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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

集村興建農舍之制度經濟分析 / Institutional Economic Analysis of Cluster Farmhouse

徐宏明, Shiu,Hung-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
自民國89年起政府將農地政策明訂為「落實農地農用」之方向,為配合此一目標而建立「集村農舍制度」,農舍議題遂成為各方矚目之焦點。由於農舍興建與「農地利用」、「農村景觀」與「農民生活」等議題關係密切,且實際的集村農舍制度規則與執行因涉及制度參與者互動情形,而影響制度執行與最後目標之實現。惟既有的集村農舍研究多以個別觀點,從管制與被管制者的政策、法律保留原則或住宅管制等面向切入,就制度實際運作情形甚少著墨,對於整體制度問 題亦無深入探討,而研究結果多僅表示贊同或反對意見,無法針對集村興建農舍制度獲得較完整的分析。爰此,本研究透過新制度經濟之觀點,探討集村興建農舍之主要制度理念、正式規則之制度環境、及主管農舍業務組織間制度安排問題,並以「新竹湖口」與「雲林斗六」兩個集村案例,進行案例分析與實地訪查,利用與相關承辦人員深度訪談等研究方法,檢驗目前制度之執行與其保護優良農地落實性。再者應用具動態性之制度變遷理論分析,探討我國加入WTO之調整與民國89年總統大選等重要政經因素對於集村農舍制度之影響。最後依據研究結論,對目前集村農舍制度問題提出對策與政策建議,希冀未來集村興建農舍之規則與執行更能落實保護優良農地之理念。本研究之主要結論與建議如下: 一、研究結論 (一) 集村農舍制度因加入WTO之調整與總統大選等政經因素影響,減弱保護優良農地之制度理念的落實性,呈現不合理的制度變遷趨勢。 (二) 規則欠缺農地利用面與引導農舍區位面之管制等制度環境問題,以及農地與農舍管理組織間業務重疊與職權模糊等制度安排問題,產生制度無效執行,甚至出現耗損優良農地資源之情形。 (三) 以「湖口」與「斗六」兩集村案例歸納其共同現象,目前集村興建農舍制度並未實質照顧農民,亦未能達到保護優良農地之制度目標,須加以研議調整。 二、政策建議 (一) 「落實制度理念」-降低建商介入炒作影響制度理念落實的可能、增加落實制度理念之依據、檢討「專案分割」對制度理念落實之影響。 (二) 「合理的制度環境」-使務農者成為制度主體、提升誘因機制之質量。 (三) 「有效的制度執行」-地方政府組成集村申請案審查小組、農地利用計畫報請農委會審查列管、加強地方審查人員對於集村制度理念之宣達與執行審查業務教育。 (四) 近程與中長程措施 1. 近程建議-明確釐清農舍之定位與推動「示範集村農舍」計畫 2. 中長程建議-調整制度方向為「以集村方式興建為主」 / Central government has defined the enforcement of farmland for agricultural use as the national farmland policy since 2000. In order to fit the objective of the policy, the central government adopts the institution of cluster farmhouse. The problems of farmhouse cause public attention because it raises other issues, such as ' utilization of farmland ', ' rural landscape ' and ' farmer's life. The enforcement of cluster farmhouse institution involves the interaction of the actors, which subsequently influence the realization of the ultimate goal. The existing studies on cluster farmhouse focus mainly on the viewpoints of the owners and regulators of farmland, the principal of law reservation or housing control. In contrast to existing studies, this study, based on the concept of Institutional Economics and deep interviews with the relevant officers who take charge of the cluster farmhouse, investigate the institutional environment; institutional arrangement and enforcement of cluster farmhouse. The political and economy factors that influence the institution will be explained. Finally, a prospective promise of improvement for cluster farmhouse will be provided. The main conclusions and policy suggestions are as follows: 1. The institutional change of cluster farmhouse is deeply influenced by the political economic factors such as to join WTO and to run presidential election which subsequently affects the implementation of the institution. 2. The institutional environment of cluster farmhouse which lacks the consideration of farmland use, location of farmhouses and its institutional arrangement results in its enforcement deviated from the original concept. 3. In essence, cluster farmhouse, from the two cases in this study, has not really looked after farmers. The institution also unable to reach its goal of protecting good farmland at present. 4. Policy recommendations: (1)To reduce the possibility for building traders becoming as a leading role in the process of cluster farmhouse . (2)To make the people who engage in farming become the subject of the institution, and enhance the quality of the incentive mechanism . (3) To promote the concept of cluster farmhouse more rigorously, and thoroughly educate people more on the regulation of enforcement and examination . (4)To clarify the role of farmhouse and to give an good example of cluster farmhouse, and then to modify the regulation for building the cluster farmhouse instead of individual farmhouse .

一個新的視野:蘿琳.漢司白瑞《陽光下的葡萄乾》劇中非裔美人的自我認同 / A New Vision: African Americans' Identity in Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun

金家如, Chin, Chia-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本論文期望藉由探究《陽光下的葡萄乾》一劇,對非裔美人在面對社會困境以及白人意識型態時,如何發展自我認同的議題啟發新的思考。蘿琳.漢司白瑞以寫實的寫作手法,呈現非裔美人在美國一九五○年代種族隔離區的生活。種族隔離政策(segregation laws)中,空間具有特別的指涉意義,因此本文選擇米哈依爾.巴赫汀(Mikhail Bakhtin)的「時空型」(chronotope)理論作為本論文的基本架構。由於劇本和其當代歷史相互輝映,歷史背景的研究可以幫助理解劇中人物動機;反之,由解析劇中情節和人物行為,亦可推測非裔美人的未來發展。 本論文分為四個章節。第一章提供作者生平、劇本、評論、以及理論架構的基本介紹。第二章有兩個主題:呈現作品如何反映歷史,以及從社會背景的角度詮釋角色。其中,弗朗茲.法農(Frantz Fanon)的《黑皮膚,白面具》幫助解釋部分角色的同化行為。第三章顯示非裔美人如何在白人霸權之下建立自我認同:在社會上表達訴求以對抗白人霸權,在文化上接納非洲本能和美洲文化,及在家庭方面堅守傳承下來的家庭尊嚴。史都華.霍爾( Stuart Hall)的離散理論(diaspora)特別用來處理其中同時具有非洲和美洲本質的文化議題。第四章則是本論文的結論,總結作者寫本劇的信念和目的。 / This thesis studies A Raisin in the Sun and expects to bring new inspirations of how African Americans develop their own identities confronting social plights and white ideology. With the realistic writing style, Lorraine Hansberry truthfully depicts and reflects African Americans’ life in the segregated ghetto in the 1950s. As space carries significant meanings in the enforced segregation laws, Mikhail Bakhtin’s chronotope serves as the main theoretical framework of this thesis. The play is interconnected with its contemporary history, so we may interpret the characters by considering their historical background and infer the American blacks’ future path by scrutinizing the plot and actions in the play. This thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter One is an introduction to the author’s life, the play, the critical opinions, and the theoretical framework. In Chapter Two, there are two main issues: first, how this play reflects the historical background, and second, interpretation of characters in relation to their specific social contexts. Frantz Fanon’s Black Skin, White Masks is applied to explain the potential of assimilation of some characters. Chapter Three reveals how African Americans under the white hegemony find their own identities in social, cultural, and family perspectives. The gist is that they must strive for the improvement of their social status, embrace both African and American cultural roots, and stick to their family pride. Stuart Hall’s theory on diaspora is useful to deal with the cultural identity which ambiguously covers both African and American essences. Chapter Four is the conclusion of the thesis that sums up the author’s belief and intention in writing the play.

社會企業的經營模式-以里仁事業股份有限公司為例 / The business model of social enterprises- Case study of Lee-Zen company

吳宜蓉, Wu, Yi Jung Unknown Date (has links)
商業上的大趨勢(megatrend)一直是學者專家所研究的對象,因為它影響著企業如何競爭與為消費者創造價值。近年來,由於全球化與新興經濟體所帶來的環境衝擊與自然資源的競爭,迫使商業開始出現本質上的改變。本研究以里仁公司為例,深入研究日益蓬勃發展的社會企業如何因運時勢而生,及其如何運用獨特的經營模式來為消費者以及農友創造價值,以達到經濟、社會與環境的三重盈餘。 本研究採用文獻回顧分析結合非結構式的訪談,與里仁公司的總經理、公關部進行數十小時的溝通與意見交流,以分析歸納出里仁公司的經營模式與關鍵成功因素。里仁公司的成立目的是推廣台灣的有機農業與慈心食品 ,讓消費者有健康的飲食,提升台灣農民的競爭力同時保育環境。里仁公司為佛教徒所創立,其研習的經典「菩提道次第廣論」為組織的思想與價值觀,指導著組織上下的行為法則,形塑出強勢的企業文化。因此相較於一般企業,里仁公司的組織成員目標與組織目標整合程度較高,而由此衍生出來的成功關鍵有三,一為宗教背景帶來的組織整合能力,二為慈心事業利用社會資本所創造的綜效帶來供應鏈的緊密關係,三為里仁公司的創新與研發能力。 里仁公司的成功,有賴於高度的組織認同與組織獨特經營模式的相輔相成,對於里仁公司而言,能夠落實佛法才是事業的意義。因此在面臨市場需求大的組織成長壓力,里仁公司仍堅定步伐讓員工慢慢從佛法內化學習起,因其不以利益擴張為考量,即便組織成長趨緩可能會影響獲取規模經濟的優勢。從經營模式來看,社會資本的大量運用與模式中各個環結串連的流暢性是里仁模式成功的關鍵,慈心事業的各組織分別在供應鏈上扮演著資源的媒合者來把上游供應商、消費者與里仁公司緊緊串連,供應商與消費者亦同時成為組織社會資本的一部分,帶入更多的人來認識里仁與新的消費力量。 里仁公司藉由提供有機與慈心食品給消費者,同時幫助台灣的農民在走向外銷之路上更具有競爭力,盈餘則贊助兩個股東基金會的生命成長營隊、校園蔬食及種樹護地球等讓促進社會健康與改善環境的活動。目前台灣有機農業已逐漸發展成熟,里仁公司已開始邁向新的策略—結合環境保育與有機農業,期望能讓台灣重要的環境保育區、集水區上游有乾淨的水質與土壤,並利用環境保育商標來凝聚消費者對這塊土地的重視。 對於此經營模式如何複製與擴充,作者認為整合經營模式中利害關係人需求間的交換機制以及善用經營模式的可複製元素是成功關鍵。在個案公司的例子中是將佛家以人為本的普世價值形成強組織文化,將供應商、消費者的需求與供給能夠透過組織力量的媒合進行更有效率的交換。強組織文化在此種商業模式的應用上不可或缺,其為累積社會資本的一大關鍵。另外則是運用社會資本產生一回饋系統。 / Business megatrend has always been an important research target, as it influences on how enterprises compete and create value for their customers. In recnt years, globalization and emerging economies bring environmental impact and competition for natural resources, forcing fundamental and persistant shift in how companies compete. In this research, Leesen Company is used as a case of a social enterprise to illustrate how it creates and utilizes social capital to grow and sustain its business, which provides a reference for social entrepreneurs and researchers to develop new business model that achieves the so called triple bottom lines. Systematic paper review combined with 26 hours of low-structured interview with CEO and director of public relations in Leezen Company, this study aims to summarize and analyze the business model and key success factors. Leezen Company is built for promoting organic agriculture and non-toxic food, trying to make healthy food available for all consumers in Taiwan. Founded by a Buddhist, Leezen company is guided by the Buddhist Sutra “Lamrim Chenmo”, which deeply influences employees’ thoughts and core value. This, in tern, results in higher integration of goals between organization and employees compared to other organization. Key success factors are as follows: Highly coordinated and integrated coporate culture formed through buddsim generates great synergy in supply chain of Tzu-Xin conglomerates, where Leezen Company belongs to, and gains great trust from consumers. Also, the innovation and R&D in food technology created by its persistence in doing the right thing strengthens its competitive advantage in in organic argiculture and non-toxic food. Through providing organic and non-toxic food, Leezen Company creates a healthier environment for consumers and bolsters competitiveness of Taiwanese farmers to sale argicultural product abroad. Revenue goes to sponsor various activities that benefit our mind, health and environment of two shareholder foundations. As the organic industry become more mature these days, Leezen Company starts to adopt a new strategy of combining environmental protection and organic agriculture, expecting to replace traditional agriculture in conseravation aeras and upstream reservoirs. Also, it develops an environmental protection trademark for food grown in those areas, trying to arouse the awareness of more people. The key to replicate and expand this business model lies in how the organization can integrate and exchange its stakeholders’ needs, also how it can make good use of its replicable factors in the business model. In this case, Buddhism shapes strong organizational culture, which increases the efficiency of mediating the needs between suppliers and customers, accumulating its social capital. Further, social capital creates feedback system which makes the business model self-sufficient.

私營標準於WTO下之法律問題研究-以全球良好農業慣例標準(GlobalGAP Standard)為例 / The Legal Analysis of Private Standards under the WTO Agreements—Taking GlobalGAP Standard for Example

張仁憶, Chang, Jen-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,由於消費者對於產品安全的重視程度與日俱增,各式各樣的私營標準開始蓬勃發展。這些私營標準雖不具備法律強制力,其所導致的市場排擠效應仍使生產者不得不積極使其產品取得各項私營標準的認證,引發私營標準是否具有實質上強制力並進而影響國際間自由貿易之疑慮。隨著開發中國家自2005年開始於SPS委員會中提出全球良好農業慣例標準對國際自由貿易之負面影響,私營標準之相關法律議題於WTO場域中益發重要,實有研究討論之必要。鑒於私營標準種類、數量之眾,本論文以於WTO下被具體指謫之全球良好農業慣例標準為例,探討全球良好農業慣例標準是否有落入WTO法規範管轄範疇之可能,並透過涉及私營標準議題之食品衛生檢驗與動植物檢疫措施協定、技術性貿易障礙協定與關稅及貿易總協定相關條文的解釋與分析,討論全球良好農業慣例標準與該些規範之關連性及適法性,既而於WTO下甚至WTO以外之國際場域,探究尋求相關貿易衝擊因應之道的可行性,希冀能為私營標準對國際自由貿易體系所帶來的影響及其與WTO之關係進行審視並作出建議。 / In recent years, all kinds of private standards have started to develop prosperously because consumers consider product safety more and more important. Although these private standards are not mandatory, the crowding out effect of markets causing by these standards still makes producers have to achieve relevant certification as far as possible. This situation causes anxiety about the possibility that private standards are de facto mandatory and create trade barriers. While developing countries have stated that GlobalGAP Standard makes bad influence on international trade in the SPS Committees since 2005, the legal issues about private standards become more and more important under WTO regime and need to be studied and discussed. In view of the fact that there are too many kinds of private standards, the thesis takes GlobalGAP Standard for example to discuss whether private standards shall be subject to the rules of WTO Agreements. In order to conduct careful examining and come up with suggestions of the influence on international trade which caused by private standards and the relationship between private standards and WTO, it is necessary to research into the connection between GlobalGAP Standard and WTO rules and the legality of this standard through explaining and analyzing relevant rules which involves the issue of private standards under the SPS Agreement, TBT Agreement, and GATT and to discuss the feasibility of finding the solution to relevant trade impact under WTO regime or other international fields.

臺大實驗林契約林地管理制度之研究 / A study of management institution on experimental forest lease forestlands of Nation Taiwan University

江瑞雄, Chiang, Jui Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 臺大實驗林因其特殊歷史背景,與契約林農訂立之三種契約,歷經社會與經濟變遷後,漸生契約林農基於經濟因素而違規利用契約林地、林管處無法具體落實造林管理政策、契約林地利用契約規範與實際利用現況不甚相符等諸多問題。按非都市土地使用管制規則予以檢視,臺大實驗林契約林地係編定為林業用地,惟依臺大實驗林「被墾地合作造林辦法」、合作造林契約書規定,造林地可於單筆總面積的三成內從事森林特產物或果樹之種植,此與上開規則規定林業用地容許使用項目不得作農業使用之規範有所牴觸,除人為的利用,以保存自然資源?還是兼顧人們需要和環境保育,得積極介入以亟待研析解決辦法。 從自然資源利用的歷史角度以觀,除天然災害影響之外,人為干擾似乎是造成土地健康受損的根源。然而,究竟要完全排負責保育自然資源?凡此引發激烈的辯論。若從林地利用究屬保存與保育觀點檢視,林管處秉持林地林用的概念,是希望避免林地農用與干擾,以達成完全造林的目標,近乎保存的概念;而林農希望契約林地做混農利用,並希望透過在地知識以人為方式主動管理,且在不破壞林地健康的前提下,以提升經濟收入與環境健康,似屬保育的概念。然為落實維護林地資源,採取何種觀念為宜? 本研究從臺大實驗林契約林地土地使用管制機制,藉由混農林業理論、保存與保育理論、土地使用管制等文獻評析,並透過深度訪談,分析臺大實驗林契約林地土地利用相關問題,最後得到以下結論:(1)臺大實驗林契約林地租地造林契約應予修正;(2)修正非都市土地使用管制規則之林業用地容許使用項目;(3)臺大實驗林繼續辦理國土復育計畫及獎勵造林計畫。本研究對於臺大實驗林契約林地土地利用,提出以下之建議:(1)修正臺大實驗林契約林地三種租地造林契約內容不適宜之規範,以符合現今法令規範;(2)重新查定臺大實驗林契約林地可利用限度並編定合適用地類別,以符土地使用管制規範;(3)修正非都市土地使用管制規則之林業用地容許使用項目,以利林地保育並導正使用;(4)臺大實驗林繼續辦理國土復育計畫及持續宣導獎勵造林計畫,以維護國土保育安全。最後,從導正土地使用管制機制,以利有效管理臺大實驗林契約林地,最終達成森林資源永續發展的目標。 關鍵詞:臺大實驗林契約林地、土地使用管制、保育與保存、混農林業、林業用地、違規使用 / Abstract Due to the unique historical background of the experimental forest of National Taiwan University (NTU), three types of contracts were signed with users of leased forest land. Many issues have now arisen after several social and economic changes. Such issues include the illegal use of the forest land, failure of the Forest District Offices to fully implement the relevant forestation management policies, and the inconsistency between the provisions of forest land use contracts and the conditions of actual use. According to the Regulations on Non-Urban Land Use Control, the NTU experimental forest is defined as forest land. On the other hand, however, according to the “Cooperation Guideline for Reclaimed Land Forestation” and the “Forestation Contract,” 30% of the total area of a parcel of forestation land may be used for the plantation of special forest products or fruit trees, which is inconsistent with the rule under the Regulations on Non-Urban Land Use Control prohibiting any agricultural use of forest land. As a result, a solution was to be analyzed and discussed to see whether the natural resources shall be preserved either without human use or with active intervention to balance human needs with environmental conservation. From the historical perspectives on natural resource use, human interference seems to be the main cause of damage to land. Heated discussions have been had regarding how to conserve natural resources. This issue might be viewed from the two points of view, i.e. preservation and conservation. The Forest District Office holds the view that forest land shall be used for the purpose of forestry to avoid agricultural use or interference and to achieve the goal of complete forestation. This is more of a concept of preservation. On the other hand, users of forest land would prefer agroforestry use of forest land and manage the land through local knowledge to improve economic returns and environmental health without destroying the forest land. This is more of a concept of conservation. Which concept is more ideal in terms of protection of forest land? In this study, we referred to publications in connection with agroforestry, preservation and conservation, and use control of land, along with in-depth interviews conducted to analyze the relevant issues regarding the use of the leased forest land at NTU experimental forest and concluded that: (1) the forestation contracts regarding the leased forest land at NTU experimental forest shall be amended; (2) the allowed use of forest land under the non-urban land use control regulations shall be revised; and (3) NTU experimental forest shall continue to participate in the national land recovery plan and encouraging plan for forestation. The possible measures for the use of leased forest land at NTU experimental forest as suggested by this study include: (1) amending the three types of forestation contracts regarding the leased forest land at NTU experimental forest for the purpose of legal compliance; (2) reinvestigating the scope of use of the leased forest land at NTU experimental forest and stipulating appropriate use types to be in conformance to the land use control regulations; (3) revising the allowed use of forest land under the non-urban land use control regulations for the purposes of forest land conservation and corrective use; and (4) the continuous participation of NTU experimental forest in the national land recovery plan and encouraging plan for forestation to maintain national land conservation. Finally, by correcting the mechanism of land use control, the leased forest land at NTU experimental forest will be effectively managed and the goal of perpetual development of forest resources achieved. Key words:Experimental forest leased forest land of National Taiwan University, Land use control, Conservation and preservation, Agroforestry, Forest land, Illegal use


小林, 健一郎 23 March 2010 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(工学) / 乙第12456号 / 論工博第4038号 / 新制||工||1496(附属図書館) / 28066 / (主査)教授 寶 馨, 教授 中北 英一, 准教授 立川 康人 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当

日本戦間期における食料費支出 : 需要側と流通側から / ニホン センカンキ ニ オケル ショクリョウヒ シシュツ : ジュヨウガワ ト リュウツウガワ カラ

江口, 誠一 28 September 2009 (has links)
博士(経済学) / 乙第429号 / vii, 140, [137]p / 一橋大学

中国農村部における貧困削減の政策と実態に関する研究 / チュウゴク ノウソンブ ニオケル ヒンコン サクゲン ノ セイサク ト ジッタイ ニカンスル ケンキュウ

陳 艶, Yan Chen 21 March 2019 (has links)
本研究は中国農村部における貧困問題、特に2000年代以降の南西部少数民族地域の貧困と経済発展、および政府の貧困削減政策について研究するものである。世界銀行や中国国家統計局などの公的機関が公開したデータ、および研究対象地域で収集された農家家計や地域経済発展に関するデータを用いて、農村貧困の実態、政府による「精準扶貧」政策の実施と効果、少数民族地域貧困地域の生活と貧困、および自力で貧困状況を改善した地域の事例について分析した。 / This study sheds a light on the poverty issues in rural China from the 2000s, with a specific focus on the poverty and economic development in ethnic areas in south-western China, and the poverty alleviation policies implemented by the government. Utilizing the data published by organizations such as World Bank and National Bureau of Statistics of China, and the data collected from the research area, the following research questions are discussed: the actual conditions of poverty in rural China; the implementation and the effect of the governmental poverty alleviation policy, named Targeted Poverty Relief Strategy (jingzhun fupin); the livelihood and poverty of ethnic minorities living in deprived area; and the case study of a region which has lifted themselves out of poverty. / 博士(現代アジア研究) / Doctor of Philosophy in Contemporary Asian Studies / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

金融預警、合併監理與分級管理制度之研究 / A Study on Early Warning System, Unified Financial Supervision, and Classified Regulatory Principle.

鄭璟紘, Cheng, Ching Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究分析我國49家本國銀行、55家信用合作社、287家農會信用部及27家漁會信用部等四類金融機構之經營現況,並參照各國金融預警制度運作方式,選取適合的財務比率,運用SAS統計軟體及Z-score、Logistic等模型,分別找出造成各類金融機構經營失敗之顯著相關財務比率,評估各類金融機構之經營效率、失敗機率與模型之正確區別率,以建立預測金融機構失敗機率之預警模型。研究之樣本資料分別為:本國銀行49家、2001年第2季~2003年底共計11季25項財務比率,信用合作社55家、1998年底~2003年底共計21季26項財務比率,農會信用部287家1998年底~2003年底共計21季25項財務比率,漁會信用部27家1998年底~2003年底共計21季25項財務比率。 本研究之結論為: 一、彙整Z-Score模型對各類金融機構具有顯著性之財務變數,本國銀行有6項、信用合作社有7項、農會信用部有6項,漁會信用部有4項。 二、彙整Logistic模型對各類金融機構具有顯著性之財務變數,本國銀行、信用合作社各有6項,農會信用部有5項,漁會信用部有4項。 三、金融預警模型中,Logistic模型較Z-Score模型有較高的正確區別率。 / This research analyzes 49 domestic banks, 55 credit cooperative unions, 287 credit department of farmer associations and 27 credit department of fisherman associations above four kind of financial institution´s management situation, and refers the operation ways of various countries financial early warning system, selects suitable financial ratios , utilizes SAS statistics software and Z-score, Logistic models, it identifies the root cause of bankruptcy thus reveals finance of ratio the correlation, appraises management efficiency, the defeat probability each kind of financial institution if the correct difference rate. It appraises each kind of financial institution´s management efficiency, defeats probability and correct difference rate. It establishes early warning model that forecasts financial institutions failure rate. The research model and period: used 49 domestic banks from 2001 in 2nd season to the end of 2003 total 11 seasons and 25 items of finance ratio、55 credit cooperative associations from the end of 1998 to the end of 2003 total 21 seasons and 26 items of finance ratio、287 credit department of farmer associations and 27 credit department of fisherman associations from the end of 1998 to the end of 2003 total 21 seasons which used respectively 25 items of finance ratio. The conclusion of this research are: Firstly, it collects the entire Z-Score model to have significant financial indicator to each kind of financial institution, the domestic banks have 6 items, the credit cooperative associations have 7 items, the credit department of farmer associations have 6 items, and the credit department of fisherman associations have 4 items. Secondly, it collects the entire Logistic model to have significant financial indicator to each kind of financial institution, the domestic banks and the credit cooperative associations have 6 items respectively, the credit department of farmer associations have 5 items, and the credit department of fisherman associations have 4 items. Thirdly, in the financial early warning model, when comparing Z-Score with Logistic model , the latter appears to have a higher correct difference rate.

從城鄉差異的觀點,評估台灣鄉村型社區心理衛生中心之服務需求:以社會指標分析、關鍵訊息提供者與社區居民的調查等方法研究雲林縣高農業人口地區為例 / The Needs Assessment for Rural Community Mental Health Centers in Taiwan Based on the Perspectives of Urban-Rural Differences: A Multi-Method Approach including the Social Indicators Analysis, the Survey of the Key Informants and Community Residents in the High Agricultural Areas of Yunlin County

周才忠, Chou, Tsai Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以城鄉差異觀點,評估台灣鄉村型社區心理衛生中心之服務需求,具體目的有(1)分析台灣縣市及雲林縣鄉鎮與心理衛生有關之各項社會指標,以驗證社區心理衛生相關問題的城鄉差異性;(2)瞭解雲林縣及其鄉鎮關鍵訊息提供者對高度農業地區各項社區心理衛生問題嚴重程度、問題型式、地理分佈與相關在地服務資源之看法;(3)瞭解雲林縣高度農業人口鄉鎮社區居民對其村落各項相關心理衛生問題嚴重程度、問題型式、社區壓力源、因應方式與求助情形之看法;(4)由社區居民調查結果,抽取鄉村心理衛生相關問題之共同因素,並歸納諸項調查研究與指標分析結果,初步擬定出一「台灣鄉村心理衛生指標系統目錄」。 研究方法採用多方法評估策略。社會指標分析方面,共計分析台灣地區23個縣市24項及雲林縣20個鄉鎮市16項心理衛生相關問題,以比較不同農業人口分群其發生率或盛行率之差異。關鍵訊息提供者調查方面,使用自編問卷分別調查雲林縣30位與二崙與水林兩鄉69位政府單位、民間機構或專業個人等。社區居民調查方面,二崙與水林兩鄉共發出2049份問卷,回收1074份(52.4%),有效問卷為967份(41村、97.6%)。統計方法有描述統計、集群分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、因素分析等。 研究主要發現如下:(1)高度農業人口地區之老年、低教育程度、喪偶、外籍配偶、身心障礙、意外事故死亡、醫事人員平均服務人口數等比例明顯較高,離婚、全般刑案、竊盜、強盜搶奪、暴力犯罪、強制性交等比例則較低。(2)台灣縣市心理衛生相關嚴重問題社會指標之地理分佈概況不明顯,但雲林縣心理衛生相關嚴重問題比例則以高度農業人口的二崙與麥寮兩鄉明顯較高。(3)雲林縣與二崙、水林兩鄉關鍵訊息提供者皆認為人口外移與老化、老人問題(獨居、貧窮、安養等)、電話詐騙等問題比例較高。雲林縣關鍵訊息提供者主觀覺得口湖、台西與四湖為最亟需心理衛生服務的農業鄉鎮。二崙鄉關鍵訊息提供者主觀覺得大庄、楊賢與港後為該鄉最亟需心理衛生服務的村落。水林鄉關鍵訊息提供者主觀覺得水北、塭底與大山為該鄉最亟需心理衛生服務的村落。(4)二崙與水林兩鄉社區居民認為電話詐騙、人口外移、農產經營影響、人口老化、家庭經濟壓力等問題比例較高,青少女母親(含未婚懷孕)、家庭人數眾多、親友與鄰居死亡頻傳、自殺、性侵害、精神疾病、家庭暴力、家庭虐待等比例較低。(5)二崙與水林兩鄉居民認為「社區孤立與無望感」來自人口老化、多孤獨貧窮老人、人口外流嚴重、生活無聊、缺乏休閒娛樂等因素較多,「犯罪被害擔憂與恐懼」來自竊盜、詐騙、嗑藥吸毒等問題較多,「社區憂鬱現象」來自個人與家庭經濟壓力、失業、農業損害或收益等因素較多。(6)二崙與水林兩鄉居民認為其感受社會壓力源以治安惡化為主,農業壓力源以農產收益與自然災害為主,社區壓力源以治安不佳、衛生環境不良、缺乏休閒娛樂等較多,學校壓力源以城鄉差距大、教育與學習資源不足、課業或升學壓力、教育政策多變等較多,家庭壓力源以經濟收入與子女教養為主,個人壓力源以經濟收入、身體健康、工作壓力等較多。(7)二崙與水林兩鄉居民指出習慣(或主要)抒解或因應壓力方法,以「找人聊天」居首,只有6.5%曾求助於親友之外的專業人員。(8)雲林縣現有7個單位或機構(衛生局─社區心理衛生中心與長期照護管理示範中心、社會局─各課、家庭教育中心、台大醫院雲林分院精神科、雲林區心理衛生諮詢服務中心與生命線協會)共提供37個鄉村心理衛生相關服務項目。 本研究由社區居民調查結果,共抽取出七個因素構面並分別命名為「一般社區心理衛生問題」、「農業社區心理衛生問題」、「環境污染」、「經濟壓力」、「居住生活風險」、「犯罪」與「家庭婚姻特性」,並歸納諸項調查研究與指標分析結果,初步擬定出一「台灣鄉村心理衛生指標系統目錄」(5大指標向度,14個指標項目)。 文末,研究者並根據研究結果與國內外相關文獻,分別提出鄉村居民心理健康政策、鄉村心理衛生指標系統、農業危機服務、老人心理衛生、社區孤立與無望感、犯罪被害恐懼、環境污染心理影響、鄉村性別與族群心理議題、鄉村學校之預防功能、鄉村心理衛生服務模式等10項建議。 / The purposes of this thesis were: (1) to analyze the differences of some social indicators related to mental health of Taiwan (23 cities/counties) and Yunlin county (20 townships). (2) to understand the opinions of the key informants about community mental health problems. (3) to survey community residents of agricultural areas about the subjective perceptions of their mental health. (4) to set up a summative index of Taiwan Rural Mental Health indicators System. This research used a multi-method strategy. Data collected in the spring of 2005 included 24 social indicators of 23 cities/counties in Taiwan, and 16 social indicators of 20 cities/township in Yunlin, and questionnaires of 99 key informants and 967 community members of Erh-lun and Shui-lin Township of Yunlin County. Major findings of this study were as follows: (1)Significant differences were found in the social indicators about the numbers of older population, the lower educational status, the widowed, the foreign spouse, and the disabled, the accidental injury-related deaths in agricultural counties. In contrast, urbanized areas had higher rates of the divorced, all criminal case, larceny, robbery and forceful taking, violent crime, rape, and the average number of people serviced by per medical personnel . (2)The geographic analysis in terms of the mental health status and service needs of residents revealed no significant differences among 23 cities/counties, but significant differences among 20 cities/township (Yunlin County), Erh-lun and Mailiao had much more problems. (3)Yunlin County’s key informants indicated that the areas of Kou-hu, Tai-si and Sih-hu have high needs for mental health services. Erh-lun’s key informants indicated that 3 villages have high needs for mental health services. Shui-lin’s key informants indicated that 3 villages have high needs for mental health services. (4)Most respondents of resident sample ranked the following mental health problems as serious: fraudulent telephone calls, out-migrant, farm crisis, being elderly, and family economic hardship. (5)Most respondents of resident sample employed “chatting with others” as stress-relieving or coping method. Besides “family and friends”, only about 6.5% of respondents reported that they sought help from mental health professionals or specialists. (6)To set up the initial rural mental health indicator systems of Taiwan: a summative index consists of 14 items and is divided into five dimensions The recommendations for rural mental health policies, indicator systems, program strategies and rural mental health service delivery issues were also suggested.

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