對於不可預見的風險並不負過失責任。 本文以為Helling Rule雖然在美國判例法的討論上都是指稱醫師不能以其已遵行醫療常規主張其行為並無過失,但是從Helling案的個案事實觀察,可以發現Helling案的法院其實並非真正去審酌醫療常規的合理性,相反地,Helling案法院主要指摘的是醫師在病患將近十年的看診期間,均未善盡其應有的注意義務,為病患作進一步的檢查,只一昧地以醫療常規的作法為病患診療,但經過十年的期間,病患之病症均未有改善,任何一般人都會警覺到常規的作法已不適用,醫師未盡注意義務顯然,應認為有過失。也就是Helling案的法院是針對其個案的情況闡述法院固應尊重醫療常規,但是醫療常規在適用上仍應依個案不同情形有所考量。我國的台安醫院維他命事件,也是我國法院對於應尊重醫療常規的表示。 本文立於此比較法的基礎,認為醫療訴訟中如何判定是否違反注意義務,固然可以形成一些判準,但是法院畢竟是醫療之外行人,在思考適用這些判準時,仍然會面臨醫療專業知識進入門檻的困難,不容易作成判斷。特別是醫學本身是一門發展長久、縝密、且進步快速的科學,醫界此一專門職業團體,長久發展下來,在其執業上早已由其職業團體內的成員,匯集其共同之臨床經驗與專業知識形成其執業所需的一套流程標準,也就是「醫療常規」,而醫療常規其實就是醫療此一專門職業團體的集體智慧之結晶,也代表了醫界在其長期發展的經驗中,已經在個案病人利益、其他病人利益、醫療成本有限、有效醫療等等的前提下,濃縮出的平衡思量的結果。尤其是當醫療專業團體對於某個診療方式或程序,已經形成一致地、明確地共識與作法時,法院是否仍有可供公評之理由作成相異之見解呢?亦或此時應有法律謙抑之思考,予以專業慣行多一分之尊重?

日華禮貌表達習慣與教學應用 / The difference of Japanese and Chinese politeness custom and teaching application

光井祐介, Mitsui, Yusuke Unknown Date (has links)
在第二語言的學習過程中,我們經常會發現,母語的表達習慣和方式對第二語言學習者存在著一定的影響。學習者往往對目的語中某些與自己母語不同的表達習慣和方式,感到不解與困惑,而在使用目的語進行表達時,又常常會不自覺地套用母語的表達習慣和方式,結果常造成溝通或學習上的障礙。筆者剛到臺灣時就常親生感受其似的困擾。 隨著中國大陸經濟起飛及對外華語教學事業的發展,以及近年來,國外第二語言習得理論的引進,以華語作為第二語言習得的研究領域也不斷擴大。對於第二語言習得,筆者認為該重視的是要對學習者的語言能力進行描寫和說明,同時必須不斷地給學習者刺激並激發其學習上的成就感。為了達到此目的,教學者除了必須熟悉聽說讀寫等教學法之外,也須瞭解學習者的環境背景、心理形態、以及因華語與其母語之間的差異而易導致的各方面錯誤傾向等。 本論文主要參考前人探討日語與華語在稱呼、寒暄問候、感謝、道歉以及委婉表達等研究成果作為基礎,並在此基礎之上補充筆者在臺灣親身經驗過的觀察及分析探討日華表達習慣之差異,以作為對日華語教學參考之用。分析探討的主要內容分為以下幾部分:(一)日華禮貌概念及文化分析;(二)日華稱呼的對比;(三)日華寒暄問候對比;(四)日華感謝及道歉方式對比;(五)日華委婉表達;(六)針對日本學生譁語教學上的應用。藉此研究,我們將分析比較現今華語及日語中,華人和日本人對禮貌表達的看法和差異及如何活用在華語文教學。 本文研究日華語禮貌表達習慣之共性及差異性,並探討造成日華語溝通障礙的原因。筆者所蒐集到的文獻資料以中國大陸學者的著作為主,而華人之間的表達習慣依其所區域仍存在著些許差異,因此在此方面筆者輔以本身在臺灣的生活經驗與觀察對照。 期待研究成果可以應用在對日華語教學上,以便提供華語教師相關建議,協助華語教師瞭解其日籍學生,並促進日籍華語學習者瞭解華人文化,以助其成功掌握華語禮貌策略與在交際中的應用。

戰後台灣社會變遷對民眾飲食習慣之影響:廣告觀點 / Advertising point of view to explore how social changes in the fifty years after the war activities affected the diet habits of Taiwanese.

孫琳鳳, Sun, Lin Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以台灣戰後五十年來中國時報上與飲食活動相關的廣告,從廣告的觀點,去探索台灣社會變遷如何對民眾飲食習慣造成影響。   本研究採用歷史研究法,蒐集1950年至2000年在中國時報刊登所有飲食活動相關的廣告,整理歸納出台灣民眾飲食習慣的變化。並使用文獻分析法,分析影響台灣社會變遷之政治經濟文化等相關論述及官方統計資料、期刊論文。   研究結果發現,社會變遷使得台灣民眾飲食習慣從重視「吃的功能」走向「吃的價值」;經濟發展帶動飲食習慣由重「量」轉而重「質」的發展;戰後五十年受到外來文化的影響使得台灣飲食習慣走向西方化、速食化;女性角色轉變因而帶動更直效的飲食習慣;飲食產業也隨著飲食趨勢提供不同需求的商品及服務。 / In this paper is from an advertising point of view to explore how social changes in the fifty years after the war activities affected the diet habits of Taiwanese. This study uses Historical Research to collect all published in the China times from 1950 to 2000 the diet activity-related advertising. And use the Content Analysis to analysis of Taiwan social changes of the political, economic, cultural and other relevant official statistical data, and the journal articles. The research results showed the social change makes the diet habits of the Taiwanese from the emphasis on “food’s functional” to “food’s value”. Economic development led diet habits by attention “quantity “towards "quality". Outside culture influences to make Taiwan diet habits Western oriented and fast-food oriented. The changing role of women and thus bring more direct eating habits. The diet industries provide goods and services with different needs dietary trends.


Yatsuya, Hiroshi, OuYang, Pei, Sugiura, Kaichiro, Mitsuhashi, Hirotsugu, Hotta, Yo, Takefuji, Seiko, Matsushita, Kunihiro, Wada, Keiko, Morimoto, Yusuke, Tamakoshi, Koji, Toyoshima, Hideaki, Otsuka, Rei, 八谷, 寛, 歐陽, 蓓, 杉浦, 嘉一郎, 三橋, 弘嗣, 堀田, 洋, 竹藤, 聖子, 松下, 邦洋, 和田, 恵子, 森本, 祐介, 玉腰, 浩司, 豊嶋, 英明, 大塚, 礼 10 1900 (has links)
No description available.

大學生英文網路閱讀習慣及觀感之探索性研究 / An Exploratory Investigation on Undergraduates' Habits and Perceptions of Reading English on the Internet

洪珮菱, Hung, Pei-ling Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網路的發展,人們的閱讀習慣和閱讀行為一直不斷的進化與改變。過去的研究指出在這數位化的年代,更多的網路閱讀習慣的研究需要再進一步的進行與更新,以便英語教育者更加了解英文學習者如何使用網路幫助他們的英語學習。本研究欲探討大學生如何運用網路幫助他們的英語學習,此研究主要探索大學生英文網路閱讀的習慣以及他們對於英文網路閱讀的觀感。此外,此研究更進一步探討大一學生和大四學生在英文網路閱讀及觀感上是否有差異。 本研究採取質性研究,以北台灣兩所大學為例,參加本研究的學生一共有四十九位學生,分別有二十五位大四英文系學生以及二十四位大一英文系學生。資料收集主要採用焦點團體訪談的方式,以半結構式的方談方式採訪了十八組學生。學生的訪談資料收集後,將訪談內容轉為逐字稿以進行內容分析。 本研究主要發現,學生上網閱讀英文的主要目的是完成學校作業。學生喜歡在網路上閱讀和課業有關的文章、比較聳動以及容易記住、輕鬆的文章主題(例如:休閒活動和藝術)。學生也喜歡在網路上挑選比較簡短、比較具有信賴度和權威性的文章閱讀。根據網路上各種英語學習資源以及學生所提供的資料來分類,本文中整理出學生經常使用的英文學習網站,以供參考。此外,在網路上閱讀英文時,學生比較有動機閱讀有多媒體呈現的文章內容。當在網路閱讀英文時,遇到閱讀理解有問題,學生通常利用線上網路字典或是網路即時翻譯的功能,以幫助他們對文章的理解。 學生提出在網路閱讀英文有些缺點,包含缺乏靈活性、容易分心和迷失方向、提供過多的資訊、缺乏人體工學的考量。此外,學生也提出網路閱讀的優點。學生認為在網路閱讀可以讓他們省時、省錢的得到資訊、得到快速更新的資訊以及其他人的觀點、得到不同形式的資訊、與他人溝通、製作自己的閱讀檔案、增進英文學習、同時處理很多事務。學生也提出一些建議給有意願使用網路教學的的老師,以便老師能夠了解他們的真正的需求與困難。例如,他們希望老師能夠推薦他們有用的網站、教導他們網路搜尋技巧、並且能夠將網路的使用真正的融入課堂中。 本研究也發現大一學生和大四學生在網路閱讀習慣及觀感最主要的相異之處在於大四學生比大一學生習慣將英文融入他們的日常生活中,以便他們透過網路來增加學習英文環境的機會。此外,大四學生比較能夠有技巧性地運用網路資源,以解決他們在網路閱讀上遇到的問題。相反地,大一學生仍然需要老師教導他們一些技巧來解決在網路上閱讀所遇到的問題,以及教導他們如何分辨可信賴和不可信賴的網站。 希望本研究的發現可以讓教育者瞭解大學生如何使用網路來幫助他們的英語學習,以及網路的使用如何影響他們的閱讀習慣。文末進一步提出相關建議,作為教育學者們教學上的參考。 / With the advancement of the Internet, people’s reading habits and behaviors have been evolving and reshaped. Previous studies indicated that more research on reading habits in this digital age is necessary to be further investigated and updated to eke out EFL educators’ understanding of EFL learners’ uses of the Internet to facilitate their English learning. This study attempts to explore how undergraduate students use the Internet to facilitate their English learning by delving into their habits and perceptions of reading English on the Internet and whether there is any difference between undergraduate freshmen and seniors. The present study adopted a qualitative research method. The participants are forty-nine EFL English major undergraduates with twenty-five seniors and twenty-four freshmen from two universities in northern Taiwan. The major way to collect data is focus group interviews, which are semi-structured interviews with eighteen focus interview groups of the participating students. The interview data were transcribed in verbatim and analyzed in accordance with content analysis method. The major findings of the habits of reading English online revealed that the participants basically held positive attitude towards and grew into the habit of reading English on the Internet. They read English online for the purpose of doing schoolwork and they preferred reading contents related to their courses, with light topics such as leisure and art, with sensational and catchy topics, in short length, or with more reliability and authority. The English learning websites that the participants usually went to were also provided for pedagogical references. Moreover, the participants were much more motivated to read English online when the reading contents were accompanied with multimedia. Upon facing reading comprehension problems, they usually turned to online dictionaries or online instant translators to improve their understanding of the contents they were reading on the Internet. The students’ perceptions of disadvantages of reading online included inflexibility, distraction and disorientation, oversupply of information, and lack of ergonomic concerns. Apart from the disadvantages of reading English on the Internet, the participants put forth a number of valuable merits of reading online, including time and cost saving in gaining information, gaining rapidly-updated information, others’ perspective, accessing information in divers forms, interacting with others, making documents, benefiting English learning, and multitasking. As for the suggestions made to the teachers intending to integrate the Internet use into classes, the participants hoped that teachers could recommend them useful websites, teach them search skills, and infuse the Internet into the classroom setting. The major findings of the differences between the seniors and the freshmen were that the seniors were more accustomed to incorporating English language into their daily lives in order to increase more chances to immerse themselves in English learning environments through the Internet than the freshmen. In addition, the seniors were more resourceful in using the Internet to help themselves with problems they met while reading online. Contrarily, the freshmen still needed teachers’ training on how to solve their reading comprehension with more methods and on how to distinguish reliable websites from incredible ones. Finally, it is expected that the findings of this study can provide educators with more understanding about how undergraduates utilize the Internet to facilitate their English learning and how their reading habits are influenced by the widespread use of the Internet. Besides, a number of pedagogical implications and instructional suggestions are presented at the end of this thesis for educators’ teaching references.

大理院民事判決法源之研究(1912-1928) / A study on the source of civil law during early republican China (1912-1928)

黃聖棻, Huang, Sheng-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本文目的乃是欲從大理院之民事判決例中,嘗試去探究大理院的民事法源,去了解大理院所建立的民事法規範的淵源到底是從何而來?其審判究竟根據什麼樣的法源?大理院對這些法源的態度為何?法源衝突時,規範的效力問題又該如何解決?根據本文考察,大理院之民事法源,在成文法方面,除了約法之外,主要依照《大清現行律》民事有效部分作為其審判依據,在運用層面上導入了歐陸法學概念用來解釋《大清現行律》,促使中西法律文化的融合。此外,前清其它有效法律與民國時期民事特別立法也都被大理院以之為法源。關於條約,大理院則認為其具有法源地位,得直接適用而不需再經由國內立法程序。至於大清民律草案,在民國初年並非有效的成文法律,大理院將其定性為「條理」而加以適用,但是在適用上的判語則相當岐異,為其弊端。同時,大理院時期已經能運用外國立法例與一般法律原則來加強判決理由與調整當事人利益的分配。當然,大理院處於新舊交融的時代,一些傳統義理道德的觀念仍在大理院判例中找得著其痕跡。而對於判例,大理院則是承認其法源性,具有法規範效力,並且對其相當重視,形成獨特的地位,兼具羅馬法系與普通法系的特徵。 / This study is try to find the source of civil law during early republican china(1912-1928), and to apprehend how these kinds of source of civil law be shaped by the judges on the civil adjudications of Dali Yuan(Supreme Court). Besides, the focus is also on what these sources of law are and how Dali Yuan resolve the issue while these sources conflict. First, the statutory sources of civil law include the provisional constitution, treaties, Ching Empire Current Penal Code, and some civil regulations. Ching Empire Current Penal Code is the most important legal basis on the trial. Dali Yuan uses European legal concepts to interpret Ching Empire Current Penal Code and this give Penal Code a new life. Besides, Dali Yuan considers the treaty could be directly applied and not need to be by the way of internal legislative process. In this period, Civil Code Draft is still not valid, so that Dali Yuan takes Draft as principle of law to be applied. Moreover, foreign statutes sometimes can be found in the judgment to strengthen the reason. Of course, on the era of variance, sometimes traditional idea still exists in the judge mind. The precedent play an important role before the Civil Code is put in force. The precedents of Dali Yuan can be considered as source of law. The legal system during this period can be called the amalgamation of Roman law and common law.

農漁會家政推廣人員使用圖書館資源之研究 / A study of library resources using on the home economics extension agent

柯文仁, Ke, Wen Jen Unknown Date (has links)
近年來我國致力於改善公共圖書館的資源與環境,希望能夠提供更好的服務給讀者,且提升公共圖書館的使用率,但從一些圖書館使用者的相關統計獲知,農業背景使用圖書館的比例皆不達百分之一。另外對於許多政策上的變革,增添農業推廣發展的難度,其中農業推廣人員,也因自認專業知識的不足,無法完善服務農民多變的需求,產生工作上的許多壓力。 基於以上的原因,且在農業推廣的體系中,家政推廣的內容較貼近於一般民眾,所以本研究針對家政推廣人員進行探討,瞭解其資訊需求,以及圖書館要如何提供良好的服務與館藏,吸引並協助家政推廣人員為主要的目的。 問卷調查的對象,以我國農會與漁會的家政推廣人員為主,分作資訊需求、閱讀習慣以及圖書館使用狀況三方面,根據問卷調查結果,發現到家政推廣人員,多基於工作上的需求,透過網際網路獲取所需資訊,所需的資訊內容也多與工作相關;最多家政推廣人員選擇閱讀的地點,是自家與工作的場所,閱讀資料的來源多是農漁會機構所提供,另外在每週閱讀的平均時數以及每年夠書金額,都高於我國國民平均。分析有使用圖書館習慣的家政推廣人員,大部分是平均每週去圖書館一次、一個月平均借書量為1-5本,鄉鎮圖書館是最多人使用的,使用圖書館的主要目是借還圖書,而一般圖書也是最多人使用的館藏,對於圖書館的最滿意的地方是地點設立的便利性,最不滿意的是圖書館的檢索系統。 依據問卷所得結果,提出鄉鎮圖書館改進的項目,以提升家政推廣人員的圖書館使用率,例如:改善開閉館時間、根據家政人員的推廣活動提供適當館藏、加強宣導圖書館服務項目、舉辦兒童教育與醫療保健相關的推廣活動、改善圖書館的檢索系統、與家政推廣人員合辦社區活動。並且建議我國能夠設立農業專門圖書館以及博物館、農業資訊服務中心應彙整網路資源以及農業推廣充電站可導入知識管理的技術,藉以提昇我國農業推廣的發展。 / In recent years, Taiwan government makes efforts to improve public libraries, and hopes to provide better services and environment to the readers for promoting library usage, but a number of library users studies showed that the users with agriculture background did not reach to 1%. Many policy changes make developments of agricultural extensions harder. Even some agricultural extension staffs feel lacking of professional knowledge to serve farmers, and that results in their pressure at agricultural extension work. Based on the above reasons, and the Home Economics’ services are closer to the general public’s life, so this study aimed at Home Economics Extension agents to explore and understand their information needs, and find out how to provide good library services and collections, in order to attract and assist in Home Economics Extension agents. The questionnaires survey aimed at the home economics extension agents in the framers’ association and fishers’ association. It includes three parts: information needs, reading habits and library usage. According to survey findings, the home economics extension agents would like to obtain the required information about working via the internet, most Home Economics workers prefer reading at home or the offices, and the most sources are from the farmers’ associations or fishers’ associations. Home economics extension agents’ average reading hours per week and spending on buying books every year are above the average of Taiwan populace. Analysis of the home economics extension agents with the habit of using libraries demonstrates that most of them go to the library once per week, every month borrow 1 to 5 books from the library, and primarily use the township libraries. They go to the libraries for the circulations as mainly goal, and feel most satisfied with the location of the library, and most dissatisfied with the library's OPAC system. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the township libraries could improve the following to attract and assist in Home Economics Extension agents: regulating the open hour, according to agents’ needs to provide adequate collections, enforcing marketing the services, conducting extension activities about education and health, improving the OPAC system, and organizing community activities with home economics extension agents. The study makes final suggestions to enhance the promotion of Taiwan's agricultural development as follows: establish the agricultural libraries and museums, agriculture science information center shall collect network resources about agriculture, and use knowledge management technology to manage agricultural resources in Council of Agriculture.

雙邊投資協定徵收條款之研究---以台灣,韓國比較研究為中心 / A study on the expropriation clause in the bilateral investment treaty--focused on a comparative study of Taiwan and south Korea--

朴栽亨 Unknown Date (has links)
「雙邊投資協定」是「發展中國家」為積極引進外國資本,與「已開發國家」為有效保護本國投資者間之互惠保障機制。於1990年代以來,因跨國企業數擴大而增加投資活動,因此也擴大投資的規模,故而對投資規範之需求必要性愈來愈增加。「雙邊投資協定」作爲目前最通用的國際投資規範,最近全世界所簽訂之雙邊投資協定的數量為約2,700多個(約180個國家),惟由於世界上就雙邊投資協定内容還沒統一的形態,而且協定規定上缺乏具體性基準,針對協定内容,已開發國家與發展中國家之間見解往往相左。 其中「徵收條款」是理論解釋上最引起爭論的領域之一。不過迄今與徵收有關協定之實踐過程中,資本輸出國(已開發國家)和資本輸入國(發展中國家)間之理解有很大的差異,即在於絕對多數的雙邊投資協定中,對於徵收條款沒有判斷標準(如間接徵收)、補償標準(如赫爾規則)、補償額價格估價方式(如公平市場價格)之具體基準。 本論文基於雙邊投資協定之現行趨勢,想要研究雙邊投資協定的一般概念與徵收的相關具體内容,尤其為準備臺灣與韓國間簽訂雙邊投資協定的可能性,先觀察最近韓國、臺灣與各國所簽訂的雙邊投資協定之現況,其次則想要比較該協定的徵收條款,進一步嘗試關於未來臺、韓兩國之雙邊投資協定徵收條款之制定方向提出若干意見。

「健康、性格、習慣量表(HPH)」 A、B、D類量尺的臨床效度探討

張至恒, Chang, Chih Heng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討「健康、性格、習慣量表(HPH)」的臨床效度。HPH最初是由柯永河教授(民84)編製,後來廣泛使用在國內臨床場域中。發展至今已有中上程度的信效度支持,但過去較缺乏臨床上區辨與構念效度的研究,因此本研究旨在探討HPH區辨不同疾患的能力,以及以臨床疾患為受試時量尺之構念效度。 本研究回顧國內外類似測驗─MMPI、KMHQ、MCMI─的發展軌跡,並參照前人作法來進行HPH的臨床區辨效度研究。初步以臨床場域中常見的精神分裂症、重鬱症、低落型情感疾患、焦慮疾患,共257名患者為受試。先以共變數分析(ANCOVA)探討控制人口與臨床變項後,不同疾患組別在HPH的A、B、D類量尺的影響。再進一步使用羅吉斯迴歸(logistic regression)探討哪些量尺及其組合可以區辨兩兩疾患間的差異。最後,本研究也進行HPH的探索性因素分析(exploratory factor analysis),以檢驗其臨床上的因素結構。 本研究發現,精神分裂症(A1)、躁症傾向(A2)、憂鬱自殺類(A3、B4、A4)、心理功能與健康(D1、D3、D4、D5、D6)量尺在共變數分析上的差異情形與假設大致相符,後續討論分析也支持強迫症(B5)量尺效度。羅吉斯迴歸中,A1、A3、B4、B5能在兩兩疾患間區辨有顯著預測力。其中A1能在精神分裂症與其他三組疾患的兩兩區辨中預測,A3能在重鬱症與另外兩組(精神分裂症、焦慮症)的兩兩區辨中預測,B4能在低落型情感與精神分裂症的兩兩區辨中預測,B5能在強迫症與其他疾患間的兩兩區辨中預測。但是在重鬱症與低落型情感疾患間,以及低落型情感與焦慮疾患間,沒有量尺能在兩者的區辨中有顯著預測力。而各兩兩疾患間整體區辨效果有中至高度的關聯性,分類正確率也多有七成以上,顯示HPH量表在臨床上的區辨效度獲得支持。 構念效度部分,A、D類量尺因素結構與當初編製的每個量尺構念相近,B類量尺構念雖與原量尺略有不同,但仍不違背原量尺編製架構,因此構念效度亦獲得支持。不過各量尺仍有值得編修之處,討論一節中針對結果提出HPH後續編修之建議。 最後,本研究也將此結果之臨床實務應用於討論一節中詳述,以供後續研究與實務者參考。 / The purpose of this study is to examine the clinical validity of the Health, Personality, and Habit Test (HPH). The HPH was developed by Dr. Yung-Ho Ko in 1995, and has been widely used in clinical settings. The HPH has demonstrated appropriate reliability and validity, but little research has been done on its differential and construct validity in the clinical settings. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore the HPH’s ability to differentiate between disorders and its construct validity in clinical context. This research reviewed the developments of similar tests, such as MMPI, KMHQ, and MCMI, and examined validity of the HPH with the same methods. Subjects were 257 patients who suffered from common disorders in clinical settings, including schizophrenia, major depression, dysthymia, and anxiety disorders. ANCOVA was first used to explore whether different disorders have an effect on category A, B, and D scales after controlling demographic and clinical variables. Next, logistic regression was used to clarify which scales and combinations can differentiate between two of four disorders. Finally, exploratory factor analysis was conducted to examine the structure of HPH in clinical setting. The results of ANCOVA showed that the differences of schizophrenia scale (A1), manic scale (A2), depression/suicide scales (A3, B4, & A4), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) scale (B5), and psychological function and health scales (D1, D3, D4, D5, D6) were partly consistent with assumptions, supporting the differential validity of HPH. The results of logistic regression analysis also supported the validity of A1, A3, B4, and B5 scales. More specifically, A1 was able to differentiate schizophrenia from any other three disorders, A3 was able to differentiate MDD from schizophrenia and anxiety disorders, B4 was able to differentiate dysthymia from schizophrenia, and B5 was able to differentiate OCD from other disorders. However, none of the scales was able to differentiate MDD from dysthymia, nor were they able to differentiate dysthymia from anxiety disorders. Moreover, each of the logistic regression functions showed moderate to high correlations, and most of them achieved high overall hit rates (above 70%), providing support for the clinical differential validity of the HPH. As for construct validity, these factors in category A and D scales were essentially similar to original scales. Similarly, factors in category B scales were compatible to original scales though difference was found. In sum, these results lent support to the construct validity of the HPH in the clinical settings. However, refining of the scales is needed and suggestions are discussed. Finally, the practical uses of the findings were also discussed.

我國消費者保護官制度之研究 / The Research of our System of Consumer Ombudsman

邱惠美, Chiu,Fee Mei Unknown Date (has links)
由於生產技術日益精進,商品製造過程繁複,功能亦趨於複雜,導致商品潛在危險性昇高,加上產業結構多層化及行銷策略廣告化,以致責任體系模糊不清,而企業經營者更挾其鉅力萬鈞的經濟優勢,利用誇大不實的商業廣告,麻醉、鈍化消費者選購商品的能力,或因標示不實,欺騙、誤導消費者的認知,並產生種種危險,形成對於個人生命、身體、健康或財產上的威脅,造成消費者與企業經營者間的糾紛。由於企業經營者不但擁有雄厚人力、財力及資訊優勢,加上今日的生產過程,多具有高度技術性與高度複雜性,經濟上弱勢的消費者在私法體系中,無論在事前消費資訊獲得或事後爭議救濟過程上,並未擁有對等的地位,一旦在消費過程中遭遇到健康上或財產上的損害,很難循傳統之民事法律規範獲得有效救濟,也因為不容易獲得法律上的救濟,使得消費者對於維護自己的權益遭遇到困難,而怨聲四起。 因此先進國家無不以立法、司法及行政措施,來保護消費者應有之權利,透過政府公權力,提供一個便捷的管道,讓消費者得加以諮詢或申訴所遭遇到的消費爭議。台灣在消費者保護法(以下簡稱消保法)公布實施後,在立法上已經形成一個制度化的消費者保護體系,其中最特殊的就是設立消費者保護官(以下簡稱消保官)制度,當消費爭議發生時,透過申訴、調解程序,幫助消費者與企業經營者協商,以維護消費者之基本權益。 依北歐國家的法律規定,保護官(Ombudsman)指保護一般市民免受政治或行政權濫用之害,並為其權利守護神之官吏而言。北歐四國,即瑞典、挪威、丹麥及芬蘭,均只有一位消保官,且均為政府所任命,獨立行使職權,積極介入調查影響市場交易習慣之案件,以保護消費者權益,對良好市場交易習慣之建立,貢獻良多。瑞典係第一個成立消保官之國家,距今已有近40年之歷史,其雖僅有一位,然其位高、權重、受人敬重,主導整個國家之消費者政策及市場交易習慣,且整個消費者總署均為其輔佐幕僚。反觀我國,消保官設立至今已逾12年,然有關消保官之法規,除消保法之外,僅有消保官任用及職掌辦法、消保官執行職務應行注意事項、指揮消保官行使職權要點,是否符合行政程序法之規定,不無疑義。而各地方政府消保官之設置單位並不一致,有設於府本部,有設於法規會或法制室,亦有設於主秘室、建設局、企劃室或行政室等,此不僅反應消保官之定位不明,且導致消保官有將無兵,影響消費者保護工作之推展。目前包括中央及地方已有44位,行政上不僅無輔佐之幕僚人員,且須受上級長官之指揮監督,與北歐各國實不可同日而語。誠然兩者之任用資格及職掌並不完全相同,但會造成此種結果,實與整個國家之制度設計有相當大之關係。 本論文將先就北歐四國消保官設置之沿革、地位、運作、管轄、申訴及權限等作一簡介,其後論述我國消保官制度,俾比較兩者之異同,分析其優劣,以作為改進我國制度之參考。消保官之設置,既係消保法立法特色之一,亦為能否充分發揮保護消費者功能之主要關鍵所在。自第一位消保官就任以來,至今已逾12年,究竟消保官之制度與當初之設計是否吻合?該制度究竟是否有存在之必要?又如有存在之必要,是否有未盡完善之處?又如有未盡完善之處,究應如何改善?為期能有全盤及深入瞭解,爰就我國現行消保官制度之相關問題予以探討,並試擬消保官制度未來應發展之方向。

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