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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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後形式思考的發展及其與人際關係之容忍性、同理心、自我揭露、自主性之關係 / The Development of Postformal Thinking and the Relationships Between Postformal Thinking and the Tolerance、Empathy、Self-disclosure、Autonomy of Interpersonal Relations

邱文彬, Wen-Bin Chiou Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在探討後形式思考的發展,以及後形式思考與人際關係之容忍性、同理心、自我揭露、自主性之關係。受試為644位分佈於青年期後期至成人期(18至80歲)的受試,以問卷法進行研究。資料分析採用百分比差異性考驗與單因子變異數分析。結果發現:1. 在後形式思考的發展方面,青年期後期屬於形式性思考組的百分比高於早成人期與中、老年期屬於於形式性思考組的百分比。早成人期屬於相對性思考組的百分比高於中、老年期屬於相對性思考組的百分比。中、老年期屬於辯証性思考組的百分比高於青年期後期與早成人期屬於辯証性思考組的百分比。綜合三個認知思考組與各年齡組之關係,相對性思考的發展時機比形式性思考要晚,辯証性思考的發展時機比相對性思考要晚。2. 在後形式思考與人際關係之「容忍性」、「同理心」、「自我揭露」、「自主性」之關係方面:(1)後形式思考組的「容忍性」高於形式性思考組的「容忍性」;辯証性思考組的「容忍性」高於相對性思考組的「容忍性」;相對性思考組的「容忍性」高於形式性思考組的「容忍性」。辯証性思考組在容忍性之「統整差異」得分高於形式性思考組與相對性思考組的得分;(2)後形式思考組的「同理心」高於形式性思考組的「同理心」;辯証性思考組的「同理心」高於相對性思考組的「同理心」;相對性思考組的「同理心」高於形式性思考組的「同理心」;(3)後形式思考組的「自我揭露」高於形式性思考組的「自我揭露」;辯証性思考組的「自我揭露」高於形式性思考組與相對性思考組的「自我揭露」;相對性思考組與形式性思考組的「自我揭露」沒有顯著差異;(4)後形式思考組的「自主性」高於形式性思考組的「自主性」;辯証性思考組的「自主性」高於形式性思考組與相對性思考組的「自主性」;相對性思考組與形式性思考組的「自主性」沒有顯著差異。辯証性思考組在「自主性」之相互依賴性高於形式性思考組與相對性思考組的相互依賴性。 本研究根據研究結果討論這些發現的可能原因,並提出後形式思考未來的研究建議,以及研究結果在人際關係實際應用上的啟示。 壹、緒論                     01 一、 研究動機 01 二、 研究目的 10 三、 名詞釋義 11 (一) 認知發展範疇 11 (二) 人際關係範疇 12 貳、文獻探討 15 一、 後形式思考的本質 15 (一) 後形式思考的特徵 15 (二) 相對性思考 22 (三) 辯証性思考 28 (四) 相對性思考與辯証性思考的比較 34 二、 後形式思考的發展 38 三、人際關係的發展 45 (一) 人際關係的重要性 45 (二) 人際關係發展的重要向度 46 四、 後形式運思與人際關係之容忍性、同理心、自我揭露、自主性 之關係 53 (一) 後形式思考與人際關係的本質 53 (二)後形式思考與人際關係之「容忍性」、「同理心」、「自我揭露」、「自主性」 之關係 55 參、研究方法 73 一、 研究架構 73 二、 研究問題與假設 74 三、 研究樣本 76 四、 研究工具 78 (一) 後形式思考的測量 78 (二) 「容忍性」的測量 91 (三) 「同理心」的測量 93 (四) 「自我揭露」的測量 97 (五) 「自主性」的測量 104 五、資料蒐集與樣本來源 111 肆、研究結果 114 一、後形式思考的發展 118 二、後形式思考與人際關係之容忍性、同理心、自我揭露、自主性 之關係 125 (一)形式性思考與後形式思考在「容忍性」的差異 126 (二)形式性思考與後形式思考在「同理心」的差異 129 (三)形式性思考與後形式思考在「自我揭露」的差異 131 (四)形式性思考與後形式思考在「自主性」的差異 133 伍、結果、討論與建議 107 一、結果 107 (一)後形式思考的發展 142 (二)後形式思考與人際關係之「容忍性」、「同理心」、「自我揭露」、 「自主性」之關係 142 二、討論 143 (一)後形式思考的發展 143 (二)後形式思考與人際關係之「容忍性」、「同理心」、「自我揭露」、 「自主性」之關係 114 (三)整體性發展觀的綜合討論 153 三、建議 157 (一)研究的測量工具 157 (二)研究設計的限制與建議 167 (三)未來的研究方向 168 (四)實際應用的啟示 174 參考文獻 181 附錄 197 附錄一:信念量表 197 附錄二:人際關係問卷(A) 205 附錄三:人際關係與信念問卷(A) 215 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the development of postformal thinking and the relationships between postformal thinking and the tolerance、empathy、self-disclosure、autonomy of interpersonal relations. Subjects were 644, ranging from late adolescence to adulthood (age from 18 to 80 years). Questionnaire was used as the research method. The testing of differences between two percentages and one-way ANOVA were used for data analysis. The results were : 1. In the development of postformal thinking, the percentage of formalistic thinker in late adolescence group (18-23 years) was higher than early adulthood groups' (24-40 years) and middle、late adulthood groups' (41-80 years), the percentage of relativistic thinker in early adulthood group was higher than middle、late adulthood groups', the percentage of dialectical thinker in middle、late adulthood group was higher than late adolescence group's and early adulthood group's. According to the findings of the relationships between the cognitive thinking groups and age groups, the developmental timing of relativistic thinking was later than the timing of formalistic thinking, the developmental timing of dialectical thinking was later than the timing of relativistic thinking. 2. In the findings of the relationships between the postformal thinking and the tolerance、empathy、self-disclosure、autonomy of interpersonal relations: (1) The tolerance of the postformal thinking group was higher than the formalistic thinking group's, the tolerance of the dialectical thinking group was higher than the relativistic thinking group's, the tolerance of the relativistic thinking group was higher than the formalistic thinking group's. The score of integration differences of tolerance of the dialectical thinking group was higher than the relativistic thinking group's and the formalistic thinking group's. (2) The empathy of the postformal thinking group was higher than the formalistic thinking group's, the empathy of the dialectical thinking group was higher than the relativistic thinking group's, the empathy of the relativistic thinking group was higher than the formalistic thinking group's. (3) The self-disclosure of the postformal thinking group was higher than the formalistic thinking group's, the self-disclosure of the dialectical thinking group was higher than the relativistic thinking group's and the formalistic thinking group's. (4) The autonomy of the the postformal thinking group was higher than the formalistic thinking group's, the autonomy of the dialectical thinking group was higher than the relativistic thinking group's and the formalistic thinking group's. The interdependence of the dialectical thinking group was higher than the relativistic thinking group's and the formalistic thinking group's. The possible reasons of the above findings were discussed in the paper. According to these findings, suggestions of future research about postformal thinking and implications of practical applications in interpersonal relations were mentioned.


高素真, Kao, Su-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
新國家主義為政治學研究途徑之新途徑 係針對國家自主性高低與國家能 力強弱 進行動態之研究 舉凡國家內部歷史演變過程 不同政策產出 以及 國際間政治 經濟 文化等各方面之互動影響 均為新國家主義之研究範疇 本論文經由觀察國家偏好轉移趨勢 探究我國實行民主化前後階段之國家 自主性程度與國家能力展現 檢視我國文官考選制度之演進 逐一闡釋並輾 轉剖析新國家主義與我國文官考選制度兩者之間的因果關係 期以宏觀超 然的角度 結合理論與實務 嘗試評估現代國家文官體系發展 進而提出個 人意見 藉以促進我國文官考選制度得以更公正公平 公開 為本論文之研 究重點

論生物醫學人體研究受試者之保護:以告知後同意及相關行政管制為核心 / On the protection of human subjects in biomedical researches:the informed consent and the related administrative regulations

林綠紅 Unknown Date (has links)
紐倫堡法典之後,生物醫學研究中人類受試者的處境開始受到關注。為避免受試者遭到濫用,進而保障其權益,國際間陸續頒佈與人體研究受試者保護相關之倫理規範,而各國亦逐步將倫理規範落實為國內法規,作為管制手段。涉及受試者之人體研究倫理規範與法規中,自紐倫堡法典以降,逐步確立以告知後同意以及倫理審查為核心,建立確保受試者自主權之管制機制,作為平衡受試者與研究者兩方在知識與處境上的不平等的關係。 本文以當代生物醫學上告知後同意法則發展,以及人體研究受試者保護之相關行政管制為取徑,首先,考察人體研究所涉及的法律、倫理的爭議,以及相關倫理規範發展。進而探討告知後同意在當代生命倫理與醫療法律之意義、內涵,以及如何實踐於生物醫學人體研究上作為確保受試者自主權之手段及所遭遇之限制。其次,分析並比較美國、荷蘭以及我國受試者保護之法規體系,並進一步討論其特色與優、劣。最後,探討我國人體研究受試者保護法規範之現況與不足,並提出法律修正上的建議。 / Since Nuremberg Code, the biomedical researches involving human subjects, based upon the informed consent and human autonomy, has drawn the increasing public attention. The related normative restrictions as well as legal regulations have been regarded as a significant way to abuse-avoidance and interest-protection on the part of human subjects involved. Thus, it becomes a confirmed tendency that the constitution of normative and legal foundation with a consideration of informed consent and ethico-medical review can ensure the human autonomy and strike a balance between the researchers and human subjects. In this thesis, we focus on the development of informed consent and the related normative/legal regulations. Several issues which we will deal with can list as follows: firstly, the trajectory and its legal/ethical controversies, with which the biomedical researches involving human subjects develop and revolve, will be clarified, so as to investigate the ethical/legal implications of informed consent and human autonomy. Secondly, by making a comparison of legal regulations among the United States, Holland and Taiwan, we will illustrate the advantages and drawbacks that different legal systems have on the biomedical researches involving human subjects. At the last part of this thesis, several possible suggestions will be provided to the future legislation on the biomedical researches involving human subjects.

原住民保留地共有制施行基礎-公共資源自主治理模式的研究:以新竹縣尖石鄉個案為例 / The base of the common property institution for aboriginal reserved land, study of CPR Self-governing: cases in Gen-Shih County

官大偉 Unknown Date (has links)
土地制度規範著對於土地的使用所引起的人與人之間相互認可的行為關係,對於制度起源的討論,往往認為制度具有降低成本、創造集體利益的功能,但由於制度主體的因素,制度則可能是國家對某一群體的剝削,例如日治時期將原住民土地收歸國有;由於制度安排的失當,很可能使得後續的發展陷入惡性的路徑依賴之中,例如民國五十五年的保留地私有化政策後原住民地權的快速流失。   一項近年的政府調查顯示,原住民保留地被非法使用、私下轉讓的情況日益嚴重,但同一時期的另一項研究卻又指出:原住民社會普遍傾向認為原住民保留地不得移轉給非原住民的限制不宜開放。從政治經濟的角度來說,保留地若朝向全面的私有化、開放原漢買賣,固然可以回應市場立即的需求,但交易過程中信息不完全、原住民經濟的弱勢等等外部效果卻不可能依靠市場機制加以解決,同時,可預見的原住民土地大量流失將和社會普遍認同的價值相違背;另一方面,保留地若朝向以國有化進行政府的干預,固然可以抑制自由買賣造成的原住民地權流失,但卻又和資源利用極佳化的市場邏輯相去甚遠而必須付出高額的成本,亦難以有效執行;從制度研究的眼光來看,現行的保留地制度正處於兩難下的制度失衡狀態。   在五年的反覆討論之後,內政部法規會於九十年一月十七號通過了「原住民族保留地開發管理條例草案」,該條例草案最大的特色是在所有權移轉限制下,增加了「原住民族保留區」的制度設計,在「原住民族保留區」中的土地所有權,得登記為原住民部落團體「共有」,土地的經營管理也將由部落團體來共同進行,這樣的政策所呈現是政府對於社會壓力和原住民土地困境的回應。然而,作為共有制實行的基礎,無論是在學理上或實證上,對於共有資源自主治理的探討都有尚待進一步充實的空間。   經過先期的調查和訪談,本研究選定新竹縣尖石鄉中三個公共資源自主治理的案例,並從制度經濟與集體選擇理論的架構,分析案例中人們如何建立自主性的組織,如何經由集體的選擇制定符合當地條件的公共資源治理規則,如何履行彼此的承諾並相互監督,以及如何避免陷入集體不理性的過度利用的悲劇,且對於案例中影響原住民部落採取資源共有和自主治理策略的因素加以探討。最後,評析內在制度的變遷及泰雅族傳統制度在現代的演化,以及公共資源自主管理在降低執行和監督成本、降低其外部效果、降低制度供給的成本等方面的制度優勢,並指出資源形式與共有範圍的關係、學習過程的重要、共有組織的作用是為共有制度有效運作的關鍵。   此外,在後續研究部份,本研究亦建議:理論上對於非以直接提取資源單位方式產生的利益分配問題、排他性技術的成本的雙重影響的探討;實證上對於集團移住後的原住民部落中共有組織的分析;政策上對共有組織「分級分類」原則的研議,皆值得作為後續進一步研究的課題。 / Institution about land rules the relationship, which is caused by land using and identified between people. According to the discussion of the beginning of institution, it can descend the cost of trade and make collective interesting. However, institutions can also be the means for a nation to exploit its people because of the subject of institution. The Nationalization of land, which is owned by aboriginal people in the time Japan governed Taiwan for instance. And, because of the improper arrangement of institution, the development may go in to a vicious path-dependence circle; the privatization policy in 1966 made the fast lapse of aboriginal land for example.   A recent investigation made by government shows that more and more aboriginal reserved-land was illegally sold and transferred in the black market. However, in the same time, another research appointed that most people in aboriginal society disagree the revocation of the limit that non-aboriginal cannot get the property of aboriginal reserved-land. In the view of political economics, if the property of aboriginal reserved-land was turn to entirely privatized, it can reply the immediate need market, but the external diseconomy such as incomplete information and the lower position of the aboriginal people can not be resolved by the market, and the following results that most of the aboriginal land property lapse will belie the general value identified by our society. On the other hand, if the property of aboriginal keeps on nationalized it can bate the lapse of the land property, but government has to pay high cost to belie the market logic hat resource should be optima used, and it will be difficult to administer. In the view of institutional study, the institution of aboriginal reserved-land is in a situation of inequilibrium.   After a long discussion lasted from more than five years, the Act Committee of Administer Department announced a proposed act for the development and administers of aboriginal reserved-land. The most particular part of this proposed act is the design of "aboriginal-reserved zone" and common land property. The total area of the aboriginal reserved zones was supposed to be 1.4 million acres, and the land property in the zones may belong to the whole settlement society. Such a policy is a positive reply to the social strait and the predicament of aboriginal society. However, being the base to exercise the common property institution, either the theoretical or the practical discussion of the "common pool resources self-governing" still needs to be completed.   A previous investigation and visiting, an Atayal county with three CPR self-governing cases was chosen in this approach. With a framework of institutional economics and collective act theory, this approach analyzed how people organized a self-governing organization, how a public choice was made to design the rules which are proper to local CPR situation, how people fulfill their obligation and supervise each other, how people avoid the tragic result o collective irrationality such as over using, furthermore, discuss the factor effect the CPR self-governing strategy .In the end, this approach discuss the change of internal institution and the evolution of Atayal tribes’ traditional institution in modern time, and the advantage of self-governing institution. Then, pointed out the relation between types of resources and areas of common property, the processes of learning, and the effects of organization are the key points to exercise the common property institution.   In addition, this approach suggested: in the theoretical aspect, the dispute caused by distribution of the interest that was not made by direct appropriation, the dual influence from the cost of exclusion technology. And, in the practical aspect, the principles to classify the self-governing organizations, can be the new problematic for further approach.

生涯自主動機歷程與生涯定向、學習投入之模式驗證-以自我決定理論之觀點 / The development model of autonomy motivation of career: self-determination theory perspective

薛凱方, Hsueh, Kai Fang Unknown Date (has links)
自我決定理論是個從環境脈絡、個體心理需求、動機型態來看待個體適應性行為的歷程理論。本研究之研究旨趣即是以自我決定理論之觀點,探討父母支持、教師支持、基本需求滿足、生涯自主動機、生涯定向及學習投入的現況及各變項在性別、年級、學校性質的差異情形,研究者乃根據上述變項提出兩個模式並予以驗證。 本研究以台灣地區北、中、南、東四個地區1120位高中生為對象,研究工具包括:研究者改編之「父母支持量表」、「教師支持量表」、「基本需求滿足量表」、「生涯自主動機量表」、「生涯定向量表」及「學習投入量表」。本研究採用單因子多變量變異數分析與潛在變項模式分析進行研究假設之驗證。 研究結果顯示: 1.現今高中生所知覺的父母支持及教師支持頻率偏高,基本需求滿足程度良好、生涯自主動機程度偏高、生涯定向程度中等、學習投入狀況積極。 2.女高中生比起男高中生,感覺到較高的父母支持、教師支持,並且在聯繫感的需求上獲得較高的滿足;高三學生比起高二學生而言,他們感覺到較高的教師支持,有著較高的生涯自主動機,對於未來生涯的目標也較為明確,高一的學生也比高二的學生感受到較多的教師支持;明星高中的學生比社區高中的學生感受到較高的父母支持,而社區高中的學生比明星高中的學生感受到較高的教師支持。 3.以父母支持、教師支持為自變項、基本需求滿足、生涯自主動機為中介變項,生涯定向為依變項的「生涯自主動機歷程與生涯定向模式」獲得支持。亦即高中生所知覺的父母支持、教師支持會正向影響個體的基本需求滿足程度,基本需求滿足程度會進一步正向影響生涯自主動機,再透過生涯自主動機對生涯定向產生正向影響。 4.以父母支持、教師支持為自變項、基本需求滿足、生涯自主動機、生涯定向為中介變項,學習投入為依變項的「生涯自主動機歷程與生涯定向、學習投入模式」獲得支持。亦即生涯自主動機、生涯定向對學習投入有正向影響,且父母支持及教師支持對學習投入有直接正向影響。 最後,研究者根據研究結果提出建議,以供高中父母、教師、輔導單位、高中生及未來研究者參考。

由病人資訊隱私權觀點論我國全民電子病歷政策 / An analysis for Taiwan national electronic medical record system: from the perspective of patients' information privacy

劉汗曦, Liu, Han Hsi Indy Unknown Date (has links)
我國全民健康保險制度自2004年1月1日開始使用健保IC卡後,醫療資訊電子化的趨勢,某種意義上來說,已經如凱撒(Gaius Julius Caesar)渡過盧比孔河(Crossing the Ribucon)時所說:「骰子已經投下(the die is cast)」一般,只能前進不能後退了! 時至今日,電腦、網路連線、憑證簽章已經成為任何一間醫療院所從事醫療行為時的開門七件事之一,民眾用健保IC掛號、醫師用電腦下診斷作病歷、行政人員用健保VPN申報費用等,皆成為醫療實務中的標準模式。而我國衛生署也信心滿滿地希望能於2011年達到全國80%醫院實施電子病歷、60%醫院可為院際交換互動之目標。在此「全民電子病歷」旋將施行之當下,相關隱私權之配套對於病人之保障是否足夠,即成為該政策是否受到國人支持之關鍵所在。 本研究透過整理衛生署自2000年迄今所有與電子病歷相關之專案計畫,以及與電子病歷領域,產、官、學界共9位受訪者進行深度訪談後發現,我國現行電子病歷政策推廣有架構、標準、法制、補助、動機等五大問題,其中關於法制規範及隱私保障不足所造成的民眾疑慮與醫事人員躊躇,已成為電子病歷發展上的一大阻礙,而其中計畫推行的電子病歷索引交互中心,更可能對於病人資訊隱私權產生重大危害與影響。另一方面,若回頭省視司法院大法官釋字第603號解釋,大法官們其實已對涵蓋電子病歷等個人資料之資訊隱私權,有過相當明確的闡釋。其所強調「個人自主控制其個人資料之資訊隱私權」,若能配合2010年5月26日修正通過但尚未施行之個人資料保護法,並非不能為電子病歷提供一個基本、框架式的法律基礎。 在此前提之下,本文提出「電子病歷自主控制機制」之概念,主張在現行憲法資訊隱私權之精神下,應該讓病人在充分瞭解到其權益後,得以選擇「是否將病歷電子化」、「電子病歷儲存場所」、「是否放於交換區」、「是否留存索引紀錄」、「是否允目的外利用」,並能透過管道隨時查詢其「電子病歷使用紀錄」。本文並認為,藉由「推力理論(Nudge)」中「自動加入(Opt-in)」與「主動加入(Opt-out)」等「預設值(Default)」概念之運用,資訊科技中「隱私偏好選項(Privacy Preference)」與「電子病歷使用紀錄明細」等系統之設立與使用,以及國際相關隱私及安全規範之借鏡,與我國健保IC卡推行之在地經驗,或許能夠解決論者對於電子病歷自主控制機制,在參與度、決定能力、行政成本、法規及技術架構、多元價值上的各項疑慮與爭論,並進而證明該構想之初步可行性。 / After implementation of the National Health Insurance (NHI) IC Card on January 1, 2004, the trend of e-health, including enforcing a national electronic medical record (EMR) system in Taiwan, is reminiscent of Julius Caesar’s words when he crossed the Rubicon, “The die is cast.” The return point has been passed; there is no return. Nowadays in Taiwan it has become routine in hospitals and clinics for medical practitioners to use a digital authentication or signature transmitted via a computer scan of an NHI IC card to register patients for diagnosis and treatment, and for administrtive staff using Virtual Private Network (VPN) to file fee claims. Furthermore, the Taiwan Department of Health has announced its implementation of the EMR system and has pledged that, in 2011, 80 percent of hospitals and clinics will start to use a more comprehensive EMR system and 60 percent of hospitals will be able to exchange EMRs. However, while Taiwan’s government is very proud and eager to enforce the EMR system, an increasing number of people doubt that adequate regulations have been put in place to protect against the violation of patients’ information privacy rights. This paper first reviews all former DOH projects related to EMRs, and interviews nine industry, government, and academic professionals who have EMR experience. It next argues that the current laws and regulations in Taiwan cannot provide sufficient protection of patients’ privacy rights, especially with regard to information privacy and autonomy. This is a cause for concern for patients and practitioners who are leery of further EMR implementation or development. This paper proposes a controlling mechanism for patients’ autonomy that will empower patients to determine if they want to electronize their medical records, where they will store their EMRs, and if it is in their best interests to set up an index and allow the transmission of additional EMRs. Moreover, patients will have unrestricted access to a log of all users and uses made of their EMRs and be able to set up their own privacy preferences with opt-in and opt-out choices. This paper concludes that the controlling mechanism for patients’ autonomy will solve the current concerns about the implemenation of a national EMR system and improve patients’ ability to enforce their information privacy and information autonomy rights.

中共改革開放後之對外經濟援助 / Foreign Economic Aid in Communist China's Open and Reform Policy

陳松培 Unknown Date (has links)
對外經濟援助,又稱對外援助,是一個國家的綜合國力、國家形象的展示。中共對外經濟援助起始於1950年,其對外援助政策是為國家利益服務的,並以和平共處五原則、萬隆會議十原則,貫穿平等互利等援外八原則及援助非洲四原則所執行的對外經濟援助的理念,在不同的歷史時期出現不同的內容。本文以回溯中共改革開放前的二十八年(1950-1978年)的對外經濟援助起步與發展時期述說起,從1950年代到1970年代殖民體系瓦解前,援助的主要目的是支持亞非拉國家爭取與維護民族獨立,發展民族經濟。嗣後受到外交戰略的影響,呈現「反對帝國主義」、「兩面開弓」、「以蘇劃線」的特點,支持全世界的「反帝反殖鬥爭」,其受援國數目增加,援助金額較大,援助內容採取提供受援國無息貸款或無償援助。至1980年代以後的對外經濟援助改革與調整時期,中共為促進與第三世界國家的互利合作,共同發展,透過對外援助來達到「南南合作」與國內經濟建設。其援助方式為繼續深化調整改革,除傳統的無償援助與優惠貸款外,政府貼息優惠貸款成為對外經濟援助的主要形式。到了1990年代後半期,隨著中共國際地位的提高,影響力的增大,為因應猖獗的恐怖主義,重視通過援助來幫助受援國減輕貧困、振興經濟,以及向遭遇戰亂與自然災害的國家,提供了大量的人道主義援助。 本研究在探討中共以改革開放前處於國際社會中窮國援助富國的做法,依循國際關係對外援助理論尋求依托。同時擷取中共三代領導集體的國際戰略理論及外交政策演進,發掘對外經濟援助經驗,還原中共對外經濟援助的軌跡。進而驗證改革開放後,中共經濟發展、綜合國力及國際地位變動,其對外經濟援助的體現,型塑國際政治與經濟新秩序之戰略目標具體作為。再者分析經濟因素在中共外交政策體系,以及中共對外經濟援助的角色定位,隨著全球經濟一體化,國內經濟體制的轉軌及政府職能的轉變,如何建立一整套的援外機制,合理配置資源,與受援國互利合作,共同發展。


梅淑鶯, May,Iris Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要的目的在探討父母教養信念與方式、孩子內在動機資源、以及孩子成就之間的關係,即本研究所假設之「父母教養信念與方式影響孩子成就模式」是否成立。其中父母教養信念與方式是以父母重視學習、父母正向知覺、父母投入、以及父母自我效能為測量變項;孩子內在動機資源是以能力感、自主性、以及連繫性為測量變項;孩子成就是以期末成績、以及老師所評定之五育表現為測量變項。 本研究以雲林縣及台中市共15班的七年級孩子與他們的父母為研究對象。測量工具有三種分別為,測量父母教養信念與方式之「父母教養信念與方式問卷」,測量五育表現的「老師評比問卷」,以及測量孩子內在動機資源的「自我信念領域量表-中文版」。前兩個測量工具為研究者自編,以110份預試問卷,進行選題,建立信、效度,並以正式施測的521個研究樣本考驗問卷之有效性。後者則是譯自學校衡鑑研究工具(Institute for Research and Reform in Education、Inc.、IRRE、1998)的「自我信念領域量表(Beliefs about Self Scale)」。 結構方程模式考驗的結果顯示,「父母教養信念與方式影響孩子成就模式」與觀察資料達到良好適配,表示父母對孩子學習的正向觀感、父母本身認為學習對孩子的重要性、父母參與孩子學習活動的頻率、以及父母認為自己擁有幫助孩子發展的自我效能這四項父母教養信念與方式,能構築成支援性後天環境,除了直接影響孩子成就外,也會經由孩子產生掌握學習活動的能力感、主動參與學習的自主性、以及與環境建立安全連結的連繫性,幫助孩子在學校的表現。 根據逐步迴歸分析,本研究也發現,不論是預測孩子的期末成績是由老師所評定的五育表現,父母認為學習對孩子的重要性、父母對孩子表現的正向知覺、以及孩子所擁有的能力感相對上是較重要的父母教養信念與方式與孩子內在動機資源變項。因此對於七年級孩子的學習,父母較有效介入方式,並非直接的課業教導或監督、安排課後補習或才藝訓練、或對孩子不時的耳提面命,而是秉持重視學習的態度,正向樂觀地看待孩子的表現,這種態度上的潛移默化,孩子就容易建立正向的自我概念或能力感,進而表現得好。 除了上述結果,本研究也提出實務、以及未來研究上的建議,期望能作為家庭與親職教育領域的參考。 / This research is to examine a process model of relations among parental beliefs/practices、child inner resources and child achievement、namely、to validate the proposed 『Model of Influences on Parental Beliefs/Practices and Child achievement』. The parental beliefs/practices are composed of four observed variables: parents』 valuing learning、positive perception、involvement and self-efficacy. The child inner resources includes three observed variables: perceived competence、autonomy and relatedness. The child achievement comprises two observed variables: grade point average (GPA) and school performance. Participants were children in 15 classes of Grade 7 and their parents. Three self-report questionnaires、including 『Parental Beliefs/Practices Questionnaire』,』Teacher Ratings Questionnaire』 and 『Beliefs about Self Scale』 (Institute for Research and Reform in Education、Inc.、1998)、were utilized to measure the observed variables of parental beliefs/practices、child inner resources and child achievement respectively. The former two instruments、designed by the researcher、were established by a process of item selection and testing of reliability and validity based on the data of 110 participants in a pilot study. The factor structure and validity of these two instruments were further validated by 512 participants. The latter one was translated from the Belief about Self Scale (IRRE、1998) of Research Assessment Package for Schools developed by Institute for Research and Reform in Education、Inc. The test result of SEM suggested that the proposed 『Model of Influences on Parental Beliefs/Practices and Child Achievement』 fit the collected data well. That means、besides enhancing children’s achievement directly、all of the four parental beliefs/practices are able to generate a supportive environment to influence the children’s achievement、mediated by child inner resources. By the results of stepwise regression、we found that parents』 valuing learning、parental positive perception and perceived competence are important variables in predicting either GPA or school performance. This finding implied、to children in 7th grade、the effective ways in helping children may not be guiding or monitoring their learning activities、arranging additional training or providing advice、but to emphasize learning and appreciate children’s performance positively. This kind of attitude will enhance children’s positive self-concept or perceived competence so as to improve their performance in school. Besides above results、we raised several advices for parents and school for the sake of parental practices and education. Suggestions were also made for further research.

公私協力與自主規制之研究—兼論消防火災預防行政 / A Study in the Public Private Partnership and Self-Regulation

郭貞君, Kuo, Chen Chun Unknown Date (has links)
在各國政府部門為減輕財政負擔、提高行政效能,紛紛引進民間資源並與私部門建立夥伴關係之全球性風潮推波助瀾下,我國近年亦力倡政府瘦身、組織精簡、引用民力、公私協力。再者,運用民力參與公共任務之公私協力,寓有私部門自主規制成分,惟法學上自主規制與公私協力通常為分離探討之論題,兩者之關連性究為何;又兩者態樣眾多且無普世同意之定義,在多元分殊之學理及實務中,是否存在共通並行之法理脈絡與類型系譜,誠屬行政法總論上饒富逸趣之課題。另行政法各論上,為預防火災以維護公共安全並確保人民生命財產,各國莫不多方運用公私協力與自主規制,建構建築物之消防安全管理制度,惟綜觀國內有關公私協力與自主規制之法學論著尤以前者可謂繁花錦簇,事涉公共安全之消防火災預防行政領域相關研究則付諸闕如猶待開拓。 本文爰透過中外文獻梳理公私協力與自主規制法學理論,並放眼國際取樣研究運用公私協力與自主規制之消防行政實務規範,以歐盟與英國為取法對象,就消防安全管理制度硬體層面及軟體層面分別探討歐盟產品(兼及建築產品[再兼及消防安全設備產品])監管機制以及英國建築物防火安全管理機制。除解析法理基礎更探究實務規範架構於我國與先進國家之異同,期許回饋提供公私協力與自主規制所涉行政法理論若干啟示並促使本國相關消防行政規範更趨周全。 / In the wake of global trend of government department introducing private resources and establishing partnerships with private sectors to reduce financial burden and improve administrative efficacy, Taiwan authorities in recent years have also been advocating government downsizing, streamlining organizations, adopting private resources, and public private partnership. Furthermore, public private partnership contains private sector’s self-regulation element, but in jurisprudential circle, self-regulation and public private partnership are usually independently researched topics, what are the exact relationships between them; otherwise, each of both has great variety of types and has not universally consented definition, therefore, it seems to be an issue full of keen interest for General Administrative Law: whether there exists common legal context and typological pedigree in the pluralistic and divergent theories and practices of public private partnership and self-regulation. Besides, as regards Specific Administrative Law, in order to prevent fires for protecting public safety and people's lives and property, countries all over the world utilize various approaches to public private partnership and self-regulation, to construct fire protection management regime for buildings; the domestic juristic studies of public private partnership and self-regulation have overall fruitful achievements, especially the former, however, apparently none of them refers to fire protection administrative category that thus eagerly needs to be cultivated. This thesis wherefore sorted domestic and foreign juristic literature about public private partnership and self-regulation, and combed internationally relative fire protection administrative legislation. Focusing on legislation of European Union and United Kingdom, it separately explored hardware dimension and software dimension of fire protection management regimes, that is, EU’s product safety and market surveillance regime (involving that for construction product [further involving that for fixed fire fighting equipment]) and UK’s fire safety regime. In addition to analyzing the legal theories and exploring the similarities and differences of legislative framework between EU or UK and Taiwan, it expects to provide several revelations to the jurisprudence of public private partnership and self-regulation, and to actuate the relative domestic fire protection legislation more comprehensively.


孟啓民, Minekime, Nicholas Unknown Date (has links)
基於Peter Evans在Embedded Autonomy一書中所提出的「鑲嵌式的自主性」概念,本文試圖透過臺灣奈米科技政策的形成,討論臺灣的國家角色。 在研究設計上,本研究選取在臺灣傳統產業藉由發展奈米科技技術的升級過程當中,最爲關鍵的行爲者作爲研究變數,即奈米國家型計劃及其相關的執行政府部門—經濟部—及工研院奈米中心、工研院化學工業研究所、工研院化工所成立的奈米促進會及產業界,特別是個別公司的研發部專家。 國家與社會之間關係的討論將是本文研究重點。本文將「國家」定義為涉及奈米政策的立法行政部門,也就是立法院以及奈米國家型計劃辦公室所屬部門與機構,包括經濟部及工研院。本文所提的「社會」主要是個別公司。延續Weiss對Evans的批評,本文特別強調國家與社會對國家奈米政策都有一定的影響力,奈米科技政策的政治經濟分析不能忽略社會的因素。 本文對Evans的四個國家角色提出補充。筆者發現對於臺灣既有的本土產業而言,在開發新產品時所需運用的奈米科技上,國家扮演著Evans研究架構中未提出的另一種國家角色。我主張,就奈米科技的應用而言,需以另外一種新的角色來解釋「國家」。這個在Evans原來的分析架構外的第五種國家角色,我稱之爲「再生催化者角色」(Revitalizing Catalyst)。 本章將會深入分析國家相關部門/機構在制定與執行奈米政策時的實際運作,以及相關部門,例如經濟部、經濟部技術處及最主要的制度性行爲者─工研院所扮演的角色。本章旨在以政策方向形成的過程來説明國家與奈米科技政策的制度性行爲者之間的互動關係。透過對奈米科技政策形成的陳述,可凸顯制度性行爲者在規劃當中的角色。透過此敍述,便能很清楚地瞭解本研究何以將工研院視爲國家的一部分。而且,本章所介紹的奈米國家型科技計劃的歷史背景與規劃過程將作爲第四章中個案分析的基礎。 本文將工研院視爲「國家」。筆者將透過工研院化工所與合作案例的互動來驗證國家對於產業具體的影響,並配合前文的論述,陳述國家俱體的角色。本研究針對奈米計劃中國家與產業界的互動方式歸納出三種互動模式:一,引導者;二,搭橋者;三,媒介者。依據這三種互動方式,筆者將它們總結為一種新的國家角色──即「再生催化者」的國家角色。 筆者透過長春石化公司、中國制釉集團及其它公司與工所的計劃案例,可證明國家扮演了催化劑的角色,並且有助於傳統產業的再生,因此,本文選擇「再生催化者」來描述這樣的國家角色。本研究對將來的政治經濟研究或許可以提供一個啓示:也就是在跨產業結合的普遍趨勢下,促進「產業再生」的新國家角色會是一個不可忽視的研究方向。

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