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臺北市市有土地參與辦理都市更新事業問題與改善之研究羅敏琪 Unknown Date (has links)
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大型活動建構臺北市城市品牌形象研究 / The study of Mega events on the image branding of Taipei蔡依蒨, Tsai, Yi Chien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過修正式德菲法問卷的五個5個構面共59項以大型活動建構城市品牌形象之評估指標,專家小組認為利用參與大型活動建構城市品牌形象中,「組織構面」的領導者決策、策略規劃及策略執行能力為最主要關鍵,而包括城市的交通建設網絡以及城市風格等,都是影響形塑城市重要因素。而研究結果則建議建構城市品牌形象可採用地區性行銷策略,而在策略實際操作部分則延攬專業的行銷規劃團隊,以規劃主題式行銷活動,並透過新興媒體進行宣傳等方式為臺北市形塑優質的城市品牌形象。 / As a consequence of globalization, the marketing of region has grown in importance as countries, regions compete with one another to attract investment and visitors. To compete effectively, it is essential to identify the critical success factors of image branding and ensure those who are into the strategic planning. City's image branding is largely dependent on the construction, communication and management as well as the style of the city.
A city's brand image provides, on one hand, the basis for developing city marketing to pursue economic development and, on the other hand, provides as a conduit for people outside the country. This study examines the effectiveness of the efforts on the image branding of Taipei based on an analysis of image branding strategies through the participation of mega events.
The theoretical background from literary reviews of this study covering city marketing, city branding and image, mega events and event marketing topics, which are the conceptual but technical and structural viewpoints included. The primary city brand-driven mega events indicators would be developed by reorganizing these past researches and by dividing them into five aspects: organizational, environmental, target market, marketing, and strategies. All primary indicators are evaluated by 10 marketing, communication, media, and administrative experts to evaluate which have the most criteria toward the image branding of Taipei, and how these factors could be utilized to form the strategic framework.
Based on the survey of the modified Delphi method, the result indicated that the most crucial success factor of the image branding of Taipei is organization leadership, which refer to the city governing philosophy of decision-making, strategic planning, and implementation represention the core building block of image branding. This survey points out that the convenient transportation network, unique city style and applied communication channel, such as social media, are also drawing a line determining the effect of the image branding of Taipei.
Accordingly, some recommendations can be made for the use of the image branding of Taipei: diversified cultural driven assets can be attractive points; Fesvital and activities also can be applied; new style of promotiation channel such as social media can also be developed. Those are based on a combination and the components of the city's brand management.
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臺北市縣個體家戶遷移因素之分析 / The Analysis of the Determinants of the Household Mobility in the Greater Taipei Area羅雅怡, Ya Yi,Lou Unknown Date (has links)
房價可反應家戶負擔能力,在家戶遷移決策上扮演重要角色,鑒於國內遷移相關研究多欠缺房價的考慮,本研究採用2009年「住宅需求動向調查」之已購屋者的資料,以二元羅吉特迴歸模型進行實證,分析臺北縣(市)家戶的遷移決策,了解原居住在臺北市(縣)之家戶選擇在臺北市(縣)內遷移或選擇向臺北縣(市)遷移的影響因素。住宅之單價及屋齡對臺北都會區的家戶均為影響遷移決策的關鍵因素。首購之家戶傾向遷往臺北縣,首次購屋者較非首購家戶會考慮住宅的負擔能力得到證實。教育程度及家戶年所得愈高,傾向遷往臺北市,另購屋決策者搜尋時間增加傾向遷往臺北市,顯示臺北市的住宅市場環境不確定性較臺北縣住宅市場高,亦可能是因為家戶進行遷移決策時帶著先前的參考價格偏誤進入市場,從高評價往低評價地區遷移,會減少搜尋行為而有較快的決策速度。本研究有助於了解臺北都會區之間人口流動的情形,作為政府住宅政策的參考依據。 / House price, which is an indicate to household's ability, plays an important role in the mobility decision. However, few research in Taiwan has touched this issue. Therefore, we use the home buyers' data in the greater Taipei area from 2009's "Housing Demand Survey" to convey our empirical study by employing a binary logistic regression model. Empirically, we find that the price and age of house are the key determinants of the household mobility in the greater Taipei area. First-time home buyers tend to move to the Taipei County. Our research confirms that the first-time home buyers consider the price much more than those who have previously acquired a house (or more) of their own. The households with a higher education level or greater pay tend to move to the Taipei City. Thoroughly-researched home buyers prefer to move to Taipei City. This indicates that the uncertainty of the Taipei City’s house market is greater than of the Taipei County. Or this is due to the fact that households tend to enter the market with biased previous prices, when households from higher evaluation location move to lower, they make mobility decision faster. The results are meaningful for the supply of housing market and public facility services.
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公部門推動員工協助方案之評估:以臺北市政府為例 / An evaluation of employee assistance programs in the public sector : a case study of Taipei City Government戴存溢, Dai, Cun-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討臺北市政府推動員工協助方案,機關內部顧客,包含人事人員及一般業務單位同仁,對於員工協助方案各構面之滿意度及成效。研究方法除了檢閱員工協助方案相關文獻及理論外,並以問卷調查法及深度訪談方式,獲得實際資料進行分析,產生研究結果以回應本研究問題,再輔以重要性-表現分析法(Importance-Performance Analysis, IPA)對推動員工協助方案的重要度及滿意度分析,以獲得該方案未來推動方向之政策性建議。
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臺北市住宅建築業定價策略分析余智生, Yu, Zhi-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
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公部門組織創新之研究:以臺北市垃圾減量政策為例蔡明謙 Unknown Date (has links)
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臺北市高國中優質學校教師對優質學校知覺與組織承諾關係之研究 / The research of quality schools perception and organizationalcommitment relationship for teachers in high schools receivedthe quality school award in Taipei city趙雅鈴, Chao, Ya Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以問卷調查法為主, 以自編之臺北市高國中優質學校教師對優質學校知覺與組織承諾調查問卷(內含基本資料、「教師優質學校知覺量表」、「教師組織承諾量表」)為工具,以2006至2009間獲得臺北市優質學校ㄧ項以上獎項之31所學校分層隨機抽取21所學校教師,共發出問卷490分,回收418份有效問卷(有效回收率85.3%)。另計算各校實際參與情形予以計算分數,累積總分即為該校對優質學校方案參與情形之程度分數,依調查結果,將參與情形之程度分為高、中、低三類型。所得資料以SPSS for window 12.0統計套裝軟體進行描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、相關檢定以及多元迴歸分析等進行資料分析,進行研究結果的分析與討論。研究結論如下:
最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為學校相關教育人員、教育行政機關、以及未來研究的參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to understand the situation of teachers’ participation and the factors which influence their participation in quality school in Taipei. Further, this study also intent to understand teachers’ perception and organizational commitment. Analyzing variables included teachers’ demographics, and school environment. Finally, this study was to investigate the relationship between teachers’ perception and organizational commitment as well.
Survey was used as methodology in this study. The questionnaire “Taipei city high school teachers’ perceptions and organizational commitment”, which was developed by researcher, was used to collect the data. (This questionnaire included three subscales: demographics, quality school teacher perception scale, and Organizational commitment scale). From 2006 to 2009, thirty-one schools received at least one award, and of those, 21 schools were randomly selected. Four hundred and ninety questionnaires were distributed to teachers, and 418 valid questionnaires were returned (responding rate was 85.3%). In addition, each school had a participation score by calculating the degree of school actual participation. The school participation was categorized into three degrees: high, average, and low. SPSS for window 12.0 was used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regressions were used as statistical techniques. The results of this study are as follows:
1.Teachers in quality schools perform well in the “cognition”, “emotion” and “participation” of school education policy.
2.Teachers who have longer seniority or hold an administration job at the same have higher degree of “cognition” and “emotion” than less seniority teachers, class teachers, and specialty teachers.
3.Teachers in quality school in average participant schools have higher cognitive scores than low participant schools and high participant schools.
4.Teachers in quality school are highly committed to the organizations.
5.Teachers who have longer seniority or serve as directors are more committed to the organizations than teachers with less seniority, homeroom teachers and section chiefs.
6.Teachers in large size schools are more committed to the organizations.
7.The better of cognition score, the higher organizational commitment teachers have.
8.Teachers’ “participation” and “cognition” would significantly predict their organizational commitment.
From research finding and conclusion, we provide recommendation to the school staff, education board, and future research reference.
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工作生活品質與工作績效關聯之研究—以臺北市政府都市發展局為例 / Research on the relationship between quality of working life and job performance -- a case study of urban development bureau of Taipei City Government潘立山, Pan, Li Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係採問卷調查法,問卷經預試修正後,以臺北市政府都市發展局為研究母群體,採抽樣調查方式施測,共202份有效問卷。研究問卷內容包括工作生活品質量表、工作績效表及個人基本資料。問卷資料蒐集運用電腦統計套裝軟體SPSS 進行統計與分析,以敘述性統計分析、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析及多元迴歸分析等推論性統計方法來進行資料處理,本研究經實證研究分析,歸納結果如下:
關鍵詞:工作生活品質、工作績效、臺北市政府都市發展局 / The purpose of this research is to understand the situation of quality of working life and job performance of civil service personnel of urban development bureau of taipei city government. It discusses the differences of personal property between quality of working life and job performance and the relationship between quality of working life and job performance. It also provides advices for controlling organization to improve the quality of working life and job performance of civil service personnel to increase organization efficiency.
Questionnaire survey method is employed in this research while it makes use of urban development bureau of taipei city government and its affiliated civil service personnel as its subjects of research. There are 202 copies of questionnaire are valid. The content of questionnaire includes the scale for quality of working life, scale for job performance of employee and personal information.It uses statistic software SPSS to analyze these data.Descriptive statistics analysis, t-Test, One way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple-regression analysis are used to process these information. The results are as follows:
1. An average of 70.79% of urban development bureau of taipei city government and its affiliated civil service personnel present their degree of satisfaction about quality of working life.The degree of satisfaction with “work stratification plane” is the highest among all factors (73.44%), and others in order are: “organization stratification plane (70.24%),” and “individual stratification plane (66.20%).”
2. An average of 75.95% of urban development bureau of taipei city government and its affiliated civil service personnel has shown their agreement on job performance.The degree of satisfaction with “contextual performance” is the highest among all factors (79. 83%), and others in order are: “adaptive performance (74.70%),”and “task performance (72.30%)”.
3. Different backgrounds of the public official of urban development bureau have shown different degree of perceptions about quality of working life. Among all the factors, educational background have the most obvious difference.
4. Different backgrounds of the public official of urban development bureau have shown different degree of perceptions about job performance. Among all the factors, position,marital status ,age and the age service seniority have the most obvious difference.
5. Between the quality of working life and the job performance, their factors are all positive related.
6. In the aspect of the quality of working life, it is found that employees have a 16.3% of predicting power to “task performance” regarding the factors of “individual stratification plane ” and “work stratification plane”; There is a 19.2% of predicting power to“contextual performance” regarding the factors of “individual stratification plane”; There is a 19.8% of predicting power to job performance regarding the factors of “individual stratification plane”.
According to the research and statistic analysis, suggestions are presented as follows:
1. The recommendation of administrative management: Increasing employee job satisfaction; Appropriately adjust the benefits to boost staff morale;Establishing a fair promotion and performance appraisal system;Inspired team of colleagues;Establishment of job rotation mechanism;.
2. The recommendation of the personnel unit: Practices to improve the agency's award; Increasing a variety of training courses ; Increasing in staff a sense of honor; On the referral agreement to help staff to relieve work pressure;Regular discussions with employees to understand the aspirations of the grassroots.
3. The recommendation of personal:Strengthening the positive thinking individuals to work ;Enhancing motivation to learn new knowledge;The face of environmental changes and future challenges.
Keywords: quality of working life, job performance, urban development bureau of taipei city government
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電子繪本融入說故事活動的行動研究 / Action Study on Electronic Picture Books Integrating into Storytelling Activities楊孟卿, Yang, Meng Ching Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究提出研究建議,供相關單位參考:(1)增購中文繪本資料庫;(2)辦理電子繪本利用教育研習,招募林老師加入;(3)開放權限,協助林老師取用電子資源;(4)解決線上閱讀數位版權數問題;(5)增購電子白板設備以促進林老師說故事效益;(6)辦理電子繪本的說故事活動觀摩會;(7)善用資料庫介面特性以進行活動設計;(8)要了解電子繪本內容才能進行活動設計。 / Rapid developments in digital information technology and Internet communication have changed the ways to retrieve information, and increased the demand for information. For modern Digital Natives, the establishment of reading promotion for children in a library should adopt diverse methods to promote reading.
Aside from printed books, public libraries in our nation have recently been devoted to enriching their electronic recourses to provide diverse reading databases for the public to choose from. In Taipei Public Library, there are rich databases of Chinese picture books; however, these books are rarely used by the storytelling team, Teacher Lin. The present study therefore aimed at exploring the feasibility and execution of the adoption of electronic picture books in Teacher Lin’s storytelling. The study adopted the action research to investigate whether electronic picture books storytelling would arouse children’s interests in reading and improve the limitations in printed books storytelling, and to offer advice for designs and procedures of electronic picture books storytelling.
The present study provides criteria for selections of electronic picture books, and guidelines for electronic picture books storytelling, including objectives, available recourses, procedures, and ways of rewards of storytelling activities. Teacher Lin thus may follow these criteria and guidelines when carrying out storytelling activities. Feedback from Teacher Lin then was collected via interviews.
The results of the study were addressed as follows. First, the action research was helpful in Teacher Lin’s storytelling and selections of electronic picture books. Second, features of electronic picture books could improve the limitations in printed books storytelling. Third, children’s motivation was enhanced in electronic picture books storytelling. Fourth, nonlinear reading was more suitable for children of intermediate grades. Fifth, it was worthwhile to promote electronic picture books storytelling in Teacher Lin’s storytelling activities. Sixth, in terms of storytelling, electronic picture books were more beneficial than hardcopy books.
Lastly, the following were some suggestions. First, it is essential to purchase more databases of Chinese picture books. Second, workshops about the adoption of electronic picture books may be held, and members in Teacher Lin are recruited. Third, members in Teacher Lin should be allowed to access to these databases. Fourth, issues on intellectual property rights of online reading need to be solved. Fifth, purchases of electronic white boards can promote effectiveness of Teacher Lin’s storytelling. Sixth, demonstrations of electronic picture books storytelling need to be held. Seventh, features of interface of databases need to be well used to design activities. Eighth, understanding of content of electronic picture books is essential for activity design.
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臺北市國民中學校園休憩活動空間之研究 / The study of junior high school campus leisure activities space in Taipei City蔡坤良 Unknown Date (has links)
八、對未來的研究建議可在研究內容上可針對休憩附屬設施如:休憩座椅、閱讀桌椅或球場等設施之規畫形式與使用狀況進行研究。 / This study focuses on the current situation of the planning and use of recreational spaces in junior high schools in Taipei city. An analysis was conducted to find out differences in the planning and use of these spaces under different background variables in order to further probe into the reasons students choose the recreational spaces on campus after class, the activity types, improvement of facilities, and use after school. The recreational space planning and improvement suggestions were then summarized. In this paper, a questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate the current situation of recreational spaces on campus. The questionnaires were distributed to find out the use and needs of the students. A total of 1,200 questionnaire copies were distributed and 1,072 valid copies were recovered. Interviews were also conducted to gain an insight into the planning and use of the school recreational spaces. The study findings based on the compiled data are as follows:
1. Most passive recreational spaces on campus are allotted for classrooms, corridors,
libraries, cooperatives, and gardens, followed by outdoor theaters. Friendship platforms, recreational rooms, and roof gardens on the other hand have the least
passive recreational spaces.
2. Most dynamic recreational spaces are allotted for track and field, outdoor courts, and activity centers.
3. The passive recreational space planning in different schools is generally the same except for corridors, libraries, ancillary facilities in gardens, and outdoor theater layout that slightly differ. For the dynamic recreational spaces, the ancillary facilities
such as the track and field, outdoor courts, etc., differed slightly.
4. There is not much variation in dynamic recreational space planning at different schools except corridors, libraries, and cooperatives that showed slight differences.
In terms of dynamic recreational space planning, the schools do not differ much except for ancillary facilities of outdoor courts that show slight variations.
5. Students more frequently used passive recreational spaces after class, particularly classrooms, corridors, and cooperatives. The dynamic recreational spaces are
primarily outdoor basketball courts, track and field, and activity centers.
6. The reasons for choosing dynamic recreational spaces include: closer in distance, relaxing the body and mind, and influence of peers. The reasons they choose
dynamic activities include: physical activity, relaxing the body and mind, closer in distance, and influence of peers.
7. After class, the activities that take place in the passive recreational spaces are primarily chatting, followed by taking a nap, reading, trance, and taking a walk; the activities that take place in the dynamic recreational spaces include chatting and playing ball games.
8. The usage rate of the passive recreational space in complete high schools is higher than that of city junior high schools; the usage rate of the small-scale and
medium-scale dynamic recreational spaces is higher than that of the large-scale spaces; the usage rate of the 7th graders is higher than that of the 8th graders, and the
usage rate for the boys is higher than that of the girls.
9. In the passive recreational space, the students’ requested additional facilities and improvement of primarily classrooms, cooperatives, and libraries and setup of music areas, computer areas, and recreational chairs.
10. In the dynamic recreation space, the students requested additional facilities and improvement of primarily outdoor basketball courts, indoor basketball courts, and
activity centers and setup of ball sport related facilities and recreational chairs.
11. The students’ recreational activities after school in sequence are chatting, playing ball games, and taking a walk. And the recreational spaces chosen in sequence are
classrooms, corridors, and outdoor basketball courts.
Based on the conclusions above, the following suggestions are proposed:
1. In terms of the passive recreational space on campus of junior high schools,priorities are given to enhancing facilities in classrooms, corridors, libraries, and
cooperatives for students’ recreational use.
2. In terms of the dynamic recreational space on campus of junior high schools,priorities are given to enhancing facilities in outdoor basketball courts and activity
centers for students’ recreational use.
3. Additional recreational facilities should be set up in the vicinity of high-rise buildings to satisfy students’ recreational space needs.
4. Make flexible adjustment of the class schedule to facilitate students’ versatile recreational activities.
5. Take gender needs into consideration in making appropriate adjustment to the dynamic recreational space.
6. Most junior high school students choose chatting as the recreational activity,showing the need to emphasize social needs. Therefore, additional recreational chairs are recommended for students’ hardware needed for chatting.
7.Continue to grant money to improve the campus space and add more facilities in the recreational space.
8.It is suggested that future researches focus on the planning and usage of recreational ancillary facilities such as recreational chairs, desks/chairs for reading, and ball courts.
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