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台大實驗林社區林業計畫之研究 -以共用資源自主治理制度設計檢視 / The research of community forestry plan at National Taiwan University experimental forest - In the view of self-governance on common pool resources阮佳萱, Juan, Chia Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
森林係屬排他性很低但取用的減損性高的共用資源(Common Pool Resources, CPR)之一,若未能妥善經營管理,則易產生「共用地悲劇」。Elinor Ostrom(1990)曾就此提出由社區自主治理永續制度安排的設計原則,故本研究將藉以援引,並採深入訪談法,評估台大實驗林接受社區林業補助的案例的施行成果,提出自主治理的難題,包含參與者界定困難、參與者投入的成本與獲得效益不相稱、尚無監督參與者的機制、無權進行制裁機制、上級主管單位授權不足,並提出相關解決對策,期望使社區林業政策之推動更臻成熟,亦透過本研究肯認台大實驗林未來發展生態旅遊之潛力,而為改善我國森林資源治理效能之方針。 / In recent years, the implementation of community forestry industry has become a new trend in the international forestry operations , while now is also promoting " Community Forestry - residents to participate in conservation Symbiosis Project " in 2002 , advocated " Forestry go outside , people come inside ," the community forestry concept the idea of the initiative, designed to encourage residents to participate in the ground , build consensus and foster community autonomy , the government formed by residents and non-governmental organizations and community partnerships to promote the conservation of biological diversity in the third , sustainable forest eco-tourism and related forestry construction , in order to achieve the goal of sustainable community development and forest .
The Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University (hereafter referred to as the Experimental Forest) past forestry governance mostly adopt a top-down governance , often leading management units and local residents opposing governance performance unsatisfactory , the Experimental Forest in recent years to try the selection of appropriate community , promote community forestry, expect to find new opportunities for forest resource management , however , the effectiveness of how worthy of further investigation, because of the experimental forests are shouldering experimental research, teaching practice , demonstration management, environmental conservation and other responsibilities , this study suggests that if the demonstration in the area of regional policy when a country's forestry governance can learn from , so the selection of its communities in the area to be explored is the case , learned to perform live .
Department of Forestry is low but exclusive access to the shared resources with high impairment (Common Pool Resources, CPR) one of , if not the proper management, is easy to produce , " shared the tragedy ." Elinor Ostrom (1990) had been made by the community self- governance and sustainable design principles of institutional arrangements , the purpose of this study will be invoked , and mining depth interviews to assess the implementation of the outcome of Experimental Forest accepted the case of community forestry subsidies , raise self- governance the problem, in order to propose solutions that promote community forestry policies more mature, improve the performance of our forest resources governance .
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教師支持對學生需求滿足與學習投入之影響 - 以台灣地區高中學生為例 / The effect of teacher support on basic needs and learning engagement in Taiwanese high school context林哲立, Lin, Che-Li Unknown Date (has links)
教師支持對學生需求滿足與學習投入之影響 - 以台灣地區高中學生為例
本研究之目的在探討在自我決定理論架構下,教師支持(teacher support)、心理需求(basic needs),以及學習投入(learning engagement)三變項間的關係。本研究針對台灣地區共八所高中之高中學生為研究對象,進行問卷調查有效樣本為945人。針對研究工具進行探索性因素分析與驗證性因素分析,並以結構方程模式檢驗本研究之假設模式,研究結果如下。
教師支持與基本需求的關係方面,教師的自主支持(teacher autonomy support)可以顯著的預測能力需求的滿足與學習投入,此結果呈現了自主支持的教學在台灣地區高中情境的跨文化應用。其次,教師投入(teacher involvement)可顯著的預測關連性的需求滿足與學習投入,此結果說明了教師的關心與支持對高中學生的重要性。 再者,不同過去的研究結果,能力需求的滿足則負向的預測行為投入與情緒投入;此結果呈現了課堂情境因素的重要性,可能影響學生之上課投入情形的因素,包括教師的教學方法、教室目標結構,以及學生知覺課堂活動的挑戰性與重要性等。
最後,本研究也發現,教師支持中的結構(structure)對於自主需求(need of autonomy)有負向的影響,即學生對於自主的需求較高者,對於教師的結構性教學會有負向的回應,這也說明了學習者在需求滿足(我覺得)與需求(我想要)兩者上的差異。
本研究建議未來的研究進一步探討需求滿足與需求對於學習與教師知覺上的差異情形,並且針對教師結構之問卷進行本土化的概念建構,亦可進一步探討教師支持與需求滿足間的調節效果或針對這些變項進行長期的調查或課室觀察。 / The effect of Teacher Support on Basic Needs and Learning Engagement in Taiwanese high school context
Based on self-determination theory, the relationships among teacher support, basic needs, and learning engagement were examined. With a total of nine hundred and forty five valid participants from eight Taiwanese high schools, structure equation modeling was used to explore the propose model. The main results of the present study are as follows:
Teacher autonomy support was the most predictive variable in explaining both behavioral and emotional engagement, which indicated the cross-cultural application of autonomy-supportive teaching in high school context in a collectivistic country. Moreover, teacher involvement could significantly affect basic need of relatedness and learning engagement, which showed that teachers’ caring and understanding should not be ignored in high school context. Also, this study found the differences between need satisfaction and needs among learners, which leaded to distinct results in reacting to teaching behaviors. Additionally, different from previous studies, this study found that basic need of competence predicted negatively to learning engagement. The specific features of classroom goal structure or teaching methods in Taiwanese high school classrooms might be the plausible explanations.
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需求滿足與主觀幸福感之探討:以幸福觀切入 / A study of need satisfaction on subjective well-being: from a perspective of conception of subjective well-being李睿杰 Unknown Date (has links)
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2.中学コート自由化運動 : 生徒の自主的な活動の試みとして斉藤, 真子, 飯島, 幸久, 川田, 基生, 山田, 孝, 大口, 悦子, 高比良, 幸治, 横地, 武, 持山, 育央 16 October 1995 (has links)
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從競合策略對”雙反”議題之研究 –兩岸太陽能光伏產業為例 / Co-opetition Strategy Study for Photovoltaic Industries of Cross-Strait In the case of Anti-Dumping Duty and Counter Vailing Duty魯永強, Lu, Yung Chiang Unknown Date (has links)
2015年3 月,IHS市場調查公司預估由於太陽能光伏企業繼續整合併購有利於市場擴大佔有的連動關係,使得大者恆大,而且平均售價快速下降,驅動市場需求更加高速增長,2020年全球太陽能光伏電站累計安裝量將達到500GW,比較2005年的5.3GW有如天壤之別,同時說明往後五年每年平均安裝64GW,也代表全球投資在太陽能光伏產業的資金每年高達1500億美元,依次中、美、日三國為領先主要投資在新能源建設。再查看平均售價(太陽板光伏模組)2005年價格約為3.5USD/W,隨著市場逐漸增大,預估價格也在2014年降至0.6USD/W。2015-2019年全球總產值將達到5120億美金(以太陽能光伏電站為基礎,系統價格160萬USD/1MW)。
雖然兩岸太陽能光伏產業共同面對一個極具規模及潛力的全球市場,但由於2010-2012年間供需失衡,產能過剩,急速下降的市場平均售價,歐美許多公司工廠因此關廠倒閉,進而對兩岸進行兩次所謂“雙反”–反傾銷Anti Dumping Duty及反補貼Counter Vailing Duty調查,最後判定對矽晶太陽能光伏產品加以處罰性進口關稅。依照WTO世界貿易組織規定會員國在面臨外國進口產品進行不公平競爭,並損害其國內產業時,可以採取救濟措施保護其國內產業,“雙反”就是措施手段之一。2014年大陸也針對美國多晶矽料實施53-57% Anti-Dumping Duty作為反制,目前中美雙方仍處在對峙中,但可預見隨著市場條件改變,將可能達成某種雙方可接受的妥協。
本研究把兩岸太陽能光伏產業競合策略放在上面兩個最大的標題之間及緊迫的時間軸上面,針對兩岸各自產業都已掉入虧損情況(第四章大陸與台灣個案研究),期待從競合策略的積極面(合作是為了創造新生價值,找出潛藏利益,甚至創新價值、價值整合,再爭取自己所創造的價值),加上絲毫不能忽視國家政府在文化、歷史、民族的角度及ECFA大框架協議的前提進行分析得到結論,並且做出建議。當兩岸太陽能光伏產業共同面對普遍存在的“雙反”又同時面向全球市場,台灣在思考競合策略的時候,必須認清在經濟層面上與韓國進行幾乎全面各產業競爭。特別關於時間緊迫,本研究認為無論從面板產業、IC設計產業,都已經說明台灣的技術優勢在快速流失,而大陸方面正傾全國之力加速超前,形成自主(紅色)供應鏈。換句話說,時間完全不在台灣這一邊,如果再對比韓國可以配合大陸的合作條件,台灣更沒有猶豫片刻,佇足不前的理由和本錢了!在非經濟層面上又擁有最好的文化、歷史、民族背景跟大陸進行合作,另外在更高的政治層面的考慮,如臺灣之小,大陸之大,夾存在中日美三個強國之間,臺灣的選擇應該是非常清晰可分辨,並且在極度的時間壓力下應該積極運用國家政府有效作為,盡快在ECFA大框架協議下推進各項服貿、投保、金融協議、導引兩岸太陽能光伏從企業、產業到國家組合全面互利互惠合作達到面向全球市場雙贏局面。 / 2015 March, IHS market survey company forecasts Average Selling Price (ASP) will decrease rapidly and drive much higher demand growth rate, due to the Photovoltaic industries continue merger and acquisition. The forecast also indicates global accumulated installation capacity will reach 500GW in 2020, compared with 5.3GW in the year of 2005 which displays promising growth, meanwhile averages yearly installation capacity of 64GW in next five years and yearly investment of 150B USD globally. When looking into price details that PV module selling price of 3.5USD/W in 2005 has dropped to 0.6USD/W of 2014 which translates gross product value of 512B USD, with price reference of 1.6M USD/1MW solar power system.
Both sides of the Taiwan Straits are facing a huge potential but challenging global market of Photovoltaic industries. The period of 2010-2012 not only generated the peak of demand, also induced problematic over-supply and selling price free-fall. Factories in Europe and North America are forced to become insolvent, then claimed for the restricting of import with Anti Dumping Duty (ADD) and Counter Vailing Duty (CVD) against mainland China and Taiwan, according to WTO regulations. In the year of 2014, mainland China also initiated a reactive measures of ADD against polysilicon imported from USA. Currently mainland China and USA are still struggling the head-on situation, but are believed to reach a compromise solutions under the Photovoltaic market development.
We study the issue of Anti Dumping Duty (ADD) and Counter Vailing Duty (CVD) for the example of Photovoltaic industries, covering both sides of Cross-Strait. We focus Co-opetition in terms of time pressure, each side reporting business loss and propose a very constructive and active strategy as the essence from Co-opetition (Creating Value that You Can Capture is the Central Theme in Co-opetition). Of course, we should never ignore government playing a critically influential role based on culture, history, Chinese nation and forward-moving ECFA positive impact. When generally evaluating Co-opetition strategy, we clearly see the competition every corner between Taiwan and Korea. Specifically about time pressue we realized the reversal happened in the industries LCD flat panel and IC design which mainland China assures to catch up and surmount Taiwan in short future. Taiwan can not afford any hesitation and miss the narrow window of creating and capturing our own value in Co-opetition with mainland China. We worry as well Taiwan’s dilemma situation between USA, Japan and mainland China and strongly believe that the best strategy, in addition to the essence of Co-opetition is to harmonize the relationship with mainland China in all the possible areas. So that when facing global market, a win-win result can be expected, through Co-opetition central theme.
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以敘事研究初探語言學習者自主動能與其學習環境之互動 / A Narrative Inquiry on the Interplay between Language Learner Agency and Learning Contexts陳瑋婕, Chen, Wei-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本文以敘事研究的方式,透過深入訪談,探討一位台灣語言學習者的自主動能(learner agency)與其學習環境之互動。經由敘事訪談(narrative interview)、開放式訪談、半結構訪談以及分析受訪者社群網站發表之文章,本論文意圖呈現台灣語言學習者在不同學習環境中如何表現自主動能。
本研究以受訪者Erin出國留學為分界,共三個階段:第一階段為受訪者出國前(2014/08/25),以敘事訪談(narrative interview)的方式,Erin完整呈現自我對英語的認知與語言學習歷程之掙扎。第二階段為Erin出國以後,藉由開放式與半結構訪談,描繪出Erin在國外求學的經驗,並更深刻探討過去的語言學習歷程。第三階段為Erin回國後(2015/09/17),再次以敘事訪談的方式,Erin反思英國求學的經驗以及英語在其人生中扮演的角色。
本研究以vam Lier所提之自主動能的三個特色為分析框架,並推衍出兩項申明:其一,台灣英語學習者在正式的語言學習環境中面臨許多挑戰,但學習者仍有表現自主動能的空間,表現方式包括逃避或拒絕學習;其二,學習者若能沈浸於語言習得的環境(foreign language acquisition environments),極有可能脫離正式語言學習環境的框架而成為一個不同於以往的自己。本研究檢視學習者在不同的學習環境中如何展現自主動能,筆者期望研究結果可提供語言教師看待語言學習者一個新視角。 / Drawing on the concept of learner agency, a narrative inquiry was conducted in order to achieve an in-depth, qualitative understanding of the interplay between a Taiwanese learner's exert of agency and various contexts. The study was developed in three phases, and multiple number of interviews were the main instrument for data collection. The first interview was conducted in August, 2014, before the participant, Erin, headed for England to pursue a Master's degree. The following interviews documented her life experiences abroad and further explored her past language learning history. The final interview was conducted in September, 2015 after she came back to Taiwan, in which she reflected on her overall study abroad experiences and the role of English in her life. The findings delineated Erin's English learning story and her agency domestically and internationally. van Lier's proposal of core features of learner agency was used as the analytic framework to discuss Erin's story, and later two assertions were derived from the discussion: (1) Being an EFL learner in the Taiwanese formal educational context may involve many challenges, but the learner still has room to exercise his or her agency-even though this could mean avoiding or rejecting learning, and (2) Fully engaged in a foreign language environment, the learner is likely to break away from the limitations of formal English learning system. The study delineates a close examination on how the language learner interacted with various contexts and demonstrates several considerations TESOL practitioners can take. Based on the findings and the discussion, pedagogical implications as well as suggestions for future research are also provided at the end of the thesis.
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社區發展與自主治理之研究 / A study on community development and self-government王嘉明 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究由個人參與社區發展行動的動機與選擇決策作為研究的重心,以理性選擇行為模式為理論基礎,探討社區發展上如何才能克服集體行動的困境,建立永續性的自主治理機制。由於社區事務具有小規模共用資源(Common-Pool Resources;CPRs)的特性,在功能上及產權上無法分割,在使用上無排他性(non- exclusive)但具有某種程度的敵對性(rivalry),過度取用將產生資源耗竭的現象。因此本研究援引共用資源分析方法(Common-Pool Resources Approach)作為分析架構,從個人選擇與互動形式、外部環境與技術的變量以及組織與執行機制三方面,探討社區居民是否形成自主治理的集體行動及其影響變量。
本研究採用多重個案研究的複現方法,選取了三處遭遇特定事件觸發了社群共同議題,而由外力團隊協助建立治理組織之社區,作為實證研究之個案。包括:(1)南投縣中寮鄉的農村社區在歷經九二一大地震後,面對土地資源永續利用與產業轉型的議題;(2)桃園縣龍潭鄉百年大鎮大型住宅社區因社區組織不健全,導致社區環境出現安全問題;(3)台北縣鶯歌鎮陶瓷老街因政策獲選為形象商圈,店家面臨商圈環境管理與商圈行銷議題。 / Base on the theory of reasonable choice behavior mode, the study focus on the resident’s individual motive and decision making process trying to identify the solutions of breaking the bottlenecks of collective actions and build up the sustainable self-government mechanism. The community affairs are small scale common-pool resources CPRs) therefore we cannot clearly dive up their ownerships and functions. In the aspects of usage, the community affairs are non-exclusive but kind of rivalry. It will be decreased if being over-deprived. Thus, this study adopted the common-pool resources approach as the analytical structure to explore if the community residents have organized the collective actions of self-government and the influence variables form 3 major aspects of “individual choice vs. interactive form”, “external environment vs. technical variables” and “organization vs. enforcement mechanism ”.
The study took 3 occasional events which touched off some common agenda in the community and have the residents established the organizations of governance by the assistance of external teams as the impractical cases. The three cases included: (1)The agenda faced by rural villages on the aspects of land sustainable usage and industrial transformation in Jhingliao Township of Nantou County, (2) The safety problems brought by the poor community organization of the big scale residential community—Netown in Longtan Township of Taoyuan County.(3) The marketing and business district environment management issues brought by being selected as the official model business district in the Yingge Township of Taipei County.
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影片標註聽力複習機制對於英語聽力理解的影響研究 / The Effects of Video-Annotated Listening Review Mechanism on Listening Comprehension陳怡君, Chen, I Chun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來英語教學特別重視聽力對於英語學習的重要性,然而臺灣的英語教育仍以播放CD為最廣泛使用的英語聽力練習方法,無法因應個別學習者聽力上的個別差異需求,進行重聽段落的自我調整。隨著科技的進步,電腦輔助語言學習已成為發展趨勢,本研究發展一影片標註聽力複習機制(Video-Annotated Listening Review Mechanism, VALRM),可輔助學習者依據自己的學習需求,進行英語聽力重聽段落的標註與重聽。為了驗證此一機制對於提升英語聽力的成效,本研究比較使用VALRM以及利用Youtube進行自主聽力複習機制(Self-Determined Learning Review Mechanism, SDLRM)的學習者,在英語聽力理解成效、學習滿意度、科技接受度,以及認知負荷是否具有顯著差異。此外,也進一步比較不同英語起始能力學習者,以及不同學習風格學習者(場地獨立型與場地依賴型),分別採用VALRM及SDLRM在英語聽力理解成效、學習滿意度、科技接受度,以及認知負荷上是否具有顯著的差異。
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後威權時期台灣國家社會關係—國家能力與社會自主性王世杰 Unknown Date (has links)
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邂逅.敘說.蛻變--一個另類學校教師的行動研究謝易霖 Unknown Date (has links)
研究進路為質性研究方法中的生命傳記敘說取向,文本採集使用Fritz Schütze開展的敘述訪談法,訪談就讀實驗計畫期間參與研究者開設之哲學課與寫作課的兩個案例(其中一人現就讀外轉公立高中,另一仍就讀實驗計畫),並且同時訪談其家長(本研究皆為母親)敘說文本,作為家庭生活與學校生活的參照。資料分析以Rainer Kokemohr的參照推論分析為主軸,輔以 F.Schütze、Moustakas並借用Bruner和Lévi-Strauss的見解。同時研究者的相關研究紀錄與學生作品亦是重要資料。由學生文本、家長文本與教師紀錄、蒐集的現場資料,構成了詮釋現象和形構理論的三角。
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