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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

國中英語教師班級經營效能量表之編製 / The measurement of classroom management efficacy for English teachers in junior high schools

林悅平, Lin, Yueh Ping Unknown Date (has links)
「班級經營」為教師專業知能中的主要項目之一,既有研究指出了許多班級經營的指標或向度,大多以少數人理論、教學經驗或教室觀察為研究依據,而未有一致性的量化指標,本研究以實務界的角度出發,分析胡悅倫(2007)在教師甄詴口詴現場所蒐集的853道「班級經營」相關詴題,以重新建構班級經營的專業能力指標,藉此編製一份國中英語教師班級經營效能量表,作為教師專業評量之輔助工具。 研究顯示,班級經營包括五大主要項目:(1)班級實務、(2)和諧的人際互動、(3)課堂管理、(4)多元化班級經營、(5)英語教學品質。根據分析結果,本研究提出以下七點結論: 一、本研究自編量表教師效能之效標關聯效度達0.797,英語教學成果之效標關聯效度達0.605,雙尾檢定達.01的顯著水準,表示本研究自編量表可測得所欲測之特質。 二、本研究自編量表各分量表與總量表的相關介於0.86~0.95之間,顯示本研究自編量表具有良好的內在一致性。 三、研究各分量表之Cronbach’s α係數介於0.686~0.929之間,且在內部一致性團體對照法之t考驗中,各題高低分組之差異皆達顯著水準,顯示本研究具有可接受的合理信度。 四、驗證性因素分析顯示,本量表之模式為合理適配,五個分量表「班級實務、和諧的人際互動、課堂管理、多元化班級經營、英語教學品質」彼此顯著相關,且背後可萃取一個更高階的潛在因素—班級經營效能。 五、判別分析Hit Ratio值為0.86,代表本研究自編班級經營效能量表能有效區別出高效能與低效能之英語教師。 六、不同性別、年齡、學歷背景、特教背景、英語教學研習時數、服務年資、導師年資、導師態度之英語教師,其班級經營效能有顯著差異,包括以下數點: (一)女性之英語教學品質顯著優於男性; (二)年紀較長、服務年資、導師年資較資深者之班級經營效能各量表皆顯 著優於年紀輕、服務與導師年資較資淺者; (三)一般大學畢業之教師,其班級實務優於師範大學畢業者; (四) 有基礎特教背景之教師,其班級人際互動顯著優於無特教背景者; (五)參加較多次英語研習之教師,其班級經營各量表皆顯著優於參加較少 次者; (六)越喜歡瑝導師之英語教師,其班級經營各量表表現越優異,且導師態度 可預測11.5%的班級經營效能。 七、不同學校地區、班級人數、每週授課節數之班級,其英語教師之班級經營效能有顯著差異,包括以下數點: (一)台北縣之英語教師,其班級經營各量表皆顯著優於台北市英語教師; (二)人數在21~35人之班級,其教師之人際互動、課堂管理皆顯著優於人數 35人以上之班級; (三)每週授課節數在3~4節最佳,其教師之人際互動、課堂管理、多元化班 級經營皆顯著高於7節以上之班級;而每週授課5~6節之班級,其教師 之人際互動、課堂管理亦顯著優於7節以上之班級,但多元化班級經營 則顯著低於3~4節者。 根據上述結論,本研究提供五點建議:(1)班級教師應正視班級內學生的多樣性、(2)班級經營的各影響面向皆應受到重視、(3)本量表可作為英語教師增進班級經營效能之參考、(4)教師應不斷自我精進、(5)學校班級應控制班級人數與每週上課節數。 / "Classroom management" is a main dimension of teacher’s professional knowledge. Most dimensions that former researches demonstrated are based on educational theories, teaching experience and classroom observation from few researchers. Therefore, this study goes from a practical perspective. By analyzing 853 classroom management related items, which were collected from junior high school teacher selection interviews, a measurement of classroom management of English teachers in junior high school can be made as an effective tool for evaluating teacher’s professional knowledge. Classroom management can be organized into five dimensions, including classroom practice, harmonious relationship among students, parents and teachers, classroom discipline, diversified classroom management, English teaching quality. According to the study, there are seven findings as follows: (1) The criterion-related validity of this research for teacher efficacy is up to 0.797, and for English learning achievement up to 0.605. It reaches .01 level of significance under 2-tailed test, which shows the self-establishment classroom management efficacy measurement can examine the attributes that we want to find out. (2) The correlative coefficient of the sub-scales and the scale from 0.86 to 0.95 shows very good coefficient value and good internal consistency of the self-establishment classroom management efficacy measurement. (3) The subscale of internal consistency Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of the self-establishment classroom management efficacy measurement ranges from 0.686 to 0.929. According to the t-test of internal consistency group comparison, the high score group and low score group reaches a significant difference. The two result shows reasonable reliability of the measurement. (4) The model confirmatory factory analysis shows that the model of this study is reasonably fit, with five dimensions including classroom practice, harmonious relationship among students, parents and teachers, classroom discipline, diversified classroom management and English teaching quality. We can even extract one latent variable from the five dimensions—classroom management efficacy. (5) The hit ratio value of discriminant analysis is 0.86, which shows that using this self-establishment classroom management efficacy measurement, we can distinguish high efficacy English teachers from low efficacy English teachers. (6) The junior high school English teachers’ background demography including gender, age, educational background, special education background, English teaching improvement courses, teaching age, class teacher age, and class teacher attitude reach a significant difference, which shows as the following: (a) Females’ teaching quality is better than males’ (b) Those with older age, longer teaching age, longer class age are better in all subscales than others. (c) Those graduated from normal university are better in class practice than others. (d) Those with basic special education are better in harmonious relationship among students, parents and teachers than others. (e) Those who attend more English teaching improvement courses are better in all subscales than others. (f) Those who are more willing to be class teachers are better in all subscales than others. The class teacher attitude can expect classroom management efficacy by 11.5%. (7) The junior high school background demography including school location, class scale, course number within one week reach a significant difference, which shows as the following: (a) English teachers in Taipei County are better in all subscales than English teachers in Taipei City. (b) English teachers with classes of 21~35 students are better in harmonious relationship and classroom discipline, than English teachers with classes of more than 21~35 students. (c) English teachers with 3~4 courses for one class within one week are better in harmonious relationship, classroom discipline, diversified classroom management than others. Building on the above results, this study made the following four suggestions: (1) class teachers should pay more attention to the diversity within students; (2) all dimensions of classroom management should be taken seriously; (3) this measurement is an effective reference and tool for English teachers; (4) teachers should always keep learning and improving; (5) student number within one class and course number within one week should be moderately limited to a proper one.

馬英九政府大陸政策制定因素與具體實踐 / Ma Ying-jeou government's Mainland policy factors and the specific practice

陳忠賢 Unknown Date (has links)
多年來台灣大陸政策的演變與國家領導人的更迭有密不可分的關係。蔣經國時期的「三不政策」與「三民主義統一中國」;李登輝時期的「兩岸是特殊的國與國關係」與「戒急用忍」經貿政策;陳水扁時期的「四不一沒有」與「積極開放、有效管理」到「積極管理、有效開放」經貿政策。而各個領導人對於大陸政策的調整,主要的影響要素有國內、兩岸及國際等重要因素。2008年政黨再次輪替,馬英九宣示就任中華民國第十二任總統起,兩岸局勢與台灣的大陸政策又再次開展新局。 如同前任領導人,馬總統仍然面臨來自國家認同、國內選舉、民意及反對黨對於大陸政策的正面意見與負面批評,甚至對於政策內容完全不贊同的國內因素所影響。尤其在台灣民主化的過程中,使得政府各項公共政策趨向透明化,並且必須受到國會的監督,亦即受到民意的制衡。如何充分彙集各方意見,並且堅持作對台灣未來有利的大陸政策決策,是一件相當不易的事。 兩岸經貿往來頻繁,大陸已經成為台灣貿易第一大出口地區及第二大進口地區,且台灣享有巨額的貿易順差。兩岸軍力日益向中方傾斜,尤其在大陸改革開放有成之後,經濟實力日益堅強,更加大在軍事方面的投資,台灣在軍事投資的方向與國家戰略目標亦應有所調整。另外兩岸在主權上的爭議,自1949年中華民國政府播遷台灣與中華人民共和國建政以來,兩岸對於「一個中國」意涵的解釋,經歷過相當多的變化,尤其在台灣方面,各個政府每一時期有其不同的政治利益及政策決策出發點。 脫離美國來談兩岸關係,是一個不現實的觀點。在國際政治舞台上,台灣倚賴美國甚深。不論是對美軍事採購,以提供台灣軍事防衛武器,或者在台灣參與各種國際組織的協助,如世界貿易組織。甚至在台灣面臨戰爭邊緣時的支持。台灣與日本、歐盟及東協各國等世界其他國家,亦交往甚深,但絕大部分是建立在經貿關係上,亦藉由經貿關係的建立而進一步發展有實無名的外交關係。台灣不能也無法自外於全球化浪潮中,為爭取台灣在國際舞台的活動空間,提昇台灣的國際地位,對於各種國際組織與國際活動的參與,也必須積極以對。 馬英九總統的大陸政策,考量國內、兩岸及國際等因素,提出「不統、不獨、不武」及依照「九二共識」為基礎處理兩岸關係。並且提出「先經濟後政治」與「兩岸外交休兵」等各種大陸政策實際作法,對未來兩岸關係能否創造新局面,本文擬加以探討。

現行國中英語教科書之評估 / An Evaluation of the Current Set of Junior High School English Textbooks

吳思葶, Wu, Si Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在藉由問卷調查,探討未來國中英語教科書編寫指引,並回答以下三個具體研究問題: (1)調查國中英語教師對於現行英語教科書之意見,是否符合現行國中英語教科書的編寫原則,並且進一步瞭解(2)在主題、份量、難易度方面,有何意見,以及(3)提供一套未來國中英語教科書適用之編寫指引。研究發現如下:(1)現行國中英語教科書包含溝通式教學法的一些原則,但並非所有的原則;(2)現行國中英語教科書符合部分英語教科書編寫通則,但需要再加強;(3)主題方面,例如日常生活、節慶、電腦受教師們喜愛;(4)現行國中英語教科書之份量與難易度一般而言適中,但份量和難易度並未均衡分佈於各冊;以及(5)未來國中英語教科書教師最愛之六項主題與六項活動。 / This study aims to find some relevant writing guidelines for future junior high school (hereafter JHS) English textbooks by conducting a questionnaire survey. Specifically, the study aims to do the following: (1) to find if the current set of JHS English textbooks has observed closely the guidelines, and (2) to understand teachers’ opinions about the current textbooks on themes, loading, and difficulty, and (3) to provide a set of alternative guidelines for future JHS English textbook writing. And the major findings include the following: (1) the current JHS English textbooks follow some principles of CLT, but do not include all of them; (2) the current JHS English textbooks meet some of the general principles for English textbook writing, but they need to be improved; (3) themes such as daily life, festival, and computer are appreciated by the JHS English teachers; (4) the degree of loading and difficulty of the current JHS English textbooks are moderate in general; however, the loading and difficulty in each volume are not evenly distributed; and (5) the six favorite themes and activities chosen by most teachers have to be covered in future JHS English textbooks.

初級英語教材中文化主題的再現分析 / Analysis on the representation of different culture themes in two English learning magazines for basic-level English learners

蕭玉涵, Hsiao, Sara Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在於了解市面上英語教學雜誌中,如何再現文化相關的議題。其中,英語教學雜誌使用甚麼方式來再現不同文化和它們所呈現的內容為何為本研究的軸心。此研究採用質化的文本分析法細讀從2009年6月號到2010年5月號的兩本初級英語教學雜誌---"大家說英語"和"ABC互動英語雜誌"的文化內容。 研究發現兩本雜誌都使用描述性文章(descriptive text)和圖片來敘文化相關的議題,而呈現的文化內容多以節慶、旅遊、文學等主題為主;"大家說英語"著重在美國生活文化的介紹;而"ABC互動英文雜誌"則以本土化來結合異國文化。 / This study aims to seek what and how culture-related contents are represented and introduced in English learning materials. Two best-selling English learning magazines targeting at basic-level English learners are selected—“Let’s Talk in English” and “ABC Interactive English Magazine”. Through integrating and re-categorizing the classification of cultural themes developed by Fleewelling (1994), Pesola (1991), Robinson (1982), and Chen (2002), the study creates a new system to classify different culture-related topics. Combining with textual analysis, the study examines the forms used to show culture-related topics, the representation of different cultural themes, and the balance of introducing different cultures. Moreover, the similarities and differences in terms of the way both English learning magazines represent cultural themes are addressed. The result shows that informative text, contextualized practice, vocabulary, and pictures are forms commonly used by both magazines. In Let’s Talk in English (LTE), various forms are adopted in introducing the same topic; while ABC Interactive English Magazine (ABC) uses only one form on each topic. Both magazines include big C themes, i.e. politics, economy, and literature and small c themes such as celebration of holidays and traveling. However, LTE uses examples concerning American lifestyles to illustrate these themes, whereas ABC combines more different foreign and local cultures in representing culture-related topics. The findings also suggest the diversity and immediacy of English learning magazines on the representation of culture-related topics.

臺灣英語教學碩士論文中文獻探討章節之語步分析 / Move structure of literature review in Ma theses by Taiwanese TEFL Graduates

蕭政華, Hsiao, Cheng Hua Unknown Date (has links)
在學術論文寫作眾多章節中,文獻回顧章節是讀寫過程中困難度較高的一章節,因此研究生普遍視為畏途。文獻回顧的語步分析在過去文獻中尚未受到重視。因此本論文旨在分析臺灣英語教學碩士論文中文獻回顧章節之語步結構。本論文提出兩個研究問題: (1)臺灣英語教學碩士論文文獻回顧章節之語步結構為何?(2)評選高分與評選低分的文獻回顧差異為何?本論文選出三十篇臺灣英語教學碩士論文中文獻回顧章節做為文本分析並將其評選高分群與評選低分群。本研究以四個主要語步來分析文獻回顧章節的語步結構。這四個主要語步分別為:(1)領域知識觀念介紹,(2)用主題方式整合過去之文獻,(3)聯結過去文獻與將進行之研究之關係,及(4)宣布將進行研究。每一主要語步都有數個次要語步。本論文討論語步出現的頻率,語步發展,語步組合結構及語步循環。 本論文顯示第一語步使用的最為廣泛佔56.96%,第二語步佔22.39%,第三語步與第四語步各為11.74%與8.91%。收集之文獻回顧分為四組,分別為(1)表現最差,(2)表現較差,(3)表現稱職,及(4)表現最好。 結果發現表現最差的一組沒有任何主題發展,表現較差的一組有主題發展但是僅限於整合,表現稱職的一組有運用到四個主要語步,而表現最好的一組發現有數個全部語步的循環。本論文呈現臺灣英語教學碩士論文文獻回顧章節的語步結構。這些結果與討論提供英語教學領域研究生更加了解學術論文文獻回顧之寫作架構。 / Reviewing literature for a research study is a highly complicated reading and writing process, which has been assumed a rather formidable task for many graduate students. In the field of English for Specific Purposes, many scholars have devoted their studies into certain types of genre analysis, particularly research genres. However, the concept of “literature review” (LR) as a distinct type of genre has been constantly overlooked and the move structure of literature reviews unexplored. The move structure of LRs in master theses written by Taiwanese TEFL program graduates was studied. This proposed study included two research questions: (1) What are the move structures of the LR chapters in the master theses of TEFL programs? (2) Do the move structures differ between the low-rated and high-rated LRs? In this study, thirty theses were randomly chosen. Thirty theses were rated and grouped into high-rated and low-rated categories. Based on Kwan’s framework (2006) and the results of pilot study, a new move structure with the four major moves was formulated for this study. The statistical results showed that “conceptualizing themes in a field (Move 1)” takes the largest proportion among the total occurrences, followed by “integrating previous works on the themes (Move 2),” “relating previous works to the current study (Move 3)” and “advancing to one’s own study (Move 4).” It is concluded that LRs composed by these graduates fundamentally serves to present relevant field knowledge. Further, no topic expansion is found in the deficient group. Most of the LRs in the poor group halt at the synthesis though there is some topic development. The competent group has a complete occurrence of the four major moves. Multiple cycles are found per LR in the distinctive group. This study provides insights into the move structure of Taiwanese students’ literature review chapters of master theses.

流傳百代千齡後,定識人間有此人──郭嵩燾及其詩研究 / The study of Guo Songtao and his poems

唐菁霞 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以郭嵩燾其人其詩為主要考察對象,並印證郭嵩燾在近代史中「政事能兼文學者」地位之商榷。 見證近代歷史的郭嵩燾,有特殊的仕宦經歷與大量學術創作,豐厚的學養與當代漢宋兼採的學術風氣交相融合,展現獨到的思想。其詩作強調溫柔敦厚、有我性情、重視學問、經世致用的詩觀,具體落實於詩歌創作,以飽含詩情筆墨與豐富詩藝技巧,展現卓然一家之風貌;復因其詩作被其他方面成就如學術思想、經世思想、洋務思想所掩蓋,未能一窺其奧,職是,本文擬從文化思想與詩作貢獻層面,分析郭嵩燾其人其詩。 研究方法部分:本論文立基於中國「詩言志」傳統,將詩作視為審美深層心理之外顯,對於作者創作動機與時地背景的關係則以「知人論世」之考察切入;結合龔鵬程先生談論文學時特別注意「意義的顯現」,以及翁特斯(Yvor Winters)「五批評層次」理論,扣合本研究主題,推展統整文化、作者與作品的價值意義。 論文章節部分:第一章是「緒論」,清楚呈現郭嵩燾詩作研究面向,概述研究動機與目的、方法與範圍,以及前人對郭嵩燾研究之歸納整理。 第二章為「郭嵩燾背景析論」,此為郭嵩燾詩的外緣研究,藉以了解郭嵩燾所處時代氛圍對其出處行事乃至詩學理念、詩歌創作的影響,分「郭嵩燾的時代背景」與「郭嵩燾的學術背景」以及「郭嵩燾生平與交遊」三線論述。 第三章為「郭嵩燾詩學理論」,在前述背景析論之研究基礎下開展;研究文本包含郭氏現存的詩文集。本章分三小節細述。第一節「內原性情,外通政事」可說是郭嵩燾詩學論述的「體用論」;第二節「績學閱歷,樹立己見」可說是郭嵩燾詩學論述的「實踐論」;第三節「詩教傳統,託意宣鬱」可說是郭嵩燾詩學論述的「情志論」;第四節「練字警策,典雅格律」可說是郭嵩燾詩學論述的「藝術論」。 第四章為「郭嵩燾詩作題材內容」,可見郭嵩燾詩學理論在實際創作中之印證,亦可體知郭嵩燾「感發生命淺深厚薄之質量」與作為詩人的文化深度與敏感度。分二小節討論。第一節「郭嵩燾詩作題材分類」分四類探討,計分:紀游詩、節日詩、海外詩、考證詩;詩作題材不以詩體劃分,而以郭嵩燾主要生平經歷做為詩作分類上的特殊性,兼以詩作應用途徑、寫作時地區分,凸顯郭嵩燾置身特殊處境下的題材表現。第二節「郭嵩燾詩作情思內涵」分六項細述:一、「奇情困阨,慍憤群小」;二、「神遊家國,經世濟民」;三、「詠史議論,明辨審觀」;四、「親朋交誼,肺腑深情」;五、「人生變幻,自傷老病」;六、「思鄉客情,歸隱守愚」。 第五章為「郭嵩燾詩作藝術論」,此為郭嵩燾詩結合理論與創作手法的實踐,以詩技與意象兩大主軸討論,兼及內外之美,末以詩作評價收束。分三節細述。第一節為「郭嵩燾詩藝技巧」,分「情景事合」、「工樸相濟」、「大處落墨」、「託物比興」、「直陳曲致」五項特色,以見詩人匠心獨運的開創性與詩學文化的積累性。第二節為「郭嵩燾詩作意象」,以豪傑意象(百獸、蟲魚、鳥類)、孤寂意象(燈火、酒盞、舟楫)、飄零意象(雲、雨、雪)三者之運用與內在義蘊之連結,解讀詩人生成話語與詩歌內在精神意義,探求詩作構象煉境之美。第三節為「郭嵩燾詩作評價」,以郭嵩燾詩藝總論的方式進行研究,分「形式工整,韻律和諧」、「內容取材,離絕凡近」、「風格雄渾,沉著痛快」三部分為說。 第六章為「結論」,總結上述,收束全文。將郭嵩燾其人其詩置於整體文化視野的觀照下,側重郭嵩燾其人其詩的時代意義與影響:其人熟諳洋務,主西法政教之本,捨西洋器物之末,倡循理外交,思想超前新穎。其詩可說是中國傳統「士不遇」典型下詩人之詩與學人之詩的結合;描述國事蜩螗、生民憂戚之作亦可說是鴉片戰爭後,至甲午戰前的近代詩史。其擇善固執的守窮形象與積極正向的人生觀給予後人無盡的景仰追思。在政治家、外交家、教育家、經學家身分以外,應予其近代詩學史上的公允地位,彰顯其詩人、文學家的華彩冠冕。 關鍵字 郭嵩燾 養知書屋詩文集 近代詩 駐英法公使 首講西學

不同教學模式對於台中市國中生的聽力及閱讀理解之研究 / A study of the effects of different teaching modes on junior high school students' listening and reading comprehension

張心瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討三種不同的教學模式對於92位較低成就的國中學生的聽力及閱讀理解的影響,採取量化及質性並行的研究。實驗的自變項為三種事前教學輔助,分別為:一、獨立回答學習單的問題;二、老師給予單字及背景知識的教學;三、學生分成小組回答問題,而依變項為學生在聽力及閱讀理解測驗所得的成績。本實驗除了以聽力及閱讀理解測驗驗證事前教學模式的功效,也以學習態度問卷收集相關的資料。教學流程為學生接受15分鐘的教學輔助,然後收聽30分鐘英語學習雜誌,學生接受10次教學,實驗進行十週。實驗結果發現三組學生經歷不同教學模式後,他們的閱讀成績有顯著的差異,其中「學生分成小組回答問題」對閱讀能力幫助最大,而「獨立回答學習單的問題」優於「老師給予單字及背景知識的教學」。另外,「學生分成小組回答問題」能有效提昇聽力及閱讀成績,「學生獨立回答學習單的問題」也對學生的聽力及閱讀有幫助,但未達顯著水準。本研究建議老師在教學前,將學生分為小組討論並回答學習內容相關的問題,以提升學生的學習及理解力。 / The present study aimed to examine the effects of three different kinds of teaching modes on the listening and reading comprehension of 92 less-proficient junior high school students in Taiwan. Comprehension tests and questionnaires were employed to collect related data, which were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The independent variables were the three different kinds of teaching modes; the dependent variables were students’ scores on the listening and reading comprehension tests. There were three experimental classes learned in three kinds of modes for 15 minutes before they listened to a 30-minute English learning magazine’s teaching program. One class read a worksheet and finished the tasks on their own. Another received vocabulary and background knowledge instruction from the researcher. The other class discussed in small groups and answered pre-questions. The experiment took 10 class periods in 10 consecutive weeks. The results are found that the teaching mode including a) studying the handouts and completing the tasks in the individual mode, and b) small group discussion to answer pre-questions are beneficial to lower-proficient EFL junior high school students’ listening and reading comprehension. The latter pre-activity exalted reading comprehension to a significant level, and it also contributed to significant improvement in both listening and reading comprehension. However, receiving vocabulary and background knowledge instructions in a teacher-centered class did not effectively facilitate the participants’ performance. To sum up, the results showed that teachers could ask students to have small group discussion on pre-questions of extra-curriculum learning materials in regular class periods to enhance their listening and reading comprehension.

美國對中國崛起之認知分析:1992~2009年 / How U.S. perceive a rising China:1992~2009

王怡婷 Unknown Date (has links)
中國的國力及影響力在本世紀以來顯著地上升,使得美中關係成為國際事務中最重要的議題。本研究試圖從決策層次的角度來檢視美中關係,透過對一系列意見調查數據的分析及歸納,分別描繪出「美國公眾」及「美國菁英」兩個團體對中國崛起的認知樣貌,並且說明此種認知之內涵與意義。 本研究發現,美國公眾與美國菁英對於中國崛起的認知皆帶有濃厚的務實主義(pragmatism)色彩:他們雖然對美中之間日益接近的經濟力量、中國的軍事發展及以人權狀況感到憂慮,卻同時也認知到中國日益高漲的國際影響力及其所帶來的經濟利益對美國的重要性,因此支持政府與中國進行經濟上的交往,並在能源及亞太安全等議題上合作,而非與之正面衝突。而這樣的務實看法形塑了美國的中國政策,鼓勵了中國在國際體系中的制度性崛起,將可能的衝突來源轉化為兩國間之共同利益,以降低中國的威脅性。值得注意的是,由於美國公眾與美國菁英對外交事務的思考有著層次之別,使得他們在對中國的貿易政策上抱持差異化的觀點;雖然公眾與菁英皆將貿易視為美中之間最大的共同利益,贊同市場開放,但是前者對開放所造成的工作外移感到威脅,在經濟環境惡化時,容易將這樣的認知轉化為對中國的負面觀感,然而,這樣的情況卻容易為後者所忽略。 / The power and influence of China have been rising significantly in this era, and made U.S.-China relation the most important issue among international affairs. This study tried to watch the relationship between U.S.-China from decision-making level, drawing the pattern of perception of U.S. public and elite on a rising China separately through summarizing, reasoning and analyzing series of survey of public and elite opinion. This study found that U.S. public and elite both hold a pragmatic perception toward a rising China. Though these two groups feel worried about the narrowing economic strength between U.S. and China, and the development of Chinese military, they also perceive the rising influence of China and the importance of huge economic interest that it brings. Therefore, they both support the government to engage and cooperate with China on trade, energy and security of Asia-Pacific region issues instead of rigid confrontation, which directly formed the China Policy of U.S., encouraged China to develop institutionally in international system. In addition, U.S. public and elite think differently about the trade policy to China due to their basic belief of foreign affairs: The former particularly feels threatened by outsourcing brought by the open market, and this kind of feeling will get stronger when the economy goes down, which easily ignored by the latter.

引導式構思及配對構思對英語學習者口語表達之影響 / The effects of using guided planning and paired planning on young EFL learners' oral production

黃竹欣, Huang, Chu Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
在任務性教學的研究裡,構思時間大都有助於口語表達流暢度,但構思時間對口語表達複雜度與正確度的影響,在研究中則尚無定論。本研究旨在探討引導式構思(guided planning)與配對構思(paired planning)對學童英語口語表達的影響,期能對以上爭論做出貢獻。此研究以90位新竹市國小高年級學生為研究對象,並依照構思情境的不同將學生分成三組進行口述故事任務: (1) 無引導構思 (2) 引導式構思 (3) 引導式配對構思。本研究主要結論如下: (1) 就流暢度與複雜度而言,引導式構思與配對構思對學生在口語表達無顯著影響。值得注意的是,配對構思組的學生,會使用較更高程度的字彙來說故事;(2) 就文法正確度而言,引導式構思組學生的表現顯著優於無引導式構思組與引導式配對構思組。而配對構思組的學生雖然沒有使用文法較正確的語言來說故事,卻對配對構思在文法正確度方面的影響持肯定態度。本研究最後針對不同構思情境在口語教學上的應用提供建議,做為教育者參考。 / A general finding of task planning studies was that planning time significantly facilitates fluency in oral production. When it comes to complexity and accuracy, however, the effects of planning time were less certain. This study aims to contribute to the contradictory results by considering how guided planning and paired planning may impact upon the fluency, complexity and accuracy in learners’ oral production. Subjects were three groups of EFL beginners in Taiwan; they performed oral narrative tasks. Statistical results revealed that these two implementation variables (i.e. guided planning and paired planning) did not aid learners to narrate a story with more fluent and complex language. One thing to be noted here is that paired planners used remarkably greater number of higher level words to tell a story. In terms of accuracy, guided planning led participants to perform tasks with more accurate utterances, while paired planning had no evident effects on speech accuracy. Interestingly, paired planners held a positive attitude towards the valuable role of paired planning on accuracy. This study yielded illuminative information for teachers to boost students’ oral performance by manipulating various task conditions.

探討學習者的語言學習信念之動態本質: 兩位英語教學所碩士生的個案研究 / Focusing on the dynamic nature of learner belief: a case study on two TESOL MA students

洪郁閔, Hung, Yu Min Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討學習者的語言學習信念之動態本質。研究對象為兩位北部英語教學所的碩士生,研究方法主要包含半結構式訪談和研究對象自己寫的英語學習歷程,目的在於了解研究對象在人生各個階段的語言學習信念。資料分析方式採用「整體—內容」的分析法。研究結果顯示研究對象的學習信念會依他們和其所在情境的互動關係而改變,而這樣的改變彰顯了學習信念並非固定不變。而是動態的。此外,研究結果發現學習信念和情境、自我、以及身分相關。值得點出的是,雖然學習信念會依情境而改變,但是重點並非情境本身,而是學習者如何看待和解讀情境。除了情境因素,本研究亦探討不同自我(理想自我和應該自我)與身份(核心身份和情境身份)如何影響學習者的語言信念。在所有階段,兩位研究對象都表示努力是語言學習的關鍵,而學習者和所學語言之間的關係會決定學習者願意投入多少心力在語言學習上。最後於文末提出教學和研究上的建議。 / The study aims to explore the dynamic nature of learner belief through investigating two Taiwanese MA-TESOL students' beliefs at different stages of their lives. The participants are two TESOL MA students in a graduate school in northern Taiwan. Data collection methods mainly include written narratives and semi-structured interviews. The data collected are further analyzed using a holistic-content approach. The results of the study show that the participants' beliefs shift in interaction with the context and thus reveal that the nature of learner belief is dynamic. Moreover, the study indicates that learner belief is connected with context, self, and identity. It is noted that what really matters is not the context itself but how learners perceive and interpret the context. Then, the conceptions of ideal self vs. ought-to self and core identity vs. situated identity are introduced to shed light on their relationship with learner belief. Across all stages, while both participants claimed that effort is critical to language learning, it is how they relate themselves to the target language that determine how much effort that they are willing to make into language learning. Finally, it is expected that the study can help educators as well as researchers better understand the dynamic nature of learner belief. Pedagogical implications and suggestions for future research are provided at the end of the thesis.

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