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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

TPB理論探討線上團購行為-以Babyhome親子團購網為例 / Research customer behavior of online group buying by the theory of planned behavior -In case of Babyhome group buying website

林淑雲 Unknown Date (has links)
線上團購在近年已形成一股風潮,透過買方人數的累積以增加買家的議價能力,並向賣方獲得較便宜的價格或額外服務,然而在學術上的研究多探討數量與價格上的均衡經濟解,少以針對消費者面多做研究,因此本篇研究以計劃行為理論(TPB)為基礎,納入其他衡量構面,包含網站服務品質、顧客預期價值、信任、主觀規範、知覺行為控制、參與團購意願度以及團購行為,針對Babyhome親子網站的團購版,探討社群會員的團購消費行為。研究中於行為信念與態度部分,提出網站服務品質、顧客預期價值、網站信任、團購滿意度等構面,而主觀規範則是以虛擬社群之社群意識作為衡量代表,並以免費/付費會員身分之構面為調節變數,進一步的瞭解參與團購意願與團購行為之間的關係。 本研究以Babyhome親子網為個案研究對象,透過文獻探討以及訪談曾經參與團購的會員來設計問卷,並在Babyhome親子網站上發放線上問卷以便收收集樣本資料,再透過結構方程式分析樣本資料並獲得結論。研究發現網站服務品質與信任有顯著正向關係,同時網站服務品質與顧客的預期價值對於團購滿意度皆有顯著正向關係,然而網站信任與參與團購意願雖有正向關係但卻不顯著,推測可能原因為相較於消費者的網站信任,產品的信任或是產品廠商的信任可能對於增加團購意願程度有較大的影響,再者,透過訪談也可發現會員在決定參與團購時很大的關鍵因素在於版上媽媽的推薦以及產品本身,因此即便會員對於網站有正面的信任但卻不會有立即性提高參與團購意願。除此之外,透過研究瞭解到免費/付費會員身分為團購意願度於行為之間的調節變數,免費會員相較於付費會員有較強的團購行為,因此,基於以上資料分析結果,本研究提出管理意涵與建議,並希望未來有更進一步的相關研究。

臺灣政論節目中的政治意識型態之社會語用學研究 / Political ideology in Taiwan political talk shows: a sociopragmatic analysis

游惠鈞, Yu, Hui-jyun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文藉由檢視臺灣政論節目中所使用的語用策略(直接或間接)、語言行為類別、及語言行為目的,探討政治意識型態對於語言行為產生的影響。本研究以Grice(1975)的合作原則與Searle(1969)的語言行為理論作為分析框架,並以Leech(1983)的禮貌原則解釋語用策略及語言行為在不同政論節目中的分布差異。   本研究從臺灣主流的政論節目當中,政治光譜兩極的政論節目「大話新聞」(泛綠)與「2100全民開講」(泛藍)採集語料;並以Searle(1965年)的語言行為理論進行分析,總共識別12類直接語言行為和26類間接語言行為。   研究結果顯示,(一)語用策略方面,說話者在政論節目中使用間接語言行為的頻率比直接語言行為頻繁。(二)語言行為類別方面,直接語言行為中,排序則為:斷言(Assertive)、表述(Expressive)、指示(Directive);而間接語言行為中,各類別使用頻率由高至低排序為:表述(Expressive)、斷言(Assertive)、指示(Directive)。(三)在政治意識型態的影響方面,支持執政黨的政論節目行使較多「直接且事實導向」的語言行為,而支持反對黨的政論節目則有較多的「間接且評論導向」的語言行為。(四)「譴責」是政論節中最常使用的語言行為,並且以間接方式表達居多。(五)推論過程中,推論步驟較多的「間接譴責」語言行為在政論節目中較常被使用。(六)「大話新聞」與「2100全民開講」雖偏向不同的政治意識型態,但是它們皆以斷言類(Assertive)或指示類(Directive)的語言行為來包裝,藉以間接達到「譴責」執政黨疏失的目的。 / This thesis investigates the political-ideological influence on speech acts in Taiwan political talk shows by examining the pragmatic strategies (directness and indirectness), the speech act categories, and the illocutionary purposes performed in the talk shows. In this thesis, Gricean maxims (1975) and Searle’s theory of speech acts (1969) are adopted as the analytic frames to study how speech acts are conducted, and Leech’s (1983) notions of politeness are the theoretical basis for explaining the distributional difference of pragmatic strategies.   The data analyzed in this study is composed of dialogues extracted from 6 episodes of two political talk shows with opposite stances on political issues, namely DaHuaXingWen (大話新聞), the pan-green talk show, and QuanMinKaiJiang (2100全民開講), the pan-blue one. Following Searle’s scheme of speech acts (1965), this study identifies the illocutionary act of every clause in the data and recognizes 12 types of direct speech acts and 26 types of indirect speech acts in the collected data.   The results of quantitative analysis show that, (1) indirect speech act is generally performed more frequently than indirect speech act in political talk shows. (2) The order of frequency in direct speech acts represents as: Assertive > Expressive > Directive; and in indirect speech acts, the order of frequency is: Expressive > Assertive > Directive. (3) In terms of the political-ideological influence, the political talks show supporting the ruling party (QuanMinKaiJiang) performs direct fact-orientated speech acts more, while the show that standing in the opposition to the ruling party (DaHuaXingWen) has more indirect opinion-oriented speech acts. (4) Condemnation is the most often used illocutionary act in political talk shows, and mainly done indirectly. (5) Indirect condemnations with longer length of inferential process are preferred in political talk shows. (6) Despite that DaHuaXingWen and QuanMinKaiJiang held different political stance, they share the same pattern of expressing indirect condemnation—wrapping it in speech acts of Assertives or Directives.

以TRA模型探討國內旅遊網站--離線體驗及網站類型對網站再訪之影響 / An empirical research of domestic travel website base on theory of reasoned action: how offline experience and website classification influence website revisit intention

林姿君, Lin, Tzu Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以理性行為理論模型(TRA)探討台灣消費者在進行國內旅遊時,從旅遊網站上進行資訊蒐集過程並綜合實際體驗後的網站再訪影響因素。研究分別探討服務品質對網站滿意度、網站滿意度對網站使用使用意願,社群意識對於網站使用意願、離線體驗對於消費意願、網站使用意願對消費意願的影響,並將該旅遊網站收入的分類(亦即商業交易網站及非商業交易網站)作為干擾變數,探討離線體驗到消費意願間的路徑影響。 本研究以三次廠商深度訪談獲得網站使用者習慣的族群分類,並進行兩場針對不同目標族群的焦點團體訪談,搭配Google搜尋國內旅遊網站來找出研究對象的30個國內旅遊網站,本研究透過三項針對不同族群的管道來進行線上問卷發放,共回收309份有效問卷,以結構方程模型進行分析。研究發現旅遊網站的使用者行為符合TRA模型的整體架構,線上服務品質、滿意度以及主觀規範構面的社群意識都會影響消費者再度上該旅遊網站的使用意願,同時離線體驗對於網站的使用意願具有顯著影響,同時網站類別作為干擾變數探討離線體驗到消費意願的影響,研究發現無商業交易網站使用者對此具有顯著影響。基於以上資料分析,本研究提出相關管理意涵與建議,期望提供未來研究者進一步的參考。 / For the perpose of the research, Theory of Reasoned Action model (TRA) is executed for exploring the process of Taiwan online users’ domestic traveling information collection, from travel website info collection, actual journey experience to travel website reuse intention. The research probed into the influence of website service quality to website satisfaction, website satisfaction to website reuse intention, social norms to website reuse intention, offline experience to journey experience revisit intention, website reuse intention to journey experience intention and website reuse intention to actual website reuse behavior, respectively. Website income source is classified into e-commerce travel website and non-ecommerce travel website as a mediator in the research. The research assorted travel website user habit by three corporate deep interviews. Then the research performed two focus groups triggered at different target groups, integrated with google research results in order to discover 30 largest and most popular Taiwan travel website. By three platforms the research reached target user to launch online questionnaire, and eventually collected 309 effective questionnaires then analyzed through SEM method. The results showed that the domestic travel website users’ behavior well suited TRA model structure. Website service quality, website satisfaction and social norms influence website reuse intention, meanwhile offline experience have influence on users’ website reuse intention as well. For the path analysis from offline experience to journey experience revisit intention, non-ecommerce website users as a mediator have well impact on it. According to the results above, the research brings up business suggestions for future research progress.


林碩俊, Lin, Shuo Chun Unknown Date (has links)
消費者對於產品的要求逐漸走向精緻化與客製化,貼近消費者需求的產品,在行銷上有更佳的說服力。在網路購物風氣逐漸成熟的情況下,購物網站為了更好的經營績效,經營顧客忠誠度,是很重要的課題。如何針對網路特性瞭解消費者知覺地付出溢價購買產品,以及相關的消費者購買行為形塑過程,與購物後的情感滿足是很重要的課題。另外,企業對於如何滿足網路消費者的顧客價值,乃至於提供消費者物質乃至情感滿足,尚未有從消費者觀點的完整瞭解。本研究以理性行為理論探討線上購物時消費者從重要他人、主觀規範、個人態度、購買意願、乃至於知覺地形成購買行為的影響因素。 本研究以調查研究法為主,針對台灣地區的網際網路使用者發放網路問卷,所有資料經過分析之後顯示,網路購物時顧客付出溢價的存在,此與一般對於網路購物廉價的印象相左。除此之外,產品類型、品質敏感、情感、安全及品質會影響網路購物溢價購買態度;而環保及時間的影響則不顯著。另一方面,在網路購物時,溢價購買態度及主觀規範會影響網路購物溢價購買意願,而以主觀規範影響為大。 關鍵字:溢價、理性行為理論、主觀規範、搜尋性產品、經驗性產品

以計劃行為理論及渴想探討長期助眠藥物使用之心理因素 / The Psychological Factors of Long-Term Hypnotics Use: Base on the Theory of Planned Behavior and Craving

賴羽琁, Lai, Yu Syuan Unknown Date (has links)
研究目的:失眠盛行率高,且容易發展為慢性化的問題,目前多以助眠藥物作為失眠的治療,短期使用雖可幫助緩解失眠症狀,但長期使用的有效性及安全仍有較大爭議,且容易發展出依賴性及耐受性的問題。然而失眠患者中仍有相當高的比例在對藥物療效不滿意的情況下,使用遠超過臨床指引建議的期間,許多失眠患者亦表達出對助眠藥物使用的矛盾心態,顯示助眠藥物的使用仍受其他心理因素影響。過去研究指出計劃行為理論能有效預測及幫助探討物質使用相關行為的認知因素,但助眠藥物的使用除了認知因素的影響外,也會出現較為衝動及難以控制的渴想狀態。因此本研究目的是在於了解長期助眠藥物使用的心理因素,探討助眠藥物使用行為的認知因素,以及在計劃行為理論的架構下,失眠患者對於助眠藥物使用的認知因素是否會受到渴想的影響。 研究方法與結果:本研究以21名失眠患者進行開放式訪談後編制助眠藥物使用之計劃行為理論問卷,招募失眠且有助眠藥物使用經驗的受試者填寫助眠藥物使用計劃行為理論問卷以及助眠藥物渴想量表,並於施測後一個月及三個月的時間點,以電話追蹤其助眠藥物使用狀況,一個月及三個月有效問卷分別為143及139份。結果顯示知覺行為控制為行為意圖的主要預測因子,行為意圖及知覺行為控制能預測一個月及三個月時的藥物使用行為,且行為意圖為使用行為的最佳預測因子;助眠藥物使用行為意圖對一個月及三個月時的助眠藥物使用情況的預測力會受到渴想的負向調節。 結論:本研究結果顯示助眠藥物使用的行為意圖是行為出現與否的主要決定因素,說明失眠患者的確會在認知決策後選擇使用助眠藥物,也會在知覺到較多促進助眠藥物使用之情境或因素時產生助眠藥物使用的行為意圖或直接出現助眠藥物的使用行為,顯示助眠藥物使用行為上外在情境及因素的重要性。此外,本研究結果也顯示助眠藥物使用的行為意圖會受到渴想的干擾,當渴想程度愈高時行為意圖對於實際行為的預測力愈低,而渴想程度愈低時行為意圖對實際行為的預測愈高。此研究結果幫助了解長期助眠藥物使用的心理因素,亦可將其用於幫協助擬定助眠藥物減藥策略。 / Insomnia has high prevalence and is prone to develop into a chronic problem. Hypnotics are the most common choice of treatment for insomnia. Although short-term usage is effective in relieving insomnia, the safety and efficacy of long-term usage are still in controversy. Long-term usage has also been reported to increase risks of tolerance and dependence. Even though the efficacy of hypnotics is not always satisfying, the duration of hypnotics use in insomnia patients is often longer than clinical recommendation. This may be influenced by some psychological factors. The theory of planned behavior has been demonstrated to be able to predict cognitive factors of substance use behaviors. It can therefore possibly be used to model hypnotic use behavior. In addition to cognitive factors, craving that is associated with losing control over drug use may also play a role in the use of hypnotics. The purpose of current study is to 1) explore the cognitive factors of long-term hypnotics use based on the theory of planned behavior, and 2) understand whether the cognitive factors would be influenced by the craving state. Method and result: We first conducted a semi-structured interview with 21 insomnia patients to develop the questionnaire of the theory of planned behavior of hypnotics use and a hypnotic craving scale. The insomnia patients who had used or are currently using hypnotics were recruited to complete the questionnaires. They were contacted by telephone at 1-month and 3-month follow-ups. Total number of valid questionnaires of 1-month and 3-month follow-ups were 143 and 139, respectively. We found that behavior intention could be predicted by perceived behavior control, but not attitude and subjective norms. Frequency of hypnotics use at 1-month and 3-month follow-ups could be predicted by behavior intention and perceived behavior control, and behavior intention was the best predictor. Craving has a negative moderating effect on the relationship between behavior intention and the hypnotics use behavior at both 1-month and 3-month follow-ups. Conclusion: The findings of current study show that behavior intention is the most crucial cognitive factor to predict hypnotics use behavior. It indicates that insomnia patients may have higher behavior intention and are more likely to use hypnotics when they perceive more situational factors that lead to drug use. In addition, our study indicates the association between behavior intention and actual hypnotic use behavior can be moderated by craving. The higher the craving state the lower the predictability of hypnotic use by behavior intention, and vice versa. Our study helps understand the psychological factors of long-term hypnotics use, and assists in developing the tapering interventions.

台灣家長選擇私立雙語小學之心理歷程:以計畫行為理論分析 / Using Theory of Planned Behavior to analyze parents' rationales for choosing bilingual schools

鄭夙涵, Cheng, Su-Han Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化之今日,英語之重要性已不可同日而語,而伴隨著教育改革及教育選擇權之開放,私立雙語小學也漸漸成為家長之選擇之一,越來越多的家長放棄學區學校,開始作出私立雙語小學之選擇。為探究家長為其子女選擇私立雙語小學就讀之因,本研究先以Ajzen之計畫行為理論(Theory of Planned Behavior)為基底,根據本研究之目的,做出些微修改後擬定訪談搞,以半結構訪談方式面對面與選擇私立雙語小學家長進行晤談,之後,再以樣板式分析方法進行分析。分析之結果除了計畫行為理論之中之態度、主觀規範與行為控制知覺之外,研究者認為根據本研究之目的,應再增列學習關鍵期,故研究之結果以四大方向呈現。(一)態度:在態度方面以家長之擔憂與私立小學之對策、台灣大環境之社會問題以及家長個人之內在因素為三大影響家長選擇私立雙語小學之因,(二)主觀規範:影響家長之重要他人主要分為兩類探討之,分別為專業人士以及身邊有相關經驗之重要他人,(三)行為控制知覺:家長所持之外部資源(主要為經濟能力)與其本身之自我效能,以及(四)童年決定論:家長所關心關鍵學習期之學習議題。最後針對本研究之結果作出討論與建議,希望能透過本研究,提供台灣教育另一參考面向。 / Language ability plays an important role in the era of globalization and, instead of the schools in the school district, parents start considering bilingual schools as their educational choice for their children. The aim of this study, therefore, was to identify parental rationales for choosing bilingual schools. A qualitative case study approach was used to gain an understanding of parents’ decision-making process. The research participants were eight Taiwanese parents who made the choices of sending their children into private bilingual primary schools. The parents were interviewed by a semi-structured interview method. The interview transcripts were analyzed using template analysis based on Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior. The results of data analysis revealed that parents’ rationales for choosing bilingual schools were categorized in four main dimensions and smaller parts for each: (a) Attitude: the policies of private bilingual primary schools toward the concern of parents, the problems of Taiwan social environment and parents’ intrinsic negative tendency are the three main factors which impact parents’ attitude toward private bilingual primary schools (b) Subjective norms: advice from the experts and significant others (c) Perceived behavioral control: accessible control beliefs (family finance condition) and parents’ self-efficacy (d) Critical learning period: learning issues that concern parents in critical learning period.

個人特質對接受職務調整意願之影響 / The Impacts of Individual Characteristics on People’s Willingness to Accept Job Rotations.

洪美秋, Hung, Mei Chiou Unknown Date (has links)
近年來政府機關為提升行政效能與國家競爭力,積極運用「職務輪調制度」及「組織改造」以精簡組織人力,迫使人員改變既有熟識環境及伙伴關係,致提高其離職意願;然個人日常生活、工作態度與工作動機等行為表現均受到個人特質所影響,且面對風險之決策行為亦與個人心理預期有絕對關係;故個人風險傾向、官僚人格特質與公共服務動機差異會影響個人在工作上行為,也會影響個人職業選擇及生涯規劃。 本研究係以民國100年新北市政府民政局委託中國地方自治學會辦理新北市行政區劃調整規劃案為個案,而以依變項接受改變意願為主軸,分別對影響行為意願之「個人因素」及「組織因素」等自變項進行探討,以了解行政區劃調整是否因個人風險傾向、官僚人格特質、公共服務動機及預期職務調整效益等變項考量,影響接受職務調整之意願,進而轉換其職業行為模式。 本研究係以新北市各區公所主管人員為研究對象,對所有對象發放問卷,共發出268份問卷;採用敘述性統計進行個人基本統計變項分析,及運用卡方檢定、t檢定、變異數分析、相關性分析及迴歸分析等推論性統計進行差異性與關聯性分析,進而提出下列研究發現:一、區公所主管人員個人風險偏好以風險趨避者居多,且其接受職務調整意願影響之程度受到行政區域調整規劃案干擾;二、具保守者官僚人格特質之區公所主管人員較不接受職務調整意願,兩者具負向因果關係;三、區公所主管人員公共服務動機有逐漸削弱趨勢,致與職務調整接受意願無顯著因果關係;四、區公所主管人員對職務調整之預期效益會影響接受職務調整意願,兩者具正向因果關係;五、區公所主管人員接受職務調整意願頗高,且偏愛以各區公所間輪調安排模式。最後,提出建議予政府當局施政之參考,期使執行行政區劃機關提升政策實行效益。


李廷妍, Lee Cheng Yen Unknown Date (has links)
論文摘要內容 近年來,廠商與廣告人員試圖採用另一種有別於傳統宣傳模式的方法將產品或品牌以較自然的、較不易被察覺的宣傳方式影響消費者,將產品「置入」在電影之中,稱為「產品置入」(Product Placement)。 本研究欲探討可能影響消費者對於「產品置入」的態度以及未來購買意願的變數,透過電視節目媒體的影響,消費者對該節目的情節、角色的喜好程度、對產品的認知與「產品置入」的態度之間是否有關係,以及是否會影響未來購買的意願,並以計劃行為理論為基礎探討其他影響因素,包括群體規範、知覺行為控制等。 研究結果發現當廠商運用產品置入的方式來宣傳其產品時,消費者(觀眾)會因為劇情影響到消費者對於置入的產品的態度,消費者對產品的態度除了會受到消費者本身對產品認知的影響,也會因為對劇中產品使用的明星認同感越高,對置入的產品會有越好的態度。態度會進而影響消費者對置入在劇中的產品之購買意願,此購買意願亦會受群體規範影響,不過本研究發現消費者的知覺行為控制力在本研究架構下對於購買意願的影響不顯著。

影響國民中小學退休教師參與學校志工行為意向因素之研究 / Examining factors influencing the behavioral intention of elementary and junior high school retired teacher participating school voluntary service

林語如, Lin, Yu-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
國民中小學教師的平均退休年齡逐年下降,在這群退休教師當中,有不少身體健康且熱心公益的人,鼓勵他們回到其最熟悉的校園擔任志工,不僅可協助退休教師適應退休生活,更能發揮其所長,改善學校人力不足的現象。本研究係以Ajzen (1985)的計畫行為理論(The Theory of Planned Behavior)為架構基礎,以增進和維持退休教師參與學校志工的意願為主題,整合高齡志工參與動機和相關研究,建構一個對於退休教師參與學校志工行為意向具有預測及解釋力的「學校志工參與行為意向模式」;同時並透過與幾所國中小行政人員和退休教師的深度訪談,從多元角度瞭解影響退休教師參與學校志工的原因,藉以改善這些影響因素,提高退休教師回來學校服務的意願。 經結構方程式模型(Structural Equation Model, SEM)分析方法驗證本研究所建構的「學校志工參與行為意向模式」,和深度訪談分析的結果,本研究發現「行為控制知覺」對於退休教師擔任學校志工「行為意向」的影響最重要,「主觀規範」影響較小,「態度」則無顯著影響,並且在「行為控制知覺」中又僅有「自我能力」具有顯著的影響,表示政府在招募退休教師回來服務時,以促使退休教師覺得具有擔任學校志工的自我能力最為重要,主管機關可以透過宣導擔任學校志工毋須太多的時間與體力、並依據他們的專長、興趣等需求分配工作,提高退休教師回來服務的意願。同時透過深度訪談結果發現,「與原服務學校或過去同事的情感連結」以及「具有被學校需要的感覺」兩項心理層面因素,亦會對於退休教師參與學校志工的意願產生影響。 本研究建議學校單位可透過設立退休聯誼會辦公室、邀請退休教師回來參與學校活動等方式,維繫退休教師與學校之間的情感;並經由多方管道傳達學校需要退休教師協助的訊息、肯定與感謝退休教師的貢獻,使退休教師產生被需要感,提昇回來學校服務的意願。對於政府推行的「退休菁英風華再現」計畫,在計畫內容方面則建議應讓可受到計畫獎勵的志工服務項目範圍擴大,並且降低對於退休教師的津貼補助,將其用於替退休教師購買意外保險、辦理志工學習成長課程等志工福利,鼓勵更多教師願意回來學校服務;同時並透過適當誘因設計如敘功嘉獎,鼓勵承辦此項業務的行政人員積極邀請退休教師回來學校服務。 / In recent years, the average retirement age of teachers in elementary and junior high school has declined. Many retired teachers are still healthy and warmhearted. If we could encourage retired teachers to serve as school volunteers, not only their lives could be more fulfilled, but also the schools could benefit from their professional specialty and then improve the situation of insufficient human resources. This thesis examines the antecedents of the voluntary behavior of retired teachers in the context of an integrated behavioral model that incorporates a wide variety of important factors from previous researches on volunteer behavior into a single theoretical framework provided by the Theory of Planned Behavior. The model was tested using data from a sample of 219 individual respondents by Structural Equation Model. Moreover, four voluntary teachers and six school administrators were interviewed to thoroughly explore factors affecting the success of the “Voluntary Teaching Program” in Taipei County. Overall, the model results indicate that the strongest effects in voluntary behavior of retired teachers are due to behavioral intention, perceived behavioral control, and subjective norm. The key determinant of perceived behavioral control is self-efficacy, suggesting the more capable a person believes he or she is, the more control the person feels about being a school volunteer. Thus, policymakers should constantly devote efforts at broadcasting the information that serving as school volunteers only need a little time and effort. School administrators simultaneously should allocate voluntary tasks by volunteers’ specialty, interest, and other demands. Moreover, the interviews results suggest that both “the emotions connecting with school and past colleague” and “the sense of being demanded” influence the willingness of retired teachers to serve as school volunteers. Based on the research results, we provide policymakers with specific suggestions on ways to encourage this kind of voluntary behavior. For example, with the design of the Associations of Retired Teachers and regular re-union activities, retired teachers will be emotionally attached to schools. In addition, spread news for asking for retired teachers’ inputs and thank them for their devotion, it will make retired teachers feel needed. About the “Voluntary Teaching Program” policymakers should encourage and reward spiritedly for more voluntary teachers, but reduce the grants, and then utilize this grant budget to give some appropriate welfare resources for voluntary teachers such as labor insurance and some courses for spiritual development. Besides, policymakers should provide a few reward incentives for school administrators to encourage them to invite retired teachers to serve as school volunteers.

中文對話中的異議使用:語用學與社會語言學分析 / Disagreement in mandarin Chinese: a sociopragmatic analysis

劉容瑜, Liu, Jung Yu Unknown Date (has links)
人們常因為禮貌或其他因素避免對立的情況發生。然而,異議在我們日常溝通中又扮演了不可或缺的角色。之前,眾多對於異議及其相關語言活動的研究均未曾探究異議內容的本質(對於事實內容的異議或對於議題評估的異議)與異議的建構有何關係。此外,台灣鮮少研究社會因素對異議建構方式的影響。基於上述不足,本研究旨在探討何種異議(內容異議或評估異議)在日常生活中較常出現,不同異議類別的語言形式與語用策略為何,以及年齡是否會影響異議的數量多寡與建構方式。本研究採用言談分析(conversational analysis, CA)作為研究框架,並以言語行為理論(speech act theory),合作原則(Cooperative Principles)及禮貌理論(Politeness Principles)為理論基礎。 本研究以12份日常交談為語料,進行異議分析。在這12份語料中,8組對話者為同齡(4組年長者,4組年輕者),4組對話者為跨齡。在分析過程中,先依異議的本質進行分類,進而分析討論異議中所使用的語言形式、語用策略、社會因素(年齡),以及四者彼此之間的互動。 研究結果顯示,第一,人們使用評估異議的頻率為內容異議的兩倍之多。個人主觀式遠多於社會文化評估的異議。第二,就語言形式而言,在異議的建構中,否定句、預告詞及肯定句(依此順序)的使用頻率高於其他語言形式。然而,語言行式的選擇會隨異議的本質而有所改變。內容異議通常使用直接句型,如否定句與肯定句;評估異議則平均使用直接性的否定句與間接性的預告詞。第三,就語用策略而言,更正、解釋與質疑(依此順序)的使用頻率高於其他語用策略。語用策略的選擇亦隨異議本質的不同而有所改變。超過一半的內容異議使用更正策略,但在評估異議中,更正、解釋與質疑的使用頻率相當。第四,在評估異議中,在各個語用策略中,語言形式的種類比內容異議多。這個結果影射著評估異議對面子的威脅程度可能比內容異議來得嚴重。因此,在進行評估異議時,語言形式與語用策略的挑選用必須格外注意。第五,年齡與異議的建構有顯著的相關性。同齡組比跨齡組更容易產生異議。最後,在異議中,聽話者的角色比說話者的角色更具有影響力。 / Although people try to avoid opposition for the sake of politeness or other reasons, disagreement, which may threaten interpersonal relationship and the success of communication, is inevitable in our daily life. Previous studies on disagreement (including dispute, argument, conflict, etc.) have not probe into the nature of the referential content—whether it is content-based (in this study, C-disagreement) or evaluation-based (in this study, E-disagreement), and the influences of social factors on disagreement have rarely been examined in Taiwan. Therefore, the purposes of this study are to see what type of disagreement are most likely to occur in daily conversations and to examine whether age is an influential factor on linguistic choices for in disagreement in Chinese society. This study uses the framework of conversational analysis (CA), and adopts speech act theory (Austin, 1962; Searle, 1975), Cooperative Principles (Grice, 1975) and Politeness Principles (Brown and Levinson’s, 1978, 1987; Leech, 1983) as the theoretical foundations. 12 conversations by speakers of 8 same-age groups (including 4 old groups and 4 young groups) and 4 cross-age groups were examined for disagreement. Related data are categorized, analyzed, and discussed by types of disagreement, linguistic markers, pragmatic strategies, social variable (in this study, age), and the interaction among the four. The results of the data analyses show, first, people adopt nearly twice more E-disagreement than C-disagreement; moreover, E-disagreement based on personal judgment emerges more often than E-disagreement based on socio-cultural evaluation. Second, for linguistic markers, negation, pre-announcement marker, and affirmative (in this order) are adopted more in disagreement. However, preferences for linguistic markers change according to types of disagreement. In C-disagreement, direct syntactic markers, such as negation and affirmative, are used more frequently than the others; however, in E-disagreement, direct negation (syntactic) and indirect pre-announcement (lexical) are used with equal frequencies. Third, among pragmatic strategies, correction, account, and challenge (in this order) are adopted more frequently than the others. The usage of pragmatic strategies varies with types of disagreement. In C-disagreement, correction is highly adopted. But in E-disagreement, correction, account, and challenge are used with equal percentages. Fourth, the fact that more varieties of linguistic markers are used in each pragmatic strategy in E-disagreement than in C-disagreement may imply impoliteness, since face-threatening force is more serious in E-disagreement than in C-disagreement, which, in turn, indicates that more careful manipulation is needed in using E-disagreement. Fifth, age is influential in disagreement. More disagreements are found in the same-age groups than in the cross-age groups. Last, the hearer’s role is found to be more influential than the speaker’s role.

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