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論生殖性複製與生殖自由許昭元 Unknown Date (has links)
生殖自由在我國與美國憲法均無明文,但是借由美國實務與理論相當多的見解,以及我國相關文獻之豐富討論,其內涵大致上可以區分為「是否生殖」、「如何 (不) 生殖」及「 (不) 生殖什麼」三者。生殖性複製得否禁止,禁止之法律是否合憲,因此乃係屬「如何生殖」中方式選擇自由之問題。不同的生殖方式之中,本文採取生物本能、基因傳遞之概念,認為獲致與自己有基因關連之子嗣的方式,位居生殖自由之核心。但在均屬核心之方式中,亦非無分軒輊地受憲法同等之保障。本文以為不同可獲致有基因關連子嗣之方式,應以「是否需要輔助」為第一區分,而以「有性或無性」為第二區分標準。在此之下,性行為可先鞏固為方式自由之核心地位。除性行為之外,其他方式又以人工生殖較無性生殖更接近核心。各種不同的生殖方式,即可依此而形成「蘋果、柳丁與橘子」之層級化區分;而在均屬安全有效的前提下,亦非個人可自由選擇。借由舉證責任倒置的「例外窮盡模式」,使真正有需要的極少數人,得以此方式自由繁衍後代。
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國中英語教師對九年一貫課程之態度與實踐周柏雯, Chou,Po-wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採取質的研究方法,以台北市2名公立國中英文教師為研究對象。研究過程採取觀察、訪談、文件分析等方式為主要資料蒐集來源。資料的涵蓋面向包含:(1) 教師對九年一貫課程之態度;(2) 教師對九年一貫英語課程之態度;(3) 教師對英語教科書之態度;(4) 考試及測驗對教師之影響;(5) 教師的教學技巧與能力;(6) 教師的專業發展。經由這些資料,本研究討論了三個與九年一貫相關的議題:(1) 教師的教學自主權;(2) 教師的專業發展;(3) 教科書的開放政策。
本研究並根據以上三個議題的討論結果,進一步提供相關建議,以作為教育行政單位、學校單位、國民中學英文領域教師及未來研究的參考。 / The purpose of this study is to present the results of junior high school EFL teachers’ attitudes toward Grade 1-9 Curriculum and their classroom practice. This study aims to reveal how junior high school EFL teachers view Grade 1-9 Curriculum and how they implement this new curriculum in their classrooms.This study also offers another chance to take a look at the current situation of the implementation of Grade 1-9 Curriculum.
This study adopts a qualitative research method and selects two participant teachers in a well established junior high school to serve as cases which work for in-depth understanding of teachers’ attitudes and their classroom practice. In this case study, data-gathering methods include interview, observation, and document analysis. The collecting information is presented in six dimensions: (1) teachers’ attitudes toward Grade 1-9 Curriculum, (2) teachers’ attitudes toward Grade 1-9 English Curriculum, (3) teachers’ attitudes toward English textbooks, (4) the influence of examinations and tests on teaching, (5) teaching skills and abilities, and (6) teacher professional development. Based on the above information, this study discusses three concerns related to Grade 1-9 Curriculum: (1) teacher autonomy, (2) professionalism, and (3) the policy of liberation of textbooks.
Finally, some pedagogical implications and suggestions stemmed from the previous discussions are proposed to serve as a reference for the central authority, school administrators, junior high school EFL teachers, and future research on Grade 1-9 Curriculum.
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中國大陸國家與社會關係1989-2002:以鑲嵌之社會團體自主性為例戴東清, Day, Dong-ching Unknown Date (has links)
每隔一段時間,就會有專家、學者出面預測中國大陸即將崩潰,只是實際情況的發展似乎與他們的預期有所出入。換言之,儘管中國大陸目前有許多問題,但是尚未有證據顯示,這些問題在短期內可能引發重大危機。 中國大陸曾經被視為約十年會有一個週期的政治危機週期,上次危機發生在一九八九年,在時序進入二○○五年之後,似乎已逐漸脫離危機週期的規律。 任何國家都可能發生各式各樣的危機,危機的結果卻不見得會帶來崩潰,其關鍵在於國家與社會如何面對及應付危機,雙方關係究竟在危機前後是如何彼此定位?
以天安門民主運動事件為例,在事件發生之前,中國大陸正面臨自改革開放以來最大的經濟危機—通貨膨脹。 然而危機的結果是以軍隊鎮壓收場,使得中國大陸社會運動就此陷於沉寂之中,晚近社會抗議事件雖然有增加的趨勢,但距離真正形成持續性的社會運動尚遠。 由此可知,政權出現正當性危機進而使得社會自主性增加,就必須具備兩項條件:一是引發正當性危機的事件出現;二是正當性危機出現後,社會力量興起與各方政治勢力透過妥協安排後,增加其本身的自由性。
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國防資源釋商政策之研究—以國有民營案為例 / A Study on the Policy of the Defense Resources Privatization— An Illustration of GOCO姜震昇 Unknown Date (has links)
以「國有民營」計畫為例,國防部自民國88年進入實驗規劃階段,並於民國90年11月依「國防法」第22條授權制定完成「國防部科技工業機構委託民間經營管理辦法」,業經行政院召開跨部會會議審核通過,於民國91年3月1日施行,據以加速國有民營個案推動。國防部現已完成軍備局第302經理品生產工廠轉型,成為軍方國有民營成功首例,未來可針對機敏性低且軍民通用性高之國防科技工業機構,逐依執行成效檢討辦理委託民營;本研究旨在探討國防資源釋商政策─國有民營案執行成效,並提出未來策略規劃精進建議。 / The National Defense Report indicates that the MND has been prosecuting various privatization plans of national defense resources. These plans are based on the conception of the National Defense Act and are to cooperate with the Executive Yuan's policy to expand domestic needs and to stimulating market. It also aims to inject capital to the domestic markets and to improve domestic technology levels.
MND will reduce military engagement and foreign procurement expenditure to expand privatization budget. The capital injection into domestic market is intended to encourage non-military industries to participate in defense developments and to promote domestic economics. General military necessities will continuously be purchased from domestic supplier and the maintainance of the subordinate military components will be taken over by non-military industries. The future purchase of new weapons and equipment which can be domestically manufactured will be exclusive to non-military suppliers in Taiwan.
Take the Government-Owned Company-Operated project (GOCO) for example. MND has initiated the test-run phase of the project since 1999. In November 2001, MND promulgated the draft of “Regulations of the Operation and Management of National Defense Technology Institutions by Private Entities”, according to Article 22 of the National Defense Act. The draft has been reviewed and approved by the Executive Yuan and took effect on March 1 2001 to boost the promotion of GOCO system. MND has completed the privatization of Military Necessity Factory No. 302, which is the first success of GOCO. MND will keep privatizing national defense industry of low confidentiality and high common utilities. This thesis aims to analyse the policy of defense resources privatization, by virtue of the case study of GOCO, and to offer suggestions for policy formulation in the future.
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台北市高職學生政治信任感之研究-學校社會化機制之觀察視角 / A Study on political trust of Taipei city vocational high school students: School as an agent of political socialization李志強, Li, Chih Chiang Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:高職學生、政治信任感、性別、政黨偏好、學校、申訴管道、學生自主性、學校控制度、教室民主氣氛、年級、科系 / The purpose of this study aimed to understand the political trust of Taipei city vocational high school students by school as an agent of political socialization. Also, this study analyzed the relation among gender, party preference and political trust.
The study employed quantitative approaches of questionnaire survey, and the subjects were the students of four Taipei municipal vocational high schools. Statistical methods included frequency distribution, t-test, oneway ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis.
Principal findings of the study were:
1.The political trust of Taipei city vocational high school students was universally low. It was obvious that nowadays the government did not make students satisfied.
2.In individual background, gender had no significant differences on political trust, but different party preference had significant differences on political trust. People whose party preference was “blue” had lower political trust than those whose party preference was “green” and neutrality with no response. People whose party preference was “green” had higher political trust than those whose party preference was “dislike” and neutrality with no response. People whose party preference was neutrality with no response had higher political trust than those whose party preference was “dislike”.
3.As for the school as an political socialization agent, grievance channels, student autonomy and grades had significant differences. Students who thought there were grievance channels at school had higher political trust. Students with higher autonomy had higher political trust. The first graders had higher political trust than the third ones. There were no significant differences between political trust and the four factors: school control, classroom democratic atmosphere, schools and majors.
4.By the multiple regression analysis of grievance channels, students autonomy, grades and party preference, there were influences among grievance channels, grades and party preference to a certain degree. As for other factors which influenced political trust, the further study needs researching.
Keywords:vocational high school students; political trust; gender; party preference; school; grievance channel; student autonomy; school control; classroom democratic atmosphere; grade; major
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國家與社會衝突之研究-台北市中山舊橋存廢之個案分析 / A Study on the Conflicts between the State and Society---Analysis of the Case "Taipei Old Chung-Sheng Bridge"龔之忻, Kung, Chih-Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文在架構上共分為六章,首章緒論說明本論文研究的動機與目的,並就相關文獻及分析個案作一回顧,最後提出研究架構、研究假設與研究方法。第二章介紹研究途徑---新國家主義,並對於相關基本概念加以界定,再就利益團體的理論作一檢視。第三章從個案中討論國家機器內部的衝突,其重點在於國家機器的政策偏好是如何形成、決定和運作,國家機器之間為何產生偏好上的差異,國家機器內部因偏好差異而形成的衝突應循何種途徑解決。第四章從個案中討論社會各部門間的衝突,其重點在於社會各部門間的政策偏好是如何形成、決定和運作,社會各部門間為何產生偏好上的差異,社會各部門間因偏好差異而形成的衝突應循何種途徑解決。第五章從個案中討論國家機器與民間社會之間的衝突,其重點在於國家機器與民間社會之間的衝突分析,民意代表在其間所扮演的角色;國家機器與民間社會因偏好差異而形成的衝突應循何種途徑解決。第六章為結論,綜整研究成果,對照研究假設,說明本論文的優、缺點,並提出解決國家與社會衝突的可能途徑。 / In later 80’s, due to the political, economic and social transformation of Taiwan, the state has suffered great challenge from the civil society. When there comes a conflict between the very strong state and the growing civil society, the preference of the civil society should be respect, however, the superiority of the state is no longer existing.
“Taipei Old Chung-Sheng Bridge” is the typical example. All involved departments of the civil society hold quite different attitude towards the problem based on their own professional position as well as their own interests. Furthermore, the different personal preference of three consecutive mayors give rise to not only the conflict between central and local government, but also the public debates between central and city officials. To sum up, the conflict not only exits between the state and society, but also lies in the inside of the state, and the inside of the civil society in this case. The purpose of the paper is trying to find the possibility of resolving the conflict through the theoretical and practical evidence.
In this thesis, Nordlinger’s classification of the state autonomy and strategy, one approach of Neo-statism theory, is used to discuss the role that the state plays in the conflicts. In addition, the theory of interest groups is applied for more persuasive explication as civil society.
The thesis is divided into six parts. Chapter 1, including the motives, the purpose of this research, the literature review, the introduction of this case, the analytic framework, research hypothesis and research methods. Chapter 2, including the approach of the research--- Neo-statism, to explicate the main related conception, and explain the primary theory of interest groups. Chapter 3, including a discussion of the inner conflicts in the state by individual cases. The point is that how the preferences of the state is formed and executed, why the differences occur inside the state, and how to resolve the appeared conflicts. Chapter 4, including a discussion to the inner conflicts of the civil society by individual cases. The point is to how the preferences of each department of society are formed and executed, why the differences occur inside the civil society, and how to resolve the appeared conflicts. Chapter 5, including a discussion to the conflicts between the state and civil society by individual cases. The point is the analysis of above, the role the legislators played, and how to resolve the conflict. Chapter 6, comparing the research hypotheses, stating research results, and suggesting of the possible solutions for resolving conflicts between the state and society are made as the conclusion.
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從台灣紡織業的外移與轉型論國家角色楊炯洋, Yang, Chiung-Yang Unknown Date (has links)
紡織業是國民政府遷台後,首先發展的重要產業,而紡織業之所以能夠發展,除了大陸來台的紡織資本外,因為紡織業具有創匯快的特性,因此政府提供了保護與優惠的措施,加上美援的因素都使得台灣紡織業在1950年代之後得以發展,而這也是發展型國家(Developmental State)由國家機關帶短產業發展的實例。
本文的研究發現:面臨紡織業發展上的困境,以及外移轉型的選擇,國家機關即使提供了若干的政策及計畫,可是成效卻是有限。本文認為,紡織業外移轉型的選擇與國家角色的式微是全球化趨勢的表徵,因為全球化使得國家能力與國家自主性減弱,無法如過去以強國家(Strong State)的型態保護與協助產業的成長;相較於廠商經過了國家機關過去的保護與協助以及資本積累的過程,可以運用比較利益尋求低廉的生產成本,或開拓市場等因素進行跨國的投資;進行轉業或轉投資也是廠商為尋求獲利而進行的自發性策略,並不需要國家機關的協助;在產業升級與提昇產品競爭力方面,雖然國家提供了諸多輔導與協助計畫和措施,亦有部分成效,但仍無法徹底改變台灣紡織業偏重製造但研發能力薄弱的生產結構。對照於過去台灣國家機關的角色,發現目前國家機關的角色在產業發展中有弱化的現象。
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政治景氣循環現象對房地產價格影響之研究 / A Study of the Impact of Political Business Cycles on Housing Prices張慈佳, Tzu-Chia Chang Unknown Date (has links)
1. 就本研究的實證資料而言,我國地方層級存在政治景氣循環現象;而執政者為達成其連任目的而於選前採取擴張政策時,將同時考量其財政自主程度,顯示執政者之操控能力對於政治景氣循環現象的發生有相當的影響。
2. 地方層級之政治景氣循環現象,將伴隨房地產價格的過度資本化,而使房地產價格有相對上較高的傾向;由台灣地區相關資料所得之實證結果亦是如此。由此,可推論此一現象對於地方經濟發展有相當影響。
3. 由於政治景氣循環現象的存在,使得都市發展程度較高、財政自主程度較高的縣市,其房地產價格偏高的現象,似乎是現今民主政治制度下一種難以避免的趨勢。
4. 地方政府贏得選舉的動機,應是中央政府制訂相關政策目標或策略時所不容忽略的,特別是那些須經由地方政府所執行者,如促進區域均衡、促進城鄉發展之策略等。
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究方法 4
第三節 研究範圍 5
第四節 研究限制 5
第五節 研究流程 8
第二章 文獻回顧 9
第三章 理論模型 15
第一節 政治景氣循環理論之討論 15
第二節 結合政治景氣循環理論之資本化模型 17
第四章 地方層級政治景氣循環現象探討與實證分析 22
第一節 地方政府操控經濟之誘因與工具 22
第二節 地方政府執政者操控能力之差異 30
第三節 實證分析 36
第四節 小結 49
第五章 地方層級政治景氣循環現象對房地產價格之影響實證分析 51
第一節 各縣市房地產價格概況分析 51
第二節 實證分析 62
第三章 小結 70
第六章 綜合分析與檢討 72
第一節 中央補助款角色之探討 72
第二節 地方層級之政治景氣循環現象與區域均衡發展 74
第三節 實證資料之限制 76
第七章 結論 78
第一節 結論 78
第二節 後續研究方向 80
參考文獻 82
附錄 92
表4-1:選民的政黨偏好與改變,1983-1992 23
表4-2:第十屆至第十三屆縣市長選舉當選人名單與得票率 25
表4-3:第十二屆至第十四屆縣市議會之多數黨及該黨籍議員比例 31
表4-4:各縣市之自有財源比例 33
表4-5:各縣市自有財源比例之ANOVA分析結果 35
表4-6:實證資料來源 39
表4-7:選舉循環之虛擬變數設計 40
表4-8:平均每人歲出之選舉循環估計結果 43
表4-9:每年新闢與維護之道路面積之選舉循環估計結果 45
表4-10:地價稅收之選舉循環估計結果 47
表5-1:各縣市房地產報酬率之ANOVA分析結果 57
表5-2:變數定義與資料來源說明 65
表5-3:OLS估計結果 68
表5-4:Parks法估計之結果 69
表a-1:「平均每人歲出」迴歸分析之基本統計量 92
表a-2:「每年新闢與維護之道路面積」迴歸分析之基本統計量 93
表a-3:「地價稅收」迴歸分析之基本統計量 94
表a-4:「房地產報酬率」迴歸分析之基本統計量 95
圖1-1:研究流程圖 8
圖5-1:北部區域縣市之歷年平均區段地價 52
圖5-2:中部區域縣市之歷年平均區段地價 53
圖5-3:南部區域縣市之歷年平均區段地價 54
圖5-4:東部區域縣市之歷年平均區段地價 55
圖5-5:北部區域縣市歷年之房地產報酬率 58
圖5-6:中部區域縣市歷年之房地產報酬率 59
圖5-7:南部區域縣市歷年之房地產報酬率 60
圖5-8:東部區域縣市歷年之房地產報酬率 61
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國家與社會福利--全民健康保險政策個案研究(1986-1995) / State and Soucial Welfare --Taiwan Health Care Insurance Policy Case Study(1986-1995)張家麟, Johnny Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現與貢獻:1.新國家主義理論解釋臺灣社會福利政策的形成在全民健康保險政策頗具解釋力,除了用國家自主性及國家能力兩個理論概念詮釋全民健康保險政策外,並在國家自主性當成中介變數,發展影響國家自主性的自變數,如:政治菁英理念、政策傳承與創新及民主化。2.國家能力當成中介變數時,發展影響國家能力形成的自變數,如:官僚與學者結合及政黨優勢。由上述兩點,本研究豐富新國家主義的理論內涵。3.新國家主義對臺灣公共政策的形成,已經在土地改革政策、經濟發展政策、考試政策、宗教管理政策、外匯管制政策及本研究獲得檢証,所以新國家主義與公共政策形成的關聯研究,已頗具解釋力。4.新國家主義在比較歷史社會學已頗有進展,至於在台灣研究的領域中,除了本研究以社會福利發展為主題獲得檢証外,理應在尋求臺灣政治、經濟、文化及社會各面向獲得更進一步的證實。5.運用深度訪談11個主要關鍵人物(key person)蒐集一手資料,為臺灣社會福利研究相關論文中首篇,開創以深度訪談法建構國家與社會福利的關聯理論。
目錄 I
表次 III
圖次 V
附表 VI
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究問題 4
第三節 研究假設 7
第四節 研究方法 8
第五節 研究目的 12
本章參考書目 13
第二章 理論回顧與研究途徑 17
第一節 傳統政治研究對「國家」的重視 17
第二節 行為主義政治研究對「國家」的拋棄 27
第三節 「新國家主義」重拾「國家」研究 32
第四節 社會福利理論回顧 45
第五節 國家研究新趨勢與社會福利的研究 51
本章參考書目 57
第三章 全民健保政策中國家自主性形成之因素 71
第一節 行政領導菁英的理念 71
第二節 政策傳承與創新 86
第三節 民主化 99
本章參考書目 107
第四章 全民健保政策形成過程中的國家自主性 114
第一節 國家行動成員及其角色 114
第二節 行政系統在全民健保政策的偏好 119
第三節 立法院在健保政策的偏好及與行政院的互動 135
第四節 考試院在全民健保政策的偏好與行政院互動 156
本章參考書目 162
第五章 國家推動全民健保政策中影響國家能力形成之因素 167
第一節 官僚與學者的結合和國家能力 167
第二節 國家權力結構與國家能力 177
本章參考書目 185
第六章 國家推動全民健保政策能力之分析 187
第一節 國家在全民健康保險政策的整合能力 188
第二節 國家機關內部在全民健康保險政策的協調能力 194
本章參考書目 210
第七章 全民健保政策形成過程中「國家—社會」關係之分析 213
第一節 社會在全民健保政策形成過程中偏好的展現 213
第二節 「國家—社會」在全民健保政策的互動 232
第三節 國家對社會在全民健保政策形成過程中偏好的扭轉與讓步 239
第四節 社會團體「破碎化」與國家能力的貫徹之分析 257
本章參考書目 263
第八章 結論 267
第一節 研究發現 267
第二節 研究限制 281
第三節 政策建議 282
本章參考書目 286
本書參考書目 288
附錄圖表 314
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馬克思論國家與國家自主性--寄生性國家與工具性國家的論述整合 / Marx on "State" and "State Autonomy": An Integration of the Doctrines of "Parasite State" and "Instrumentalist State"陳榮彬, Jung-bin Chen Unknown Date (has links)
目 錄
第一章 序言
第一節 研究動機…………………………………………002
第二節 論題形成的脈絡…………………………………010
第三節 研究進路的問題…………………………………025
第四節 論述架構與研究限制…………………………041
第二章 歷史唯物論與國家
第一節 馬克思的歷史唯物論…………………………058
第二節 馬克思論述人類歷史的發展………………072
第三節 小結…………………………………………………085
第三章 寄生性國家
第一節 東方專制主義的社會經濟基礎……………089
第二節 向資本主義社會過渡中的專制君主制…100
第三節 波拿巴主義與法國歷史………………………110
第四節 小結…………………………………………………122
第四章 工具性國家
第一節 資產階級與工具性國家………………………127
第二節 工具性國家在英國與法國…………………138
第三節 小結…………………………………………………148
第五章 總結與評估
主題索引…………………………………………………………170 / For many decades, Marxian philosophy was usually misunderstood as a doctrine that is primarily "economically determinstic", ie., economy determines the social, cultural, and political spheres. What is the corollary of this misunderstanding is that Marxian Doctrines on the State had become one of the most typical types of Instrumentalism among the theories of the state and that state is the instrument of class domination in the hands of the capitalists. In order to clarify this long-term misunderstanding, the author of this thesis try to find his revelation in contemporary Historical Sociology, and to demonstrate the Marxian approaches to the state is no different from the approaches of many Historical Sociologists. Historical Sociology has shown its constant attempts to understand the diverse possibilities of state autonomy from the perspectives of historical heritage and social context. According to this viewpoint, state is neither the simple instrument in the hands of the capitalists, nor a political entity that can be totally isolated from the society. Secondly, in the light of Marxian Historical Materialism, the relationship between politics and economy is not an one-way causation. As the ultimate foundation of the Marxian doctrines of the state, Historical Materialism makes it clear that politics and economy are mutually and dialectically interactive, and this vigorous interaction provides us the two possible doctrines of the state, that is, parasite state and instrumentalist state. This thesis started from the formulations of the nature, origin of the state and its relations to the society, then the author gradually focus upon a "typology" of the state which can be shown in the two Marxian state doctrines, these types including "Oriental Despotism", "Absolutism", "Bonapartism", "Instrumentalist State in England", and "Instrumentalist State in France". The author not only gave an overall exposition of the development of the Marxian doctrines of the state, he also sufficiently proved that the doctrines constitute in fact some kind of historical sociology of the state.
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