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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台灣高中階段英文課程言語行為教學之探討 / Teaching speech act in high school EFL classrooms in Taiwan: a case of invitation

黃宗彥, Huang, Tsung-yen Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣,由於中學英語課程的設計大都是考試導向,教學過程中幾乎完全著重於語言形式的教導,而忽略語言使用功能的重要性,所以台灣的英語學習者在中學階段很少有機會接受語言功能教學。本研究主要是要調查間接性以及禮貌性這兩個語用功能對於邀請句式選擇的適當性是否有所影響,進而調查語言功能教學對於本國的中學生學習英語的可行性與成效性。 本研究先分析了20位美國人在間接性與禮貌性的考量之下,對邀請句式的選擇為何,以便建立美國文化在這方面的規範。然後,再以此規範,設計一套四個單元的語言功能教學課程。有135位來自台灣北部兩所高中的高一學生接受了這項課程。這兩所學校的基測成績高低不同;每間學校各有兩班學生分別接受以功能為主的教學和以結構為主的教學。 前測及後測的結果顯示語言功能教學有效地改善了台灣學生的語言功能表現。再者,語言形式選擇的適當性的確受制於間接性及禮貌性的宰制。此外,情態策略也被驗証比直接策略及暗示策略要來得困難及複雜許多。又,基測成績較高的學校的學生比基測成績較低的學校的學生在學習語言功能的過程中表現較好。整體而言,實驗結果顯示,對於以英語為外國語的學生而言,語言功能教學是有效的、可行的,也是必須的。 另外,雖然台灣學生較偏好結構為主的教學法,但是本研究發現功能為主的教學法比結構為主的教學法成效較佳。最後,從學生對於本課程的評量得知,雖然學生們覺得語言功能學習法不是很有趣,但是他們大多認為這樣的教學方法對學習英語是有幫助的,而且是重要的。 / EFL learners in Taiwan are hardly taught language functions in high schools since most of the English courses are designed in accordance with the examination-oriented goal, which is far more focused on teaching language form than on teaching language use. The purpose of the present study is to investigate whether indirectness and politeness would influence appropriate linguistic choice for invitation, and to investigate the effectiveness of teaching language functions to high school students in EFL classrooms. In this study, 20 American subjects’ ratings of eight linguistic forms for invitation by indirectness and politeness were analyzed to obtain the American norm, based on which a four-unit program of teaching language functions was designed. 138 senior high school students from two senior high schools in northern Taiwan took a pre-test before receiving the instruction and a post-test afterwards. Two classes from each school received function-based teaching method and structure-based teaching method respectively. The results of the pre-test and the post-test, in comparison with the American norm, indicate that teaching language functions is effective in improving Chinese students’ competence of the functional aspect of English. Next, the test results verify that the appropriate choice of linguistic forms is indeed influenced by politeness and indirectness, although these two functional factors are not in a systematic relationship. Moreover, Modality strategy is found to be more difficult and more complex than Direct strategy and Hinting strategy. In addition, although the students from the school of high BCT scores tend to perform better than those from the school of low BCT scores, students of both schools made significant improvement in learning the concepts of indirectness and politeness. The findings given above imply that teaching language functions to high school students in EFL classrooms is feasible, necessary, and effective. In addition, according to the results of the general evaluations to this teaching program offered by the students and the English teachers involved, although the Taiwanese students showed preference to structure-based method, function-based method is verified to be more effective. In conclusion, the students’ and the teachers’ evaluations of this program indicate that learning language functions may not be interesting, but it is helpful and important to the students.

同步漲價行為與公平交易法規範關係之研究-以三大乳品公司同步漲價案為例 / A study of relation between concerted action and Fair Trade Law-an example of administrative action for concerted increasing price action in tree leading milk products companies case

王攀傑, Wang, Pan Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本文以公平交易委員會於2007年8月30日第825次委員會決議,就國內三大乳品公司,即統一企業股份有限公司、味全食品工業股份有限公司及光泉牧場股份有限公司於2006年8月1日同步調漲鮮乳銷售價格一案為例,探討一致性行為與公平交易法規範關係之研究。 本案值得探討之處在於公平會於本案之處分中,係首次依公平交易法第24條、行政罰法第10條,論以被處分人未克盡防止「足以影響交易秩序之顯失公平行為事實發生」義務之行政法上不作為犯。 本文經研析公平會於處分書中所載事證與公平交易法第24條、行政罰法第10條之涵攝及適用情形後,試提出評析意見。另據本案所顯示之事證,本文認為公平會於本案執法上,若採以一致性行為論處似較為妥適,並提出此看法之適用見解。 / The objective of this dissertation is to expound the relation between concerted action and Fair Trade Law by studying administrative action for concerted increasing price action in three leading milk products companies case. This case is wothy studying for it is the very first time for FTC to punish actors’breaching of duty under administrative law for fail to prevent the occurrence of the obviously unfair conduct that is able to affect trading order. By analysising the disclosed evidences and the way FTC applying article 24 of Fair Trade Law and article 10 of Administrative Penalty Act to the case, the auther make a try to present the concerning legal opinions. The study suggests it would be a proper way to deal with the case by applying the concerted action theory. At last, concerning legal opinions are also presented to support the conclusion of the study.

搜尋引擎相關著作權爭議問題之研究與探討 / A study on copyright disputes of search engine

林芝余, Lin, Chih Yu Unknown Date (has links)
在網路的世界裡,搜尋引擎對網路使用者的重要性逐漸升高,而藉由搜尋引擎之幫助,使用者可以在數位資訊爆炸的網路世界中,尋找到所需的資訊。惟此種便利之用途,亦造成著作權人之權利遭受侵權之疑慮,如搜尋引擎協助使用者找到未經合法授權之檔案而下載之;亦或搜尋引擎本身即複製該未經合法授權之內容而散布之等情形。各國對於搜尋引擎業者之侵權責任有相似規定,在如何之情況下搜尋引擎必須負擔侵權行為責任,而在何種情形下搜尋引擎業者可能可以免責,又在何種情形下搜尋引擎業者可能引用合理使用原則,本文亦嘗試提出各國之規定以供國內參考。 國內尚未有搜尋引擎業者之相關案例,故本文嘗試透過不同的國家中不同的搜尋引擎態樣進行案例分析,提出不同的搜尋引擎在不同之情狀之下,可能會造成的著作權爭議。如在圖像搜尋方面即提出美國的Perfect 10 v. Google案中縮小圖示之合理使用爭議,並同時提出多年前的Kelly v. Arriba案做為對照;中國大陸的七大唱片公司訴百度案在音樂搜尋當中是相當具有爭議的問題,本文亦提出其他相關的大陸案例做為對照;瑞典海盜灣的案件是P2P軟體變型後所產生之搜尋引擎,亦可以看出未來會有更多不同態樣的搜尋引擎出現;而新聞搜尋之問題,牽涉到重製權,近期Google與美聯社達成和解,本文亦為新聞搜尋此特殊的態樣為探討;而圖書搜尋方面則是以Google的圖書館計畫為基礎,並進一步探討合理使用的可能性。 本論文試圖提出美國、歐盟以及中國大陸的法規以及諸多案例,並探討在世界各地的搜尋引擎面對的著作權爭議問題,而這樣的問題會隨著科技的進步與發展有更多不同態樣的變化。我國目前尚未有相關的案例,故本文嘗試提出案例語法規的論述與探討,以期能予我國參考之。 / In the internet world, search engines become much more important to the users. By using the search engines, users can easily gather the useful data online. Although search engines bring so much convenience, but the copyright holders accuse the search engines of coypright infringement. For instance, the search engines sometimes help their users to download the copyrighted materials or themselves reproduce the copyrighted materials. The actions might bring them law suits.There are similar regulations of search engines in different countries. In some situation, search engines might defense themselves by claiming safe harbor regulation, and in others, they could claim the fair use doctrine. In the thesis, it states many cases from different countries to discuss the regulations. Due to the different functions of search engines, there are various cases. Kelly v. Arriba case and Perfect 10 v. Google case are about thumbnails search in the United States. Baidu v. EMI record case in China is about mp3 files search. Despite the traditional search engines, there are some relatively new and specific search engines, such as Private Bay. Private Bay is a search engine which focuses on searching bittorrent files for P2P downloading. In the future, there will be much more search engines with different functions. In the thesis, it also states the disputes of news search and book search.Google Book Project rised discussion worldwide. The thesis states the opinions of the ones who agree to apply the fair use doctrine on the project and the one who disagree to. In Taiwan, there have not been any copyright cases of search engines so far.The thesis states the copyright regulations in U.S., Europe and China, such as safe harbor, contributory infringement and fair use doctrine. By presenting the cases and regulations in other countries, the thesis also provide some inspirational ideas about the copyright disputes of search engine.

現代漢語拒絕言語行為與策略及其教學探究 / The Speech Act of Refusal in Mandarin Chinese: An Analysis of Verbal Strategies to Express Refusal and Disagreement with Suggestions for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

曲禹宣, Chu,Yu-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
語言交際是人們運用語言傳遞訊息、交流感情的一種社會行為,日常生活中關於語用交際的現象很多,其中「拒絕」是常見的主題之一。影響拒絕言語行為施行的因素很多,包含了拒絕對象、目標、語境等,譬如晚輩拒絕長輩時會比同輩間的拒絕更為間接;私下場合比公眾場合的拒絕更來得直接。針對「跨文化交際」而言,影響拒絕言語行為的施行當然也包含了文化因素,不同文化的交際雙方可能因為價值觀以及對事物的解讀看法不一,因此在拒絕交際發生時會產生語用錯誤,造成交際上的誤會。 華語學習者累積的詞彙與語法隨著學習程度的提高而逐漸增加,語言技能的運用也因此漸趨成熟,但語用錯誤的發生大多是橫跨各學習程度的,即便是程度再高的學習者,也很容易發生交際上的語用錯誤。現今大部分的華語學習教材是以詞彙、句型與語法點為主要結構,雖然已經有些教材從語言能力觀點出發而規畫其結構、布局與進度,但是全面且有系統地討論專門、單一的言語行為的教材卻很少。 由於現今的華語教材以此主題來導入編寫的並不多,且現有的綜合性教材也缺乏對相關語用交際能力的介紹,忽略了學生實際語用交際的需求。學習者學習語言的目的就是能夠成熟、得體地運用於日常生活中,以達到人與人之間良好的動態交際,並達成傳遞訊息、聯絡感情的主要目的,而這種「得體」程度的表現主要來自於對目的語語用方面的瞭解程度,不僅止於詞彙、語法的學習。基於言語交際的動態性,筆者將拒絕視為一種言語行為,討論此一言語行為在華語中的語用策略及語言形式的表現,並將研究結果應用於教學層面,希望學習者能藉此增進語用交際能力,達到得體、有效率地溝通。 本論文旨在探討現代漢語交際中的拒絕現象與其延伸的相關教學研究,不僅對語用策略及語用形式作分析,也分析了現行教材的相關內容,期盼研究成果可以應用於對外華語教學層面,以便提供華語教師具體有據的教學內容與建議,並幫助外籍學生有效率地學習相關內容,提升學生實際交際運用的成果。 本論文主要以前人探討拒絕言語行為的研究成果作為基礎,透過前人的研究整理並輔以自己的實證分析把拒絕言語行為的基本組織、模式進行整理,並歸納出特定場合下使用頻率最高的拒絕模式與策略以提出教學應用。本研究主要採用調查研究法之問卷形式與內容分析法來探討以下內容:(一)語用分析—探究本文所選定之六類語境分別的拒絕策略與語言形式,依對象不同所表現的拒絕方式有何差異?(二)教材分析—分析現行教材中是否出現相關的教學內容,並歸納之中出現的拒絕語境與策略的頻率(三)教學應用—思考拒絕主題可應用的教學方式並提出相關的教學設計。藉此研究,筆者將對現代漢語的拒絕言語行為做整理歸納與分析,並對其中特殊的「間接拒絕」與「假拒絕」現象作進一步探討。接著,分析現行教材的相關教學內容並配合學生的學習需求,提出「拒絕」主題的教學設計。 研究結果歸納出了11類間接拒絕策略與5類輔助策略,並針對各語境歸納出了主要的拒絕模式。教學應用方面,主要是將研究結果編寫成教學內容,除了以各語境歸納出的拒絕模式導入對話的情景教學方法外,也思考了各拒絕策略可應用的教學方式。期盼研究成果可以應用於對外華語教學層面,除了提出相關主題教學時的應用方法外,也能提升教師的教學效率與學習者的學習成效。 / Verbal communication is a kind of social behavior which denotes activities as transferring messages or exchanging feelings by means of language. Various communicative actions appear in our daily life. Refusals are one of their most common forms. The performance of refusal speech varies greatly regarding to its objectives and contexts. The speech act of “indirect refusal”, for example, often occurs in situations where a younger person has to refuse a request of an elder one. “Direct refusal”, on the contrary, appears more in private occasions. Given the importance of context people with different cultural backgrounds easily fails to understand the more underlying pragmatic features of language. Although students of the Chinese language may gradually increase their lexical knowledge and become well-skilled in language performance, failures in decoding the pragmatic features still occur in many communicative situations. Even for advanced students understanding context poses a great challenge. Most teaching materials, however, focus on teaching vocabulary, phrases, and grammar. Some materials are designed according to various language competences. To lay focus on speech act sets, however, is still less common. The present thesis aims to analyze the speech act of refusal in Mandarin Chinese and wants to apply its results to the practical use of teaching Chinese. For the research in communicative behavior, the author collected data and results from different sources: 1. personal recordings of verbal behavior; 2. questionnaire for verbal behavior in different communicative situations; 3. theoretical discussions. First, based on the dynamic features of verbal communication, the author discusses refusal as speech act and analyzes its pragmatic strategies and linguistic structures. Different forms of refusal as indirect refusal and false refusal will be treated separately. Furthermore, the results of linguistic analysis will be applied to instructions for teaching in the hope that language learners can enhance both their communicative and pragmatic capabilities in a more efficient way. An analysis of common teaching materials is included, too. In detail, the present thesis includes four discussions: (1) Understanding the speech act of refusal: Based on previous theories the speech act of refusal will be discussed under different pragmatic perspectives. (2) Analyzing the speech act of refusal: Analyses of the pragmatic features and the linguistic structure of refusal are conducted for six different contexts. Eleven realization strategies of refusal and five supporting strategies of communicative behavior are discussed in detail. (3) Analyzing teaching materials: Frequency and methods of presenting different pragmatic features of refusal in teaching materials will be analyzed and evaluated. (4) Suggestions for teaching: Methods for teaching various speech acts of refusal are proposed according to the results obtained from the inquiries in its pragmatic and linguistic features. Examples for teaching different strategies and supporting strategies of refusal are included.

表見證明之研究 / A Study on “Prima-Facie Beweis”

邱玉樺 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文所研究者係一特殊之間接證明,所謂間接證明,乃證據法則中舉證方式之一種,其特殊之處,則須配合經驗法則之運用。在不同程度之經驗法則運用下,間接證明可以區分出不同之種類。如果存在典型事象經過蓋然性之經驗法則,而使法院推定某一待證事實之存在時,即使系爭事實並未被具體明確的證明,亦不違法。此與一般之間接證明就有所區別,因為依據特殊的間接證明,某種程度上,事實之認定仍然值得信賴,進而達到舉證責任減輕,或者使法官避免為真偽不明判決之效果。 這樣特殊之間接證明,在德國法上有「表見證明」,在日本法上有「暫時推定」,在英美法上有「事實說明自己」,以上特殊之證據法則都係從判例法上發展而成的,可見此種特殊之間接證明有存在之意義與必要性。本論文即針對相關之問題與爭議提出整理與討論,並研究相關制度在我國實務上之發展情形,希冀能為民事程序法上之證據活動,提供一具有安定性之規則與方向去使用相關之制度,同時達到追求個案正義之目的。 綜上所述,本文將以表見證明為研究之核心,試從間接證明、舉證責任之分配、自由心證、事實上推定以及實體法規範體系等角度,探討表見證明於我國證據法上之定位(請參酌第二章、第三章、第四章);同時以英美法上之事實說明自己原則作為比較之對象(請參酌第五章);並且說明實務上在特殊之現代案件類型中,運用相關制度之問題與實益(請參酌第六章),期能探求表見證明制度於我國證據法上之適當性、適用依據、適用範圍並類型化個案;最後,將實務判決中運用經驗法則之用語與表見證明制度之要件、效果等相互對照,以統整回顧整本論文之研究成果(請參酌第七章)。


林于人, Lin ,yu-jen Unknown Date (has links)
在現代分工的經濟社會,從事交易活動,事必躬親,殆不可能,假手他人,實有必要 。不僅如此,即使在傳統農業社會,倘若本人力有未逮,即有由他人代為處理事務之需要,易言之,藉此第三人的協助完成本人事務之情況,實屬無可避免。由此亦可得知,此種假第三人之手而完成本人事務的情形,應屬人類經營社會及經濟生活所必須,換言之,前揭情形,確屬已存在良久之社會事實,且具有社會經濟上之功能。然而,無可否認的,因為第三人的加入,使得原本單純的雙方關係,轉變成複雜的三角關係。究竟第三人之行為,對於原本之雙方當事人間以及對於第三人自身而言,究竟產生何種法律效果,也成為複雜難解的三角習題。為了妥適調和三角關係,作為社會生活規範之法律,自不能置身事外,而在私法自治原則及自己責任原則之範疇下,亦創設出數種歸屬規範 ,將前揭情形區分為各種類型而賦予本人對於第三人行為負責的效力,使第三人努力之成果得以歸由本人享有,並使本人為第三人之行為負責。 民法上的代理制度即係在規範此種三方關係的制度之一,透過民法代理之規定,在符合要件之情形下,使代理人代理本人所為行為之效果歸屬於本人。民法之規定,固然使符合代理規定之事件有法可循,但是,民法之代理制度係以直接代理 之情形為規範對象,而此種於民國18年民法制訂時同時訂定的直接代理制度,在當時仍屬傳統農業社會之時空環境下,對於處理斯時發生之案例,固然能夠游刃有餘,或能符合當事人間之利益狀態,甚至其立法衡量或許能夠符合當代的時代背景。而在經過七十餘年後的今日,我國社會從傳統農業社會轉變為工商業社會後,呈現出截然不同的社會風貌,民法的立法者是否能夠在七十年前立法之際即預見如此鉅變,實非不容置疑。申論之,在大量使用代理人或第三人代本人處理事務之工商業社會裡,現行民法以直接代理為主的代理制度是否仍然能夠符合時代的需求?商業代理是否應與民法代理為不同的處理?因而須擴大代理制度在商業上之適用,甚至將間接代理制度納入商業代理之中?尤其,我國作為一個高度依賴國際貿易的海島型國家,在講求速度及效率的競爭環境中,如果仍然侷限在現行民法代理規定設置的窠臼裡,是否能夠承擔時代考驗,亦為我國現行代理法所需面臨的問題。曾世雄也指出,民法對於間接代理並未專設條文投注,學說對於間接代理亦多忽視,可是在實際社會生活中,尤其商業活動領域,間接代理甚為重要,所扮演角色與日俱重,民法規定、學說所重與社會生活間可見有所脫節 。 抑有進者,國際間自1930年起即開始著手進行代理法統一之工作,陸續制定出1961年統一代理法草案、1961年統一行紀法草案、1983年國際商品買賣代理商公約、1996年歐洲契約法原則及2004年國際商事契約原則等國際規範,對於代理制度均有另類的詮釋,其中更有將間接代理承認為代理之一環者,上開國際趨勢著實道出了代理概念的變遷,而我國作為高度依賴國際貿易的海島型國家,本難自外於全球化的潮流,且因為跨國經濟導致國家之間的藩籬亦日益傾圮,在這無國界的時代裡,我國的法律能否與國際接軌,抑或有檢討改進之處,亦須藉著與他國法律或國際公約分析比較,呈現出我國代理法的差異之處後,再予以檢討改進,進而能夠符合世界潮流及現今趨勢。有鑑於此,在商事領域活躍的間接代理制度或相類似之制度,是否能夠因應時代需求而在台灣法律體系中重新定位,呈現出新的風貌,並能夠納入前揭歸屬規範的體系架構中?即需予以探討。 具體而言,我國民法的代理僅指直接代理已如前述,間接代理於我國法則非代理,在採取代理人行為說理論下,我國法僅承認直接代理人以本人名義代本人所為之法律行為,依據法律規定將效力歸屬於本人,反之,以代理人自己名義進行交易的間接代理即非民法上的代理,因此無法依據法律產生此種效力。因此,相較於英美法系的代理包括顯名本人(disclosed principal)、部分公開本人(partially disclosed principal)及不公開之本人(undisclosed principal)等類型,日本商法更在第504條規定了隱名代理,足見我國民法代理的範圍似乎較為狹窄。然而,即使在顯名原則的限制之下,最高法院仍然寬認在「相對人明知或可得而知代理人有代理意思」等情形下,構成所謂「隱名代理」,並認為產生將代理人所為意思表示之效果歸屬於本人之效力 ,換言之,最高法院表示隱名代理相同或類似於民法的直接代理,而應賦予相同之法律效果,就此而論,應與探求的是,隱名代理與民法直接代理間之關係為何?最高法院是否也認為隱名代理並非直接代理?是否亦承認民法規定的代理範圍較為狹窄,從而藉著透過法律解釋或類推適用承認了隱名代理?如果答案是肯定的話,民法規定之代理何以在實務運作上產生問題,即有檢討之必要。 綜上所述,本文不禁要藉著與外國立法例及國際規範的比較,以及對於歸屬規範的觀察,尋找間接代理制度在我國代理法或是歸屬規範體系中是否有容身之處,探討間接代理中當事人的風險分配及利害關係,以及在外國立法中,本人及第三人突破契約相對性原則,跨過間接代理人,直接向對方主張契約上權利之規定,是否符合公平正義及效率的要求?更進一步,回歸我國實定法,探討上列問題對於我國法律體系可能造成的衝擊及尋找我國法制能否走向新的旅程。


侯立洋, Hou,Li-Yang Unknown Date (has links)
自2003年臺灣發行第一件資產證券化商品以來,整體證券化市場發展快速,在可預見的未來,臺灣資產證券化將迅速普及。不過,就一般而言,間接金融與直接金融間似有替代關係,亦即資產證券化可能產生金融逆中介現象。因此,本文的研究目的即在於探討資產證券化對臺灣銀行業放款之影響為何。   本文以2001年第4季至2004年第4季臺灣銀行業將其資產予以證券化的不平衡追蹤資料,搭配固定效果模型的估計,實證研究發現,從臺灣短暫的資產證券化經驗來看,資產證券化的增加確實會造成銀行放款量的相對減少(放款餘額占資產之比率下降),即臺灣實施資產證券化後,產生金融逆中介現象。長期而言,直接金融(含資產證券化)的增加將造成銀行放款成長率趨緩,以及銀行放款餘額占資產之比率下降,但此並不意味資產證券化的普及,將造成銀行總放款量減少,而降低銀行體系金融中介的功能。   另外,透過固定效果模型,發現其他因素對銀行放款之影響如下:(1)銀行逾期放款比率雖與放款呈負向關係,但並不顯著。意即銀行在逾期放款比率增減時,並不會特別調整放款餘額占資產之比率。(2)銀行淨值與放款之關係亦不顯著。表示銀行淨值增加時,放款可能只會與其他資產同步增加,而不會因此特別擴大其占資產之比率。(3)房價指數的係數為顯著正值。顯示擔保品價值愈高時,銀行愈願意辦理放款。(4)其他直接金融存量(扣除資產證券化)的係數為顯著負值。顯示直接金融與間接金融存在明顯替代關係。(5)國內生產毛額與銀行放款之關係不顯著。表示國內生產毛額增加時,銀行放款可能只會與銀行其他資產同步增加,而不會因此特別擴大其占資產之比率。   在控制其他解釋變數後,計算各樣本銀行的特質效果(即放款餘額占資產之比率),發現除了放款餘額占資產之比率較高者,逐漸降低該比率外,其餘銀行並無特定趨勢。因此,似可推論出銀行放款餘額占資產比率的高低,與銀行本身之經營策略有關,致使該比率在不同銀行間有不同水準。 / The entire securitization market has been evolving rapidly since the first asset securitization product was issued in Taiwan in 2003. In the foreseeable future, asset securitization in Taiwan will become prevalent. However, there seems to be a substitution relationship between direct finance and indirect finance; that is, financial disintermediation may emerge as a result of asset securitization. Therefore, this paper aims to discuss the effects of asset securitization on bank loans in Taiwan. Based on the unbalanced panel data of the asset securitization of banks in Taiwan from Q4 2001 to Q4 2004 along with the estimates from the fixed-effects model, it is found in this study that, judging from Taiwan’s brief experience in asset securitization, an increase in asset securitization does indeed bring about a relative decline in the amount of loans (a decreased ratio of loan balance in assets). In other words, financial disintermediation has arisen with asset securitization in Taiwan. From a long-term perspective, increment of direct finance (including asset securitization) will lead to retarded growth in bank loans as well as a lower ratio of loan balance in assets. This, however, may not necessarily imply that the popularization of asset securitization would result in a decrease in the amount of bank loans or weaken the financial intermediation function of the banking system. In addition, effects of other factors on bank loans found via the fixed-effect model are as follows: (1) Non-performing loan (NPL) ratio and bank loans have an inverse relationship, albeit insignificant. This means that banks do not usually adjust the ratio of loan balance in assets in accordance with their NPL ratios. (2) The relationship between the net worth of banks and the amount of loans is insignificant as well. This indicates that the amount of loans would only rise with other assets as the net worth of banks increases; the ratio of loan balance in assets will not be specifically elevated. (3) The coefficient of Housing Price Index is significantly positive, indicating that the higher value a collateral has, the more a bank is willing to release a loan. (4) The coefficient of other stock of the direct finance (excluding asset securitization) is significantly negative, which reveals an obvious substitution relationship between direct finance and indirect finance. (5) The relationship between gross domestic product (GDP) and bank loans is insignificant, which indicates that the amount of bank loans would only rise with other bank assets as GDP increases; the ratio of loan balance in assets will not be elevated accordingly. As other explanatory variables are under control, the results gained from computing the specific effects (the ratio of loan balance in assets) of each sample (bank) show that only those with a higher ratio of loan balance in assets are found gradually reducing the radio. Such a trend is not found in others. Consequently, it can be inferred that the ratio of loan balance in assets depends on the business strategy of the bank itself, which results in different levels of the ratios among different banks.

「~テクレル」の機能について - 対人調節的な機能に注目して -

山本, 裕子 31 March 2002 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

從跨文化角度分析台灣英語學習者回應間接抱怨語之行為 / A cross-cultural study on Chinese EFL learners' responses to indirect complaints

廖盈淑, Liao, Ying Shu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究以「間接抱怨的反應」的語言行為為研究方向;一方面以跨文化語用學的探討為主,研究母語為中文的台灣人與母語為美語的美國人語言行為之差異,藉以探討該語言行為的文化普遍性、獨特性;另一方面是以外語語用學的探討為主,研究台灣大專生學習美語的外語行為是否接近母語為英語的美國人,以深究研究對象的語用轉移現象。研究的四組受試人分別為36位以英語為母語的美國大學生、36位以中文為母語且以中文為學習主要媒介的台灣的大學生、36位英語學習程度較佳的台灣大學生、36位英語學習程度中等的台灣大學生。蒐集語言資料的工具是語言言談情境問卷(Discourse Completion Task,簡稱DCT),依照蒐集到的語料進行量化、質化的資料分析。研究結果顯示:四組研究對象皆傾向以憐憫策略來回應間接抱怨。然而以兩項研究變項(性別與社交關係)來進一步討論時,研究結果呈現不同的策略使用:以中文為母語和英語學習程度較佳的台灣大學生這兩個研究對象趨於以沉默或是轉移話題來回應女性陌生人的間接抱怨,但是英語學習程度較中等的台灣大學生,卻是較常使用建議策略來回覆陌生人。再者,探究研究對象們的語用標記時,英語學習者常轉化中文的發語詞於英語表達中,相較於以英語為母語的美國大學生,他們的語用句型也較為簡化。根據研究結果與探討,英語學習者們的英語學習程度高低並不與其語用表現成正比,這論述可以呼應語用知識是有別於語言知識的概念。故在英語為外語教學上,除了英語能力的提升外,學習者應能有機會體驗不同情境下的語用表現,自覺性的討論出該表現背後的不同文化意涵,進而提升其對母語文化以及目標語文化所該具有的知識與內涵。 / This study investigated response strategies to indirect complaints (IC). On the one hand, it explored the cross-cultural differences in speech behaviors between native Mandarin Chinese speakers and native American English speakers. On the other hand, it examined EFL learners’ IC response behaviors in Taiwan. Four participant groups were invited in this study: 36 native speakers of American English living in the United States, 36 native Mandarin Chinese speakers living in Taiwan, 36 EFL learners with high English proficiency level, and 36 EFL learners with intermediate English proficiency level. Their language data were collected through designed Discourse Completion Test (DCT). Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted to deal with the collected data. The research results indicated that the commiseration strategy was mostly used by all four participant groups. Yet, taking the two independent variables (gender and social-distance relationships) into consideration, informative results were found across different groups. The two groups of native Chinese speakers and EFL learners with high English proficiency level applied off strategy to their female strangers’ indirect complaints. On the contrary, the group of EFL learners with intermediate English proficiency level used more advice strategy to their strangers’ indirect complaints. Furthermore, negative transfer was found in the EFL learners’ linguistic realization to achieve illocutionary forces, including pragmatic markers and simplified sentential expressions. The research findings implied that there was not any positive relationship between language learners’ linguistic abilities and their pragmatic performance. The implicature is correlated with the concept that pragmatic knowledge is distinct from linguistic knowledge. Thus, in EFL courses, language learners should be provided opportunities to consciously explore different cultural meanings behind speech act behaviors.

四技二專統一入學測驗英文科對話題之研究 / A Study on the Dialogue Section of the Technological and Vocational Educational Examination

湯琦均, Tang, Ci Jyun Unknown Date (has links)
在臺灣的技職教育體系中,職業學校群科課程綱要是教材編撰及課程設計的參考基準;而四技二專統一入學測驗是高職學生升學的重要依據。其中,統測共同科目英文考科中的對話題,採用了間接測驗來評量學生的口語能力。本研究旨在討論統測英文科對話題與高職英文課綱之吻合程度,及統測對話題的內容效度。為了達成此研究目的,本研究分析統測英文考科對話題型以及高職英文課程綱要,同時參考與測驗口說能力之相關教學研究及論文,發展出課綱檢核表及口說能力檢核表做為研究工具。 研究結果顯示,統測對話題與高職課綱中口說能力相關指標大致符合,但主題分佈不甚平均,主要強調日常生活情境下的溝通能力。就內容效度而言,其檢驗之能力多為基礎口語技巧,並且偏重測驗考生如何傳遞訊息及維持互動,並沒有包含處理互動的技巧。根據本研究之發現,筆者針對未來研究方向及測驗實務提出了建議。 / In the vocational education system in Taiwan, the Vocational High School Curriculum Guideline (VHSCG) is the basis of teaching materials and curriculum design, and the Technological and Vocational Educational Examination (TVEE) is an important reference for students to enter college. In the English test of the TVEE, an indirect speaking test was applied in the dialogue section. This research aims to investigate: (1) the correspondence between goals of speaking ability in the VHSCG and the dialogue section of the TVEE; and (2) the construct validity of the dialogue section. To achieve the purpose, this research analyzed the current curriculum guideline and the English tests of the TVEE, and studied the previous literature about assessing speaking ability to develop two checklists as instruments to analyze the targeted test items. Results indicated that the dialogue section of the TVEE generally corresponded with the speaking ability index in the VHSCG, but the topic distribution was imbalanced. The test items primarily focused on the communicative ability in daily-life contexts and was lacked of items that examine descriptive ability. For the construct validity, the dialogue section of the TVEE mostly examined fundamental speaking skills. Informational and interactional skills were strongly emphasized, while the skills in managing interaction were completely absent. Based on the findings of this research, the researcher yielded suggestions for future research and implications for the test developers.

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