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管理誘因與資本結構之研究楊俊烈, YANG,JUN-LIE Unknown Date (has links)
努力的情形,稱之為む道德危險(moral hazard)め。
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農地利用誘因機制之研究 / A Study on the Incentive Mechanism of Agricultural Land Use舒晴, Shu, Ching Unknown Date (has links)
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集體行動與政治企業家互惠之研究 --以汐止夢想社區夢想嘉年華為例湯佳玲 Unknown Date (has links)
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台北市住宅區容積獎勵政策之研究劉永淳 Unknown Date (has links)
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廠商研究發展行為的租稅獎勵效果顏國裕, YAN, GUO-YU Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣農地管理誘因機制之研究 / A Study on the Incentive Mechanism of Farmland Management in Taiwan周以倫, Chou, Yi Lun Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:農地管理、誘因機制、公共財、外部性 / Market failure is often the main reason of government intervention. Generally, intervention methods always include positive incentive measures and passive punishment means. From viewpoint of farmland, it serves as biological and environmental functions with the character of public goods, which possesses features of non-exclusion, non-rival and jointly-consume. However, there is lack of economic incentives to provide environmental benefits of farmland by private market, government intervene shall be needed in farmland protection on basis of entire people welfare. Besides, the land use control regulations shall be stipulated to reduce external cost. In Taiwan, incentive programs include incentive payments, tax exemption or reduction and land use control mechanism. Do these programs manipulate efficiently? If not, how to improve them in the future? Discussion of these issues shall play an important role while the draft of National Territory Planning Act is drawn up by the Planning Authority and more examinations are necessary in Taiwan.
Neoclassical economists suggest that external costs can be prevented by taxation, and external benefits shall be encouraged by offering subsidy. Neo-institutional economists argue that the problem can be solved through defining property rights, and stakeholders shall negotiate with one another to achieve optimum of social production. This article bases on exploring those theories and takes positive and negative factors into account in practice. The main research methods are literature review and focal person interview to investigate insufficiency of current incentive mechanism in farmland management. Based on concept of benefit-cost equilibrium, we intend to provide positive incentives, and include market approach into incentive mechanism of farmland management and improve passive way of punishing illegal farmland use. Through formulation of these incentive tools, farmland management mechanism shall be established soundly so as to achieve the goals of agricultural sustainable development.
Keywords:Farmland Management, Incentive Mechanism, Public Goods, Externality
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從股權結構與資本市場誘因探析我國銀行業之盈餘管理行為莊文源 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果顯示:(1)我國銀行業之損益操弄項目普遍存在季別差異之現象,除了有延後認列損益操弄項目至第四季外,同時也發現銀行第二季損益操弄項目有高於第一、三季之情形,似有半年報之效果呈現;(2)民營銀行之第四季處分資產損失、壞帳費用及提列其他損失準備佔全年比例顯著高於公營銀行,顯示民營銀行在第四季認列費用或損失之動機強於公營銀行;(3)銀行董監事持股比率會對第四季損益操弄項目佔全年比例有所影響之假說未獲得支持;(4)銀行上市前二年之營業利益及稅前純益佔實收資本比率之平均數,皆達10%獲利水準門檻,且皆顯著高於上市後第二年,據此間接證明銀行上市前之盈餘管理目標係在維持獲利水準達到10%之門檻;(5)達成財務預測之銀行會傾向於在第四季多認列壞帳費用,至於利益操弄項目,則並無第四季佔全年比例顯著高於前三季之情形。 / Banking industry in Taiwan is highly regulated and scrutinized by the banking law and government. Regulators of banking industry require that banks must satisfy certain capital adequacy ratio that is explicitly tied to accounting numbers. The regulating bodies have authority in inspecting banks' businesses and examining their financial reports periodically to evaluate their underlying performance. Based on a cost-benefit consideration and availability of information, the investors also analyze the performance of banks using their public available financial statements. The earnings behavior of firms in the banking industry is therefore essential for both regulators and investors in procuring the knowledge about the operating risk and performance of banking firms.
Focused on the firms in the banking industry over the period of 1991 to 1999, this thesis first investigates whether the sample firm is subject to an earnings behavior of delayed recognition of their income and losses. The thesis also examines the influence of ownership structure on banks’earnings management behavior through the analysis of income manipulation ratios. Furthermore, in view of capital market incentives, this thesis studies whether going listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange would cast impacts on banks'earnings management behavior as banks are subject to different earnings management objectives (targets).
The empirical results document that the fourth quarter ratios of the interim income manipulation items are larger and more variable than those of the other three quarters. This suggests that banks tend to delay their recognition of income manipulation items till the fourth quarter. The empirical findings reveal that the propensity for manipulating the fourth quarter expense/loss items is significantly greater for private banks than for state-owned banks. However, the empirical results cannot support the hypothesis that management ownership (the holdings of the directors and supervisors) will affect the magnitude of earnings management. With respect to capital market incentive issues, the empirical evidence indicates that for newly listed banks, both the two-year average operating income to capital ratio and income before tax to capital ratio before listing reach and not greatly exceed the 10% threshold. The evidence shows that these two ratios decline significantly in the second year after listing. The findings also suggest that listed banks which achieve their financial forecasts tend to recognize more bad debt expenses for the fourth quarter, while the pattern cannot manifest itself in the gain manipulation items.
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多期損益平穩化行為之決定因素黃明潔 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果發現:(1)公司之平穩化行為與股權結構有顯著關聯性;(2)當公司長期投資之股東持股比率愈高時,公司傾向不採行損益平穩化;(3)當公司短期投資之股東持股比率愈高時,公司愈傾向平穩化其損益;(4)產業因素與我國上市公司損益平穩化行為有顯著關聯性,不同產業之平穩化行為不同,且電子資訊產業傾向不從事損益平穩化。 / Earnings is the simplest and most straightforward indicator of a company's performance. Therefore, earnings reporting could be a crucial concern for an investor's decision-making. There are a lot of researches regarding earnings management and income smoothing focused on how the role of stakeholders and other possible factors would affect the accuracy of a company's earnings reporting. For most companies, their shareholders control the core business activities, and thus it is hard to ignore their impact on the earnings performance. However, due to the discrepancy of investing policies and activities of different types of investor, the extent to which the types of shareholders could influence a company's earnings can be varied. Besides, since companies in the same industry always compete for better performance resulted from investors' relative performance evaluation, there is also a trend that the companies in the same industry would behavior in a similar way when reporting their earnings.
In order to prove that there's a significant relationship between a company's trend of reported earnings and its shareholders' investing goals, this thesis collects the overall market data from 1994 to 1999 and then examines each company's income smoothing behavior. In addition to testing whether a company's decision to exerting income smoothing is contributed to the portions of long-term and shot-term shareholders, this thesis also tries to identify whether the industry effect exists among the electronic industry and other industries that can make different industries have discrepant income smoothing behaviors, and find the electronic industry's income smoothing intent.
The empirical results document that: (1) A company's income smoothing behavior is significantly related to its ownership structure; (2) A company with larger portion of long-term shareholders tends to not adopt income smoothing strategy; (3) A company with larger portion of short-term shareholders tends to adopt income smoothing strategy; (4) The industry effect is significantly related to companies’ income smoothing behaviors. Different industry has different pattern of income smoothing behavior. The companies in the electronic industry tend to not adopt income smoothing strategy.
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社區發展集體行動與誘因導入-以宜蘭縣冬山鄉珍珠社區為例 / Community development collective action and incentive injectig-a case study of Jenju Community in I-lan陳秉宏, Chen, Bing Hong Unknown Date (has links)
惟誘因導入對於維持社區發展的集體行動持續不衰實有舉足輕重之影響,故結合案例觀察成果,誘因導入社區發展之集體行動需建立於下列前提:1.培養社區認同、調整社區願景、消弭宗教衝突以充實社區社會資本2.進行跨區整合,減低對政府的依賴 3.建立獎懲及監督機制,減少搭便車情形4.領導者風範的調整與包容或可促進社區發展持續有效的集體行動運作,達成社區永續發展的目標。 / Taiwan's community development carrying out until now, the community development the infrastructure which leads from the traditional government, transfers development. The community self-development is the spontaneous government motion, because of the trust, communication, mutual respect etc. which constructs local the social network and accumulate social capital. Because community development is a process, to maintain collective action continually needs provide suitable incentives.
However, according to the experience of community development in Taiwan, many cases demonstrated a phenomenon: incentives that government provides usually crowds out the community collective actions and establish independent system. Such result has overthrown the assumption : to encourage cooperation actions by lead in incentives, the existence of non-material incentives will not be affected.
In view of this, a case study of Jenju Community, we will survey the crowding-out effect which injecting external incentives during the community development. Include strong social networks and social capital accumulation. Research found that when it comes to the distribution of benefits, crowding-out effect between the different types of incentives is more apparently. At the same time, it is likely to cause network of trust between different actors collapse of cracks, which would weaken the existing stock of social capital in the community.
However, incentives for the maintenance of community development into collective action has a significant continuing decline of the real impact, Therefore, the results observed with the case, incentives for collective action in community development into the need to establish the following premise:1. to enrich social capital by foster community identity, community vision to adjust, to eliminate the religious conflict. 2. for cross-integration, to reduce dependence on government. 3. the establishment of incentive and monitoring mechanisms to reduce the free rider situation. 4. leadership style and tolerance of adjustment.
This may facilitate sustainable community development and effective operation of collective action, to achieve sustainable community development objectives.
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經理人薪酬及其避險行為 / Executive Compensation and Hedging Behavior黃怡婷, Huang, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討經理人的風險承擔誘因與公司非以交易為目的之衍生性金融商品使用之關聯性。研究結果發現,第一,經理人之風險承擔誘因與非以交易為目的之衍生性金融商品的使用呈顯著負向關係,此結果顯示以股權為基礎之薪酬結構的確可以提高經理人之風險承擔誘因。第二,本研究比較若採不同類型之員工認股權,則指數型員工認股權較傳統型員工認股權提供較大的經理人風險承擔誘因。第三,若將股權為基礎之薪酬分為股票及員工認股權,發現經理人持有員工認股權與經理人風險承擔誘因呈正向且顯著關係;而經理人持有公司股票則與經理人風險承擔誘因呈正向關係但並不顯著。 / This study examines the relation between managerial risk-taking incentives and hedging derivatives usage. First, executives’ risk-taking incentives are negatively related to the hedging derivatives holdings, the result is consistent with equity-based compensation that promotes risk taking. Second, the indexed stock options appear to create stronger risk-taking incentives than the traditional stock options. Third, managerial risk-taking incentives are significantly related to executive stock options but not stock holdings.
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