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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳嘉琪, Chen,Chia-chi Unknown Date (has links)
C2C(consumer to consumer)模式的拍賣網站在近年來成為新興的購物通路,它的優點是不需出門就可以找到便宜、多樣化的商品,還可以享受競標購物的樂趣,因此吸引眾多消費者上網尋寶。 過去國內對於拍賣網站的研究多限於競標機制、交易安全、交易成本等面向,縱使有關於消費者行為的研究,大多將重點放在哪些因素會影響消費者使用拍賣網站的意願。然而當消費者開始使用拍賣網站後,究竟是如何處理眾多的資訊?又如何做成購物決策呢?本研究從消費者心理的角度,試圖瞭解什麼樣的訊息設計能夠吸引買方,進而促進交易的達成。 本研究採取實驗法,採用2×2×2之多因子設計,操弄之自變項包括產品類型(搜尋品╲經驗品)、出價次數(低╲高)、和訊息來源(賣家╲買家),依變項為產品態度和購買意願。主要在探討產品類型、出價次數、和訊息來源是否分別對產品態度和購買意願產生影響?又產品類型和出價次數、產品類型和訊息來源之間是否產生交互作用? 研究結果主要有以下幾點發現:(1)產品類型對購買意願具有顯著影響,其中以搜尋品之購買意願較高;(2)訊息來源對產品態度和購買意願具有顯著影響,其中以買家訊息來源較佳;(3)訊息來源和產品類型具有交互效果,當產品類型為搜尋品時,訊息來源對產品態度和購買意願沒有顯著影響,但當產品類型為經驗品時,買家訊息來源之產品態度和購買意願顯著高於賣家訊息來源;(4)出價次數之假設未獲支持,推測主要原因是出價次數可能同時具有正反兩個方向的影響力,這可以由「從眾」和「反從眾」的理論來解釋。 綜合上述發現,提出幾點實務建議,期望能供拍賣網站經營者強化網站功能、以及賣家設計商品訊息時之參考:(1)在拍賣網站上銷售搜尋性產品較為有利;(2)在商品訊息中引用舊顧客之正面意見,可以提升銷售;(3)對於經驗性產品而言,舊顧客的口碑更加重要。


廖楷民, Liao, Kai-min Unknown Date (has links)
以機率或頻率方式呈現訊息對風險知覺評估的影響,過去的研究有不一致的結果,原因可能來自於判斷事件與受試者的自我相關程度不同,而引發捷思或系統性的訊息處理歷程。實驗一發現當事件的自我相關程度高,受試者會採用系統性的認知處理,而事件的自我相關程度低時,受試者會採用捷思性的認知處理。實驗二詢問受試者認為以機率或頻率方式呈現訊息何者較清楚明確,結果發現有77.5%的受試者認為以頻率方式呈現訊息較以機率方式呈現訊息清楚明確。實驗三操弄「事件自我相關程度」與「機率或頻率方式呈現訊息」,結果發現當事件為高自我相關時,機率或頻率方式呈現訊息在風險知覺的判斷上沒有差異;而當事件為低自我相關時,則頻率方式呈現訊息的「風險知覺」與「事件聯想負向詞數量」均大於機率方式呈現訊息。另外,當事件為低自我相關時,訊息明確度與事件聯想負向詞數量對風險知覺有顯著的預測力。以上的結果支持不同事件自我相關程度會引發捷思或系統性訊息處理,而頻率方式呈現訊息較機率方式呈現訊息清楚明確的原因,與Slovic等人(2000)提出頻率較具體,容易想像的推論符合,但不支持Gigerenzer和Edwards (2003)認為機率的參照類別不清楚的假設。此外,自我相關程度與可得性捷思為影響頻率或機率方式呈現訊息對風險知覺判斷結果不一致的重要變項。

台股報酬波動與訊息到達之關係研究 / Relationship between Return Volatility and Information Arrival in the Taiwan Stock Market

王英明, Wang,Ying Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本文以 GJR-GARCH 為分析模型,針對所選八家台灣上市公司股價所計算之每日對數報酬率(daily log returns),對於各種不斷到達的新增訊息所引起的波動反應。所納入條件變異數方程式的訊息到達(解釋變數)分別為:(1)同日成交數量(2)成交量變動率(3)星期一與星期五之日曆效應(4)不同權值規模(size-based)投資組合間的波動外溢效果。研究結果發現(1)同日成交量對於台股權值較低的小公司,有能力捕捉其波動性,但是對於權值偏高的大公司,其解釋能力顯有不足(2)成交量變化普遍會導致公司報酬率的波動(3)臺灣股市波動性並不具有星期五效應,至於星期一效應也只出現在部分的小公司(4)不同規模的投資組合間雖然互有波動外溢現象,但其不對稱性非常明顯, 亦即訊息到達後,先造成大公司股價的波動,此波動再進而影響到小公司,引起小公司股價的波動。 / Applying the GJR-GARCH model to the daily returns of eight selected firms from Taiwan stock market, this paper examines response of variance volatility to various information arrivals which separately include (1) concurrent trading volume (2) change in trading volume (3) calendar effects, especially Modnay and Friday effects, and (4) asymmetric volatility spillover between two sized-based portfolios. The results find that concurrent trading volume as a proxy of information arrival dramatically reduces volatility persistence of the small firm's conditional variance, but has little influence on large firm's, and change in trading volume cause significant change in conditional variance. Although there is a conjecture that the volatility in stock markets may be higher on Monday and Friday, it can't be found in this study. The results also strongly support that the volatility spillover effect from larger to small portfolio is more significant than that from smaller to large portfolio.


楊靜珩, Yang, Ching Heng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的是希望對形象投票進行更深入的探究;嘗試更進一歩地探討候選人的形象會不會影響?如何去影響?選民的偏好與支持。候選人媒體形象一直是影響投票行為的重要變數。近年來在政治行銷的趨勢下,整合行銷傳播的概念應用於選戰行銷的趨勢也愈發明顯,所強調的成功行銷策略就是訊息的整合,訊息的一致性可以幫助達成最大的行銷效益。另一方面,2005年國民黨黨主席選舉確實有其劃時代的意義,再加上兩位候選人王金平、馬英九媒體形象的突出性和對比性,顯示形象投票的模式的確在此次選戰中發酵,而兩人在此次選戰的媒體形象塑造和過去長期以來相較,似乎王金平是嘗試區隔、馬英九則是企圖延續。本研究因此試圖以此次個案來觀察候選人媒體形象一致性與選民的偏好程度之間的關係。本研究試圖加入行銷學的理論,視候選人為單一商品;視候選人媒體形象訊息的一致性為商品的販售策略;以選民的偏好程度為商品行銷成功與否的標準,探討候選人媒體形象一致性程度所產生的影響;檢驗候選人的媒體形象若一致性愈高,是否愈能提高選民的偏好,如同商品若行銷訊息一致性愈高,愈能提高行銷的效益。 研究結果顯示驗證了本研究的假設:即王金平長期性和短期性的媒體形象較不一致;候選人馬英九較一致;選民對馬英九的偏好度是持續上升的,反觀對王金平的偏好度是緩慢下降。換言之,王金平的媒體形象訊息較不一致,因此可能較難突顯他的個人定位和加深民眾的認知強度;而馬英九則相反,由於形象訊息較具延續性,因此容易強化個人的定位和民眾的認知,而較能增加選民的偏好。 從研究結果可以發現,整合行銷傳播所強調,成功的行銷策略—「訊息的整合」,確實對於競選策略的規劃上有其參考的意義和價值;「訊息的一致性」不僅可以幫助在商業市場中販售商品達到最大的行銷效益,在本研究的結果中或許能夠初步印証,也可以將此概念移植到政治競選領域中,幫助選戰候選人獲得勝選、增加選民的偏好與支持。

以社會補償作為減除性別刻板印象威脅之方法 / Social Compensation as a Way to Nullify the Gender Stereotype Threat

何修慧, Ho, Hsiu Hui Unknown Date (has links)
不同於以往採用數學測驗的性別刻板印象威脅研究,本研究採用男性不擅長的剪紙作業為實驗材料,並以男性為烙印團體成員。本研究同時將過去研究未探討的團體作業情境納入實驗考量,以探討在團體作業情境中,同一「刻板印象」可使參與者擔心自己表現不佳而降低表現(刻板印象威脅),但又可使參與者預期伙伴表現不佳而傾向付出更多心力(社會補償),則參與者是否因為付出更多心力而提升了原本受到刻板印象威脅影響所降低的表現。 本研究為2(刻板印象威脅:有 vs. 無)× 2(伙伴性別:男 vs. 女)× 2(伙伴表現:好 vs. 差)的受試者間設計。其中,在刻板印象威脅部分,採用直接告知「女性比男性擅長剪紙作業」的方式引發刻板印象威脅效果。在社會補償方面,分別以「伙伴男性」與「伙伴表現差」二種訊息來引發參與者社會補償。本研究之主要依變項為完成剪紙作業之作業速度與作業品質。本研究有效樣本為121位男性大學生。 研究結果發現,「伙伴表現」與「伙伴性別」二變項之效果皆未達顯著,顯示伙伴訊息未能引發社會補償效果;而針對社會補償是否能減除刻板印象威脅效果之考驗,亦未達顯著水準,因此以社會補償作為減除刻板印象威脅效果的可能性在本研究中未獲支持。然而,卻發現「伙伴表現」與「伙伴性別」的交互作用顯著,即當操弄的伙伴訊息與刻板印象「不一致」時,參與者表現比「一致」時更好,顯示「伙伴訊息」可能另有影響。本文將針對上述結果進行探討,並對研究限制與對未來研究之建議加以說明。 / Different from previous gender stereotype threat studies that use mathematics tests as tools, this study uses the manual task—paper cutting generally not familiar to males as experimental material and take them as stigmatized group numbers. This research take into consideration the group task (cooperation situation) to investigate whether participants’ additional efforts will compensate the degraded performance resulting from gender stereotype threat, in the situation that a stereotype can cause people to lower their effort as a result of their worry about their perceived poor performance (stereotype threat) and can also motivate them to make more effort thanks to their prediction of their partner’s poor performance (social compensation). The participants were randomly assigned to one of the eight conditions in a factorial design: 2 (stereotype threat: salience, not salience) × 2(partner’s gender: male, female)× 2(partner’s performance: good, bad). To evoke stereotype threat effect, the experimenters directly told the participants that “Females are better than males in the manual task.” To evoke social compensation effect, researchers arranged “males” and “poor performance” information. Valid samples were 121 male undergraduates, and their reaction time and quality of the manual task were measured. Not as expected, the results do not support hypotheses. However, it has found out that “the interaction of partner’s gender and partner’s performance” was significant. That is, the participant whose partner’s information is consistent with stereotype performs better than the participant whose partner’s information was inconsistent with stereotype. The result suggests that partner’s information may have unexpected influence on participants’ performance. This article also discusses the results, explains the limitations and offers suggestions for future research.

中文節拍手勢之研究 / Gestural Beats in Chinese Narrative Discourse

謝雅惠, Hsieh, Ya Huei Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨從語用和語音方面,來探討中文「敘述性」言談(narrative discourse)對話中,說話者自然產生的節拍手勢。在語用方面,主要是觀察說話者使用節拍手勢表達前後景(Grounding)和新/舊訊息(Information state)的關係。研究結果發現,說話者較常使用節拍手勢來傳達前景(foreground)的新訊息,以提示聽話者注意。此外,說話者在敘述的過程中,常使用節拍手勢來預示前後景訊息的轉換。在語音方面,主要探討說話者使用節拍手勢時,其所對應的語句之音調高低及說話能量強度的關係。研究發現,語句的音高和強度無法預測這類手勢的產生;但是,當傳達前景的新訊息時,這類手勢的出現常伴隨著較強的語氣。此外,研究結果也顯示,說話者使用節拍手勢通常是有規律性的。 / This thesis investigates gestural beats in Chinese narrative discourse at both pragmatic and acoustic levels. The relationship among grounding, information state and beat gestures is examined at the pragmatic level, and at the acoustic level, the relationship among pitch, intensity, and gestural beats is analyzed. Moreover, whether there is a rhythmic pattern for beat gestures is further studied. The subjects were four undergraduates who were asked to view an animated color cartoon episode and then to immediately recount the events in it to a listener. The subjects were audio-video taped. They were not informed of the particular interest of the study. 291 beats were transcribed and analyzed. The audio data was analyzed on Praat and a Kay’s Model 4100. The continuous beats were further analyzed to investigate the rhythmic patterns and were annotated in Anvil, a video annotation tool. Gestural beats, narrative data, and the annotations were statistically analyzed and five phenomena for beat gestures were explored. First, gestural beats can appear in both foregrounded and backgrounded clauses. Second, the occurrence of beat gestures signals shifts between levels of the narrative structure. Third, speakers usually incline to utter new information in foregrounded clauses in Chinese narrative discourse with accompanying beats. Fourth, neither intensity nor pitch changes can predict and correlate with the occurrence of gestural beats in the relationship between beats and two acoustic factors. However, when grounding and the information state of the associated referents are considered, beats are produced for new information in foregrounded clauses with greater intensity. Finally, there is a rhythmic pattern in the production of continuous beats and the regularity of the patterns correlates with the clause boundary. A close relationship is revealed between speech and gestures in this thesis. The findings provide some linguistic details that may help explore the performance of gestural beats and speech in Chinese narrative discourse.

政治人物在報紙的形象轉變研究:中國時報、聯合報、自由時報有關連戰報導的內容分析(1998-2004) / A study of the press image change of political figures : a contentanalysis of China Times, United Daily News and The Liberty Times of Lien Chan(1998-2004)

陳文浩, Chen, Wen Hao Unknown Date (has links)
從選舉研究或是形象研究皆顯示,形象的塑造有助於政治人物從政之路的推動與發展,形象對於選民投票行為有決定性的影響力,在在顯示形象對政治人物的重要性不言可喻。 本研究探討連戰從準備參選2000年總統選舉,至2004年二度參加總統大選期間在《中國時報》、《聯合報》及《自由時報》的形象轉變,藉以探索政治人物形象之形塑與呈現、選舉形塑形象與媒體建構形象之差距、政治人物扭轉媒體形象建構之訊息設計與表現、以及探索政治人物形象轉變之效果。 研究發現:政治人物搶佔媒體重要版面,純新聞形式為訊息傳達利基;政治人物選舉失利亦失去政治舞台,媒體曝光率隨之衰退;政治人物媒體形象不等於選票;連戰在政黨形象上失利;政策政見牛肉可為政治人物形象加分。 觀察政治人物形象轉變的歷程是有價值的,將有助於政治人物與民眾瞭解形象轉變在政治傳播活動中產生的影響力。本研究希望透過個案研究方式,瞭解研究對象在媒體上形象塑造與呈現,以及形象轉變相關問題,嘗試解析政治人物運用形象轉變的傳播效果,增進對於形象領域的理解,建立可供參考的方案。 / It shows from both the research of election or image, image creation can help political figures enter politics. Image is indeed an influential factor of voting behavior. The designers and constructors perceive time as equal and important elements. Therefore, the media (newspaper) has such a big influence on political figures in forming the image of public figures. This study examines the image change of Lien Chan during his campaign for presidency from 2000 to 2004 in China Times, United Daily News and The Liberty Times. In order to understand the construction and the presentation of political figures image, and the gap between construction of election image and media image, the press image change of political figures in message design construct and present changing political figures’ image as well. This research found that the political figures’ media image is a long-lasting process which will affect greatly how the voters perceive the candidates. During the period of elections, such a portrait no doubt will affect the voter’s final choice. To investigate the process of political figures’ image change can make figure change more understandable by both politicians and the public. Through this case study, we can understand some issues about image specifically in the field of image change for political figure thus giving some suggestions.

向上影響策略能贏得主管的授權嗎?信任之中介歷程與權力距離傾向之調節效果研究 / Can Upward Influence Strategies Win the Delegation from Supervisors? The Mediating Effect of Trust and Moderating Effect of Power-Distance Orientation

鄭仲廷, Cheng, Chung-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
在如今高度競爭且變化快速的職場中,僅僅被動接受、完成主管工作指令的部屬,已不足以幫助自己在職涯中取得成功,如何有效的向上影響主管,建立良好的上下互惠關係,已成為所有員工的首要課題,也是支持組織永續發展的關鍵。 有別於傳統以領導者為主軸的管理研究,向上影響研究強調部屬可能反過來管理主管,透過特定手段與策略來改變主管的態度與行為。過去研究已對於向上影響策略的定義與分類建立了初步的共識,與策略效能有關的研究,則大多關注於對部屬所帶來的好處,鮮少從主管的角度探討其被影響的歷程,因此本研究將主管的角色納入考量,以訊息處理理論為基礎,探討部屬向上影響策略對於主管授權的影響效果,並試圖瞭解人際信任在其中的中介作用,以及主管權力距離傾向可能扮演的調節角色。 本研究採問卷調查法施測,共蒐集291對主管-部屬對偶樣本,研究結果顯示:部屬的向上影響策略對主管授權具有顯著的影響效果,且主管對部屬的人際信任會中介向上影響策略與主管授權之間的關係,此外,本研究亦發現主管的權力距離傾向會調節部屬向上影響策略(軟性策略、硬性策略)以及人際信任之間的關係。最後,本研究針對研究結果進行討論,並對理論貢獻、實務意涵、研究限制,及未來研究方向加以闡述。 / Upward influence strategy is a gradually concerned research topic, which is considered to be highly related to organization effectiveness and numerous job outcomes. However, most of studies explored this issue from subordinates’ perspective and focused on subordinates’ outcomes, such as job satisfaction, promotion and salary progression. The present study aims at investigating the dynamic process of upward influence strategy from the perspectives of the supervisor, examining the relationship among upward influence strategies, interpersonal trust, delegation and power-distance orientation. Results from over 200 supervisor-subordinate dyads in Taiwan generally supported the hypothesis. Supervisor-perceived subordinate’ s upward influence strategies, i.e. soft, hard, rational, had a significant impact on delegation through the mediating effect of interpersonal trust. In addition, supervisor’s power-distance orientation moderated the relationships between upward influence strategies (soft strategy, hard strategy) and interpersonal trust. Managerial implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.


葉京怡, Yeh, Ching-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
就現階段的企業經營型態而言,專業人才的良窳以及培育訓練可能遠勝於公司有形資產的多寡,這種情形在高科技產業尤其明顯。企業為了留住優秀人才,必須提供許多激勵措施。就我國企業而言,最普遍的激勵措施是員工分紅配股制度。然而,在此制度下,容易產生員工短視近利的缺失。歐美等國較常採行所謂的股票選擇權制度,由於此種制度具有激勵未來的特性,屬於「長期的激勵因子」,更能使員工與股東的利益趨於一致。因此,財政部為順應高科技產業的需求,於民國八十九年准許上市公司實施員工股票選擇權制度,此制度開放後,勢必影響到我國企業對於員工長短期激勵誘因的最適決策。  本文的主要目的在於利用訊息理論中的「代理模型」,探討股東與員工雙方在「訊息不對稱」下,股東如何設計最適的員工激勵契約。站在股東極大化期望財富的立場,建構一套綜合現金、股票以及股票選擇權的理論模型,並經由模型運算推演,試圖達到下列的研究目的:(1) 在長短期激勵誘因契約下,分別推導出最適員工誘因強度、最適基本薪資以及最適員工努力水準;(2) 比較長短期激勵誘因的最適員工努力水準,驗證股票選擇權制度是否具有提高員工努力程度的激勵效果;(3) 站在股東與員工各自追求期望財富極大化的立場,探討雙方對長短期誘因制度的偏好。  經由模型分析,可得到以下幾點結論:(1) 員工努力程度不受長短期激勵誘因的影響,股票選擇權的作用或許只在於留住人才以及加深員工對公司的忠誠度;(2) 股東在擬定最適長短期激勵誘因強度時,必須考量公司股本大小、員工對風險的趨避態度、努力投入的成本係數以及景氣波動對公司未來收益的影響;(3) 影響員工最適認股權證比率的大小,除了上述提到的因素外,還包括認股權證的避險比率,股東可以藉由觀察公司股價的高低,以協助長短期激勵誘因的決策擬定;(4) 股東與員工基於期望財富極大化的立場,對於長短期誘因契約的偏好會產生利益不一致的現象,雙方面臨的是一場無法達到雙贏局面的零合遊戲。

雙人決策秘書問題的研究 / A Variation of Two Decision Makers in a Secretary Problem

周冠群, Chou, Guan-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
Chen, Rosenberg和Shepp(1997)的“雙人決策者的秘書問題“(A Secretary Problem with Two Decision Makers),探討在完整訊息(Full Information)與選擇次序不變的情況下,具有優先選擇權的決策者佔有較大優勢。這裡所謂的優勢意指在雙方最終選擇的大小為勝負條件所產生獲勝機率的比較。而本篇文章主要是延伸此一探討,意即在若不變動兩者選擇的次序,但賦予後選擇決策者較多資訊的條件下,能否平衡雙方的優劣勢。我們首先討論後決策者擁有預知下一步(One-step look-ahead)資訊能力的條件下,雙方優勢的改變;隨之若是在後決策者能預知完全資訊的情況下,是否能平衡雙方的優劣勢。而事實上,即便在後決策者擁有所有資訊的條件,仍無法完全改變此一情況;更進一步而言,先選擇決策者甚至在不知道後決策者已掌握了所有資訊的情況下,仍可佔有獲勝機率大於後決策者的優勢。這裡我們將提供理論與理論上的數值結果。 / Chen, Rosenberg, and Shepp (1997) considered a variation of the "secretary problem" in which the salary demands of a group of applicants are from a known and continuous distribution (i.e., full information case) and these applicants are interviewed sequentially by two managers, say, I and II. For every applicant. Manager I has the right to interview and hire him/her first. If Manager I rejects the applicant, Manager II can interview him/her. No recall is allowed when the applicant is rejected by both managers, and neither manager can interview and hire another applicant once he/she has hired an applicant. The manager who chooses the applicants with the lower salary wins the game. Chen et al. shows that manager I has bigger winning chance than manager II in the full information case. This study is to extend the paper by Chen et al., by giving extra information to manager H. In particular, suppose that manager II can look a few applicants ahead, i.e., he/she knows the salary demands of applicants before manager I interview them. However, under the full-information assumption, even if manager II is a clairvoyant, who claims to be able to see what will happen in the future, his/her winning probability is still less than that of manager I. We provide theoretical proof and simulation to confirm this result.

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