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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


曾長景 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著民主政治的發展,人民對政府的期望亦隨之提高,對政府的服務要求愈加殷切,政府施政是否清廉,成為人民對政府信賴的重要指標,清廉的政治風氣,尤能影響工商產業的投資意願,是影響經濟發展的非經濟因素。因此,無論是人民或政府無不大力倡導建立清廉的政府。 由於國人普遍的認為我國在廉明政府的工作上猶有改善的空間,因此我國的廉政機構組織與廉政相關法制經常見諸檢討,更有以香港、新加坡的廉政成功例子,質疑何以香港、新加坡能而我國為何不能,法務部遂參照香港、新加坡之廉政機構組織,籌組法務部廉政署,並將其組織條例草案提出於立法院,惟立法院委員亦提出多版的類似廉政機構組織條例草案,結果都未能獲立法院審議通過,廉政機構組織架構,應有更充份的檢討與評估,以建設符合政府再造,發揮廉政功能的廉政組織。 本論文首先探討政府如何建構廉政政策問題,檢討問題建構的正確性,其次探討現有廉政機構組織的運作方式與產生的問題,政府採取何種對策與工具解決廉政問題。第三再就政府對未來所採取的廉政政策規劃評估其適當性,可行性。第四提出幾個清廉度高的國家廉政機構組織,比較分析其運作方式及可能成功因素,是否能為我國借鏡,解決廉政問題,第五檢討廉政機構解決廉政問題的能力,提出解決我國廉政問題的設計方案,最後提出參採幾個國家的制度,研擬我國廉政機構組織設計方案的原則建議希望本論文研究,對廉政機構組織之設計能符合組織理論與政府再造的理念,早日完成廉政機構組織再造工程,以發揮廉政目標。


林咏慶 Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的普及與與應用的快速成長,使得電子商務的發展日益蓬勃,也為企業帶來了新契機。全球資訊網經過了十餘年的發展,企業的網站從最初靜態資訊呈現的型態,到在線上提供服務與交易與顧客互動的型態,目前為了因應資訊整合與知識管理的需要,有朝向企業資訊入口網站發展的趨勢。   本研究審視了企業資訊入口的相關文獻,探討其特性與要素,並且了解當前的網路服務技術對於企業資訊入口在發展上的助益。本研究對於企業資訊入口的建置提出一個重新設計流程的理論模式,包含有企業策略探討、資訊策略探討、重新設計評估、重新設計流程等四大部分。並以一個案公司進行個案研究,對應所提出之重新設計流程。以期讓想要實作企業資訊入口的人得以參考。


潘俊鐘 Unknown Date (has links)
台海兩岸的分治由於受到歷史不規則延續的影響,使得台灣與大陸之間的問題愈來愈複雜,彼此之間的民族情感愈離愈遠。本文主要從民意調查的問卷題目以及官方陸委會的長期調查研究資料,來探討台灣民眾在1994∼2002年間統獨態度的變化情形及影響因素。並嘗試著從歷史文化淵源來認識台灣民眾的民族情結,從政治民主化過程來瞭解台灣民眾的追求目標,從國際利益角度來觀察台灣地位的處境變化,從個人成長背景來分析台灣民眾的思維表達。 台灣民眾統獨態度的結果會影響到國家認同的定位問題,「維持現狀」是大多數台灣民眾的選項,但現階段執政的民進黨政府在由上而下推動著「公民投票」制度,對於台灣民眾的統獨思維也會有相對性的影響;最後結果,不論是主張「中國統一」或是「台灣獨立」,只要是經由民主體制內完成的法制程序,都應該要給予同樣的尊重,只是此時也應該要將美國與中共的國際政治因素一併考量在內,而非單純由台灣的民粹情感來對抗中共的民族主義,以避免台海兩岸無謂的衝突。

室內設計業管理資訊系統功能需求分析 / The Analysis on Functional Requirements of Information Management System for Architectural and Interior Design Industry

楊南南, Nan-Nan Yang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究期望能為建築室內設計事務所尋找出最有效率使用資訊管理的捷徑;透過與業界與專家的見解,建立默契以及共識;共同為資訊管理系統建置努力。 其中並採用個案推導資訊系統架構,另請教建築室內設計從業人員、檢驗初步成效,由於事務所資訊化層次較淺,對於許多電腦化或是資訊化之觀念、並不清晰,個案深入訪談時、通常要在確認達成專業名詞以及知識的共識之後才能開始進行訪談。否則在基礎點不同的情形之下,無法看出資訊管理系統的功效。 本研究建議事務所由內部行政流程開始進入資訊管理流程、亦可在同時間將以往的作品集以批次作業的方式建入系統,而後再進入專案流程管理的領域,接著是客戶關係管理以及設計管理,專家系統以及策略規劃管理、會放在最後的階段進行。 / This study is intended to find the best possible solution of information management system for the architectural and interior design community that is both efficient and user-friendly. With the collaboration of industry practitioners and experts, it is hoped to better explore inner connections and to establish mutual understanding in the endeavor of laying the foundation of such system. The case study involved building the infrastructure of an information management system and interviewing the designers to examine and evaluate the initial results. Due to the unfamiliarity of data management methodology by most interior designers, it was of paramount importance that the technological aspects of the project were properly communicated to them prior to conducting any interviews. This was needed to avoid any misconception, which may yield undesirable outcome. This paper recommends that interior design firms commence the information management process by systemizing the administrative workflow, and possibly migrating prior work projects onto system storage in phases, Subsequently, broaden the territory with case management, client relationship management (CRM), and design management. Lastly, the focus will be on expert systems, and strategic planning and management.


邱佑民 Unknown Date (has links)


邱文雅, Chiou ,Wen Yea Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是探討企業體內工業設計單位及獨立工業設計服務公司於產品開發活動中的溝通與創新管理。針對台灣目前在工業設計領域有優異成績的單位,觀察內部知識創造活動,即產品開發活動的過程,瞭解其企業定位與設計部門的角色、領導者管理風格以及組織溝通的方式,並比較不同組織單位在創新管理上的差異。企業體內工業設計單位之研究係以曾獲得台灣精品獎以及優良設計獎,並擁有自有品牌的廠商為研究對象。而獨立工業設計服務公司之研究則以在工業設計領域有優異表現的設計公司為對象。本研究之研究發現如下: 在工業設計單位的組織內涵與產品開發活動方面: 一、 長遠具野心的企業願景與明確的企業定位為工業設計單位良好發展的基礎。宏□提出「創新關懷」的品牌精神;震旦提出「Life @ Work」新工作環境,兩者強調設計力在現今及未來企業發展策略上的重要性,期望透過設計將顧客與產品串起功能性與情感性的連結,讓顧客在生活及工作上能夠與宏□、震旦建立長期關係。浩漢與卓嶽皆以提供客戶全方位完整的設計服務為定位,將設計能力視為企業生存及發展的核心能耐。 二、 為了讓設計部門獲得更多的資源和更大的權限,企業應該調整設計部門在組織中的架構,使設計單位得以達成目標。企業體內的工業設計單位在組織中不再隸屬於研發單位,而是獨立且平行運作:被提升與事業群平行(宏□),或者直接隸屬於最高層主管單位(震旦)。而設計服務公司的工業設計單位則為設計公司提供差異化服務與累積核心能耐的重要環節。 在工業設計單位領導風格與產品開發活動方面: 一、工業設計單位的領導人對所領導的設計團隊應該是要會鼓勵熱情的,以促使 成員對工作和組織產生了不斷改善的熱忱與創意。 二、 工業設計單位的領導人在團隊中應該扮演著設計與管理之間的溝通橋樑。不會直接涉入設計團隊的運作,而是協助團隊設定目標,並盡可能保證成員會獲得最大的自主權,對設計團隊的創意會給予適當的空間與尊重,讓設計團隊的潛能得以獲得發揮。 在工業設計單位組織溝通與產品開發活動方面: 一、 優秀工業設計單位會在產品開發前端,與高層經營單位做整體全盤的溝通,以瞭解高層對組織未來策略與方向的看法,並取得高層經營單位對產品開發策略的共識,獲得高層的支持與授權。企業體內的高層經營單位應在新產品開發活動的初期(即宏□的產品設計企劃階段;震旦的市場研究與策略發展階段)參與討論,以期在公司整體發展方向及策略等議題上產生全體的共識。在產品策略及方向確定後,則需充分授權給相關單位來執行,而不會過渡干涉。設計服務公司的高層經營單位應授權給設計部門的主管與設計師,設計創意由設計師們來掌握,(浩漢與卓嶽的)高層則是扮演公司對外與客戶建立情感關係的角色。 二、 工業設計單位領導人與設計師應該在產品設計階段(即產品開發過程中的黑箱階段)進行密切地溝通,以即時的口頭方式的非正式溝通來對設計案的方向、解決問題的方法等議題產生共識,以求直接立即的回應。 三、 工業設計單位儘管會因為組織規模較大,在管理制度上較為完整健全,如宏□設計處在宏□集團之下可支配資源較多,集團內部也有建置知識管理系統,不過工業設計單位裡的成員仍應該以面對面的溝通方式,而非過度依賴數位科技的管道,對工業設計來說成員的知識較傾向經驗性知識,需要藉由直接口頭溝通較能獲得完整明確的概念想法。 四、 工業設計單位領導人與設計師之間的溝通不應該特意保持層級的存在,雖然會有職稱上的分層,但譬如在產品設計階段中進行設計展開的腦力激盪時,經理階層設計師和設計師須共同平等發表意見的。去垂直權力距離的管理方式將對工業設計單位的創意激發有正面的助益。 五、 工業設計單位應該設計有助於創意的物理環境,給予成員開放彈性的工作空間,促進非計畫內的溝通,以增加意外連結的機會。並且會嘗試運用擺設品等感官刺激物來營造創意氣氛。 六、 在產品開發活動中,PM應是扮演整合者、協調者的角色,負責串連整個流程,掌控設計進度時程,並確保各部門對所開發的產品有一致的共識。企業體內的工業設計單位設置有隸屬設計單位的大PM,並由設計單位的大PM來負責啟動產品開發活動,且其職權在產品線的小PM之上。如宏□設計處設有產品企劃的大PM,由他來整合當地產品線小PM所回饋的資訊;震旦設計中心設有大PM,其負責年度產品企劃與資源整合,與事業部底下的小PM負責資訊回饋和後段行銷企劃的職責不同。工業設計服務公司也會在執行設計的單位和經營階層分別設置PM。如浩漢在兩個事業部下有PM部門,在企劃研究組裡也設置大PM。事業部的小PM負責細項的執行,企研組的大PM負責啟動產品開發活動(與客戶的業務接洽)與擁有更大的資源調度權限。卓嶽有大PM部門負責啟動產品開發活動(與客戶的業務接洽)另外在設計部門設有設計小PM,掌控產品設計的進度與品質。 七、 工業設計單位與外部組織的溝通,應由PM或PM與ID人員共同參與,因為兩者涉入整個產品從企劃到設計完成的開發過程最為完整。而外部溝通可分為兩類。一是企業設計單位對外部協力製造廠,議題為討論產品製造的可行性與廠商是否具備相關生產技術;二是設計服務公司面對客戶的溝通,議題為產品概念與設計規格等開發前段討論。 / ABSTRACT The future trend of Taiwan’s industries will have to step into total transformation from OEM to ODM and OBM and it’s the only measure for Taiwan to be able to face the fierce price competition from China. The paradigm will have to shift from MIT (Made in Taiwan) to IIT (Innovation in Taiwan). The Taiwanese government has been attempting to devote resources and to assist in the transformation of the industries. Some firms are also starting to step outside the frame of traditional manufacturing and realizing that industrial design (ID) will be one of the core competences in improving corporation brand image and product value. Several issues regarding the role of ID are the major concern of this thesis which includes: How do ID people transform information to knowledge through appropriate communication channels; how do firms position the role of its ID department etc. The research target of this study is categorized into two major groups: The ID department in the firms which have original brands and independent ID service companies with excellence in performance. The important findings of this study are summarized as follow: Findings regarding of ID department’s position in the organization and matters regarding product development activities: 1. The development of a firm’s ID department should be based on long term ambitious vision and clear positioning of the firm. For example, BenQ’s spirit in brand is caring for innovation; Aurora emphasizes brand new working environment. Both firms wish to disseminate the importance of the competence in design in devising the future strategy for the development of firms. Functional and emotional bonds can be created between customers and the products. 2. Excellent ID department is usually independent of R&D departmentand is given more resources and authority, therefore it has a very important role during the process of product development. Findings regarding the leadership style at ID department and product development activities: 1. The leaders of the ID departments should always show their passion towards innovation which in turn will encourage the team members to devote consistently and passionately into innovation. 2. The major responsibility of the leaders of the ID department is to act as a bridge between design and management and will not interfere directly with the operation of the design teams but to assist their teams to establish some sorts of targets. Any idea generated by the design teams is also highly respected. Findings regarding ID department organizational communication and product development activities: 一、 At the very initial phase of product development, ID department should communicate with the higher management from various angles in order to understand the direction of the future strategies and to achieve consensus on product development strategies. For example, the higher management of BenQ and Aurora always participate in the discussions at the initial phase of product development and many issues are based on the future direction of the corporate strategy. As soon as the product development strategies are devised and confirmed, the leader and designers of the ID department will be highly empowered. 二、 The communications between ID department leader and designers usually take place during the product design phase based on informal channels of communication. The issues of concern at this stage are essentially the broad direction of the project and problem solving. The ID department leaders basically place high respects on the expertise of their designers. 三、 The members in the ID department mostly prefer face to face communication and do not rely on communication channels based on digital technology even when the scale of the ID department reaches considerable size. For ID, most of the knowledge of the members are tacit knowledge which relies on face to face communications in order to acquire completely accurate ideas of concept. 四、 There are no form of bureaucracy exists in the ID department. Even though that there might be different job titles, however, during brainstorming, designers of the higher management level and designers express their opinions on an equally position basis. 五、 ID departments provide excellent working environment for innovation booming and excellent flexibility for designers to improve quality of communications. 六、 During the process of product development, PM acts as integrator, coordinator and is responsible for linking up the entire process of product development, in control of the proposed schedule, and making sure that every department does have the same consensus towards the product in development. BenQ’s ID department has product development proposal PM who is in charge of integrating feedback information from different product lines of different regions. 七、 PM and ID members participate in the communications between ID department and other departments. External communication can be categorized into two groups: 1. communication between corporate ID department and external supporting manufacturers on issues regarding the feasibility of manufacturing the products or whether the manufacturers possess relevant production technology; 2. communication between ID service providing firms and their customers on issues regarding product concept and design specifications.


陳昭旺 Unknown Date (has links)
兩岸紙鈔發行與防偽設計之發展與比較 中文摘要 紙鈔是貨幣的主角,也是現代生活中不可或缺的一部分,自古以來就是貨物交易的工具,也是財富的象徵。從最早的物物交換到以貝殼、礦石、珍貴金屬、金屬貨幣為媒介,演變到含多項防偽功能的紙鈔,隨著經濟活動流轉不斷地被使用著。由於紙鈔是有價的,從來就是有心人士偽造的對象。如何加強紙鈔防偽功能設計和教導民眾辨識偽鈔,是本研究的主軸。 本研究針對兩岸自1949年以來所發行的紙鈔,援引相關的發行文獻、設計理論及防偽功能設計加以綜合分析,並從不同構面了解影響紙鈔發行設計的成因、偽鈔製作的特徵、紙鈔的成本、塑膠貨幣的影響等,並藉由各種設計形式、防偽功能及偽造手法的比較,更深入了解兩岸紙鈔設計的現況與未來趨勢。經歸納、整理、綜合分析後,發現兩岸在新版鈔券發行所作的努力,已符合現代設計及防偽的需求。然偽造自古即存在,手法亦不斷更新,沒有因重刑罰則,而減少偽造的動機。且民眾對防偽功能辨識能力的不足,更是引起不法偽造的誘因之一。因此,如何加強鈔券防偽功能辨識的宣導,應是目前鈔券決策單位首要思考的問題;其次是加強防偽功能的研發。目前先進國家的鈔券製作,都著重在新式防偽功能的研發,兩岸目前鈔券所使用的部分防偽功能,皆為先進國家的智慧財產權,所付出的代價自是不斐,若能自行加強研發新式防偽功能,除能用於新版鈔券設計提升本國鈔券防偽技術自製水準外,亦可將專利輸出國外,創造價值。 關鍵詞:兩岸、紙鈔、防偽功能、設計形式 / The Development of Banknote Issue & Its Security Features—A Comparison between Taiwan and China. Abstract Paper money, a main currency, is not only an indispensably part in modern life and a tool of barter in ancient society but a symbol of wealth. From the original barter to the use of seashells, minerals, valuable metals, and metal currency paper money was as a medium, evolving into the banknote which has many anti-forgery functions, along with the circulation of economy activities it has been used. Since the banknote is valuable, it has been the target for intentioned people to counterfeit. How to strengthen the design of banknote anti-forgery functions and how to teach people to recognize the fake money are both the main points of this study. This study is aimed at all of the banknotes that has been published from Taiwan and China since 1949, citing the related issued documents, designing theories, and anti-forgery functions to analysis, and understand the effect on the cause of banknote published design, the characteristic of making fake money, the cost of the banknote, and the effect of polymer currency from different structures. By comparing all kinds of designed forms, anti-forgery functions and tricks to counterfeit money, we can deeply know about the current situation and the future trend of the banknote designed between Taiwan and China. After generalizing, arranging, and analyzing, we found that the efforts made both on the opposite sides of Taiwan Strait about newly published the banknote have conformed to the demands of modern designs and anti-forgery. However, / counterfeit has existed since ancient society and the tricks are updating all the time. The motives of faking didn’t decrease because of lacking severe punishments. Moreover, one of the inducements to counterfeit money is that people lack the ability to recognize the anti-forgery functions. Therefore, how to strengthen the recognition of banknote anti-forgery functions is the first question that the authority has to think about; the next is to research new ways of anti-forgery functions. So far the banknote manufacture of developed countries stress on the inventions of newly anti-forgery functions. All of the anti-forgery functions used in Taiwan and China are derived from advanced countries; therefore, the price is higher. If we can invent new ways of anti-forgery functions by ourselves, we can not only use the newly banknote designs to enhance our standard of banknote anti-forgery technologies but also export the patent to create the extra profit. Keywords: Taiwan and China, Banknote, Security Features, Aesthetic Form


伍啟豪 Unknown Date (has links)
我國立法院於民國94年12月9日正式三讀通過「所得稅基本稅額條例」,使得最低稅負制度正式成為國人熱門討論的話題。我國實施最低稅負制的起因主要在於立法院有立法委員批評我國高科技產業公司如台積電、聯電等,近幾年來所繳的營利事業所得稅遠低於一般社會大眾的認知;再加上財政部公佈了全國前40位最富有的納稅義務人,民眾赫然發現其中竟然有人免繳所得稅,這一連串對於所得稅及租稅公平有關的負面新聞接連公佈後,促成主管機關認真檢討及思考現行的所得稅制是否有需要修改的必要性。 由於高科技產業所享有的龐大租稅優惠及利益一向為社會投資大眾所熟知,而IC設計產業因為是我國政府目前重點扶植的產業之ㄧ,在資本市場的股價表現上來看,該類產業的股票本益比也往往較其他科技產業來得高。所以投資人將會特別注意最低稅負制實施後是否會對於IC設計產業在營利事業所得稅及公司的投資決策、財務操作等方面造成一些不良的衝擊與影響。 本研究希望透過蒐集上市櫃及興櫃掛牌的IC設計產業公司從民國93年度至民國96年度間的各項財務、稅務相關資料,利用統計進行相關分析,探討上市櫃及興櫃掛牌的IC設計產業公司在最低稅負制實施後,是否對於其所得稅負擔與財務、投資決策等方面造成重大的影響;並進一步評估最低稅負制度是否能達成主管機關預期的目標及促進租稅公平的效果。

基層警察養成教育課程設計之研究 / The study of the curriculum design of grassroots police cultivation

陳麗文, Chen, Li Wen Unknown Date (has links)
警察工作繁重、危險、充滿不確定性,面對特殊的職場特性,臺灣警察專科學校負責我國基層警察養成教育,必須型塑符合社會期待與專業化的優質警察。 本研究主要係探討警專專科班正期組之課程設計,以Tyler的課程設計模式,從課程目標、課程選擇、課程組織,以及課程評鑑,逐步探討派出所警勤區警員應具備的核心能力,再檢視警專課程的選擇與組織,以及實習教育等相關議題。從國內外相關文獻探討課程設計及基層警察教育,透過深度訪談,以瞭解實務機關對畢業生的看法,及其對課程設計與實習的看法後,另邀請警專二年級應屆畢業生舉行焦點團體座談,進一步探討本研究議題。 研究發現警專畢業生無法立即應付初任之實務工作,需由資深佐警引領實作後,始能漸進熟悉派出所各種狀況;課程應與時俱進,隨社會環境及職能需求適時調整,警專課程設計尚有改進空間;實習是「三明治」教育訓練重要環節,有其必要性,藉由一對一的實習模式增廣實務見聞,認識未來職場的特殊性;年齡及受訓時間長短與忠誠度及離職率有關;「考-訓-用」之招募方式勢在必行。 根據研究發現,提出11項教育實務的建議,4項未來研究的建議,期盼能有助於提升基層警察素質與效能,以及未來研究者參考。 / Police is a demanding, dangerous and uncertain job; facing special working surroundings. Taiwan Police College is in charge of the cultivation of the grass-roots police. She has to shape the blue-chip and professional police to fit in with the social anticipation 。 My study mainly focuses on the research of the curriculum design of the junior college students at T.P.C.. It bases on Tyler’s curriculum design model,from the aspect of the goal of the curriculum, the selection of the curriculum, the structure of the curriculum and the evaluation of the curriculum, to gradually sort out what core abilities the grass-roots police should possesses. Then it examines the structure and selection of the curriculum of the T.P.C. and issues related to the practice education. This study will discuss the curriculum design and the grass-roots police education, basing on native and international bibliography-- references. Through profound interviews, we can realize the views of the on-the-street police on the graduates of T.P.C. and their views on the curriculum design and the practice education. Furthermore, I invited the senior students of the T.P.C. to hold a group seminar on these issues related to my study to further discuss the thesis of my study. This study has found the newly graduates of the T.P.C. can hardly cope with their tasks right after they started their career. They needed veteran sergeants to lead them to fit in with their jobs. Then they can gradually get to know how to deal with all kinds of situations take place within their jurisdictions. The curriculum design should be adjusted in accordance with the time, the social surroudings and the job requirments. There is room for improvement of the curriculum design of the T.P.C. Practice education plays a pivotal role in ‘sandwitched education’ and is necessary in police cultication. Students can broaden their horizons on policing and know the special surroundings of the policing through one-to-one practice education mode. The age of the graduates and the length of the training span they’ve received are related to the loyalty to their career and the rate of quiting jobs. The mode of “taking examination, receiving training and serving”is a must in recruitment. I proposed 11 suggestions on police education and 4 suggestions on future studies, basing on the findings of my study. Hopefully, it can do some help to enhance the quality and efficiency of the grass-roots police and be the reference for the oncoming researchers.


夏福遠 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的IC設計產業在創新及研發的持續努力下也在市場的開拓上帶來了豐碩的成果。雖然已在全世界展露頭角,但是真正的規格制定者常是美國大型的公司所主導;台灣的廠商總是本著低成本和優質的研發能力成為價格的破壞者。但破壞價格進入到市場後,常常發生的是不知道下一步要往那裡走才是一條對的路─是繼鑟向超低成本邁進?還是結合品牌大廠製定新的規格? 本論文從工業行銷的角度來看企業如何消費IC供應商的服務,並且結合價值創新的觀點,試著為IC供應商找出更適切的工業行銷策略,並採用消費基礎的獲利機制,藉由企業在消費IC元件的過程中找到價值創新的機會。經由前面章節所述的分析與探討,獲得下列結論: 1. 本研究的個案中發現從產品評估規劃的階段透過市場行銷及研發人員較容易成功進入客戶的供應鏈。 2. 而在本論文中選定的個案中發現在專案進行,在與客戶互動的過程中,發現供應商若是能進一步藉著客戶的關鍵的階段找出能為客戶帶來價值創新的機會,將會為客戶帶來不同於以往的價值。 3.因著電子產品的特性需要在研發投入相當大的人力和物力,因此關鍵決定的階段多在研究及規劃的階段,這也作為IC供應商施力點,參與客戶研究及規劃的階段以找尋新產品的想法及機會,並且更專注價值創新的工作。從顧客的整體買方週期切入後,因著不同客戶的產業特性,客戶使用的障礙,將會面臨產品規格、產品效能、產品價格、品質、創新能力、技術支援、交貨時間、降價空間等考量因素。 4. 最後本論文採用VPC模型試著將為客戶帶來的價值創新實際的分析,將價值(V)、價格(P)以及成本(C)量化並計算出價值創新後為客戶所帶來的效益。能為消費者帶來更大的消費者剩餘(S = V - P),而提昇顧客繼續使用該供應商後續的產品;此外,生產者要創造出更高的毛利潤(Profit = P - C),跳脫殺價競爭的循環模式。

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