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論客戶資訊之保護--- 以個人資料保護法與營業秘密法為核心 / The Protection of Customer Information Based on Privacy and Trade Secrets

吳展宇 Unknown Date (has links)
客戶資訊對於企業而言是重要資產,其為企業帶來許多競爭上優勢。為了解消費者之需求及喜好,以提供合適之商品或服務,企業多半會將其彙整並建置成資料庫。然而,該等資訊多涉及客戶個人之資訊隱私,企業在蒐集、處理及應用時,應特別注意各該法規之要求,故本文將美國針對個人資訊隱私保護之各類判決及專法加以介紹,並與台灣之「個人資料保護法」(以下簡稱個資法)相互對照,提醒跨國企業在客戶資訊的蒐集及應用上所應注意之事項,並降低企業之遵法成本與違法風險。 另外,客戶資訊若符合法定要件,可構成企業之營業秘密而受保護。美國「統一營業秘密法」、「經濟間諜法」及「反不正競爭法」中提供數種判斷標準,而這些標準已逐漸被各州法院所採納。相較之下,台灣營業秘密法於民國85年制訂施行後,近期亦參考美國經濟間諜法而增訂刑事責任,用以嚇阻惡意侵害營業秘密之行為。至於我國公平交易法就營業秘密之保護,則集中在該法第19條第5款的規定,其與營業秘密法之適用上競合,亦為本文探究之重點。 因此,本文基於台美法制之比較目的,將研究範圍限於美國之個人資訊隱私保護專法及判決、統一營業秘密法、經濟間諜法及反不正競爭法等層面;台灣法亦限於個人資訊保護法、營業秘密法及公平交易法之探討,以及各該法規之交錯適用,並以表格的方式,將違反上述法規時所應負之民事責任、刑事制裁或行政罰之異同作出比較,便利讀者參考。 另一方面,個資法之「安全措施」及營業秘密之「合理保密措施」兩者雖皆屬保護客戶資訊之措施,但實務上之認定標準並不相同。企業應如何妥善保管其所擁有之客戶資訊,方能符合上述兩種措施之要求,亦為本文討論之重點,故本文將針對台美兩國就上述兩種措施之認定標準進行介紹並相互比較,以提供業界一套具體之管理措施,便利跨國企業維護其所擁有之客戶資訊,提升企業營運效能,並增加客戶之信賴度。當客戶個人資料不幸被他人盜取時,企業得以控管損害之範圍,甚而可對客戶資訊之盜取者主張營業秘密侵害之損害賠償及相關罰則,以便公司順利經營,避免不必要的損失。

台商大陸投資對其經營績效之影響 —以連接器產業為例 / The Impact of Investing in China on the Operating Performance of Taiwanese Firms—Evidence from the Connector Industry

陳志哲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的研究目的,主要在討論台商赴大陸投資究竟對其經營績效產生如何的影響。在本研究中,將台商對大陸投資定義為台商將主要的經營據點設在大陸。本研究依據研究目的設計問卷,所設計的問卷總計14項問題,在進行問卷調查的過程中,共有103家台灣連接器廠商願意參與本研究的問卷調查。經過排除一些填寫資料不全與資料謬誤的樣本後,本研究最後利用99家台灣連接器廠商的問卷結果進行分析。 利用DEA方法估算台灣99家連接器廠商的技術效率(TE)、純技術效率(PTE)、規模效率(SE),再利用此TE、PTE與SE做為被解釋變數的Tobit-Censoring模型進行估計,藉以瞭解台灣連接器廠商赴大陸投資對其經營績效的影響。每一個效率指標都進行兩個模型估計,其一是以將主要營運地點設立在中國大陸的虛擬變數表示對大陸投資,其二是進一步將是主要營運地點設立在中國大陸的虛擬變數以六個大陸城市的虛擬變數來取代,分別為上海市、昆山市、東莞市、深圳市、廣州市、蘇州市。 本研究的主要發現為,台灣連接器廠商是否將主要的營運地點設在中國大陸對其技術效率TE與純技術效率PTE並無影響,但對其規模效率SE的水準有提升的效果。但是,台灣連接器廠商將主要的營運地點設在大陸的東莞市,將有利於其技術效率TE水準;若將主要的營運地點設在大陸的廣州市,有利於其技術效率PTE水準。若將主要的營運地點設在大陸的上海市、東莞市、以及蘇州市,將有利於其規模效率SE的提升。因此,本研究建議,若台灣連接器廠商欲將主要的營運地點也設在中國大陸,政府應該以正面的態度視之。但必須注意的是,如何必免廠商因為將主要的營運地點也設在中國大陸,而將生產技術外溢至中國大陸,造成未來大陸的連接器廠商成為台灣連接器廠商在國際市場上的強競對手。

結合灰預測與資料包絡分析法之策略聯盟績效評估模式-以台灣資訊服務業為例 / A Strategic Alliance Performance Evaluation based on Grey prediction and DEA - Case by Information Service Industry in Taiwan

王智弘, Wang, Chih Hung Unknown Date (has links)
面對全球ICT投資成長趨勢,帶來了資訊服務業的龐大商機,引起各資訊服務企業投入競爭,企業必須不斷強化競爭優勢,採行適當措施以調整企業本身體質。企業利用既有資源的互補、結合,可使企業毋須額外投入資源或投入有限資源情況下達到提升企業競爭力目的,稱為策略聯盟。 企業策略聯盟時,須同時考量企業內部經營績效與尋求外部聯盟的企業狀況,如何有效選擇聯盟合作企業,以及聯盟後是否能有效提升企業競爭力,實為當今企業管理者在面臨嚴苛經營環境必須面對專注的課題。 企業管理透過績效評估工具,可使管理者瞭解資源運用的效果,並可作為企業未來資源調配的參考,使企業資源運用能與經營目標結合。 灰預測(Grey Prediction)為根據過去簡單歷史資料即可準確推估未來,為衡量企業未來表現之科學評估方法;資料包絡分析法 (Data Envelopment Analysis,DEA)用於解決多投入多產出項問題,利用客觀計量運算及邏輯推導,於企業進行策略聯盟時,最適合應用此方法作為聯盟對象之選擇。 本研究建立台灣資訊服務業進行策略聯盟時之績效評估模式,提供管理者選擇最適聯盟對象之決策參考,藉以提升企業經營效率,強化競爭能力。 / The growing trend of global investments in ICT has brought enormous opportunities in the information service industry. Under this trend, companies must continue to strengthen their competitive advantages. The integration of existing and/or complementary resources across different companies through co-operation could allow an individual enterprise to limit resource input and therefore achieve better competitiveness. This concept is known as strategic alliances. To form a strategic alliance, a company must consider both internal operating performance and external business conditions. How to choose a partner and determine whether the alliance could effectively enhance the competitiveness of the business should be the focuses of today's business managers. Through the use of performance evaluation tools, the managers of an enterprise can understand the efficiency of resource utilization, which can in turn be used as a reference for future resource allocation. Company resources can therefore be applied to the business objectives of the enterprise more efficiently. Grey prediction is a scientific assessment method that can accurately estimate future simply based on historical data. It can therefore be used to estimate the future performance of the company. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a method that deals with multi-input and multi-output scenarios by using objective measurement of operations and logical deductions. When a business enterprise plans to form a strategic alliance, DEA is the most suitable method to be used to select a partner. This study establishes the performance evaluation model of strategic alliances between business enterprises within the IT service industry of Taiwan, and in turn provides business managers a useful reference for better decision-making, thus serves as an effective tool to help enhance business efficiency and competitiveness.

以資料科學技術進行轉職行為之分析 / Career Transition Analysis Using Data Science Techniques

諶宏軍, Chen, Hung Chun Unknown Date (has links)
轉職對於職涯發展來說,是非常重要的人生課題;而求職者目前在面臨轉職問題時,大多時候顯得手足無措,只能詢問親友的經驗或者憑著直覺找自己有興趣的工作;整個求職的過程就像是拿人生當賭注,運氣不好時即可能賠上美好的未來。 本篇研究使用國內某知名人力銀行的求職者資料,採用資料科學的方式,利用大量求職者的實際轉職資料來做資料分析與探勘,分析轉職高峰期、工作轉換頻率、跨職類轉職、跨產業轉職及轉職與景氣的關係,並使用J48、Naïve Bayesian Classifier、Logistic Regression、Random Forest、AdaBoost和Support Vector Machines這6種分類方法來預測轉職行為。 為了方便呈現實驗結果,本研究使用Google App Engine建立了一個轉職分析查詢系統,透過分析結果可以了解台灣各產業與各職類的轉職趨勢,而轉職預測功能也可以提供給求職者與人資人員做為參考。 / Career transition is important for employees. However, most of job seekers are helpless in decision of career transition. They can only make the decision based on the experience from their friends and family members, or by intuition. The decision of job seeking is like a gamble that may lose a better future when they faced with bad luck. This research tried to analyse and discover the behaviours of job transition from the job seeking data based on the data science approach. The job seeker’s data used in the study was obtained from the well-known job bank’s database. We analyse the behaviours of the job transition, including the peak months of transition, transition frequency, cross-job and cross-industry career transition. Moreover, we investigate the methods to predict the behavior of job transfer. Six kinds of classification algorithms were used to predict the behavior of career transfer, including the J48, Naïve Bayesian Classifier, Logistic Regression, Random Forest, AdaBoost and SVM. We develop the web-based Career Transition Analysis System to provide users the capability for behaviour analysis and prediction of career transition based on Google App Engine. The findings in this study are helpful for industry trends and career transition forecasts for job seeker and human resource staffs.

以地理資訊系統結合資料探勘方法從事ATM設點分析 / ATM Location Set-up Analysis by Using Geographic Information System and Data Mining Method

吳珮華, Wu, Pei-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
近年來由於銀行自動櫃員機(ATM: Automatic Teller Machine)的方便性導致ATM需求大幅增加,銀行因此必須投入可觀之設置與維護費用,然而卻缺乏有效的方式評估ATM設點位置與相關經濟效益。傳統的ATM設點多依據決策者之經驗與主觀需求,甚少考慮涉及複雜因素之空間選址問題,因此如何合理且有效地選取ATM設置據點以提高經濟效益,成為亟待解決之問題。 本研究目的在於提供高經濟效益之ATM設點建議,作為決策者參考。我們以地理資訊系統結合資料探勘技術,進行ATM設點分析。首先從ATM使用率,透過地理資訊系統技術結合空間與屬性資料。其次導入資料探勘技術分析影響ATM設點之因素,求取設置據點的綜合效益,取得影響因素與設置據點效益之關聯性並產生設點規則。最後將此規則應用於地理資訊系統圖層分析中,推論出設點建議。 我們以國內銀行實際ATM設點位置與其營業資料來展示我們的方法,實驗結果顯示我們可成功的分析影響ATM效益的主要因素,指出影響因素的明確距離及數量分佈,提供決策者分辨原始ATM是否該遷移或裁撤,同時亦能提供建議是否該於潛在客群分佈區域設立新據點。 / The convenience of the ATM banking facilities caused rapidly increasing in ATM demands during the past decades. The expenses for installation and maintenance of the ATMs are considerably high. However, there are no effective methods to evaluate the economic benefits on ATMs’ locations. Traditionally, the decision for ATM installation is based on policymaker’s experiences and subjective demands. The cost-effective issues and the spatial factors involved in location finding were seldom considered. Hence, develop a reasonable and effective mechanism to find the ATM locations that could improve economic efficiency become an important problem to be solved. The purpose of this thesis is to provide suggestion on the cost-effective ATM installation locations to help the policymaker in making decisions. We combine the techniques in geographical information system (GIS) as well as data mining for the cost-effective ATM installation location analysis. Using the ATM utilization factors for various ATMs, we can associate the attribute data with the spatial provided by GIS. Then, we use data mining techniques to analyze the factors that could influence the cost-effective installation location of ATMs. From this information, we can summarize the association rules that have the most impacts to localize the ATM installation locations. Finally, using these association rules, we can reach conclusion on ATMs’ installation locations. We use our local bank data to illustrate our idea. Experimental results show that we can successfully find the key factors that influence the cost-effective ATM installation locations. The range and the quantities of these events can be identified clearly, hence, making it possible to suggest whether an ATM should be removed or be relocated. Furthermore, we can suggest installing a new ATM at a particular location for potential customers or not.

應用資料採礦技術於信用卡使用行為及市場需求 / Applications of Data Mining Techniques to the Behavior of Using Credit Cards and Market Demand

游涵茵 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著金融自由化、國際化的趨勢,加上國民所得提高、電子化的普及,使得信用卡市場蓬勃發展,國內各大銀行紛紛積極投入信用卡發卡行列。台灣的信用卡市場競爭的程度,從各發卡銀行所提供消費者的各項附加服務,如辦卡送禮、持卡免年費、失卡零風險、購物優惠…等,幾乎都已是每一張信用卡的基本配備。 隨著卡債、卡奴的事件爆發,銀行業者舊有的信用卡行銷策略已經宣告失敗,但信用卡市場背後帶來的經濟效益,仍然是不容忽視,如今,要如何增加信用卡市場的佔有率已不是銀行業者的行銷重點,高佔有率並不一定就能帶來高經濟效益。銀行業者的行銷策略應該是做好信用卡市場區隔,找出不同特性的消費族群,依消費族者選擇信用卡的考量因素擬定行銷策略,進而提升市場競爭地位。 本研究選用四種模型建置方式,分別為羅吉斯迴歸、C5.0、CHAID以及類神經網路,經由分類矩陣評估比較四種模型,其中C5.0不論是在整體預測正確率、反查率或準確度,皆是高於其它三個模型,故最後選擇C5.0此一模型。 透過C5.0共獲得七項影響「是否有使用信用卡」之相關變數,其中「是否有出國旅行」、「經濟來源是否為自己」、「性別」、「是否畢業後找工作」、「是否有使用網路消費」、「認同環保意識」、「是否有投資或買保險」,此七項變數對使用信用卡消費具較大影響力,最後本研究會針對這些變數再給與發卡銀行建議。 【關鍵字】信用卡、資料採礦、C5.0、CHAID、類神經網路 / As the trend of financial liberalization and globalization and also the popularization of electronic business and the increase of domestic income, the credit card market has bloomed vigorously then ever, banks are urging on developing credit card markets. All those additional service of every bank could be seen as a clue to know the competitiveness in Taiwan, such as free gift, free annual fee, zero risk of losing cards, shopping discount…etc., and those service almost become a basic equipment of every credit card. With credit debt and credit card slaves increasing, bank’s former marketing strategies have failed. The economic benefits of credit card market still are not ignored. Today, how to increase market share of credit card is not the key point of bank’s marketing strategy. There is not necessary that high market share can bring high economic benefits. In order to follow this trend, the study aims to discover the corn factors of possessing credit cards through the application of Clementine 12.0 software. Since Decision Tree-C5.0 is excellent in the forecast accuracy and validity as compared to Logistic Regression, Decision Tree-CHAID and Neural Net were adopted in this research. Through using Decision Tree-C5.0, this study identified seven factors that have greater impact on using credit cards and they are”Whether respondent travel abroad”,“Is the source of income making by yourself”,“Gender”,“Do respondent look for jobs after graduating from school”,“Do respondent buy something on the internet”,“Approve the environmental awareness”.This research will chiefly use these seven factors to provide the marketing portfolio strategy recommendations for banks. Keywords:Credit Card, Data Mining, C5.0, CHAID, Neural Net

台灣LED產業研發效率與獲利效率及其影響因子分析 / An analysis of impact factor of R&D and profitability efficiency for LED industry in Taiwan

王永達 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是針對台灣LED產業上中游廠商的研發活動與營運活動進行效率分析的論文。文中採取兩階段DEA之投入導向的CCR與BCC模式進行效率評估,第一階段研究LED上中游9家廠商2004~2006年運用研發資源的能力,並將所得出的研發效率值作差額變數分析,其投入項為研發資本與研發人力,產出項為專利權數量;第二階段研究LED上中游9家廠商2006~2008年運用營運資源的能力,並將所得出的獲利效率值作差額變數分析,其投入項為專利權數量與行銷費用,產出項為營業毛利。接著利用二維矩陣分析與Pearson相關性分析試圖找出研發效率與獲利效率之間的關聯性,並藉由Tobit迴歸分析尋找可能影響效率的因子。最後,本研究根據實證結果分析對管理當局及未來研究提供建議。 實證結果發現:(1)在研發效率上,【新世紀】連續三年整體效率皆為1,是最有效率的廠商,而【璨圓】、【華上】、【洲磊】也有兩年在技術效率上是表現優異的;(2)在獲利效率上,【廣鎵】連續三年整體效率皆為1,是最有效率的廠商,【新世紀】也有兩年被評估是有效率的,而【光磊】與【洲磊】在技術效率上表現優異且穩定,且就整體產業而言,各廠商在獲利效率上的表現更勝於研發效率;(3)在研發效率的影響因子中,專利變化數量及員工教育程度與研發效率呈現正向關係,專利累積存量則呈現反向關係與預期方向不同,而發明專利比例及研發資本人力比不影響研發效率的表現;(4)在獲利效率的影響因子中,員工平均年資、行銷能力及發明專利比例與獲利效率呈現正向關係,公司規模則呈現反向關係與預期方向不同,而員工平均年收及員工教育程度不影響獲利效率的表現;(5)本研究發現台灣LED產業上中游廠商,擁有研發效率的不一定擁有獲利效率,這兩個指標並沒有明顯的相關。 / This paper presents a study which utilizes the input oriented CCR&BCC model of two-stage Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) that separates R&D efficiency and profitability efficiency to evaluate the performance for the listed LED manufacturers in Taiwan. Research period of the first stage and second stage respectively is during 2004 to 2006 and 2006 to 2008. In order to deal with the result of DEA, this study takes the Slack Variable Analysis that could be the improving reference with inefficiency of DMUs and uses two-dimension matrix analysis and Pearson Correlation Analysis to find relationships of R&D efficiency and profitability efficiency. Furthermore, this study seeks factors which may affect the efficiencies by applying Tobit Regression Analysis. Finally, we hope these results can provide actual suggestions for management authority and future research. The major empirical findings of this study are as follow:(1) In the R&D efficiency, GPI is the best firm of global efficiency for three years, and FOREPI、AOC and UniLite also have the best performance of technical efficiency for two tears. (2) In the profitability efficiency, HUGA is the best firm of global efficiency for three years and GPI is also the best for two years. OPTO TECH and UniLite have the best performance of technical efficiency for three years. In terms of overall industry, the performance in the R&D efficiency of these firms is better than in the profitability efficiency. (3) In influence factors of R&D efficiency, difference of patent quantity、education background of employee are positive correlation and accumulated patent quantity is negative correlation. Proportion of invention patent and R&D capital per labor are no correlation. (4) In influence factors of profitability efficiency, qualification of employee、market ability、proportion of invention patent are positive correlation and firm scale is negative correlation. Revenue and education background of employee are no correlation. (5) There is no evidence to prove a relevance of R&D efficiency and profitability efficiency of LED manufacturers in Taiwan.

英國高等教育機構審核的效果評估之研究 / A study of the effects and implications of institutional audit in higher education in the United Kingdom

陳立光 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討英國於2005年停止對大學實施教學評量、由審核的方式取代之後的具體成效。本研究使用資料包絡分析法對於英格蘭64所大學的運作效率進行分析,投入指標係取自英格蘭高等教育撥款委員會,包括核心教學經費、擴大參與經費,以及研究經費補助三大項。在績效指標的選取上,本研究選取英國高等教育撥款委員會轄下的表現指標管理小組所公布的五項績效指標,包括擴大參與、非延續率、學位完成率、研究產出及畢業生就業率做為大學之績效指標,此外本研究尚由文獻探討找出高使用頻率的教育指標系統,描繪出最真實的英國高等教育成果之現況。瞭解英國各大學在實施機構審核後之績效指標變化。此外並以Kruskal-Wallis檢定、Mann-Whitney檢定,探討英國傳統大學、近代大學、新大學等三大類型之校院的差異與發展趨勢,最後提出結論和建議,做為我國高等教育發展之參考。 本研究之五項重要的實證結果如下: 1. 英國大學總體經營無效率的主要導因於「規模因素」,以規模報酬觀之,則缺乏規模效率遞增的大學、半數以上的院校均已步入規模效率遞減的衰退之路,在規模的擴張上應加以節制。 2. 由敏感度分析發現,「生均核心教學經費」的敏感度最高,為影響辦學績效之關鍵因子。 3. 在「師生比」和「課程完成率」兩個指標上,前者出現了兩極化的現象,後者則在三個類型的大學之間出現了明顯的落差。 4. 前身為技術學院的新大學,在純粹技術效率變動值衰退的比例較高,顯示資源的管理能力較差,資源閒置和誤用的情況較其他大學為高,此可能和新大學普遍立校不久的因素有關。 5. 由平均技術變革可知,大學的生產過程產生了質變,生產技術逐年向上提升,顯示大學可能是引進一個新的制度,使得介於投入和產出之間的過程運作得更有效率。

影響臺灣學生自律學習的因素:TEPS資料的縱貫性分析 / The impact of self-regulation learning on taiwan student: longitudinal analysis of TEPS data

趙珮晴 Unknown Date (has links)
課後學生自主的時間能否自己自律繼續學習,是值得關注的議題。本研究欲瞭解學生從國中到高中自律學習發展情況,以台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫的2939追蹤樣本,進行潛在成長曲線模型分析,結果發現: (1)兩性學生從國中到高中的自律學習發展並無顯著差異。 (2)台灣學生從國中到高中的自律學習呈現遞增狀況。 (3)國中高自律學習的學生到高中的自律學習成長有限;而國中低自律學習的學生到高中自律學習成長幅度較大。 (4)學生家庭社經地位越高、父母學校參與和接納的程度越高,學生國中時期的自律學習情況會越好;但是學生家庭社經地位越高、父母學校參與程度越高,對於學生國中到高中自律學習成長有限,至於父母接納則無顯著影響關係 (5)國中自律學習良好的學生,有較良好的分析能力;但是高中學生的自律學習無法有效預測其分析能力。 依據上述研究結果將提出相關結論與建議以供參考。

以高頻率日內資料驗證報酬率與波動度之因果關係-以台灣期貨市場為證 / Use high-frequency data measuring the relationship between returns and volatility with Taiwan futures market data

趙明威 Unknown Date (has links)

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